rgc instruction manual v1.0

© Ranked Gaming RANKED GAMING CLIENT Ranked Gaming Client Instruction Manual User Manual and Troubleshooting Guide Version 1.0 Araziell 22.02.2012

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© Ranked Gaming


Ranked Gaming Client Instruction Manual

User Manual and Troubleshooting Guide Version 1.0



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© Ranked Gaming

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5

1. RGC General Guidelines .............................................................................................. 6

Client Usage Tutorial ................................................................................................................. 6

RGC FAQ ................................................................................................................................... 8

RGC Rules ............................................................................................................................... 10

1.a In game & Lobby Rules ........................................................................................................................... 10

1.b Penalization ............................................................................................................................................ 10

I) Leavers:............................................................................................................................................. 10

II) Afkers: .............................................................................................................................................. 10

III) Game ruiners: ................................................................................................................................. 10

IV) Bug abusers: ................................................................................................................................... 11

V) Hack-Usage: ..................................................................................................................................... 11

1.c How to report someone correctly .......................................................................................................... 11

Sample Ban Request ............................................................................................................................ 11

Important Notes: ................................................................................................................................. 12

2.a General Client & Ranked Gaming Rules (Netiquette) ............................................................................. 12

2.b Room Moderation .................................................................................................................................. 13

2.c RG Global Staff Guidelines ...................................................................................................................... 13

3.a Forum Rules ............................................................................................................................................ 13

RGC Points System .................................................................................................................. 14

Basics ........................................................................................................................................................ 14

When am I considered a leaver? .............................................................................................................. 14

Additional important Information ........................................................................................................... 14

RGC Commands ...................................................................................................................... 15

Client Commands: .................................................................................................................................... 15

Game Lobby Commands: ......................................................................................................................... 16

In Game Commands: ................................................................................................................................ 16

2. RGC Troubleshooting Guidelines ............................................................................... 18

Connection or Login Problems ................................................................................................. 18

I) RGC Version ............................................................................................................................................... 18

II) Antiviruses & Firewalls + Third Party Program Conflicts .......................................................................... 18

Third Party Program Conflicts: ............................................................................................................. 19

III) Windows Vista / 7 Administrator Mode .................................................................................................. 19

IV) DNS Cache Rest ....................................................................................................................................... 19

V) Malware ................................................................................................................................................... 20

Step 1: .................................................................................................................................................. 20

Step 2: .................................................................................................................................................. 21

Step 3: .................................................................................................................................................. 21

Final Step: ............................................................................................................................................ 21

VI) ISP Problems ........................................................................................................................................... 21

VII) DDoS Attack ........................................................................................................................................... 22

VIII) Router Firewalls and Ports .................................................................................................................... 22

IX) I am able to Connect, but not to Login. ................................................................................................... 22

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Problems with Joining Games ................................................................................................. 22

I) DotA Map & Folder ................................................................................................................................... 22

II) RGC Bug .................................................................................................................................................... 23

III) Antivirus and Firewall .............................................................................................................................. 23

IV) Warcraft III Patch + RGC Version............................................................................................................. 24

V) Name Characters ...................................................................................................................................... 24

VI) Malware .................................................................................................................................................. 25

Step 1: .................................................................................................................................................. 25

Step 2: .................................................................................................................................................. 25

Step 3: .................................................................................................................................................. 25

Final Step: ............................................................................................................................................ 25

VII) Slot Reservations .................................................................................................................................... 26

VIII) Internet Connection .............................................................................................................................. 26

IX) Other Clients ........................................................................................................................................... 26

X) Reinstalling your Environment ................................................................................................................. 26

How to Patch RGC correctly .................................................................................................... 26

Loss of Synchronisation (“Desync”) ......................................................................................... 29

What causes “Desync”? ................................................................................................................................ 29

How can it be detected? .............................................................................................................................. 29

How can I avoid a Desync? ........................................................................................................................... 29

RGC Offline Support ................................................................................................................ 29

3. RGC Guides and Tutorials ............................................................................................ 31

RGC Settings ........................................................................................................................... 31

I) Settings ...................................................................................................................................................... 31

a. Chat ...................................................................................................................................................... 31

b. Friends.................................................................................................................................................. 32

c. Sounds .................................................................................................................................................. 32

d. Other .................................................................................................................................................... 33

e. DotA ..................................................................................................................................................... 33

II) Profile ....................................................................................................................................................... 34

III) Account ................................................................................................................................................... 35

1) Name ............................................................................................................................................... 35

2) Password ......................................................................................................................................... 35

3) E-Mail ............................................................................................................................................... 35

IV) Help ......................................................................................................................................................... 35

V) Clans ......................................................................................................................................................... 35

VI) Friends..................................................................................................................................................... 36

VII) Servers ................................................................................................................................................... 37

VIII) Rooms ................................................................................................................................................... 37

IX) Warcraft III .............................................................................................................................................. 38

RGC Shop ............................................................................................................................... 38

Diamond Member Settings ...................................................................................................................... 40

RGC Video Tutorials ................................................................................................................ 41

RGC Tutorial - Using Autohotkey and Customkeys to change DotA keys ............................................ 41

Save/Load a Game on RGC ...................................................................................................... 41

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4. DotA and Warcraft III .................................................................................................. 43

Installing Warcraft III Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne .......................................................... 43

Installing Reign of Chaos: ............................................................................................................................. 43

Installing Frozen Throne: .............................................................................................................................. 44

Warcraft III Video and Gameplay Settings ............................................................................... 45

Video Settings ............................................................................................................................................... 45

Gameplay Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 46

Installing DotA ........................................................................................................................ 46

Useful DotA Links ................................................................................................................... 47

DotA Downloads: .......................................................................................................................................... 47

Hotkeys: ........................................................................................................................................................ 47

Tools ............................................................................................................................................................. 48

Customizing .................................................................................................................................................. 48

Replay Tools ................................................................................................................................................. 49

Replay Sites .................................................................................................................................................. 49

Help and Tech Support: ................................................................................................................................ 49

Strategy ........................................................................................................................................................ 50

Mechanics and Programming ....................................................................................................................... 50

Various.......................................................................................................................................................... 50

PlayDotA Forum (The official DotA Forum) .................................................................................................. 51

6. Sources and Credits ..................................................................................................... 52

Sources .................................................................................................................................. 52

Credits .................................................................................................................................... 52

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Introduction The purpose of this paper is simply to enhance the user experience of every RGC Member. In order

to avoid the process of users wasting their time searching for a specific guide or tutorial to find a

solution for a raised question my goal is to provide them with a complete and compact manual

answering every possible matter related mainly to RGC, but also to DotA and Warcraft III.

Before I start with the manual I want to give you a brief summary of what RGC is about:

“As you all know games have a huge barrier to social interaction. When you buy a new game you will have to invest a huge amount of time into finding friends and communities that you want to play the game with. And come the day where you decide that you're bored of the game you will have to start from the beginning again. We want to put an end to that dilemma. Here at RGC when you switch games you will still be able to use the same client and keep in touch with the same friends no matter what game you play. Players are human beings and humans need social interaction so we will focus on this to the best of our ability. However humans are also competitive so the second element that we will focus on is competitive games. Not only do we provide a place for communities, we also provide a place for leagues and competitive events. We will be hosting tournaments (LAN & Online) with cash prizes and LIVE streaming in the future. We believe that a good mix of relaxed gaming and competitive events is the best balance that you can have to your gaming life. We are very open-minded and our sole purpose is to give gamers a better and exciting gaming experience. Gaming should be an enjoyable experience, not frustrating one. So we will do everything, to the best of our ability, to ensure that gamers get a great experience and enjoy spending their time on games.” – rankedgaming.com

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1. RGC General Guidelines

Client Usage Tutorial I want to start this manual with a short tutorial for new RGC Users, explaining what you have to do in

order to properly use Ranked Gaming Client and to play your first game. So here we go:

1. Download the RGC Software from here: http://cdn.rankedgaming.com/client/RGC-Online-


2. Extract the RGC-Online-revx.zip File.

3. Double-click the RGC.exe file to start RGC. (Important Note: If you use Windows Vista/7 you

have to execute the file as an Administrator! Left-Click the File and choose “Run as an


4. Press on “Connect”.

5. Now you have to create an account: Click on “Register” and fill out the form. When you are

finished and you made no writing mistakes, click on “Register” again. A window containing a

text similar to “Account created successfully” should appear.

