  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    Vol. 3 Issue : 25 Date : 15-08-2010 to 21-08-2010 Editor : Narendra Joshi Sub.Editor : Sharad Kotak Mobile:9825065387 Address : 115/991, Nirmal Apartment, Telephone Exchange Road, Naranpura, Ahmedabad -380013 Phone : 27451449


    PRAKASH GABACFT, MSTA (Londen)A professional Technical Analyst and aTrader based in Bombay & Runs his ownconsultancy http:// www.prakashgaba.comEmail:[email protected] : 093222-10907






    Continue on ....

    Weekly Review for the WeekJuly 16th to 20th 2010

    Nifty: (5452)Sensex: (18167)13.8. 10We said Technically

    the targets are achievedand the market is alsofinding selling pressurenear the higher levelsand so I would not besurprised if the marketremains sluggish

    The market unfoldedas expected thetarget of 5493 isachieved like a dot and

    the market remainedsluggish gaining just 13points in a week

    Technically thetargets are achieved andthe market has remainedsluggish. The bar

    generated for the weekis a typical indecisivebar and so I would notbank on much upsideand at max maybe5511but the sellingpressure is expected to

    NSE volatility index hits low in2years as recent rally touches

    13th week- Weekly Update



    5350 STOP LOSS


    Rocking tips Maker






    Market Priview



    WILL BREAK 970..



    - 13/08/2010.Weak global

    markets forced themarket to test lowerlevels on Thursday. Butthe inherent strengthin the market madesure that the dip wasbought immediatelyand the market saw animmediate bounceback from lowerlevels. Sensex

    managed to bounceback from 17914,which is now a higherbottom as compared

    to the previous higherbottom of 17838 andthe Nifty bounced

    back from 5372 whichis higher than theprevious higherbottom of 5349. The

    formation of higherbottoms augurs wellfor the bulls and the

    shorttermtrendw i l lb esafea slonga st h e

    Sensex level of 17838and Nifty level of 5349remains intact.

    In the process,

    Sensex formed twobullish white candleson Thursday and Fridayindicating buyingpressure at lowerlevels. But the Niftymanaged to form aBullish ReversalPattern on the dailycharts called MorningDoji Star pattern. Thispattern has bullishimplication and the

    impact of this patterncan be negated only ifthe Nifty manages aclose below the low of

    5372. In case of theSensex, the bullishstrength of the patterncan be reversed only ifthe Sensex manages aclose below 17914.Markets in the processhave formed strongsupport zone for theSensex between 17914

    17838 and 5372 - 5349for the Nifty. In casethe market breaches

    the above mentionedlevels, a short termtrend reversal will besignaled and the

    market will then headtowards the nexmajor support which iat Sensex 17373 andNifty 5210.


    The Sensex openedthe week at 18141made a high of18309a low of 17914 andclosed the week a18167. The Sense

    gained a meager 24points on a weeklbasis. Similarly Nift



    Let us Celebrate the 64rd

    Independence day with Target to

    Achieve new Mountain of Success Continue on .......


    Website: [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Equity Analyst

    Continue on ........8

    Nifty (5452) hasc l o s e dposi t ive+13pointsa f t e rmaking ad o u b l et o pa r o u n d5492 andcorrected till 5372 andbounced to close

    positive with 20DMA

    5426 formin

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-20102





    AND BANKING STOCK-based on special

    technical theory.

    This theory is much

    complex and gives UNbelievable targets of

    the index, stock,commodity, currency

    and the important is

    that this theory will

    generate the targetprice which was

    historically seen atsome point of time sowe get moreconfidence whilepredicating any bigprice rise or fallbecause we know thatthis price was seenhistorically.

    So in this theory wenever calculate pricewith any classicaltechnical study sofalse signal chances





    DENA BANK 50


    PNB 575



    AXIS BANK 555

    DCB 17

    HDFC BANK 1200

    ING VYSYS 110


    KOTAK BANK 350






    IOB 50


    SBI 1300

    UCO 35




    ICICI 480

    J&K BANK 360



    YES BANK 100

    Bank stock

    are just 1% in thistheory.

    Based on thistheory many peopleremember I have givendown side target ofsensex to 11192.46when it cross 18000 in2008 and make high of21206 and crashedbelow 8000.

    As per this specialtechnical theory I havederived some downside target of the stockwhich are below

    COMPANY TARGETBajaj auto 800

    Escorts 50

    Hero Honda 1300

    Mahindra 200

    Maruti 900

    Tata motors 300

    Ashok Leyland 20

    Mrf 2500

    Apollo tyre 20

    Auto stock


    My family dont hold any banking stock but we have start profit booking from two autostock tata motors and ashok Leyland.

    RELIANCE INDOn quarterly chart support at 959,double bottom on daily chart at 973and take U-TURN on importantFibonacci numbers 8.To create right shoulder and handleof inverse cup and handle stock needsto rise up to 1023-1037-1051.Future trader can go long with stoploss 959 for above target -to hedge

    long position buy 960 strick put option.

    (1) RELIANCE IND 1000 CALLLow risk trader can buy 1000 strick calloption and book profit on abovelevels if stock declines then exitbelow 959

    (2) ESSAR OIL 150 CALLDouble bottom on daily chart at 129and weekly bar reversal with volumeand comment by CFO of Vodafone-essar that they are in talk of IPO so

    MOMENTUM CALLStrader can buy 150 strick call option.

    (3) NIFTY FUTURE WITH HEDGEWhen big daddy reliance ind is goingto rise then it will also givemomentum to nifty fu and similarchart of reliance and nifty on dailychart is visible.Buy nifty with stop loss 5420 and buy5400 put to hedge the position.

    (4) HERO HONDAOn weekly bar chart bullish signalhas been given Buy with stop loss1830 targets 1935-1970

    (5) HIND UNILEVEROn weekly chart from last two weekhigher top higher bottom formationis placed. Triangle is also forming andlong term moving average iswidening means long position isbuilding in delivery based. Buy withstop loss 254 targets 275-283

    Emmbi Polyarns Q1 PAT dips 53%The company saw

    net sales reaching atRs134mn, whereas thenet sales for the yearFY10 were Rs518mn

    Emmbi PolyarnsLimited, one of the wellestablished brands inthe field of wovenpolyethylene andpolypropylene productm a n u f a c t u r i n gindustry, reported ahealthier growth in

    revenues and profit

    after tax for the firstquarter ended, June 30,2010 after their listing.

    The company sawnet sales reaching atRs134mn, whereas thenet sales for the yearFY10 were Rs518mn.The profit after tax forthe quarter ended June30, 2010 stood atRs8.1mn, whereas theprofit after tax for the

    last full year was

    Rs17.6mn.Earnings per share

    stood at Rs. 0.49 for thequarter ended June 30,2010 whereas it was Rs.2.04 for the year FY10.

    Commenting on theresults MakrandAppalwar ManagingDirector, EmmbiPolyarns Ltd. said, Weare happy with theresults. The numbers

    this quarter have com

    out well as per ouexpectations. Thassociation with CzecRepublic companGlobal Bag s.r.o. hahelped us venture ouin newer geographiesWe hope thiassociation will help uexpand our distributio& marketing network &help us meet ouexpectation in the nexquarter as well.

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-2010 3



    TEL NO9810018438- 9810056543

    As per Lt Col Ajayo fwww.astromoneyguru.comRahu will represent

    the week and year

    2010 is representedby Jupiter.Combination of Jupiter and Rahu willbring posit ivemovement in certainsector and stocks.This is time to tradein selected stocksrather keep lookingat nifty levels. Thisweek Paints,Banking, Metalstocks may do well.Short term investorsmay keep eyes on

    Berger paints, Titan

    Ind, Sail, sterlite Indfor short termtrading. Timelyprof it booking iss t r o n g l yrecommended.

    As per f inancialastrology This weekstars blessing withAquarius. Vatu t ip

    for Aquarius- forfactory: According to'Vastu Shastra' themain gate of factory

    should be kept in the

    East, North or North-

    East of the plot. Allother doors can bekept in North-East,East, North or North-

    West. Theguardroomof thef a c t o r yshould bein North-West oft h eN o r t h e r ngate andto theS o u t h -East of E a s t e r ng a t e .T h e r e

    must beo p e nspace in

    the North- East. Theland of the factoryshould be elevatedin South-West. Thestore of the factoryshould be in theSouth-West. TheNorth-West cornershould be used forcar-parking. The

    Ph: 98506 95994EMail: [email protected]

    Web Blog :

    Tanmay GPurohit CFA

    Hot Talk

    5350 stop loss for tradersNifty has closed

    higher by 12 pointsto close the week at5452 and it hasso far sustainedcrucial support

    at 5350. A movepast 5500 isneeded for rapidmove towards5540 and 5650,caution advisedin Small and MidCap stocks are manystocks movinghigher withoutfundamental support.Investors wouldrather take informeddecision whiletraders can keep

    5350 as stop loss andconcentrate only ons t o c k - s p e c i f i c

    movement.KTK BANK (Rs

    174.60):- Stocktrades in adescending triangleand Sustaining aboveRs 175 would be abreakout for the

    stock. On Friday,stock moved higherwith high volumes

    and shows ab r e a k o u tBuy Rs 171-172

    with stop Rs 166for target Rs185.

    Neyveli (Rs165):- Thisstock has givena breakout

    above ac o n s o l i d a t i o nbetween Rs 164 and153, now Rs 175-177looks possible soon.Buy Rs 162-164 fortarget Rs 175, keepstops below Rs 160.

    VISIT : for latest infromation

    Paints stockslook positive


    Nifty has support at 5420 resistance at 5510 & 5570. Nifty is

    bullish but buying position must be near to support. In this week

    investor should buy the stock on decline.



