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Nonni By Anthony Duane

There are a lot of things that I’m thankful for. But in particular I’m thankful for Nonni, my grandmother She cared for me and loved me even when we all knew she had cancer. I would always love the visits to her house and especially when my cousins came with me. My sister and I would always sleep in the pull out bed, wake up and turn on the T.V. If my cousins were over, we would set up the army men and have an epic battle. Then we would have breakfast and run outside to play in the woods. Too bad you’re not still here now, Nonnie, I love you. I’m Thankful By Chewy Bruni I am thankful for my family. I say this because they always care for me. Another reason is that whenever I’m feeling bad, they always make me feel better. The last reason is that whenever I don’t know what to do they always play with me or give me a lot of options. I love my family and am glad they are always there for me! Thankful for the great food By Jackson Roderick

I am thankful for all the great food in the world like mashed potatoes, turkey, gravy, stuffing and all things you eat on Thanksgiving. Also going to my Aunt’s house with my family and celebrating and having a good time.

The Fenn School Concord, MA

November 15, 2010 Volume 1, Issue 6

Giving Thanks The Blue and Gold Times

I am Thankful for....... By David Nerrow

I am thankful for Fenn because it is a

great place to get a good education. I like Fenn because the advisors are there when you have problems. The food is also outstanding and you have a fair amount of responsibility too. Fenn is a great place, and I really enjoy going to school here. Food By Spencer Pava

I am thankful for food because so many

people don’t have that much. That’s why I think everyone should donate a lot of cans to The Can Drive because so many people are losing their homes and their jobs. I brought in 95 cans to the can drive, and I think everyone should donate at least 10 cans. Most people can’t afford food for other people and some people can’t afford it for themselves. I am blessed with a lot of food. One thing I really love is fruit, I think it is one of the most special foods someone could have. I gave a lot of fruit to the can drive because that’s what I think boys and girls will love the most. On Thanksgiving, I will make sure that we have fruit at our dinner table. My favorite fruits are apples, bananas and pineapples because they are very tasty and juicy fruits. Some people probably don’t agree with me that these are the best fruits but that’s you’re decision. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and a Happy Holiday.

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Thanksgiving By Charlie Fitzsimmons

I am Thankful for.....

I’m thankful for my family because every Thanksgiving I go to a relative’s house and have fun. I love the macaroni and cheese my aunt makes and the turkey and potatoes. I’m also thankful for ping pong. This year Thanksgiving is at my uncle’s house. They have a ping pong table downstairs, and it’s my favorite pastime. I always try to beat my brother. I’m also thankful for chocolate; my favorite thing in the world. What I am Thankful for By Nicholas Schoeller

I’m thankful for being able to go to

Vermont in the winter. I am thankful because it is fun, and I can ski and sled with friends. I am also thankful because not everybody can go to places like Vermont with friends. I am lucky that I can go to Vermont, and I am happy about it. I love going to Vermont and wish everybody could do it. What I’m Thankful For By Alex Newman

Turkey Happy Thanksgiving Apple sauce No bad food Knowing family I Am Thankful For... By Alan Zhang

I am thankful for my parents because they help me when I am sad. They help me also by sending me to Fenn because it is a very understanding school. I am also thankful for my fish because they cheer me up when I am bored, having a house to live in, and being able to eat everyday because I can’t survive without food.

By Dylan Volman

I am thankful for running and playing with my dog so he can get exercise, and also I have a ton of fun. I throw the orange tennis ball in the yard, and he races after it like a speeding bullet. I try to out run him, but he is way too fast. We play tug of war with his fox chew toy. We both sway back and forth and finally, I give up. It is so much fun to play with my dog. That is what I am thankful for. Giving thanks By Hal Groome

I am thankful for my family because they take care of me. My mom always cooks for me and when I need my clothes washed, she always does that no problem. I am thankful for my dad because he always plays outside with me and buys me whatever I want, well most of the time. He is nice and caring. He will wrestle with me. I am thankful for my brother because even when he is mad, it never lasts more than five minutes. He is really funny and mature. I also love my dog because she is so loving and has never hurt a fly. She is one of the nicest dogs I have ever met. That’s why I am thankful for my family. Thanksgiving Finn Harding

I am thankful for my friends and family because if I didn’t have them I would have a very hard and depressing life. I am thankful for food because a lot of people have stayed alive because of food. I am thankful for Fenn because it has helped me be successful and smart. I am thankful for all the athletic activities because if we didn’t have them everybody in the world would be obese. Those are all the things I am thankful for.

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The Things I am Thankful For By Jacob Dudley I am thankful for my family for loving me and providing me company. Also for my friends because they provide company plus they help me with my homework. I am so thankful for food which without I would starve. I’m super thankful for my grandfather going through cancer and my dog is also a good thing to be thankful for because I can use him as a foot rest. So be super good at remembering to say what your thankful for at Thanksgiving dinner. Food Fills Hunger By Jake Pine

I’m thankful for my food, climbing on my fork, sliding down my throat, make sure there’s no cork. Yummy yummy in a tummy can make no one starve. Every piece we eat I wish it’ll make a grain of wheat. What I’m Thankful For By Willie Swift

I’m thankful for the invention of roller coasters because my hobby is riding extreme thrill rides. They never get boring, and they make you feel like you’re flying. My favorite types of rides are the ones that are fast, smooth, and CRAAZZZZYYYYYYY!! Not a lot of 10 year old boys are brave enough to take on some of New England’s biggest rides; I’m just glad I am!

