
Software Reliability and Security

Yashwant K. MalaiyaComputer Science Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, U.S.A.


Software problems are the main causes of systemfailures today. There are many well-known cases ofthe tragic consequences of software failures. In criticalsystems, very high reliability is naturally expected.Software packages used everyday also need to behighly reliable, because the enormous investment ofthe software developer is at stake. Studies have shownthat reliability is regarded as the most important attri-bute by potential customers. All software developedwill have a significant number of defects. All programsmust be tested and debugged, until sufficiently highreliability is achieved. It is not possible to ensure thatall the defects in a software system have been foundand removed; however, the number of remaining bugsmust be very small. As software must be releasedwithin a reasonable time, to avoid loss of revenueand market share, the developer must take a calculatedrisk and must have a strategy for achieving therequired reliability by the target release date. For soft-ware systems, quantitative methods for achieving andmeasuring reliability are coming in use because ofthe emergence of well-understood and validatedapproaches. Enough industrial and experimental dataare available to develop and validate methods forachieving high reliability. The minimum acceptablestandards for software reliability have gradually risenin recent years.

This entry presents an overview of the essential con-cepts and techniques in the software reliability field.We examine factors that impact reliability duringdevelopment as well as during testing. First, we discussthe reliability approaches taken during different phasesof software development. Integration and interoper-ability testing are examined. Commonly used softwarereliability measures are defined next. We discuss whatfactors control software defect density. Key ideas intest methodologies are presented. Use of a softwarereliability growth model is discussed and illustratedusing industrial data. Use of such models allows oneto estimate the testing effort needed to reach a reliabil-ity goal. We also discuss a similar model for securityvulnerabilities in internet-related software. We alsosee how reliability of a system can be evaluated if weknow the failure rates of the components. Finally, the arti-cle presents the type of tools that are available to assist

in achieving and evaluating reliability. Here, we will usethe terms ‘‘failure’’ and ‘‘defect’’ as defined below.[1]

Failure: A departure of the system behavior fromuser requirements during execution.

Defect (fault or bug): An error in system implemen-tation that can cause a failure during execution.

A defect will cause a failure only when the erro-neous code is executed, and the effect is propagatedto the output. The testability of a defect is defined asthe probability of detecting it with a randomly choseninput. Defects with very low testability can be very dif-ficult to detect. The software reliability improves dur-ing testing, as bugs are found and removed. Once thesoftware is released, its reliability is fixed as long asthe operating environment remains the same. The soft-ware will fail time to time during operational use whenit cannot respond correctly to an input. During opera-tional use, bug fixes that update the software are oftenreleased. For a software system, its own past behavioris often a good indicator of its reliability, even thoughdata from other similar software systems can be usedfor making projections.[2]


A competitive and mature software development orga-nization targets a high reliability objective from thevery beginning of software development. Generally,the software life cycle is divided into the followingphases. It is not uncommon for developers to go to aprevious phase, it may become necessary because ofthe requirement changes or a need to make changesin the design. It is preferable to catch defects early asit would be more expensive to fix them later.

1. Requirements and definition: In this phase, thedeveloping organization interacts with the customerorganization to specify the software system to be built.Ideally, the requirements should define the systemcompletely and unambiguously. In actual practice,there is often a need to do corrective revisions duringsoftware development. A review or inspection duringthis phase is generally done by the design team to iden-tify conflicting or missing requirements. A significantnumber of errors can be detected by this process.

Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science DOI: 10.1081/E-ELIS-120034145Copyright # 2005 by Taylor & Francis. All rights reserved. 1


A change in the requirements in the later phases cancause increased defect density.

2. Design: In this phase, the system is specified asan interconnection of units, such that each unit is welldefined and can be developed and tested indepen-dently. The design is reviewed to recognize errors.

3. Coding: In this phase, the actual program foreach unit is written, generally in a higher-level lan-guage such as Java or Cþþ. Occasionally, assemblylevel implementation may be required for high perfor-mance or for implementing input=output operations.The code is inspected by analyzing the code (or speci-fication) in a team meeting to identify errors.

4. Testing: This phase is a critical part of the questfor high reliability and can take 30–60% of the entiredevelopment time. It is often divided into the followingseparate phases.

a. Unit test: In this phase of testing, each unit isseparately tested, and changes are done toremove the defects found. As each unit is rela-tively small and can be tested independently,they can be exercised much more thoroughlythan a large program.

b. Integration testing: During integration, theunits are gradually assembled and partiallyassembled subsystems are tested. Testing sub-systems allows the interface among modules tobe tested. By incrementally adding units to asubsystem, the unit responsible for a failurecan be identified more easily.

c. System testing: The system as a whole is exer-cised during system testing. Debugging is con-tinued until some exit criterion is satisfied. Theobjective of this phase is to find defects as fastas possible. In general, the input mix may notrepresent what would be encountered duringthe actual operation.

d. Acceptance testing: The purpose of this testphase is to assess the system reliability and per-formance in the operational environment. Thisrequires collecting (or estimating) informationon how the actual users would use the system.This is also called a-testing. This is often fol-lowed by b-testing, which involves use of theb-version by the actual users.

5. Operational use and maintenance: Once thesoftware developer has determined that an appropriatereliability criterion is satisfied, the software is released.Any bugs reported by the users are recorded but arenot fixed until the next patch or bug-fix. In case adefect discovered represents a security vulnerability, apatch for it needs to be released as soon as possible.