    ABIRLNUVO 800 790 860

    DLF 311 305 340

    HDIL 270 265 300

    KFA 50 48 60

    RELIANCE 960 955 1010

    WELCORP 245 240 270

    INDIAINFO 98 96 18

    JINDSTL 650 630 69700TTML 23 22 28

    IVRCLINFRA 155 150 170

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2

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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2

    NiftySup. 5420

    administrative blockshould either be inthe North or in theEast. The South-Eastand North-Westcorner should beselected for thestaff . For lavatoryand toilet the North-West or South-Eastcorner are mostsuitable. For heavymachinery South,West or South-Westcorner is best andthese directions are

    also suitable for raw

    materials.S e m i - f i n i s h e d

    goods should be

    kept in the West.

    With this scheme,the finished product

    wil l have

    uninterrupted sale.T r a n s f o r m e r s ,

    boilers, oil engines,generators etc.

    should be kept in

    South-East corner.The North-East

    port ion of the

    factory should belower than the

    South-West portion.

    The product ion

    process shouldcommence in theSouth-West and the

    final product should

    emerge from North-

    EastImportant note

    Consult personalhoroscope before

    taking any decision,

    Risk management is

    mandatory tool intrading

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-20104

    FII's remain net buyers in themarket against DII's

    Technical indicators of major StocksMFI=Money Flow Index * RSI=Relative Strength IndexADX=Directional Momentum Index


    BSE Sensex (18167.3) and Nifty (5452.10) closed up 0.1%and 0.2% respectively last week.Nifty Future August wasquoting at 6.75 points premium..Nifty Call Option August5500 was very active.Support for Sensex is at 17950.Resistance for Sensex is at 18525 .Support for Nifty is at5385 and resistance at 5550.

    Foreign funds bought shares worth 8300 Cr. in month ofJuly while domestic funds were seller to the tune of 6300Cr.The government is expected to place the bill on the DirectTax Code as a replacement of Income Tax Act,1961 inparliament.

    SBI and Patni added Open Interest inAugust series.Huge position was build up at RIL August

    Call Option Strike Price 1000.Good build up was also seenat Unitech August Call Option Strike Price 90.

    Strategy for Futures Option players.1)IFCI(61.15) Lot Size-4000 SharesBuy One Call Option of August Strike Price [email protected] Rs

    Sell One Call Option of August Strike Price [email protected] Rs.Premium .Paid=2.45*4000= 9800.00.00 Rs.Premium Received=1*4000= 4000.00 Rs.Net Premium Paid==9800.00-4000.00=5800.00 Rs.Maximum Profit==65.00-60.00==5*4000=20000.00-

    5800.00=14200.00 Rs.Maximum Loss= 5800.00 Rs.Break Even Price=61.452)DLF(322.75) August Future-Lot Size 1000

    shares. Buy One Lot August Future @322.75 Rs

    Sell One Call Option of August Strike Price [email protected]. Premium Received=2.80*1000= 2800.00 RsMaximum Profit=340.00-322.75=17.25*1000=17250.00+

    2800.00=20050.00 Rs. Max Loss=Unlimited.Trading Idea1)PFC(331)Buy this stock in decline and trade.2)Andhra Bank(151.90) Buy this stock in decline and



    Holding crucial levelof 5400 for Mid-term,support at 5200,5000Nifty - weekly close

    5452 (5439) Market openand remain above weeklytrend point 5430 onMonday andTuesday. Next twodays saw someprofit booking onglobal news withmarket holding ourfortnightly supportat 5380. WithFridays rally marketmanages to close atGann fan resistance5450. Week closes withgain of 10 points. Oil

    stocks, Tata motors, HULand SBI prevented loss inindex.

    200 EMA Growth rate,has been down from 10 to0 and recovered to 4 now,is again turning down. Longterm BEAR phase will start

    when it turns negative. In

    our stop loss formulamethod with nifty sutradoesnt require

    complication of technicalanalysis such as patternfinding, various indicators,ratio, wave etc. 20, 50, 100,200 days EMA support forNifty, which are at

    Dinu's SAR -Trend and Stop-loss Table for Nifty -Investor Chart trade Beta Trend From Stop Gaintype type % lossDerivative Daily 20 (+1.2) UP 5440 5440* + 10Swing trade Weekly 20 (1-1.2) UP 5430 5440 + 20Short term Bi-weekly 20 (1) UP 5050 5410 + 390Medium term Monthly 20 (1-0.8) UP 5100 5340 + 340Mutual Fund Quarterly 10 (-0.8) UP 5000 5180/5380** + 340Long Term Yearly 10 (-0.8) UP 3670 4600/5200** +1770

    5420(+20), 5340(+20)

    5260(+20), 5060(+20).For Next week Thi

    week market trading rangwill be between 5130 5730 i.e. trend point o5430 (add/cut 25% oweekly gain/loss toupdate trend point durinweek), and weekly rangwith +/- 300. Traders to exitheir long position arespective trigger levels ifall. Re-enter trade agailater at trigger or lowe

    level. Thus Trigger helped uto protect, maximize profi

    and hold position.NIFTY trend and it

    beginning as per 20 SMA lindirection on different chartare as follows:- 30 minute UP, 5000; 90 minute - DOWN5450;DailyUP,5000;Weekl


    (Daily stop-loss + close)/ 2 will give trader next days stop-loss and trend forNIFTY. Traders to exit below trigger** and re-enter trend at trigger** or lower level.Reverse trend if market trades against daily stop loss for 30 min.*


    DAYS Trend TrendBHEL.NS Neutral 1 Rising RisingICICIBANK.NS Neutral 1 Rising RisingINFOSYSTC.NS Bearish 4 Falling FallingITC.NS Bulllish 4 Falling FallingMARUTI.NS Bulllish 1 Falling FallingSBIN.NS Bulllish 1 Rising RisingTATASTEEL.NS Bulllish 1 Rising RisingTCS.NS Bearish 4 Rising Rising

    STOCK CLOSE MFI-21 RSI-14 ADX-14BHEL.NS 2500 59.59 57.81 15.61ICICIBANK.NS 978 70.24 63.29 23.19INFOSYSTC.NS 2779 47.65 47.22 11.02ITC.NS 156.4 54.22 17.14 49.7MARUTI.NS 1245.8 19.21 44.21 43.53SBIN.NS 2855 71.09 78.62 43.79TATASTEEL.NS 527.55 63.53 52.07 35.41TCS.NS 854.85 70.43 57.47 24.5

    SENSEX ----(SUPPORT--18012/17879----RESISTANCE--18368/18692)

    Technically sensexlooking sideways for

    coming days. The nextmajor Resistance level ofsensex is 18692. Target andStop loss for clients only.

    NIFTY ----(SUPPORT--5407/5297----RESISTANCE--5579/ 5632)

    Technically Nifty is alsolooking sideways for comingdays. The next major StrongResistance in the nifty isabove 5632 mark. Niftyfuture Target and Stop loss

    for clients only.SBI LIMITED

    ( S U P P O R T - - 2 8 0 4 - - - -RESISTANCE--2973)----

    BUYStock looking strong

    Technically. Indicatorsshowing good up move fornext few days. Traders canBuy cash and future for short

    term. Target and Stop losonly for Clients.

    AXIS BANK LIMITED( S U P P O R T - - 1 2 6 7 - - -RESISTNCE--1454)---BUY

    Stock is looking great tbuy for short term traders aninvestors. Traders can Buycash and future. Target anStop loss only for Clients.



    BUY-----( BSE CODE--506194 )ARIHANT SUPER




  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-2010 5







    ONLONLONLONLONL Y RS.1000 Y RS.1000 Y RS.1000 Y RS.1000 Y RS.1000



    WILL OUT PERFORM THIS WEEK16 th -2 0th August

    2010Weekly planetary

    position: During the

    week, Moon willbe transiting inLibra, Scorpio &Sagittarius. Sunin Cancer, Ketuin Gemini,Mercury in Leo,Venus, Saturn &Mars in Virgo,Rahu & Pluto inS a g i t t a r i u s ,Neptune in Aquarius,

    Jupiter & Uranus inPisces. Sun will shift toLeo on 17th August.

    During the week

    FINANCIAL sector will

    continue to get strongA S T R O L O G I C A Lsupport, especiallyHOUSING FINANCEsector & watch forHDFC, LIC HOUSING,GIC HOUSING, GRUHFINANCE & CANFINHOME etc in thissegment.

    TEA & COFFEEstocks would begetting planetarysupport & watch forTATA COFFEE, MCLEODRUSSAL & JAYSHREE

    TEA etc in this space.EDUCATION sector

    will also get strongASTRO support &stocks like EVERONNEDUCATION, COREPROJECTS, APTECH &EDUCOMP etc.

    WATCHES stockstoo will be in demand& buy TITAN & TIMEXWATCHES on every dip.



    e mail:[email protected]

    MOBILE :09811738366 - 09810018438


    LAST WEEK'S PREDICTION: It was quiet & flat week & NIFTYended up by 0.25%. As predicted FINANCIAL sector continued toout perform & in BANKING - YES BANK, BOI, UCO BANK, SBI, CITYUNION BANK & UNITED BANK etc appreciated by 7-11%. InHOUSING FINANCE - LIC HOUSING was up by 4%, CANFIN HOMEby 10% & GIC HOUSING surged by 21%. Among WATCHES - TITANshot up by 8.5%. In AUTO - EICHER MOTOR & TATA MOTOR up by9-20%. BSE AUTO up by 2.87%.

