
STAGE TWO REPORT FORM Situational analysis report

Country: Zimbabwe

Name of municipality: Bulilima RDC


Why does this municipality have an interest in developing a gender policy?

For the council to effectively provide services that respond to the true needs of the



Good working relations amongst political and traditional leaders

Availability of sub district and district development structures

Women involvement in development programmes

Observation of cultural values

High literacy levels


Limited funding

Low income levels of community members

Poor database

Results of gender score card

Area assessed Score


Score GL Agreed score

Policy framework 1

Governance 1

Gender specific programmes 11

Mainstreaming gender into

existing programmes


Employment practises and



Gender management system 0

Overall 19




Is the council is aware of national, regional, international commitments that the country has made especially the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development and the National Gender Policy?


Is there a gender policy in the council and it is implemented? (Get a copy of this policy)

No. the council is currently using the National Gender Policy



Are there equal numbers of women and men councillors in the council? (Include detail in table)

There is only one female

Number Ward Name Councilor Sex

1 Tshankwa Tony Mlotshwa Male

2 Gwambe Ernest Msongelwa Ndlovu Male

3 Natane Tapson Hanyane Male

4 Nyele Emmanuel Moyo Male

5 Matjinge Boniface A Phiri Male

6 Gala Sifanekiso Ndlovu Male

7 Masendu Vincent Dube Male

8 Huwana Elias Dube Male

9 Makhulela Nduna Moyo Male

10 Bambadzi ZF Nyathi Male

11 Madlambudzi Jabet Mlalazi Female

12 Hingwe Fidzani Ndlovu Male

13 Ndolwane Ian Matiwaza Male

14 Malanswazwi Mtshumayeli Ndlovu Male

15 Vulindlela Francis Tshuma Male

16 Dombolefu MP Ndebele Male

17 Norwood Vusumuzi Moyo Male

18 Somnene Land Ndebele Male

19 Figtree Simon Ndebele Male

20 Dombodema Nleya Benjamin Male

21 Ndiweni Sylvester Nkomo Male

22 Khame Tamilika Ndlovu Male

Are there equal numbers of women and men in decision-making positions in council, Mayoral committee, chairs of committees etc? (Include detail in a table)

There are no female committee chairpersons

Committee Chairperson Sex

Full Council Cllr MP Ndebele Male

Administration and HR Cllr L Ndebele Male

Finance Cllr T Hanyane Male

Roads, Works & Planning Cllr V Dube Male

Social Services Cllr S Sibanda Male

Conservation Cllr E Dube Male

Audit Cllr S Ndlovu Male

Is there gender balance on all community committees? (Include detail in a table)

Such data does not exist within council with reference to community committees with the exception of CAMPFIRE Committees, Health Centre Committees for clinics under construction as well School Development Committees for Schools under construction.


Do women and men participate equally in council meetings? (It might be a good idea to observe a full council meeting)


Do women have an influence on decisions taken by the council? (You will need to consult minutes from meetings to ascertain this)

Yes as the executive play a critical role in advising the policy makers

Public participation

Is there equal participation of women and men at public meetings and events? (You will need to consult records of these meetings where available, are attendance registers kept, are these disaggregated by sex?)

Yes, especially in meetings involving farmers associations, Business community, community project committees.


Does targeted gender planning and service delivery takes place in the council? (Get copies of planning documentation)


Do strategic objectives of the Council explicitly mention gender? (Get copies of strategy documentation).

Yes. Refer to Council strategic plan

Is information collected from women about their constraints, opportunities, incentives and needs and women are consulted in the drawing up of plans and policies? (Get documentation to substantiate this).

Consultations include everyone for any given project cycle or council budget consultation.

Are there gender indicators in all plans? (Get copies of plans)



Local economic development

Does the council have a local economic development plan that targets women entrepreneurs as key beneficiaries? (Get a copy of this plan) Council does not have a LED Plan

Do women and men benefit equally from informal trading facilities in the council? (Is there a policy that regulates this, what are the statistics of use of these facilities?)

Council does not have a policy, however the informal sector is largely dominated by women examples being Madlambudzi market stalls and Malalume Flea markets


Does the council have a procurement policy that sets a target for increasing the number and value of contracts received by women? (Get a copy of this policy, interrogate the tenders register, who is benefitting most from tenders?)

There is no policy


Does the council keep sex disaggregated data on title deeds? (Get this data to interrogate).


Has the council taken steps to ensure that women benefit equally from land and housing opportunities? (How has this been done? Is there a policy? Get a copy of the policy)

Not intentionally


Does the council has sex disaggregated data on who has access to basic services i.e. Male and female headed households? (Interrogate these statistics).