The time taken to develop a patch after a vulnerabilitydiscovery, and the delayed application of an availablepatch contribute to the security risks. When significantadditions or modifications are made to an existing ver-sion, regression testing is done on the new or ‘‘build’’ ver-sion to ensure that it still works and has not ‘‘regressed’’to lower reliability. Support for an older version of a soft-ware product needs to be offered until newer versionshave made a prior version relatively obsolete.

It should be noted that the exact definition of a testphase and its exit criterion may vary from organizationto organization. When a project goes through incre-mental refinements (as in the extreme programmingapproach), there may be many cycles of requirements–design–code–test phases.

Table 1 shows the typical fraction of total defectsintroduced and found during a phase.[3,4] Most defectsoccur during the design and coding phases. The frac-tion of defects found during the system test is small,but that may be misleading. The system test phasecan take a long time because the defects remainingare much harder to find. It has been observed thatthe testing phases can account for 30–60% of the entiredevelopment effort.

Two types of testing deserve special attention: inte-gration testing and interoperability testing. Integrationtesting assumes that unit testing has already been done,and thus the focus is on testing for defects that areassociated with interaction among the modules. Exer-cising a unit module requires use of a driver module,which will call the unit under test. If a unit moduledoes not call other units, it is called a terminal module.If a unit module calls other modules, which are not yetready to be used, surrogate modules called stubs simu-late the interaction.

Integration testing can be bottom-up or top-down.In the bottom-up approach, integration starts withattaching the terminal modules to the modules that callthem. This requires the use of drivers to drive thehigher-level modules. The top-down integration startswith connecting the highest-level modules with the

Table 1 Defects introduced and found duringdifferent phases

Defects (%)

Phase Introduced Found Remaining



10 5 5

Design 35 15 25

Coding 45 30 40

Unit test 5 25 20

Integration test 2 12 10

System test 1 10 1

2 Software Reliability and Security

modules called by them. This requires the use of stubsuntil finally the terminal modules are integrated.

Integration testing should include passing interfacedata that represent normal cases (n), special cases (s),and illegal cases (i). For two interacting modules Aand B, all combinations of fAn, As, Aig and fBn,Bs, and Big should be tested. Thus, if a value representsa normal case for A and a special case for B, the corre-sponding combination is (An, Bs).

In some cases, specially for distributed and web-based applications, components of the applicationsmay be developed independently, perhaps using twodifferent languages. Such components are also oftenupdated independently. Interaction of such compo-nents needs to be tested to ensure interoperability.

Interoperability requires the following.

� Mutual compatibility of exchanged data units: Thedata structures exchanged must use the same for-mat (identical fields and data types). If different for-mats are used, a suitable translator unit is required.

� Mutual compatibility of control signals: In addi-tion to the data units, often control informationneeds to be exchanged that provides context tothe data unit. Exchange of some control signalsmay sometimes be implicit. Testing must ensurethat the control protocol is properly specified (thissometimes requires a formal representation) andcontrol signals are properly exchanged.

Interoperability testing may be considered a moregeneral form of integration testing. Interoperabilitytesting must be performed whenever a component isadded or upgraded. Some field-specific interoperabilitystandards have been developed. For example, Z39.50 isan international (ISO 23950) standard defining a proto-col for computer-to-computer information retrieval.[5]


The classical reliability theory generally deals withhardware. In hardware systems, the reliability decaysbecause of the possibility of permanent failures. How-ever, this is not applicable for software. During testing,the software reliability grows because of debuggingand becomes constant once defect removal is stopped.The following are the most common reliability mea-sures used:

1. System availability: Following classical reli-ability terminology, we can define availability of asystem as:

AðtÞ ¼ Pr fsystem is operational at time tg ð1Þ

2. Transaction reliability: Sometimes a single-transaction reliability measure, as defined below, isconvenient to use.

R ¼ Pr fa single transaction will not

encounter a failureg ð2Þ

Both measures above assume normal operation, i.e.,the input mix encountered obeys the operational pro-file (defined below).

3. Mean-time-to-failure (MTTF): The expectedduration between two successive failures.

4. Failure intensity (l): The expected number offailures per unit time. Note that MTTF is the inverseof failure intensity. Thus, if MTTF is 500 hr, the failureintensity is 1=500 ¼ 0.002 hr�1.

As testing attempts to achieve a high defect-findingrate, failure intensity during testing, lt, is significantlyhigher than lop, failure intensity during operation. Testacceleration factor A is given by the ratio lt= lop. Thus,if testing is 12 times more effective in discoveringdefects than normal use the test acceleration factor is12. This factor is controlled by the test selection strat-egy and the type of application.

5. Defect density: This is usually measured interms of the number of defects per 1000 source linesof code (KSLOC). It cannot be measured directly,but can be estimated using the growth and staticmodels presented below. The failure intensity isapproximately proportional to the defect density.The acceptable defect density for critical or high-volume software can be less than 0.1 defects perKLOC, whereas for other applications 0.5 defectsper KLOC is often currently considered acceptable.Sometimes weights are assigned to defects dependingon the severity of the failures they can cause. Tokeep analysis simple, we assume here that eachdefect has the same weight.

6. Test coverage measures: Tools are now availablethat can automatically evaluate how thoroughly a soft-ware has been exercised. The following are some of thecommon coverage measures

a. Statement coverage: The fraction of all state-ments actually exercised during testing.

b. Branch coverage: The fraction of all branchesthat were executed by the tests.

c. P-use coverage: The fraction of all predicate use(p-use) pairs covered during testing. A p-usepair includes two points in the program, a pointwhere the value of a variable is defined or mod-ified followed by a point where it is used for abranching decision, i.e., a predicate.