    SUCCESSFUL PREDICTION(11th July ) With the blessings of Lord Ganesha, it was predicted on

    11th July 10 on our website & on moneycontrol.comNext week FINAN-CIAL sector will continue to get strong ASTROLOGICAL support. In thissector watch for HDFC, GIC HSG, M&M FINANCIAL, LIC HSG, BOI, INDIANBANK etc. HOUSING FINANCE sector will out perform. In Watches sector

    buy TITAN on every dip. During this period, in BANKING UCO, VIJAYA, BOI, YES BANK, AXIS,

    OBC etc went up by 6-11%. It was predicted that HOUSING FINANCEsector will out perform & in that segment HDFC appreciated by 4%, LICHSG & GRUH FINANCE by 8%, DEWAN & GIC HOUSING by 12% & CANFINHOME by 14%. TITAN was the star performer & gained 10.7%.

    Sectors which get strong ASTRO support are not normally affected bydownfall in the market.

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-20106

    VISIT : for latest infromation

    Hot Weekly Stock Futures For Week (16.08.10 To 20.08.10)

    Hot Positional Stock Futures For Week (16.08.10 To 20.08.10)

    Nifty Future's Prediction for Week (16.08.10 To 20.08.10):-Index Closing Price Support Stoploss Target 1 Target 2 Target 3

    Nifty 5456.45 5360 5342 5495 5522 5544

    Sr. Company Closing Support Stoploss Target 1 Target 2No. Name Price

    11 Bharti Tele 317.40 311 307 331 341

    2 Onmobile 317.05 309 304 334 356

    3 KFA 53.70 52 51 57 62

    4 IFCI 61.10 59 57 64 68

    5 MRPL 81.55 79 77 89 97

    Sr. Company Closing Support Stoploss Target 1 Target 2

    No. Name Price

    1 Tech Mahindra 716.70 711 707 755 770

    2 DCHL 134.90 132 131 140 145

    3 BPCL 673.50 662 653 709 734

    4 BEL 1738.40 1719 1700 1808 1918

    5 BEML 1016.15 1002 993 1058 1080


    5522,5544,5578 BELOW 5360,WE

    MAY SEE 5342,5324,5290.

    Hot Midcaps/Smallcaps In Short Term For Week

    (16.08.10 To 20.08.10) :-No. Company Name BSE Code CMP Stoploss Target 1 Target 2

    1 Super Spining 521180 17.30 - 25 30

    2 DCB 532772 48.85 - 53 57

    3 KRBL 530813 22.40 - 27 32

    4 TTML 532371 24.35 - 26 30

    5 Sturdy Ind 530611 5.08 - 8 10

    6 SPSL 533110 12.61 - 14 17

    7 NHPC 533098 30.70 - 32 35

    8 Anu 532981 5.29 - 7 10

    9 Nagarjuna Ferti 500075 30.15 - 34 37

    10 Essar Shipping 500630 109.10 - 122 131

    11 S Kumar 514304 82.60 - 89 99

    12 Spice Jet 500285 66.05 - 73 79

    13 Batliboi 522004 39.55 - 44 50

    14 Hind Copper 513599 452.60 - 503 556

    15 NMDC 526371 256.65 - 280 306

    16 Kajaria 500233 67.00 - 79 86

    17 Assam Co. 500024 17.60 - 20 23

    18 ASCL 532853 71.55 - 80 88

    Smallcaps & Penny Stocks Which Are Profit-able & Having Strong Fundamental May

    Give Solid Upside In Coming DaysLast week we had

    seen very veryrangebound & sillymovement in niftyfuture.& It had notgiven breakout anyside.We hadspecifically givenrange of nifty futureon both side..butwe had seen stockspecific movement

    only last

    weeknifty futurehad not givebreakout on eitherside Last week veryvery good stockspecific movement isthereMany manyof our recommendedstocks last week had

    given mammothreturns..Our all

    paid clients whoreceives ourmessages dailyduring market hoursthrough SMS had gothuge huge profitduring thisweekdue to stockspecific upsidealthough rangeboundmovement in niftyfuture

    From last week's

    our stock futurerecommendat ions,Cairn moved to 359from our reco price344, Tata steel movedto 541 from our recoprice 533, TechMahindra moved to736 from our reco

    price 722, Abanmoved to 936 from

    o u rreco price 910,Sesagoa moved to372 from our recoprice 362, Tata motorsmoved to 1028 fromour reco price 881(What a mindblowingreturn, Superb andmammoth Rs. 147),

    Again titan moved to3038 from our recoprice 2810 ( What afantastic Gain of Rs.228) & Tata Chemmoved to 370 fromour reco price 358What a great return

    on stock specificmovement..Ourpaid clients hadearned a lot from ourstock futures reco's.Join our paid servicesto get mammothprofits.

    From our lastweek's deliverybasedrecommendat ions,Subros moved to 53from our reco price 50,Hanung Toys moved to287 from our reco price268, Srei Infra movedto 96 from our reco

    price 87, Provogue

    moved to 67 from ourreco price 58, MRPLmoved to 83 from ourreco price 77,Spice jetmoved to 68 from ourreco price 59, S Kumarmoved to 86 from ourreco price 81Otherr e c o m m e n d a t i o n sduring market hourshad given superbreturns also. Ourpaid clients hadearned a lot from ourd e l i v e r y b a s e d


    Trade On Break Out Side OnlyTo Get Benifited By Trend.

    ATTENTIONThe material contained in the Economic Revolution is based on Fundamental

    and Technical analysis & other scientific methods and also the knowledge andbelief of author. Error can not to be rulled out. The information given is of advisorynature only. The Editor, the Publisher and the Author does not take any conse-quences arising out of it. All rights reserved. Reproducing to whole or in part of anymatter including featurs without permision is not permitted. Legal jurisdiction isAhmedabad only.

    The material given in the Economic Revolution is the views of author only, itnot means that Editor is agree with it, so Editor, the Publisher and the printer isnot resposible for the contains in writers article.

    Narendra Joshi Editor,

    Join our paid servicesto get mammothprofits.

    We providesIntraday Nifty Future,Posit ional/WeeklyNifty Futures,Intraday Cash MarketCalls, Intraday StockFutures, Positional/Weekly Stock Futures,Short term & MediumTerm Delivery basedrecommendat ionsaccording to client's


  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-2010 7

    Cont. from Pg. 1Lions Roar


    Nifty 5310 5351 5399 5452 5492 5533 5592

    Sensex 17791 17911 18047 18167 18309 1 8438 18650


    VISIT : for latest infromation

    opened the week at5439, made a high of5492, a low of5372 andclosed the week at

    5452. The Nifty too

    closed with the week

    with a minor gain of13points.

    On the weeklycharts bothSensex and Niftyhave formed asmall white bodySpinning Topformation, which is aneutral formation. The

    long upper indicatesselling pressure athigher levels and longlower shadowindicates buyingtaking place at lowerlevels. This indicatesthat the market is

    undecided about thedirection it wants togo. But on the dailycharts, formation of

    two white body

    candles (Thursday and

    Friday) on the Sensexaugurs well for thebulls. Nifty on the

    other hand has formeda bullish reversalpattern known as

    MorningDoji Starpattern.

    D u eto the

    w e a kg l o b a lmarkets,S e n s e xa n d

    Nifty both went toquite low levels(Sensex 17914 andNifty 5372) beforebouncing back. In theprocess, both theindices registeredhigher bottom

    formation. Sensexbounced from 17914 ascompared to thehigher bottom of

    17838 and Nifty

    bounced from 5372 as

    compared to thehigher bottom of 5349.The short term trend

    will be in dangeronly if both theindices closebelow their

    respective higherbottoms i.e. Sensex 17838 and Nifty 5349.In such a case a shortterm down trend willbe triggered and themarket will then headtowards next major

    higher bottom which isat Sensex 17373 andNifty 5210. Short termtrend will remain intactas long as the Sensexstays above 17838 andNifty remains above5349. One need notworry about themedium term as longas the level of 17373 forthe Sensex and 5210for the Nifty remains

    intact.As long as the

    market remains abovethe 20dma, the short

    term trend will remainpositive. The 20dmafor the Sensex falls at18074 and Nifty at5426. Theintermediate trend

    will be reversed fromup to down, if the50dma is breached.50dma for the Sensexis at 17746 and Nifty5325.

    Oscillators arepainting a mixedpicture. MACD eventhough in the positiveterritory, continues inits Sell mode. RSI (57)is in a Buy mode and ismoving higher. ROCcontinues in its buymode by staying in the

    positive zone.Stochastic oscillatorhas just given a Buysignal as % K has cut %D from below. Whilethe OBV continues inits buy mode, theMoney Flow Index (49)is still in a Sell modeand is presenting amixed picture. But thearea of concern is thenegative divergencewhich is seen on theoscillators like MACD,RSI and ROC. The ADX

    has reduced to about23 but still strength inthe uptrendcontinues. TheDirectional Indicatorscontinue to be in buymode and are onceagain diverging, whichis a positive signal forthe bulls.

    Both Sensex andNifty have completeda Bullish Flag pattern


    STOCK CMP SL Tgt-1 Tgt-2Buy AckrutiCity 533 526 545 559

    Buy FinTech 1320 1307 1343 1369

    Buy RenukaSugar 68 67 72 76

    Buy KTK Bank 174 171 180 187

    Buy BombayDyeing 661 647 687 714

    breakout and as a resultthe target for that willbe Sensex 18732 andNifty 5609.

    If we look atbroader picture, thenwe are still correctingthe fall of the Sensexfrom 21206 to 7697 and

    Nifty from 6357 to 2252.Since both the indiceshave managed a closeabove their 61.8%

    retracement levels,the next possibletarget will be Sensex18315 and Nifty 5478which are the 78.6%retracement levels ofthe entire previousfall. Nifty has managedto reach 5492 thisweek, while theSensex has managed ahigh of 18309 thisweek, which is almost

    just below the 78.6%level of 18315.

