
The Dem


Week 9 - Friday 23 June 2017

Band Camp Thank you to Melissa Lanigan, Rebecca Rawson, Shannon O’Reilly and Ashley Grimmond who organised and/or attended Band Camp last week. Thank you also to the Directions in Music team and our band students for their enthusiasm and passion for music. See our Band News pages 5 & 6. for more. Track Carnival

Yesterday’s Track Carnival took place under a clear blue sky and was enjoyed by all. A new event, the 1500m, was added to the program this year in accordance with the NSW Primary Schools Sports Association (PSSA) guidelines. The winners in each age category for this event have set the benchmark at our school with inaugural records ranging between 7mins 20 secs to 8min 50 secs. Well done to all of our avid runners! Other records broken yesterday include the 10 year old girls 100m with a new time of 15:05 seconds and the 11 year old boys 200m with a new time of 30.59 seconds. Congratulations Sofia and Harry! Thank you to all our teaching staff for being so involved in the running of the carnival and a big thank you to Mr Scott Mitchell (2-6 events) and Mr Todd Mackie (K-1 novelty events) for the overall organisation of the day.

Term 2 Band Concert

Last night’s Band Concert was a great success. All bands showcased their talents and the evening finished on a high with the NSDS Super Band’s performance. I’m sure we are all looking forward to more great concerts leading up to the finale at the end of the year. Well done to all of our students who performed so well, particularly after a full day at the Track Carnival. See our Band News pages 5 & 6 for more.

Field Carnival

This year’s Field Carnival was booked to take place at the Chatswood Rotary War Memorial Field on Tuesday 20 June. Unfortunately, due to unanticipated renovations to the field, the venue has been closed until further notice and attempts to secure an alternative site have been unsuccessful. In 2017 therefore, students who wish to represent the school at the Zone Field Carnival, and who have prior experience in field events, will need to complete an Expression of Interest to try out for representative positions. A note will be sent home on Monday 26 June explaining this process. In 2018 all children in Years 2-6 will again be provided with the opportunity to attend and participate in all aspects of the 2018 Field Carnival.

What’s On in 2017?

Term 2 / Term 3

Tuesday 27 June

Junior Choir Rehearsal, Ryde Civic

Centre – bus departs NSDS at


Wednesday 28 June

* Recorder Group Preliminary

Rehearsal, Salvation Army

Congress Hall – students meet in

4RR at 8am SHARP

* Kindy REAPS Science

Presentation – 2:15pm in


Thursday 29 June

* Kindy Gym continues

* School Reports sent home

Friday 30 June

Last Day of Term 2

Monday 17 July

Staff Development Day – no


Tuesday 18 July

First Day of Term 3

Thursday 20 July

AFL training – 8:25am

Friday 21 July

* Netball training – 8:25am

* PSSA commences Term 3

Monday 24 July

* Soccer training – 7:45am

* Students from Beijing Shi-Jie

Primary School visit NSDS for

the week

Thursday 27/ Friday 28 July

Year 4 Camp – Great Aussie Bush

Camp, Kincumber

Sporting Achievements

Congratulations to Michelle in Year 5 on her results at the recent Sydney North Golf Championships. Michelle was the 'Scratch' winner in the girl’s competition which means she has been selected to represent the Sydney North Area at the NSW Championships this September. The school is proud of Michelle’s achievement and we look forward to hearing about the State Championships. Well done Michelle! Multicultural Public Speaking Achievements

Congratulations to Romy (Year 4), Olivia (Year 4), Eloise (Year 6) and Gourisankar (Year 6) who competed in the local final at Castle Cove Public School this week. You have been commended for representing the school so beautifully. The competition was fierce and we heard that you spoke with great articulation and conviction. An extra huge congratulations to Romy who won the local schools final and will now go on to represent our local area at one of eight Regional Finals held in August. Well done Romy!

Stay and Play Stay and Play is a wonderful aspect of our school life. We believe that providing the opportunity for parents and students to spend time together in a community space is something to be valued and we want to continue to offer this opportunity. The school does however have a responsibility to ensure that each child is either collected by a parent/carer each day or that they leave school promptly if walking or catching a bus home. We need your help to ensure that this happens. Please DO NOT send your child to get a Stay and Play wrist band. The reason we ask YOU to get the wrist band is so we can be certain that there is actually a parent/carer looking after each child. Significant time is currently being spent each afternoon finding the parents of children without a wristband. Please help and collect your child’s wristband in person.

Helping Local High School Students in their leadership projects

You may have noticed a donation box in the office foyer with a sign asking you to recycle your old glasses. This personal project is being run by a Year 10 local high school student who has been researching the effects of not wearing eyewear in developing countries. The initiative to collect old glasses send them onto other countries is commendable. Thank you to those who have supported this cause and donated their old glasses and we hope there are more of you out there. P&C Comedy Night Last Friday’s comedy night was a great way to end the week. Thank you to all the parents/carers who came along and enjoyed each other’s company and some great laughs in support of the Dem. Thanks to the P&C as well for their organisation. We look forward to the next parents-only event.

Lost Property If lost property items have not found their way back to your child, please ask them to check carefully in their own classroom and other classrooms they may have visited during the day. Often items are left behind and not collected or placed in the lost property baskets near the Uniform Shop.

General Road Safety Messages Each week till the end of term we will provide a general road safety flyer for your information. These flyers are generated by Transport for NSW who fund the Road Safety Education programs in the school sector. Please see page 3 of this newsletter for more safety tips when driving and parking near the school.

