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people helping people find fullness in Christ


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I am so excited that Christ United Methodist Church is moving forward with our mission “people helping people find fullness in Christ.” Let’s allow God to bring forth His transformation in our lives and in our church.

“Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them” Deuteronomy 4:9 (NIV).

Moses wanted to ensure that the people did not forget all they had seen God do, so he urged parents to teach their children about God’s great miracles. This in turn helped parents remember God’s faithfulness and provided the means for passing God’s salvific miracles from one generation to the next. It is so easy for us to forget the wonderful ways in which God has worked in our lives and in the lives of people we know. One way to help us to remember is by telling our children, friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors how God has been made real in our lives.

Deuteronomy 4:9 has two intense warnings. One is to be careful, and the other is to watch. These admonitions occur many times in the book of Deuteronomy. We all stand in danger of losing it all by falling into an apathetic state when it comes to teaching others about God. We live in danger when we do not constantly remind ourselves of God’s mighty works. We live in danger when we become lazy and fail to teach all these things to our children. Our children then fall prey to anything else out there, and they become pagans. Deuteronomy lays great stress not on the priests or other religious leaders but on the parents as the ones responsible for their children’s spiritual education. God trusts His great events of revelation to the parents who must pass them on to their children.

My heart breaks as I see my girls struggle. It was especially hard on this Dad when I had to watch them experience rejection. Girls are so mean to girls. I watched Meagan lose friends in High School that she had known for over 6 years because they went the wrong way and she would not follow them. It is hard telling our children, “No, that is not what we do as Christians,” when the world is clearly shouting another path to follow.

Everyone is called to be a Christian Educator. We are all living in a storm of constant change. It is imperative that we disciple our family, help others to remember God’s salvific acts, educate others how to teach and be vigilant that we do not become apathetic in our endeavors to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

I am grateful for friendships, discipleship, and fellowship that help us make it through all stages of our lives. I am thankful for the people God put in my girls’ lives that developed them into the wonderful, young, Christian women they are today.

I reflect back, and I am thankful to everyone who guided me on the way so I could be where I am today. In fact, I need to go back and apologize to some of my Sunday School teachers because I know I was a handful.

I am also thankful God placed me here at Christ Church. I’m not too sure how thankful you are going to be with my tenacity to

make everything about “making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world,” but I am more than willing to take the risk because that is the way it has to be. The church must never lose its passion for its focus and mission.

We are in the business of bringing people to Jesus. Your life and your job as a member of this church needs to have this as your primary goal. Jesus has been my Savior and my hope. I love God so very much and know that only God can give me fulfillment. I also know that the joy of my salvation is not to be hoarded but shared with other people. We are all called to pass on God’s extravagant love that comes through Jesus Christ to others. The main tool we have to make this happen is the church, but if the church has lost its way, it is worthless. We have the opportunity at Christ Church to influence the lives of our children and others who come through the doors. We live in a free country that allows us to invite others to experience Christ alongside us.

How has God been made real in your life, and how can you pass that on to God’s children and the community around you? What are some great treasures you have learned while studying the Bible? Guess what? That knowledge is not just for you but for your family, your church and anyone God enables you to have influence with.

Do you understand God’s grace and forgiveness? How can you exude that to others? Teach people to work through that work of forgiveness. Teach them to forgive and forget. Teach them how not to give free rental space in their heads to garbage that the world has thrown at them. Have you experienced the Lord’s healing? Then help others in restoring their lives to health.

Have you experienced the Holy Spirit’s transformation in your life? Can you give that hope to others and help them pray through their circumstances?

We are living in a world where we have forgotten to make the “main thing” the “main thing.” We have taken for granted all that God has taught us and it is time for the church to wake up and be the church God has destined it to be. Make disciples!

God will show all of us the way to do it in this crazy, upside down world if we will just ask Him. It is our destiny to pass on God’s faithfulness to other generations. If we do not, it stops with us, and the church dies. We have already skipped two generations with our lethargic approach to making disciples. It is time to rise up and be who were called to be: people helping people find fullness in Christ.


Christ United Methodist




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people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve





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Christ United Methodist



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When I began my ministry in the North Arkansas Annual Conference in the 1980’s, my colleague, John S. Workman, was the Religion Editor for the Arkansas Democrat, a job I often coveted. In 1988 he published his only book, “Fireflies in a Fruit Jar”, and sub-titled it, “On Religion, Politics, and Other Wonders by a Southern Preacher-Turned-Journalist.” John was a blessing. You would know that just by reading his “Acknowledgments” paragraph: “With unending gratitude to all those who – though often with ‘blinking’ lights – use their faith to help others along the way. With equal gratitude to all those slayers of the dragons of sorrow, grief, illness, and pain. Thank you for your example. Go forth, little fireflies of God. Let your lights shine.” My, how his light shined! John’s now residing in his eternal home, and I miss him. His book was a collection of articles from his newspaper days. He often wrote about God and Jesus Christ, letting his light shine as bright as it would. He dispelled a lot of darkness. We need more people like him.