6. RGC redirects you automatically to the start window.

7. Enter your new Account Name and Password and click on “Login”.

8. You should see the RGC Main Window now:

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9. At the start you either join the (EU) Public channel or the (Asia) Public channel, depending on

your region. The list of channels you join automatically after you login is customizable, but

this should not be a topic in this short Client Usage Tutorial. You can read about it in another

section of the manual.

10. In order to play a game now, first of all you have to sign for a game -> Click on the “Sign”

button in the bottom right corner of the RGC Main Window. Additionally you can choose

your desired DotA Game Mode through the drop down menu left to the “Sign” button.

11. The moment you press the “Sign” button, your name will appear in the “Signed Players” list.

The other players listed are the users you will play your game with.

12. When 10 players signed for a game, the Hostbot will announce a message and host the

game. The mode will be the mode chosen by the most players.

13. When your game has been hosted you have to start your Warcraft III through RGC -> Click on

the big “WARCRAFT III” button at the top of RGC. If you press this button for the first time, a

form will be opened where you have to enter the correct path of the Frozen_Throne.exe file

in your Warcraft III folder.

14. In Warcraft III now, open the Local Area Network (LAN).

15. You should see a lot of hosted games; your game is the blue coloured one. Before you join it,

make sure that your Warcraft III LAN Player Name equals your RGC Display Name.

Additionally you can join any of the other opened games as well, as long as there are free

slots and the Slot Reservation Time (1 minute) has passed.

16. Final Step: Once you are in the game you have to type “!ready” to let the Hostbot know that

you are ready to play the game. The moment all users have typed “!ready”, the game starts.

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RGC FAQ Q: What is RGC (Ranked Gaming Client)?

A: Ranked Gaming Client is a Gaming and Community Client software owned by its developer Roger

“Sir-Rogers” Weber. Read more about it here: http://www.rankedgaming.com/about.html

Q: What do I need to be part of RGC?

A: You just need the Client Software, downloadable here: http://cdn.rankedgaming.com/client/RGC-


Q: What do I need to play DotA?

A: You need to download the latest DotA Map from www.getdota.com and put it into your Warcraft

III folder into the Maps -> Downloads Folder. For more detailed Information read section 3 of this


Q: I have a clan, how do I create my own channel?

A: You basically have to do nothing special; anyone can create a channel anytime. You just have to

type /J *Channelname* and the Channel will be created immediately. However, the channel will be

automatically deleted once no one joins it anymore. Additionally channels created this way can only

be used to chat; they have no Hostbots and can’t be moderated. If you want to create a channel with

Hostbots and Moderation Possibilities you have to whisper a Global Admin on RGC. Furthermore the

creation of such a channel is not for free. (Donation is needed)

Q: My first time on RGC, what do I have to do to play a game?

A: Check out the “Client Usage Tutorial” part of the manual.

Q: My account is banned, what can I do?

A: If your ban is legitimate there is not much you can do. Legitimate ban means that you have been

banned for obvious reasons; e.g.: Maphacking, Gameruining. If you think that your ban is not justified

you have to contact the person who banned you or an admin of higher rank of the respective

channel. (Important: Every channel has its own ban system!) If you have been banned from RGC itself

(e.g.: Accountban) you can ask for help here:


Q: How do I whisper another player?

A: Just Double-Click his name in the Channel Users List or write “/w Username YourText” and press


Q: Is there a way to donate?

A: Yes, visit the RGC Shop if you want to donate: http://www.rankedgaming.com/shop/

Q: Where can I find the RGC Asia Forum?

A: Right here: http://www.rgc-asia.com/

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Q: What is a “Vouch”?

A: Vouch means “Permission”. There are two types of Rooms on RGC: Rooms everyone is able to

enter just by typing “/j Channelname” and there are rooms that are not open to the public. In order

to join these rooms you have to be “vouched” -> an admin of the respective channel has to give you

the permission to join the channel. The permission is called a “Vouch”.

Q: Why can I see only a few users in the channel?

A: Since there are about 3000 users in big channels like (EU) Public at the same time, it would cause

performance issues to display all of them. In order to avoid this, RGC is only displaying the most

active users in the last 10 minutes; e.g.: users that are chatting.

Q: Where can I find a list of available ranks on RGC?

A: Right here: http://www.rankedgaming.com/docs/accessids.php

Q: How do I open my own League on RGC?

A: In order to create a League on RGC you have to create, own and manage a Room with Hostbots

and Moderation Possibilities. If you want to create a channel with Hostbots and Moderation

Possibilities you have to whisper a Global Admin on RGC. Furthermore the creation of such a channel

is not for free. (Donation is needed)

Here you can read about additional information regarding the creation of Leagues on RGC:


-This FAQ will be permanently developed. As soon as I notice Users asking frequently the same

questions I will add them here. -

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RGC Rules I am going to update the rules only once a month! When you are reading this manual, there may be

already updated rules. You will be able to find the up to date rules always here:


1.a In game & Lobby Rules This is rather a guideline than actual rules.

§1 Do not leave games!

§2 Try to always join games you signed for!

§3 Try to ready as fast as you can after you joined a game!

§4 Be mannered & listen to your teammates!

§5 Try to speak English!

§6 Do not lie, neither to staff members and neither to other users. (Example: Saying that you ff'd

when you didn't, saying that you lag, etc.)

§7 Do NOT abuse DotA Bugs! Report them immediately here! If you see someone else abusing DotA

glitches or bugs, report the said person! (Paragraph 1.3)

§8 Always join open games instead of signing!

§9 Always use "1 2 3" before you pause/ unpause!

§10 Do not go AFK in game without a good reason!

§11 Game ruining is NOT allowed! What is considered game ruining:

§11,1 Abusing share

§11,2 Using spells to annoy your teammates, including but not limited to Toss, Decrepify,

Test of Faith, Recall, etc.

§11,3 Intentional feeding

§11,4 Saving the game without asking all the players in the game

§12 Usage of Hacks including but not limited to Maphack is absolutely not allowed! The staff team

may decide for themselves what is considered a hack.

1.b Penalization

I) Leavers:

1st warn/ban = 5 Days

2nd warn/ban = 10 Days

3rd warn/ban = 15 Days

II) Afkers:

Players staying AFK for more than 5 minutes without a good reason will be given a 5 day ban.

III) Game ruiners:

Players intentionally feeding, misusing "Shared control" by using other heroes, destroying/trying to

destroy their teammates' items or ruining in any other way will be termed as "Game ruiners" and will

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be banned for 15 days without any warning.

IV) Bug abusers:

Players abusing any kind of bug will be banned for 5 days.

V) Hack-Usage:

Players using map hacks or any other hack will be will be compbanned.

They can apply for an Unban after 8 weeks.


These general rules may be altered in unconventional situations.

1.c How to report someone correctly The basic thread content of your report should be:

Thread title: <User's name you want to report> <incident>


Room: (Only official RGC channels please! Report incidents that happen at private channels at the

appropriate place)



Sample Ban Request

Thread title: SkyF!r3 leaving

Username: SkyF!r3

Room: (Europe) Public

Reason: Maphacker

Replay/Screenshots: http://www.adotaparser.com/dota-replay/51358

Valid form for the Thread title: <user name> <incident>, see Paragraph 1.2 for the incidents (leaving,

flaming, ruining, bug abusing, hacking, afking)

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Important Notes:

1) Type in proper English and make sure that the user name you report is 100% correct and legit, so

as to make sure the ban is done for the proper user.

2) Requests which do not follow the rules laid in this thread won't be entertained and closed


3) While reporting make sure you aren't repeating the same ban request as done by others. Try to go

through the section once quickly. It would hardly take a minute.