Software Reliability and Security 3


The first two are structural coverage measures,while the last is a data-flow coverage measure. As dis-cussed below, test coverage is correlated with the num-ber of defects that will be triggered during testing.[6]

Hundred percent statement coverage can often be quiteeasy to achieve. Sometimes a predetermined branchcoverage, say 85% or 90%, may be used as an accep-tance criterion for testing; higher levels of branch cov-erage would require significantly more testing effort.


There has been considerable research to identify themajor factors that correlate with the number of defects.Enough data are now available to allow us to use asimple model for estimating the defect density. Thismodel can be used in two different ways. First, it canbe used by an organization to see how they canimprove the reliability of their products. Second, byestimating the defect density, one can use a reliabilitygrowth model to estimate the testing effort needed.The model by Malaiya and Denton, based on the datareported in the literature, is given by[7]

D ¼ CFphFplFmFs ð3Þ

where the five factors are the phase factor Fph, model-ing dependence on software test phase; the program-ming team factor Fpt, taking in to account thecapabilities and experience of programmers in theteam; the maturity factor Fm, depending on the matur-ity of the software development process; and the struc-ture factor Fs, depending on the structure of thesoftware under development . The constant of propor-tionality C represents the defect density per KSLOC.The default value of each factor is 1. We propose thefollowing preliminary submodels for each factor.

Phase Factor Fph

Table 2 presents a simple model using the actual datareported by Musa et al. and the error profile presentedby Piwowarski et al. It takes the default value of 1 torepresent the beginning of the system test phase.

The Programming Team Factor Fpt

The defect density varies significantly because of thecoding and debugging capabilities of the individualsinvolved. A quantitative characterization in terms ofthe programmer’s average experience in years is givenby Takahashi and Kamayachi.[8] Their model cantake into account programming experience of up to7 yr, each year reducing the number of defects byabout 14%.

Based on other available data, we suggest the modelin Table 3. The skill level may depend on factors otherthan just the experience. Programmers with the sameexperience can have significantly different defect densi-ties, which can also be taken into account here.

The Process Maturity Factor Fm

This factor takes into account the rigor of the softwaredevelopment process in a specific organization. TheSEI Capability Maturity Model level, can be used toquantify it. Here, we assume level II as the defaultlevel, as a level I organization is not likely to be usingsoftware reliability engineering. Table 4 gives a modelbased on the numbers suggested by Jones and Keeneand also reported in a Motorola study.

The Software Structure Factor Fs

This factor takes into account the dependence of defectdensity on language type (the fractions of code inassembly and high-level languages) and program com-plexity. It can be reasonably assumed that assemblylanguage code is harder to write, and thus will have ahigher defect density. The influence of program com-plexity has been extensively debated in the literature.Many complexity measures are strongly correlated to

Table 2 Phase factor Fph

At the beginning of the phase Multiplier

Unit testing 4

Subsystem testing 2.5

System testing 1 (default)

Operation 0.35

Table 3 The programming team factor Fpt

Team’s average skill level Multiplier

High 0.4

Average 1 (default)

Low 2.5

Table 4 The process maturity factor Fm

SEI CMM level Multiplier

Level 1 1.5

Level 2 1 (default)

Level 3 0.4

Level 4 0.1

Level 5 0.05

4 Software Reliability and Security

software size. As we are constructing a model fordefect density, software size has already been takeninto account. A simple model for Fs depending onlanguage use, is given below.

Fs ¼ 1 þ 0:4a

where a is the fraction of the code in assembly lan-guage. Here, we are assuming that assembly code has40% more defects.

Distribution of module sizes for a project may havesome impact on the defect density. Very large modulescan be hard to comprehend. Very small modules canhave a higher fraction of defects associated with theinteraction of the modules. As module sizes tend tobe unevenly distributed, there may be an overall effectof module size distribution.[9] Further research isneeded to develop a model for this factor. Requirementvolatility is another factor that needs to be considered.If requirement changes occur later during the softwaredevelopment process, they will have more impact ondefect density. We can allow other factors to be takeninto account by calibrating the overall model.

Calibrating and Using the Defect Density Model

The model given in Eq. (5) provides an initial estimate.It should be calibrated using past data from the sameorganization. Calibration requires application of thefactors using available data in the organization anddetermining the appropriate values of the factorparameters. As we are using the beginning of the sub-system test phase as the default, Musa et al.’s data sug-gest that the constant of proportionality C can rangefrom about 6 to 20 defects per KSLOC. For best accu-racy, the past data used for calibration should comefrom projects similar to the one for which the projec-tion needs to be made. Some of the indeterminacyinherent in such models can be taken into account byusing a high and a low estimate and using both of themto make projections.

Example 1: For an organization, the value of Chas been found to be between 12 and 16. A project isbeing developed by an average team and the SEI(Software Engineering Institute) maturity level is II.About 20% of the code is in assembly language. Otherfactors are assumed to be average. The software size isestimated to be 20,000 LOC. We want to estimate thetotal number of defects at the beginning of the integra-tion test phase.

From the model given by Eq. (3), we estimate thatthe defect density at the beginning of the subsystemtest phase can range between 12 � 2.5 � 1 � 1 �(1 þ 0.4 � 0.2) � 1 ¼ 32.4 per KSLOC and16 � 2.5 � 1 � 1 � (1 þ 0.4 � 0.2 � 1 ¼ 43.2

per KSLOC. Thus, the total number of defects canrange from 628 to 864.


