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    Terms and Conditions


    The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible

    in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does

    not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are

    aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(

    )hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in

    this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$

    omissions$ or ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein(

    An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations

    are unintentional(

    In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no

    &uarantees o# inome made( eaders are autioned to re"l' on their

    o%n *ud&ment about their individual irumstanes to ataordin&l'(

    This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$

    aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies

    o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane


    .ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(

  • 8/10/2019 Social Media Sling Blade


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    Table O# Contents


    Cha"ter 1

    2oial 3edia 4asis

    Cha"ter 2

    The 4ene#its O# 2oial3edia

    Cha"ter /

    5sin& 0aeboo,

    Cha"ter 6

    5sin& T%itter

    Cha"ter 7

    5sin& 2oial 4oo,mar,in&

    Cha"ter 8

    5sin& .ouTube

    Cha"ter 9

    5sin&3obile Tehnolo&'


    5sin& 0orums

    )ra""in& 5"

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    Cli, ;ere1 htt"1

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    oial media is also "o"ularl' re#erred to as %eb 2(@ and is a ne% and

    innovative %a' o# &ettin& ones vie%s and in#ormation aross to

    others in an interative "lat#orm that has "roven to be Buite e##etive

    and "o"ular( Get all the in#o 'ou need here(

    2oial 3edia 2lin& 4lade

    Cut .our Com"etition o%n To i+e )ith oial 3edia

    Cha"ter 1

  • 8/10/2019 Social Media Sling Blade


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    2oial 3edia 4asis


    The urrent trend o# material "ostin&s is desi&ned to enhane the

    eDhan&e o# idea %here reativit' has little or no bounds and the

    seure #orm o# in#ormation is #eatured and aessed(

    The sharin&$ ollaboration and #untionalit' o# the soial media

    allo%s #or these to be done om#ortabl'( This #orm o# sharin& is o#tendone in an interative #ashion that also #ailitates an immeasurable

    amount o# vie%"oints ontributed(

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    The 4asis

    5nderstandin& that soial media is not advertisin& is also an

    im"ortant distintion that needs to be made lear( 5nderstandin&

    that it reBuires a level o# individual "artii"ation on a level that sho%s

    a "ersonal touh is im"ortant( )hen "artii"atin& the individual

    needs to be as them and not tr' to be somethin& else as the

    relationshi" buildin& #ator "la's an im"ortant role in soial media


    oial media "rovides #or the involvement and su""ort one is able to

    &arner throu&h the eDhan&e o# ideas %ith li,e minded individuals(

    4ein& o"en and honest as "ossible %hen "artii"atin& is *ust as

    im"ortant as the material bein& desi&ned to be "osted(

    ;o%ever there is absolutel' no need to on#orm in an' %a' to the

    ideas and eDhan&es bein& #eature as the soial media "lat#orm eDists

    #or the honest eDhan&e o# ideas %here other &o to &et in#ormation

    the' need to address their o%n individual onerns and interests(

    The various tools available suh as blo&&in&$ soial net%or,in&$

    "odastin& and videos an be used to #urther the soial media usa&e(

    Choosin& one that most suits the needs on the individual %ill hel" to

    #urther the eD"loration o# the soial media tool and "rovide theneessar' avenues #or in#ormation eDhan&e(

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    Cha"ter 2The 4ene#its O# 2oial3edia


    ue to its hi&h "o"ularit' ran,in& throu&h the ontinual use$ the

    soial media tool has beome a ver' im"ortant "art o# internet

    ommuniation( This is also "o"ularl' onsidered a "o%er#ul venue

    #or advertisers to reate interest and tra##i #or their res"etive

    "roduts or business endeavors(

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    5sin& the soial media tool the individual is able to build anet%or, o# ore su""orters %hih is "ivotal to the suess o# the

    site and its tra##i &arnerin& e##orts(

    This %ill "rovide the eD"ansion needed to ensure the site is ,e"t

    relevant and "o"ular #or the vie%ers( )hen the tra##i &enerated is

    o# a hi&h volume then the other advanta&e to be rea"ed is in the

    ran,in&s arried out b' the EOs(

    )ith &ood ran,in&s the individual is able to be better "ositioned

    #or aess b' vie%ers and there#ore be at the #ore#ront o# an'

