Page 1: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

Curriculum Vitae



Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)

Hong Kong Polytechnic University


1986 B.Sc., Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

1988 M.S., Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

1994 Ph.D., Environmental Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Professional Experience

1986-1990 Project Assistant, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

1990-1994 Research Assistant, University of California, Berkeley, USA

1994-2000 Assistant Professor and Air-Lab-In-Charge, Department of Civil and Structural

Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

2000-2005 Associate Professor and Air-Lab-In-Charge, Department of Civil and Structural

Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

2003-present Visiting Professor of Peking University, Shenzhen Graduate School

2005-present Professor and Air-Lab-In-Charge, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering,

Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

2005-present Visiting Professor of Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Science,


2008-present Visiting Professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xian, China

2010-present Director of Research Center for Sustainable Infrastructure Development, The Hong

Kong Polytechnic University Shenzhen Base, Shenzhen, China

2012-present Odour-Lab-In-Charge, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, Hong Kong

Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA)

International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineering (ASHRAE)

Hong Kong Institute of Engineer (HKIE) -Environmental Division

Committees and Offices

2001-present Editor Review Board of the Journal of the Air &Waste Management Association


2002-present Editorial Board Member of the Journal Atmospheric Systems

2003-present Editorial Board Member of the Journal Aerosol and Air Quality Research (AAQR)

2004-present Editorial member of the Journal of Building Energy and Environment

2007-present Member of Air Pollution Control Appeal Board, HK Environmental Protection

Page 2: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

Department (HKEPD), HK Government

2009-present Editor review Board of Atmospheric pollution research

2009-present Member of Appeal Tribunal Panel of the Building Ordinance, Planing and Lands

Branch, Development Bureau, HK Government.

2011-present Member of Expert Panel on Fungi Control in offices and Public places, HKEPD

1996-1998 Section Chair, Air & Waste Management Association, Hong Kong Section

2000-2003 Board of Governors, Friends of Earth (FOE) Hong Kong

2005-2006 Committee on Comprehensive Environmental Performance Assessment Scheme for

Buildings (CEPAS) under Building Department, HK Government

2007-2009 Advisory Panel Member of the review Air Quality Objectives (AQO) under HK

Environmental Protection Department, HK Government

Research Projects

Principal investigator

1994-1997 The Prediction of the Rate of Municipal Solid Waste Decomposition by Gas and

Leachate Data (PolyU Grant, principal investigator)

1995-1997 Land Contamination Problem in Hong Kong (PolyU Grant, principal investigator)

1997-1999 Comparisons of Outdoor and Indoor Air Pollutants under Different Ventilation

Conditions of Classrooms in Hong Kong (PolyU Grant, $207,000, principal


1997-2000 Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality at Secondary School Classrooms in Hong Kong

(PolyU Grant, $458,000, principal investigator)

1997-1999 An Investigation of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Urban Area of Hong

Kong by Using Canister and GC-MS (PolyU Grant, $492 000, principal investigator)

1998-2001 A Study of Exposure to Indoor Air Pollutants at Homes, Schools, Offices and Public

Buildings in Hong Kong (PolyU Grant, $497,000, principal investigator)

1998-2000 Exposure and risk assessment of VOCs in five selected public buildings in Hong Kong

(principal investigator)

1999-2000 Indoor air quality investigation at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPU) campus

(PolyU Grant, principal investigator)

1999-2001 Characterization of O3/Particulate/VOCs Emissions from Office Equipment by using

a Dynamic Environmental Chamber (PolyU Grant, PolyU 5042/98E, $251,000,

principal investigator)

1999-2003 Source Apportionment of Toxic Metals and Hydrocarbons in Hong Kong (PolyU

Grant, $644,000, principal investigator)

1999-2000 Characterization of Indoor Air Pollution Emissions from Building Construction

Materials by Using an Environmental Chamber (Environment and Conservation

Fund, $115,000, principal investigator)

1999-2002 Source Apportionment of Toxic Metals and Hydrocarbons in Hong Kong (RGC

Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5053/99E, $598,000, principal investigator)

2000-2002 Investigation of Pollution Control by Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) by the Use of

Environmental Chamber (PolyU Grant, $430,000, principal investigator)

2000-2002 Emission Characterization of Interior Architectural Coatings by the Use of Dynamic

Environmental Chambers (PolyU Grant, $430,000, principal investigator)

2000-2003 A Supersite Monitoring Program for the Investigation of PM10/PM2.5 in Hong Kong

(PolyU Grant, PolyU 5050/00E, $200,000, principal investigator)

2001-2003 A Supersite Monitoring Program for the Investigation of PM10/PM2.5 in Pearl River

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Delta Region (RGC Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5038/01E, $514,000, principal


2001-2003 Large environmental chamber for indoor air quality (IAQ) research (principal


2002-2003 Large equipment/facility: aerodynamic particle sizer/emission cell for indoor and

outdoor air quality research (principal investigator)

2002-2004 Characterization of indoor air emissions from the burning of candles, mosquito coils

and incenses (principal investigator)

2002-2003 Central health and safety upgrade for IAQ project (principal investigator)

2002-2003 TiO2 Photocatalytic Degradation of Indoor Air Pollutants (PolyU Grant, $50,000,

principal investigator)

2002-2004 Large Environmental Chamber Evaluation on Emissions of Air Pollutants from the

Burning of Candles, Incense and Mosquito Coils and the Control of these Indoor

Pollutants in Residential Buildings (PolyU Grant, $360,000, Rep co-principal


2002-2004 Characterization of Indoor Air Emissions from the Burning of Candles, Mosquito

Coils and Incenses (Environment and Conservation Fund, $435,000, principal


2003-2006 Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Carbonaceous Aerosol in Urban Atmosphere

across Southern China (RGC Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5145/03E, $536,000,

principal investigator)

2003-2007 Supersite monitoring of particulate pollution in Hong Kong (principal investigator)

2003-2004 Determination of suspended particulate and VOC emission profiles for vehicle

sources in HK (principal investigator)

2003-2005 Development of a novel photocatalyst for indoor/outdoor pollution control (PolyU

Grant, $500,000, principal investigator)

2004-2006 Emission Factor and Chemical Profiles of Black and Organic Carbon Particles

Emitted from Various Cookstoves Used in Hong Kong and China (PolyU Grant,

PolyU 5139/04E, $170,000, principal investigator)

2005-2008 Molecular Compositions and Isotopic Characterization of Carbonaceous Aerosols in

Pearl River Delta Region, China: Implications for the Source and Atmospheric

Transport (RGC Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5197/05E, $496,000, principal investigator)

2005-2007 Indoor air pollutants of the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Museum (PolyU Grant,

$500,000, principal investigator)

2005-2007 TiO2 Photocatalytic Technology (PolyU Grant, $360,000, principal investigator)

2005-2007 Isotopic Measurements for Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Hong Kong (PolyU

Grant, $654,000, principal investigator)

2006-2008 Investigation of Ship Emission in Hong Kong and Its Implication to Regional Air

Quality, (RGC Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5210/06E, $600,000, principal investigator)

2006-2007 Characterization of Carbonaceous Aerosols in Urban Areas of Pearl River Delta

Region (PRDR) (France/HK Joint Research Scheme, F-HK14/05T, $10,800,

principal investigator and co-investigator: Prof. Cachier Helene)

2006-2008 Computational and Experimental investigation of Aerosol pollution in Urban Area

(sub-scheme with other Mainland, Taiwan and Macau Universities, HK$ 150,000.

principal investigator)

2006-2008 Development of Advanced Visible-light-driven Photocatalytic Nano-coating

Technologies for Indoor/Outdoor Air Pollution Control (PolyU Grant, $696,000,

principal investigator)

2006-2008 Distribution and Source contribution of carbonaceous pollution in Beijing for

Olympic Games (Civic Exchange, HK$ 250,000, principal investigator)

Page 4: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO2 Air Filters System

for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5204/07E, $394,800,

principal investigator)

2007-2009 Ultra-fine and Nano Particles in Urban Area of Hong Kong: Their Sources, Chemical

Properties, and Formation (HK$ 320,000, principal investigator)

2007-2008 Study on Indoor Particles inside Emperor Qin's Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses

Museum with SEM-EDX (HK$ 150,000, principal investigator)

2007-2008 Low-temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction of NO with NH3 over the Catalysts

Based on Mn/TiO2 (HK$ 150,000, principal investigator)

2008-2009 Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Formation in Pearl River Delta Region (PRDR)

(Germany-HK RGC jointed research scheme, HK$ 22,400, principal investigator)

2008-2010 Removal of Air Pollutants by Nano-structural Non-titania Based Visible Light-driven

Photocatalysts with High Surface Areas (Post-Dr. research fund, HK$ 696,000,

principal investigator)

2009-2012 Primary Emissions and Secondary Formation Pathways of Carbonaceous Aerosol in

the Pearl River Delta Region: A Regional Model Synthesis (RGC General Research

Fund, PolyU 5175/09E, HK$ 445,584, principal investigator)

2009-2013 Primary Gaseous Emissions and Secondary Nanoparticles Formation from Consumer

Products: Chamber Study (Block Grant except CRG, Dean's Reserve, HK$ 300,000,

principal investigator)

2011-2013 Cooking Emission Monitoring and Assessment in Residential Kitchens (Industry &

Utilities, The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited (Towngas),

HK$ 1,200,000, principal investigator)

2012-2014 The Effects of Coexistent Pollutants on Indoor Secondary Pollutants Formation

during Ozonolysis of Emissions from Cleaning Products and Air Fresheners (Block

Grant except CRG, Dean's Reserve, HK$ 375,000, principal investigator)

