Page 1: S Clark counly Jail lonlght, having' 000,000 teel ot slacked lo:i luai nieli In a fire at the company's work northwesl ol Chehalli.Thc

= i S « l tPISFECISHPEII(fflM llKS

Department ol Agriculture Reports Shortage Chlelly In Feed Products and Yield lor Acrc Declines

' : * iBy T ttoTCESiUfWTfeM)-'*^

W ASHINGTON. Aug. H — Drought u n d h o t weather were reported

V today by the depurtnient of M* Agrlcuituro to have rcduccd

crop pro8pcct.s fo r the nation by 11 per ccnt Inst month.

In its regular monthly re­port, the crop-reporting board

-------- estimated—on—the^baflid—o fAugust t conditloru tftst per acre wlll'be toAcr tiiU ytnr lliiin kn »ny ot ttio Iu t 20 ycm exccpi 1021.

"Unlike 1&21. however." i i added, "the thorisEe U chlelly In (ced cropj."

"While a reduction o( R l per ccnl w u estlmaled in lhe producUon o( all leed crops os compared to thej tive-year aver&te, the tuord uiid the combined producUon ot whetit. rye. rtre ftnd burtwhwt u itd chlctly Ior human tood L expected to be ten

. lhan I per ccni below ilie llve-yeur averaBC.

Decreued Vleld*Decreased psy rcrc ylcMj-tor iome

cropi Mere re,>orted olfact by in- , creuted ncreaje.

-----------Yields pr-acre-were-f#llmolc<l-nV, 5.} per I'ciii cclou,’ those ol s year L . ngo and U.l per- cent below avcrut;e , yieldi duruiff ;he pic^lous ten yesua.

The corn crop, t-iiiinii'.ed. us ot . AUBUSI 1 10 Binrtuiite 3JU.BJ3.0W)

biisiicit compun:d wnti I'.UM.bOU.uiKi |iroduc:d u jvar ui;j. I'xpecied lo be the IVOI. a ciop ol

niuiil!) aKu. I-iiriiiiT iliM.-nurai<ou ol p jjnbiy luo.cco.oco biitliel* slncc Aiiiiu.'t 1 WU4 i 2'.mu:cd. imllc.uinii :x h.i. vu i ul ubJiil 'Jj p:r c :;il lev

J .^)jan i;j ys:i>."V iv iitu i i;>iinule Uropa

PraJuciion ul all wheat wua pl.tced kl SJu.uiZrOCu outheU, csRipantl wlU i:a o..niJte it ir.oiiin acs ul tfOI.OOO.-

______ CLJ uutlif j u::tl eW.LlW.CCO uUhlUil!K l )Cilt. . ~

V/.nicr uhi.-’ iiroiliicllcn m'y c»11- maicO B» u-ij-.y l i l k 'c o t t i '

... i iw - 'tm inNOiUh uca d id y>s.000,0»\) Lui.icl: gronii j js i-

D_rum K;ii!ut proUuciltin I's'.l' mai:U ui iS.SOO.i/U? ou^hels cbinpurci

(Continued cn Page 2, Col. 3)

S 2 4 ,0 0 7 f IR E BURNS _____________ LOGS IN W ASHINGTON

TACOMA. Woali., Aur. 11 (/?h .Mar.ili com;wnj-. Chehall*. loei !.■

' 000,000 teel ot slacked lo :i luai nieli In a fire at the company's work northwesl ol Chehalli.Thc lire starl

'ed under n bridge trom iparks drop ped by a locoir.oUvc, The logs wer valued by company oIIl:lals a l S24, COO. *


BOISE. Aua.~n~i.TV-.Morc Uia: 300 Ohio farmers tlopi«d oft 1: Boise lodny to lour the Dolw valle nt pari of an excursion they nrc mnk Ins inio lhe Wert to study tarmln melhoda.

Local civic oroiuilutlnns took th entire party for a tour over «h Boise valley and (ormer Ohioan

- » w h o tU - y th m - * t ainDtr. ...

