Page 1: The Cold War Continues… 1950s

The Cold War Continues…1950s

Democracy vs. Communism

Page 2: The Cold War Continues… 1950s

United States Economy GI Bill of Rights: Encouraged Veterans to get an education in

order to introduce them back into society Paid of college, books, room/board, etc… to any college that would

accept the veteran

Conversion from Wartime economy to Peacetime economy Global trade reopened

Many people had “wants” they were not able to have during the wartime economy… people were buying! Consumerism: Buying of material goods

The “race” against the Soviet Union kept government spending high, which kept people employed The 1950s= great economy!!

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1948 Election Dixecrats: State’s Rights

Democratic Party Presidential Candidate: Strom


“Give’em Hell Harry” campaign

Truman: The Fair Deal- an extension of Roosevelt’s New Deal GI Bill of rights is included


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Election Results

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Truman’s “first” term Stalemate in Korea

Armistice: Cease-fire

McCarthyism running rampant The Red Scare

Truman’s approval rating was extremely low… 23% in 1951 Obama’s approval rating now:


Truman does not run again… and in the 1952 Election “Ike” wins the presidency Richard Nixon is the VP

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The White Flight Suburbs… Interstates… the white population

moves out of the cities Interstate System created in 1956 under Eisenhower

Race Isolation: White neighborhoods in the suburbs, African American neighborhoods in the cities

The Growth of “Inner” City: Extreme poverty within city limits National Housing Act of 1949- constructing low

income housing for city dwellers

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Korea Divided

38th parallel- Drawn at the end

of WWII Potsdam


Soviets controlled North Korea

US controlled South Korea

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Korean War Begins North Korea invades

South Korea by passing over the 38th parallel June 25, 1950

This became the first significant armed battle of the Cold War Soviets defending

North Korea US coming to South

Korea’s aid.

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Korean War North Korea has many early victories

Keeps pushing to unite the Korean Peninsula under communist rule

US with the help of the UN launched a counter-offensive Pushing North Korean forces back to the 38th parallel

The US pushed the N. Koreans back but decided to go on offensive Now the US/South Korea decides to try to push communism

out of North Korea for good

China then enters on the side of N Korea

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Korean War Communist China/Soviet Union vs. Democratic US

Soviets supplying North Korea China sending troops

The threat of a nuclear war ended the Korean conflict with a armistice (cease fire) Neither side wanted to see atomic power used

Korean demilitarization zone: 2.5 mile zone around the 38th parallel (latitude line) that is a “buffer” between N and S Korea Still the line today (after 60 years)

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Korean Conflict Not a civil war, because other powers were


“Proxy War”: The war had third party participants The US and Soviet Union using the war to “fight”

the opposite ideology (communism vs. democracy)

38th parallel keeps N Korea isolated today North Korea has nuclear weapons

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Pablo Picasso Paints about the Korean War

Paints against the injustices happening in Korea

Criticizing the American involvement in the Korean War

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1950s- Political Revolutions

All a part of the Cold war…

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Revisit the US Containment Policies Truman Doctrine

Contain communism where it is

Marshall Plan Rebuild Western Europe

NATO Alliance between US and Western

European Nations

Preventing the Domino Effect Domino effect: Belief that if one

country falls to communism, the neighboring countries would soon as well

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The Cuban Revolution

How Fidel Castro came to Power

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The Cuban Revolution Major revolt in 1953, many died

Fidel and Raul Castro survived but were sentenced to 15 years in prison

Given freedom after a few months but exiled to Mexico

Senator John Kennedy spoke out against injustices in Cuba, and supported Fidel’s revolution

Che Guevara supported the Castro’s and assisted them in their overthrow of the Batista regime

January 1, 1959: Overthrow of the Cuban dictator

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The RevolutionariesChe Guevara- Argentinean Fidel Castro- Cuban

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Fidel Castro in Power Fidel was born into a wealthy

family Has a law degree… very smart

He led Cuba to become a one party socialist republic

Now suffers from diverticulitis Transferred his “duties” to

Raul, his brother

Raul is now the president of Cuba Raul is making some changes

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The Chinese Revolution

Communist China is born under Mao Zedong

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Chinese Civil War The Communists in

China fight the Chinese nationalists Nationalist supported by

the US Communists supported

by the Soviet Union

Communists win: Containment is failing! Communism is spreading!

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Mao Zedong as Leader Mao takes over Chinese

control- communist dictator

China = People’s Republic of China

CCP rules: Chinese Communist Party

Mao died in 1976, but the CCP still controls China

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