    Since last October,

    the market is movingin a rising channel andthe channel top hasprovided strongresistance to themarket and that supplytrendline top falls atSensex 18438 and Nifty5533. Both the risingchannel trendline topand the 78.6%retracement levels arevery near to each other

    and hence Sensex andNifty are likely to finddifficulty in crossinover 18315-18438 and5 4 7 8 - 5 5 3respectively.

    The O.I.PCR is quitehigh at 1.74, which iindicative that thmarket is quite bullisand is seeing lot of Puwriting. Highest OpeInterest build up iseen at 5300 strike Puand hence it iexpected to providstrong supportIncrease in opeinterest for 5400 Pusuggests near termsupport at 5400. Stron

    Call writing is visible athe strike of 5600. Thedata clearly suggestthat the Nifty is likel

    to move in a tradinrange from 5300 on thlower side to 5600 othe higher side.

    Sensex has stronTrendline Resistancwhich is also the risinchannel top at 18438The trendline supporfor the Sensex is a17791.

    Nifty has stronTrendline Resistancwhich is also the risinchannel top at 5533The trendline suppor

    for the Nifty is at 5341For the wee

    ahead, Sensex will findSupport at 1804717911-17791 and wifind Resistance a18309-18438-18650.

    For the weeahead, Nifty will findSupport at 5399-53515310 and will findResistance at 54925533-5592.

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    STOCK Rec. Tgt Reached Lot Profitprice size

    Buy MundraPrt 784 812 824 500 Rs.20,000Buy DishTV 49.80 51.70 50.60 8000 Rs.6,400Buy BhushanSt 1641 1672 1678 125 Rs.4,625

    Buy HindujaVen 450 477 473 500 Rs.11,500Buy LiCHsg 1179 1224 1243 250 Rs.16,000

    Total R s. 58 ,5 25

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-20108


    Cont. from Pg. 1Prabhakar Vyuh Cont. from Pg. 1Weekly Review

    important support.Rising Wedgeformation has beenbroken and athrowback also hashappened and till Niftyis not able to close

    above 5525 on 3-4daysclosing basis thenrising wedge in risingmarket could havenegative implicationas rally enter 13th weekfrom low of4786 whichi simportantturn as perF ibonaccicalculation,this marketlooks weaktechnically

    a n dweaknesscan beconfirmedonly below5 3 5 0 .B r e a k i n gbelow 5350 we canpossibly see 5200 &5070 on the downside.Nifty long term movingaverage supportingmarket 200DMA which5136 and 100DMA is5248 without closebelow 5300 for 2-3daysmajor weakness notseen. Nifty is trading ina channel where inpreviously 3exampleshows that nifty everytime has corrected 12%which gives a Target of4840 on the downside.National StockExchange volatilityindex ended on Fridayat 16.74 the lowestlevel on closing-daybasis since its launch inApril 2008. The VIXmoves down wheninvestors confidencelevels are at high leveland rises when feargrips.

    Derivative Data:With 9trading days togo for the settlementNifty PCR-1.49 whichindicate high Put arebrought and normallyOption buying is doneby retail but withMarket being range

    bound Retail shouldhave written Puts asFIIs data pointaggressive buying ofIndex option whilethey have been sellingIndex future. Market

    overall Open interestis Rs.1,72,369crs whichis matching withJanuary2008 levelsNifty alone hasRs.1,08,755crs of which

    Nifty Futures Openposition is 20,105crsNifty Option aloneRs.88650crs. Risk of themarket always comesfrom derivative orleverage trade andlegendary investorWarren BuffettsBerkshire HathawayInc second-quarterprofit fell 40% asdeclining stock pricesdepressed the value ofhis derivativecontracts. Derivativesare financial weaponsof mass destruction,Warren Buffett.

    IIP data came belowmarket expected withNifty trading around P/E of 22.86 whileCNX500 P/E=21.03trailing 12months haspriced future growthand overall market ismore expensive thanIndex as valuation Gapdoes not exist.Whereas manyemerging market arequoting around 10-14P/E and valuation gapis not justified asreform process has notprogressed asexpected and results

    have been mixed withonly Banking &financial performingand they have alsocaught up withvaluation now Stocksholding land bank is

    m o v i n gB O M B A Y D Y E I N G ,T A T A C O M M ,TEXMACO, RAYMONDare few stocks toname. Mining stocksare bearing the bruntof the Karnatakagovernments decisionto permanently banexport of iron ore fromthe state. Thegovernment is alsomulling sharing of 26%mine profit fromlocals. TATASTEEL SAIL

    SESAGOA STER NMDCand many Metal stockscan show impact.


    R e s i s t a n c e -5500-5560-5615

    Stock Talk- ValueBuy- PATNICOMP FV-2Book Value Rs.24612months trailing EPS44 and P/E ratio-11.56

    PATNICOMP CmpRs.518 has announcedSPECIAL INTERIMDIVIDEND 63 per sharedividend which worksto 12% dividend yieldwhich is very attractiveh t t p : / /

    Promoters of theCompany were in talkswith Japans NTT Data,L&T Infotech, Fujitsuand valuation has beenthe issue for the dealand promoter whohold 46% stake.

    Trading Call-Buy POWERGRID

    CmpRs.101 Stop Rs.98Target Rs.107-110Buy ORCHIDCHEM

    CmpRs.195 Stop Rs.189Target Rs.205-208

    Sell/Book profit-

    AXISBANK CmpRs.1328 use rally 1340-1350 to exit or Shortsell with Rs.1380 asStop loss TargetRs.1250

    continueThe crucial support

    for the Nifty is 5350-5225- 5100 and strongresistance at 5493

    -5511The support for the

    Sensex is at 18000-17850-17500-16950 andstrong resistance at

    18356From a trading poin

    of view I woulcontinue to book profiton the way up.

    Cont. from Pg. 10Rocking Tips MakerTextiles And SyntheticSilks From 28September 1990. TheStock Recent BookValue Is 39.51.Company Recent PERatio Is 17.73 % Who IsBelow From IndustrialPE Ratio 19.21 %. TheCompany Also Noticed4.66 % EPS. TechnicallyThe Stock Create OnChart Rectangle In

    Down Trend FormatThe Last Day Of Week.Who Create A LittleProfit Booking AfterLong Term ContinueBullish Trend. WeeklyAnd Monthly ChartCreate SymmetricalTriangle In Up TrendFormat Who Gives ASign Of Bullish TrendFor Medium To LongTerm Long Term Chart

    Create AscendinTriangle In Up TrendWho Gives A Sign OLimited Buying AEvery DeclinesInvestors Can Invest IThis Stock For MediumTo Long Term. ShorTerm Investors BooProfit At Every HighShort Term InvestorBook Profit At EveryHigh.

    Cont. from Pg. 14Trading Guide

    advised to be long in not to makeshort position. Traders can alsomake long position for up move

    only. Short selling will not befavorable for intraday and

    positional traders. There are somestrong supports like 28930/2880128649.

    COPPER MX AUG:-Up move for long term

    investments. There are somestrong supports like 332.50/330.85327 and ressistants like 339.50340.60/345. Long term traders canmake long position at 332 level ointraday traders can make shorview in intraday basis.

    CRUDEOIL MX AUG:-Looks up trend for this wee

    only. There will be some shor

    c o v e r i n g o r w i l l b e s h o r

    sell ing profit booking for thi

    week if it crosses above 359

    level. There are some strong

    supports like 3525/3486/343

    and resistants like 3595/3640

    3698. Long term traders can

    m a k e l o n g p o s i t i o n o n l y

    above 3640 level.

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-2010 9


    Charting TechniqueA line chart is not

    used that muchanymore. It was thebasic chart used prior

    to the advent of thepersonal computer.Stock price data was

    registered manually,and only closing priceswere registered. The

    line chart was createdconnecting the closingprices.

    For a bar chart, the

    highest and the lowestprices in a given period(minutes, hours, days,weeks, or months) areconnected with avertical bar. Theopening price isrepresented by a tickmark at the left side;

    the closing price isrepresented by thetick mark at the rightside. The bottom and

    the top of the verticalbar represent thelowest and highest

    prices of the period,respectively.The bar chart is

    used mostly inWestern technicalanalysis. The candlechart has its roots in

    the Far East. SteveNison introduced thecandle chart to theWestern world in hisbook, JapaneseCandlestick ChartingTechniques

    Candle chartsclearly depict price

    development in atrading period. Thebody of the candlerepresents the move

    between the openingand closing price. If theprice closes above the

    opening price, thecandle body is blank(white). If the stockprice closes below theopening price, thecandle body is filled(black). A candle canbe either a body or abody with long orshort wicks, calledshadows that reach tothe highest andlowest prices in thetrading period. Therecognition of candle-chart patterns is a

    study unto itself.When there arelarge price moves,applying a linear scale

    can be a disadvantage.It may simply not bepossible to draw alinear trend line underan up or down-movingtrend. However using alogarithmic trend lineprobably will give youthe support levels youneed to see.Nevertheless, mostpeople will use linear

    scaling on daily pricecharts, which is fine aslong as the price moveswithin limits. Moreoften, logarithmicscaling is applied tolonger-term charts,such as weekly ormonthly charts, mainlybecause the pricemoves are much moresignificant. The rightsolution is to use

    logarithmic price chartswith logarithmic trendlines all the time.

    Let me also say that

    chart patterns arenothing new. In fact,

    many technical

    indicators get their

    origin way before any

    of us were even born.

    However, as for chart

    patterns, their

    meaning, implicationand subsequentapplications have beenoverlooked by manytraders and investorsin my opinion, untilrecently (relatively

    speaking of course.)

