  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough

     T.V. and Calendar:

    Watch the T.V. and look at the Calendar. The T.V. part is very important if

    you wish to use "the weather trick" which will be explained in the Tips and

     Tricks Section. The T.V. can also ive information on farmin !for rst

    timers#$ festivals$ the weather !which is possibly the most important# and

    lots of other information. The calendar will tell you when all the festivals

    are and can ive you information to let you plan ahead.


    % didn&t add this as a separate section because % assume that everyone can use

    some common sense as to when you will need di'erent tools. %f for example you

    know that it&s a harvest day$ you will want your full rucksack open so that

    you can carry as much as possible in as few trips as possible. (or those of

    you who absolutely want a uide as to when to chane tools here it is.

    )fter carin for your animals.

    )fter tendin your crops.

    )fter free time.

    )fter carin for your animals !aain.#

    *o and +i:

    (airly straihtforward. Take them outside on sunny and cloudy days and on

    rainy days pick them up and then drop them inside your house once each. ,ote

    that by followin this uide you will have the pi around summer of your rst

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    year. )lso note that your do and pi maically o inside when you o to sleep

    so you don&t have to take them inside ever.

    -arn )nimals and Chickens:

     Take out anythin that you may need to care for them !brush$ bell$ milker$

    sheers$ etc# and o make your animals happy. n sunny and cloudy days take

    them outside to ra/e on the rass you have planted.

    )lso take your chickens outside for they can live o' weeds and worms and

    thins to save you bird feed.

    Crops: +lant and water your crops. This is also the time to cut any rass that

    you want to cut.

    0arvest: 1ou wont be harvestin every day but you will be harvestin every

    other day !sprin and summer# or every 2 days !fall# !assumin you follow my

    uide.# )t any rate when you harvest you will want an empty rucksack you wont

    have to take more trips than you need.

    (ree Time:

    (ree time includes: 3inin$ forain$ shin$ makin friends$ doin extra

    farm work$ choppin wood$ runnin around madly in circles doin nothin in

    particular and anythin else you can possibly want. 1ou will spend most of

    your time doin free time... that didn&t make sense... anyway let&s assume you

    like to o to bed at 4pm. n an averae non harvest day you will have 456

    hours of free time. n a harvest day you may et around 758 hours. !+lease

    note that these times are 9ust estimates.#

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    -arn )nimals and Chickens !)ain#:

     This time$ !assumin you have already cared for your animals once that day and

    they have already eaten$#all you must do is take any animals that are outside$

    inside. -T;;; %f the forecast for the next day is sunny or cloudy you can

    leave your barn animals outside all niht. 0owever you will want to take your

    chickens into the coop so they will lay es.


    % like to save my ame every niht before % o to bed. This is imperative if

    you want to use the weather trick but it&s also nice because if you screw up a

    day you will be able to load your ame from the niht before and nish a

    chore you missed that day.


    Self5explanatory$ you o to bed.


    Walkthrouh %ntro: 0ere we are$ the meat and potatoes of this uide. (or those

    of you who didn&t read my intro$ please do so now so % don&t et emails about

    thins that % have already explained. (or those of you new to the ame$ this

    is only one way of oin throuh the ame. This is not: ) price list$

    calendar$ eneral ()

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    C),&T >=T 3)??%=* ? 0)V= (?%=,*S -1 (@@W%,> T0%S >%*=;;; ?ead that


    % can wait. -y followin this uide all the parts havin to do with farm

    chores shouldn&t take you past 2pm !this is the worst case scenario on

    somethin like a harvest day.# )fter however lon it takes you to accomplish

    said chores the rest of the day is yours. 1ou can o ive ifts to the one you

    love$ you can o forain for extra money$ you can o shin$ you can make

    friends$ you can o to bed$ whatever. The only recommendation about your free

    time that % make is$ o to bed around or before 6pm !excludin festival days

    which may force you to stay up later if they end at midniht.#)nother thin %

    would like to brin to your attention is about how you choose your friends. %f

    you make friends with the marry5able members of the opposite sex you wont see

    their cut scenes about their romance with their rivals. -ecause of this it is

    probably wise to make friends with everyone but the members of the opposite

    sex who you can marry unless you don&t care about seein cut scenes. h and

    another thin$ *,&T C@)+S=. %f you do you may miss some chores on the farm

    which could mean that you fall behind in the walkthrouh. ,ote that if you

    collapse$ you also can&t use the weather trick which could be fatal for your

    crops and animals. ,ote that rainy days are random and if % have a rainy day %

    will try and limit the amount of extra work that % do so you may catch up.

    )lso$ for each day % will list in point form what will be accomplished that

    day !without tellin you when to chane tools# and then a hold my hand type

    thin sayin exactly what to do !tool chanes included#. (inally after that

    Walkthrouh intro which % made loner than % should !sorry bout that# here&s

    the Walkthrouh !nally.#

    Walkthrouh Start:

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    -einnin: 0ere we are$ the time for AB minutes worth of cut scenes that you

    will learn to hate whenever you bein a new ame. +ick a birthday month and a

    ender and then watch a short scene with the mayor. Choose a name and then

    make sure to select the V%@@)>= C=,T?= lot option. +ick a name for your farm

    and then listen to the mayor talk some more. When asked wether to move your

    household items around or not select chane !reardless of wether you actually

    want to move the furniture or not.# %f you want to make chanes then o ahead

    but make sure that you have: ) bed$ the T.V. the calendar$ the kitchen with

    the knife set$ a tool box$ the bookshelf$ the shelves and the fride. %f you

    don&t want to chane the layout make sure you place the fride as it will be

    in storae when you rst start. When you are happy$ exit and watch the super

    lon harvest sprite cut scenes. nce the cut scenes are nally done you will

    o outside and meet =llen who will ive you a do. ,ame it$ !it doesn&t have a

    ender# and then you can nally start your rst day.

    +lease note that the uides for the rst few days are hue as there are many

    thins to et done and many of which reuire tons of detail to explain. The

    uides for most other days wont even come close to the lenth of these.