2012-2014 Research on Air Quality Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures Associated

with Building Maintenance Work in Public Areas (CII-HK Limited and Hong Kong

Others, HK$ 300,000, principal investigator)

2012-2014 Observation and Modeling of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in China

(Chinese Academy of Sciences Funding Scheme, HK$ 199,890, principal


2013-2014 Study on the Optical Properties of Aerosols at Hok Tsui Monitoring Site (Industry &

Utilities, Sunway Environmental Technology Co Ltd., HK$ 500,000, principal


2013-2015 The Effect of Coexistent Pollutants on Indoor Secondary Organic Aerosols

Formation (Central Research Grant, Fund for GRF Project Rated 3.5 (CRG), PolyU

5193/12E, HK$ 105,000, principal investigator)


1995-1997 A Study of the Distribution and Correlation of Surface Ozone and its Precursors in

Hong Kong (PolyU Grant, $686,000, co-investigator)

1997-2000 A Study of the Human Exposure to Respirable Suspended Particulates in Roadside

Microenvironments of Metropolitan Hong Kong (PolyU Grant, $460,000, co-


1998-2000 Assessing Ozone-precursor Relationships with Respect to Ozone Formation Based on

Study of the Spatial and Seasonal Behavior of Ozone Precursors in Hong Kong (RGC

Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5037/98E, $380,000, co-investigator)

1998-2001 Optimization of Signal Setting to Minimize Fuel Consumption and Exhaust

Emissions (PolyU Grant, $241,000, co-investigator)

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1998-2001 A Study on the Human Exposure in Various Transportation Modes in Hong Kong

(PolyU Grant, $482,000, co-investigator)

1999-2002 Reexamining Tropospheric Ozone at Sub-tropical Hong Kong (RGC Earmarked

Grant, PolyU 5061/99E, $1,022,000, co-investigator)

2000-2003 A Study of Human Exposure in Public Transportation Modes in Hong Kong and

Guangzhou, China (PolyU Grant, $ 430,000, co-investigator)

2000-2004 Implications of Volatile Organic Emissions from Pearl River Delta Cities of South

China Including Hong Kong (RGC Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5037/00E, $1,227,000,


2000-2006 Study of Photochemical Ozone Pollution in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta

Region (PolyU Grant, $55,000, co-investigator)

2001-2003 Indoor Air Pollution Control - Reduction of Vehicle Emission Ingress in Commercial

Buildings (RGC Earmarked Grant, $197,000, co-investigator)

2001-2004 Particulate and Hydrocarbon Emissions of an Oxygenated Ultra-low Sulphur Diesel

Fuel (RGC Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5156/01E, $460,000, co-investigator)

2004-2006 Purification and Sterilization of Indoor Air for Disease Prevention and Health against

Infection (RGC Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5114/04E, $298,000, co-investigator)

2004-2007 Pollutant Concentrations of Moving Vehicles in Urban Road Microenvironments

(RGC Earmarked Grant, PolyU 5265/04E, $517,000, co-investigator)

2005-2007 Assessment of Volatile Organic Compounds in Hotels: Grey System Approach

(PolyU Grant, $277,000, co-investigator)

2005-2007 Development of Diesel Engine with Diesel/Methanol Compound Combustion (PolyU

Grant, $320,000, co-investigator)

2006-2008 Investigation of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) Emissions in the

HKSAR by Using Bag-enclosure and Remote Sensing Techniques (PolyU Grant, co-


2006-2013 An integrated study of photochemical ozone, haze, and acid rain pollution in the

Pearl River Delta and other fast developing regions of China (Block Grant except

CRG, Niche Areas, HK$ 6,959,791, co-investigator)

2009-2012 Atmospheric Ozone and Particulate Pollution in the Pearl River Delta: Development

of Key Data Bases and a Modelling Study (Block Grant except CRG, Dean's Reserve,

HK$ 250,000, co-investigator)

2009-2012 A Multi-scale Aerosol Pollutant Dispersion Model (Central Research Grant, Fund for

GRF Project Rated 3.5 (CRG), PolyU 5123/09E, HK$ 150,000, co-investigator)

2010-2014 Study of Photochemical Air Pollution in Hong Kong (Hong Kong Government,

Environment and Conservation Found, ECF 7/2009, HK$ 6,554,936, co-investigator)

2011-2014 Price Premium Modeling and Experiment for China Hotel's Indoor Air Quality

Enhancement (Charities & Foundation, K. Wah Group Foundation, HK$ 399,846,


2012-2014 Development of Innovative Photocatalytic Cement Based Materials with High Air-

purifying and Self-cleaning Properties (Block Grant except CRG, Dean's Reserve,

HK$ 289,980, co-investigator)


2006-2007 Distribution and source contribution of carbonaceous pollution and its control measures

over summer atmosphere in Beijing ("The Carbon Study"), from donation of Civic


2011.04 A study air quality in an ancient tomb dating back some 2000 years in Shanxi. This is the

first time for scientists to study air quality in the tomb of archaeological sites and the

obtained data is important for heritage preservation. China Central Television (CCTV)

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reported this work (


CSE 560 Indoor Air Pollution

CSE 523 Risk Assessment and Management

CSE 532 Air Pollution Control


Photocatalyst and its method of making (HK patent application 04104064.9)

Room temperature gas sensors (US patent application no 11/873796)

Publication List (Refereed Journal Papers)

Indoor air pollution

1. Yu Huang, Shun Cheng Lee, Kin Fai Hob, Steven Sai Hang Hob, Nanying Cao, Yan Cheng, Yuan

Gao. Effect of ammonia on ozone-initiated formation of indoor secondary products with

emissions from cleaning products. Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 59: 224-231.

2. Chi Sing Chan, Shun Cheng Lee, Wilco Chan, Kin Fai Ho, Linwei Tian, Sen Chao Lai, Yok

Sheung Li and Yu Huang. Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds at Hotels in Southern

China. SAGE in Indoor and Built Environment, 2011, 20(4): 420-429.

3. Yu Huang, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Kin Fai Ho, Shun Cheng Lee, Yuan Gao and Natale Sin Yau

Feng. Optimization of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) to determine airborne biogenic volatile

organic compounds (BVOCs): An application for measurement of household cleaning products.

Anal. Methods, 2012, 4: 277-283.

4. Zhang, YW, Gu, ZL, Lee, SC, Fu, TM, Ho, KF. Numerical Simulation and In Situ Investigation of

Fine Particle Dispersion in an Actual Deep Street Canyon in Hong Kong. Indoor and Built

Environment, 2011, 20(2): 206-216.

5. Huang, Y, Ho, SSH, Ho, KF, Lee, SC, Yu, JZ, Louie, PKK. Characteristics and health impacts of

VOCs and carbonyls associated with residential cooking activities in Hong Kong. Journal of

Hazardous Materials, 2011, 186(1): 344-351.

6. Huang, Y, Ho, KF, Ho, SSH, Lee, SC, Yau, PS, Cheng, Y. Physical parameters effect on ozone-

initiated formation of indoor secondary organic aerosols with emissions from cleaning products.

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, 192(3): 1787-1794.

7. Huang, Y, Hang Ho, SS, Ho, KF, Lee, SC, Gao, Y, Cheng, Y, Chan, CS. Characterization of

Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) in Cleaning Reagents and Air Fresheners in

Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment, 2011, 45(34): 6191-6196.

8. Lai, SC, Ho, KF, Zhang, YY, Lee, SC, Huang, Y, Zou, SC. Characteristics of Residential Indoor

Carbonaceous Aerosols: A Case Study in Guangzhou, Pearl River Delta Region. Aerosol and Air

Quality Research, 2010, 10: 472-478.

9. Hu, TF, Lee, SC, Cao, JJ, Ho, WK, Ho, KF, Chow, JC, Watson, JG, Rong, B, An, ZS.

Atmospheric deterioration of Qin brick in an environmental chamber at Emperor Qin's Terracotta

Museum, China. Journal of Archaeological Science, 2009, 36(11): 2578-2583.

10. T Hu, S C Lee, J Cao, J C Chow, J Watson, K F Ho, W K Ho, B Rong, Z S An. Characterization

of winter airborne particles at Emperor Qin’s Terra- Cotta Musium China. Science of Total

Environment, 2009, 407(20): 5319-5327.

11. H Guo, N H Kowk, H R Cheng, S C Lee, W T Hung, Y S Li. Formaldehyde and Volatile Organic

Compunds in HK homes: concentration and impact factors. Indoor Air, 2009, 19(3): 206-217.

12. Chan, W. C., Lee, S. C., Chan, J., Chen, Y. M., Mak, B., Zheng, C., Guo, X. G.. Indoor air quality

Page 7: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

of new hotels: Grey theory approach. 2008, p 745-750.

13. Wang, B., Lee, S. C., Ho, K. F.. Characteristics of carbonyls: Concentrations and source strengths

for indoor and outdoor residential microenvironments in China. Atmospheric Environment, 2007,

41(13): 2851-2861.

14. A Yang, X M Tao, R X Wang, S. C. Lee and C Surya. Room temperature gas sensing properties

of SnO2 /multiwall-carbon-nanotube composite nanofibers. Applied Physics Letter, 2007, 91(13):


15. Wang, B., S C Lee, Ho, K.F., Kang, Y.M.. Characteristics of Emissions of Air Pollutants from

Burning of Incense in Temples, Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment, 2007, 377(1): 52-


16. Lee, S. C., Wang, B.. Characteristics of emissions of air pollutants from mosquito coils and

candles burning in a large environmental chamber. Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40(12):2128-


17. Wang, B., Lee, S. C., Ho, K. F.. Chemical composition of fine particles from incense burning in a

large environmental chamber. Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40(40): 7858-7868.

