
For Immediate ReleaseAug. 12, 2015Contact: Amy Adams, 706-570-6004 STATEMENTOn Tuesday, August 11, 2015, the US !st"!ct Cou"t #o" the $!dd%e !st"!ct o# &eo"g!a unsea%ed a su!t '%ed (y Commun!ty )ea%th Systems *C)S+ aga!nst St. ,"anc!s.-Th!s!t came as a su"/"!se to us. 0e a"e st!%% %oo1!ng ca"e#u%%y at the a%%egat!ons, (ut (e%!e2e the c%a!ms a"e .!thout me"!t and .e e3/ectto /"e2a!% !n the %!t!gat!on,4 says 5!cha"d 6"ad%ey, Cha!"man o# the St. ,"anc!s 6oa"d o# T"ustees. -Ou" #ocus "ema!ns on com/%et!ng a /a"tne"sh!/ .!th 7!#e8o!nt )ea%th and su//o"t!ng the .o"1 o# ou" /hys!c!ans and assoc!ates .ho /"o2!de the commun!ty .!th the h!ghest9ua%!ty o# ca"e.4:n ecem(e" o# 2014, the St. ,"anc!s 6oa"d o# T"ustees announced !t .ou%d (eg!n e3/%o"!ng st"ateg!c /a"tne"sh!/ o/t!ons to he%/ ensu"e the hos/!ta%;s #utu"e. :n A/"!%, St. ,"anc!s s!gned a 7ette" o# :ntent *7O:+ to ente" e3c%us!2e d!scuss!ons .!th C)S. 8a"t o# th!s ag"eement /"o2!ded #und!ng to ease 'nanc!a% /"essu"e on the hos/!ta% du"!ng the due d!%!gence /"ocess. :n %ate summe", St. ,"anc!s and C)S .e"e una(%e to ag"ee on 'na% te"ms o# a dea% and e2entua%%y "eached an !m/asse.-ue d!%!gence !n2o%2es a c%ose !ns/ect!on o# St. ,"anc!s at e2e"y %e2e%. 0e .o"1ed c%ose%y .!th C)S oed. The ho/e !s that the ac9u!s!t!on (et.een the t.o o"gan!>at!ons !s com/%ete (y the end o# 2015.? ? ?

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