With the season of “Lent” on my mind, I turned to John’s writing. One of my favorite “Fireflies. . .” articles he entitled “Yes, L-E-N-T”, as if to say folks probably didn’t know much about this season or how to live into it. He wrote about the Middle Ages’ custom of placing ashes on the foreheads of penitent worshipers and how the word “Lent” comes from the Anglo-Saxon for “spring,” a season most always associated with reawakening, rebirth, and new life. He mentioned how the early Church observed it as a period of preparation for Baptism on Easter Sunday morning, and how it’s generally been associated with fasting or other forms of self-denial. Then he wrote about its focus – Jesus’ pain, rejection, and ultimate crucifixion.

In the hope that the rest of what he wrote will inspire you to “let your light shine” this Lenten season, I’m copying his last few paragraphs. Though published twenty-four years ago, it’s still relevant today.

“Lent invites reflection. This season comes to our modern world almost as a stranger. To many, it comes as an intruder. For in the midst of the world’s noise, Lent calls the faithful to silence. Lent confronts an affluence-seeking society with the demanding claims of sacrifice. It has the effrontery to suggest to a self-serving age that salvation is to be found in self-denial, in service to others. To a culture saturated with the trappings of superficial success, Lent speaks of self-giving. It elevates the sacrificial spirit. In a society that shuns pain, Lent suggests there is redemption to be found through suffering. It mystifies us with the magnificent defeat that is the cross. To our emphasis on freedom and liberty, Lent speaks of discipline, duty, and discipleship. In the midst of multiplied activities, the season calls the devout to quietness and meditation.

Lent comes as a stranger. A passing stranger. If we would entertain Lent as a guest, we must do so on its own terms, not ours. If we only indulge this eccentric, impertinent visitor, we miss its message and lose its gifts.

Lent offers the possibility of ‘coming to consciousness’ for the human spirit. It is a 40-day journey of the soul, a priority pilgrimage for the devout.”

I hope you will make your observance of this penitential and holy season a “priority pilgrimage” and “shine it up” for Lent this year. After all, we are saying to the world that we’re people helping people find fullness in Christ, people called to “use their faith to help others along the way.” So, go on...shine it up! Grace and Peace to you.

people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve





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Christ United Methodist



Soles for Souls is a ministry of Christ Church which provides new tennis shoes and socks for students serviced through the FBISD Shared Dreams and LCISD Common Threads programs. Soles for Souls also provides shoes on an as-needed basis for families in the Fort Bend Family Promise program. Soles for Souls holds an annual campaign in September and early October collecting new tennis shoes, socks and monetary donations, but on December 12, Sandra Vautrain, Ministry Team Leader, received the following email about an unexpected Christmas donation:

Hi Sandra,

I am inquiring about making a donation to your Soles for Souls mission. My husband and I have an annual Christmas party which includes a traditional gift exchange. This year we opted to ask our guests to bring a shoe/sock donation instead in honor of your Soles for Souls program.

Please let me know a good time and place to make this delivery. In the afternoon would be great so I could have some of our kids participate in the drop-off.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Andi Mathews

As Sandra explains:

Andi & I corresponded several times regarding the donation being dropped off at my house temporarily. On December 22, the Mathews family dropped off the donations. When I heard them pull up, I went out the front door. Haley, Tanner, & Tucker were retrieving a large decorated box out of the back of their pickup truck. I put my hand over my mouth saying, “Oh my gosh,” shaking my head in disbelief with tears in my eyes. I did not know this Christ Church family nor did I have any idea they were doing this drive for the program until I received the e-mail. Andi explained to me that there were about 30 couples at this adults-only Christmas party. After inventory, 39 new pairs of tennis shoes and 171 pairs of socks were contributed. The donation spent Christmas at my house since the school district program was closed for the holidays. It brought great joy to my heart each time I looked at it. On Tuesday, January 3, I called Common Threads in Lamar CISD regarding this donation, and the following day the donation was delivered to Common Threads with great appreciation.

While I was at Common Threads on the 5, I was told the story of a student who received a new pair of shoes just that morning. Common Threads is housed in the old Jane Long Elementary building along with various other programs. One of those programs is for older, special needs students. That morning a teacher from that program came to Common Threads saying she had a 21 year old male student who lives in a group home who was wearing shoes that were entirely too large for him His feet were flopping in them when he walked. The teacher inquired if there was a more acceptable pair of shoes. Irma of Common Threads looked in the bins and found a new pair of men’s size 7 shoes that had been donated by Christ Church earlier in the fall. The generous gifts of Christ Church continue to benefit local students in need.