18. S.C. Lee, B. Wang. Characteristics of emissions of air pollutants from mosquito coils and candles

burning in a large environmental chamber. Atmospheric Environment, 2006, 40(12): 2128-2138.

19. Wang, B.; Lee, S. C.. Carbonyl levels in indoor and outdoor air at four cities, China. Indoor Air

2005: Proceedings of the 10th

international conference on indoor air quality and climate, p 792-796.

20. Song, G., Zhang, B. Y., Wang, X. M., Gong, J. P., Chan, D., Bernett, J., Lee, S. C.. Indoor radon

levels in selected hot spring hotels in Guangdong, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2005,

339(1-3): 63-70.

21. Ho, K. F.; Lee, S. C.; Lai, S. C.. Characteristic of residential indoor carbonaceous aerosols in

Guangzhou, Pearl River Delta Region. 2005, p 1611-1615.

22. J.J. Cao, S.C. Lee, J.C. Chow, Y. Cheng, K.F. Ho, K. Fung, S.X. Liu, J.G. Watson.

Indoor/outdoor relationships for PM2.5 and associated carbonaceous pollutants at residential homes

in Hong Kong - case study. Indoor Air, 2005, 15(3): 197-204.

23. Cao J.J., Rong B., S. C. Lee , Judith C. Chow, Kinfai Ho, Suixin Liu, Chongshu Zhu.

Composition of indoor aerosols at Emperor Qin’s Terra-cotta museum, Xi’an, China, during

summer, 2004. China Particuology, 2005, 3(3): 170-175.

24. S.C. Lee and B. Wang. Characteristics of emission of air pollutant from burning of incense in a

large environmental chamber. Atmospheric Environment, 2004, 38(7): 941-951.

25. H. Guo, S.C. Lee, L.Y. Chan. Indoor air quality at ice skating rinks in Hong Kong. Environmental

Research, 2004, 94(3): 327-335.

26. S.C. Lee, H. Guo and L.Y. Chan. Indoor air quality investigation at air-conditioned and non air-

conditioned markets in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment, 2004, 323(1-3): 87-98.

27. H. Guo, S.C. Lee, L.Y. Chan, and W. M. Li. Risk assessment of exposure to volatile organic

compounds in different indoor environments. Environmental Research, 2004, 94(1): 57-66.

28. S.C. Lee, H. Guo, S. M. J. Lam, and S.L.A. Lau. Multi-pathway risk assessment on disinfection

by-products of drinking water in Hong Kong. Environmental Research, 2004, 94(1): 47-56.

29. H. Guo, F. Murray, S.C. Lee, and S. Wilkinson. Evaluation of emissions of total volatile organic

compound from carpets in an environmental chamber. Building and Environment, 2004, 39(2):


30. N.H. Kwok, S.C. Lee, H. Guo and W.T. Hung. Substrate effects on VOC emissions from an

interior finishing varnish, Building and Environment, 2003, 38 (8): 1019-1026.

31. H. Guo, F. Murray, and S.C. Lee. The development of low volatile organic compound emission

house - a case study. Building and Environment, 2003, 38(12):1413-1422.

32. H. Guo,

S. C. Lee, W. M. Li, J. J. Cao. Source characterization of BTEX in indoor

microenvironments in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment, 2003, 37(1): 73-82.

33. S.C. Lee, N.H. Kwok, H. Guo, and W.T. Hung. The effect of wet film thickness on VOC

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emissions from a finishing varnish. Science of the Total Environment, 2003, 302(1-3): 75-84.

34. S.C. Lee, H. Guo, and W. M. Li. Inter-Comparison of Air Pollutant Concentrations in Different

Indoor Environment in Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment, 2002, 36(12): 1929-1940.

35. H. Guo, F. Murray, and S. C. Lee. Emissions of total volatile organic compounds emissions from

pressed wood products in an environmental chamber. Building and Environment, 2002, 37(11):


36. S.C. Lee, W. M. Li, and C. H. Ao. Investigation of Indoor Air Quality at Residential homes in

HK- Case study. Atmospheric Environment, 2002, 36(2): 225-237.

37. Kwok, N. H., Ao, C. H., Li, W. M., Lee, S. C., Hung, W. T., Cuhk, C. C.. Characterization of gas

emissions from cooking using an environmental chamber. Proceedings of the 4TH


conference on indoor air quality, ventilation and energy conservation in building. 2001, p 397-404.

38. S.C. Lee, W.M. Li, and L.Y. Chan. Indoor Air Quality at Restaurants with Different Styles of

Cooking in Metropolitan HK. Science of Total Environment, 2001, 279(1-3): 181-193.

39. S.C. Lee, S. Lam, and K.F. Ho. Characterization of VOCs, Ozone, and PM10 Emissions from

Office Equipment in an Environmental Chamber. Building and Environment, 2001, 36(7): 837-


40. W.M. Li, S.C. Lee, and L.Y. Chan (2001). Indoor Air Quality at Nine Shopping Malls in HK,

Science of the Total Environment 273:27-40.

41. Lee, S. C., Poon, C. S., Li, X. D., Luk, F., Chang, M., Lam, S.. Air quality measurements on

sixteen commercial aircraft. In Air Quality and Comfort in Airliner Cabins, Nagda, N. L., Ed.

2000, 1393: 45-58.

42. Lee, S. C., Poon, C. S., Li, X. D., Luk, F., Chang, M.. Questionnaire survey to evaluate the health

and comfort of cabin crew. In Air Quality and Comfort in Airliner Cabins, Nagda, N. L., Ed. 2000,

1393: 259-268.

43. S.C. Lee and M. Chang. Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Investigation at Schools in Hong Kong.

Chemosphere, 2000, 41(1-2): 109-113.

44. S.C. Lee, C.S. Poon, X.D. Li, and F. Luk. Indoor Air Quality Investigation on Commercial Aircraft.

Indoor Air, 1999, 9(3): 180-187.

45. S.C. Lee and M. Chang. Indoor Air Quality Investigations at Five Classrooms. Indoor Air, 1999,


46. S.C. Lee, M. Chang, and K.Y. Chan. Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Investigation at Six

Residential Buildings in Hong Kong. Environmental International, 1999, 25(4): 489-496.

47. S.C. Lee, L.Y. Chan, and M.Y. Chiu. Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Investigation at 14 Public

Places in Hong Kong. Environmental International, 1999, 25(4): 443-450.

48. S.C. Lee and L. Y. Chan. Indoor/Outdoor air quality correlation and questionnaire survey at the

two staff quarters in Hong Kong, Environment International, 1998, 24(7): 729-737.

49. S.C. Lee (1997). Comparison of indoor and outdoor air quality at two staff quarters in Hong Kong,

Environment International, 1997, 23(6): 791-797.

Outdoor Air Pollution

50. Man Sing Wong, Md. Latifur Rahman Sarker, Janet Nichol, Shun-cheng Lee, Hongwei Chen,

Yiliang Wan, P.W. Chan. Modeling BVOC isoprene emissions based on a GIS and remote

sensing database. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2013,

21: 66-77.

51. Jun-Ji Cao, Zhen-Xing Shen, Judith C. Chow, John G. Watson, Shun-Cheng Lee, Xue-Xi Tie,

Kin-Fai Ho, Ge-Hui Wang, and Yong-Ming Han. Winter and Summer PM2.5 Chemical

Compositions in Fourteen Chinese Cities. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association,

2012, 62(10): 1214-1226.

52. Yan Cheng, Kin Fai Ho, Wen Jing Wu, Steven Sai Hang Ho, Shun Cheng Lee, Yu Huang, Yun

Wei Zhang, Pui Shan Yau, Yuan Gao, Chi Sing Chan. Real-Time Characterization of Particle-

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Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons at a Heavily Trafficked Roadside Site. Aerosol and Air

Quality Research, 2012, 12: 1181-1188.

53. Yun-Wei Zhang, Zhao-Lin Gu, Yan Cheng, Zhen-Xing Shen, Jun-Gang Dong, Shun-Cheng Lee.

Measurement of Diurnal Variations of PM2.5 Mass Concentrations and Factors Affecting Pollutant

Dispersion in Urban Street Canyons under Weak-Wind Conditions in Xi’an. Aerosol and Air

Quality Research, 2012, 12: 1261-1268.

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55. Steven Sai Hang Ho, Kin Fai Ho, Suixin Liu, Wandong Liu, Shun Cheng Lee, Kochy K. Fung,

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59. Pathak, RK, Wang, T, Ho, KF, Lee, SC. Characteristics of summertime PM2.5 organic and

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61. Ho, SSH, Ho, KF, Liu, WD, Lee, SC, Dai, WT, Cao, JJ, Ip, HSS. Unsuitability of using the

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62. Ho, KF, Ho, SSH, Lee, SC, Kawamura, K, Zou, SC, Cao, JJ, Xu, HM. Summer and winter

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70. Cheng, HR, Guo, H, Wang, XM, Saunders, SM, Lam, SHM, Jiang, F, Wang, TJ, Ding, AJ, Lee,

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75. Ho, KF, Ho, SSH, Lee, SC, Cheng, Y, Chow, JC, Watson, JG, Louie, PKK, Tian, LW. Emissions

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84. H. Huang, S. C. Lee, J. J. Cao, C. W. Zou, X.-G and S. J. Fan. Characteristics of indoor/outdoor PM

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B-doped, Ni-doped and B-Ni-codoped TiO2 solid and hollow microspheres for photocatalytic

removal of NO. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2009, 89(3-4): 398-405.