    *ay ne: )h the rst day of farmin. %t almost brins a tear to the eye...

    because of all the cut scenes you had to watch to et here. )nyway on to the


    Stationary ,ote

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    ABBBB Steps ,ote


    Clear @and

    3eet ,eihbours


    >o to lake


    *iary and -ed

    ) uick way to et an easy note is to 9ust stand still and not touch your

    controller this will et you the stationary note. ,ow the next note is a

    little more complex. The pedometer only serves one purpose in the ame and

    that is to et the ABBBB step note. The easiest way to do this is to stand in

    your house !where time is fro/en# and to 9ust run ABBBB steps. This will

    eventually hurt your poor thumb for you will need to do this for about 2B

    minutes. So$ what do we doD Simple$ 9ust rab an elastic band and wrap it

    around the control stick and the riht handhold part of the controller !you

    will know what % mean if you try it.# >o away for about 2B minutes while

    leavin the ame on and when you return you will have a note above your head

    and a devilish feelin that you have beaten the system. ,ow we can nally et

    down to work. >rab your hoe and axe and bury that pedometer at the very bottom

    of your tool box. +ick up your do and head outside and then drop him on the

    path near your house. ,ow comes the semi complicated part. We need to clear

    some land so we can plant crops. We are oin to use the standard horseshoe

    formation. (or those of you who don&t know what it looks like it looks like

    the diaram on the left. ,ow$ since there are weeds and thins in our way you

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    will want to rip those up and you will want to move any small stones you see

    with your hands. !*on&t use the hammer because it will drain to much stamina.#

    %f there are stumps in your way use the axe until they are one and then cut

    the little sticks that appear. ,ow % will show you where to till on the riht

    diaram. ,otice that the sinle spaces between the fence and the elds as

    well as between the elds are all intentional. 0owever there is no space

    between the path and the southernmost eld. This is important;

    EFtilled round EFtilled round GF your house&s fence HFthe road



    E E E E E E G


      E E G

      EEE G

      EEE G



    )ny and all round that is blank is untilled and you can leave weeds there

    with no problems. 0owever you may want to move the stones out of the paths

    between the elds. %f this still doesn&t make sense to you please contact me

    and % will attempt to explain it. nce you are done clearin and tillin the

    land o and meet the neihbours. %f it is before 6am you will have to wait in

    front of their doors to o inside. The rst place to visit is the tool shop

    which is directly below your house. )fter$ o directly above your house and

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    enter the clinic. ,ext up is the -lue Sky ?anch which is north west of your

    house !if you can&t nd a buildin check the map menu.# %f you o to Iamie&s

    ranch you will et a skit with... it. )nyway the next stop is the carpenter&s

    shop which is on the west end of town. nce you have met all your neihbours

    o over to the lake !west of the carpenter&s shop.# This will trier a scene

    with Terry. nce all that is done o back home and empty you rucksack of

    tools. When this is done it&s time to o forain; The path up the mountain

    beins on the west side of Iamie&s ranch. >o up the mountain and pick up all

    the herbs$ Jowers$ honey and berries. 1ou only have space in your rucksack

    for 8 items so once you&re full$ head back to your house. ,ow$ if you have

    people who you are aimin to make friends with ive them any ifts that they

    like which you may have found. %n this uide % will not divule into character

    likes and dislikes as that would take to lon. %f you want to know certain

    character&s likes and dislikes please look at (reyashawk&s uide !referenced

    under the Contact 3e section of this uide.# %f you found any verry berries or

    honey save them in your fride !you will see why latter.# %f you have anythin

    left that you haven&t iven away or stored then ship it by tossin it into the

    shippin bin !this will also earn you a musical note.# nce you have stored

    everythin$ iven it away or shipped it$ save your ame and o to sleep.

    *ay Two:

    3eet -ob

     T.V. and Calendar

    >et mail

    %nspect elds

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    Seed Store

    -uy K breadfruit seed bas K rass bas$ and a moon drop Jower ba

    *rop o' hoe and pick up turnips and breadfruit

    +lant breadfruit in elds closest to house

    +lant turnips in eld farther away from house

    *rop o' all tools and seeds and rab shin pole

    >o to "Stamina" (ishin spot !See "The Stamina (ishin Tip"#

    (ish !Throw back all dace#

    Save one rainbow trout in fride

    3ake all amao and 1amane into Sashimi and store in fride

    3eet ?ay at lake

    (ree Time

    *iary and -ed

    -ob will come a knockin when you step out of your house !note that if your

    do is in your arms when you o out and someone comes to the door you must

    take him outside aain because you will both wind up inside when the cut scene

    is over.# -ob will tell you a few thins about shippin and lumber and the

    like and then you will end up back inside your house. 0ave a uick watch of

    the tube to see what the weather will be like and such and then o to your

    tool box$ put everythin away and then take out your hoe and waterin can.

    +ick up your do and head outside !aain.#There will be a letter from Woody in

    the mailbox. ?ead it and then head over to the elds you tilled yesterday.

     They should still be tilled in the exact same pattern you left them in. %f

    some of your tilled land was invaded by weeds or wild plants then pull up the

    weedsL plants and re5till the soil. nce you are done inspectin your elds

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    its o' the seed store with you !located near the carpenter&s shop.# nce the

    clock strikes 6 enter and you will be treated to a cut scene. When it is done

    you are to purchase the followin. Two pouches of breadfruit seed$ K pouches

    of rass seed$ and one pouch of moon drop Jower seed. ,ow$ head on home and

    put everythin away except the K pouches of breadfruit and your waterin can.

    )lso take out the turnip seeds you were iven by @i/. ,ow$ euip your

    breadfruit seeds and o to your elds !%f you have never played harvest moon

    before or think you may screw this up then save rst.# 1ou are oin to plant

    your breadfruit in the K "elds" closest to the house. Stand in the middle of

    your horseshoe till pattern !see diaram below# and let the seeds Jy.

    EFtilled land SFwhere you must stand.



    E E

    %f done correctly all the tilled earth in the horseshoe !includin the earth

    under you# should have little seeds on the round. There should be a little

    place where the horseshoe circles around that wasn&t tilled that wont have

    seeds. This is what you want it to look like.