    Previous Weekperformance

    Nifty for 02/08/2010 to 06/08/2010:Nifty for 09/08/2010 to 13/08/2010:

    Nifty CMP-5439 [ Key for down trendis now 5330-5300 then target 5250-5220. for up move from here 5450] -

    Trend FLAT/Bearish.

    Weekly high : 5492 Low5372[previous closed 5439 cmp 5452]

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    Nifty for 16/08/2010 to 20/08/2010:

    Nifty CMP-5452 [ Key for down trend is

    now 5365-5350 then target 5250-5220. for

    up move 5475-5489 then target 5527-5550

    Scripts : +ve HCLtech, AndhraBank,

    Uniphos, YesbankSector weak : Telecom

    Identifying chartpatterns is simply aform of technicalanalysis. And

    technical analysis isjust a method for tryingto forecast markettrends and turns.Hundreds of years of

    price charts haveshown that prices tendto move in trends. (Imsure weve all heardthe saying, the trendis your friend.) Well, atrend is merely anindicator of animbalance in thesupply and demand.These changes can

    usually be seen by

    market action througchanges in price. Thesprice changes ofteform meaningful char

    patterns that can act asignals in trying todetermine possiblfuture trenddevelopments.

    If u want to knowabout Technicaanalysis classeconducted by mesend the details abouyou [email protected] will revert back withcourse details. Pleasemention the referencas THE ECONOMIC


    Cont. from Pg. 11Span Diagnostics

    contract manufacturingbusiness. In addition,we will continue tostrengthen the exportmarket by pushingmore products into theexisting distributionchannels. Apart fromthis, we are taking upmodernization andcapacity expansion ofour plant and make itcompliant to US FDA

    requirementsDr. Pradip Desai,

    founder Chairman, SpanDiagnostics, informedabout companys plansto enter into higher endemerging technologyplatform of molecularbiology, introduce novel& advanced rapid testsand enter physician labswith innovative Point ofCare Tests based onmonoclonal antibodiesand recombinantantigens developed

    and manufactured in-house. He said we havemade significantinvestment fori n d i g e n o u sdevelopment &manufacture ofinstruments and thefirst product will beready for launch infinancial year 2011. Thecompany also proposesto venture into allied

    biotechnology segmentof Agri Biotechnologyrelated products.

    Dr. Ramnik Parekh,Chairman, SpanDiagnostics referring tothe future financialprojection said We planto close this currentfinancial year with aturnover of Rs 1 billion.By 2020, our vision is toachieve a turnover of

    Rs. 10 billions and basedon the steps that we areinitiating now, we aresure to achieve ourtarget.

    Highlights aboutSpan Diagnostics:

    First company toindigenously developand introducetechnology platformlike Agglutination, SPIAand ELISA

    Successfullymaking supply of HIVtest kits for National

    AIDS Control programsince last 8 years,supplied more than 40million tests

    Successfullysupplying Malaria testkits for Malaria Controlprogram since last 5years, supplied morethan 20 million tests

    Many pioneeringinitiatives in areas ofgood corporate

    practices in IVD industrsuch as:

    ImplementincGMP based on WHOguidelines

    Divisionalizatioconcept in marketing oIVD products

    Implementatioof SAP ERP system

    Implementatioof ISO 13485:2003

    CE marking for a

    manufactured product Acquired

    technology and plant tomanufacture ELISA testfor infectious diseaseand hormone assay fromEuropean company

    Aquiredtechnology tomanufacture bulmonoclonal antibodiefrom France

    Having largesmanufacturing planwith diverse technologplatforms under on

    roof First in the worl

    to introduce test kits foCholera, Plague, Duaantibody test for Syphiliby partnering witworlds renownedinstitutions like CDC-USAand Institute PasturFrance.

    Buy This companaround Rs. 62 for atleas50% appreciation.

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-201010



    Tata Motors And Tata

    Steel, Bad Figures OfIIP And NegativeGlobal Markets So LastWeek Indian StockMarket has Been UpDown. In SENSEX Just23.04 Points And NIFTY12.85 Points Add UpLooked From AgoWeek. Last Week WeClearly Said In NIFTY5457 Above 5482 And5497 Will Be LookingWhen After 5497 Cross

    5518 And 5555 LevelWill Be Looking ButNIFTY Did Not Cross5497 Levels And BreakOur 5423 Levels Then5 4 0 5 , 5 3 8 8 , 5 3 6 2Achieved Targets.NIFTY Took 5362 Good

    Support And GivenBullish Trend. OurF u t u r eRecommendation HDIL1 % And Short To LongT e r mR e c o m m e n d a t i o nMIRZA INT AndMAVENS BIOTECHGiven 5 And 8 % GoodReturn In Short Time.Both Stock Can BeRocking In Few Times.Last Week SENSEXClosed At 18167.03And NIFTY Closed At

    5452.10.Some Companies

    Are Here WhoDeclared QuarterlyResult

    Reliance CapitalsADAG Group CompanyReliance CapitalQuarterly Profit HasBeen Rs 76.97 Crore (With 49.04 Reduction)Who Has Been Rs151.04 Crore At Last

    Year. Company IncomeAlso Has Been 1253.80

    Crore With ReductionFrom Rs 1468.12 Crore.Tata Motors

    Concerted With AutoSectors And ReputedCompany Tata MotorsReleased Its FantasticQuarterly Result AtLast Week. CompanyProfit Rs 19.89 MultiMillion. The CompanyHas Done Rs 3.29 MultiMillion Loss At LastYear. Good Demand Of

    British Luxury BrandJAGUAR AndLENDROVER InForeign. Its A OneReason Of GoodQuarterly Result OfCompany The Stock OfCompany Has Been

    Bullish And Create ANew All Time HighLevels.

    Bharti AirtelIndian BigTelecommunicationCompany Bharti AirtelQuarterly Result Profithas Been Rs 1682 CroreWith 32 % Reduction.When CompanyIncome Has Been Rs12231 Crore Add UpWith 17.04 %. TheIncome has Been Rs10144 Crore At Last

    Year.State Bank Of

    IndiaThe BiggestBank SBI QuarterlyProfit Has Been Rs2917.20 Crore Add UpWith 25 % Who HasBeen Rs 2330.37 CroreAt Last Year. The BankIncome Also Has BeenRs 22142.08 Crore WhoHas Been Rs 21041.51Crore At Last Year.

    Good Effect Has BeenIn Bank Stock For Good

    Result.Tata SteelTataGroup Company TataSteel Quarterly ProfitHas Been Rs 1539.39Crore Who Has BeenRs 789.93 Crore At LastYear. Company TotalIncome Rs 6599.91Crore Who Has BeenRs 5661.89 Crore At LastYear. Good Result ButNo Effect At All InCompany Stock At LastWeek.

    R a n b a x y

    Concerted WithPharma SectorsRanbaxy LaboratoryQuarterly Profit HasBeen Rs 332 CroreReduction With 42.80% Who Noticed Rs691.10 Crore At LastYear. Selling Also HasBeen 2101.90 Crore(Add Up With 24.45 %).Company Stock HasBeen Little Bearish At

    last Week.IIP Data has Been 13

    Months Low LevelsAnd Noticed 7.1 %With Reduction. ItsNoticeable IIP Data HasBeen In Just OneFigure After 9 Months.Bad Performance InM a n u f a c t u r i n g ,Mining And Power

    Production So IIP Datahas Been Low But NoAny Reduction LookedIn Stock Market.

    Next Week MarketCan Start With FlatWhere SomeReduction May Be InMiddle Session. IfNIFTY Break Its CrucialSupport Of 5393 InMiddle Of Week SoEvery High Levels Will

    Be Prove A Cheater.When Will Give

    Closed At 5486 SoGood Bullish Trend CanBe Up To 5555 In ShortTerm. Sensex CrucialSupport 17833 AndCrucial Resistance Is18363 When NiftyCrucial Support 5363And Crucial Resistance5507 For Next Week.

    S E N S E X(18167.03)1 8255ABOVE 18363, 18447,18543 AND 18661.WHEN 18059 BELOW17941, 17833, 17681

    AND 17493 WILL BESHOW.NIFTY (5452.10)

    5460 ABOVE 5481, 5507,5532 AND 5555 WHEN5440 BELOW 5419,5393, 5363 AND 5330WILL BE SHOW.

    R O C K I N G




    (257.25)B u y

    D e c l i n eA r o u n d252 WithS t r o n gS u p p o r t

    Of 245 To Get Target267 And 278. If It CloseAbove 267 Then TargetWill Be 278. End OfWeek The Stock OnChart Create ASymmetrical TriangleIn Up Trend FormatWho Gives A Sign ToContinue BullishTrend. Weekly Chart

    Create RectangleTriangle In Up TrendFormat Who Gives ASign Of Buying At EveryDeclines. QuarterlyChart Create InvertedHead And Shoulders AsReversal In DownTrend Format WhoShows SmallReduction And BigBullish Trend. LongTerm Chart Create


    Symmetrical TriangleIn Up Trend Format

    Who Gives A Sign OfBullish Trend For LongTerm. Some PositiveOpen Interest LookedIn Stock Future End OfWeek. FundamentallyAlso The Stock AreGood For Medium ToLong Term. The Set UpIn Calcutta And TheCompany ConcertedWith Plantation Of TeaAnd Coffee. TheCompany QuarterlyAnd Yearly Result AreSome Good. The

    Company Also GivesEvery Year 80 % AboveDividend. FuturePlayers Make YourPosition For BullishTrend At Declines WithStrict SL. InvestorsInvest In This Stock InLimited Quantity. ShortTerm Investors BookProfit At Every High.