    searh "ossibilit' beause o# the visibilit' and online eD"osure


    )ith most "eo"le bein& onerned about the eo #riendl' as"et o#

    an' endeavor$ usin& the soial media tool %ith adeBuatel' ensure

    this "artiular as"et is addressed(

    As this #orm o# reahin& out to the ustomer does not reBuire the

    use o# atual tan&ible material suh as "a"er and "rintin&

    in&redients it is onsidered eo #riendl' b' om"arison(

    )hen the individual is able to attrat a #airl' stron& #ollo%in&

    throu&h the soial media "lat#orm the #ollo% u" "roesses %ould

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    then be muh easier( Periodiall' reahin& out to the lo'al

    ustomer base %ith ne% in#ormation$ "roduts or servies %ould

    be a %elomed element "rovided it is not abused in an' %a' or


    Establishin& ones sel# as a #ormidable #ore on the soial media

    iruit %ill reate the #ollo%in& that %ill then ideall' turn in to

    revenue #or the individual(

    The redibilit' built and the reo&nition &ained %ill also #ailitate

    the invitation to be #eatured on other sites as a &uest and this %ill

    ontribute #urther to avenues o# s"readin& the individuals %ares(

  • 8/10/2019 Social Media Sling Blade


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    Cha"ter /5sin& 0aeboo,


    Althou&h #aeboo, is still urrentl' more "o"ularl' vie%ed as more

    to%ards non business related ativities one should not disre&ard this

    tools "o%er to &enerate vast amounts o# interest in an'thin& and

    an'one "osted on it(

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    The #ollo%in& are some ver' onvinin& reasons as to %h' the

    individual should seriousl' onsider usin& the #ae boo, #orbusiness eD"osure "ur"oses

    4randin& F &eneratin& brand a%areness is ruial to an' business

    endeavor and usin& the #aeboo, tool %ill e##etivel' "rovide this

    "lat#orm o# eD"osure( The various di##erent demo&ra"his "hases it

    is able to reah %ill eventuall' translate into bein& able to reah

    the masses on one sim"le "lat#orm e##etivel'(

    Customer en&a&ement F most "eo"le toda' %ould "re#er to be able

    to en&a&e or onnet %ith other individual rather than mahines$

    thus b' usin& this tool$ this st'le o# en&a&ement is made "ossible(

    The interative ommuniation that the #aeboo, an "rovide

    ma'be a %elome #orm o# ommuniation #or some(

    Communiations on the latest o##erin& an also be done in this

    interative manner(

    )eb tra##i drives F this has "roven to be a ver' om"etitive %a' to

    dra% tra##i to ones site %ithout the hi&h ost some o# the otheronline tools ma' reBuire(

    In some %a's it is also onsidered a rather eDitin& %a' o#

    ommuniatin& business in#ormation 'et ,ee"in& it li&ht and

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    Cha"ter 65sin& T%itter


    Providin& mostl' real time interation the t%itter tool also has its

    ontributin& merits %hen it omes to usin& it as a tool #or online

    business eD"osure(

    ;avin& the abilit' to reah the tar&et audiene in a non threatenin&

    environment$ the "arties involved %ill be able to ondut the

    interation is a more om#ortable and eas' &oin& manner %hih

    sometimes an be bene#iial element #or "otential business


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    ;ere are some o# the reasons as to %h' one should onsider the

    t%itter tool #or the #urtherane o# a business endeavor

    Interative "artii"ation F as the tar&et audiene is alread' en&a&in&

    one another %ithin the "lat#orm bein& "art o# the eDerise %ould then

    allo% the individual to build a ra""ort %ith the others(

    This %ill reate some redibilit' elements that an "rove to be use#ul

    %hen the in#ormation divul&ed is eventuall' sou&ht a#ter( This

    ontribution to the &eneral eBuation %ill also reate a "resene #or the

    individual %hereb' the ommuniatin& eD"eriene an be hanneled

    to%ards "romotin& the business endeavor asuall'(

    4rand a%areness F t%itter reates and allo%s the emer&ene o#

    business entities to ,ee" their "resene %ell %ithin the a%areness o#

    all en&a&ed on this "lat#orm(

    Creatin& the onstant a%areness element and mil,in& it #or all its

    %orth %ill eventuall' &arner the interest that %ill ,ee" the "artiular

    to"i alive and %ell eD"osed to other interested "arties(

    3aintainin& a om"etitive ed&e F the t%itter "lat#orm is an eDellent

    arena to ,ee" tra, o# %hat the individuals om"etitors are urrentl'

    en&a&ed in doin&(

    This %ill then allo% the individual to use the in#ormation learnt to

    either im"rove on his or her ontributions or ome u" %ith more

    innovative %a's to &arner a bi&&er share o# the mar,et(

  • 8/10/2019 Social Media Sling Blade


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    En&a&in& the tar&et audiene F the interation element that t%itter