    EFseeded land ,F,on5seeded land

    EEE ? E,E


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    E,E EEE

    %f this is what your eld looks like you have done it correctly and you

    deserve a pat on the back !o ahead and do that now.# ?inse lather and repeat

    for the other eld that is close to your house !hint. The two elds to sow

    breadfruit in are the ones farthest to the riht.# ,ow rab your turnip seeds

    and do the same with the eld on the left.

    %f you did all the steps in day A and two correctly it will look like this:

    GFyour house&s fence HFthe road -F-readfruit TFTurnips

     TTT ---

     TTT --- G

     T T - - G


      - - G

      --- G

      --- G



    %f you manaed to do all that Jawlessly... then conratulations. ,ow you

    should have one ba of turnip seeds left. Save them$ o put them back into the

    toolbox as well as everythin except the waterin can. 0ead a little above

    your house and you will see a little trouh thin. se the waterin can on it

    !with ) not E# and then head over to your elds. Water each little piece of

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    land with seeds on it once and then o back to your toolbox. %n the toolbox

    exchane the waterin can with your shin pole. %t&s time to o a shin.

    0ead on over to "The Stamina (ishin Spot" !+lease refer to the Tips and

     Tricks Section to learn where this is.# )ssumin you know how to "use" this

    shin spot keep shin until your pack is full$ !throwin back any dace you

    catch# 0W=V=?;;; 3ake sure you take at least one rainbow trout. Trust me.

    nce you are done head on back to your home. +ut all your rainbow trout in the

    fride !you did keep one rihtD# )fter that make all the rest of your sh

    into sashimi by usin them with your knife set. Store all your sashimi in the

    fride and then head on outside. 0ead over to the lake and you will meet...

    ?ay; ,ow you are free to do whatever you want for the rest of the day !you

    probably wont have much time left however.# -efore you o to bed$ rab your

    waterin can and put away your shin rod. 1ou should now have a clear

    inventory except for the waterin can. nce all this is nally done save your

    ame and head o' to bed.

    *ay Three:

     T.V. and Calendar


    Water Crops

    >o minin

    Ship what you nd


    (ree Time


  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    Switch on the tube and see what the weather is like etc. and then take your

    do out. Water your crops and head back in. +ut your waterin can away and

    take out your hammer$ as well as one of the sashimi in your fride !you did

    make sashimi yesterday rihtD# 0ead on over to the mine !it&s to the riht

    side of Iamie&s ranch# and descend to the second Joor. ,ow 9ust o about

    pulverisin rocks and collectin ore !don&t bother with 9unk ore# but;;; When

    you et near the limits of your stamina eat the sashimi that you brouht.

    Collect 7 ore$ or limestone$ or whatever !if you can# and then head on home.

     There really isn&t any benet to keepin anythin that you nd so %

    recommend shippin all of it. ,ow$ take out one of the rainbow trout which you

    cauht yesterday !rihtD# and head on over to the mayor&s house !which is to

    the east of yours.# >ive him the rainbow trout and he will say somethin about

    it bein his birthday; ,ow$ the reason you want to make friends with Theodore

    is because every heart level will let you buy more land at the carpenters

    workshop. To et all the land purchases in the ame to be available you will

    need to et him up to three hearts. Some of the land that we will be usin for

    this uide is part of the land that you et at three hearts therefore we must

    raise him that much. Theodore is pretty easy become friends with. Simply talk

    to him every day and anytime you o shin remember to save a few rainbow

    trout to ive to him. !,ote that he like all other characters only accepts one

    ift a day and if you ive him K or more they will be "wasted."# )lso he likes

    old ore for those who prefer minin !althouh this is a rather hard to nd

    ift in the rst season.# ?eardless of what you ive him$ your oal is to

    have him at three hearts by about the ABth of summer so keep that in mind as

    you play throuh this walkthrouh as % won&t be remindin you much. ,ow$ the

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    rest of the day is yours$ o out and have (,;;; )nd once that fun is done

    !heh heh rhymes# o back to your house and put away or ship everythin you

    miht have and then put away all your tools except your waterin can which you

    should take out. nce you are all done save$ and then o to sleep.

    *ay (our:



    Water Crops

    >o forain or shin !minin if you shipped less than 2 ore the day before#

    !0arvest >oddess#

    (ree time

    *iary and -ed

    When you et up in the mornin you will et a knock and meet uite possibly

    one of the coolest characters in the ame$ Carl; 0e will tell you information

    about how the e festival was cancelled the year before because there weren&t

    enouh es. So this year he brouht es and wants to know if you

    will "help." % don&t actually know if sayin ",o" will cancel the e festival

    or not but % recommend choosin "%&ll help." This does not mean that you will

    be doin anymore work or spendin any money. @et me say that aain. * ,T

    freak out and buy a chicken coop so that you will have es in time for the

    festival. %t is assumed that Carl will brin all the es !considerin he 9ust

    told you so 8 seconds ao.# 1ou also don&t have to o the -lue Sky ?anch and

    buy an e to take. )ll you have to do is show up. =nd of Story. ,ow with that

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    taken care of$ take your do out and then water your crops. ,ow$ if you

    shipped 2 or more ore yesterday then o forain or shin. %f you shipped

    less than 2 ore yesterday then o minin aain. +lease note that from now on %

    won&t be specifyin when or what to eat. =at when you still have thins to do

    and need more stamina. *on&t eat if you are oin to bed and wont need the

    stamina anyway. )lso note that if you like to eat to maintain enery !and who

    doesn&t# then you are responsible to et your own food durin your free time

    !this isn&t anywhere near as bad as it sounds as on an averae day you will

    have well over six hours of free time.# ,ow$ once your task !whatever you

    chose to do# is complete$ check the note screen. )nd see if you have 8 notes

    !%f you have followed this uide you likely will if not it doesn&t really

    matter.# if you do$ o visit the harvest sprites !the entrance to their "lair"

    thin is on the west side of the mountain.# 1ou will et an instrument !yay#

    and that is that. ,ow the rest of the day is free time$ and 9ust like

    everyday$ once your done put awayL ship everythin$ take out your waterin

    can$ save and then head o' to dreamland.