To test a program, a number of inputs are applied andthe program response is observed. If the response isdifferent from expected, the program has at least onedefect. Testing can have one of two separate objectives.During debugging, the aim is to increase the reliabilityas fast as possible, by finding faults as quickly as pos-sible. On the other hand during certification, the objectis to assess the reliability, thus the fault-finding rateshould be representative of actual operation. The testgeneration approaches can be divided into the follow-ing classes:

1. Black-box (or functional) testing: When testgeneration is done by only considering theinput=output description of the software, nothingabout the implementation of the software is assumedto be known. This is the most common form of testing.

2. White-box (or structural) testing: When theactual implementation is used to generate the tests.

In actual practice, a combination of the twoapproaches will often yield the best results. Black-boxtesting only requires a functional description of the pro-gram; however, some information about actual imple-mentation will allow testers to better select the pointsto probe in the input space. In the random-testingapproach, the inputs are selected randomly. In thepartition testing approach, the input space is divided intosuitably defined partitions. The inputs are then chosensuch that each partition is reasonably and thoroughlyexercised. It is possible to combine the two approaches;partitions can be probed both deterministically forboundary cases and randomly for nonspecial cases.

Some faults are easily detected, i.e., they have hightestability. Some faults have very low testability; theyare triggered only under a rarely occurring input com-bination. At the beginning of testing, a large fraction offaults have high testability. However, they are easilydetected and removed. In the later phases of testing,the remaining faults have low testability. Finding thesefaults can be challenging. The testers need to use care-ful and systematic approaches to achieve a very lowdefect density.

Thoroughness of testing can be measured using atest coverage measure, as discussed before in the sec-tion ‘‘Software Reliability and Measures.’’ Branchcoverage is a stricter measure than statement coverage.Some organizations use branch coverage (say 85%) asthe minimum criterion. For very high-reliability pro-grams, a stricter measure (like p-use coverage) or a

Software Reliability and Security 5


combination of measures (like those provided by theGCT coverage tool) should be used.

To be able to estimate operational reliability, testingmust be done in accordance with the operational pro-file. A profile is the set of disjoint actions, operationsthat a program may perform, and their probabilitiesof occurrence. The probabilities that occur in actualoperation specify the operational profile. Sometimes,when a program can be used in very different environ-ments, the operational profile for each environmentmay be different. Obtaining an operational profilerequires dividing the input space into sufficiently smallleaf partitions, and then estimating the probabilitiesassociated with each leaf partition. A subspace withhigh probability may need to be further divided intosmaller subspaces.

Example 2: This example is based on the Fone–Follower system example by Musa.[10] A Fone–follower system responds differently to a call dependingon the type of call. Based on past experience, thefollowing types are identified and their probabilitieshave been estimated as given below:

A. Voice call 0.74

B. FAX call 0.15

C. New number entry 0.10

D. Database audit 0.009

E. Add subscriber 0.0005

F Delete subscriber 0.0005

G. Hardware failure recovery 0.000001

Total for all events: 1.0

Here, we note that a voice call is processed differ-ently in different circumstances. We may subdivideevent A above into the following.

A1. Voice call, no pager, answer 0.18

A2. Voice call, no pager, no answer 0.17

A3. Voice call, pager, voice answer 0.17

A4. Voice call, pager, answer on page 0.12

A5. Voice call, pager, no answer on page 0.10

Total for voice call (event A) 0.74

Thus, the leaf partitions are fA1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B, C,D, E, F, Gg. These and their probabilities form theoperational profile. During acceptance testing, the testswould be chosen such that a FAX call occurs 15% ofthe time, a fvoice call, no pager, answerg occurs 18%of the time, and so on.

Testing should be done according to the operationprofile if the objective is to estimate the failure rate.For debugging, operational profile-based testing ismore efficient if the testing time is limited. However,

if high reliability is desired, testing needs to be moreuniform. Defects in parts of the code that are infre-quently executed can be hard to detect. To achieve veryhigh reliability, special tests should be used to detectsuch defects.[11]


The fraction of cost needed for testing a software sys-tem to achieve a suitable reliability level can sometimesbe as high as 60% of the overall cost. Testing must becarefully planned so that the software can be releasedby a target date. Even after a lengthy testing period,additional testing will always potentially detect morebugs. Software must be released, even if it is likely tohave a few bugs, provided an appropriate reliabilitylevel has been achieved. Careful planning and decisionmaking requires the use of a software reliability growthmodel (SRGM).

An SRGM assumes that reliability will grow withtesting time t, which can be measured in terms of theCPU execution time used, or the number of man-hoursor days. The time can also be measured in terms of thenumber of transactions encountered. The growth ofreliability is generally specified in terms of either failureintensity l(t) or total expected faults detected by timet, given by m(t). The relationship between the two isgiven by

lðtÞ ¼ d

dtmðtÞ ð4Þ

Let the total number of defects at time t be N(t). Letus assume that a defect is removed when it is found.