In April, Soles for Souls will be 10 years old. It has been an amazing decade of providing thousands of new shoes for local students who rarely have a new pair of shoes. In Matthew 25:40 it reads, “And the King will answer them, ‘I assure you: Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, you did for Me.’“ To God Be the Glory!


The Mathews family includes Haley, Andi, Tanner (on the left - 9th grader at Elkins HS) and Tucker (on the right - 6th grader at Quail Valley MS).

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people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve



If your heart, be as my heart, then. . . UNITED METHODIST MOMENT

When (Jehu) left there, he met Jehonadab son of Rechab coming to meet him; he greeted him, and said to him, “Is your heart as true to mine as mine is to yours?” Jehonadab answered, “It is.” Jehu said, “If it is, give me your hand.” So he gave him his hand. Jehu

took him up with him into the chariot. 2 Kings 10:15, NRSV

In September, 1749, John Wesley prefaced his sermon “Catholic Spirit” with this quote from 2 Kings. He began by saying even sinners acknowledge that love is due all people. However, he continued, Christians owe a “peculiar love” to those who love God, because Christ lived it, taught it, promised it, and commanded it. Some will argue, Wesley said, that because they don’t think alike, they can’t work together or be in fellowship with each other. The error in this is that, at our best, we know only “in part” as long as we are in this life; therefore, there will always be differences of opinion. Who among us can be absolutely certain all our opinions are true? So we keep our focus on the essentials as we bear with those whose thinking differs from ours, and as they bear with us, asking, as Wesley would have us do, “Is your heart right, as my heart is with your heart?”

According to Wesley, before we can ask or answer this question, we must evaluate the state of our own heart. We can do this by asking ourselves the following questions:

• IsmyheartrightwithGod?

• DoIbelieveintheLordJesusChrist?

• IsmyfaithfilledwiththeenergyofGod’slove?

• DoIseekGod’swillabovemyown?

• Ismyheartrighttowardmyneighbors?

• AremyactionsrootedinGod’slove?

If we are able to answer “yes” to all of these, then, “thanks be to God”, we are able to extend our hearts and our hands to each other in “peculiar,” Christ-like love!

Thus, to love each other as Christians is not the same as sharing opinions or even agreeing which style of worship or church government or method of prayer is best. To love another is to embrace the other with the same tender affection you would lavish upon one who is your friend and companion. It is to regard them as worthy of God’s blessing as any other person laboring for the sake of God’s Kingdom. It is to be patient and kind and understanding toward them, forgiving what needs to be forgiven and hoping for only the best in their lives. It is to pray for them, but not without praying that you might live according to God’s will. Finally, it is to provoke them to do good by building them up in love so they might be made ready for the Lord’s use.

You might say to love another in this way is to have an enlarged heart – a heart that’s big enough to be open to neighbors and strangers, as well as to friends and enemies. As Wesley wrote, one with a “catholic spirit” is ready “to spend and be spent for” the other, “yea, to lay down his life for their sake”. “If your heart be as my heart, then give me your hand”. It’s more than a sweet sounding Valentine sentiment; it’s a way of life!

We will be publishing periodic articles on our United Methodist heritage and beliefs. If you have a topic you would like

addressed, please send your requests to Karen LaMotta at [email protected].


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Christ United Methodist



On Sunday, February 5 we will start our new sermon series “Who Do You Say I Am?” It was critical for Mark to address this question. We will see Mark’s answer unfold before us through his eyewitness accounts, ultimately culminating in the declaration that Jesus of Nazareth is “the Messiah, the Son of God.”

Mark uses this title “Son of God” throughout his writings. The demons even recognize Jesus as the Son of God, as we will experience in the sermon on February 5, “Not Just a Healer.” For Mark, all of his recorded accounts of Jesus point to the identity of Christ as the “Son of God.” Mark also emphasizes both the arrival of God’s Kingdom as central to Jesus’ teaching and the need for people to repent and believe the “Good News” in light of its arrival! Old Testament promises are being fulfilled before Mark’s very eyes! Life in this new Kingdom is different from what life was like when they were still waiting.

Mark also has a great sense of urgency that I believe the modern Church has lost. Throughout Mark, we see an intense fervor to tell the world Jesus is “the Son of God” and proclaim the need for all to repent, believe and follow Him. Not only that, all Christians should immediately go and tell others this good news of salvation for all who believe that Jesus is “the Son of God.”

FEBRUARY 5 “Not Just a Healer” Mark 1:29-39

FEBRUARY 12 “Not Just a Show Off” Mark 1:40-45

FEBRUARY 19 “Not Just An Idol” Mark 9:2-9

FEBRUARY 22 ASH WEDNESDAY “Not Just a Teacher” Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21

FEBRUARY 26 “Not Just a Man” Mark 1:9-15

Normal bookstore hours are Sundays, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm & Thursdays, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm.