153. Ho, KF, Lee, SC, Ho, WK, Blake, DR, Cheng, Y, Li, YS, Ho, SSH, Fung, K, Louie, PKK, Park,

D. Vehicular emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from a tunnel study in Hong Kong.

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 9: 7491-7504.

Page 15: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

154. Guo, H, Kwok, NH, Cheng, HR, Lee, SC, Hung, WT, Li, YS. Formaldehyde and volatile organic

compounds in Hong Kong homes: concentrations and impact factors. Indoor Air, 2009, 19(3):


155. Chan, WC, Lee, SC, Chen, YM, Mak, B, Wong, KV, Chan, CS, Zheng, C, Guo, XG. Indoor air

quality in new hotels' guest rooms of the major world factory region. International Journal of

Hospitality Management, 2009, 28(1): 26-32.

156. Ai, ZH, Zhang, LZ, Lee, SC, Ho, WK. Interfacial Hydrothermal Synthesis of Cu@Cu2O Core-

Shell Microspheres with Enhanced Visible-Light-Driven Photocatalytic Activity. Journal of

Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113(49): 20896-20902.

157. Ai, ZH, Ho, WK, Lee, SC, Zhang, LZ. Efficient Photocatalytic Removal of NO in Indoor Air

with Hierarchical Bismuth Oxybromide Nanoplate Microspheres under Visible Light.

Environmental Science & Technology, 2009, 43(11): 4143-4150.

158. Wang, YW, Huang, Y, Ho, WK, Zhang, LZ, Zou, ZG, Lee, SC. Biomolecule-controlled

hydrothermal synthesis of C-N-S-tridoped TiO2 nanocrystalline photocatalysts for NO removal

under simulated solar light irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 169: 77-87.

159. Tian, LW, Koshland, CP, Yano, JK, Yachandra, VK, Yu, ITS, Lee, SC, Lucas, D. Carbon-

Centered Free Radicals in Particulate Matter Emissions from Wood and Coal Combustion. Energy

& Fuels, 2009, 23(5): 2523-2526.

160. Cheng, Y, Lee, SC, Cao, JJ, Ho, KF, Chow, JC, Watson, JG, Ao, CH. Elemental composition of

airborne aerosols at a traffic site and a suburban site in Hong Kong. International Journal of

Environment and Pollution, 2009, 36(1-3): 166-179.

161. C Yao, C.S. Cheung, C Cheng, Y. Wang, and T L Chan and S C Lee. Effect of Diesel/methanol

compound combustion on Diesel engine combustion and emissions. Energy conversion and

management, 2008, 49(6): 1969-1704.

162. Huang, Y, Ho, WK, Lee, SC, Zhang, LZ, Li, GS, Yu, JC. Effect of carbon doping on the

mesoporous structure of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide and its solar-light-driven photocatalytic

degradation of NOx. Langmuir, 2008, 24 (7): 3510-3516.

163. Cheng, CH, Cheung, CS, Chan, TL, Lee, SC, Yao, CD. Experimental investigation on the

performance, gaseous and particulate emissions of a methanol fumigated diesel engine. Science of

the Total Environment, 2008, 389(1): 115-124.

164. Chan T.L., Gosse K., Zhou Y., Lee S.C., Wang X.W. and Huang J.F.. Effect of Rear Slant Angle

on Flow Structures, and Pollutant Dispersion and Concentration Fields in the Wake of the Studied

Model Vehicle. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2008, 51(25-26): 6180-6193.

165. C. S. Cheung, C Cheng, T L Chan, S. C. Lee, C Yao and K. S. Tsang. Emission Characteristics of

a diesel engine fuel with biodiesel and fumigation. Energy and Fuels, 2008, 22(2): 906-914.

166. C H Cheng, C. S. Cheung, T L Chan, S. C. Lee, C D Yao and K. S. Tsang. Comparison of

emissions of a direct injection engine operating on biodiesel with emulsified and fumigated

methanol. Fuel, 2008, 87(10-11): 1870-1879.

167. Chen, Y, Ho, KF, Ho, SSH, Ho, WK, Lee, SC, Yu, JZ, Sit, EHL. Gaseous and particulate

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emissions from commercial restaurants in Hong Kong.

Journal of environmental monitoring, 2007, 9(12): 1402-1409.

168. Lin J.Z., Chan T.L., LiuS., Zhou K., Zhou Y. and Lee S.C.. Effects of Coherent Structures on

Nanoparticle Coagulation and Dispersion in a Round Jet. International Journal of Nonlinear

Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 2007, 8(1): 45-54.

169. Wingkei Ho, Jimmy C. Yu, S. C. Lee. Photocatalytic activity and photo-induced hydrophilicity of

mesoporous TiO2 thin films coated on aluminum substrate. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,

2007, 73(1-2): 135-143.

170. A Yang, X Tao, R Wang, S C Lee and C. Surya. Room Temperature gas sensing properties of

SnO2/ Multiwall- carbon-nanotube composite nanofibers. Applied Physical Letter, 2007,

91(133110): 1-3.

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171. Lee, S. C., Yu, H. G., Yu, J. G., Ao, C. H.. Fabrication, characterization and photocatalytic

activity of preferentially oriented TiO2 films. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2006, 295 (1): 60-68.

172. Wingkei Ho, Jimmy C. Yu, S. C. Lee. Synthesis of hierarchically nanoporous F-doped TiO2

spheres with visible light photocatalytic activity. Chemical Communications, 2006, 1115-1117.

173. Wingkei Ho, Jimmy C. Yu, S. C. Lee. Low-temperature hydrothermal synthesis of S-doped TiO2

with visible light photocatalytic activity. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2006, 179, 1160-1165.

174. Jiaguo Yu, Huogen Yu, C.H. Ao and S.C. Lee, Jimmy C. Yu and WingKei Ho. Preparation,

Characterization and photocatalytic activity of in-situ Fe-doped TiO2 thin films. Thin Solid Film,

2006, 496(2): 273-280.

175. Ao, C. H., Lee, S. C.. Indoor air purification by photocatalyst TiO2 immobilized on an activated

carbon filter installed in an air cleaner. Chemical Engineering Science, 2005, 60(1):103-109.

176. F.B. Li, X.Z. Li, C.H. Ao, S.C. Lee and M.F. Hou. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of VOCs

using Ln3+

-TiO2 catalysts for indoor air purification. Chemosphere, 2005, 59(6): 787-800.

177. Cheung CS, Liu MA, Lee SC, Pan KY. Experimental study on emission characteristics of diesel

engines with diesel fuel blended with dimethyl carbonate. Clean Air: International Journal on

Energy for a Clean Environment, 2005, 6(3): 239-253.

178. C. S. Cheung, S. C. Lee, A. Kwok, C. W. Tung. Effect of DMC on the Emissions of a 4-cylinder

Diesel Engine. HKIE Transactions, 2005, 12(3): 15-20.

179. Huogen Yu, Jiaguo Yu, Bei Cheng, C.H. Ao and S.C. Lee. Effect of substrates on the

composition and microstructure of TiO2 thin films prepared by the LPD method. Key Engineering

Materials, 2005, 280-283: 795-800.

180. Yu, H.G., Lee, S.C., Ao, C.H., Yu, J.G.. Low-temperature Fabrication and photocatalytic activity

of Clustered TiO2 particles formed on Glass Fibers. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2005, 280(3-4):


181. Yu, H.G., Lee, S.C., Yu, J.G., Ao, C.H.. Photocatalytic activity of dispersed TiO2 particles

deposited on glass fibers. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2005, 246(1-2): 206-211.

182. C.H. Ao and S.C. Lee. Combination effect of activated carbon with TiO2 for the photodegradation

of binary pollutants at typical indoor air level. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A:

Chemistry, 2004, 161(2-3): 131-140.

183. C.H. Ao, S.C. Lee, S.C. Zou, and C.L. Mak. Inhibition effect of SO2 on NOx and VOCs during

the photodegradation of synchronous indoor air pollutants at parts-per-billion (ppb) level by TiO2.

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2004, 49: 187-193.

184. C.H. Ao, S.C. Lee, J.Z. Yu, and J.H. Xu. Photodegradation of formaldehyde by photocatalyst

TiO2: effects on the presences of NO, SO2 and VOCs. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2004,

54: 41-50.

185. F.B. Li, X.Z. Li, C.H. Ao, M.F. Hou, and S.C. Lee. Photocatalytical conversion of NO using

TiO2-NH3 catalyst in ambient air environment. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2004,


186. Cheung, C. S., Liu, M. A., Lee, S. C., Pan, K. Y.. Performance of diesel engine using diesel fuel

blended with dimethyl carbonate. 2003, p 289-292.

187. X.D. Li, C.S. Poon, S.C. Lee, S.S. Chung, and F. Luk.. Waste reduction and recycling strategies

for the in-flight services in the airline industry. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 2003, 37(2):


188. C.H. Ao, S.C. Lee, C.L. Mak, and L.Y. Chan. Photodegradation of Volatile Organic Compounds

(VOCs) and NO for indoor air purification using TiO2: Promotion vs Inhibition effect of NO.

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2003, 42(2): 225-237.

189. C.H. Ao, S.C. Lee, J.C. Yu. Photocatalyst TiO2 supported on glass fiber for indoor air purification:

effect of NO on the photodegradation of CO and NO2. Journal of Photochemistry and

Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2003, 156(1-3): 171-177.