    (BSE CODE 532711)

    (189.35) Buy AtAny Declines RateNear 185 for Objectiveof 207 and 220 area. If

    it Close above 207Then Should Stock Leadat 220 area Strict StopLoss At. 177 Area. SetUp Bombay(Maharashtra) And TheCompany ConcertedWith PowerTransmission AndEquipments Business.The Company AlsoWork In ThermalPower Plant Project,

    Fabrication AndIrrigation. The Stoc

    Recent Book Value Is R156.17 And CompanRecent PE Ratio Is 9.9% Who Is More BelowFrom Industrial PRatio 20.84 %. ThCompany Also Gives 10% Above Dividend. TheCompany Yearly AndQuarterly Result ArGood. The CompanShows Recent 19.11 %Around EPSTechnically The StocCreate On CharSymmetrical Triangl

    In Down Trend FormaThe Last Day Of WeeWho Create ThStructure Of PositivConsolidation AfteHeavy Profit BookingMonthly Chart CreatRectangle In DownTrend Format WhoCreate Over SoldPosition. Long TermChart Create RectanglIn Up Trend FormaWho Gives A Sign ToInvest At EveryDeclines For Long

    Term. Investors MakeInvest For Medium ToLong Term In LimitedQuantity. Short TermInvestors Book ProfiAt Every High.


    CODE 514304

    (82.60)- Buy At AnyDeclines Rate Near 80for Objective of 91 and

    101 area. If it Closabove 91 Then ShouldStock Lead at 101 areaStrict Stop Loss At 76Area. The CompanyConcerted With

    Continue on ......

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-2010 11


    BUY ABOVE : 5456RES-1 : 5480RES-2 : 5499RES-3 : 5530SELL BELOW : 5456SUP-1 : 5409SUP-2 : 5375SUP-3 : 5353

    NAME : BANK NIFTYBUY ABOVE : 10720RES-1 : 10760RES-2 : 10810RES-3 : 11000SELL BELOW : 10720SUP-1 : 10650SUP-2 : 10580SUP-3 : 10500

    NAME : GAILBUY ABOVE : 453RES-1 : 459RES-2 : 465RES-3 : 470SELL BELOW 453SUP-1 : 444SUP-2 : 439SUP-3 : 435

    NAME : PFC

    BUY ABOVE : 332RES-1 : 336RES-2 : 341RES-3 : 346SELL BELOW : 332SUP-1 : 328SUP-2 : 315SUP-3 : 310

    NAME : HDILBUY ABOVE : 285RES-1 : 289RES-2 : 298RES-3 : 302SELL BELOW : 285

    SUP-1 : 279SUP-2 : 271SUP-3 : 266

    NAME : PATNIBUY ABOVE : 517RES-1 : 523RES-2 : 529RES-3 : 532SELL BELOW : 517SUP-1 : 511SUP-2 : 499SUP-3 : 477


    Mo. 9727990980

    [email protected]


    PRICE /LOWNIFTY 5442 5363 2 TAR. ACHVD.BANK NIFTY 10380 10758 3 TAR. ACHVD.ONGC 1230 1288 3 TAR. ACHVD.SBIN 2620 2879 3 TAR. ACHVD.

    TATAMOTORS 89 3 1035 3 TAR. ACHVD.PATNI 86 4 8 3 8 3 TAR. ACHVD.


    Span Diagnostics Entersinto Agrochemical bio

    Span Diagnostics, aBSE listed companythat has many firsts toits credit has achievedphenomenal growth inits overallperformance for thefinancial period ended

    2009-10. Revenue forthe year increased by18% to Rs. 819 million(Rs.695 million in 2008-09). The profitability oft h ec o m p a n yrose by402% fromRs 11million int h ep r e v i o u syear to Rs 54million inthe current

    year. Thecompany has declareda dividend of Rs.2.50per share on equityshare of Rs.10/- eachfor the financial yearending 31st March2010. The companyalso allotted Bonusshares in the ratio of 1:1by capitalization ofshare premiumaccount on 30th July2010. The recordresults have beenachieved during a

    period when theeconomic revival wastaking place graduallyafter severe recessionin most parts of theglobe, including India.

    In last decade thecompany has grown 4times having CAGR of17%. The revenue ofthe company hasincreased to Rs.819millions in the year

    2010 as compared toRs.207 million in 2001.Span has throughacquisitions and jointventures takenpreliminary steps for aleap forward to the nextlevel in growth. Span is

    constantly striving totake up new initiativesand diversify into newareas.

    The company has

    strong presence indomestic market withBlood banking,Infectious disease,Clinical Chemistry andHematology productsand has more than 50%market share (in termsof number of tests) inHIV, HCV, Tuberculosis,Syphilis, Typhoid andMalaria. Span hassignificant market sharein Blood Groupingreagents, Clinical

    chemistry reagents,Rheumatology andHematology. SpanDiagnostics is pioneer intaking initiative fordeveloping andlaunching diagnosticsfor worlds neglecteddiseases like Cholera,Filaria, Kala-azar, Plagueand malaria. Currently,the company exports itsproducts to more than

    90 countries throughtheir distributornetwork.

    In-Vitro DiagnosticsIndustry (IVD)currently accounts for2.5 percent (Rs 18billion) of the Indian

    Healthcare market.The IVD Reagentmarket size is peggedat Rs. 6 billions and theIVD Instruments

    market size isworth Rs 12billions. TheIVD industryis growing atthe rate of 15% annuallyand isexpected tocontinue togrow at the

    same rate forthe next five years. Thetotal number of Clinicallaboratories in India isbetween 38,000 and40,000.

    Looking at the rapidgrowth of the industry,and encouraged by thesuccessful track recordof more than 35 years,Span Diagnostics haschalked out ambitiousplans for the future.Talking about thefuture plans to

    develop exportmarket, Mr. VeeralDesai, MD of thecompany said, Wepropose to firstestablish direct salesand marketing set up inat least two targetcountries and thenplan to enter USmarket by 2012. Wewill also focus on

    Continue on ........9

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-201012

    Madhav Ranade(M) 09371002943 or

    email :[email protected]

    The world markets moved lowerthis week putting hold on up-movestarted in Indian markets. We hadbumper surprise results from TataMotors and SBI but a deepdisappointment RCOM. Market isyet to react to RCOM results but Iam looking at minimum 10/15 %cut on Monday . may be evendeeper.

    I feel that Bank Nifty haspeaked out and it will now start asouthward journey. Auto andbanking have been big stars of thelast 6 weeks up-move. If one ofthese is going to weaken, Nifty willcome under considerable pressure.

    We may be lower band ofexpanding channel around 5330/5340 and if that breaks we will haveanother 150 points slide.

    Hold on to our 5400 / 5200 bearspread. I hope this will make somemoney for you with minimum risk.

    Trading levels

    16th / 20th

    August 2010If you want nifty intra /

    weekly trading levels you willhave to become paid memberof NIFTY group.

    Please remember CAPITALis always scarce and needs tobe respected.


    h t t p : / /

    I am now available on yahoomessenger on most of thetrading days and you can addme on your yahoo messenger.My yahoo id is madhavranade1

    Please call me if you haveany doubts or you need levelsfor some other stock. I amavailable on 09371002943 or [email protected]

    BSE Indices


    World indices

    posn trading lvls da te 16th / 20th aug 2010stock / index go entry targets stoplossBSE SENSEX short 18130 17990/840/700/560/410 18250

    long 18250 18350 /440/520/610 18130BSE auto index short 8700 x 8810

    long 8810 x 8700BSE bank index short 12150 x 12280

    long 12280 x 12150BSE capital goods short 14600 x 14750

    long 14900 x 14750BSE FMCG index short 3280 x 3310

    long 3310 x 3280BSE health index short 5460 x 5520

    long 5520 x 5460BSE metal index short 15375 x 15500

    long 15500 x 15375BSE oil & gas INDEX short 10075 x 10150

    long 10225 x 10150

    BSE PSU index short 9700 x 9750long 9750 x 9700

    BSE realty index short 3650 x 3675long 3700 x 3675

    all rates in US dollarscommodity weekly levels 16th / 20th aug 2010 unittype go entry targets stoplossgold short 1210 1202/1194/86/78/70 1219 troy ounce

    long 1219 1224/29/34/40/45/50 1210silver short 18.1 17.95/17.8/17.65/17.5 18.33 troy ounce

    long 18.33 18.44/18.55/18.66/18.77 18.1crude short 75.2 74/4/73.6/72.8/71 76 barrel

    long 76.8 77.6/78.4/79.2/80 76copper short 3.25 3.21/3.17/3.13/3.09 3.29 pound

    long 3.33 3.37/3.41/3.45/3.49 3.29natural gas short 4.35 4.25/4.15/4.05/3.95 4.4 mmbtu

    long 4 .45 4.55/4.65/4.75/4.85 4.4sugar short 540 532/24/16/08 549 tonne

    long 558 565/72/79/87 549

    world indices weekly levels 16th / 20th aug 2010index go entry targets stoplossdow jones index short 10360 10230/100/9970/9840 10490

    long 10490 10620/750/880 10360nasdaq composit short 2190 2172/54/36/19/2100 2208

    long 2208 2226/44/62/80/98 2190s&p 500 short 1070 1054/38/22/06 1078

    long 1086 1102/18/34/50 1078FTSE short 5260 5185/10/5035/4960 5300

    long 5335 5410/85/5560/5735 5300nikkei 225 short 9230 9080/8930/780/630 9310

    long 9310 9460/610/760/910 9230australia ordinary short 4470 4425/4380/35/4290 4490

    long 4515 4560/4605/50 4490hang seng short 21100 20875/650/425/200 21325

    long 21325 31550/775/22000 21100shanghai composit short 2603 2578/53/28/03/2478/53 2627

    long 2651 2686/2721/56/91 2627


    NagpalPh: 9830039085

    EMail: [email protected]

    Nifty is moving in a sideways

    distribution channelNifty after making a new high at 5492 wen

    on to correct down to 5370 on global cues

    Currently its on sideways mode with likely hoodof distribution by smart money sector wise. Threason being that the P/E for nifty stocks is at ahigh of 22.86 and the VIX is at an all time lowsuggesting euphoria and greed. At these levels imore important to sit in cash than invest as ris

    Stock Picks for the week.

    to reward ratio is showingcorrection signals. Niftneeds to consistently tradabove 5440 with volumes tomake a new high. Whiltrading below 5370 will leadto give more selling pressureNifty has made a DOJI inweekly charts. The pace otrend will be very fast on

    either side of its high / lowbreakout. Support for theweek comes in at 5385 / 5320

    / 5265. Resistance comes inat 5505 / 5560 / 5630

    LT (808)The stock is moving in

    bearish channel and itrading below its key shorterm moving averagesShort for a target of 1760with a stop loss of 1840.