‘^ '^ ^M W A R D W ii^ ifte E " FOR POCATELLO POS'

1 POCATELLO, Aug, 11 WV-A(H' A week o( cheeUcs returns In . Ih

primary eteetlon. county commit , slonert decided today W. II. Wood} ward won the nomination (or thei

Iff over Miles Obra; by lwo votea.Durlni Lhe .couni, Woodward le

by tlx votes, then (ell seven vote behind Obray. The resulw becntr known when a tmall dlJtile l wll leu than 13 voles B»e Woodwir h ll WUT0» jM jorlly,

POLICE FEAR TONG WAI; '■NEW YORK. Aug. 11 W>-^Pollc. tetn el a new Chinatown war b«1 iwetn Hip 81ns tod On Leons tomI men were routed by thn thootln j tI « Hip fling ti»ng mtmber In lha Broa( tonlghU

,) Tho vicUm. Charles Ye Kal. o«e

k -who Ilred on W m^a?h^feked Iv laundry In £a it Hundred and Sereii

f ty.PKlh'ttreel. B'i waa uken to hospiul In t lerloui condition. Thn

. • C M lnw u 'enm kro-to a police »u lloD (or quesUbhloc.

- W A S H IW G T O N ltflA N D IE

SHELTON, W uh. Auj. IJ Vn • Believed overcome 'by tho hea Chartet Bray. 48, automobile sali rouiger. died today vhUe U lklr U> nma (rlends. The temperatui

1 was M degrees.I A l Yakima, lhe temepnlurc wiI lOS. 8 detrcea higher than Sunday ' reeord0(07. No «l«mag«u» crops Wl

r reporUd. however, and irrlgatlflnlt \ said-Ihere waa.jul(lclest waler <

msUrs prod'j».

VOL. 13. NO. 108

i = = = =

1 “ t ^Lameness MARKS TWO l i :, lSTERSLAdTIONS-HOIU: |

% SEPARATIONS IN RENO1 RENO, Au«. 11 m -U a rr M in .w the tame elly o( the tame year 'L « n d d ln n « i on tM u a e p o u a d t n iQ the ume city on lhe same day ** U "sameneu" tecorded o( t»o-#l*.- -

t tn whose m ir iu i Uet were dlt- solved In Ihe dlstrlet coun here

re . _tl., They a re Caroline Pulmao lly Grant, who obuined a dl«rco de.

. cree trom Charlu M. arant; and ncl EllubeUt Pulman Kratsu, who

divorced Nlckolas Krasus. with- CS tn a few momenU of each other

betore Judge* Oeorge BarUett lo- o»y.

“'Tp.-BotlTESnpni mWfl?inn O h tr tb - r l In 1S3S and boUi obtalne<],(llvorces o t onehargeiChacchelrhustMAilshact „ (] Ulled lo provide theip wlUi the ■gf eommon neceuarlcs ot IUe.

-ISlIiSLIEi-lW O U im iLz —

O rville M cb ly , 2 5 , Recent

A rr iv a l in Idaho, D ro w n stn i

in Banbury Natatorium

Io*r lo TlieNews*—Danbury nalalortum. In tlic Snake river conyon of Buhl, claimed ii llte about 4 P. M. Sunday when Orvllie Molby. 25, son of Mr. And Mrs. R. C. Molby. Linn, Kan-

ime fas, wnded beyonU-JiL deplh Into 12 m- t « i of walcr and drowned. Dealh

wim attributed to heart trouble. ,-nt ■ V.iilhy.had-calen.a-brcc picnic din- ear' nsr Immedlalely betore entering lhe uge I pool. .‘W*;, In company with Mr. a:id M«.

, John Olander, Ca.v.leford. v.'lth whom .OWI youns man tiad been vlsliliK. •uw*;:!na James V/ellv nlim of Lnn. nls 1 lo cnmpiitilon In Korch of work In the j o I . \ v;l i Eml, the y ’uns nun entered ■L .v-.i 1 r. M Mr nnnH,T t1 ul 1 Who !itnt«l thut younc Mnlby was ,ncc;iiot at homs In the o.-vier. left Ihe LiiiViti'cI 111 halt an Ix.tir and rciuriilnit Ic-sa, r.bctit half nn hoi;r b ; ;r eiuld noi

!!cc;iie' Molby.1 Kfareh wai ln.'.litii;?rt4 crxe and

iccd'^i'i bidy-foi\'.il nl t ls '’ •:pp« end v jl ij io f ths posl. which „lnpc.i jhnrply lOO. 1 frnm atcut five feel lo tlw tlip ih m iuUsjHhlch lhe body was. fcund. Mr.

,,51. jbalheri ww any dUluibance.

I t • A Duhl phyjislan callrrt from n 'd lstaiil iclfphoii'' iirrivid o:i iliii.

, ,-!jc ;r.po f the neclclcnl within an hour • ■' and found fct:r yoiinit men. V/illlam

^^'3 ludeb.iekr. Jr., Raymond Piillcv. ,, I Homtr Evnnj, nnd Melvin Hnnly. ulV-

lot Uuhl. ui'Plylng arllflclnl rc>plr.i- I unn. .Use of n jiulmoior failed lo r-;- ; vlve any spark ct llte.