4) If you are reporting Maphackers, try to give as much information as you can, e.g.: timestamps with

suspicious incidents.

5) Do not report for bad playing. It is not a ban-able offense in public rooms.

6) Upload the replay at http://www.adotaparser.com/upload or add it as an attachment.

7) Disrespectful Requests or requests lacking manners like "Stupid Leavers" will be denied.

8) Always make a new request for a different game.

9) All decisions made by the Admins are final.

Click on "New Thread" to start a new ban request.

2.a General Client & Ranked Gaming Rules (Netiquette) These rules are for usage in every Room in the Ranked Gaming client, as well as for Private Messages

§1 No spamming: Repetitive typing or usage of spam bots is strictly forbidden. Users typing the same

sentence for more than 2-3 times per hour will be kicked / banned accordingly.

§2 No Caps Lock: Usage of CAPS LOCK is not allowed as it is considered rude.

§3 No Advertising: Advertising of other websites, Gaming sites or any other kind of advertising is

strictly prohibited.

Note: RGC Leagues can advertise 2-3 times in a hour. Users advertising more than that would be

kicked / banned accordingly.

§4 No Improper Behaviour: Excessive flaming, Rudeness or any other kind of offensive behaviour will

not be tolerated.

§5 No Racism or Pornography: Racist or pornographic text, nicknames, videos or pictures are not

allowed anywhere in Ranked Gaming Client.

§6 Communicate in English: Always try your best to communicate in English as it is the Global

Language and is understandable to most of the people.

§7 No Excessive Highlighting: Don't highlight a player more than 3 times in a short time span.

§8 No Mockery towards Staff: Mocking the Staff by any means like making nicks like "xtcnoob",

"skyfiretard" etc. is strongly prohibited.

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§9 No asking for Global Staff or Room Staff: Asking for Global Staff or Room staff such as Head

Admin, Voucher etc. is not allowed! If we think you might fit to a room or as Global Staff, we will

come to you and not the other way around!

2.b Room Moderation §1 The Room Staff should work as a team and make the room active. §2 It should be made sure that all the members of the room abide by the Room rules and the RGC Rules as well. §3 Unvouching/banning due to personal grudges is not allowed. §4 The room staff should not abuse their powers. §5 The room staff should be mannered at any time. §6 Room Staff of country channels should not vouch players who do not speak the language. Players who do not speak the language are still allowed to stay in the channel. §7 Swapping players in public/signed games should not be done unless the concerned players agree. §8 Banning users for more than 1 month for any kind of offense is strictly prohibited in public channels. Exceptions can be made for Maphackers. §9 Bans should have proper reasons written strictly in English. No other languages are allowed.

2.c RG Global Staff Guidelines §1 A staff member is not allowed to abuse his rights.

§2 A Staff member should always give a proper reason for his actions (kicking, banning etc.)

§3 He should not abuse his powers, for example to penalize users he or she just dislikes.

§4 A staff member is allowed to ban someone if he feels offended by him or her.

§5 A staff member is obliged to be mannered and nice to all users, no matter in what situation.

§6 A staff member is always there to solve your queries.

§7 Staff members operate all channels. But they are not allowed to do operations usually restricted

to the actual channel moderation, given that he is not having the rank there.

§8 A staff member must respect higher staff members and act accordingly to their instructions.

§9 A staff member is not allowed, no matter what rank he is, to remove a ban given by another staff

member. Always ask the respective person before.

3.a Forum Rules §1 All posts must be written in English, only if the sticky in a forum allows you to post in other

languages you are allowed to.

§2Don't spam/ abuse any other member via e-mail or Private Messages. This includes sending illegal

content (as links, attachments, etc.) via PM/ email. Please do not annoy staff members with PMs or

Emails. They may give out infractions if they feel annoyed by you.

§3 Do not try to get attention in threads with excessive usage of phrases such as (!!!!, ?????, OR


§4 Spamming, thread derailing, trolling, flaming, posting offensive contents such as Porn, Gore or

anything else that could seriously offend a group of people is not allowed.

§5 No discussion, sharing or referencing illegal software such as hacks, keygen, cracks and pirated or


§6 Giving out personal information of anyone is not allowed.

§7 Advertising anything (commercial or uncommercial) without the agreement of any Staff member

in the forums of RGC will lead to an instant ban.

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§8 No reposting of deleted posts.

§9 If you found a DotA bug, make sure to report it at the correct place, by PM'ing IceFrog at PlayDota

for example. Doing otherwise and posting or referencing any DotA bug at RGC's forums will lead to

an infraction.

Stickies in any Forum do override these Rules, if said so in the sticky.

The rules will be changed as necessary. It is your responsibility to know and adhere to (changes of)

rules. Saying, "i didn't know about the rule changes" is not an option. You are fully responsible if

you let anyone log-in using your account. Doing so may get your account kicked/banned/perma-

banned. Saying, "i wasn't using my account" is not an option.

RGC Points System


You start with 1500 points.

You get +5 for a win.

You get -3 for a loss.

You get -10 for "leaving”. (This includes disconnects)

When am I considered a leaver?

There are a few scenarios. Every scenario has a "grace period", that is a certain time span before the

end of the game, during which you won't be counted as a leaver.

1) You are considered a leaver if you just leave the game before a game gets terminated by a

!votermk or a !FF. Your grace period here is 3 seconds.

Exception: If you are on the winning team in this scenario, your grace period is 3 minutes. So if the

Scourge is just pushing the last lane and one of their players’ drops, he will not be counted as a

leaver if they finish the game fast enough or if the enemy team forfeits the game within the 3 minute

grace period.

2) You are considered a leaver if you left the game 5 minutes before the game ends normally. A

normal game end is either the destruction of the Frozen Throne or the Tree of Life. In this scenario it

doesn't matter whether you were on the winning or on the losing team, everyone is treated equal


Additional important Information

The point system comes with statistics. If you leave, your game will still count as a win, loss or draw.

Plugging will not make your stats better; your ingame stats (e.g.: kills, deaths, assists ...) will be saved

as if the game ended normally. This is to prevent people from plugging to preserve their stats.

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Games that are cancelled (e.g.: !votermk) do not influence your Winratio, but your ingame stats will

influence your global statistics.

You can view your statistics in all channels here:


RGC Commands This is a complete collection of all the relevant commands available on the Client for normal users:

Client Commands:

/j <Channelname>

Takes you to the respective channel.

/p <Username>

Shows the profile of the respective user.

/w <Username> <Text>

Whispers the specified text to the respective user.

/whois <Username>

Shows the current status of the respective user

/f add <Username>

Adds the respective user to your friend list.

/f remove <Username>

Removes the respective user from your friend list.


Shows the current server time and your local time.


Changes your status to "Away from Keyboard" or "Online"


Shows the users online, ingame and channels currently.


Clears the chat.

/find <Username>

Checks if the user you are trying to look for is in the channel where you are using this command.

!host <Gamename> (Only Voucher and above)

Hosts the specified game.

!kick <Username> <Reason> (Only Moderator and above)

Kicks the respective user from the channel with the specified reason.

!vouch <Username> <Reason> (Only Moderator and above)

Vouches the respective user in the channel with the specified reason.

!unvouch <Username> <Reason> (Only Moderator and above)

Unvouches the respective user in the channel with the specified reason.

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!vouchhistory <Username> (Only Moderator and above)

Shows the vouchhistory of the respective user i.e. all vouches/unvouches.

!timeban <Username> <Ban Duration> <Reason> (Only Moderator and above)

Bans the respective user from the channel for the specified duration and reason. Duration can be in

m(minutes), h(hours),d(days), w(weeks).

!timeunban <Username> (Only Moderator and above)

Removes timeban.

!baninfo <Username> (Only Moderator and above)

Shows the information about the current bans of the respective user.

!banhistory <Username> (Only Moderator and above)

Shows the banhistory of the respective user i.e all bans/unbans.

Game Lobby Commands:


Confirms your slot in the game.