Not yet

Are women are involved in the planning, management and maintenance of these services and facilities? (How does this happen, get copies of meeting minutes etc)

Yes. Records can be retrieved from councillors ward meetings, project meetings etc.


Are women consulted in regard to their transport needs? (How does this happen, get copies of meeting minutes etc)

Consultation processes involve all relevant stakeholders regardless of whether they are male or female.


Are health facilities are easily accessible to women? (eg. What is the average distance that a woman has to travel to get to the closet clinic?)

On average 10km

Does the council keep sex disaggregated data on HIV and AIDS? (Check this data, is it disaggregated, what do these statistics tell you?)

No. that is generally perceived as the role of NAC and MOHCC

Is there a gender aware HIV and AIDS public education and awareness campaign? (Look at the campaign materials and messaging)

Yes. Through the DAAC of which Council is a member

Is PEP available at all health facilities and there are information campaigns surrounding this? (Visit a clinic to check this)


Environmental health

Are women are consulted in the management of waste? (How does this happen, get copies of meeting minutes etc)

Consultations are done with all relevant stakeholders. Refer to SAG reports from communities and EHTs

Do women and men benefit equally from business opportunities in this sector? (Request examples of this)

Yes there is no discrimination.

HIV and AIDS and care work

Does the Council have a gender aware HIV and AIDS policy and programme?

The RDC does have a Workplace policy on HIV/AIDS which includes gender issues.

Does this cover prevention, treatment and care?


Do prevention messages include the importance of equal power relations between women and men?

Yes, however, messages are dependent on the selected theme.

Do prevention messages cover cross generational sex and its impact in increasing the incidence of AIDS among young women?

Yes, however, messages are dependent on the selected theme.

Do prevention messages cover the effects of multiple concurrent partners? Are men encouraged to change their behaviour?

Yes, however, messages are dependent on the selected theme.

Is the Council involved in promoting Voluntary Counselling and testing? Are men encouraged to go for testing?

Yes, through its DAAC membership as well as through its District health Executive/ team membership.

Do women and men access treatment equally? Are men encouraged to go for treatment?


In what ways does the Council support, or could it support care givers?

Council does not support caregivers on its own as mostly they are under the supervision of MOHCC from which they receive allowances i.e. VHWs.

Are men encouraged to be involved in care work?


Climate change and sustainable development

Is the Council aware of climate change and its effects?


What measures is the Council taking to mitigate against these?

Council is working with the communities, EMA, Agritex and the Department of Climate Change as well as development partners such as Practical Action and SAFIRE to mitigate and adjust to these changes in climate and their impacts.

Are these measures gender aware? Do they take account of the different impact of climate change on women and men and ways in which both can be involved in promoting sustainable development?

Gender is mainstreamed into all development programmes.

Social development

Does the council keep sex and age disaggregated data on the use of existing facilities, e.g. retirement centres, community centres, libraries and Women, girls, men and boys benefit equally from budget allocations for sports and recreation facilities? (Request to see this data – what does it tell you?)

There are no formal recreation facilities in the district communities rely on makeshift facilities


Is the council is involved in gender-specific programmes? (eg. educare, GBV programmes etc.)

Yes. Council is an active member of the Anti-GBV committee as well as the District Child protection Committee which usually deal with such issues. Council is also an ex-officio member of the NAPH,NASH and BSPZ committees


Has there has been an assessment of the need for child care facilities? (Request a copy of this assessment).

There were community consultations which highlighted the need for education facilities such as ECD centres primary and secondary schools during the Strategic planning processes for the 2012-2016 as well as the 2016 -2020 strategic plans.

Gender based violence (GBV) flagship

Does the council have an action plan and budget for addressing GBV. Has this has been mainstreamed into planning processes? (Request a copy of the plan and budget, how much has been allocated to GBV?)

Council does not have a plan, however there is a gender component in the Council budget estimates.


Has a safety audit been conducted to ascertain whether the city/town/ village is a safe place for women, i.e. To walk around safely at night and in the day? (Get a copy of this audit, what does it tell you about the safety of women in the city/town/ village )


Is there is sufficient lighting on streets and in public spaces and all streets are named clearly? (During your situation analysis you could check these).

Council has not yet provided street lighting in any of its Rural Service Centres

Is public transport is safe for women and children.