An Invention of the Pilgrims By Walker Davey

I am thankful for my family because they keep me alive with food, gifts, and Fenn. I am thankful for my food because if I did not have it, I would die. The gifts give me things to do in my free time, so I will not be bored. The thing I am most thankful for from my family is getting a good education. I could not have gotten a better, more fun education. I am also thankful for all the trips I get to go on with my family and have good family bonding time. Another reason is being able to play on a great soccer team that is fun and helps me grow to be a great stopper. My final thing I am thankful for are my dogs Razberry and Blueberry. They always keep me happy and give me great company, and I always love to pet them. I am thankful for a lot of things but those are the most important ones. Now I cannot wait to head up to Maine and visit my cousins My Cat By Will Robichaud

I am thankful for my cat, her fur soft as silk. And she laps up water with her Pink tongue Like a small spoon. My cat. I Am Thankful for Freedom! By Jonathan Kouyoumjian

I am thankful for wonderful freedom that lets us go places and lets us buy things. Freedom is something that I respect, you should too. Freedom is passion. Freedom is passion.

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Inspirations By Jacob Zimmerman

I am thankful for my inspirations. I am thankful for The things that INSPIRE me. Without inspirations, I would be as boring as a Blank piece of paper. An empty room. A brain without a spark. Without inspirations my only idea would be to Sulk, Moan, Groan. Hide my inner self. Without a spark, Without my head, Without myself, I wouldn’t be me. Look on the bright side... I DO have inspirations! Giving Thanks By Paul Michaud

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for school at Fenn where you have so much freedom. You may do anything you want in the morning, and you are on your own to move from class to class. I get challenged with the rigorous academic program, and the teachers are extremely kind and helpful. We get the right amount of free time vs. class time. We never sit down for more than 42 minutes, and we get an hour of sports every long day. We have a short day every Tuesday, and we are treated to an assembly on some Wednesdays. Fenn is one big family, and we all like and help each other. Fenn is a place where I can feel safe. It is one of my favorite places ever!

What I am Thankful For By Mickey Feeney

Teachers that help me learn

Happiness All the care my parents give me

Nutritious food

Kind friends

Siblings that are awesome I am Thankful for...... By Eric Zhou

I am thankful, For my brother who is never ever dull, He’s always up, And always making me a cup, Of milk and other drinks, And it never ever stinks! I am thankful, For my little sister who is running, She is really something! She wants to be a grown up like you can see, And she is always afraid of bees! I am thankful, For my mom who is extremely kind! She helps me when I’m in a bind, But I can always feel it! I am thankful, For my dad, Who is never mad, Helps me at my homework, And always gets me a fork!

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Food By Sam Winneg

I am thankful for food because without it

I could not live. For me food is like a human battery. My favorite food is as good as a dessert like ribs, steak, fried shrimp and tacos. All are very good energy boosters too. If I did not have food, I would not be able to be alive right now. I would not be the person I am right now without food. Again food is like a human battery, it can run out. There are also different kinds of food and some are better than others. That is why I am thankful for food. I am Thankful By Tad Scheibe

I’m thankful for my family Who are always there Always watching out for me Siblings Lilly Peter Hans Parents Mom Dad Pet dog India All the same Always kind and nice Whether the act is small as a mouse Or big as an elephant It is always noticed Always helpful Family Four Things I am Grateful For By Willem Van Walsum

I am grateful for being able to afford my

dog, Rocco. He is the most loving thing I have ever had. Another thing is to be able to go to school because after reading Three Cups of Tea I realize that some people can’t go to school. I am also grateful for my parents because they take care of me when I’m sick, and they take me on very long drives to hockey. The final thing I am grateful for is that I am able to run and play sports. I am grateful for many things, and I must admit sometimes I do take them for granted.

Being Thankful By Robby O`Brien I’m thankful for my family that loves and cares for me so very much. I am so thankful for my education which the teachers dedicate their time for me and all the other students. I am thankful for the amazing toys and books I have. I am thankful for all the delicious food I have. I am thankful for my friends. I’m Grateful for . . . By Nathan Cunningham I’m grateful for the things I have like a house and my life and so much more. Life is good with every thing I need to have and more like friends and family. Helping people is great then it comes to you on the day of Thanksgiving. Eating pie is great, but making it for others feels a lot better. Donating things for the can drive is the best when you serve them the rest. The people who need help are the greatest problem. Those are happy to all.

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What I’m Thankful for By Blayne Dee

I’m thankful for the food and water we have. Some people cannot afford stuff like this, and that is why I am thankful. Great food is served at Thanksgiving because the story of Thanksgiving involves the Native Americans giving the Pilgrims food. I think Thanksgiving involves thanks for people who are in need and thanks of what we have. Things I am Grateful for By Reid Monahan

I am grateful for my family that does so much for me and loves me and cares for me. I am also grateful for my favorite dog, Ripley who makes me happy!! I am also grateful for my education that makes me smart. I am thankful for a lot of things.

Thanksgiving By Kyle Veo Turkey dinner Having friends and family together And my health Nothing but grateful things Kind friends and family So much healthy food Giving thanks In a house at the same table Veal chicken Inviting friends and family Nothing but good times Games being played

What I am Thankful For By Christian DiPietrantonio

Thankful for food Happiness of others A loving family Now is the time to help people Knowing there’s a home Falling and getting up Underground feast Liking chicken wings What I’m Thankful For By Mark Morton

The seasons Happiness and joy America Nothing can go wrong Knowing that I am safe Freedom and Fairness United family and friends Life and its creation Giving Thanks By Matt Hart

Thankful for: Having a family/ Home And lots of friends Never getting bullied Knowing that I have a loving family Freedom and food United States of America Life

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