Shows the points of all players in the game.


Shows the ping of all players in the game.


Shows slot reservations; if any.

!open <Slotnumber> (Only Teamcaptain, Voucher and above)

Opens the respective slot.

!close <Slotnumber> (Only Teamcaptain, Voucher and above)

Closes the respective slot.

!swap <Slotnumber 1> <Slotnumber 2> (Only Teamcaptain, Voucher and above)

Swaps the players in the respective slots.

!start (Only Teamcaptain, Voucher and above)

Starts the game if all players are pinged.

!start force (Only Teamcaptain, Voucher and above)

Starts the game irrespective of the pings.

!unhost (Only Teamcaptain, Voucher and above)

Unhosts the game.

In Game Commands:


Shows your ping.


Shows the ping of all players in the game.


Adds your vote for forfeiting the game.


Adds your vote for remaking the game.

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Forces the game to end.

!latency <number> (Only Teamcaptain, Voucher and above)

Sets latency for the game

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2. RGC Troubleshooting Guidelines

Connection or Login Problems I wrote this guide because almost every day, there is a Thread popping up in the RGC Support Forums

(http://www.mymgn.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=711) with the name „Help please I can’t

connect to RGC?! “. Instead of giving the same answers again and again and maybe missing some

crucial parts, Users can now be referred to this section of the manual.

I will try to describe every possible measure I can think of, starting with the most promising, and

ending with the most complicated, and least promising ones.

I) RGC Version Using the latest, official RGC Version is without doubt the most important thing in order to play on

RGC. Logically, the first Step to repair your RGC would be to download a new Version of RGC.

This link allows you to download the latest version at any time:


II) Antiviruses & Firewalls + Third Party Program Conflicts Many Antiviruses and Firewalls, including the Windows Firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials

(Microsoft’s Antivirus) are able to block RGC without you noticing it, or without you explicitly setting

it up.

Furthermore there are compatibility problems with at least one Antivirus, Avast! Free Antivirus.

In order to connect properly to RGC, disable BOTH your Antivirus and Firewall (including the

Windows Firewall, if turned on!) COMPLETELY.

If you are able to connect to RGC after you have disabled all of your Firewalls and Antiviruses you

should take some time to configure them properly. I do not recommend anyone to be connected to

the internet without an Antivirus and a Firewall. If you cannot configure them on your own, just join

the Support Channel on RGC (/j Support) and I am sure someone (including me!) will offer you his


Furthermore, it is possible that there are still some left-over files from previous Antiviruses/Firewalls

blocking RGC. To delete them you have to find out which types of Antiviruses/Firewalls you had

installed in the past and find removal tools for the respective protection programs.

Below is a collection of Removal Tools for the most common Security Programs:

Kaspersky: http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208279463 Avira: http://www.avira.com/en/support-download-avira-antivir-removal-tool Avast!: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility BitDefender: http://www.bitdefender.com/support/H...ender-333.html Panda: http://www.pandasecurity.com/homeusers/support/card?id=55509 AVG: http://www.avg.com/us-en/utilities

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Third Party Program Conflicts:

It is possible that RGC is blocked by several ordinary Programs due to various reasons. (Mainly Port


If you have one of these Programs running on your PC, please shut them down or disable them


Below i will make a list of the respective programs, starting with one.

utorrent (http://www.utorrent.com/intl/de/)

III) Windows Vista / 7 Administrator Mode Windows Vista, as well as Windows 7 has a new function, called “Run as Administrator”. Make sure

to start RGC with this function.

Below is a Screenshot showing the function:

IV) DNS Cache Rest To be honest, I do not really know why this helps you when you have troubles connecting with RGC. I

can just guess and assume that there are conflicts with older DNS entries.

On the other side, this measure has helped a lot of people and is probably one of the most effective.

For people who don’t know what DNS is, you can read this Wikipedia entry:


How to reset your DNS Cache:

a) Disable UAC if you have Windows 7 or Vista

UAC means “User Account Control”

Disabling it is VERY important (following steps won’t work if it is enabled)

There are 2 Guides describing how to disable UAC:



b) Open the CMD (Start -> execute -> write "cmd" -> enter)

c) Black CMD Interface pops up

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d) Write "Ipconfig /flushdns" and press enter.

The CMD should respond with “Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache”. I

added a Screenshot below:

e) (Optional) You can enable UAC again.

f) Connect to RGC. Hopefully =)

V) Malware Malware: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malware

Basically Malware is used to “destroy” your Computer or at least disable vital functions. When your

Computer is infected with Malware it is possible that RGC is blocked.

To get rid of this Malware you have to run Anti-Malware Tools. In order to do so, follow these steps:

Step 1:

Download Temp File Cleaner (http://download.cnet.com/Temp-File-Cleaner/3000-2094_4-10628816.html).

Close all open windows.

Double click the Temp File Cleaner Icon to run the program

Temp File Cleaner will close all opened programs

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Click the Start button to begin the process.

Allow Temp File Cleaner to run uninterrupted.

Once Temp File Cleaner is finished it should automatically reboot your computer, if it doesn't, manually reboot your computer to ensure a complete clean

Step 2:

Download SuperAntiSpyware (http://www.superantispyware.com/downloadfile.html?productid=SUPERANTISPYWAREFREE)

Load SuperAntiSpyware and click the Check for Updates button.

Once the update is finished click the Scan your computer button.

Check Perform Complete Scan and then next.

SuperAntiSpyware will now scan your computer and when it’s finished it will list all the infections it has found.

Make sure that they all have a check next to them and press next.

Click finish and you will be taken back to the main interface.

Step 3:

Run the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (http://www.microsoft.com/security/pc-security/malware-removal.aspx)

Final Step:

Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free (http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free)

Double-click mbam-setup.exe and follow the prompts to install the program.

At the end, be sure a checkmark is placed next to Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, and then click Finish.

If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version.

Once the program has loaded, select Perform full scan, then click Scan.

When the scan is complete, click OK, then Show Results to view the results.

Be sure that everything is checked, and click Remove Selected.

VI) ISP Problems Unfortunately there are some problems with specific ISPs in some countries at the moment which prohibits some RGC users to connect to RGC. If Steps 1-5 did not help you at all, this, or a DDoS attack on RGC (causing global RGC downtime), is most likely the problem. In this case you have to write an E-Mail to [email protected]. Make sure to include your country and ISP name in the E-mail. Sometimes Users who have problems with their ISP are able to connect some hours or a few days later without any problems.

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VII) DDoS Attack DDoS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denial-of-service_attack As I have mentioned in the previous step, RGC is constantly being attacked by hackers using DDoS. You can read about DDoS in the Wikipedia link. Sometimes the attacks are so large that the RGC servers cannot withstand them and the Server will shut down. You are not able to connect to RGC at all then. If this happens you should look at the Facebook Page of RGC and follow the updates when RGC will be online again: http://www.facebook.com/RankedGamingClient

VIII) Router Firewalls and Ports If you are not able to connect to RGC there is a small chance that it is the fault of your Router (if you

are using one).

Your Router manages who/what is allowed to send data TO your Computer and FROM your

Computer to the Internet. Logically, if RGC is blocked by your Router because some Ports are closed

or your Router Firewall blocks RGC, you cannot connect. This problem is, compared to the other

steps, hard to solve and it can’t be solved generally because every Router is different.

If all the other steps did not help you, I advise you to report back to the RGC Support Forums


IX) I am able to Connect, but not to Login. There is the possibility that you are able to connect, but afterwards NOT to Login. The typical

scenario is that you just press the "Login" Button and nothing happens/RGC stops responding. If this

problem occurs, there is most likely a connection problem with the RGC Database. In most of the

cases, repeating the process of starting RGC, connecting, and a Login Attempt helps (do this ~10

times and you are able to Login 99%).

If you can't Login, even after 10+ attempts, create a new Thread in the RGC Support

Forums(http://www.mymgn.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=711) and describe your problem in

order for us to look at it personally.

