Page 1: The Engadine Public School WARATAH WHISPERS · 2019-11-02 · The Engadine Public School WARATAH WHISPERS OUR SHOOL VISION Engadine Public School promotes an inclusive environment

The Engadine Public School


Engadine Public School promotes an inclusive environment that fosters confident, innovative, successful learners with high

moral values. Excellent academic, creative physical and social programs empower each student to become an active,

resilient and informed citizen in our rapidly changing world.”

Page 2: The Engadine Public School WARATAH WHISPERS · 2019-11-02 · The Engadine Public School WARATAH WHISPERS OUR SHOOL VISION Engadine Public School promotes an inclusive environment



5-7 Year 6 Musical

9 Presentation Day

12 Year 6 Big Day Out—Bowling

13 EPS—Big Day In

14 Kindergarten Graduation

15 Y Factor Year 6 Farewell

16 Year 6 Presentation Last day of school


27 First day back for 2017 for teachers and staff

30 First day back for Students NEW BELL TIMES


23 Welcome to School BBQ and Disco

Mrs Grinham has certainly been keeping our students very busy, as they have prepared to present their plays for their school audience. Huge thanks to her for her mam-moth efforts and to our students for their growing confidence and growth in capacity!

8:45 am: School gates open for morning intake of students.

9:12 am: Line Up Bell

9:15 am : School Starts

11:15 am: Recess

11:45 am: Return to Classes

1:15 pm : Lunch Time

2:00 pm: Return to Classes

3:15 pm: End of School Day

3:30 pm: School Gates locked

Gates will be closed between 9:15pm and 3:15 pm to ensure the safety of your

children, our students. If you need to enter prior to these times, please enter through

the Office and make yourself known to Office staff. Visitors to the school need to sign

in and wear a visitors’ badge.

The Engadine Public School

WARATAH WHISPERS 1A Waratah Rd Engadine NSW 2233 Phone: 9520 8559 Fax: 9548 1186

Term 4 Week 9 - 5 December 2016 Email: [email protected]

Congratulations - Drama Students Hendrika Green, Principal


Held FORTNIGHTLY On Even Weeks, Tuesday at 2:30pm Next Assembly:

Presentation Day is Friday

9th December 12.15pm

BELL TIMES for 2017

The Hottest Boy

Robin Hood

The Magic Purse

Page 3: The Engadine Public School WARATAH WHISPERS · 2019-11-02 · The Engadine Public School WARATAH WHISPERS OUR SHOOL VISION Engadine Public School promotes an inclusive environment


Mrs Dunlop took lots of photos of the students, staff, and families during our Book Week and

Grandparents Day celebrations. Unfortunately all of the photos seem to have disappeared from

her camera. We are asking for any parents or grandparents who took any photos of the day if

they could send them to the school via email. This was a wonderful day with lots of wonderful

costumes, so if you have any photos to share we would greatly appreciate it. Please forward

them to [email protected]

Skipathon Sponsorship and Donations OVERDUE Band and Instrument Hire OVERDUE Hating Alison Ashley—5/6D & 5/6CW $8 OVERDUE Year 6 Big Day Out—Bowling Day $20 OVERDUE Big Day In $5 OVERDUE

On Monday students of our school had the opportunity to view the Year 6 Musical “The Amazing Adventures of Superstan” We know there has been a lot of work put into this production, with our directors—Year 5/6 teachers, Mrs MacAlpine and Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Gizas with the backdrops and artistic designs. Thanks to all who have contributed to date and for our students who have worked so hard on their lines and their singing. All children thoroughly enjoyed the performance. Tickets for tonights evening performance are still on sale, and available from Mrs Dyszel. Adults are $20 and Children are $10.

The NSW Teachers Federation has called a stop work meeting of all its members on Thursday 8th December. The stop work meeting will run from 8.30am until approximately 9.30am and teachers will return by approximately 10.00am. This Stop Work will affect our school as members of the Teachers Federation will be stopping work to discuss changes to their salaries and conditions of employment. This Stop Work has the support of staff at this school. From 9.00am until the meeting concludes there will be minimal supervision at school. It is expected that all mainstream students will be at school as usual.

Payments to the Office

Notes and Money Due

Grandparents Day & Book Week Photos Needed!!

Year 6 Musical - The Amazing Adventures Of Superstan

We are now accepting all online payments and other payments at the office as normal. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we rolled

over to this new system. If you are paying online—please delete any previously saved shortcuts and account details for Engadine Public School. Our previous bank details have

changed as this account is closed and payments made to this account are not being received. Please follow the steps on the Make A Payment tab on our website.

Teachers Stop Work Meeting—Thursday 8th December

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Parents and Carers are reminded that they are not to address children on the playground

unless they are their own. This is an important matter pertaining to Child Protection. If a

parent has a concern with the actions of a child, other than their own, they are to refer the

matter to teachers of the school.

Parents, carers and students are reminded that the school grounds are not an area for

playing after school. Families should be leaving the school grounds directly after picking

up children from school. Playground equipment is out of bounds when not supervised

directly by a teacher on duty and therefore not available for play before and after school. If

parents are unable to collect their child or children by 3:40pm, it is suggested they make alternate

arrangements with friends or a service such as OOSH for care of children. School gates should all be locked

by 3:45 pm, as teachers are often engaged in other school tasks at the end of the school day. Next year this

will be 3:30 pm. Your assistance to clear the school grounds each afternoon is in the interests of student

safety and wellbeing, and will be greatly appreciated.