190. C.H. Ao and S.C. Lee. Enhancement effect of TiO2 immobilized on activated carbon filter for the

Page 17: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

photodegradation of pollutants at typical indoor air level. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,

2003, 44(3): 191-205.

191. S.C. Lee, C.P. Koshland, D. Lucas, and R.F. Sawyer. Effect of Post-Flame Fuel Injection on the

Destruction of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons and the Oxidation of NO. Combustion and Flame, 1999,

119: 154-160.

192. S.C. Lee, C.P. Koshland, R.F. Sawyer, and D. Lucas. Effects of post-flame fuel injection on the

destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Combustion Science and Technology, 1994, 101: 247-


193. C.P. Koshland, S.C. Lee, R.F. Sawyer, and D. Lucas. Enhanced destruction of CH3Cl in post-

flame combustion gases, Combustion and Flame, 1993, 92: 106-114.

Other Journal Papers

194. Huang H., Cao J.J., Tsang P.K., Lee S.C., He J.H., Zou C.W., Zou S.C., Li S.M. Characterization

of Organic Carbon, Elemental Carbon and Water-Soluble Organic Carbon in PM2.5 of Guangzhou

City. Journal of Analytical Science, 2010, 26(3): 255-260. (in Chinese)

195. Tao J., Zhu L.H., Han J.L., Xie W.Z., Ho K.F., Lee S.C., Xu Z.C.. Preliminary Study on

Characteristics of Black Carbon Aerosol Pollution in Guangzhou during the Spring of 2007.

Climatic and Environmental Research, 2008, 13(5): 658-662. (in Chinese)

196. Huang H., Lee S.C., Cao J.J., Zou C.W., Chen X.G., Fan S.J.. Quantification of PM2.5 Indoor

Emission Source Intensity in Residence of Guangzhou City. Journal of South China Normal

University (Natural Science Edition), 2007, 1: 64-80. (in Chinese)

197. Huang H., Lee S.C., Cao J.J., Zou C.W., Chen X.G., Fan S.J.. Source Apportionment of

Carbonaceous for Indoor and Outdoor PM2.5 in Guangzhou City. Journal of South China Normal

University (Natural Science Edition), 2007, 4: 85-91. (in Chinese)

198. Huang H., Lee S.C., Cao J.J., Zou C.W., Chen X.G., Fan S.J.. Characterization and Source of

Element Components in Indoor and Outdoor PM2.5 During Summer and Winter in Guangzhou

City. Journal of Analytical Science, 2007, 23(4): 283-388. (in Chinese)

199. Dong J.G., Cao J.J., Wang B., Lee S.C., Ho K.F.. Characterization of indoor carbonyl compounds

at residential homes in Xi’an. Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,

2007, 24(5):692-698. (in Chinese)

200. Huang H., Lee S.C., Cao J.J., Zou C.W., Chen X.G.. Progress of Sampling and Analysis of

Aerosol Organic and Elemental Carbon. Journal of Analytical Science, 2006, 22(2): 225-229. (in


201. Huang H., Lee S.C., Cao J.J., Zou C.W., Chen X.G., Fan S.J.. PM2.5 Exposure Assessment City

by Using Human Lung of Investigation-involved Particulate Concentration Persons in Guangzhou

Model. Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 2006, 1(4): 375-378. (in Chinese)

202. Cao J.J., Lee S.C., Li Y., Judith C. Chow, Kochy Fung. Characteristics and source apportionment

of carbonaceous aerosol over Xi’an, China. Progress of Natural Science, 2005, 15(12): 1460-

1466. (in Chinese)

203. Huang H., Lee S.C., Cao J.J., Zou C.W., Chen X.G., Fan S.J.. Research progress of

characterization of carbonaceous aerosol. Environmental Science and Technology, 2005, 28 (3):

112-114. (in Chinese)

204. Huang H., Lee S. C., et al. Review for exposure study of air pollution. Environmental Pollution

and Control, 2005, 27 (2): 118-121. (in Chinese)

205. Huang H., Lee S.C., Cao J.J., Zou C.W., Chen X.G., Fan S.J.. Characterization of indoor/outdoor

organic and elemental carbon in PM2.5 during summer in Guangzhou city. Acta Scientiae

Circumstantiae, 2005, 25(9):1242- 1249. (in Chinese)

206. J.J. Cao, Y.Q. Wang, X.Y. Zhang, S.C. Lee, K.F. Ho, Y.N. Cao, and Y. Li. Analysis of carbon

isotopes in airborne carbonate - Implications for aeolian sources, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004,

49(17): 1785-1788. (in Chinese).

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207. J.J. Pan, J.J. Cao, C.A. Mai, and S.C. Lee. Spatial-Temporal Variations of Atmospheric PM10 over

Zhuhai City, Research of Environmental Sciences, 2003, 16(5): 6-10. (in Chinese)

208. Zou S.C., Cao Z.X., Zhang Z.X., He J.H., Lee S.C.. Diurnal Variation of Carbonyl Compound

Concentrations at Roadside Air of Guangzhou. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis

Sunyatseni, 2003, 42(2): 171-175. (in Chinese)

209. J.J. Cao, X. Zhang, S.C. Lee, J.C. Chow, and D. Wang. Elemental characteristics of mineral

aerosol over inland and coastal areas of China. The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering, 2002,

274-278. (in Chinese)

210. X.M. Wang, J.M. Fu, G.Y. Sheng, S.C. Lee, L.Y. Chan, Y.S. Min, P. A. Ping, and C.Y. Chan. Purge

and trap method to determine alpha factors of VOC liquid-phase mass transfer coefficients. Chinese

Science Bulletin, 2000, 45: 76-79.

211. Liu G., Sheng G.Y., Fu J.M., Min Y.S., Wang X.M., S.C. Lee, Chen L.Y., Chen Z.Y., Y. Lin.

Hazardous Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air in Hong Kong. Environmental

Chemistry, 2000, 19(1): 61-66. (in Chinese)

212. Sheng G.Y., Fu J.M., Cheng Y., Wang X.M., Lee S.C., Chen L.Y., Wang Z.S.. Preliminary Study

on Organic Pollutants in Atmosphere of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macao. Environmental

Science, 1999, 4: 6-10. (in Chinese)

213. X.M. Wang, J.M. Fu, G.Y. Sheng, M.S. Yu, S.C. Lee, L.Y. Chen. Compositions and sources of

volatile organic compounds in Guangzhou roadsides. Environmental Science, 1999, 20(5): 30-34.

(in Chinese)

214. X.M. Wang, J.M. Fu, G.Y. Sheng, Y.S. Min, S.C. Lee, L.Y. Chen, Z.Y. Chen, Y. Lin. Removal

and emission of volatile organic compounds in Datansha Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Environmental Chemistry, 1999, 18(2): 157-162. (in Chinese)

215. S.C. Lee. Indoor Air Quality in homes and buildings, Construction & Real Estate Review, 1998,


216. Y. Cheng, G. Sheng, Y. Min, S.C. Lee, L.Y. Chan, and J. Fu. Composition, distribution and source of

hydrocarbons in aerosol from Hong Kong. Geochemica, 1997, 26(3):45-52. (in Chinese)

217. L.Y. Chan, S.C. Lee, Y. Qin. Research of the landfill gas composition and its yield in South China.

Chinese Journal of Environmental Science, 1997, 18(1): 33-38.

218. Y. Cheng, J. Fu, G. Sheng, Y. Min, S.C. Lee, L.Y. Chan. m-Quarterphenyl detected in the aerosols of

Pearl River Delta and Preliminary study on its environmental significance. Chinese Science Bulletin,

1996, 42(7): 728-730. (in Chinese)

219. S.C. Lee. Effect of injecting CH4, C2H6, CH3OH, or CO on the destructions of chlorinated

hydrocarbons and NO conversion in post-flame combustion gases. Ph.D. thesis, University of

California, Berkeley, USA, April 1994.

Papers Presented at International Meetings, Workshops, and Conferences

1. S.C. Lee and L.F. Chang, "Wind Tunnel Experiments on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of the

Windbreak for the Coal Storage Yard", presented at the Symposium of the 5th Air Pollution

Control in Taiwan, Vol. 1, pp. 19-32, 1988.

2. C.P. Koshland, S.C. Lee, and D. Lucas, "The effectiveness of clean fuel injection on the destruction of

CH3Cl", presented at spring meeting of the Western States Section/The Combustion Institute, Corvallis,

OR, USA, 1991.

3. C.P. Koshland, S.C. Lee, and D. Lucas, "The effectiveness of fuel injection on the destruction of

CH3Cl", presented at the 24th Symposium (International) on Combustion/The Combustion Institute,

Sydney, Australia, July 5-10, 1992.

4. S.C. Lee, C.P. Koshland, and D. Lucas, "Enhanced destruction of toxic Wastes in Combustion",

presented at fall meeting of California Toxic Substance Program, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 1992.

5. S.C. Lee, C.P. Koshland, R.F. Sawyer, and D. Lucas, "Enhanced destructions of chlorinated

hydrocarbons in post-flame combustion gases", presented at the 3rd International Congress on Toxic

Page 19: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

Combustion By-Products, Cambridge, MA, USA, 1993.

6. R.F. Sawyer, C.P. Koshland, D. Lucas, S. Buckley, B. Higgins, S.C. Lee, C. McEnally and M.

Thomson, "The thermal destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons", Joint meeting, Russian and

Japanese section, The combustion Institute, Moscow, Russia, October 3-5, 1993.