    *ay (ive:

     TVL Calendar


    Water Crops

    ?ucksack prade !%f applicable#

    Clear rassland

     Till rassland

    +lant rass

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  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough







    ,ow$ stand in the middle of one of the 2x2&s and plant the rass. %f you don&t

    understand my skimpy explanation !and who can# then the diaram will look like


    HFthe road 5F 1our house&s fence EFTilled land SFWhere to stand








    0opefully$ all the land that you tilled is now covered in seeds. %f not...

    ouch$ o back to your last save. nce you have nished this task ive

    yourself around of applause !do this now#... mkay % assume your done. ,ow the

    rest of the day is free time however don&t foret about makin friends with

     Theodore; nce you&re done head home and put everythin away !includin your

    waterin can# and nally save$ and then o to bed.

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    *ay Six:

     T.V.L Calendar


     Turnip 0arvest

    +lant Turnips

    Water Crops

    3eet -asil at lake

    ?ucksack !if applicable#

    3ine !*epends on time#

    Ship re

    *iaryL -ed

    >ood mornin to everyone; Today is a very special day as it&s our (%?ST =V=?

    0)?V=ST;;; h yes... % know... the excitement is killin me as well so we&d

    better et workin. -ecause you&ve been followin this uide to the letter

    !rihtD# you should have a totally empty rucksack. %f you don&t then no

    biie$ 9ust empty it and take your do out. ,ow$ o over to your turnip eld

    and... oh my... % was riht there are turnips for pickin. %f you have the

    rucksack uprade then at this point you can ship everythin in one trip. %f

    you don&t then it will take two. nce you&ve shipped all your crops o back

    into the house and pull out your waterin can and remainin turnip seed pack.

    +lant the turnips back in the eld where you 9ust harvested your rst batch

    from. Then$ water everythin and o to the lake. 0ere you will meet another

    extremely cool character... -asil; ,ow$ head to your house put everythin

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    away$ take out your hammer and prepare to make a decision. ,ow$ if it&s around

    or before one pm you can try and o to level 2B5 8B of the mine and make some

    ood money. %f you don&t have very much time !i.e. it&s past Apm# then you may

    only want to o down to level KB52B. !)s a side note % went to the forties and

    ot 7 amethysts which are worth KKB each but please note that % assume that

    you won&t be anywhere near as lucky.# ,ow$ ll up your rucksack with all the

    ems and ores you can carry !hopefully nine# and then head on home and ship it

    all !you miht want to save a old ore if you have one if you&re short on

    rainbow trout for Theodore.# nce everythin is done save and o to sleep.

    *ay Seven 5 = (estival:

     T.V.L Calendar


    Water Crops

    (orae$ (ish or 3ine !Start headin home by Kpm#

    ShipL Store


    *iaryL -ed

     Today is the rst festival of the ame so we will have to cut out most if not

    all of our free time. (ret not thouh as the festival will be entertainin in

    itself so read on; So wake up$ do the T.V.L calendar thin and then take our

    your do and water your crops. ,ow you have the option of oin forain$

    shin or minin !% chose to forae.# ,ow you should start headin home by

    about K:BB or K:2B to make sure you have enouh time. Ship all your 9a// and

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    then o to the town suare a little to the south east. 0ere you should talk to

    everyone !be careful as some people may be hidden by trees and such.# )lso

    note that no matter how many times you are o'ered food you can&t eat it. ,ow

    once you have talked to everyone Theodore will say somethin about the end of

    the end of the festival and that&s it. 1ou will end up on the west side of the

    town suare at 4pm. ,ow you should save$ and o to bed.

    !3ore to come#

    ptional "b9ectives":

     This section is lled with thins that are not explicitly mentioned in the

    walkthrouh !with some exceptions.# *oin these thins may benet you in the

    ames by doin thins like addin new characters to the villae or unlockin

    mini5ames etc.

    Ship AB of )ny Nind of re !not ems#

    *oin this will let the blacksmith move in.

    Ship 2B 0erbs and et )lex to A heart

    *oin this will let the Sanatorium be built.

    Ship 2B (lowers !nconrmed#

     There is much controversy over how to et @yla

    to open her shop$ this is but one suested method.

    0it AB moles with a hammer

    nlocks the whack5a5mole mini5ame.

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


     Tips and Tricks:

     The Weather Trick

     The 0orse Trick

     The Stamina (ishin Tip

     The Weather Trick: This is uite possibly the most useful trick in terms of

    the money and e'ort you can save. The way this trick works is that the

    weather for a day is randomly chosen at midniht two days before. !and the

    masses scream# "-ut how can % o back in timeD" )nd % answer$ "save when %

    tell you." %f you save before you o to bed every niht !assumin you o to

    bed before midniht# then when you et up in the mornin you will see the

    weather report for T0= ,=ET *)1. ,ow lets do a calculation. The next day

    oOcially starts at 4am !don&t ask why.# >o back AK hours and you are at the

    current day. >o back another 4 hours and you are at yesterday !because of the

    4 am thin.# Since that is when the weather is calculated you can in fact

    control the weather !even if you don&t understand why.# So$ how is this

    usefulD %n short$ there will never be another typhoon or severe snowstorm ever

    aain. This will save your crops and earn you hue amounts of money in

    comparison to the amount you would lose if a typhoon came. 1ou can also in

    e'ect make it rain everyday !except festivals which are always sunny and to

    make it rain on command takes a lot of reloadin.#

     The 0orse Trick: This is both a trick of the ame and one you can exploit. The

    basic idea is that you can only enter your horses in certain races dependin

    on their heart level. The followin is a rouh estimate and % hope that its

    not wron$ if it is please tell me.

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    65ABF?ace ) T.V.

    P5MF ?ace - +ower -erry

    854F ?ace C Co'ee Table

    257F ?ace * 2B (odder

    So$ if you have a horse with AB hearts and you want the power berry...

