Page 1: Talent - not so mysterious after all

TalentIsn’t mysterious. It can be measured, managed and mapped.

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TalentAnd you can neutralise it. (Oops)

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TalentLoves what it does. And yes, you have to pay for it.

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TalentBut be very afraid when it becomes all about the money.

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TalentFollowing the money usually takes people away from their talent.

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TalentIs as much about keeping people in their ‘zone’ as it is about retaining them.


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Talent(The formerly-great aren’t much use to you. No matter how much they cost.)


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TalentIs all about passion.

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TalentSo how are you measuring* that?

*Remember Management 101? You cannot manage that which you do not measure…

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TalentWe* measure ten key motivators.

* find us at

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TalentWe are still waiting for two people to score the same.

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TalentMore importantly, those ten scales give us absolute clarity about engagement and motivation in a specific role.

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Talent(…whether it is the CEO or the janitor*we are looking at…)*Not just being clever. Send the CEO and the janitor on a week’s holiday, then check whose absence impacts your brand soonest…Which is fine, because if you are the CEO, you should be working on a 25+ year horizon anyway. But the janitor counts.

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TalentWhich is fantastic. Except for one thing.

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TalentYou can neutralise talent. (Remember that?)

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TalentAll it takes is a little stress.

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Talent(Really. Stress. You believed all that stuff about stress* being good for you?)*Challenge is good for you. Stress poisons your system and your behaviour. But that is another story.

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TalentSo we measure what will stress people too.

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TalentWe use nearly 40 scales for that.

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TalentAnd no, we haven’t seen any two people the same on these measures either.

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TalentBut don’t worry - we can turn that into a simple narrative for each individual.

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TalentAnd here’s the point. (Whew!)

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=⨍( )-Talent

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TalentIs a function of passion and motivation unhindered by the corrosive effects of stress arising from needs unmet and unmanaged.

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TalentSimples. So if you aren’t measuring and managing all of that equation, in a reliable and efficient manner…

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Talent…perhaps we should talk. !

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