Here, we will derive the most popular reliabilitygrowth model, the exponential model. It assumes thatat any time, the rate of finding (and removing) defectsis proportional to the number of defects present. Usingb1 as a constant of proportionality, we can write:

� dNðtÞdt

¼ b1NðtÞ ð5Þ

It can be shown that the parameter b1 is given by

b1 ¼ K

SQ 1r

� � ð6Þ

where S is the total number of source instructions, Q isthe number of object instructions per source instruc-tion, and r is the object instruction execution rate ofthe computer being used. The term K is called fault-exposure ratio; its value has been found to be in therange 1 � 10�7 to 10 � 10�7, when t is measured inseconds of CPU execution time.

6 Software Reliability and Security

Eq. (5) can be solved to give:

NðtÞ ¼ Nð0Þe�b1t ð7Þ

When N(0) is the initial total number of defects, thetotal expected faults detected by time t is then

mðtÞ ¼ Nð0Þ � NðtÞ¼ Nð0Þð1 � e�b1tÞ ð8Þ

which is generally written in the form

mðtÞ ¼ b0ð1� e�b1tÞ ð9Þ

where b0, the total number of faults that would beeventually detected, is equal to N(0). This assumes thatno new defects are generated during debugging.

Using Eq. (4), we can obtain an expression forfailure intensity using Eq. (9)

lðtÞ ¼ b0b1e�b1t ð10Þ

The exponential model is easy to understand andapply. One significant advantage of this model is thatboth parameters b0 and b1 have a clear interpretationand can be estimated even before testing begins. Themodels proposed by Jelinski and Muranda (1971),Shooman (1971), God and Okumoto (1979), and Musa(1975–1980) can be considered to be reformulations ofthe exponential model. The hyperexponential model,considered by Ohba, Yamada, and Lapri, assumes thatdifferent sections of the software are separately gov-erned by an exponential model, with different param-eter values for different sections.

Many other SRGMs have been proposed and used.Several models have been compared for their predic-tive capability using data obtained from different pro-jects. The exponential model fares well in comparisonwith other models; however, a couple of models canoutperform the exponential model. We will here lookat the logarithmic model, proposed by Musa andOkumoto, which has been found to have a better predic-tive capability compared with the exponential model.

Unlike the exponential model, the logarithmicmodel assumes that the fault exposure ratio K variesduring testing.[12] The logarithmic model is also afinite-time model, assuming that after a finite time,there will be no more faults to be found. The modelcan be stated as:

mðtÞ ¼ b0 lnð1 þ b1tÞ ð11Þ


lðtÞ ¼ b0b11 þ b1t


Eqs. (11) and (12) are applicable as long asm(t) � N(0). In practice, the condition will almostalways be satisfied, as testing always terminates whilea few bugs are still likely to be present.

The variation in K, as assumed by the logarithmicmodel, has been observed in actual practice. The valueof K declines at higher defect densities, as defects getharder to find. However, at low defect densities, Kstarts rising. This may be explained by the fact that realtesting tends to be directed rather than random, andthis starts affecting the behavior at low defect densities.

The two parameters for the logarithmic model, b0and b1, do not have a simple interpretation. A possibleinterpretation is provided by Malaiya and Denton.[7]

They have also given an approach for estimating thelogarithmic model parameters b0

L, b1L, once the expo-

nential model parameters have been estimated.The exponential model has been shown to have a

negative bias; it tends to underestimate the numberof defects that will be detected in a future interval.The logarithmic also has a negative bias; however, itis much smaller. Among the major models, only theLittlewood–Verral Bayesian model exhibits a positivebias. This model has also been found to have good pre-dictive capabilities, however, because of computationalcomplexity, and a lack of interpretation of the param-eter values, it is not popular.

An SRGM can be applied in two different types ofsituations. Applying it before testing requires staticestimation of parameters. During testing, actual testdata are used to estimate the parameters.

Before Testing Begin

A manager often has to come up with a preliminaryplan for testing very early. For the exponential andthe logarithmic models, it is possible to estimate thetwo parameter values based on defect density modeland Eq. (6). One can then estimate the testing timeneeded to achieve the target failure intensity, MTTF,or defect density.

Example 3: Let us assume that for a project, theinitial defect density has been estimated, using the sta-tic model given in Eq. (3), and has been found to be 25defects per KLOC. The software consists of 10,000Loc. The code expansion ratio Q for C programs isabout 2.5, hence the compiled program will be about10,000 � 2.5 ¼ 25,000 object instructions. The test-ing is done on a computer that executes 70 millionobject instructions per second. Let us also assume that

Software Reliability and Security 7


the fault exposure ratio K has an expected averagevalue of 4 � 10�7. We wish to estimate the testingtime needed to achieve a defect density of 2.5 defectsper KLOC.

For the exponential model, we can estimate that:

b0 ¼ NðOÞ ¼ 25 � 10 ¼ 250 defects:

and from Eq. (6)

b1 ¼ K

SQ 1r

� � ¼ 4:0 � 10�7

10; 000 � 2:5 � 170 � 106

¼ 11:2 � 10�4 per sec

If t1 is the time needed to achieve a defect density of 2.5per KLOC, then using Eq. (7),

Nðt1ÞNðOÞ ¼ 2:5 � 10

25 � 10¼ expð�11:2 � 10�4t1Þ


t1 ¼ lnð0:1Þ11:2 � 10�4

¼ 2056 sec CPU time

We can compute the failure intensity at time t1 to be

lðt1Þ ¼ 250 � 11:2 � 10�4 e�11:2�10�4t1

¼ 0:028 failure/sec

For this example, it should be noted that the value ofK(and hence t1) may depend on the initial defect densityand the testing strategy used. In many cases, the time tis specified in terms of the number of man-hours. Wewould then have to convert man-hours to CPU executiontime by multiplying by an appropriate factor. This factorwould have to be determined using recently collecteddata. An alternative way to estimate b1 is found by notingthat Eq. (6) suggests that for the same environment,b1 � I is constant. Thus, if for a prior project with 5KLOC source code, the final value for b1 was2 � 10�3 sec�1. Then, for a new 15 KLOC project, b1can be estimated as 2 � 10�3=3 ¼ 0.66 � 10�3 sec�1.