     T -)*;;; So$ you must be careful how well you treat !or mistreat# your

    horses. +@=)S= ,T=;;; that this is the 0=)?T ratin ,T how many T?)%,%,>

    ST)?S your horse has. Since trainin stars not heart ratin a'ect how well

    your horse will do in a race you should always try and et your horse to AB

    trainin stars reardless of how much it likes you.

     The Stamina (ishin Tip: This is a description of the best area in the ame to

    et ood sh to turn into Sashimi. >o to the riverside property !if you don&t

    know where that is then start a new ame uickly to nd out.# once you are

    there follow the river north until you come to a body of water$ to small to be

    a lake but to bi to be a pond !%f you aren&t sure then you can check to see

    if there is a waterfall at its northern end. %f there is you&re in the riht

    spot.# Stand where the body of water meets the river. 1our oal is to cast

    your line so that it will drift to beside where you are standin. i.e. you

    want to cast it into the body of water 9ust a tad and then you want it to

    drift into the river. There is always a sh at this narrow point in the river

    and it will always bite. This makes it a reat spot to catch lots of sh very

    uickly. -ut wait; There&s more; The sh you can catch here are:

    *ace$ )mao$ 1amane and ?ainbow trout. f them$ only *ace can&t be turned into

    Sashimi so % recommend throwin back the dace and keepin the rest. )s an

    added bonus Theodore likes plain rainbow trout !an important note to those

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    usin this uide.#

    @eal Stu': This uide is the sole property of =ric Schildroth and permission

    to publish it in whole or in part must be iven expressly by him. +ermission

    to publish this uide has been ranted only to %>, and

    Contact 3e: +lease feel free to contact me about this uide. %f you have any

    further uestions about thins that % said explicitly would not be covered in

    this uide there is an excellent ()< by (reyashawk at...

    0owever; %f eneral ()

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    WALKTROUGH 2?ewards

    Collect the indicated number of notes to unlock the correspondin reward.

     Iess w

      8 ,otes: 3arimba

    AB ,otes: Timpani

    A8 ,otes: 0arp

    KB ,otes: +iano

    K8 ,otes: Violin

    2B ,otes: Cello R +owerberry

    28 ,otes: (lute

    7B ,otes: )coustic >uitar

    78 ,otes: Trumpet

    8B ,otes: 0. >oddess ?evived

    66 ,otes: (inal =vent


    Complete the followin tasks to unlock the correspondin shops.

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


      )telier Saibara Clay Shop: Ship a load of >ood Clay.

    -lacksmith: Ship ores !?are re recommended#.

    Caf Callaway: 3eet Carl and =ve$ then wait one month.

    (lower -ud @ibrary: Wait until mid5sprin in year one.

    0earty @yla: Ship ift items such as Clay$ (lowers$ and -lue -erries.

    3oonliht Caf: 3eet *uke$ then wait until summer.

    +aradise rchard: 3eet ?oland and *an then plant one rape tree.

    +erch %nn: 3eet *ou$ then wait until summer.

    Sanitarium: Ship 2B 0erbs and et )lex to A heart or more.


    =asy 2B Saves ,ote

    >o to your 9ournal and save the ame. *o not exit the save menu 9ust keep

    choosin "1es" to save repeatedly.


    =asy Shippin ,ote

    >o to your shippin box and et a nearby lo. +ut the lo in the shippin box and

    you will et a note.

    mnet beoeefm iwyai IokinIamesK

    0appiness ,otes

     1ou will et a note for the followin events.

    ?i?i and Iess w

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


      A. (irst Step ,ote. When you et the pedometer.

    K. (irst Shippin ,ote. Ship your rst item.

    2. AB$BBB Step ,ote. >et AB$BBB steps on your pedometer.

    7. Cookin ,ote. )fter cookin your rst meal.

    8. %sland ,ote. (irst time you visit the island.

    4. ?ock Climber ,ote. (irst time scalin 3t. 3oon.

    P. nderround @ake ,ote. )t the rst underround level in @ake 3ine.

    M. ,iht wl ,ote. Stay up until dawn !4 a.m.#.

    6. ?ain ,ote. Work AB hours non5stop in the rain.

    AB. Sun ,ote. Work AB hours non5stop in the sun.

    AA. Stationary ,ote. *o not use the controller for awhile.

    AK. @onley Wolf ,ote. *o not talk to anyone all day.

    A2. Whistle ,ote. Whistle 8B times.

    A7. @imitation ,ote. 0ave /ero stamina and faint.

    A8. 0ustle5and5-ustle ,ote. 3eet 28 villaers.

    A4. +oor ,ote. 0ave A> or less in the mornin.

    AP. @ucky ,ote. (ind more than A$BBB> in coins !in round#.

    AM. 0ih Spirit ,ote. *rink AB sodas.

    A6. -irth of @ife ,ote. 0ave one of your barn animals ive birth.

    KB. wner of 3onther =arth ,ote. wn AB or more divisions of land.

    KA. Snow ,ote. Work AB hours non5stop in the snow.

    KK. (odder ,ote. Cut the rass KB times.

    K2. -rushin ,ote. >room your livestock KB times.

    K7. = ,ote. Ship AB es.

    K8. 3ilkin ,ote. Ship AB 9us of milk.

    K4. Shearin ,ote. Ship AB pieces of wool.

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      KP. *yein ,ote. Ship a colored yarn ball.

    KM. >em ,ote. Ship one em of any kind.

    K6. Callin )nimals ,ote. ?in the bell KB times.

    2B. Cultivation ,ote. Till A suares of land.

    2A. -i =ater ,ote. =at 8B meals.

    2K. Woodcutter ,ote. Cut down KB trees or stumps.

    22. Cloud ,ote. Work AB hours on a cloudy day.

    27. >arbae Can ,ote. Throw away arbae KB times.

    28. Weed ,ote. +ull A weeds.

    24. >ardenin ,ote. 0ave ve Jowers bloomin at once.

    2P. (orest ,ote. +lant any tree.

    2M. *estruction ,ote. Crush KB stones$ rocks$ stakes etc.

    26. *iary ,ote. Save in the diary 2B times.

    7B. Cock5)5*oodle5*oo ,ote. Win the Chicken (estival.

