Page 1: Service channels between Tracker and PP1

Service channels between Tracker and PP1

TK Engineering Meeting 19 June 2007, Antti Onnela, CERN

• Installation order• Lessons from Cabling Mock-up• Component status

Work done by Auli, Erkki, Giulio, Hans, Jarmo, Michel, Pascal, Pauli, Sébastien, Temuri, …

Page 2: Service channels between Tracker and PP1

Installation steps 1: Cable channels + 2: Water cooling


Install 10 mm water cooling pipe, one loop around channels “A” and “C”with its copper cooling plates (not shown here)

Copper plates attached to channel pieces with screwsBraze connections in PP1and leak test water circuit


Install cable channel, made of 5 sections (sections 1 and 2 are one unit)

All attached to HCAL with screws

Section 3

Section 4

Section 5

Section 1

Section 2



Page 3: Service channels between Tracker and PP1

Installation step 3: Temperature and humidity sensors

“Min-max against ECAL”:

1 sensor at far corner away from water cooling

1 sensor next to water cooling

Per PP1 sector the sensors are only in one ½ channel

In top and bottom sectors the sensors are in the special ½ channels

Route sensor wires along 10 mm cooling pipe up to connector in PP1

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Installation step 3: Temperature and humidity sensors

Wires from ECAL area run along the 10 mm water pipes up to the connector (Note: Per channel only “A” or “C” side, never both)

D-SUB connector(with humidity sensor)and pre-installed cable to racks

“Hot at cable entry”:

Tight packing of cables entering PP1

“Cold against ribbons”:

On the inside wall below multi-ribbon cables

Total amount of sensors per channel:2 temp sensors at ECAL + 2 in PP11 humidity sensor in PP1

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Installation step 4: Pipes1. Install male Lancasher fitting + first

bend piece

2. Measure the correct length of the copper pipe end

3. Remove Lancasher fitting, cut the pipe and solder them together

4. Install the pipe definitively

5. Attach the pipe to the temporary mid-support (subsequent pipes attached to previous ones)

6. Cut the pipe to correct length

7. Solder the pipe with ceramic fitting

8. Clamp the pipe with support block (every 2 pipes)

9. Leak test with Argon (every 2 pipes)

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Installation step 5: Pipe insulation, from TK to mid-support2 layers of 9 mm Armaflex AF insulation, with joining tape

In channels 1 and 2 must reduce insulation to allow space of cables. Where possible use 3 mm tape in addition

Insulation of individual pipes at TK end is still to be studied:

3 mm tape?

Tubular insulation?

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Installation step 5: Pipe insulation at mid-support

Mid-path support with this element.

During pipe installation use temporary support

This support shall be slightly closer to optoribbons, to provide space for cables next to water pipe.

This support shall also be a bit further away from the pipe bend, to ease insulation joint.

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Installation step 5: Pipe insulation from mid-support to PP1

From mid-supports to PP1 use 18 mm insulation or 2 layers of 9 mm.

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Installation step 5: Pipe insulation in PP1

Inside PP1 use precut flat pieces, glued together

Glued junction from tubular to rectangular section at PP1 entry

Insulation of Y-section being done alreardy now!

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Installation step 6: Heating cable in PP1


30 W/m heating cable,length ~7 m / standard PP1,Routed on outer surfaces of the pipe channel

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Installation step 6: Heating cable in PP1

Aluminium or plastic clamps and aluminium tape on top of the cable

Heating cable follows the Y-piece (not present in this photo)

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Installation step 7: Barrel MS & Ctrl cables

Here we have installed 7 cooling pipes40 multi-service cables

This represents the biggest channel occupancy, which is7 cooling pipes38 multi-service cables6 ctrl-cables (≈ 2 MS-cables)

Channel sections 1-4

Channel section 5

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Installation step 7: Barrel MS & Ctrl cables

The covers fit, tightly

Edges of covers 2 and 5 need to be slightly bent, to avoid scratching cables

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Installation step 8: Optoribbons (after removal of nose cone)

In section 1 and 2 optoribbons are 8 or 10 side by side,

from section 3 to PP1 6 ribbons side by side.

Ribbon pre-bundling work to be done in TIF

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Installation step 8: Optoribbons

All pipes, including TEC pipes, must be in place

and insulated before installing optoribbons

Installation step 9:TEC cables

Channels for these ribbons to reach the PP1 are at these phi-locations

1 cm

Last 1 cm of TK volume for TEC


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Summary of installation order per PP1

Installation order per PP1

Installed component + checks

Status and remaining preparations (non-exhaustive list)

1 Cable channels Channel pieces at CERN. Need to add HCAL supports for channel 1-2, fibre supports in channels 2 & 3, pipe supports in channel 3 and pem nuts for holding copper pieces.

2 Water cooling circuit + leak test

Need to produce copper plates, and procure 10 mm pipe material. Need to design and produce assembly jig, and then assemble 32 circuits.

3 Temp + humidity sensors + checks?

Sensors and cable material being procured. Need to make sensor protections and cable the sensors.

4 Cooling pipes + leak test

3D-design ready, except last ¼ of TEC- and specials. 2D-drawing production started. Order being placed to pipe bending company. Pieces for ceramic PP1 fittings received, vacuum-brazing to be done.

5 Pipe insulation Armaflex AF approved in June by CERN safety. First sets of material already available and being installed in Y-pieces, the rest material being ordered.

6 PP1 heating cable + functional check

Cable roll received at CERN. Cutting to be done. Clamps to be ordered.

7 Barrel MS & Ctrl –cables + functional checks

Barrel cables to be labeled with PP1 connector names and bundled by ½-channels on nose cones.

8* Optoribbons + functional checks

To be reorganized after TK cold test. Reference point (channel 1-2 junction) to be marked on TEC ribbons. Optoribbon supports to be made+installed.

9 TEC MS & Ctrl –cables + functional checks

Cables in production.* After removal of the nose cone the optoribbon installation can be done in parallel with tasks 4-7.

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