Council is not actively involved in the public transport issues other than works done in roads maintenance

Public awareness campaigns

Does the council participate in campaigns to raise awareness on gender based violence (GBV), such as the Sixteen days of activism? (Get evidence of previous participation in campaigns)

Yes, annually participates in the 16 days of activism

Response and coordination

Does the council have up to date crime statistics disaggregated by sex? (Interrogate these statistics, what do they tell you about the safety of women in the city/town/ village)

Data is requested from ZRP as and when required usually by Anti GBV committee

Is there is a good working relationship between the police and community, especially women? Are women are adequately represented in community policing forums? (Interview the police regarding this, get copies of the names of people on the community policing forums)

Yes. They are community anti-crime committees as well as campaigns done in conjunction with ZRP especially the Madlambudzi Police base

Are the Police and justice service providers given training on how to handle cases of gender based violence (GBV)? (How often does this training happen, how many have been trained etc.)

Service providers are trained in their given departments


Has the council has established or does it support victim support/ empowerment programmes (VEP), including places of safety and day care centres? (Get a list/ database of these places).

Not Yet


Selection and recruitment

Are women and men are employed in equal numbers across jobs, grades and in management positions and are equally remunerated for equal work? (Get a breakdown of staff per job and level from HR, tabulate this information).

Employment is done based on best qualified candidate as per interview process.



% No of men %

Senior Management-

e.g.- CEO, Directors,

Head of Units

2 33 4 67

Professional e.g.-

Programme Line


2 29 5 71

Semi-Skilled- e.g.

Technicians, Plumbers

1 11 8 88

Secretarial 2 100 0 0



% No of men %

Unskilled -e.g.-

Labours, Cleaners

0 0 4 100

Total Number of


7 25 21 75

How many women and men are currently employed in each job and grade?

Grade Title Sex Women employed in grade

11 CEO M 0

10 Admin & HR Vacant 2

10 Audit M

10 Treasurer F

10 Social Services Officer


10 Engineer (acting capacity)


10 Natural Resources officer (acting Capacity)


9 IT Officer M 1

9 Works Technician Acting as engineer

9 Campfire Officer Acting as NRO

9 Accountant Vacant

9 PA F


8 Committees secretary

F 1

8 Farm Manager M

8 Buildings inspector M

8 Book keeper M

7 Roads Clerk M 0

7 Accounts Clerk Vacant

6 Revenue Clerk F 1

5 Receptionist F 1

4 Stores Clerk F 1

4 Driver M

4 Driver M

3 Game scout M 0

3 Game scout M

3 Game scout M

3 Game scout

3 Security Guard M

2 Messenger M 0

1 Farm Hand M 0

1 Farm hand Vacant

1 General Hand M

Does the pattern of male and female employment indicate there are areas of ‘women’s work’ and of ‘men’s work’?


Why do divisions exist, if they do? Is it because of the work involved? Is it because of

tradition? Is it because of low pay?

Divisions do not exist based on work involved or low pay

Is there an affirmative action policy that specifically addresses redressing gender inequalities? (Get a copy of this policy)

No. Currently the post of HR is vacant making it difficult for the acting person to work on capacity building issues.

Capacity building

Is diversity and gender training provided for both women and men in the council, at all levels and is done in a systematic way? (Get a copy of the training conducted by the council from the HR dept)


Career pathing

Are women and men are given equal opportunity for growth within the council and have equal access to training and promotion opportunities? (Interrogate HR records, how many women have been promoted into senior positions, are there special training or mentor programmes?)

Yes. Refer to HR Minutes on employment of Treasurer and ASSO

Working conditions and environment

Does the council provide equal benefits for women and men, including maternity and paternity leave? (Get the HR policy that regulates this)

There is no paternity leave

Is there a sexual harassment policy that is enforced? (Get a copy of the policy. Request stats on sexual harassment cases and how these have been dealt with and resolved)

Not yet


Gender structures

Has the council has set up a gender structure, including a gender focal person, which has a budget and is empowered to do its work? (Get a copy of this structure, interview the GFP, and interrogate the budget).

There is no gender structure, however there is a recently appointed GFP

Is gender is written into the job descriptions and performance agreements of managers and key functionaries? (get copies of these job descriptions and performance agreements)

Not really


Is a share of expenditure is explicitly targeted at promoting gender equality? (interrogate the budget to confirm this)

There is usually a gender mainstreaming allocation in the budget that is used flexibly.

Are women able to benefit equally and meaningfully from the resources allocated to mainstream projects?


Monitoring and evaluation

Are service, employment, procurement statistics disaggregated by sex and have gender indicators have been put in place for planning and human resource management systems? (Check this with HR)

Not yet

Political profile and champion

Are gender issues given a high political profile by the Council and have a political champion?

There is a Political Champion who happens to be the only female councillor in the

present term.

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