    (796.40)The stock appears

    exhausted after making anew high recently and isseeing selling pressure. Sell

    for a target of 765 with astop loss of 812.

    Bajaj Hind

    (117.65)The stock is rising

    steadily on in its trendline and appears to beset for a break out. Buy

    for a target of 127 witha stop loss of 113.50

    MRPL (81.10)The stock is rising in

    its impulse wave after asharp correction. Buy

    for a target of 85 with a

    stop loss of 78.75

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-2010 13



    SYMMETRIC TRIANGLE FOR 5300/5150Nifty struggling to

    move upward. Strongresistant at 5525/5568.There is a symmetrictriangle for bearish innifty spot up to 5300/

    5150 level. Investorsare advised to be waitfor making longposition in nifty orshort term players canmake short positionnifty up to 5250 level ifnifty spot breaks below5380 level. Consumerdurables, realty,FMCG, bank and oilstocks are mostlytrading higher. Metaland information

    technology stocks haveturned weak. Power,a u t o m o b i l e ,healthcare and capitalgoods stocks areexhibiting a mixed

    trend. SterliteIndustries has lostaround 3.75% at Rs161.55. RelianceCommunications isdown with a loss of

    3.15% at Rs 167.75.Mahindra & Mahindra,Tata Motors, RelianceI n f r a s t r u c t u r e ,Hindalco and BhartiAirtel are down 0.4% -1%. InfosysTechnologies, TataPower, TataConsultancy Servicesand HindustanUnilever are downmarginally. State Bankof India is up 2.5% at Rs

    2853. ITC, DLF, MarutiSuzuki, ICICI Bank,Jaiprakash Associates,Jindal Steel, Tata Steel,Hero Honda, ONGC,Cipla, ACC and

    Continue on ........8

    Reliance Industries arealso up with notablegains. BEML is up 1.7%at Rs 1008 on strongresults. The PSU hasposted a net profit ofRs 144 million for thequarter ended June2010, as compared to anet profit of Rs 53million it had posted inthe correspondingquarter last year. Totalincome increasedfrom Rs 4786.6 millionfor the quarter endedJune 30, 2009 to Rs5526.70 million for thequarter ended June2010. With a few bluechip stocks driftinglower on sellingpressure, the markethas shed a portion ofits gains in lateafternoon trade today.However, with just afew more minutes tofor the bell and noprominent negativetriggers around towarrant a strong sell-

    off, the market looksset to end the sessionon a fairly positivenote.


    NIFTY SPOT:-Short term investors can make

    short position nifty nifty futureup to 5250 level (as per cashbasis). There are some strongsupports like 5425/5380/5306 andresistants like 5520/5568/5614. Asper EOD chart, there is a triangleis being made for bearish mood.So be cautious to be long for longterm investment.

    GOLD MX OCT:-Looks bullish but be wait for

    some correction up to 18375/18285/18195. There are some

    strong resistants like 18575/18650

    18713. Long term investors areadvised to be wait for somecorrection and profit booking andmake long position only between18200-18350.

    SILVER MX SEP:-Very bullish trend up to 29400

    29700/30000. Long term investors ar

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-201014




    against the progress ofthe ongoing rally lastweek. Slowingeconomic growth inthe US and Europe,domestic first quarterearnings doinglikewise and indicesnearing criticalresistance caused amid-week wobble inthe Sensex. Rear-guard action by someindex heavy-weightssuch as SBI and TataMotors that set the skyablaze with theirp y r o t e c h n i c sprevented a deepercut. Small and mid capstocks appeared a triflelost.

    The biggestpositive going for themarket at this point isthe consensus that acrash is imminent.Given the dubioustrack-record of suchopinions, market

    could just manage tospring a surprise thistime around too.

    Volumes inderivative as well ascash segment were

    high as investorschurned stocksaggressively inanticipation of anothercorrection. Openinterest has climbedabove Rs 1,70,000 croreagain. High index putcall ratio howevermeans that short-covering can cushionany serious correction.

    BSE Smallcap Index

    recorded a new 30month high of 9,788last week. This index ishowever nearing thekey intermediate termresistance at 10,000that can be thetermination point ofthe rally from March2009 low. The BSEmidcap index has

    moved above thec o r r e s p o n d i n gresistance at 7,300 andis holding stronglyabove it.

    The 10-day rate ofchange oscillator is inthe positive zone

    though its movementis closely hugging thezero line, indicating aneutral bias. The 14-day relative strengthindex is also hovering

    around 55 indicatingthat a break is possiblein either direction.Weekly indicators arealso trudging sidewayssince last November.

    There is noalteration in ourmedium term view forthe Sensex. The firstmedium-term targetwe are working with isbetween 18,300 and

    18,600. It is likely thatthe index reverseslower from this regionto head towards thelower base of thisrange, below 16,000. Ifthis resistance zone issurpassed, next targetlies around 19,300.

    Last weekscorrection in the

    Sensex is not seriousenough to cause anyconsternation. In fact,the short-term trend issideways with apositive bias since July14. Though the index isheading higher oncemore, it will faceresistance at 18,310and 18,385 in the near-

    term. Reversal fromthese levels can causea sideways movebetween 17,850 and18,400 for few moresessions. Support towatch out for in thedays ahead is the oneat 17,750. Close belowthis level will imply areversal in the short-term up trend. Themedium-term uptrendwill however be underthreat only on a closebelow 17,400.

    Nifty (5,452.1)The Nifty declinedto the intra-week lowof 5,372 beforereversing higher onThursday to close theweek marginally in thegreen. The targets forthis move are 5,459,5,513 and 5,567. Sincethe first target hasalready beenachieved, investors

    ought to tread a littlecautiously in the earlypart of the week. Theresistance zone around5,550 indicated lastweek will also impedethe progress of theindex. A reversalbelow 5,550 will resultin the index decliningto 5,390 or 5,327 in thedays ahead. Short-term traders cancontinue to buy indeclines as long as theindex trades above thesecond support.Medium term trenddeciding level for Niftyis 5,200.

    Investors ought tocontinue to stay waryfrom a medium termperspective since theindex is at the upperend of its mediumterm trading range.Failure to move pastthis ceiling can causeanother declinetowards the floor of

    this range that is at4,700. Target on astrong move above5,550 stays at 5,780.

    Global CuesGlobal stocks

    received a sharpsetback last week ondour economicreadings from US andEurope. Majorbenchmarks reversedto close between 2-4per cent lower oncemore casting doubts onthe medium-termtrend. CBOE VIX closedhigher in all fivesessions of the weekas nervousnessreturned to capitalmarkets. The intra-week high for thisindex was 27.2.

    The Dow reversedlower from the intra-week peak of 10,720 toshed 4 per cent fromthose levels. Firstshort-term support isaround 10,300 where it

    is currently halting. Buit can decline to 10,180or 10,040 in the nearterm. Close below10,040 will signal thaa more serioucorrection is unfoldingThe fact that this indehas closed below it200-day movinaverage for the week ialso a cause for worry

    What is notable i

    last weeks trade i

    the fact that Asia

    benchmarks that had

    been very resil ienand moving on to

    fresh highs over thpast two week

    buckled down to end

    in the red. Shangha

    Composite Index tooclosed 51 point

    lower last week. Thi

    index needs to clos

    above 2,770 to move

    to a place of relativ

    safety. LokeshwarrS.K.

    Arss Infra bags order

    worth Rs1.53bnARSS Infra has

    bagged order fromOffice of the ExecutiveE n g i n e e r ,Parlakhemundi (R&B)D i v i s i o n ,Parlakhemundi

    ARSS InfrastructureProjects Ltd has

    received a new wororder from Office othe ExecutivE n g i n e e rParlakhemundi (R&BD i v i s i o nParlakhemundi oAugust 13, 2010 foRs1.53bn.

    GVK Power plans to

    raise Rs15bnThe report stated

    that the company is indiscussion with PEfirms and the deal islikely to befinalised ina month.

    G V KPower and

    Infrastructure Ltd isplanning to raisearound Rs 15bn fromprivate equity players

    to fund its expansionplans, according to report.

    The report statedthat the company iin discussion witPE firms and thdeal is likely to befinalised in month.

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-2010 15


    Federal Approval Advances AmericanFeeder Lines Coastal Shipping Project Crude Oil Unable To

    Hold On Above $80Crude oil displayed

    a familiar pattern,sliding sharply in the

    second week of Augustas the US dollar rosealarmingly and USeconomic datacontinued to show thatthe demand for oilfrom the world'slargest economywould be under checkin the coming weeks.The prices witnessed avertical slide once $80per barrel gave up andclosed at a one monthlow of $75.39 a barrelfor the benchmark

    West TexasIntermediate futures.Prices fell nearly 10%from three monthhighs of $82.97 perbarrel.