Problems with Joining Games This should be a collection of all possible measures to ensure that everyone is able to join hosted

games. Additionally I addressed some general problems which can occur in the progress of using

Warcraft III.

I) DotA Map & Folder One of the most frequently made omissions is to download the latest official DotA Map and put it in

the correct folder.

Official DotA Map Download: www.getdota.com

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Correct Map Path: YourWc3Folder>Maps>Download

Currently Used Map Version: Always the latest version of www.getdota.com

Added a Screenshot for the Correct Path:

II) RGC Bug Recently, there is a usually very rare bug appearing more often, prohibiting you to join any game. If

you have bad luck and you are the victim of this dreadful bug, you most likely have to redownload

RGC. (In some rare cases just restarting RGC solves the problem as well)

The problem is, that you cannot detect this bug on your own. You just join the game and get kicked in

an instant again, so fast, that you won’t notice it. But for the players already in the game, a message

will appear, similar to this: "The player "xxxx" could not join the game, please tell him to redownload

RGC." As you see, if there aren't nice members in the game notifying you about the message, you

have no chance of knowing what's wrong. (This should be an appeal to all members: Please

immediately act accordingly when you notice such situations!)

Generally I would advise you to just redownload RGC from here:


III) Antivirus and Firewall Many Antiviruses and Firewalls, including the Windows Firewall and Microsoft Security Essentials

(Microsoft’s Antivirus) are able to block your Warcraft III without you noticing it, or without you

explicitly setting it up.

If you have Problems joining a hosted game, disable BOTH your Antivirus and Firewall (including

the Windows Firewall, if turned on!) COMPLETELY!

If you are able to join a hosted game after you have disabled all of your Firewalls and Antiviruses you

should take some time to configure them properly. I do not recommend anyone to be connected to

the internet without an Antivirus and a Firewall. If you cannot configure them on your own, just join

the Support Channel on RGC (/j Support) and I’m sure someone will offer you his help.

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Furthermore, it is possible that there are still some left-over files from previous Antiviruses/Firewalls

blocking your Warcraft III. To delete them you have to find out which types of Antiviruses/Firewalls

you had installed in the past and find removal tools for the respective protection programs.

Below is a collection of removal Tools for the most common Security Programs: Kaspersky: http://support.kaspersky.com/faq/?qid=208279463 Avira: http://www.avira.com/en/support-download-avira-antivir-removal-tool Avast!: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility BitDefender: http://www.bitdefender.com/support/H...ender-333.html Panda: http://www.pandasecurity.com/homeusers/support/card?id=55509 AVG: http://www.avg.com/us-en/utilities

IV) Warcraft III Patch + RGC Version Since many people have illegal copies of Warcraft III (…) they miss crucial Warcraft III Updates because they are not used to connect to the Battle.Net. The problem is that in order to join hosted games you need to have the latest Warcraft III Patch installed. Version: (v 1.26a) Download Link: http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/warcraft-iii-patch-downloads Below I added a Screenshot showing where you can check your Warcraft III Version (Warcraft III Start Interface): Additionally some people may have problems installing Warcraft III patches. They get an error that the Warcraft III Patcher cannot find the correct path. This happens when you never INSTALL Warcraft III and just copy it onto your HDD. Following this pattern there is no Registry entry made showing the Patcher the correct path of your Warcraft III. To fix this, look at this link: http://www.dota-utilities.com/2009/03/how-to-fix-warcraft-3-registry-error.html Lastly, I will add the latest link to the latest RGC Version as well. If you can't join games, you should download a new Version of RGC as well: http://cdn.rankedgaming.com/client/RGC-Online-rev9.zip

V) Name Characters Another very common reason why people cannot join games are VERY extraordinary Characters in

their name (e.g.: , ೠ). Make sure to avoid such Characters.

If you were able to join games without any problems and after a Namechange/Using Another Account you suddenly cannot join games anymore, prohibited characters are most likely the reason. If you are not sure if your used characters are the cause of the problem, just make another Account

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with "normal" characters and try to join a game. If it works, the characters of your other account are 99% the reason why you cannot join a game with the respective account.

VI) Malware Malware: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malware Basically Malware is used to “destroy” your Computer or at least disable vital functions. When your Computer is infected with Malware it is possible that you cannot join hosted games. To get rid of this Malware you have to run Anti-Malware Tools. In order to do so, follow these steps:

Step 1:

Download Temp File Cleaner (http://download.cnet.com/Temp-File-Cleaner/3000-2094_4-10628816.html).

Close all open windows.

Double click the Temp File Cleaner Icon to run the program

Temp File Cleaner will close all opened programs

Click the Start button to begin the process.

Allow Temp File Cleaner to run uninterrupted.

Once Temp File Cleaner is finished it should automatically reboot your computer, if it doesn't, manually reboot your computer to ensure a complete clean

Step 2:

Download SuperAntiSpyware (http://www.superantispyware.com/downloadfile.html?productid=SUPERANTISPYWAREFREE)

Load SuperAntiSpyware and click the Check for Updates button.

Once the update is finished click the Scan your computer button.

Check Perform Complete Scan and then next.

SuperAntiSpyware will now scan your computer and when it’s finished it will list all the infections it has found.

Make sure that they all have a check next to them and press next.

Click finish and you will be taken back to the main interface.

Step 3:

Run the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool (http://www.microsoft.com/security/pc-security/malware-removal.aspx)

Final Step:

Download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free (http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free)

Double-click mbam-setup.exe and follow the prompts to install the program.

At the end, be sure a checkmark is placed next to Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, and then click Finish.

If an update is found, it will download and install the latest version.

Once the program has loaded, select Perform full scan, then click Scan.

When the scan is complete, click OK, then Show Results to view the results.

Be sure that everything is checked, and click Remove Selected.

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VII) Slot Reservations When 10 people sign for a game, the slots in this very game are reserved for 1 minute. When you do not sign for a game it is possible you cannot join any game because 1 minute is not over yet and these Slot Reservations have not been removed yet. Solution: Make sure to sign for a game if you want to join one.

VIII) Internet Connection It is possible that there are some flaws regarding your Internet connection. When you cannot join a game and all the other Steps I have mentioned did not help you at all, make sure to check your Internet Connection. In order to do so you can execute Speed and Ping Tests and see if the results match your regular Internet Connection Bandwidth and Ping Quality. Speedtest: http://speedtest.net/ Pingtest: http://www.pingtest.net/

IX) Other Clients If you are using many Gaming Clients (especially DotA Clients) at the same time it is possible that there are internal IP and Port Conflicts restraining you from joining hosted games. Solution: Disable all Clients but RGC.

X) Reinstalling your Environment If all the other steps did not help you, there is only one left. You have to reinstall Warcraft III (For Example it could be damaged due to the use of 3rd party prorgamms like Warcraft III Version Switchers) and you have to redownload RGC again to make sure you have a working Version.

How to Patch RGC correctly Unfortunately several RGC Users experience problems with the patching process of RGC from time to

time. I'll try to describe as easy as possible how you can patch your RGC with an almost 100% success

rate ;) (If the patch is not bugged of course)

1. Delete ALL of your RGC folders.

2. Disable your Firewall (Windows Firewall as well if you enabled it) AND your Antivirus.

3. Redownload RGC from here: http://cdn.rankedgaming.com/client/RGC-Online-rev9.zip

4. Extract the archive (with WinRar, WinZip, 7zip...) and save it somewhere. Here is a guide for people who don't know how to extract files:


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5. Open your extracted RGC (the name of the extracted folder is "online") now -> You should

see something like this:

6. Now open the "rgcp" folder and run the "rgcp.exe" (as an Administrator!: Right click it,

choose the option "Run as an Administrator")

7. After you have pressed the "rgcp.exe" RGC will start downloading the remaining patches.

8. When the patch download process is finished, there are two possible ways RGC is going to


a. If there are no problems, a black "CMD" Window pops up; RGC patches itself

automatically and is ready to be used. There's nothing else you have to do by yourself

(Immediately go to Step 12.)

b. Unfortunately there is the possibility that RGC fails to patch itself automatically.

