
Project Reference: BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Art and Design (Fine Art)

Title: Synaesthesia

Timing within Course: Yr 1, Project 1, 2015

Start Date: W/c 7th September 2015

Submission Deadline: Mid-point Critique: 12th October 2015

Final Deadline: 16th October 2015

Assessment Dates: W/c Monday 19th October 2015

Artists in charge of Project: Kate Jenkins, Christian Soukias


Alberto Giacometti

Miskin Arts

Units: Unit 75: Drawing from Observation

Unit 79: Multi-Disciplinary Work in Fine Art

L-S-UNITS: Unit 1: Visual Recording in Art and DesignUnit 3: Ideas and Concepts in Art and DesignUnit 4: Communication through Art and Design

Relevant Departmental Notes:

Each assignment will involve set periods of taught workshops/lessons that will give you the skills and knowledge that will be required to achieve the relevant assessment criteria listed in the assessment grids. Throughout this period you will be given feedback on how to improve and meet this criteria.

At the end of each set assignment you will be asked to independently select your work to submit for summative assessment. You will then submit your assignment for summative assessment and consequently receive your grade.


1 A3 Sketchbook of drawing work, visual and artist research that will include annotations and evaluations of such work.

Final outcome of drawing based works.

Evidence in Core Unit Journals

Grading criteria: Pass / Merit / Distinction are attainable.

English and Maths: This project will include functional skills in English and Maths. Please bear in mind your industry requires eloquent use of English and accurate use of figures, to which end, the continuing development of these skills are firmly embedded inside all your work.

Note on copyright and plagiarism: This process will require independent research. Copying from the internet and additional sources is not appropriate and violates copyright and will be classed as plagiarism unless fully annotated and credited. You must make your work your own. We need to see that you have an understanding of the areas that you have researched. Copying work directly from ANY source will not be tolerated. If you quote ANY existing material you must put it in quotation marks and in brackets, attribute the source / author.

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts


You have been asked to produce a series of drawing work which is to be displayed in the foyer of X block in order to show off the work we do in Fine Art and begin the transformation of X block into a visual arts centre. As a team of Fine Artists you will be filling the wall space with your work in frames. The individual pieces of work can be no smaller than A4 and no larger than A3, but you need to produce at least 4 in order to make an overall impact. The final outcome needs to show a use of mixed media in order to capture the imagination of the viewer and show the limitless potential of Fine Art.

This unit is about developing your visual recording skills as an exploratory tool in communicating different ideas. Learning to observe and select visual information from the world around you forms a vital part of being a Fine Artist. You will use primary sources to work from direct observation, developing your skill and understanding, to communicate and express creative ideas. Our lives today are rich in creative visual imagery. Advertising, film, video and the internet have become an integral part of our visual experience. The quality of our visual world depends to a great extent on the visual recording skills of the artist or designer, and their ability to create exciting, innovative imagery. Recording skills lie at the heart of an artist’s success in communicating their message. In the process of generating their ideas, artists, craftspeople and designers need to select, use and refine their recordings in order to communicate with their audience effectively.

For this project you will be investigating drawing media and using the idea of synaesthesia as your final theme. You will gather together a body of work which will include artist research, visual imagery and experiments that will inform your drawings and investigations. During this project you will be introduced to a range of drawing and observational techniques through practice based workshops. You will develop your practical skills in drawing and discovering different mediums that could be used in your final outcome. You will also get the chance to experience life drawing classes, building on your body of work through observations, developing technical skills to draw the human form. You will focus on proportion, composition, texture, line and tone, acquiring technical knowledge and ultimately guide your own self-expression within your drawing based work.

Professional Practice: Please be aware that you will be putting professional practice into action within Miskin Arts, which is a professional environment in which you are effectively being given the opportunity to publicly test your skills and gain creditable industrial experience.

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

Glossary of Terms

Innovative – New or original

Synaesthesia – a condition where somebody gets any of their five senses confused

Art movement a group of artists who agree on general principles.

Articulate having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.

Contemporary artist contemporary art is art produced at the present period in time.

Contextual research artist research which helps gain understanding of how an individual works/worked.

Contextual context/reference How and when work was made. The environment in which it was made.

Mark making any action which makes a mark i.e. drawing, painting, collage etc.

Media the material used by an artist or designer to create a work.

Mixed Media a combination of different media i.e. collage and drawing.

Narrative a spoken or written account of connected events; a story.

Notation notes made to explain your ideas and processes.

Primary source from life, something drawn from in front of you.

Process the way in which something is produced.

Properties restraints of a material that make it suitable for a task i.e. clay is soft and mouldable but dries hard.

Secondary source taken from another’s or found imagery such as from the internet, a book or a magazine.