7. S.C. Lee, C.P. Koshland, R.F. Sawyer, and D. Lucas, "Reducing combustion emissions by post-flame

methanol injection", presented at fall meeting of the western states/The Combustion Institute, Menlo

Park, CA, USA, 1993.

8. S.C. Lee, "Toxic incineration", presented at the second environmental engineering symposium

between Taiwan and China, Taipei, Taiwan, December 21, 1993.

9. S.C. Lee, "The thermal destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons", presented at the 7th IUAPPA

Regional Conference for Pacific Rim on Air Pollution and Waste Issues, Taipei, Taiwan, November 2-

4, 1994.

10. S.C. Lee and P.S. Kwan, "Land contamination studies from different industries in Hong Kong", The

Fourth International Congress on Toxic Combustion Byproducts, Berkeley, California, USA, June 5-7,


11. S.C. Lee, C.P. Koshland, R.F. Sawyer, and D. Lucas, "Effect of post-flame fuel injection on the

destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons and NO conversion", Third Asian-Pacific International

Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Hong Kong, December 11-15, 1995.

12. L.Y. Chan and S.C. Lee, "Organic gases from landfills in Hong Kong and China" (Invited lecture), the

second International Symposium of worldwide Chinese Scholar on Analytical Chemistry (ISWCSAC),

November 11-15, 1995.

13. S.C. Lee, and M.L. Tse "Evaluate the effectiveness of commercial air cleaners in indoor air pollution

control", The 7th international Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Nagoya, Japan, July

21- 26, 1996, Vol. 2, pp 411-416.

14. S.C. Lee and M.Y. Ng, "Prediction of decomposition rates of municipal solid wastes via gas and

leachate", The 89th annual air and waste management association (A&WMA) meeting and Exhibition,

Nashville, TN, USA, June 23-28, 1996.

15. S. C. Lee and K. K. Chiu, "The effectiveness of soil flushing on heavy metal contaminated soil", The

89th annual air and waste management association (A&WMA) meeting and Exhibition, Nashville, TN,

USA, June 23-28, 1996.

16. K.K. Chiu, S.C. Lee and C.S. Poon, "The Effectiveness of EDTA/HCl on the removal of Pb, Cd, Cu

and Ni in Soil", International Conference on the Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands,

Hong Kong, December 3-6, 1996.

17. S.C. Lee, "Remediation of Petroleum Contamination Soil by Soil Flushing", International Conference

on the Remediation and Management of Degraded Lands, Hong Kong, December 3-6, 1996.

18. S.C. Lee, "Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Correlation and Questionnaire Survey at Two Staff

Quarters in Hong Kong", Engineering Solutions to Indoor Air Quality Problems, Research Triangle

Park, NC, USA, July 21-23, 1997.

19. F. Fu, G. Sheng, Y. Chen, X. Wang, Y. Ming, P. Peng, S.C. Lee, L.Y. Chan, and W. Zhishi.

"Preliminary study of organic pollutants in air of Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Macau, Chapter 11",

in ACS Symposium Series 671, 1997.

20. C.Y. Chan, L.Y. Chan and S.C. Lee. "Characteristics of ozone episode and relations of synoptic

patterns in HK", Air pollution IV; C.A. Brebbia, C.F. Ratto, and H. Power (Eds.); WIT Press,

Computational Mechanics publications, UK, 1998, pp. 734-741.

21. M.C.C. Chang and S.C. Lee, "Comparison of indoor and outdoor air pollutants under different

ventillation conditions of classrooms in Hong Kong", the 91st Annual Meeting and Exhibition of Air

and Waste Management Association, San Diego, CA, USA, June 14-18, 1998.

22. S.C. Lee, C.S. Poon, X.D. Li, and F. Luk, "Indoor air Quality Investigation on Aircrafts", the 91st

Annual Meeting and Exhibition of Air and Waste Management Association, San Diego, CA, USA,

June 14-18, 1998.

Page 20: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

23. S.C. Lee and M. Chang, "Comparison of indoor and outdoor air pollutants of five classrooms in Hong

Kong", the Fifth Mainland -Taiwan Environmental Protection Academic Conference, Nanjing, China,

May 25-28, 1998.

24. X.D. Li, Fred Luk, C.S. Poon, S.C. Lee, "Waste Management of Airline Industry", the Fifth Mainland

-Taiwan Environmental Protection Academic Conference, Nanjing, China, May 25-28, 1998.

25. C.Y. Chan, L.Y. Chan, X.M. Wang and S.C. Lee, "Human Exposure to Toxic VOCs in different

environment in Hong Kong", International Conference on Environmental Contamination Toxicology

and Health, Hong Kong, 23-25 September 1998.

26. S.C. Lee and M. Chang, "Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Investigation at Schools in Hong Kong",

International Conference on Environmental Contamination Toxicology and Health, Hong Kong,

September 23-25, 1998.

27. M.Y. Chiu, S.C. Lee and X.M. Wang, "An investigation of volatile organic compounds at five

sites in Hong Kong", the 92nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition of Air and Waste Management

Association, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, June 20-24, 1999.

28. M. Chang and S.C. Lee, "An investigation of PM2.5 and volatile organic compounds at two classrooms

with or without air conditioning in Hong Kong", the 92nd Annual Meeting and Exhibition of Air and

Waste Management Association, St. Louis, MO, USA, June 20-24, 1999.

29. S.C. Lee, C.S. Poon, X.D. Li, F. Luk, M. Chang and S. Lam, "Air Quality Measurements on Sixteen

Commercial Aircraft", ASTM Symposium on Air Quality and Comfort in Airliner Cabins, New

Orleans, LA, USA, October 27-28, 1999.

30. S.C. Lee, C.S. Poon, X.D. Li and F. Luk, "Questionnaire Survey to Evaluate the Health and Comfort

of Cabin Crew", ASTM Symposium on Air Quality and Comfort in Airliner Cabins, New Orleans, LA,

USA, October 27-28, 1999.

31. S.C. Lee and M. Chang, "Indoor Air Quality at Classrooms in Hong Kong", the sixth Mainland-

Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference, Taiwan, December 6-11, 1999.

32. F. Luk, C.S. Poon, X.D. Li and S.C. Lee, "Environmental Friendly Building Design- Green Cathay

Pacific City" The sixth Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference, Taiwan, December

6-11, 1999.

33. W.M. Li and S.C. Lee, "Indoor Air Quality Investigation at homes, commercial offices, schools,

shopping malls and restaurants in HK, the 93rd Annual Meeting and Exhibition of Air and Waste

Management Association, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, June 18-22, 2000.

34. S.C. Lee and S. Lam, "Comparison of VOCs and O3 emissions of office equipment in different

microenvironment", Healthy Buildings 2000, Espoo, Finland, August 6-10, 2000.

35. S.C. Lee, S. Lam and C.F. Hon, "Indoor air quality at four ice skating rinks in Hong Kong", Air

pollution modelling, monitoring, and management, London, UK, 2000.

36. S.C. Lee and S. Lam, "Characterization of indoor air emissions from office printers in an

environmental chamber", The 7th International Conference in indoor air pollution and ventillation-

Roomvent 2000, Reading University, UK, 2000.

37. S.C. Lee and K.F. Ho, "Correlations of selected volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons and carbonyl compounds at a roadside monitoring station", The international conference

of atmospheric sciences and applications to air quality (ASAAQ) and exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan,

October 31 - November 3, 2000.

38. S.C. Lee, C.S. Poon, X. D. Li, F. Luk, M. Chang, and S. Lam, "Air Quality Measurements on

Sixteen Commercial Aircraft", ASTM—Symposium on Air Quality and Comfort in Airliner Cabins,

2000, ASTM, STP 1393:45-58.

39. S.C. Lee and K.F. Ho, "Correlations of selected organic species at a roadside monitoring station in

HK", the 94th Annual Conference & Exhibition of Air and Waste Management Association, Orlando,

FL, USA, June 25-27, 2001.

40. S.C. Lee, K.F. Ho, and S.C. Zou, "Supersite monitoring program for the investigation of PM10 and

PM2.5 in Hong Kong", the 12th World clean Air & Environment Congress and Exhibition, Seoul, Korea,

August 26-31, 2001.

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41. N.H. Kwok, C.H. Ao, W.M. Li, S.C. Lee, and W.T. Hung, "Characterization of gas emissions from

cooking using an environmental chamber", the 4th International Conference on indoor air quality,

ventilation and energy conservation in buildings (IAQVEC 2001), Hunan, China, October 2-5, 2001.

42. S.C. Lee, and K.F. Ho, "Characterization of PM10 and PM2.5 Source Profiles for Soil and Paved

Road Dust in Hong Kong", the 94th Annual Conference & Exhibition of Air and Waste Management

Association, Baltimore, MD, USA June 24-27, 2002.

43. S.C. Lee, H. Guo, N.H. Kwok, "Emission of air pollutants from burning of incense by using large

environmental chamber", the 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Indoor

Air 2002, Monterey, CA, USA, June 30 - July 5, 2002.

44. C.H. Ao and S.C. Lee, "Application of heterogeneous photodegradation of indoor air level of NOx

under UV irradiation", the 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate: Indoor Air

2002, Monterey, CA, USA, June 30 - July 5, 2002.

45. K.F. Ho and S.C. Lee, "Characteristics of organic and elemental carbon in PM2.5 of HK", the 6th

international aerosol conference, Taipei, Taiwan, September 8-13, 2002,

46. S.C. Lee, "Emissions of particulate matters from burning of incense by using large environmental

chamber", the 6th international aerosol conference, Taipei, Taiwan, September 8-13, 2002.