During Testing

During testing, the defect finding rate can be recorded.By fitting an SRGM, the manager can estimate theadditional testing time needed to achieve a desiredreliability level. The major steps for using SRGMsare as follows:

1. Collect and preprocess data: The failure inten-sity data include a lot of short-term noise. To extractthe long-term trend, the data often need to be

smoothed. A common form of smoothing is to usegrouped data. It involves dividing the test durationinto a number of intervals and then computing theaverage failure intensity in each interval.

2. Select a model and determine parameters: Thebest way to select a model is to rely on the past experi-ence with other projects using same process. The expo-nential and logarithmic models are often good choices.Early test data have a lot of noise, thus a model thatfits early data well may not have the best predictivecapability. The parameter values can be estimatedusing either least square or maximum likelihoodapproaches. In the very early phases of testing, theparameter values can fluctuate enormously; theyshould not be used until they have stabilized.

3. Perform analysis to decide how much more test-ing is needed: Using the fitted model, we can projecthow much additional testing needs to be done toachieve a desired failure intensity or estimated defectdensity. It is possible to recalibrate a model that doesnot confirm with the data to improve the accuracyof the projection. A model that describes the processwell to start with can be improved very little byrecalibration.

Example 4: This example is based on the T1 datareported by Musa.[1] For the first 12 hr of testing, thenumber of failures each hour is given in Table 5.

Thus, we can assume that during the middle of thefirst hour (i.e., t ¼ 30 � 60 ¼ 1800 sec) the failureintensity is 0.0075 sec�1. Fitting all the 12 data pointsto the exponential model [Eq. (12)], we obtain:

b0 ¼ 101:47


b1 ¼ 5:22 � 10�5

Table 5 Hourly failure data

Hour Number of failures

1 27

2 16

3 11

4 10

5 11

6 7

7 2

8 5

9 3

10 1

11 4

12 7

8 Software Reliability and Security

Let us now assume that the target failure intensity isone failure per hour, i.e., 2.78�10�4 failures per second.An estimate of the stopping time tf is then given by

2:78 � 10�4

¼ 101:47 � 5:22 � 10�5e�5:22�10�5�tf ð13Þ

yielding tf ¼ 56,473 sec., i.e., 15.69 hr, as shown inFig. 1.

Investigations with the parameter values of theexponential model suggest that early during testing,the estimated value of b0 tends to be lower than thefinal value, and the estimated value of b1 tends to behigher. Thus, the value of b0 tends to rise, and thatof b1 tends to fall, with the product b0b1 remainingrelatively unchanged. In Eq. (13) above, we can guessthat the true value of b1 should be smaller, and thusthe true value of tf should be higher. Hence, the value15.69 hr should be used as a lower estimate for the totaltest time needed.

In some cases, it is useful to obtain interval esti-mates of the quantities of interest. The statistical meth-ods to do that can be found in the literature.[12,13]

Sometimes we wish to continue testing until a failurerate is achieved with a given confidence level, say95%. Graphical and analytical methods for determin-ing such stopping points are also available.[13]

The SRGMs assume that a uniform testing strategy isused throughout the testing period. In actual practice,the test strategy is changed from time to time. Eachnew strategy is initially very effective in detecting a dif-ferent class of faults, causing a spike in failure intensitywhen a switch is made. A good smoothing approach willminimize the influence of these spikes during computa-tion. A bigger problem arises when the software undertest is not stable because of continuing additions to it.

If the changes are significant, early data points shouldbe dropped from the computations. If the additionsare component by component, reliability data for eachcomponent can be separately collected and the methodspresented in the next section can be used.

Test Coverage Based Approach

Several software tools are available that can evaluatecoverage of statements, branches, P-uses, etc., duringtesting. Higher test coverage means the software hasbeen more thoroughly exercised.

It has been established that software test coverage isrelated to the residual defect density, and hence reli-ability.[5] The total number of defects found, m, is line-arly related to the test coverage measures at highervalues of test coverage. For example, if we are usingbranch coverage CB, we will find that for low valuesof CB, m remains close to zero. However at some valueof CB (we term it a knee), m starts rising linearly, asgiven by this Eq. (14).

m ¼ �a þ bCB; CB > knee ð14ÞThe values of the parameters a and b will depend on

the software size and the initial defect density. Theadvantage of using coverage measures is that variationsin test effectiveness will not influence the relationship, astest coverage directly measures how thoroughly a pro-gram has been exercised. For high-reliability systems, astrict measure-like p-use coverage should be used.

Fig. 2 below plots the actual data from a project. Bythe end of testing, 29 defects were found and 70%branch coverage was achieved. If testing were to con-tinue until 100% branch coverage is achieved, thenabout 47 total defects would have been detected. Thus,according to the model, about 18 residual defects werepresent when testing was terminated. Note that only

Fig. 1 Using an SRGM. (View this art in color at

Fig. 2 Coverage based modeling. (View this art in color

Software Reliability and Security 9


one defect was detected when branch coverage wasabout 25%, thus the knee of the curve is approximatelyat branch coverage of 0.25.