If you’ve read a Christian book recently that you’d like to share with others, please consider submitting a book review to Christ Corner Bookstore. Contact Tricia Baltazar for submissions or questions at [email protected].



UMW (United Methodist Women) recently started a new circle for women who love to read. Our choices of books reflect the values and issues concerning all women, events in the world, and issues of

today that may help in our spiritual growth and broaden our horizons about how God is working in each of us and others.

Our first book was Nell W. Mohney’s Just Choose Happiness: A Guide for Joyous Living. The title may sound simplistic and cliché. However, if you approach this book with that attitude, you will miss out! The book is easy and enjoyable to read as well as compelling and thought-provoking. Her personal stories are identifiable, and through her spiritual approach, she gives tips and advice on how we as Christians can learn to really choose freedom and happiness through our relationship with Christ. She tells us how we should learn to delegate, practice sound financial management, read scripture daily, pray often, and choose vocations and careers that we would find fulfilling which are a reminder that God cares about every aspect of our lives. Each chapter ends with questions which makes this book an option for individual personal growth or for group discussion.

Mohney discusses quite eloquently how many people (yes, even Christians!) outwardly appear to be happy and content, all the while hiding shame, disappointment, fear and insecurity. However, being happy is a choice you make, but you can’t do it alone. God wants us to be happy. He will walk with you and bring you from the dark to the light if you let Him. He came so that “we might have life and have it abundantly”

Mohney saved the best for the last chapter. In it she discusses the Holy Spirit and how much we need the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Holy Spirit wants to reside in each of us. It is up to us to open the rooms in our lives and let the Spirit in. We cannot be happy without it.

Come by Christ Corner Bookstore and purchase your copy today.

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people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve



ASH WEDNESDAY WORSHIP SERVICESWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 • SANCTUARYThree services will be offered in the Sanctuary on Ash Wednesday, February 22. The morning service will be held at 6:30 am and is convenient for those on their way to school or work. The second service will take place at noon, making it easy for those who can attend on their lunch hour. The evening service will be held at 6:30 pm and will feature the Festival Choir. Start your observance of Lent by attending one of these services.

HEALING PRAYER SERVICETUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14 • 7 PM • SANCTUARYFebruary’s second Tuesday Healing Prayer Worship Service will fall on Valentine’s Day this year. So many things can break our hearts - grief over losing a loved one or a relationship, betrayals by family or friends, children who aren’t making good decisions. . . If your heart is broken, come gather with others seeking the presence of Christ the Healer at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary on Valentine’s Day.

CELEBRATING HOLY COMMUNION •Allservices,everyfirstSunday •EverySundayintheChapel,8:00to8:15am •EverySundayinthe hub,11:15to11:30am

Normal bookstore hours are Sundays, 9:00 am - 12:30 pm & Thursdays, 10:00 am - 12:30 pm.

For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit









SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5 • 1 - 2:30 PM • FLC GYMAll 4thand5th Grade Guys and their dads are encouraged to join us forSportsSundayonFebruary5intheFamilyLifeCenterGymfrom1-2:30pm.


WEDNESDAY,FEBRUARY 1 • 11:00 - 1:30 PM SANCTUARY & GATHERING HALL Worshipisat11amintheSanctuaryfollowedbyafellowshipmeal in the Gathering Hall. The program will be in the Sanctuary after lunch. $7 donation. Pre-registration is required for the meal, and closes January 30. Reserve your space with Jan Randolph at [email protected].

MEN’S LUNCH THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 9 • 11:30 • LIVE OAK GRILLMen of all ages, join the Older Adult Men for lunch and fellowship at Live Oak Grill. This is a wonderful cross-generational event as well as a great way to find out what is going on in our community and beyond.

BOY SCOUT TROOP 441 MULCH SALENOW THROUGH FEBRUARY 6We are selling several types of bag mulch as well as potting mix as a fund raiser starting now and going through February 6. Mulch will be delivered to your door onFebruary25.Theprofits fromthesalewilhelptheboyspayforscoutingactivities. We will be in the Ministry Center through January 29; come get more informationandplaceyourorder.Youcanalsocall281.352.6923.Pleasehelpour boys learn the rewards of self-reliance and achievement by purchasing your spring-time mulch from them.


FREE AUTHENTIC HAITIAN LUNCHEON AND REPORTSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 • 12:30 PM • ROOMS 11/12Would you like to hear all the wonderful stories of our Christ Church mission to Haiti, see pictures of all the beautiful people we met there and eat the same things that the team ate? Then please join us to see and hear how God worked through us in Petit Goave, Haiti. Here’s a quote from one of the team members… “I thank the Lord for this amazing opportunity to serve the people of Haiti, share and receive His love, and be the hands of Christ. I will always treasure the people we met in Haiti who gave us so much more than we gave them, our awesome Christ Church team who I now consider family, and all the church members who supported us with their prayers and gifts.”