    e##etivel' "rovides is an unmista,abl' im"ortant tool %hih an and

    should be eD"lored #or the de#inite merits(

    es"ondin& to t%eets is a non invasive %a' to "resentin& in#ormation

    that has been sou&ht a#ter in the #irst "lae(

  • 8/10/2019 Social Media Sling Blade


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    Cha"ter 75sin& 2oial 4oo,mar,in&


    im"l' "ut$ the soial boo,mar,in& tool is &enerall' a %a' o# savin&

    in#ormation throu&h the boo,mar, st'le on %ebsites and then ta&&in&

    them %ith ,e'%ords to be retrieved at a later time( The onveniene

    #ator here "la's an im"ortant "art in ma,in& the tool a rather sou&ht

    a#ter one thus it urrent "o"ularit' status(

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    ue to the #at that most o# the boo,mar,in& eDerise is done b'

    other onl' to be retrieved b' the interested "art' as and %hen needed

    the inonveniene o# it ta,in& u" stora&e s"ae on the individuals

    s'stem is eliminated thus ma,in& it a "o"ular tool indeed( Also the

    idea o# bein& able to ate&ori+e in#ormation e##etivel' and the save it

    %ith ,e'%ords is bene#iial to the end users o%n re#erene needs(

    4ein& able to establish a level o# eD"ertise throu&h the e##etives o#

    boo,mar,in& is somethin& that is onsidered an asset #or most

    business endeavors( The individual is able to ta& "artiular to"i that

    lin,s to the "artiular matter bein& tabled and then utili+e this hoie

    throu&h savin& it %ith s"ei#iall' hosen ,e'%ords( 4' doin& this

    re&ularl' %ith %ell hosen material the individual is able to establish

    a #ollo%in& that is based on the res"et the' have #or the material

    #eatured thus e##etivel' reatin& the hi&h interest "erenta&es that

    should &arner the desired revenue earnin&s to the individual(

    3onitorin& the om"etitors movements is also "ossible throu&h the

    boo,mar,in& eDerise( This is mostl' due to the #at that those other

    individuals %ould have ta,en the trouble to boo,mar, sites that the'

    inter"ret as use#ul thus &ivin& an insi&ht to their line o# thou&ht and

    business tatis( The bul, o# the %or, o# sourin& and boo,mar,in&

    material is done b' others and this is usuall' a &ood advanta&e to

    have and to ta" into(

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    Cha"ter 85sin& .ouTube


    Predominantl' noted as bein& a "lat#orm #or "ostin& more

    entertainin& st'le ontent then .ou Tube tool should not be

    underestimated #or its "ossible #ormidable #ore in "rovidin& an

    e##etive avenue #or businesses to &ain "ositive eD"osure(

    This "lat#orm an be used to "romote the individuals eD"ertise and

    ,no%led&e$ mar,etin& the "roduts and onnetin& %ith interested

    "arties or sim"l' %ith an'one ta,in& the time to vie% the "resentation

    on the .ou Tube(

  • 8/10/2019 Social Media Sling Blade


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    The #ollo%in& are some bene#its o# usin& the .ouTube tool as abusiness eD"osin& entit'

    4ein& able to "resent material that is both interestin& and attention

    &rabbin& throu&h a demonstrative and authoritive st'le %ill "ositivel'

    reate the sense o# on#idene in the "rodut$ business or servie

    bein& "romoted( Podasts an also be turned into video "resentation

    #or added im"at(

    It an also be used to share ti"s or other valuable in#ormation %hih

    %ould be o# interest to the lients and "ros"ets in a %a' that %ould

    also be "ereived as eD"ert advie( This an be desi&ned to loo, li,e

    an intervie% %ith an eD"ert on the sub*et(

    5sin& the .ou Tube ommunit' to #urther the business$ servie or

    "rodut throu&h the omments and u"loadin& o# video material %ill

    enoura&e the res"onses needed to reate the a%areness element


    ettin& u" hannels to re#let the brand usin& the 5L tool is also

    enoura&ed %hih an inlude mar,etin& ollateral and soial

    net%or, "ro#iles( To add to the redibilit' o# the elements bein&

    touted the individual al an add on ustomer video testimonials and


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    Postin& a %ell desi&ned and in#ormative video eD"lainin& the "rodut$

    servie or business is %orth eD"lorin& thorou&h the .ouTube hannel(

    This t'"e o# visual e##ets "romotion out %ei&hts an' %ritten materialb' an' standards( ho%in& "reviousl' doumented suesses is also

    reommended to #urther ement the "ositive elements o# the


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    Cha"ter 95sin&3obile Tehnolo&'