47. K.F. Ho and S.C. Lee, "Seasonal and diurnal variations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and

carbonyls in the urban roadside environment of HK", the16th international clean air and

environmental conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 19-22, 2002.

48. N.H. Kowk, S.C. Lee, H. Guo, and W.T. Hung, "VOC emissions from a finishing vanish: the effect of

the wet film thickness", the 16th international clean air and environmental conference, Christchurch,

New Zealand, August 19-22, 2002.

49. S.C. Lee, K.F. Ho, and J.J. Cao, "Seasonal variations of carbonaceous aerosol in Pearl River Delta

Region, China", the 8th

International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences and Applications to Air

Quality, Tsukuba Science City, Japan, March 11-13, 2003.

50. S.C. Lee, K.F. Ho, and J.J. Cao, "Characteristics of organic and elemental carbon in PM2.5 of Pearl

River Delta Region", the 95th Annual Conference & Exhibition of Air and Waste Management

Association, San Diego, USA June 22-26, 2003.

51. S.C. Lee, K.F. Ho, and J.J. Cao, "Characteristics of Carbonaceous Aerosol in Pearl River Delta

Region", the 3rd

Asian Aerosol Conference, Hong Kong, July 7-10, 2003.

52. S.C. Lee, "Mobile sources characterization: a tunnel study in Hong Kong", Workshop on

Emissions Trading, Jointly organized by Air & Waste Management Association-Hong Kong

Section and Research Centre for Environmental Technology and Management, The Hong Kong

Polytechnic University, Hong Kong/Shenzhen, December 8-10, 2003.

53. K.F. Ho and S.C. Lee, "Variability of levels, water soluble and isotopic composition of organic

and elemental carbon in Hong Kong urban atmosphere", the 8th

International conference on

carbonaceous particles in the atmosphere, Vienna, Austria, September 14-16, 2004.

54. S.C. Lee,"Co-control of Indoor air pollutants towards low carbon", presented at workshop on Co-

Control of Air Pollutants and GHGs: Methodology and practices, Hong Kong, June 2, 2011.

55. S.C. Lee, “AWMA 2012 September whitefisher visibility”

56. S.C. Lee “AWMA 2013 August, Chicago”

57. S.C. Lee “海峡两岸气溶胶” 2013 July Tai wan, Yilan

58. S.C. Lee EGU 2014 April 29, Vienna, Austria

59. S.C. Lee DUST 2014 June 5, Italy, M

Consultancy Projects

1. Purity test on medical and dental compressed air system at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) and

Argyle Street Jockey Club–School Dental Clinic (ASJC), Tai Ah Engineering Co., 1995.

2. Pollutant check-up at Kai Tak Airport of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Hotel Association, 1995.

3. Flyover and footbridge schemes at junction of Austin Road, Chatham Road, and Cheong Wan

Page 22: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

Road, HKPU, 1995.

4. Smog test and basic pollutant test for boiler plant at Wong Tai Sin Hospital, Tai Ah Engineering

Co., 1995.

5. Effect of additive on diesel exhaust emission, Yick Yack Co Ltd., 1995.

6. Waste reduction and waste recycling project, Cathay Pacific Airway Ltd., 1996.

7. Pollution characteristics of glass reinforced plastics material for use as construction materials: Pro-

Tree Products & Engineering Co Ltd., 1996.

8. Indoor air quality measurement at paint shop, Cathay Pacific Airway Ltd., 1996.

9. Landfill gas measurement, Aspinwall Ltd., 1996.

10. Reduction of dioxin emissions in the incineration plant of a metal refinery plant, Heraeus Ltd.,


11. Study of environmental improvement of Shing Mun River main channel and associated nullabs,

Aspinwall Clouston /EPD, 1997.

12. Corrosion impact analysis at three substation of Hong Kong Electric Company, Danile Chan

Associated Ltd. /HEC, 1997.

13. Indoor air quality investigation on Cathay Pacific Airway aircraft, Cathay Pacific Airway, 1997.

14. Indoor air quality investigation in an office environment, Jebsen & Co. Ltd., 1997.

15. Territory-wide air quality measurement, services of laboratory measurement, ERM/EPD, 1997.

16. Preliminary air quality assessment-Kwai Chung Factory Estate, Scott Wilson (HK) Ltd./ Housing

Dept. 1997.

17. Air pollution impact assessment, Scott Wilson (HK) Ltd./Hong Kong Telecom, 1997.

18. Hydrogen sulfide measurement at waste water treatment plant, Aspinwall, 1997.

19. Odour and hydrogen sulfide monitoring for Shing Mun River Biomediation Trial, Aspinwall / EPD,


20. Indoor air quality investigation in Cathay Pacific building environment, Cathay Pacific Airway Ltd.


21. Waste reduction and waste recycling project (II), Cathay Pacific Airway Ltd., 1998.

22. Indoor air quality measurement, Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd., 1998.

23. Air pollution impact assessment of a rendering plant, Wo Sang Oil Hong, 1998.

24. Purity test on dental compressed air system at Wan Chai Polyclinic, Tai Ah Engineering Co., 1998.

25. Investigation of air pollutant emissions from an air cleaner, Full Comfort Ltd., 1998.

26. NO2 impact assessment from the steam boiler system at Regal Hotel in the Chap Lap Kok Airport,

Tai Ah Engineering Co., 1998.

27. Air quality impact assessment at outdoor/indoor environment, Ming Pao Weekly, 1998.

28. Emission and odour measurement at a Fish Processing Plant, Enviros Aspinwall, 1998.

29. Calibration of a landfill gas analyzer, Intertek Testing Services, 1998.

30. Purity test for a compressed air system, Indeco Engineers (HK) Ltd., 1998.

31. Determination of SF6 in gas syringes, Lam Geotechnics Limited, 1998.

32. Air emission characterizations investigation, Matsushita Electronic Components Ltd., 1998.

33. SF6 gas detector calibration, CMA Testing and Certification Lab, 1998.

34. Study of Sustainable Development for the 21st Century: Baseline Toxic Air Pollutants Survey,

ERM (HK) Ltd./SAR Government, 1999.

35. Corrosion impact assessment at two Hong Kong Electric substations, Daniel Chan

Associated/Hong Kong Electric Company, 1999.

36. Indoor air quality investigation on Cathay Pacific Airway aircraft (II), Cathay Pacific Airway,


37. Investigation of exhaust gases by installation of a new environmental filter, Admire Limited, 1999.

38. Odour removal efficiency evaluation at Sheung Shui slaughter house, Young's Engineering

Company, 1999.

39. Emission evaluation of super tech exhaust treatment, Marubeni HK Ltd, 1999.

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40. Indoor air quality investigation at twenty public places in HK, Ming Pao Newspaper Ltd, 1999.

41. Exhaust emission evaluation from synthetic diesel fuel, New Sense Enterprises Limited, 1999.

42. Special vocational training on air pollution, HKEPD, SAR Government, 1999.

43. Investigation of emission control technology for automobile exhaust, Admire Limited, 1999.

44. Air quality evaluation at refuse collection station, Grandy Environmental Ltd. 1999.

45. Evaluation of odour reduction at MTR station - Prince Edwards, General Consolidated Impex

Company, 1999.

46. Non-flame cooking study China Light and Power (CLP), 2000.

47. Waste management & indoor air quality improvement for CPA, Cathay Pacific Airway Ltd., 2000.

48. Quality Assurance of various combustible gases, Intertesting Services Ltd, 2000.

49. Indoor air pollutants evaluation, Mausell Environmental Ltd, 2000.

50. Indoor air quality evaluation by an environmental chamber, Wilslot Trading Ltd. Ltd. 2000.

51. Technical evaluation of diesel exhaust technology, Eastern Worldwide Co Ltd., 2000.

52. Air quality evaluation of U.E enzymatic treatment chamber, Grandy Environmental (HK) Ltd,


53. Effect of additive on diesel exhaust emissions, Eco Care Co Ltd., 2000.

54. Radon emission from construction materials, TeamField Building Contractors Ltd, 2001.

55. Exhaust gas emission evaluation for KCRC diesel locomotive, KCRC, 2001.

56. Evaluation of air emissions from gas hob, Trigon Building Material Ltd, 2001.

57. General consultant on indoor air pollution, Grandy Environmental (HK) Ltd., 2001.

58. Formaldehyde impact assessment from two toasters, GEW Corp. Ltd., 2001.

59. Indoor air quality evaluation by an environmental chamber, HKPC, 2001.

60. Development of a proto-type low pressure filter for removing indoor air pollutants, Lifa IAQ Ltd/

Finland Government. 2001.

61. Indoor air quality investigation, Sealand Environ-Tech Co Ltd, 2001.

62. TOVC/VOC characterization before and after floor cleaning, EMSD, 2002.

63. Performance testing for fresh air pre-conditioner, Environmental Care/ Sealand Environ-Tech Co

Ltd, 2002.

64. Purity test for compressed air system, Tai Ah Engineering Co Ltd, 2002.

65. Technical evaluation of Grander Pen, Grander Technology (HK) Ltd. 2002.

66. Odour and VOC impact assessment, State key lab of loess and Quaternary Geology, Chinese

academy of Science, Xian, China, 2002.

67. VOC analysis by U.S. EPA TO-14 method, Maunsell Environmental Management Consultant Ltd,


68. Suspended particulate and VOC emission profiles for vehicle sources in tunnel, Hong Kong

Environmental Protection Department, 2003.