SAGE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 • 12:00 • ROOMS 11/12Christ Church and Sugar Land Methodist Hospital work together to present monthly seminars where specialists will come with a presentation about their field, preventive medicine recommendations, and the latest news in treatment options.

NEW MEMBER CLASS FEBRUARY 12, 2012Membership is about much more than having your name on a roster; it is a commitment to grow spiritually and to participate in our life together at Christ Church. If you are looking for a new church home, we invite you to participate in our New Member Class. It is a great opportunity to learn more about spiritual growth and how we can help one another in our journey to find fullness in Christ. You will get to know the pastors, meet staff, make new friends, learn the vision of our church, find your unique ways to serve, and discover how to connect to a greater involvement within the church. Reserve your spot at our Welcome Center or online.

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Christ United Methodist



PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MONDAYS & FRIDAYS • 9 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTERJoin members of all ages as they create tangible expressions of the prayers of our church for those needing comfort, healing, assurance, and presence. We meet every Friday and Monday. If youdon’tknowhowtocrochetorknit,wewillteachyou!EmailJan Randolph at [email protected] for information.

FREEDOM WALK TOUR FEBRUARY 9 • CAROL VANCE PRISON UNITCurious about how God is creating REAL crime prevention?Join this one-hour tour experience on the second Thursday of the month at either 2 or 7:30 pm. Sign up at least a week in advance. Bible studies and other groups are welcome! Contact Betty Waedemon at 832.755.7761 to sign up or to get moreinformation.


FATHER-DAUGHTER DANCEFEBRUARY 18 • 5 - 8 PM • FAMILY LIFE CENTER GYMChildren’s Ministries is excited to announce Christ Church’s first Father-Daughter Dance! All fathers (and father-figures) and daughters, ages 4 through5th grade are invited to attend. This is a great event for you to invite your friends to our church. Price is $27 per father/father-figure and $10 per daughter/girl. Space is limited. Price includes dinner,corsage, photograph, and dancing!

SENIOR RINGERSMONDAYS • 5 - 6 PM • CHOIR ROOMThis musical opportunity is available to all interested persons, especially older adults. It offers a place to learn, serve, and fellowship through the art of ringing chimes or handbells under the direction of Molly Ness. No experience is necessary. To join this ensemble, contact MollyNessat281.344.8343.

PHONE VOLUNTEERSChrist Church has many opportunity for our members to serve in the church. It is a chance for you to be that first friendly voice people hear when they call our church. We are in need of two friendly people who will volunteer to take a half-day shift at our receptionist desk each week for Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings. We will train you on how to operate the switchboard, help you to know how to answer questions, and equip you in every way to perform this important task. To find out more about this ministry, contact Debbie Meier at [email protected].


For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit




ONLY 1 HOUR? – I CAN DO THAT!Did you know that the 4thThursdayofeverymonthEastFortBendHuman Needs Ministry holds a Food Fair? The Food Fair allows those in needtogetaloadofgroceriesfrom10amto12pm.Nearly300peopleshowupontheseThursdaysandEFBHNcoulduseourhelpinsackingand carting food to the clients’ vehicles. Contact Ginny Schabacker at281.980.1179ifyouinterestedinserviceorhavequestions.Serveone hour or three and you will feel a connection with our community and be taking action on that which Christ has compelled us to do – “Loveyourneighborasyourself”Matthew19:19-Blessingstoyouforconsidering to serve.


FEBRUARY 18 • 8:30-10:00 AMWant to find a small group, but don’t know where to look? Overwhelmed by where to start? Join the Women of Christ Church onSaturday, February 18 from8:30 - 10 am for breakfast anda chance to connect with small groups offered just for women. Come here our speaker, Lisa Mayhugh, share her thoughts with us. The event is free, but we ask that you register online or with [email protected].

Remember to wear your name tags. If you need one, please visit the Welcome Center.


CALLING ALL SINGERS!Now is a great time to join a choir at Christ Church. Our Festival Choir is preparing music for Holy Week and our Lenten concert. The “Rutter Requiem”willbepresentedonMarch25at6:00pm.Choirrehearsalsare on Wednesdays, 7-9 pm in the Choir room. If you enjoy music andsingingandfellowshipnowisaGREATtimetojoinoneofourchoirs.Formoreinformation,[email protected].

EFBHNM FOOD PANTRY NEEDS FOR FEBRUARYGIVE THE GIFT OF FOODFlour (2 lb bags); Sugar (2 lb bags); Juice (46-64 oz cans/bottles). Please place donations in the designated collection bin. For a complete list of Food Pantry needs go to


PROTECTING YOUR ASSETS/MEDICAID PLANNING FEBRUARY 29 • NOON • ROOMS 11/12Julia Dean, a top Houston attorney, will present “Protecting Your Assets and Medicaid Planning.” This educational program is aimed at providing information seniors need to make informed choices regarding their future.