    The eD"lanation %ithin the name title is in itsel# sel# eD"lanator' as

    mobile tehnolo&' is mobile #orm o# "ortable tehnolo&'( The

    eDam"les o# %hih inlude la"to"s$ noteboo, om"uters$ "almto"

    om"uters or "ersonal di&ital assistin& devies$ mobile "hones and

    smart "hones$ &lobal "osition s'stems other%ise ,no%n as GP

    devies$ %ireless debit and redit ard "a'ment terminals and man'

    other 'et to be mentioned(

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    3ost o# the above an assist in a variet' o# %a's and some o# these

    "ositive ontributin& #ators are listed belo%

    G The #ailitatin& o# %ireless #idelit' as a t'"e o# %ireless loal

    net%or,in& tehnolo&'(

    G 4luetooth onnetion #or mobile divides also %ireless in its


    G Third &eneration &lobal s'stem a""liation #or mobile

    ommuniations and &eneral "a,et radio servies #or data

    "roessin& and data net%or,in&(

    G ial u" servies %hih ontribute to data net%or,in& usin&

    modems and tele"hone lines(

    G ?irtual "rivate net%or,s %ith seure aess to a "rivate net%or,


    All these innovative tools an o##er the ustomers invaluableassistane in im"rovin& the urrent servies "rovided( Customer

    relationshi" mana&ement an be done over the internet allo%in& the

    individual to sta' u"dated on the details virtuall' an'%here and


    Pa'ment methods an also be made more aessible %ithout the

    inonveniene o# havin& to searh #or an atual "a'ment reeivin&mahine(

    Other advanta&es inlude bein& able to be diretl' lin,s to business

    in#ormation even %hen the individual is a%a' #rom the %or, terminal

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    and tan&ible in#ormation base( This im"ortant #ailit' is de#initel' an

    enormousl' bene#iial advanta&e as in toda's business arena most

    interations are done is a #ashion that does not neessaril' inlude a

    #ormal business settin&(

    ue to this unonventional st'le o# ondutin& business eDerises the

    invaluable mobile tehnolo&' has been able to "rove its %orth( uh

    in#ormation retrieval %ould inlude ustomer aount histor'$ he,

    o# "riin& and sto, availabilit'$ "lain& o# orders on demand and

    man' others(

  • 8/10/2019 Social Media Sling Blade


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    Cha"ter :5sin& 0orums


    4eause o# the vast reah %ith no visible boundaries the tools

    available #or use in terms o# &ettin& the desired visibilit' #or the

    endeavor are also o# a rather #ormidable amount$ but %ith the

    introdution o# #orums this visibilit' #ator has ta,en on a %hole ne%

    level o# eD"osure(

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    4usinesses in &eneral need some #orm o# ommunit' su""ort in terms

    o# reatin& a%areness and revenue thus the #ormation o# the #orum

    "lat#orm serves adeBuatel' to address both needs(

    Online #orums are one o# the best %a's o# #osterin& business

    a%areness amon& the desired tar&et audiene( There #orums reate

    the aess to bein& able to eDhan&e ideas and in#ormation %hile at

    the same time #ailitatin& the interation element that &ives %a' to

    disussions and other bene#iial elements(

    There are also instanes %here trouble shootin& eDerises an be done

    in an in#ormative and non threatenin& st'le %hih %ould ideall' leadto a better understandin& and ollaboration on #urtherin& the

    business entit'( It %ould also hel" to reate the sense o#

    trust%orthiness that is so im"ortant in toda's business limate(

    5sin& the various di##erent tehnolo&' tools the #orum "artii"ants

    are able to interat %hile "rovidin& in#ormation %hih ma' inlude

    senarios suh as messa&e board #orum$ hats$ instant messa&in& and

    man' others(

    All this an be done %ith the stubble &uidane o# the individual to

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    ensure the moderations o# the disussion and interation so that the

    basi ideas o# ahievin& the business &oals are not adversel' e##eted(

    All these #ators ontribute to real time ans%ers and solutions that

    other tools ma' not be able to #ailitate %ell(

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    )ra""in& 5"

    Throu&h the internet "lat#orm the limitations o# &eo&ra"hial

    on#ines have been erased to birth a ne% "lat#orm %here there are no

    boundaries at all in eDistene #or a business to &ro% and reah its

    tar&et audiene no matter %here in the %orld the' ma' be(

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    -eommended -esoures

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