Maybe a black "CMD" window pops up and a part of the updating process starts, but

you'll eventually receive a message similar to "Could not finish patching process". If

this happens, go to point 9.

9. Simply just close the error message.

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10. Open the folder "Patcher" in the "rgcp" folder.

11. Run "patcher.exe" as an Administrator! A black "CMD" Windows should pop up and RGC

should patch itself completely.

12. Go back to your main RGC folder ("online"). You should see a lot of new folders and files!

Now just run "rgc.exe" (as an Administrator again!) and you will see a brand new, fully

functional Ranked Gaming Client.

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Loss of Synchronisation (“Desync”) "Desync'" means the synchronisation did not work correctly.

Loss of synchronisation in DotA is when you are in a game, and it looks completely different in your

screen than in the other players' screen. So in one game (yours) you are farming top scourge and are

getting your 3rd divine while in everyone else's computer you keep walking up mid feeding.

One game proceeds normally, while the desync'ed player actually sees everything different. He sees

people committing suicide and playing badly, while others see the desync'ed guy committing suicide

and playing badly. In short: Desync'ed users play their game, and others play another game. Two

parallel games are running, like in two universes.

Desyncs do, in fact, happen in real games. The difference is that when Warcraft 3 is hosting a game

and detects a Desync it just forces the player(s) who desync'ed to leave the game. Common bots do

not do this - they allow the game to continue and print a message instead, although perhaps this

behaviour should be changed.

What causes “Desync”? There are several reasons for Desyncs. The map can have bugs that cause Desyncs. Sometimes these

bugs are very hard to fix and even popular maps often Desync. Players using poorly designed or very

old hacks and cheats can eventually cause Desyncs. Players with a corrupt or broken Warcraft 3 can

sometimes cause Desyncs (e.g. the "I see pink and black boxes everywhere" syndrome). This last one

is usually fixed by restarting Warcraft 3.

Modifying the sync limit should have no effect on Desyncs. Although it is possible for (poorly written)

bots to cause Desyncs I am almost 100% sure there are no bugs in RGC Bots that can cause a Desync.

Desyncs are most likely the map's fault, definitely should not have anything to do with your


How can it be detected? It cannot be detected. You will easily see it by noticing the "OMG NOOB IDIOT SUICIDE ALL THE


If you happen to experience this bug save the replay in case of you being reported by someone who

may have interpreted your Desync as ruining the game.

How can I avoid a Desync? Remove your DotA map and download it again from here. If this does not solve your Desync

problems you will have to reinstall Warcraft III; also avoid alt-tabbing when someone is reconnecting.

RGC Offline Support When RGC is offline, you can always contact the RGC Admins per E-Mail. Although, before you send

an E-Mail, take a look at the RGC Facebook Page to check it for RGC Downtime News / Updates:

RGC Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/RankedGamingClient

SkyFire E-Mail: [email protected]

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Aline E-Mail: [email protected]

Sir-Rogers E-Mail: [email protected]

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3. RGC Guides and Tutorials

RGC Settings The purpose of this guide is to sharpen your knowledge about the basic functions available to

personalize your RGC and enhance the quality of your very own experience with RGC.

I will try my best to create a complete and easy to understand coverage about all available settings.

I) Settings This is where all of the Settings are located at:

a. Chat

Let’s start with the first tab of "Settings":

1) If you check this checkbox, you will automatically join ALL the rooms (channels) you have access to

(= Safelisted/Vouched) when you log into RGC

2) If you uncheck the checkbox, you can create a custom list of channels you want to join when you

log into RGC.

3) Senseless – There’s no need to take a look at this.

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4) SAVE – It is VERY important that you press the SAVE button EVERYTIME you make ANY


b. Friends

The Settings tab "Friends":

Depending on which of the checkboxes you check, you will get global notifications when one of your

friends comes online, goes offline or AFK, or joins a game.

c. Sounds

The Settings tab "Sounds":

1) By checking or unchecking these checkboxes you can control if RGC should notify you with Sound

Messages when:

a. one of your games gets hosted

b. one of your games is starting

c. you log into RGC

d. you close RGC

2) With these bars you can control who is allowed to highlight you when you are either ingame, AFK

or online. There are 3 parameters to choose from: Everyone, Friends and Noone.

Highlight names: With this textbox you can define ADDITIONAL names or phrases different from your

normal Display Name to be your highlight names.

Example: Normally, you only get highlighted if someone writes your Display Name into the Chat (in

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my case “Araziell”). But if I add the phrase “Ara” to the Highlight Names Box, I will get highlighted if

someone writes “Araziell” OR “Ara”.

d. Other

The Settings tab "Other":

1) Self-Explanatory

2) There are "Language" and "Skin":

a. Language: Choose the language of RGC here

b. Skin: Choose your RGC Skin here, more skins and instructions:


3) If you enable this checkbox, RGC will create a logfile (log.txt in your RGC folder) if your RGC

crashes. This logfile contains information about your RGC and why it crashed. It can be sent to Sir-

Rogers ([email protected]) in order for him to look at it and fix the bug.

e. DotA

The Settings tab “DotA”:

Default Mode: Here you can choose the default mode when you sign for a game

Warcraft III The Frozen Throne (Executable): Here you have to enter the path of your Warcraft III’s

Frozen Throne.exe

Launch Options: This is a column for Warcraft III starting commands, for example –window. If your

write “-window” into this column your Warcraft III will start in the Window Mode.

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Further Commands:

-opengl (Enables OpenGL)

-d3d (Enables Direct-3D Support)

-swtnl (SoftwareTransform & Lightin Video will be used)

-classic (Starts the game in the “Reign of Chaos”mode

II) Profile The “Profile” Window:

Display Name: This is the name shown to others in the chat or in the game. You are able to change

ONLY the capital letters here. For Example: “araziell” instead of “Araziell”.

First Name: Your First Name, e. g. Barney

Last Name: Your Last Name, e. g. Stinson

Date of Birth: The day when you have been born, e. g. 14. Apr 1970

Sex: male/female

Nationality: Your Nationality, e.g. German

Residence: Where you are living at the moment, e. g. Berlin

Avatar (= Profile Picture): Here you can add the link of an avatar of yours.

Description: Here you can add additional lines about yourself.

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III) Account The “Account” Window:

1) Name

Here you can change your Name, e.g. “Araziell” into “Barney”. However, you need 10 RGD to do so. If

you click on the button “Buy rename” you will be automatically redirected to the RGC Shop Webpage

where you will be able to buy Ranked Gaming Dollars (=RGD) with PayPal.

10 RGD = ca. 1 €

2) Password

Here you can change your Password. Just fill out the text columns and if you make no writing

mistakes you’ll have your new password immediately. (Don’t forget to click the “Change” button)

3) E-Mail

Here you can change your E-Mail. Just write your new E-Mail into the text column and press the

“Change” button.

IV) Help The Help window is undergoing a change at the moment. If you click the “Help” button you will just

be redirected to the “Ranked Gaming Client” Facebook Page.

You will get the latest news about RGC there (always). :


If you need specific help you can always contact the RGC Support Staff through the RGC Support

forum (http://www.mymgn.com/board/forumdisplay.php?f=711) or just type “/J Support” in the

Client to join the RGC Support Channel.

V) Clans If you have no Clan, this is the place where you can create your very own one.

Just click on the button “Create My Own Clan” to be referred to the more detailed creation of your


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Name: The Name of your Clan, e. g. Meet your Makers

Tag: e. g. MYM

Prefix: e. g. MYM^ (=> : MYM^Araziell)

Suffix: e.g. |DotA (=> : Araziell|DotA)

Full example: MYM^Araziell|DotA

This is the place where you can manage your clan (if you are the clan leader) and where you can see

all the details about your Clan: Your Clan Name, Tag, Description and all of your Members.

Additionally there’s the button to leave your Clan.

VI) Friends The “Friends” Window:

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That’s the window where you can inspect your friends’ activities: Whether they are Online, Away

from Keyboard or Offline.