    7A. 3oo ,ote. Win the Cow Contest.

    7K. -aa ,ote. Win the Sheep Contest.

    72. 0orse ,ote. Win the 0orse ?ace.

    77. -ow5Wow ,ote. 0ave three hearts on your do.

    78. ink5ink ,ote. Ship a truUe.

    74. (ire +revention ,ote. +ut out a bonre.

    7P. @ost Child ,ote. (ind 3eryl and Tim in an event.

    7M. 3ole5Whackin ,ote. Whack AB moles.

    76. -luebird ,ote. >et the a blue feather.

    8B. Weddin *ay ,ote. >et married.

    8A. Stork ,ote. -e prenant or et your wife.

    8K. -aby is -orn ,ote. 0ave a baby or have a baby with your wife.

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


      82. 1ou Can Walk ,ote. (or your baby&s rst steps.

    87. Sprin (ootsteps ,ote. )ttend the ,ew 1ears (estival.

    88. = *ish ,ote. )ttend the = (estival.

    84. Sprin (rarance ,ote. )ttend the (lower (estival.

    8P. -lue Sea$ White Clouds ,ote. Win the -each (estival Swimmin Competition.

    8M. -oat Sailin ,ote. )ttend the Star (estival.

    86. (ireJy (lower ,ote. )ttend the (ireJy (estival.

    4B. (ireworks ,ote. )ttend the (ireworks (estival.

    4A. 3oon Viewin ,ote. )ttend the 3oonliht (estival.

    4K. 0arvest ,ote. )ttend the 0arvest (estival.

    42. +umpkin ,ote. )ttend the +umpkin (estival.

    47. (lame ,ote. )ttend the (ire (estival.

    48. +opular ,ote. >et 8 or more cakes on the Thanksivin (estival.

    44. Starliht ,ote. )ttend the Starry ,iht (estival.

    4P. ,ew 1ear&s Sunrise ,ote. See the rst sunrise of the year.

    4M. (ull -loom (lowers ,ote. Ship every type of Jower and herb.

    46. Treasure 0oard ,ote. Ship every type of ore !includin @imestone#

    PB. )nimal Nindom ,ote. 0ave M barn animals and 8 chickens.

    PA. -ook ,ote. ?ead all the books in the library !chane in (all#.

    PK. Super Chef ,ote. nlock A or more recipes !purchase utensils#.

    P2. Second 0ouse ,ote. Construct a second house.

    P7. =xpert )nler ,ote. Catch every type of sh.

    P8. 3aster )nler ,ote. Catch A or more sh !any kind#.

    P4. ?ubber -oots ,ote. Catch AB pieces of arbae.

    PP. Wild ,ote. When a wild animal with 7 hearts visits your house !not *olphin#.

    PM. )rt ,ote. >et a picture and ain pot.

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      P6. Very ?ich ,ote. 0ave more than ABB$BBB>.

    MB. (lower >irl ,ote. When ,ina ives you a present.

    MA. =xplosive >irl ,ote. When )nn ives you a present.

    MK. )pron >irl ,ote. When =llen ives you a present.

    M2. Talented >irl ,ote. When 3aria ives you a present.

    M7. ,iht 3oon >irl ,ote. When =ve ives you a present.

    M8. >irl with >lasses >irl ,ote. When >ina ives you a present.

    M4. +rincess ,ote. When *ia ives you a present.

    MP. Waitress ,ote. When Natie ives you a present.

    MM. +onytail ,ote. When >wen ives you a present.

    M6. 0eartfelt ,ote. When @yla ives you a present.

    6B. Cowboy ,ote. When -lue ives you a present.

    6A. Social Craftsman ,ote. When Ioe ives you a present.

    6K. Cool Craftsman ,ote. When Nurt ives you a present.

    62. *octor ,ote. When )lex ives you a present.

    67. +atissier ,ote. When Carl ives you a present.

    68. 3aster +ick5p )rtist ,ote. When *an ives you a present.

    64. (isherman ,ote. When ?ay ives you a present.

    6P. Traveler ,ote. When -asil ives you a present.

    6M. 3ale ,ote. When -ob ives you a present.

    66. Shy >uy ,ote. When @ouis ives you a present.

    ABB. 3eek 0eart ,ote. )fter you collect 66 0appiness ,otes.

    ,ote: To receive ABB ,otes you must be a irl. ne of them is the -irth f @ife ,ote$

    and you must be a irl to obtain it.

    *anny >alaxy

    )in +ot

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    -ecome friends with Saibara !K or 2 hearts# and he will ask you to o talk to the

    mayor. The mayor then teaches you how to make +otato >ratin. )fter that$ o back

    to Saibara&s house and he will ive you the )in +ot$ which is used to make sodas.



    =ven thouh it seems like trash$ the "-oot !riht#" is actually one of the "kins". %f

    you catch the riht boot$ it counts toward your chances of ettin the =xpert )nler




    +urchase an e from -lue Sky ?anch for AKB> instead of buyin a chicken for

    AKBB>. Iust wait for the e to hatch and the chick to row.



    *iamonds are commonly found on (loor 8B of the @ake 3ine. *iamonds sell for

    8BB> each.


    (ishin pole

     Talk to ?ay to et a new shin pole.



     The best time to nd herbs is when it is rainin. >o to the mountains and pick them

    up. There are often more than you can carry in one trip.

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough




     Iamasuid are only !and commonly# found in the nderround @ake at (loor ABB ofthe @ake 3ine. This is the only sh cauht in the nderround @ake. %t is diOcult to

    catch because of the lake current and the fact that it swims in the opposite current

    direction like a salmon. Iamasuid are one of the "kins" and are very hard hters.

     1ou could ht with them for K8 to 78 seconds. They sell for ABBB> each.


    3iracle +otion

    When you buy a new horse if you try to ive it the 3iracle +otion immediately it willet confused and the potion will not work$ no matter how lon you wait. 1ou must

    wait until it is rown5up. %f it is older$ %t will have the reen happy sin when you

    ive the 3iracle +otion to it. *o not waste money when it will not have any use at

    that time.