ON i Sl'orUy •fterwnrd' P. E. Drake.,T 'v1h Fulls county coroner, in com-

_ ! pahr'';inrD!rQ fiofg(rHaiieyrTwiii' i FallJ couniy health unit dlrcclor, nr-

1'*' rtved on the ccene In response o! !5J'‘ 'summons. The body w u taken lo ‘'^“ ‘ .iho undertaking esUbllsh*

.mcni In Buhl to await word from foP* the deceased's purentt.124. Na delltilie irnnscmenls have . ' been mnde for burial but it Is e::-

pccled that the body will be shipped cast lo llie tamlly liome.

I t Ah m e u Ui e n " g e f $ 3 1 0 0

lhan p resno . Cal.. Aug. 11 wv-Two “ > armed, mukcd men held up a dozen

alley emplojts of lhe WUtdn Ihealcr hcrc nnx. (odjy j j jd took »3JOO in currency nine tnm lhe safe and esiaped;; the, --------- --------------

55TJ.II51B-S T B ie t lMUr --------

imls. Dale Jackson and Forost'ood-‘l lt r - O’B rln o Pass 5 2 0 -H o u r;ea.

. M a rk o l Endurance F lig h t;nme ■

ST. LOUIS, »UI. 11 O f l - M . Jackson and Porest O'Brtne were counllng o tr-m riio tlra tonight as

JAR never nnd nearer theIf A n 8M-hour endurance tllght mark held

by the Hunller brothers ot Sparta, •ollce Illinois.r be- First It was weeks, then.dayt, and flng- now li ‘t only a matter of hoUr* until Ig o( the record Uken to Chicago from itonx SU U w ^a y j) t.b a c lU ie r ftJ « a ln .

T n h r"a re a ic r St. Loul»" plane is s llll In the Mr at 0:82 A. M. Wed- ne*day. JM lt»n and O'Brine will iwre-cxcetded-thrHuntfrbrolhen’

■vtn. hour as required under' ft . governing enduranc* tllghU. J r j t K lhe St. LouU airmen establish •"[®* a new eadunuiee record It-probably

m'.btZlittaeuiaiixZUa.ntersvbo are lotlng It, for the Hunter brothers arrived at Lambert-81. LouU (leld l|ES io l i ] f . . ^ - u p e c i to.refflalD t«venl

„ _ h u mide the Hunter brolben IIM .. i, , ,L « 0 In potential coniracu. their man. salS * * " ’■ Perkins, u ld . bul they

. The -Ore^Ur’s t LouU" plane had ' been aloft 830 hourt a l l l ; l l P. M.

w « loday. ThB engine It nunlng dne.' <1W» O'Brlne ta ld over the radio tb li s w u momlag. "We are havtaf a lo l o( inlstt tun out of thla flight. Jusi tvo more cr to dtyt and w« t a l ^ down

T B B - d m r n s s


S H EJiiSDEIAlLSOFLDR(lUTi|OiIi'I C h le l Executive- C alls F a rm ’ 5

■ Organiza tion L e ^ r s In lo t i

0 Conlerenee and Governors I "1- . i n '' Qf 12 States Accept Bidsi*

. Tn’ier- --- ja y lh c jM e o c ja te d J a iil. Jl a T T T A S H IN G T O N . A ug. I l l id t . y v — Seriousness o f t h i ; ! '* ^ * drought a i t u a tlo n in w

certa in nrean was emphasized » to President Hoover today b y }J a long line o f callers, ine lud .ij) m g C hairm an Payne o f th e jt-

I I Am erican Red Cross, w h ile ir I I the departm ent o f a g ricu ltu re |11^ fP IW rtM prnp. decilneii I f per cent Jn July *» a r e - i*

sull of lhe prolraeted dry weather. *' Meanwhile, ihe government p ro -i'’ nt ceeded wiui plana to relieve farmers *1

In disireu and lo Insure agalnA poa- PS- slble spread of disease. <=!