    The Federal OpenMarket Committee,the policy-makingbody for the Fed, saidon 10th August that itwill keep interest rateslow for an extendedperiod amid signs thatthe recovery isslowing. Citing recent

    economic data asevidence, the FOMC

    concluded that thepace of economicrecovery is likely to be

    more modest in thenear term than hadbeen anticipated.

    Dollar continued toappreciate after thestatement and oil waspressed down too as aweak undertone inequities made traderscover their longs. TheUS Labor departmentstated that the initial

    jobless claims rose to484,000 from theprevious week'srevised figured of

    482,000- their highestlevel in last six months,fanned worries aboutthe labor marketstrength.

    US crudeinventories droppedmore than expectedlast week, according todata released by theUS Department ofEnergy. Crude oilstockpiles dropped by3 million barrels to 355million barrels for theweek ended Aug. 6.

    The market wasexpecting a drawdown

    of 2-million-barredrop.

    However, Gasolin

    stockpiles rose b409,000 barrels to 22million barrels. Thgasoline inventorieare currently at thhighest level in threeand half months. Necrude imports alsodropped by 188,000barrels to 9.4 milliobarrels. Refinincapacity utilization feby 3.1 percentagpoints to 88.1%.

    This indicates thacrude has littl

    support on thdemand front from thworld's largest oconsumer. The pricmovement fromhereon would dependupon how the Atlantihurricane season turnout in coming weekand any slide unde$74-75 range wouldsee oil testing lows o$70 per barrel. MCXCrude oil closed jusabove Rs 3500 pebarrel and should find

    support around R3480-3510 mark.

    Gold Rises Along With Dollarto Hit One Month High

    Gold witnessed anawesome upswing in thefortnight ended 14th ofAugust as the pricesbounced back from athree month low andwent up to hit highs above$1200 an ounce as theworries about a fritteringeconomic recovery in theUS took a toll on the riskyassets and gold rose intandem with the USdollar. The safe havenappeal of the yellowmetal was back with avengeance as stronginvestment demand keptlosses limited for thecommodity after asudden reversal in thesentiments in the lastweek of July. As pricesbottomed out at $1160

    per ounce levels, thesteady influx of buyingowing to investmentdemand ensured that thelosses were notextended. Prices gainedfervor after thesettlement of the Augustfutures on COMEX and abreak above $1200 perounce pushed the pricesin top gear, making theDecember futures onCOMEX to close at$1216.60- its one monthhigh.

    The rise in gold wasaccompanied by a stellarshow of strength in theUS dollar. The dollar rosequite dramaticallyyesterday, breakingunder 1.3000 levels andhitting its three-week

    highs under 1.2800 as thtraders absorbed the furamifications of the Fedmoves and the prospectof a bleak recovery. Fedhas decided to keep ratein their record low rangof 0.00% to 0.25% and saidthey would keep them

    there for an extendedperiod as expected. ThFed also announced thait would reinvesmortgage bond proceedinto government bondrather than mormortgage debt, ensurinthe start of another roundof quantitative easingThis, along with persistenworries on consumespending pulled the globaequities lower.

    The pr inc ipa lparties in a successfulbid for off i c ia lAmer ican Mar ineHighway status v iew

    the development of coastwise feeder anddomest ic mar inefre ight serv ices asgessent ia l andinevitable forthe UnitedStates.The project thatwas among thosedesignated by Secretaryof Transportation Ray

    LaHood under thenew program is titledgAt lant ic and Gul f Coast Short Sea/FeederServ iceh, and wasdeveloped by AmericanFeeder Lines.

    The sponsors of the

    projects appl ication,James I . Newsome,President and CEO ofSouth Carol ina StatePorts Authority (SCSPA),and Steven M. Cernak,Port D i rector of ThePort of Galveston, werepleased to learn of theSecretaryfs decision.

    Jim Newsome notedthe mar ine highwayprogram's abi l i ty toserve as aforward]looking and

    e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y]friendly alternativeto tradi t iona l cargo

    f lows. gThe Port of Char leston enjoys astrategic locat ion inthe Southeast , so afeeder system out ofChar leston to otherseaports can providesigni f i cant benef i tssuch as reducedcongest ion ande n h a n c e de n v i r o n m e n t a lsustainabi l i tyh, saidNewsome.

    Char leston i s anatural fit for this kindof project.

    The Port of

    Ga lvestons StevenCernak stated: This isgood news for the Portof Galveston and forother American ports.The Mar i t imeA d m i n i s t r a t i o nunderstands themarine highway will bean increasinglyimportant part of thecountrys mar i t imeactivity. He added: Hereon the Gulf we will take

    as much good news asWashington is able togive us in support ofthis initiative.

    Amer ican Feeder

    L ines plan i s toestabl i sh conta inerfeeder and domesticfre ight serv ice insupport of thei n t e r n a t i o n a lconta iner l ines thatserve the East and Gulfcoasts. As the containerlines put larger shipsinto service, especiallywith the plannedopening of the PanamaCanals new locks, afeeder system wi l lcomplement thecont inuing dr ivetoward greater

    efficiency. Ports l ikeChar leston andGalveston will play keyroles in this effort. (Theappl icat ion a lso hadthe support of Norfolkand New York/NewJersey, and otherports.) AFL wil l bui ldten stateof theart ,e n v i r o n m e n t a l l yimproved conta inerships in two

    U.S. shipyards forthe start of the newsystem.

    AFL began ten yearsearlier when partners

    Percy R. Pyne IV andTobias Konig concludedthat the U.S. will haveto look to the water fori ts growingtransportation needs.gContainer feeder anddomest ic fre ightservices are standardpractice in logistics inEurope and elsewherein the world, said AFLcofounder Tobias Konigof Konig & Cie. Marinetransportation and itseff i c iencies arerecognized asimportant aspects of

    the Cont inentfst r a n s p o r t a t i o nnetwork. And it makesperfect sense for theStates It is significantthat our appl icat ionachieved thisdistinction in what isthe first year of thisnew national program,Percy Pyne, AmericanFeeder Lines cofounderagreed. It is great toknow our government

    now is taking seriouslythe promise of themarine highway.

    Mar ine highwaysand this part icularproject are made forthese times, said JimNewsome. thinkAmerican Feeder Linesis a forward lookingand envi ronmenta llyefficient alternative tocurrent methods of transportation on theEast Coast. They areexperienced, credibleowners.This projectcould help position theEast and Gulf region torealize the benefits ofla rger ships serv ingour coasts fol lowingexpansion of thePanama Canal in 2014and before , J imNewsome continued.The Port of Charlestoncan handle ships up to48 feet of draft andcarry ing more than8,000 20foot equivalentunits (TEUs).

    Steven Cernak said,Ear ly on in hisa d m i n i s t r a t i o nSecretary LaHoodtalked about how themar i t ime sector i s agreat resource that hasbeen underutilized inthis country. With thisnew program he istaking steps to dosomething about it andI think the logist icssector wil l grasp theopportunity. We inGalveston certa inlyintend to.

    AFL cofounders Mr.Pyne and Mr. Konigsaid, We are grateful toSecretary LaHood andM a r i t i m eAdministrator DavidMatsuda who haveshown confidence inour project and for thesupport that it signifiesfrom the ObamaAdministration.

    Information on theAmerican MarineHighway program andthe currentannouncement can befound on the MARADwebsite:

    h t t p : / / h i _ h o m e /mhi_home.htm

  • 8/9/2019 Ter Englih Issue 25 Yr 3


    15-08-2010 to 21-08-201016




    RISING SUN IN NANO TECHNOLOGY SPACE1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5

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    BSE CODE : 511601

    Mr.Anurag Gupta atthe 2nd Bangalore

    Nano 2008

    science & technology,Governement of

    Karnataka.The vision group is

    headed by Prof. C.N.RRao, national researchprofessor, LinusPauling researchprofessor. He is alsothe chairman ofscience advisorycouncil to the PrimeMinister of India, andthe honorarypresident ofJawaharlal Nehrucentre for advancedscientific research,

    Bangalore.The vision group

    comprises of 14members from thegovernment, premierresearch institutes,and leadingcompanies across thenation.

    Mr.Anurag GuptaMr.Anurag Gupta

    CEO is member ofvision group onn a n o t e c h n o l o g ysetup by departmentof informationt e c h n o l o g y ,biotechnology and

    About CompanyY a s h n a n o t e c h

    nurtures new scientificfindings in researchlaboratories andtransforms them into

    valuable products inthe market. it consistsof a group ofenthusiastic andexperienced membersdrawn from wellknown researchinstitutions, engineerswith specializedtraining innanotechology as wellas industry experts.

    It fosters a networkof technology experts indiverse fields ofn a n o t e c h o l o g yi n c l u d i n g

    nanobiotechnology, inorder to lay a roadmapfor its forthcominginnovative products.This network extendsbeyond the indiancontinent to includemany internationaln a n o t e c h o l o g ya s s o c i a t i o n s ,companies andgovernment bodies.

    YashNanotechsobjective is tonurture new

    scientific findingsin research labora-

    tories and trans-forms them into

    valuable productsin the market.


    We have our onlineapplication formfor the students

    who want to join usfor short term/long

    term researchprojects. The link is

    given below:

    The Company has launched Highly SensitiveNanometal Surface Enhanced Raman

    Substrates as our first product.Many more products like metal sponges,

    modified AFM tips etc, will also belaunched shortly.


    Key Features*Colossal enhancement of Raman signalHighly Sensitive Nanometal Raman substrates

    provide an huge enhancement in Raman signal thatenables detection of molecules at ultra lowconcentrations and a very less volume.

    *Exceptional cost effectivenessThese Raman substrates are exceptionally cost

    effective compared with those available in theinternational market but the performance is on parwith those commercially available.

    CEO Mr.Anurag Gupta presenting hisviews on the Nano Mission and Nano

    Vision for Ind

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