Additionally to this window there are several commands available to manage or inspect your friends.

You can list all of them by typing “/f help” in the chat in any RGC Channel.

VII) Servers The “Servers” Window:

This window shows you all the hosted Games and some details (not running games!) you have access

to at the moment. It is basically an overview about all hosted games in all of the channels you chose

to join.

VIII) Rooms The “Rooms” Window:

This is a huge (but by far not complete!) list of the most important channels on RGC. If you double

click one of these names on this list AND if you are vouched (= Safelisted) in the respective channel, a

new window opens and you join your new desired room.

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IX) Warcraft III In order to start Warcraft III with RGC you have to click this button. Starting Warcraft III this way is

INEVITABLE. If you start Warcraft III by just going to your folder and double-click the Frozen

Throne.exe you won’t be able to play on RGC.

If you have not set the path of your Warcraft III Frozen Throne.exe yet a window will open where you

can do so.

RGC Shop Unfortunately some users experience problems with using the RGC Shop. This should be a short

guide explaining how you buy RGDs and how to use the RGC Shop generally.

The ONLY payment method the RGC Shop accepts is PayPal!

At first you have to open the RGC Shop Webpage: http://shop.rankedgaming.com/shop/

You should see something like this:

Just insert your RGC Username and your RGC Password; then click on “Login”.

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If you made no writing mistakes the Login should be successful and you will be redirected to the RGC

Shop Main page:

As you see you have 0.00 RGD at the start. In order to buy some RGD now, click on “Buy Now”.

You will be redirected to a page where you have to fill out how many RGDs you want and where you

have to choose the currency you want to pay in:

There are four Items you can buy at the RGC Shop:

Name Change (10 RGD) - Instant

Stats Reset (35 RGD) - Instant

Gold Membership (50 RGD) – Lasts for 1 month; Grants you a golden Name and golden “Gold

Member” title on RGC; Ranks you above Normal Members and Team Captains.

Diamond Membership (200 RGD) – Lasts for 1 month; Grants you a coloured Name (custom colour);

you can choose your own Title (with a custom colour); Grants you “Team Captain” Status in (EU)

Public and (Asia) Public Channels [Gives you the right to host your own games with the Hostbot];

Ranks you above Gold Members, Team Captains and Normal Members.

Choose how many RGDs you want to buy depending on the prices I noted above.

Gold Member (50 RGD) Example:

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Now just click on the PayPal button “Buy Now”. You will be immediately redirected to the PayPal

Checkout Webpage where you have to enter your personal PayPal Account Data and finish the

process. You will receive the amount of RGDs you bought instantly.

Diamond Member Settings

Let’s assume I want to buy a Diamond Membership and chose to buy 200 RGD in the previous steps.

My RGC Shop Main page will look like this then:

If I want to buy Diamond Membership now I have to click on the “Buy Now” button in the rectangular

with the “Diamond Membership” title.

You will be redirected to this page:

Profile Title: Here you can chose your new Profile Title (It replaces “Non Subscriber” in your RGC


Name Colour: Here you can choose your new Name Colour on RGC. You can virtually use any HTML

Colour Code (Here are some examples: http://www.w3schools.com/HTML/html_colornames.asp)

Now just click on “Order Now” to finish the process. The next time you log into RGC you should be

already “Diamond Member”.

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RGC Video Tutorials There are several RGC Video Tutorials made by the dedicated RGC Members “Stu!” and “Kira_2010”.

They cover the very special and general functions of RGC:

How to set up Xsplit with Own3d for Shoutcasting and Streaming: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNuvbbcvMWg

(Made by “Kira_2010”)

Ranked Gaming Client V4.0 Tutorial - Detailed tutorial on the game signing system and the client`s



(Made by “Stu!”)

Ranked Gaming Client tutorial: Getting vouched - since many channels require vouch in order to

join them here is a quick tutorial on how to find vouch requirements and where to post them


(Made by “Stu!”)

Ranked Gaming Client tutorial: How to change sounds - Just a quick tutorial showing you how to

change the client`s sounds. Although it’s for version 3 it works perfectly in the new client version



(Made by “Stu!”)

RGC Tutorial - Using Autohotkey and Customkeys to change DotA keys


(Made by “Stu!”)

Save/Load a Game on RGC If you want to save a game (for example because someone disconnected) and load it later, follow

these steps:

Step 1: Use the Command “!save” in the game. (Everyone can use this command)

Step 2: All players have to use the “!rehost” command. When all the remaining players executed the

command, the game will end and the Rehost-ID will be displayed in the Ingame Chat.:

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Step 3: After the game has ended, ask an admin of the channel (Team Captain is enough) of the

channel to rehost the game with the Rehost ID. If you take the ID from the Picture above the

command would be: !rehost 391849.

Step 4: Start your Warcraft III through RGC and join the rehosted game. Only members who have

been in the previous game are able to join the new game. As a final step, start the game as every

other normal game.

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4. DotA and Warcraft III

Installing Warcraft III Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne

Installing Reign of Chaos: 1. At first, place the CD in your CD drive. Open My Computer, click on the icon of the CD, and

install it.

2. Click "Install Warcraft III" when the Warcraft III Setup opens. Follow the instructions given afterwards. Accept the Terms of Agreement, after reading it definitely, and proceed to the next page.

3. Enter your name and unique CD Key. Click OK. The CD Key can be found at the box of your Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos.

4. Enter the installation directory. It's recommended to leave it as it is, unless you have a specific place for your game. Click OK.

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5. After successfully installing, it will prompt you to place a desktop shortcut. A shortcut is not necessary, because you will be playing Frozen Throne anyway, not Reign of Chaos.

Installing Frozen Throne: 1. You just installed Reign of Chaos. Take its CD out, put the TFT CD into the drive, and start

installing The Frozen Throne.

2. Click "Install Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne" when the Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Setup opens. Again, accept the Terms of Agreement after reading it. This will lead you to the CD Key window.

3. Enter your CD Key. Click OK. The CD Key can be found at the box of your Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

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4. If you want to create a Frozen Throne Shortcut this time, click on “Yes”.

Warcraft III Video and Gameplay Settings Actually there are 3 parts of Settings available in the Warcraft III Options: Gameplay, Video and Sound. But I think the Sound part is very easy to understand and already well explained in Warcraft III itself.

Video Settings Gamma: Brightens or darkens up a screen. Resolution: Select the resolution according to the size of your Monitor. A bigger resolution means a more detailed screen. Model Detail: Defines how detailed model units can be. Animation Quality: Enhances animation, i.e. attacks and some effects. Texture Quality: Improves the overall texture, from the menus, the terrain and the models. Medium allows you to read the loading screen properly.

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Particles: Enhances detail of other objects. Lights: Sets how light affects everything. Unit Shadows: This must be on to ensure good gameplay. Occlusion: Determines how an object can be hidden by other nearby objects. Best set to “On”. Spell Detail: High reveals all the details of the spell. Setting it to Low causes some effects not to appear in-game.

Gameplay Settings Mouse Scroll: How sensitive do you want your cursor to be? Keyboard Scroll: Same here, but with the arrow keys. Always Show Heal Bars: As of 1.22a, health bars may now be permanently shown. Automatically Save Replays: This feature automatically saves replays inside a folder named “Autosaved “located within your Replay folder “Multiplayer”. Custom Keyboard Shortcuts: Activates the manually changeable “CustomKeys.txt” file.

Installing DotA You do not really need to “install” DotA. The only thing you need is to install Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and put the latest DotA Map into your Warcraft III “Maps” folder. Here you can always download the latest DotA Map: www.getdota.com

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Useful DotA Links Lastly I want to add a list of lots of very useful DotA links:

DotA Downloads:

1. Official DotA Allstars : Downloads Always download DotA from the official getdota.com.

2. DotA AI by Harreke Want to try some strange Skill/Item builds or simply have fun? Download AI DotA, by Harreke.

3. The NEW DotA Allstars Map Archive Archive with nearly every DotA map

4. DotA Maps Collection Another archive with more than 300 DotA maps.

5. DotA AI FAQ All the info about AI maps.


1. Guide to DotA Custom Keys Custom dota keys guide with already created customkeys files.

2. DOTA Customkey Generator Easy way to customize inventory hotkeys and standarize hero's shortcuts.

3. AutoHotkey - Free Mouse and Keyboard Macro Program with Hotkeys and AutoText Create hotkeys and macros with this very useful tool.