Internet related software systems including operatingsystems, servers, and browsers face escalating securitychallenges because internet connectivity is growingand the number of security violations is increasing.CERT and other databases keep track of the reportedvulnerabilities. An increasing number of individualsand organizations depend on the Internet for financialand other critical services. This has made potentialexploitation of vulnerabilities very attractive to crim-inals with suitable technical expertise.

Each such system passes through several phases: therelease of the system, increasing popularity, peak, andstability followed by decreasing popularity that endswith the system eventually becoming obsolete. Thereis a common pattern of three phases in the cumulativevulnerabilities plot for a specific version of software.We observe a slow rise when a product is first released.This becomes a steady stream of vulnerability reportsas the product develops a market share and startsattracting attention of both professional and criminalvulnerability finders. When an alternative productstarts taking away the market share, the rate of vulner-ability finding drops in an older product. Fig. 3 belowshows a plot of vulnerabilities reported during January1999 to August 2002 for Windows 98.

A model for the cumulative number of vulnerabil-ities y, against calendar time t is given by Eq. (15).[14]

y ¼ B

BCe�ABt þ 1ð15Þ

A, B, and C are empirical constants determined fromthe recorded data. The parameter B gives the totalnumber of vulnerabilities that will be eventually found.The w-square goodness of fit examination shows thatthe data for several common operating systems fit themodel very well. The vulnerabilities in such a programare software defects that permit an unauthorizedaction. The density of vulnerabilities in a large soft-ware system is an important measure of risk. Theknown vulnerability density can be evaluated usingthe database of the reported vulnerabilities. Knownvulnerability density VKD can be defined as thereported number of vulnerabilities in the system perunit size of the system. This is given by:



where S is the size of software and VK is the reportednumber of vulnerabilities in the system. Table 6 pre-sents the values based on data from several sources.[14]

It gives the known defect density DKD, VKD, and theratios of the two.

In Table 6 we see that the source code size is 16 and18 MSLOC (million source lines of code) for NT andWin 98, respectively, approximately the same. Thereported defect densities at release, 0.625 and 0.556,

Fig. 3 Windows 98 vulnerabil-ites. (View this art in color

Table 6 Security vulnerabilities in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98

System MSLOC Known defects (1000s) DKD(/KLOC) Known vulnerabilies VKD(/KLOC) Ratio (%) VKD/DKD

NT 4.0 16 10 0.625 162 0.0101 1.62

Win 98 18 10 0.556 58 0.0032 0.58

10 Software Reliability and Security

are also similar for the two OSs. The known vulner-abilities in Table 2 are as of July 2004. We notice thatfor Windows 98 the vulnerability density is 0.0032,whereas for Windows NT 4.0 it is 0.0101, significantlyhigher. The higher values for NT 4.0 may be due twofactors. First, as a server OS, it may contain more codethat handles access mechanisms. Second, becauseattacking servers would generally be much more reward-ing, it must have attracted a lot more testing effortresulting in detection of more vulnerabilities.

The last column in Table 6 gives the ratios of knownvulnerabilities to known defects. For the two OSs thevalues are 1.62% and 0.58%. It has been assumed bydifferent researchers that the vulnerabilities can be1% or 5% of the total defects. The values given inTable 6 suggest that 1% may be closer to reality.


A large software system consists of a number of mod-ules. It is possible that the individual modules aredeveloped and tested differently resulting in differentdefect densities and failure rates. Here, we will presentmethods for obtaining the system failure rate and thereliability if we know the reliabilities of the individualmodules. Let us assume that for a system one moduleis under execution at a time. Modules will differ in howoften and how long they are executed. If fi is the frac-tion of the time module i under execution, then themean system failure rate is given by:[16]

lsys ¼Xni ¼ 1

fili ð17Þ

where li is the failure rate of the module i. Here, eachmajor interoperability interface should be regarded tobe a virtual module.

Let the mean duration of a single transaction be T.Let us assume that module i is called ei times during T,and each time it is executed for duration di, then

fi ¼ eidi


Let us define the system reliability Rsys as the prob-ability that no failures will occur during a single trans-action. From reliability theory, it is given by

Rsys ¼ exp �lsysT� �

Using Eq. (17) and (18), we can write the above as:

Rsys ¼ exp �Xni ¼ 1



As exp(�dili) is Ri, single execution reliability ofmodule i, we have

Rsys ¼Yni ¼ 1

ðRiÞei ð19Þ

Multiple-Version Systems

In some critical applications, like defense or avionics,multiple versions of the same program are sometimesused. Each version is implemented and tested indepen-dently to minimize the probability of a multiple num-ber of them failing at the same time. The mostcommon implementation uses triplication and votingon the result. The system is assumed to operate cor-rectly as long as the results of at least two of the ver-sions agree. This assumes the voting mechanism to beperfect. If the failures in the three versions are trulyindependent, the improvement in reliability can be dra-matic; however, it has been shown that correlatedfailures must be taken into account.

In a three-version system, let q3 be the probability ofall three versions failing for the same input. Also, let q2be the probability that any two versions will fail together.As three different pairs are possible among the three ver-sions, the probability Psys of the system failing is:

Psys ¼ q3 þ 3q2 ð20Þ

In the ideal case, the failures are statistically inde-pendent. If the probability of a single version failing isp, the above equation can be written for an ideal case as:

Psys ¼ p3 þ 3ð1 � pÞp2 ð21Þ

In practice, there is a significant correlation, requiringestimation of q3 and q2 for system reliability evaluation.