OAM GAME DAYWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 • 10:30 AM - 1 PMROOMS 11/12Want to play? Bring a sack lunch and gather with us for some fun. We play bridge, Mexican Train and more.


LONE STAR FLIGHT MUSEUM IN GALVESTON FEBRUARY 16 • 8:00 AM - 3:00 PMJoin with Older Adults from Christ Church and the community in going on an off-site day trip to the Lone Star Flight Museum in Galveston. The Flight Museum is home to a collection of restored aircraft and aviation exhibits. This is a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and enrichment. We will travel by bus to and from the museum and have lunch at a Galveston area restaurant. Pre-registration is required by February 9. Please contact Jan Randolph at [email protected] to register.

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people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 • 8 AM* - 3:30 PM BREAKFAST BEGINS AT 7 AMLast May 21 Christ Church had approximately 150 volunteerworkers (skilled and unskilled) do repairs, painting, refurbishing, and selected building improvements around the facility. Join us forournextCarpenter’sHandseventonSaturday,February11,2012.Breakfast(beginningat7am)andlunchareincluded,andourdaywillbeginat8amwithatimeofdevotion.Crewswillbemade up of a mix of skill levels, with at least one or two members having prior experience with the work to be done. Our purpose is to beautify the church as well as add practical improvements to the facility that will enhance current usages.



LOST AND FOUNDHave you lost an article here at the church? We will have our Lost and Found items on a ministry table for you to locate lost itemscollected.ThedatesareFebruary5toFebruary19.ItemsnotclaimedwillbedonatedtoEastFortBendHumanNeeds.

FYSH ‘HOME BASE’ CAMP 2012JUNE 4 - 7 • 8:30 AM - 3 PM DAILYAll youthwhohavecompleted5th - 8th gradeasofJune2012are invited to join us this summer for FYSH ‘Home Base’ Camp. This is a great opportunity to help your student find their servant heart in a home-based environment, and to have them meet new friends through service, fellowship and worship. For more info and to register, please visit

BIG HOUSE 2012 - SPACE IS LIMITED TOTHE FIRST 15 YOUTH WHO REGISTERJUNE 14 - 17 • CALDWELL, TXWe want to give opportunity for youth, 6ththroughthe8th grade, to come together and grow in their Christian experience, through all aspects of our mission, whether it be on the worksite, or in fellowship with one another. For more info and to register, please visit

UM ARMY 2012JULY 22 - 28Join us in the summer of 2012, as we will be hosted by St.Paul’s UMC in Bridge City, TX for our UM Army Mission. During this week, participants will be assigned to work teams which combine their unique strengths and gifts in order to meet the home repair and maintenance needs of the less fortunate in the area. This is an amazing mission that allows us to share the Gospel message of love and hope offered by Jesus Christ through our hands and our hearts. For more info and to register, please visit




EXPIRES FEB 29, 2012

SOUPER BOWL OF CARINGSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5On Sunday, February 5, millionsof people will tune in to the Super Bowl football game. There will be parties with abundant

food, friendship and fellowship. At the same time, there will be families and individuals in our community who are hungry and feel hopeless. Please help demonstrate God’s love by participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring. You can purchase a pre-packaged foodbagataparticipatingH-E-B,Krogerand/orRandalls store OR drop your non-perishables in the Collection Bin downstairsthroughFebruary5.AllofthedonationsgodirectlytoEastFortBendHumanNeedsMinistry.




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Christ United Methodist



For a full listing of activities and ways you can get involved at Christ Church, please visit




Houston Federal Credit Union has alreadycommitted$5,000tokickoff the event!

In March, 2011, a team of 12Christ Church members from the Jubilee Sunday School class AND Linda Summers Pierce joined to form the Jubilee Jaunters walking team with a goal to collect funds for Habitat for Humanity. The Teamregisteredforthe5KTelfairCharity of Your Choice walk held April 9, 2011. By the end of the


Forthe2012TelfairCharityofYourChoice5Kwalk,theteamdecidedtoexpandtheeffortandgochurch-widetocollectthefull$70,000neededto build one Habitat house! Oh yeah, when we first learned that the requirement had increased from $60,000 to $70,000 we had to pause, too ...thenNoahcametomind.Everyonethoughthewascrazywhenhebuiltanarkondryland;socalluscrazyasweseektoraise$70,000forthe Habitat House.

There are several ways we hope to “involve” everyone and some of these are: combine the efforts of the Jubilee Jaunters and the church’s Habitat team, get the kids involved by asking them to draw pictures to help with publicity, invite the youth to volunteer and especially to become partofthewalkingteam,inviteSundaySchoolclassesandothersmallgroupstobewalkers,promotersanddonors.Everyonecanbepromoters.The task of the promoters will be to help spread the word, to help with donations and pay a registration fee on behalf of a walker. AND a very important ingredient is prayer. We will need the prayer warriors throughout the church to pray for our effort.