69. Characterization of emission factors for vehicular exhaust in tunnel, Hong Kong Environmental

Protection Department, 2003.

70. A study on profiles of cooking fumes in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Environmental Protection

Department, 2004.

71. Isotopic measurements for atmospheric particulate matter in Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Environmental Protection Department, 2005.

72. TEOM monitoring during Disney's fireworks, ERM, 2006.

73. Study on the Contribution of Printing Industry to Total Volatile Organic Compound [VOC]

Emissions in Hong Kong Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department, 2006.

74. Study of VOC control of Solvents and Non-Architectural Coatings/adhesives/Sealants, Hong Kong

Environmental Protection Department, 2006.

75. Ambient Benzene Monitoring at Oil Terminal in Tsing Yi, ERM-Hong Kong Limited, 2007.

76. Sulfur Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulfide Analysis, Xing Gangke Electronic Technology (SZ) Co. Ltd.,


Page 24: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

77. Provision of Service for Assessing the Feasibility of Establishing Air Monitoring Supersites in

Hong Kong, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR, 2008.

78. Indoor Air Monitoring Techniques for Korean Railway, Korea Railroad Research Institute, 2008.

79. Provision of 12-month Services for Filter Preparation and Weighing at 4 Sites in Hong Kong, PTC

International Limited, 2008.

80. NOx/SO2 Measurements, ENSR Asia (HK) Ltd., 2008.

81. Research on Air Quality Monitoring Associated with Building Maintenance Activities, Hong Kong

Housing Authority, 2008.

82. Indoor Air Monitoring Techniques for Korean Railway-3rd Contract, Korea Railroad Research

Institute, 2009.

83. VOC Analysis by Canister, Meinhardt Infrastructure and Environment Limited, 2009.

84. OVOC Intercomparison Study for the VOC Grid Study, AECOM Asia Co. Ltd., 2009.

85. Site Due Diligence Johnson Electric Industrial Manufactory Ltd. in Tai Po Industrial Estate, Ove

Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited, 2009.

86. Indoor Air Quality Evaluation for NO2, SO2 and NH3, AECOM Asia Co. Ltd., 2009.

87. PM10/PM2.5 Dust Evaluation in the Working Environment, Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Ltd.


88. TVOC and Bacteria Reduction Test on Model 2300 Air Purifier, Chiaphua Industries Limited,


89. VOC Emission Evaluation from Consumer Products and Indoor Air Quality, Newsys

Environmental Tech. Inc., 2010.

90. VOC Analysis of One Canister Sample, SGS Hong Kong Ltd., 2010.

91. Goodway Air Purifier (GAP 19001B&W), Goodway Electrical Enterprise Ltd., 2010.

92. Filter Analysis of Nickle, Hong Kong Aero Engine Services Ltd. 2010.

93. Provision of Service for Sampling and Testing of Oxygenated Volatile Organic Compounds,

Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR, 2010.

94. Air Sampling and Analysis, the Hong kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, 2010.

95. Air Bag Analysis, Hong Kong Productivity Council, 2011.

96. Provision of Services for Sampling and Testing of Volatile Organic Compounds & Oxygenated

Volatile Organic Compounds at MK, TW & HKUST, Environmental Protection Department,

HKSAR, 2011.

97. RSP, NO2, O3 Measurement at Four School Sites, BMT Asia Pacific Limited, 2011.

98. Operation of Teledyne Analyzer for Client under HKEPD, PTC International Limited, 2011.

99. Provision of HKEPD for Operating Nephelometer at Hok Tsui Site, Sunway Environmental

Technology Co., Ltd., 2011.

100. Provision of Service for Quality Assurance of Monitoring Work for Investigation of

Photochemical Smog, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR, 2011.

101. Reviewing Measurement Protocols for Existing Indoor Air Quality Parameters under the Indoor

Air Quality Certification Scheme, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR, 2011.

102. Odour Patrol at SENT Landfill Site, Green Valley Landfill, Limited (Hong Kong), 2012.

103. Air Sample Analytical Test for IWTS and WKTS FOC, SITA Waste Services Limited, 2012.

104. Odour and Air Quality Test at EDIFICIO KIN WA BLOCO XIV, the Macau Laboratory of Civil

Engineering, 2012.

105. Odour Patrol Survey for a Housing Site Adjoining Fo Tan Industrial Estate, AECOM Asia Co.

Ltd., 2012.

106. Odour and H2S Samplings for Long Ping Southern Site Property Development, BMT Asia Pacific

Limited, 2012.

107. Emission Test for Greenguard IAQ Standard - GGPS 001 for Laminates Sheet, Hopewell Plastics

(Dongguan) Limited, 2012.

108. Odour Patrol Service, Lam Geotechnics Limited, 2012.

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109. PM2.5 Filter Weighing for the Measurement of Ambient Fine Particulates, AECOM Asia Co. Ltd.,


110. Odour Screening Test Service, Atkins China Ltd., 2012.

111. Odour Emission Factor Measurement at STW (Lo Wu), Atkins China Ltd., 2012.

112. Emission Test of Two Wooden Furniture(One Wooden Cabinet and One Drawer), Fugro

Technical Services Ltd., 2012.

113. Odour Sample Measurement at Tai Po Site, ERM-Hong Kong Limited, 2012.

114. On-site Odour Sampling at Seawater Surface and Olfactometry Measurement at the Odour

Laboratory of PolyU, Cinotech Consultants Limited, 2012.

115. Odour Emission Evaluation at SENT Landfill, ERM-Hong Kong Limited, 2012.

116. Odour Patrol Monitoring at West Kowloon Refuse Transfer Station, South China Transfer Limited,


117. Odour Measurement for Temporary Sewage Pumping Station (TSPF) in CUHK, Sang Hing Civil

Contractors Co. Ltd., 2012.

118. Provision of Services for Investigation of Roadside VOC using PTR-MS, Environmental

Protection Department, HKSAR, 2012.

119. Odour Survey for Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns - Feasibility Study,

Drainage Services Department, 2012.

120. Provision of PM2.5 Measurement, ERM-Hong Kong Limited, 2012.

121. Expert Review of New Yau Mei Tei Typhoon Shelter (NYMTTS) Odour Source Measurement,

Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited, 2013.

122. Calibration of One Set of TSP High Volume Sampler, Yau Lee Construction Co. Ltd., 2013.

Invited Lectures

1. Seminar on Indoor Air Quality by the Hong Kong Association of Certification Laboratories -

Environmental Subcommittees, November 6, 1998.

2. Workshop on the recent development of Indoor Air Quality in Hong Kong by National Taiwan

University / Taiwan EPA, November 25, 1998.

3. Chemical and Dangerous Goods in Store, Cathay Pacific Airway Limited, April 15, 1999.

4. Green Wheel Driver Workshop, Cathay Pacific Airway Limited, June 22, 1999.

5. Indoor air Quality Development in HK, National Taiwan University, March 24, 2000.

6. School of Civil and Structural Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, April

22, 2000.

7. Supersite Monitoring Workshop by Taiwan EPA/U.S. EPA, Taiwan, September 6-7, 2001.

8. Clean Air Planning Workshop by Malaysian-German Technical Cooperation, Kuala Lumpur,

October 1-3, 2002.

9. Indoor air Quality development by Ministry of Health, Malaysia government, Kuala Lumpur,

October 1, 2002.

10. Chongqing Academy of Environmental Science and Atmospheric Environmental Institute,

Chongqing, China, January 16-19, 2003.

11. 1st International Forum on Indoor Environment Safety and Sustainability in China, Hunan

University, China December 13-14, 2003.

12. Indoor Air Quality Research and Development in HK-Yunlin University of Science and

Technology, Taiwan, April 28, 2005.

13. The Photo Clean Air Conference by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and

Technology, Nagoya, Japan, May 19-21, 2006.

14. The 48th

Meeting of the Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, by Korean Society for

Atmospheric Environment, Seoul, May 7-9, 2009.

15. Taiwan Supersite Workshop, Kaohsuing, Taiwan, May 13-14, 2009.

16. International Conference: Integrating Health and Environment, by Korean Society of

Page 26: Technical Workshop for Power Plants (Draft) · 2007-2009 Development of Nano-structural and Porous Photocatalytic TiO 2 Air Filters System for Removal of Air Pollutants, (RGC Earmarked

Environmental Health, June 4-5, 2009.

17. Recent Development of IAQ Guidelines, Management and Market, Korea, 23 April, 2013.


Outstanding Consultancy Award-Merit with project of highest revenue from PolyU Technology &

Consultancy Company Limited of at HKPU (1999)

Outstanding Consultancy Award-Merit with most active consultant from PolyU Technology &

Consultancy Company Limited of at HKPU (1999)

1999 Best Research Poster Award, by The Air & Waste Management Association – Hong Kong

Section (with Mr. K. F. Ho) (1999)

Ove Arup Prize for Best Paper-7th International Conference in Indoor Air Pollution &

Ventilation-Roomvent 2000 at Reading University, UK (2000)

Best Paper Award on Indoor Air Quality Research, by the 9th

Chinese Aerosol Conference

organized by China Particuology Society (2008)

Faculty of construction and Land Uses - Dean's Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research

Funding (2008)

Faculty of Construction and Land Uses-Dean’s Award for highly Cited paper- Particle-associated

polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban air of Hong Kong (2009)

Chinese aerosol research young scientist award, from Chinese Society of Parciculogy (2009)

Faculty/School Awards for Outstanding Performance/Achievement 2009/2010, the Hong Kong

Polytechnic University (2010)

The second prize of the National Natural Science Award, China (2013)

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