Example 5: This example is based on the data col-lected by Knight and Leveson, and the computationsby Hatton.[15] In a three-version system, let the prob-ability of a version failing for a transaction be0.0004. Then, in the absence of any correlated failures,we can achieve a system failure probability of:

Psys ¼ ð0:0004Þ2 þ 3ð1 � 0:0004Þð0:0004Þ2¼ 4:8 � 10�7

which would represent a remarkable improvement by afactor of 0.0004=4.8 � 10�7 ¼ 833.3. However, let usassume that experiments have found q3 ¼ 2.5 � 10�7

and q2 ¼ 2.5 � 10�6, then

Psys ¼ 2:5 � 10�7 þ 3 � 2:5 � 10�6 ¼ 7:75 � 10�6

This yields a more realistic improvement factor of0.0004=7.75 � 10�6 ¼ 51.6.

Software Reliability and Security 11


Hatton points out that the state-of-the-art techni-ques have been found to reduce defect density onlyby a factor of 10. Hence, an improvement factor ofabout 50 may be unattainable except by usingN-version redundancy.


Software reliability has now emerged as an engineeringdiscipline. It can require a significant amount of data col-lection and analysis. Tools are now becoming availablethat can automate several of the tasks. Here, the namesof some of the representative tools are mentioned. Manyof the tools may run on specific platforms only, and someare intended for some specific applications only. Instal-ling and learning a tool can require a significant amountof time, thus a tool should be selected after a careful com-parison of the applicable tools available.

� Automatic test generations: TestMaster (Tera-dyne), AETG (Bellcore), ARTG (CSU), etc.

� GUI testing: QA Partner (Seague), WinRunner(Mercury Interactive), etc.

� Memory testing: Purify (Relational), BoundsChecker (NuMega Tech.), etc.

� Defect tracking: BugBase (Archimides), DVCSTracker (Intersolv), DDTS (Qualtrack), etc.

� Interoperability: Interoperability tool (AlphaWorks).� Test coverage evaluation: Jcover (Man Machine

Systems), GCT (Testing Foundation), PureCover-age (Relational), XSUDS (Bellcore), etc.

� Reliability growth modeling: CASRE (NASA),SMERFS (NSWC), ROBUST (CSU), etc.

� Defect density estimation: ROBUST (CSU).� Coverage-based reliability modeling: ROBUST

(CSU).� Markov reliability evaluation: HARP (NASA),

HiRel (NASA), PC Availability (ManagementSciences), etc.

� Fault-tree analysis: RBD (Relax), Galileo (UV),CARA (Sydvest), FaultTreeþ(AnSim), etc.


1. Musa, J.D. Software Reliability Engineering;McGraw-Hill, 1999.

2. Malaiya, Y.K.; Srimani, P. Software ReliabilityModels; IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990.

3. Carleton, A.D.; Park, R.E.; Florac, W.A. Practi-cal Software Measurement. Technical Report;SRI, CMU=SEI-97-HB-003.

4. Piwowarski, P.; Ohba, M.; Caruso, J. Coveragemeasurement experience during function test.Proceedings of International Conference on Soft-ware Engineering, 1993; 287–301.

5. InternationalStandardZ39.50MaintenanceAgency; (accessed Mar21 2005).

6. Malaiya, Y.K.; Li, N.; Bieman, J.; Karcich, R.;Skibbe, B.; The relation between test coverageand reliability. Proceedings IEEE-CS Interna-tional Symposium on Software Reliability Engi-neering, Nov 1994; 186–195.

7. Malaiya, Y.K.; Denton, J. What do the softwarereliability growth model parameters represent.Proceedings IEEE-CS International Symposiumon Software Reliability Engineering ISSRE, Nov1997; 124–135.

8. Takahashi, M.; Kamayachi, Y. An empiricalstudy of a model for program error prediction.Proceeding International Conference on SoftwareEngineering, Aug 1995; 330–336.

9. Malaiya, Y.K.; Denton, J. Module size distribu-tion and defect density. Proceedings IEEEInternational Symposium Software RelaibilityEngineering, Oct 2000; 62–71.

10. Musa, J. More Reliable, Faster, Cheaper Testingthrough Software Reliability Engineering, Tutor-ial Notes, ISSRE 097, Nov 1997; 1–88.

11. Yin, H.; Lebne-Dengel, Z.; Malaiya, Y.K. Auto-matic test generation using checkpoint encodingand antirandom testing. International Sympo-sium on Software Reliability Engineering, 1997;84–95.

12. Li, N.; Malaiya, Y.K. Fault exposure ratio: esti-mation and applications. Proceedings IEEE-CSInternational Symposium on Software ReliabilityEngineering, Nov 1993; 372–381.

13. Lyu, M.R., Ed.; Handbook of Software Reliabil-ity Engineering; McGraw-Hill, 1996; 71–117.

14. Alhazmi, O.H.; Malaiya, Y.K. Quantitativevulnerability assessment in systems software.Proceedings IEEE Reliability & MaintainabilitySymposium, Jan. 2005; 615–620.

15. Hatton, L. N-version Design Versus One GoodDesign; IEEE Software; Nov=Dec 1997; 71–76.

16. Lakey, P.B.; Neufelder, A.M. System and Soft-ware Reliability Assurance Notebook; RomeLab, FSC-RELI, 1997.

12 Software Reliability and Security

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