School banking day is every Thursday. As a reminder please write your name, student

number and deposit amount on your deposit slip to ensure your full deposit makes it to your


The bank has now run out of Eraser Pens, Fans, and Skipping Ropes

The only rewards available for the remainder of the year are:

Bag Tag * Money Box * Slinky (Wriggly Glow Worm) * ET DVD

Please place your order by Thursday 1st December if you would like to receive your reward by the end of Term 4. Any orders received after this time may not arrive until 2017. Order cards can be picked up from the notes stand in the office. To ensure your deposit reaches your account, please write your name, student number and the deposit amount on your deposit slip. If you forget your school banking on Thursday morning, just post your deposit book in the slot in the office before the line-up bell rings on Friday morning. If you have question or concerns, please chat with Kelly Bilek,


School Banking News

Reminder for Parents— School Pick Up

Page 5: The Engadine Public School WARATAH WHISPERS · 2019-11-02 · The Engadine Public School WARATAH WHISPERS OUR SHOOL VISION Engadine Public School promotes an inclusive environment

Parents, we ask that you go through these skills with your children, and discuss the dos and don’ts. Perhaps you can ask them if they

have tried some of the strategies and what the result was. Children learn best when they are supported from both school and home

with a consistent message. Good Mates Look for the Good Things about Others

Giving Compliments

Receiving Compliments

Social Skills

Giving and Receiving Compliments

Respect is not only an important value, but a source of real joy for children. Respect implies a certain appreciation and awe which makes children more aware of the

needs and feelings of others. Respect comes in many forms: respect for life, for property, for parents, for elders, for nature, and for the beliefs and rights of others;

courtesy, politeness, and manners; self-respect and the avoidance of self-criticism.

The importance of and basic necessity for respect are self-evident. Respect is the basis and foundation (and often the motivation) for several of the other basic values

of life. Children who learn both to implement and to understand the principle of respect will be better members of society, better friends, and better leaders.

The teaching of respect is a challenge. The main thing to remember is that respect isn't given consistently unless it is received. We need first to respect our children

(in terms of how we speak to them and how we treat them) and then to absolutely demand that they show respect for us in return. The respect they receive in the

home and at school will be the basis for their own self-respect; and the respect they learn to show in the home (to family members) and at school to fellow students

and their teachers and staff, will be the foundation on which they build respect for others outside of these environments.

Some of the ways we manage this at school is to:

Give plenty of praise and recognition. Reinforce respectful behaviour and encourage its repetition. We watch for opportunities to praise courtesy and

politeness. Catch them doing something right and make a big deal of it. Praise them in front of others and praise them privately, one on one, later that day.

Give them a chance to correct themselves by saying, "Let's start over." This is a good method to correct disrespectful behaviour in a positive way. Having established

the pattern (and the habit, in connection with consistently not allowing disrespect) of saying, "Let's start over." When a disrespectful answer is given, when someone

fails to say "please" or "thank you," say "Let's start over." Then repeat the situation, letting the child do it right. Of course when

necessary, we also may need to say, "Let's start over" for our self and then repeat our own statement or behaviour in a more respectful way.

Teach by our example. Show respectful behaviour. As always, example is the best teacher. When children see and hear you being concerned for the

property and rights of others, assisting the elderly, caring for nature, being polite in all situations and showing self-respect in terms of how you look and how you

speak of yourself, they follow from the model of that behaviour.

We want our students to show respect, and feel they have it shown towards them. Our students deserve the right to be respected, and also have a responsibility to be

respectful to others.

Key Value : Respect (Social Key of Success)


Look for anything about another person that you

genuinely like or appreciate.

Look in their eyes and smile.

Tell them what you like about them.

Tell them what you like about them.


Don’t give a compliment that isn’t true.

Don’t give too many compliments.


Wait until the person finishes giving you

the compliment.

Look in their eyes and smile.

Say “thank you” and perhaps add an

interesting positive comment (e.g. Thank you—

I’ve worked hard on it).


Don’t laugh or say something silly.

Don’t look away.

Don’t say something which suggests they’re

wrong. (Don’t say “No it’s not one of my best


Page 6: The Engadine Public School WARATAH WHISPERS · 2019-11-02 · The Engadine Public School WARATAH WHISPERS OUR SHOOL VISION Engadine Public School promotes an inclusive environment

The uniform shop now has an email address set up for enquiries. The email inbox will be checked once a week. Enquiries can be sent to [email protected]. Personal Facebook messages will no longer be replied to. An updated uniform price list can be found on the school website, and from the front office.

With the approval of Mrs Green and discussion by the P & C, we have decided to reintroduce the girls skort as part of the school sports uniform. The skort is in addition to the current sports shorts and is not a compulsory item. We have placed an order with our suppliers for those who have completed an order form , and we will be holding a small amount of stock in the uniform shop which will be available to purchase next year. Please be advised that we will most likely not receive the stock until early in the first term. They will be distributed promptly once we have received them.

Another update— the Engadine Public School Uniform shop will be accepting credit card payments from Term 1 2017!!! Any enquiries can be made to [email protected]


Uniform Shop Update


** If you’re unable to attend canteen for any reason and you are rostered on, please swap with another parent or

message Deidre Cody on 0412 212 750. Thank You. **

Canteen News


07/12 Naomi Shying 08/12 Melissa Pearce 09/12 Kristie Wilson Sharon Reynolds

14/12 Kellie Casperonn 15/12 Merran Mitchell 16/12 Lisa Giovenco Judy Kertel

Welcome Back BBQ and Disco—SAVE THE DATE

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