     1our sheep ives you wool. %t sells for M7B to AKBB >. The sheep can live without

    food for about one month. 1ou can save money by not feedin it.



    Ship 2B Cabbaes.

    @evel 2 -a

    -ecome friends !at least two hearts# with 3artha and brin her wool.

    @evel 2 0ouse

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    -ecome friends !at least one heart# with Ioe$ Nurt$ or Woody.

    @evel 7 0ouse

    >et Nurt$ Woody$ or Ioe at ve hearts or hiher.

    @evel 8 0ouse

    >et six hearts in total with Woody$ Ioe$ and Nurt. (or example$ you could have four

    hearts with Woody$ one with Nurt$ and one with Ioe. 0e will then sell you one for

    MB$BBB> and AMB @umber or you can remodel your house for 8B$BBB> and ABB



    3ore land for sale

    -ecome friends !at least one heart# with the 3ayor.

    *ia and >ina

    Ship 2B herbs to have *ia and >ina appear in town.

    *uke$ >wen$ and *ou

    )ttend the Sprin 0orse ?ace on Sprin AP to have them appear in town.


    +lant three fruit trees to have him appear in town.


    )ttend the (ireworks (estival on Summer K7 to have him appear in town.


  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    +lace a Jower in the blue shippin bin in the suare on Sprin KK. Then$ attend the

    (lower (estival the next day to have her appear in town.


    >o to a festival to have her appear in town.


    -ecome friends with ?onald to have her appear in town.


      )ttend the SwimminLcean (estival on Summer 2 to have her appear in town.

    ,ami the "Weather >irl" will not move into (lowerbud Villae$ but she will appear

    around the suare where *an$ @ouis$ and several wild animals can be found. ,ote:

     1ou cannot marry her this time.



    +lant one fruit tree to have him appear in town.


    Ship one ood clay to have her appear in town.

     Tai and Tim

    Ship one copper$ silver$ and old ore from the mine to have them appear in town.

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough



     To see your three closest friends$ when you et married they will be on your side of

    the lane. 0owever$ Theodore is the pastor and will not be on either side. 0owever$

    usually if you are marryin one of the carpenter brothers !Nurt or Ioe# as a irl$ Ioemay appear on Nurt&s side$ and vice versa.



    When you have about ten hearts and there is a festival where you o with a date$

    you will o to a place where lovers chat. 1ou will talk$ then you will kiss the man or

    woman of your dreams.Nolulu.


     To et the -lue (eather !proposal item#$ you must have at least 2B 3usical ,otes$

    et a level 2 home from Woody$ and et a double bed from Woody. 1ou will et it

    from 3ayor Theodore$ and will be able to marry the man or woman of your dreams.


    ?estore all stamina

    3ake Toadstool Saute !-utter Toadstool (ryin +an# and eat it. %t will fully

    restore your stamina.

     Ionathan 0ickey

    =asy money

      3ake sure the only thin you have in your rucksack is a hammer. >o to 3oonliht

    Cave !near the doctor&s oOce#. 1ou will notice a hole in the round somewhere. >o

    to it$ and a messae will appear askin if you would like to o in. Select "1es". 1ou

    will be at sub5level K. 1ou should see some bluish crystals and some black stones.

    0it all of the crystals with E. %f you nd some old$ keep it. %f you nd some rare ore

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    or stones$ keep them. (ill your rucksack$ then o to the stairs and exit the cave. +ut

    all your nds into the Shippin -ox. This trick works better with @ake Cave and if

    you only take rare ores and stones from there. ,ote: 1ou will et low on enery and

    must nd a way to restore it.

    >o up to the mountain every day and look for reen medicine plants. They are

    worth ABB> each. The purple ones are worth only about 28>.

      melissa smith

     This trick reuires a +ot and an )in +ot. (irst$ o to the -lue Sky ?anch and buy

    an e for AKB>. Then$ o home and use the +ot with the e to make a -oiled =.

     Then$ use the -oiled = with the )in +ot to create a *eviled =. The *eviled

    = can be sold for K8B>$ which is a A2B> prot. *o this to ve es to et an extra48B> prot. The more money you spend on es$ the more of a prot you will et.

      Iarrod 3annall

    >o to where the Seed Shop is located and look around. There should be some

    stakes that you can pick up and sell for 2B> each.


    (ind >old or )methyst res in the cave by Iamie&s ?anch. Then$ o to the place

    where the old man chanes ores into accessories. Talk to him$ and like

    ")ccessories". 1ou will see two pictures of a rin and a brooch. %t will cost some

    money$ but select the "?in". %t will take two days for him to make it out of the ore.

    ?eturn and et it in two days$ then put it in your shippin bin. 1ou will et A$BBB>.

     The more expensive the 9ewel$ the more money you will et for the accessory.

      Cortne -

    %n the (all$ o to the sin that reads "0arvest >oddess Sprin". 0owever$ instead

    of turnin towards it$ turn the other way. @ook for a blue Jower called a -lue 3ist

    (lower. nce you et it$ ship it and you will et 8BB>.


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      -uy or row reen peppers then cook them in a fryin pan. Sell them for about


    -uy three horses and train them at K stars$ 8 stars$ and AB stars. se them all in

    a horse race and then sell them.

    +ick up coral at the beach. Take them to the blacksmith and order a brooch. %n

    two days$ et it$ sell it$ and make about 4BB> prot.

    0ave four chickens and make four deviled es a day to earn about A$BBB>.

    *urin winter$ o to the lake cave. >o to Joor 8B. (ill up your pockets with

    diamonds$ then o home. Sell them$ et more stamina$ and o back. ?epeat this

    about every day and o to bed at 4:BB p.m. With the lare rucksack$ you should

    make about AB$BBB> a day.

    -lacksmith shop

    Ship ores !rare if possible# until the blacksmith shows up. The hours of operation are

    4 a.m. to 4 p.m.. %t is closed Wednesdays and holidays. %t is occupied by Tai$ Tim$

    and -ob . 1ou can craft 9ewelry and uprade tools here.