Technique a way of carrying out a particular task.

Visual language the language used by an artist to communicate with their audience.

Visual research responding to found or primary imagery to help develop visual understanding of a subject.

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

What you need to do; Continuous Evaluation:Throughout your book, evaluate everything you do answering the following points: Describe how visual language (formal elements) are used to convey your ideas and concepts. Towards unit 4 GC3

Link the work you have produced to that of the artists you have looked at. Unit 75 GC4 or Towards unit 1 GC4

Explain why you drew the subject you have chosen. How might it help to meet the brief? Towards unit 1 GC4

Discuss the drawing techniques and observational techniques you have used throughout your work. Unit 75 GC4

Explain the problems you come across when working with mixed media. E.g. time constraints, limitations on available media. Unit 79 GC1

Discuss how disciplines have been combined successfully or not, showing an understanding of the links between the disciplines. Unit 79 GC3 or Towards unit 1 GC4

Show visually and through written evaluations throughout your book how your idea develops and you make changes to make it better. Towards unit 3 GC3

Idea Generation Mind Map the potential ideas you can investigate under the theme ‘Synesthesia’. Towards unit 3 GC2

Gather a selection of photographs and drawings from primary sources and images from secondary sources which relate to the theme ‘synesthesia’. Towards unit 1 GC1, Towards unit 3 GC2

THROUGH WORKSHOPS: Produce a series of drawings based on synesthesia using different observational techniques e.g. using viewfinders, measuring proportion etc. Unit 75 GC1

THROUGH WORKSHOPS: Produce drawings that demonstrate your understanding of the drawing and mark-making techniques learnt, using the methods used for observing Unit 75 GC2

Write an analytical evaluation of your initial ideas, discussing how they compare and the strengths and weaknesses of what they offer. Towards unit 3 GC1

Contextual Research Produce research of at least 2 artists who use the synesthesia in their work. Discuss how they use the formal elements in your own words. Towards unit 1 GC3

Research how at least 2 artists use different media, materials and processes to convey ideas and meaning in their work. – These need to be relevant and inspire your work. Towards unit 4 GC1

Research at least 2 artists that combine various disciplines within their work. Unit 79 GC1

Developmental work Produce a series of at least 10 sketches from life and visual research, developing a more specific idea for a piece of work that you come up with yourself.

Towards unit 1 GC2

Carry out practical experiments that clearly show how you have experimented with combining disciplines. Unit 79 GC2

The media and processes you experiment should link to your concept. Clearly explain the link between the media and processes you experiment with and your chosen concept. Towards unit 4 GC2

Critique and final outcome Take part in the mid-point critique, explaining your idea and how it has developed. Make notes/record it on your phone and write up an evaluation based

on the responses into your book. Towards unit 3 GC4

Develop and create a series of final drawings (at least 4) applying the various drawing techniques learnt in your observational drawing sessions. Your final outcomes should show multi-disciplinary work and link to your research and experiments. Unit 75 GC3, Unit 79 GC4 Towards unit 1 GC5, Towards unit 4 GC4

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts


Task Grids

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

Unit 75 – Drawing from Observation

IMPORTANT: The following are TASKS (not to be confused with grading criteria)

TASKS To gain a Pass: TASKS To gain a Merit: TASKS To gain a Distinction:


Produce a series of drawings based on synesthesia using different observational techniques e.g. using viewfinders, measuring proportion etc.


Using your knowledge on different drawing and observational techniques, combining the two to produce a set of effective drawings.


Demonstrate an informed approach to observing detail in your chosen subject matter.


Produce drawings that demonstrate your understanding of the drawing and mark-making techniques learnt, using the methods used for observing


Create in depth drawings that clearly evidence that you have used a variety of drawing techniques effectively.


Independently combine the different drawing techniques and media imaginatively to produce a sophisticated outcome.


Develop a series of final drawings applying the various drawing techniques learnt in your observational drawing sessions.


Use the drawing techniques successfully while applying appropriate observational techniques consistently.


Produce fully realised drawings that show innovation in the use of media and techniques.


Review your practical work while linking it to the work from others and recognize the drawing techniques used through your annotations.


Analyze yours and others work using the knowledge you have gained through comparisons of others work to help influence your observational drawings.

Purposefully evaluate your observational drawing and the techniques used.


Your practical work will show a high level of perception. Clearly linking between observational and drawing techniques and media.

Produce a well written evaluation on the work produced that will show a high level of perception.

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

Unit 79 – Multi-disciplinary Work in Fine Art

IMPORTANT: The following are TASKS (not to be confused with grading criteria)

TASKS To gain a Pass: TASKS To gain a Merit: TASKS To gain a Distinction:


Research artists that combine various disciplines within their work.

