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Relieve Stress Naturally with Herbs, Ayurveda, & Acupressure

With Melissa Yaden EAMP, LMP, AWP

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What is Stress?

!!Concerning Our Well-being; Stress is: A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances; something that causes or prolongs mental strain.

Literally Speaking; Stress is: Pressure or tension exerted on a material object: the distribution of stress is uniform across the bar. • the degree of pressure exerted on a material object measured in units of force per unit area.

!!What Types of Stress Exist?—Two Main types Chronic Stress: is a long-term ailment that can lead to severe health problems including high blood pressure, heart disease and low immunity. Acute Stress: equivalent to fight or flight, also known as necessary stress, often for Survival.

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Mind—Body Stress

The initial response to stress is the alarm reaction, which is often referred to as the fight-or-flight response triggered by activation of the sympathetic nervous system and, ultimately, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which causes the adrenals to secrete adrenaline and other stress-related hormones.

The stress response is actually part of a larger response known as the general adaptation syndrome, composed of three phases: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. These phases are largely controlled and regulated by the adrenal glands.

Stress begins in the mind and affects the body

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What's really happening Physically

Stress Response:

The heart rate and force of contraction of the heart increase to provide blood to areas necessary for response to the stressful situation.

Blood is shunted away from the skin and internal organs, except the heart and lungs, whereas the amount of blood supplying required oxygen and glucose to the muscles and brain is increased.

The rate of breathing rises to supply necessary oxygen to the heart, brain, and exercising muscle

Sweat production increases to eliminate toxic compounds produced by the body and to lower body temperature

Production of digestive secretions is severely reduced because digestive activity is not critical to counteracting stress.

Blood sugar levels are raised dramatically as the liver dumps stored glucose into the bloodstream.

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*How Does Stress Feel?*Take 3 minutes and write how stress makes you feel

and also the 4 main causes of stress in your life.

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Social Stress Baboons-Humans

Studies have shown that Stress is directly linked to social hierarchy The lower on the chain you are the less control you have

The less control you have the more stress you feelhaving less control adds an element of uncertainty which in-turn causes more stressThese findings have shown nearly identical correlation in Humans and Baboons.

Those in dominance experience less stress and are expected to live longer while those in sub-ordinance experience more stress and are expected to live shorter lives. these correlations also exist when comparing those with wealth and those without, mostly due to environment and where people live and Work

Are we all that different than our ancestors in terms of stress?

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Stress—Coping Mechanisms

We all learn our own coping mechanisms for managing stress, Here are just a Few:

Dependence on chemicals: legal and illicit drugs, alcohol, smoking, sugar OvereatingToo much television



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Chronic Stress is linked to..Asthma


Menstrual Irregularities

Rheumatoid Arthritis

I.B.S. Common Cold

Heart Disease


DepressionImmune Supression

Autoimmune Diseases


Ulcerative Colitis

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Now…What can we do about all of this. We can be the change!

No one can live without experiencing some degree of stress all the time. You may think that only serious disease or intensive physical or mental injury can cause stress. This is false. Crossing a busy intersection, exposure to a draft, or even sheer joy are enough to activate the body’s stress mechanisms at some level. Most Stress is not necessarily bad for you; in fact it is the spice of life, every emotion, and activity causes some stress. It is our perspective of stressors which determines the outcome and response to them. The same stress which makes one person sick can be an invigorating experience for another.

Addressing Stress with Joy

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Building the body Temple to Handle the stressors of our life

We have to take control and have positive tools in place to help draw on in stressful times

Right Diet—Nourished

Right Attitude—Calmness

Exercise—Move QiSupplements—Support

Communication—Giving & Receiving

Friends—Social Connections

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Take 5

Take a moment and write down 5 things that you can do to help manage your stress today

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Relaxation Response:

The heart rate is reduced and the heart beats more effectively. Blood pressure is reduced

Blood is shunted towards internal organs, especially those organs involved in digestion.

The rate of breathing decreases as oxygen demand is reduced during periods of rest.

Sweat production diminishes, because a person who is calm and relaxed does not experience nervous perspiration.

Production of digestive secretions is increased, greatly improving digestion.

Blood sugar levels are maintained in the normal physiologic range.

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ABC of stress

A: acceptance , it is a reality that is both necessary, and unavoidable. Our system is built to manage stress.

B: Bring on the balance- the key to life. Balance nutritional needs, activity level, meditation, exercise

C: create daily calm- even if don't feel stressed, having some practice to bring you into calm state

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Stress Management


Producing deep relaxation with any technique requires learning how to breathe. One of the most powerful methods of producing less stress and more energy in the body is by breathing with the diaphragm. Diaphragm breathing activates the relaxation centers in the brain and the parasympathetic nervous system. Think about diaphragmatic breathing.


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Stress management...

Progressive Relaxation

One of the most popular techniques for producing the relaxation response is progressive relaxation. The technique is based on a very simple procedure of comparing tension with relaxation. Many people are not aware of the sensation of relaxation. In progressive relaxation, an individual is taught what it feels like to relax by comparing relaxation with muscle tension.