    Caf Callaway

     The Caf Callaway will open one month after you meet Carl and =ve. The hours of

    operation are 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. %t is closed Tuesdays and holidays. %t is occupied byCarl and Natie. Various sweets are sold here. The inhabitants are also possible




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    -efriend the dolphin. %t will ive you a ride to the island. 1ou will et the island note.

    tyler schmidt

    @ake Cave: Special areas

     There are special areas in the followin levels in the @ake Cave.


      @evel 8: 3oonstones in every crystal.

    @evel AB: There is no obvious way down from this Joor. %f you hit level AB and

    want to continue you must either climb back up to level A and try aain$ or nd the


    @evel A8: )ll crystals here contain amethysts.

    @evel KB: The popular stone in the auamarine.

    @evel K8: Topa/ lls the crystal on this level.

    @evel 2B: 1ou nd sapphires everywhere.

    @evel 28: =meralds are scattered throuhout this level.

    @evel 7B: ?ubies.

    @evel 78: @imestone.

    @evel 8B: ?are and expensive diamonds.


    %t opens in mid5sprin of 1ear A. The hours of operation 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. %t is closed

    3ondays and holidays. %t is occupied by 3aria. The library has various books for you

    to read and research. 3aria is a possible spouse.


    3oonliht 3ine: Special areas

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


     There are special areas in the followin levels in the 3oonliht 3ine.


      @evel K: (illed with ood clay.

    @evel KK: >ood Joor to obtain amethysts.

    level 77: >ood chance to nd rare ore.

    @evel 88: >ood place to nd amethysts.

    @evel 44: 1ou can nd many auamarine ems here.

    @evel PP: (ind diamonds without travelin to the lake cave.

    3oonliht 3ine: =nery

    =at the +ontata ?oots that you nd while diin in the 3oonliht 3ine to keep your

    enery up.



     To unlock the Sanitarium$ you must ship 2B herbs total and have )lex at one heart.

    %t is open from 4 a.m. to P p.m.$ but is closed on holidays. %ts inhabitants are >ina

    and *ia. The sanitorium sells nothin$ but is needed for two of the potential brides

    to move into town. 1ou can visit it to woo >ina$ and *ia is very seldom found

    outside its walls.


    Savin the 0arvest >oddess

    )s you slowly collect 3aical ,otes over time$ the 0arvest >oddess Sprin will

    become more vibrant !more animals$ Jowers$ lihts etc.#. =ach time you collect 8

    notes you will et a new musical instrument or other reward. When you collect 8B

    notes$ all these instruments will come toether and make music that wakes the

    0arvest >oddess.

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


     Iess w

    >o down faster in the caves

     >amecube When you o in a cave$ hold X at all times when you are runnin on topof the holes in the Joor. This will decrease the chance of bein sent up and also will

    take you a Joor lower than it normally would. (or example$ if you are on Joor M7

    and you step on a hole without holdin X$ you may o to Joor 6B. 0owever$ if you

    hold X$ the same hole would take you to Joor 6A.


    +ower -erries

    +ower berries are received in the followin ways.


      0orse race: >et a horse to ve or six hearts worth of a'ection then enter it in the

    Sprin or (all horse race. Win that race and you receive a +ower -erry.

    -each festival: Win the swimmin competition for the rst time and you are

    awarded with a +ower -erry.

    +umpkin festival: 3ake sure you ship a pumpkin in the week before the +umpkin

    festival. n the day of festivities you receive a +ower -erry from the 3ayor.

    2B ,otes: btain 2B 3usical ,otes and visit the 0arvest >oddess Sprin to claim

    your reward. 3ake sure you have seen every event for every ve notes before as

    well$ or you will need to keep enterin until you catch up.

    3oonliht 3ine: ?each the ABBth Joor of the 3oonliht 3ine to receive a +ower

    -erry from Tim.


     >amecube 0old E while holdin an upraded tool !(or example$ olden tool$

    oddess tool$ etc.# to use its special techniue. (or the olden tool$ white rins will

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    surround you. (or the oddess tool$ the rins will surround you in addition to a

    briht Jash. Tools can be upraded in the blacksmith shop.



     The followin people will be absent at one time or another: Tim$ >wen$ Natie$ Carl$

    -asil$ and Nolulu.


    -etter milk

     To et better milk$ do not put the fodder in the bin feed it directly to them. 3ake

    sure that you milk your cows after you talk$ and brush them$ for a hiher chance of

    special milk. )lso$ let them ra/e in the elds as often as possible.



      %f you are in the cave by Iamie&s ranch$ when you hit the rocks and crystal thins

    smoke comes out of them. The yellow smoke makes you move faster. The orane

    smoke free/es you. -lack smoke ets in your eyes so that the area of liht around

    you ets smaller. +urple smoke confuses you !you may move in the oppositedirection#. +ink smoke makes your stamina o up. White smoke disables the e'ect

    of the other types of smoke.

    When you are in the 3oonliht Cave$ you will most likely nd purple smoke in a

    crystal when you break it. The smoke makes you di//y and you will walk wron.

    While the smoke is in e'ect$ turn the controller so that your riht hand is at the top.

    3ove the 9oystick on the bottom as if the controller were turned the correct way. %t

    should x the walkin problem until the smoke is no loner in e'ect.

    >ood items

    %n the 3oon Cave on level 77 is old$ rare ore$ amethyst and moonstones. There are

    also lots of pink and yellow asses.

  • 8/9/2019 The Magical Melody Day by Day Walkthrough


    trey meaut

    Waterin animals

    *o not accidentally water an animal. They will not like it and et anry at you. 1ouwill also lose friendship.


    +revent people from movin into town

    -ecome ood friends with Theodore !three or more hearts# and o to Woody. 0e will

    allow you to buy land that future stores will be built upon. -uy it and the store

    owners can never open up a store. ,ote: 1ou cannot sell the land once you buy it.

    0arvest 3oon: ) Wonderful @ife reference

    ,ami$ a uest character in 0arvest 3oon: 3aical 3elody$ is actually a wife in

    0arvest 3oon: ) Wonderful @ife. She plays the part of a weather irl in 0arvest

    3oon: 3aical 3elody and will appear at the Starry ,iht festival.


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