Myra Wearne Principal



Please return Stewart House bags by Tuesday 27 June 2017 The bags of clothing will be picked up by Stewart House on Wednesday 28 June. For more information regarding Stewart House please see:

Homestay Host Families Needed! A group of Chinese students will be visiting North Sydney Demonstration School from 24 to 28 July for a study tour experience. Ozstudy is looking for host families who are willing to share Australian cultural experiences with the Chinese students and who are interested in learning about Chinese culture. Each host family can host between 1 to 4 students and will be compensated $350 per student per week for food and accommodation. If you are interested in becoming a host family, please contact Edan Qian at [email protected]


The Term Two Statement of Account Reminder was emailed to parents on Friday 2 June 2017. If you have any queries about what is still outstanding, especially if you have already made a payment, please contact the Office by phone on 9955 2822. Please keep a note of payments made so that when excursion notes come home for your signature, you do not accidentally pay for items twice.

Tuck Shop - soup for the cooler months!

On Mondays and Tuesdays, Tomato Soup with a bread roll will be available for $4.00 from the Tuck Shop for lunch orders…Get in early as it’s very popular!


Musical - Calling all parent helpers!

Many thanks to those parents and carers who have emailed to offer their help with costumes and props for the Musical.

We still need many more helpers so if you think you might be able to help, even in some small way, please email and let us know.

If you would like to help with the Musical please let us know by emailing [email protected] Thank you for your support in making this year’s Musical another success. The Musical Team

Band News

Weekly Rehearsal Times: Intermediate Band rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:45am arrival;

Senior Band rehearsals: Thursdays, 7:45am arrival;

Junior Band rehearsals: Fridays, 7:45am arrival.

Dates for your diary: Sunday 20 August: NSW Band Festival (Senior Band);

Thursday 24 August: Book Week Parade (Senior Band);

Sunday 15 October: Crows Nest Festival (Senior & Intermediate Bands).

Band Camp 2017 Band camp 2017 was as usual a tremendous success, with the Intermediate and Senior bands making excellent progress under the guidance of Phil Molloy, Kate Gandy and the other dedicated tutors from Directions in Music. A huge thank you to Adam Olesen, father of Ava (Senior Band) and Scarlett (Junior Band) for your wonderful support in transporting equipment to the Collaroy Centre. Thank you to all parents of students in these two bands for allowing your children to attend the camp, which is an integral component of the school band program. Please see next page for more news from Band Camp.

Term 2 All Bands Concert On Thursday night, parents, carers, siblings and others were entertained at the Term 2 Band Concert featuring the Senior, Intermediate and Junior Bands. The two older bands were able to show how valuable band camp is as a development opportunity for the students as individuals as well as members of a whole band. The final piece performed by a combined Intermediate and Senior band, showcased the talent that exists within these two bands. The Junior Band was also amazing, with our youngest band members thrilling their large audience with several lovely pieces. Many thanks go to Phil Molloy, Kate Gandy and the talented tutors from Directions in Music for making Band Camp such a success.

Band News continued

Book Week Performance The Senior Band has been asked to play at the commencement of the Book Week Parade on Thursday 24 August. This is the band’s normal practice day so students will have their instruments at school. Information on the pieces to be played will be issued to students by the conductor closer to the time.

Instrument Maintenance and Repair Students are reminded to treat instruments with care at all times to minimise the incidence of damage and the need for repairs during the year. Should your child’s school hired instrument require repairs, please contact Melissa Lanigan ([email protected]) for instructions on how to proceed.

More news from Band Camp! Last week, the Intermediate and Senior Band students attended the annual Band Camp at the Collaroy Centre. Students participated in intensive rehearsals with their whole ensemble and tutorials with their instrumental group. Both bands combined forces to create the NSDS "Super Band" and have learnt a new piece that will be performed later in the year. All students experienced huge musical growth, both individually and within their ensemble and are sounding amazing! To have a break from the intense focus of the rehearsals and tutorials, students participated in laser tag, using strategy and tactics to compete against each other in teams. Thank you to Mrs Wearne, Mr Grimmond, Ms O'Reilly and Ms Rawson for attending the camp and Ms Lanigan for organising it! A special thank you to Adam Olesen who drove up to Collaroy with all of the percussion instruments. We couldn't have done it without you!

Tutorial enquiries: Please call Directions in Music on 96622211.

All other Band enquiries: Melissa Lanigan ([email protected])


Refugee Week was this week, the theme this year is "With courage let us all combine". Refugee week is about understanding refugee experiences and celebrating the contributions of refugees to Australia. We are very fortunate to have a variety of appropriate children's literature in our school library that we use to prompt discussions.

P&C News The P&C is looking for a bookkeeper (4-5 hours of work per week) - if you are interested, please send your details and resume to [email protected]

Dem Banking questions: Please email [email protected]

Bright Star Fundraiser: Shop online and reference fundraiser name “Nth Sydney Dem School” and receive free delivery at:

Website: Email: [email protected]

Library News

Dem Community News

Paid Casual Work available as a School Crossing supervisor. Hours are usually 8am to 9:30am and/or 2:30pm to 4pm Monday to Friday during school terms. Please contact the Roads and Maritime Services by calling 1300 305 855

Australian Girls Choir – June Open Classes School aged girls are invited to try our fun and inclusive classes and learn more about being part of the Australian Girls Choir! Contact us if you would like to attend a free trial class in June. Ph 1800 338 142 or email [email protected]

UTS Bright Futures – school holiday program for primary and early secondary school students. See

Fine Music – Music Appreciation or call 9439 477

Flower Power – free holiday classes


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