RaUroad executives conUnued (o [in otter tid Ihrough reduced (relghl -

rales and Al(r«d p. Thom, general* counsel for ihi! Association o( R ail-11 way Executlvea, called al the W lilte; I

, TIoiL s to deicrmlnc ih r president's | plans. •

l.y Sccrclar}' Hj-de conferred with Mr. Hccver late in Uie day and *tM over deuUs Ior Die con(erence of govn-

,2 nor» ot 12 stales here Thursday. Re- pUes ot iccept.-ince fram aU (3 gor-

,u emors llie prwldent't InvluUan i i,,J were on hand, thal o( Oovemor Wea-■ he ver. Nebrama. being the last to « •

rive. Oovernir Weaver had said tie m l*hl r.o’. come, but Informed Uie pretldent today he would be present,

om - rnrnicr l.<-aden Oel Call IK. Samuel 11, Thompson, president o(nls ------ Ithe icontinued on Page 2. Col. 31 , red -------------------------- IJ

" r l i O i I S M S 'md ------- • I:nd \VAS!ll.VaTON. Aug. 11 MV-Ma- , ply Jor Ocners! Charles T, Mensher. re- j1 m tired. one-Ume baUle commajider oi Mr. tha Rainbow dlytalon tn Pran:^. ani L Thna former duet ot th i army air oorp*, •;

died Uie today in St. EllubeUi's ho<pi;ai a lte r,lu; Ql..{ienu. ' monla. . . . • . , '

“ Oeneral Menolicr eder a dlt- U ith in ju ltlied W«:d war carccr In our hancA (oiiiid hlmicK In peacetime lam , figure in the sensaUonal '

controversy orer Colonel , ; “ '''TwiupiT Mllchell. which ended even-

I itmlly.ln the latter leaving the serv- , .

I General Menoher hlmteK retired ake.! in 1020 at the age of 04. He hod been , 3m* lm ill-healih .or eome Ume prior to . 'ivin'Uic-Bllaek-or-pncumonlir'whleli-;: nr- caused his death today. I

I o!1 10 ■ - ■ ■ , — .' ■ = Ish. ■■■

I f W e C o u ld lave M a c h in e r

Iped I

S A iJ / f . .



^ u ' the

andin tll ' ■rom /(k lK ffJ .A W J A W

------------' « i i i ri iL> Ved. ,utter*'-

hta. >mW >c

i i n i i T ^ Tl vns ■ iB E s ™

i of . .now t ' — —t own______ _____

S S O C rA T B D P R E S S y B W i


I W ili D urant Point! A sW ^t& P reservi

I America and AvoiNivERarrY. va.. Aug. n m v-w iii Use VlrtUUa loiU luU of Publle Af no way oul of the domlnaUon o( r

\ by men o! third-rate ablUly. except to ni I ' public office. ..i Io h it addreu on *'lf Democtacr a Pt

1 f ln t l "tetakdown o( democracy ap.**—- •peared In the Incnaslng Inticurity ‘

:'o ( IKe In our clUe*. where poUUcal Imachlnea were In league wlUi the

. ijTOrid ef crime and in tbe Inability |0( eongren to face Uie complex eco- Inomlc problems confronting l l every

■•l~‘° r a « iB r i i tB . to -w r-m 'aa^w ir J!gr«at uolvertlUes. schools of public ? '

- j admUilstrallon. In which ttudenU ,,,1 would be pr«p«ir^ u specKlcalJy ji !and technically for Uie tasks of gov- 55,, 'emment &i they are now prepared q„ ' *(or medldne. for engineering and * |U r. and a© one thould be elJgJWeSito municipal o((lce unleu he bad .u, e I received aUch training." he u ld .e I Besides hlfher educational train- vid•i Ing. the speaker proposed a gradu- 1. JatJiM o f public"oiJlH,'jlvuiffTU sn ny

lexample. tbe tuggesUon. lha t the glv.1 mayor o( a (Irst clats elty, should pecI (Irsl be mayor o( a Mcond clau am . city, and tbe mayor o( a second not

clast city, should (Irsl be a mayor bul , ot a (hlrd clau city. ch)t i l l - — I,I I

i l l UH KILLS e : SLEEPiBiOlR; Lawrence Vadness, 23, Con- St ; lesses Murder al Night

in Tent al Camas Meadows

■| DUBOIS. UrtW. Aug. 11 UP) - 1 ] >Lamnce Vadnest, 33, was shot to Th ’dcaU) etrJy UUt morning and hla * '

■Clark counly Jail lonlght, having Lo

Sconfes.'Kd Ibe shooibg lo Sheriff Mi Harry Raj-ner. jm i

FV>llowtn« b it u t u : . Clarencc!'" calmly told ofllcers ot his premedl-1| ^ uted murder plol conceived on Uio