Yogananda’s Energization exercises

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Stress and Time Management...

Time management: a tool to help with stress:

One of the biggest stressors for most people is time. They simply do not feel they have enough of it.

• Set priorities. Realize that you can only accomplish so much in a day. Decide what is important, and limit your efforts to that goal.

Organize your day. There are always interruptions and unplanned demands on your time, but create a definite plan for the day on the basis of your priorities. Avoid the pitfall of always letting the “immediate demands” control your life

• Delegate authority. Delegate as much authority and work as you can. You cannot do everything yourself. Learn to train and depend on others.

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Time Management cont...

• Tackle tough jobs first. Handle the most important tasks first, when your energy levels are high. Leave the busy work or running around for later in the day.

• Minimize meeting time. Schedule meetings to bump up against the lunch hour or quitting time; that way they cannot last forever.

• Avoid putting things off. Work done under pressure of an unreasonable deadline often has to be redone. That creates more stress than if it had been done right the first time. Plan ahead.

• Do not be a perfectionist. You can never really achieve perfection anyway. Do your best in a reasonable amount of time, then move on to other important tasks. If you find time, you can always come back later and polish the task some more.

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Effective Communication Helps

1. The first key to successful communication is the most important: learn to be a good listener. Allow the person you are communicating with to really share his or her feelings and thoughts uninterrupted. Empathize with the person; put yourself in his or her shoes. If you first seek to understand, you will find yourself being better understood.

2. Be an active listener. This means that you must be truly interested in what the other person is communicating. Listen to what he or she is saying instead of thinking about your response. Ask questions to gain more information or clarify what he or she is telling you. Good questions open lines of communication.

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3. Be a reflective listener. Restate or reflect back to the other person your interpretation of what he or she is telling you. This simple technique shows the other person that you are both listening to and understanding what he or she is saying. Restating what you think is being said may cause some short-term conflict in some situations, but it is certainly worth the risk.

4. Wait to speak until the person you want to communicate with is listening. If the person is not ready to listen, your message will not be heard no matter how well you communicate.

5. Do not try to talk over somebody. If you find yourself being interrupted, relax; do not try to out-talk the other person. If you are courteous and allow him or her to speak, eventually (unless extremely rude) he or she will respond likewise. If that does not happen, point out that the other person is interrupting the communication process. You can do this only if you have been a good listener. Double standards in relationships seldom work.

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6. Help the other person become an active listener. This can be done by asking whether he or she has understood what you were communicating. Ask him or her to tell you what he or she heard. If the other person does not seem to be understanding what you are saying, keep trying until he or she does.

7. Do not be afraid of long silences. Human communication involves much more than human words. A great deal can be communicated during silences; unfortunately, in many situations silence can make us feel uncomfortable. Relax. Some people need silence to collect their thoughts and feel safe in communicating. The important thing to remember during silences is that you must remain an active listener.

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Tuning into the Seasons:Spring

Spring - when earth awakens and new life bursts, cleansing what we don't need !Chinese med associated this with wood element, the organs related are gallbladder and liver. This wood element is nourished by water from the previous season. !Spring ailments: wind can cause muscle aches and pains, spasms, headaches, allergies, - all of which can congestion the liver result acting in anger frustration irritability stiff neck and shoulders, hypertension , PMS, depression, mood swings. If you feel worse in spring, the liver may be congested. !To balance springs energy- eat plenty of dark leafy greens such as collards, kale, mustard and chard to help cleanse the blood and liver. You can include other natural greens growing at this time like watercress, lambs quarters, chickweed, nettle,,purslane and dandelion. You can addd lemon juice to help the iron absorption in the greens. !Chamomile tea to help relax. !Limit hard to digest foods, processed, fried, too much sugar or caffeine - all affect Liver !Physical movement is very important to help move liver Qi !Get to bed by 10:30 as the liver starts t activate around 11, and not give you as good of rest of you sleep later, even if it's same number of hours !Do gentle cleanse for. Week in spring, like a kitcharee cleanse

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Summer: !Essence of growth heat and activity. It is the fire element and it's associated organs are heart, small intestine, (PC and SJ)!Energy is expansive, flowing outwardly, the body's heat or inward fire can rise to the surface to cool us inside. If we are hot natured, we can feel the worse this time of year. Lighter and easier to digest foods are ideal for this time if year. !Summer ailments: !Overexcited or tired and sluggish, heated aches, exhaustion, impatience, hypertension, drinking too much cold or iced things can cause stomach heat, which can parents as headache across foreheads, bad breath, bleeding gums, ravenous hunger, extreme thirst, constipation, acid reflux, mouth ulcers. !Fresh foods and fruits are nice, but should not be the only thing you eat so as t still keep your cooking. Pot kindled. Try to protect and regulate energy versus straying to do more things with more light. !Cooling and drying bitter taste can help balance heart and small intestine. Spicy herbs like chills and curries open the pores to help sweat to cool the body.!Increasing mint, lemon balm, chrysanthemum, hibiscus, green tea, cools the body and can make refreshing summer drinks. Hawthorn is also nice to tonify the heart. !