Explain the problems you come across when working with mixed media. E.g. time constraints, limitations on available media.


Independently carry out research into multi-disciplinary work.

Write detailed comments on your research into your sketchbook, through annotations.


Show sophisticated multi-disciplinary artwork. Personal involvement will be evident in the

practical and evaluation stages. Research a number of disciplines thoroughly to

make well informed decisions in your experiments.

Final piece will show a high level of skill combining different disciplines and processes in a individual way.


Carry out practical experiments that clearly show how you have experimented with combining disciplines.


Show understanding of the term ‘multi-disciplinary’ from the research that you have conducted, informing your experiments independently.

Write a thoughtful project proposal


Through evaluations in your sketchbook, discuss how disciplines have been combined successfully or not, showing an understanding of the links between the disciplines.


Using your own initiative produce a coherent body of experimental work, showing your understanding.

Independently evaluate throughout all stages of the experimental work while continually explaining how these material, techniques and processes might be combined in your work.


Produce a final piece which shows multi-disciplinary work and links to your research and experiments.

Discuss in your annotations the combination of materials used.

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

LONG SKINNY UNITS – EVIDENCED IN LOG BOOKSUnit 1 – Visual Recording in Art and DesignIMPORTANT: The following are TASKS (not to be confused with grading criteria)TASKS To gain a Pass: TASKS To gain a Merit: TASKS To gain a Distinction:


Gather a selection of photographs from primary sources and images from secondary sources which relate to the theme ‘Synesthesia’.


Independently select the source material from which you work.

Show skill through your drawings and photographs.


Create exciting and imaginative ideas.

Show strong practical skills through drawings.

Evaluate your work effectively using sophisticated language.


Produce a series of at least 10 sketches from life and the evidence you collected for P1, based on the theme of synaesthesia, developing a more specific idea that you come up with yourself.


Through your drawings, use the formal elements in diverse and individual ways.

Select your ideas purposefully. Present your work creatively in your


Produce research of at least 2 artists who use the synesthesia in their work. Discuss how they use the formal elements in your own words.


Annotate and evaluate your own sketches, showing understanding of why you drew it. Make links between the work of artists you look at and the drawings/images you produce, and how they have influenced you. Discuss what has worked well and what could be improved.


Use your evaluations to develop a refined design for your outcomes which successfully meets the brief

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

Unit 3 – Ideas and Concepts in Art and Design

IMPORTANT: The following are TASKS (not to be confused with grading criteria)

TASKS To gain a Pass: TASKS To gain a Merit: TASKS To gain a Distinction:


Write an analytical evaluation of your initial ideas, discussing how they compare and the strengths and weaknesses of what they offer.


Use your visual research and artist’s research within your generation of ideas and evidence how this influenced you through your evaluations.


Independently and analytically evaluate your research, showing creative thinking.

Come up with exciting and innovative ideas.


Mind Map the potential ideas you can investigate under the theme ‘Synesthesia’.

Produce a series of at least 10 sketches based on the theme of the synaesthesia, developing a more specific idea that you come up with yourself.


Compare the concepts that you have come up with to those used by the artists you have looked at.

Present your work in an individual and imaginative way.


Produce informed and sophisticated ideas for different purposes

Independently articulate your ideas and how you have shown them effectively in the critique.


Show visually and through written evaluations throughout your book how your idea develops and you make changes to make it better.


Take part in the mid-point critique, explaining your idea and how it has developed.

Make notes of the feedback you receive and write an evaluation afterwards based on what was said.

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

Unit 4 – Communication through Art and Design

IMPORTANT: The following are TASKS (not to be confused with grading criteria)

TASKS To gain a Pass: TASKS To gain a Merit: TASKS To gain a Distinction:


Research how at least 2 artists use different media, materials and processes to convey ideas and meaning in their work. – These need to be relevant and inspire your work.


Research a variety of different artists that use different ways to communicate ideas and meaning clearly linking these ideas to your own ideas on the human form.


Demonstrate independence in your investigations and your research.

Integrate the research found within your own work.

Persuasively communicate the human form.P2.

Explore through experiments different media and processes.

Clearly link your exploration with your chosen concept through annotations and evaluations.


Effectively explore a wide range of materials, methods and materials and how these can convey a meaning and idea through visual communication.

Use these ideas to develop ideas for final painting.

Explore a variety of methods to communicate with your audience, clearly linking to your practical work.


Through evaluations, describe how visual language (formal elements) is used to convey your ideas and concepts.


Produce experiments which show how you have used a variety of different media, materials and processes to convey your concepts, to visually communicate with your audience.

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts


Assessment Grid

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

Miskin Arts

Brief IV’d by Christian Soukias Kate Jenkins

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