4. Custom Keys by Dane- & Meetya Another very complete hotkey program.

5. Dota Tool Kit (DTK) - Customize warcraft & DotA And another very complete hotkey program :P

6. WarKey++ 6.2 English (WarCraft3 Change HotKey) A program that helps you hotkey the inventory keys.

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7. [F4F].cReW. DotA HotKey Tool v1.0.1 And another one.

8. Warkeys: The Best Way to Edit Your CustomKeys.txt Another hotkey program.

9. [ inventory+ ] And yet another one.

10. Enable Tavern and Goblinshops Hotkeys A way to enable customkeys for side shops and taverns.

11. FOR MACS: Customkey for the mac A tool to remap the inventory hotkeys for mac users.

12. FOR MACS: Remapping keys in Mac OS X 10.4 And another one.


1. Dota-League: DotAzilla Tool used by dota-league, with many functions like reducing latency and blocking your windows keys while in-game.

2. Warcraft III Delay Reducer A very simple program used to reduce the latency when playing on Bnet.

3. GUIDE: Patching Warcraft 3 with WVS The official, updated and recommended PD guide to Warcraft Version Switcher.

4. Warcraft Version Switcher Alternative WVS thread.

5. Warcraft III Version Switcher v2.1 A great way to quickly change between versions when playing on Garena or watching old replays, with a very lightweight lil program.

6. Reconnection Tool for WCIII (Both Server & Client) A newly created tool which enables re-connections on games.

7. WC3 ResCHANGE Tool to change your W3 resolution, specially useful for wide screen users.

8. DotBeer You can use this program to manage, store, and quickly check different skill and item builds for dota heroes.

9. Window Mouse Capturer A "must" for any person who wants to play Warcraft in windowed mode.


1. DotA Theme Manager The original! Play on the sunny beach, the boiling hell, the snowy mountains, anywhere!

2. Diabolic Warcraft III Tools More customization options that allow you to change the W3 background image, the fonts used, and more!

3. Custom DotA Even more customization options to change in-game models, icons, and more!

4. Guide to Customize Wc3 A quick and simple step-by-step guide to customize W3.

5. Dota model pack Lots of custom models!

6. How to change Warcraft background to any picture A program that can change your Warcraft 3 background image.

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7. Custom sounds [Added more noises ] Some custom sounds.

8. Model Editor/Creator A program used to view, edit, and create Warcraft 3 models.

9. Hero Models MPQ Locations The Icon, Model, Missile and Voice of every hero in DotA.

Replay Tools

1. DotaHIT v0.999s4 (+ Replay Parser & Replay Finder) DPS and EHP calculation, data dump extractor, replay parser, and much more!

2. DotA Replay Manager 2.05 Great replay parser to sort trough your many replays and display lots of useful information.

3. dW3gParser by Esby Another replay parser, that can identify when players click, buy items, spend skill points, etc

4. ReplaySeeker v1.1 Useful tool to re-wind replays and fast-forward to a desired moment.

5. Simple Camera Plugin for the above tool that gives you complete camera freedom.

6. Warcraft Console Hider v.3b Wanna make a dota movie but the console keeps getting in the way? remove it with this tool!

Replay Sites

1. Dota Commentaries Dota replays, with commentaries!

2. GosuGamers DotA | Replays A very popular replay site, with lots of professional matches.

3. Replays.Net DotA??Rep?? | DotA????? DotA AllStars | Dota.Replays.Net A chinese replay site.

4. DOTA????_?DotA????_DOTA.SGamer.com-???? And another one.

5. Matches - DotA Forums Our very own pro replays section!

Help and Tech Support:

1. Frequently Asked Questions Always check here first. ALWAYS!

2. [GUIDE] All about 1.24e If you're having problems updating to the latest W3 version, see this guide first!

3. [GUIDE] How to Install DotA Beginner-friendly guide about how to install dota from scratch!

4. [GUIDE] Viewing Replays Can't watch a specific replay? This guide might help you!

5. Hosting and 3rd party programs Lots of useful intormation about hosting games on Bnet.

6. Setting Up to Play DotA - DotA Guides All you need to know to start playing dota the right way.

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1. Learn DotA New at dota? Give this a read and you'll improve your skills in no time

2. DotA Guides Now that you know the basics, learn how to master a hero following guides

3. Guide-Writers' Guide All the info you need to publish your own strategy guide.

4. Outpicked Archive Thread The archive of the popular strategy-forum game.

5. Val's Pretty Guide to Every Hero - DotA Guides A handy guide to every hero. Useful bits of info for beginners!

Mechanics and Programming

1. DotA Heroes Updated Heroes database.

2. DotA Items and Recipes Updated Items database.

3. DotA Mechanics Most of your mech questions, answered here!

4. DotA Mechanics Common Terminology Finally discover what's a triggered skill, a dummy unit, and the marker ability!

5. List of Tutorial Sites Lots of tutorials to help you start coding in jass, the Warcraft 3 code.

6. The Big List of Uncodable Things Got a suggestion but don't know if it's actually codeable? see this thread.

7. Really Advanced Statistics of Heroes! [nerds only] Stats information about all dota heroes.


1. DotA Forums - IceFrog The official blog of the DotA maker! Find all the latest news here!

2. Hero Balance Compilation 6.48 onwards A list with every balance change on heroes.

3. Item Balance Compilation A list with every balance change on items.

4. A History of Competitive DotA If you missed the beginnings of competitive DotA, you can find it all in these nice chronicles.

5. Official PlayDotA Ventrilo server It's always better than typing, trust me

6. IRC Channel Chat with fellow dota players about anything!

7. [DATABASE] Hero Userbars (Add your own!) Lots of dota hero userbars, for your signatures.

8. The dota ms paint rage dump thread!! no skill, no words, no reason, only rage and ms paint

9. DotA Kill Sounds and Audio A collection of all the spree sounds found in DotA.

10. DotA hero sounds (6.59d) A collection of all the hero sounds up to 6.59d

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11. Dota Heroes Sounds Another Hero sounds thread.

12. List of Higher Level Games - DotA Guides A collection of several Dota leagues.

PlayDotA Forum (The official DotA Forum)

1. DotA Forums - Forum Rules Read them, follow them, and the world will be a better place for us all

2. DotA Forums - Show Groups Complete list of all the forum staff on this forum. Find out who mods what.

3. How to get a Signature and Avatar Quick guide about how to change your Avatar and Signature.

4. Name Changes Got bored of your current nick name? request a name change here!

5. How to create a new replay thread An easy guide explaining how to use attachments.

6. The Right Guide to Guide-Write - DotA Guides A guide to guide writing!

7. Complete list of BB codes A very complete and up-to-date BB-code guide.

8. [Guide]BB Codes And another one ^^

9. DotA Forums - BB Code List All the BB code functions on this forum.

10. DotA Forums - Smilies List All the Smilies available on this forum.

11. DotA Forums - FAQ General info about the forum.

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6. Sources and Credits


RGC Forums:

http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=22871 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=44549 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=72978 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=81057 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=18895 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=88202 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=69993 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=43776 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=85600 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=80850 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=89560 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=91118 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=94534 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=108542 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=96495 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=111468 http://www.mymgn.com/board/showthread.php?t=103477

PlayDotA Forums:

http://www.playdota.com/forums/showthread.php?t=90893 http://www.playdota.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4724

Credits Huge Credit goes to all the Users who wrote the Guides I took as my Sources.

Very Special Credit goes to the PlayDotA Members Foede (who wrote this totally awesome list about

useful DotA Links) and Melderv (who wrote a beautiful guide about installing Warcraft III RoC and