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Fall: !We harvest the fruits of the previous seasons platings. Try to pull back from too many outward activities to store your energy for winter. Keep the diet. Focus on warming foods. Take time to separate things you don't need, and store the things you do need. !This is the metal element , lungs and large intestine. The ability to receive and take in, and release what is unnecessary is paramount this time of year. Colon purification. Can be benefit now. !Fall ailments: if we continue to live like in summer this time with the nice days, eating cool foods, and dressing lightly, it can cause dysfunction, colds flus, sinus infection, asthma. Continue warm cooked foods, emphasizing garlic, black pepper, ginger. Let yogic breaths strengthen the lungs. If you keep windows open at night, make sure your not exposing neck and shoulders or abdomen to cold draft. Eating cooked food and root vegetables like squash, barley, cooking seasonal fruit with cinnamon and cardamom. For dry coughs, can cook pears with a little rock sugar and ginger. Keeping herbs like elecampane, mullein, coltsfoot, wild cherry bark, loquat close by for colds coughs. Take astragalus for immunity.

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Late Summer

!Associated with the earth element. Time to stabilize and root. Associated with spleen and stomach. Which rule digestion and assimilation. The quality of this time of year is transformation, shift from warming to Cool. !Late summer ailments: dampness can easily occur now. As seen in monsoons or heavy late summer rains , can cause digestive problems diarrhea fluid retention gas bloating poor appetite, malnutrition or weight gain. !Take care to strengthen and improve digestion. Can include more complex carbs, and protein with plenty veggies as fall comes into play , limit too many cold and raw foods. !!Include more citrus peel, cardamom, ginger in cooking this time of year.

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Winter: !The energy of winter is about storage. It is the water element, kidneys and urinary bladder. Life force is more internal, so try to retreat and go within during some of this time. Water element regulates none health fluid metabolism, reproductive and endocrine system. They store your deep inherited constitution energy, which is keeping you r healthy trust fund. Rest replenishing your trust fund can help guide the energies throughout the year. !Winter ailments: cold hand cold feet, poor circulation, low back pain, urinate frequently, fearfulness. If you continue eating cool food ps or cool nature foods, this can damage your digestion , and disrupt metabolic fires. Can have joint aches and pains, depression, poor me memory. Having warming natured foods protein,dark small beans, leafy veggies, squashes, roasted buckwheat. Again , cooking fruits with spices like cardamom, ginger, cinnamon. Use spices like onions, garlic, ginger, cumin,fennel, basil,,fenugreek. Increasing seaweeds can help the kidney energy. You can use more constitutional hydro in showers to help keep the heat internalized. Slow down, reflect. !Include more cinnamon dried ginger, elderberries, cloves, dill, astragalus to help digestion, and increases immunity.

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Mental detox

Take a worry Fast every day Physical level of mental detoxification: pure diet!Subtle level of mental detoxification: pranayama !Causal level of mental detoxification mantra. Can change excess rajas and tamas to sat a through mantra or sound therapy. !

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Ayurvedic 5-elements and the mind

!The Ayurvedic five elements and the mind: !Ether- inner self soul !Air- inner mind deeper consciousness. !Fire- intermediate intelligence !Water- outer mind sensation emotion !Earth- outer self ego

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Top 10 kitchen herbs:

To help optimize your body and mind on a daily basis include any combo of the following on regular basis:

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Ajwan: Increases appetite, improves digestion, relieves congestion

Basil: releives coughs, colds, headaches, fevers, improves immunity

Black Pepper: Improves digestion, reduces ama

Cayenne: Improves circulation, decreases congestion, reduces pain

Coriander: improves digestion, offsets spicy foods, relieves gas, promotes urination

Fennel: stimulates digestive fire, improves digestion,

Fenugreek: Regulates blood sugar, strengthens bones

Garlic: improves digestion, strengthens heart and immunity

Ginger: Improves digestion relieves constipation, reduces inflammation

Rosemary: beneficial for headaches, eases stress response, good for mental sharpness

Turmeric: Improves digestion, strengthens immunity, decreases inflammation , increases circulation

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Restore vitality in debilitated and feeble individuals

Increase feelings of energy

Improve mental and physical performance

Prevent the negative effects of stress and enhance the body’s response to stress

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Bacopa/ Gota kola

Builds cognitive function, and as a nervine tonic

Great for micro-circulation to the brain

Decreases chronic stress response

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Adaptogen that builds and sustains energy and stamina

Protects body from environmental stress, builds strength and immunity

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Share Thoughts

What has worked for you? How can you bring peace into every moment?

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Acupressure for Stress/Anxiety

See handout, discuss and practice finding the points on yourself and your neighbor

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Keeping compassion and gratitude a part of daily life helps curb our reaction tendencies and keeps our thoughts more sattvic.

Having a gratitude journal where you can write 5 things you are grateful for each day before sleep

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Sound is a direct way to activate the relaxation response in our body and mind.

It is a link between our physical and astral plane

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Thank You! Melissa Yaden EAMP LMP AWP

[email protected]

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