This year we want everyone to join this Crusade for Building – by Walking Together Step by Step at the Telfair Charity of Your Choice 20125K.Wewillneedwalkersto jointheteam.With100%oftheregistrationfeegoingtothechosencharity,ifthatfeeremainsat$25andwehave100walkers that alonewould be $2,500 towards thegoal. In the past there has been a significant award for the team with the most walkers. Last year’s winner had 72 walkers on their team. We haveagoalfor100walkersandhopeforevenmore.


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people helping people find fullness in Christ



worship • connect • grow • serve

YOUTH MID-WINTER RETREAT 2012 @ FOREST GLENFEBRUARY 17 - 19Join us for our District Mid-Winter Retreat. This year we will be heading to the piney woods of Huntsville by attending Mid-Winter at Forest Glen Camp. Come reconnect with your friends from summer camp and meet some new ones! RegisterthroughFebruary6:$190Youthand$130AdultsCheck out all the details online at




FLIPSIDE • SUNDAYS • 5 - 7:15 PM • GYMAll middle school youth (6th–8th grade) are invited to join us in the FamilyLifeCenterGymeverySundaynightfrom5-7:15pm.Wewillbegin with games, then move to a small group time and end with worship.


THE LOFT • SUNDAYS • 6:15 - 8:30 PM • FLCThis is a great place for high school youth to hang out and relax togetherinChristianfellowship,Sundaysfrom6:15-8:30pmintheFamily Life Center.THE ENCOUNTER • WEDNESDAYS • 7 - 8:30 PM • CHAPELHigh school students are invited to this weekly Bible study, Wednesday eveningsfrom7-8:30pmintheChapel.

UMW BOOKCLUB CIRCLE SECOND TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH • VOLUNTEER CENTERPlease join us as we begin a new book Old Testament Prophets for Today by Carolyn J. Sharp. We meet in the Volunteer Center the second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Contact Benita Sebesta at [email protected].



CRUSADERSThis class is composed of singles and couples of all ages with a participatory format and Bible-based studies. Meets in the Bride’s Room.9:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSESADVENTURERSThisclassconsistsofcouplesintheir30’s-50’s,withchildrenofallages.This group is a discussion-oriented class studying a variety of Biblical topics. We use study guides, videos, guest speakers and music to enhance our studies. Meets in room 302/303 in the Family Life Center.BARNABASThis class is a friendly community consisting of adults in their 40’s - 60’s united by a shared belief in Christ, seeking and providing encouragement to one another through prayer, Bible study, topical studies and lots of fellowship. Meets in the Chapel.CELEBRATE SINGLES SUNDAY SCHOOLAll singles are invited to join us for our new Sunday School class. Meets in room 309 in the Family Life Center. COUPLES FOR CHRISTThis class consists of married couples in their 20’s - 40’s with or without children. It is a relaxed, yet engaging class that provides Christ-centered fellowship, support, and opportunities for service. Meets in the Bride’s Room (across from Sanctuary).GRACE ABOUNDSAll ages and stages of life are welcome (married, single, single on Sunday). This class has a participatory rather than lecture format. We love a great discussion! Study facilitators rotate among interested class members. Meetsinroom301intheFamilyLifeCenter.GRACE NOTESThis class is composed of choir members who love to study God’s word and discuss relevant issues. Meets in the Choir Room.H.O.P.E. 24/7 (HEAR OUR PRAYERS EVERYDAY 24/7)Our name reflects our focus on prayer. Discussion-oriented studies cover a range of topics to encourage spiritual growth. Socials and missions round outouractivitiesformembers,ages40’s-70’s.Meetsinroom311intheFamily Life Center.JUBILEEThis class is made up of mature individuals, ages 50+ who enjoy thefellowship of others and share in the nourishment gained from Bible-based studies. Lively discussions abound under the leadership of Jan Randolph. Meetsinrooms11/12.SEEKERSThis is a class of mixed ages with couples, singles, and single on Sundays that concentrates on Bible study, missions and lively discussion. Meets in room308intheFamilyLifeCenter.STAGESThis class consists of single parents, remarried couples, and blended families,ages30-50’s,exploringamixofBiblicalstudiesandcontemporaryissues.Meetsinroom310intheFamilyLifeCenter.TGIS (THANK GOD IT’S SUNDAY)This class is made up of couples and singles of all ages who enjoy lively discussion and fellowship. Topics range from Bible study to contemporary issues and books. Meets in the Scout Shack.THE HUB LIFEGROUPFrom9:45-10:45intheFamilyLifeCenterGymeachSundaymorning.Come explore God’s Word in a relaxed and comfortable setting. WEAVERSThisclassismadeupofmarriedsandsingles,ages55+,dedicatedtoBiblestudy, fellowship and service. This class is very mission-oriented. Meets in the Library (upstairs across from the Sanctuary).WOMEN’S CLASSThis class is made up of women of all ages whether married, single, widowed or divorced. We primarily do Bible-based studies and various service projects. Meets in room 307 in the Family Life Center. YOUNG ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Primarilyforcollegeandcareeraged,18-29.MeetsintheFamilyLifeCenter Gym.


WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 • 9:00 AM • VOLUNTEER CENTERThis group meets once a month to discuss a book chosen at the previous meeting.TheFebruary15meetingwillbeadiscussionofCaleb’s Crossing by Geraldine Brooks. If you enjoy reading and conversation about books, you are invited to join Book Club.

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Christ United Methodist






FREE AUTHENTIC HAITIAN LUNCHEON AND REPORTSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12 • 12:30 PM • ROOMS 11/12Would you like to hear all the wonderful stories of our Christ Church mission to Haiti, see pictures of all the beautiful people we met there and eat the same things that the team ate? Then please join us to see and hear how God worked through us in Petit Goave, Haiti. Here’s a quote from one of the team members… “I thank the Lord for this amazing opportunity to serve the people of Haiti, share and receive His love, and be the hands of Christ. I will always treasure the people we met in Haiti who gave us so much more than we gave them, our awesome Christ Church team who I now consider family, and all the church members who supported us with their prayers and gifts.”

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people helping people find fullness in Christworship • connect • grow • serve





WOMEN OF CHRIST CHURCH: Please join us Saturday, February 18 at 8:30 amfor breakfast, conversation and an opportunity to connect to one of our women’s groups. Lisa Mayhugh, wife of our Senior Pastor, will be our featured speaker. Learn about our on-going small groups or join with women with similar interests to start a new one! The event is free, but RSVP to Jeanne Damon, [email protected] or register online.



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worship • connect • grow • servepeople helping people find fullness in Christ

worship • connect • grow • serve

WE’RE HERE TO HELP!We are delighted you are part of Christ Church. If you have a question or if we can help you within the life of the church, please feel free to contact us. CHRIST CHURCH STAFF Rev. Mike Mayhugh, Senior Pastor Rev. Linda Summers Pierce, ExecutiveAssociatePastor Rev. Jason Nelson, Exec.DirectorofDiscipleshipMinistries KarenLaMotta,Exec.Dir.ofOutreachMinistriesJeanne Damon, Discipleship Ministries Stacey Fleck, Business ManagerRoland Huysman, FacilitiesTrippKerth,YouthMinistriesIngred Lathrop, Children’s MinistriesJan Randolph, Older Adult MinistriesLahonda Sharp, Music MinistriesRenee Teel, Mission Ministries

For a complete staff listing, please visit our website at







PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS... Bill King’s son, Anne Strodtbeck’s friend, Pam Hall’s father, Gail Williams’ husband, Nancy Wood’s friend,

Barbara Buchanan, the Thornton family, Pete Olson’s friend, Jim Rose, JoAnn McCarthy’s brother-in-law, Bill King’s son, Sarah Guffey , Nicole Burford’s colleague’s grandson, Elaine Arnold, Leslie Patrick’s husband, Emmy Finley’s son, Zeba Douglas and family, Bryan & Heather Boyer’s friends, Bob Pierce, Ty Sponsel’s great-grandmother, Evan Juneau’s best friend’s mother, Joy Dowell’s family and friend , Joy Dowell’s housekeeper, Trae Smith, Carolyn Hill’s friend, and all those serving in the military. ANSWERED PRAYERS... Mary Preble, Nguyen Vu Cuong; Paul Stimson.

CHRIST CHURCH EXTENDS ITS SYMPATHY TO... Harry Sparwasser on the death of his mother; Alison Thornton, family and friends on the death of her

husband, Patrick; Brad Smith on the death of his mother; Linda Payonk on the death of her mother; David Strickland on the death of his aunt; family and friends of Jordan Allen; Bob Ripley on the death of his niece;

Sylvia & Chuck Smyth on the death of their grandbaby; Jean Reeves’ on the death of her aunt.

SHARE YOUR JOYS AND CONCERNS WITH USYour pastoral staff and leaders of Christ Church’s Member Care Ministries want to share in your joys and concerns.

You might not know this, but hospitals do not contact churches – even when you give them your church name, address, and contact information. Part of this is due to HIPPA laws. So whether you’re about to enter the hospital or you’re celebrating

thebirthofababy,pleasecallSandyWhiteinthechurchofficeat281.980.6888.Shewillforwardyourmessagetothepastorsand appropriate member care ministry leaders.


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