* ranch of his (aUier. Ludser Vadncas,^ 45 mllea northwesl of here. ja- He said Uie murder climaxed a f - T m ? r » r p f i iy ^ in f« ! r r r i* 7 j r H i3 l^

kUItd hU btotber to tare hlmteif as,

ro;m ac 1 o'clock tn Uve tiwmlng and , mi I- (lulelly entered a tenl a abort dls- on “ tance away w.VrB h it bfoUwr aw go

sleeping. .wc'{ He said bc placed the muzzle of a rlv , rl(1e agalnsl Lawrence's Itead and ( lr * . Is '■ cd It.. Then lie retumed ta h it room go '■ andaleplforseveralhounbefortgel- de . Ung up to milk cowa. >Tr

A younger brolher. BnU, discover- Jo ed the body In lhe Unt and Uie sher- de

‘®_lU.»Tiicalled-CUr«noe*'Bs euspect-J-ali lb — _

I (OonUnued On Page 4. Ool. 7) |

Id Keep Politics from Clog ery I t Would Work a Lot 1

- r - \ - r

— cojjyrtgbi, mo,

w s p ^ irs f f / jv m f/v rA iz s


its to Education- |)| rve Democracy in ■ “ f fold DictatorshipsWill Diirunt. New York author, told c AfUirs here today lha l there w u o( political IKe In Uw United 8Ulc» to make rducailon a qualUlcatlon (or

a Failure?" Mr. Durant asterUd tfte j

lMuca',ion, tio said, w u hls tug- gcj,iion for salvaging democracy.

UnIl^r hU plan, he continued, every aciult would vole, but no one could vot« (or an unqualKled Uh> dldaic; "democracy.would be made (ool proet."

There la no way, ahort of dictator, a lit in ie ♦ald'.'Tcieseapi f f l ^ t t j e T eluiche« (tt lhe poUUcal machines. I - except educaUon. . ' !■

He held that democracy hadibe* come unreal becauae of the d e w of Uie economic basta on wblob It once in rtsted In Amertca-’‘tree land, (rce cr comiwtliton. national IsotaUon and „ { the comparaUvc *el(-e((lclency. or , economic Independence of the Indl- vidual homestead." bc•‘*t:given neither government by Uio j| people, nor government by the best. ^ and Uiac the paUi o( olflce tay now iT,, not In honest aerrlce lo the praple. but In dishonest service to tbe ma- chine.

------ — - exr

m i i s n : n w i i n i

- - mil

Search by 150 Persons Re- suits In Recovery ot n» Body ol ].,ouls lUacferlla ,

------- Ch>1 lIA O m iA N . Mig. 11 (8i»cUl to " The News)~AIteV 150 scorcher# had burned Ior Uirec hours, Ibo body of f j{

■ Louis \taderiia. ir-ysQFOltfTon^t- L[ Mr. and Mrs. John MnderlU, Hager*

Iman. who dto»ncd while swimming l ln the Snake west ol here a l 5 P. M.j today, ira* recoiw d by J r tn k Orld.'ley. Ha^etnian. and Ivan Dunham.lOoodlaj counly deputy sheriff. The ';men loeaUd llie body wlUi tt weed Aurake lea than a scorc ot teet trom en

:.|,wh?rr Uie.Iwy> u l' ’ in water about nln : feet <fMp. ch

i man, had been working In a hay field .'cn the Buckeye ranch, and decided to I go MwlmmUig aflcr finishing their .wcrk. They took a.boat out on the an

, rtver. ei a point where the stream col , Is swlfi and wide. \S'hcn the boat I got quite close lo the thore the Ma* tr.■ derita boy Jumped Into tbo water, ,The other* followed. Ortdlcy.and

• Jolly soon nfierward aaw tbe Ma-• derlt* boy sink, And hastened to hU *® -{•aldr-The-vlcllm-dW-not eome to-the ~ ’ j "(ConUnuedOnp'egfSrCol.6) alj

logging the 5t Better .

JU__________________ Pll

"1 ar of In to pl

31 D sC<

' m'm:su

i v — — P ' — S — _ 5





^ Z 9 /M 'yu //( /ii, 0


m ,,\v S M k It

m o. by-ate-Wtir'York Tribune, Inc.- t

IS C o d v T l

a T l y‘ UKU&n i

o y c n

i i S f i r iT I01 ll5 ir~iilB lP L l 1

Jur— aui

OranQC'CoIorcd Aircraft he

Releases Nine Bombs On ?b

Mine Properties Invol- ' ian

ved In Labor Dillicullics ""■ In

'• tBy The Aisoelated Pre/j>T 7 iW ) V D B W K , - K y ; r ^ « j? . -2*

11— A 8crle.s o l disorders aa in th e Webster county (k

coal fields culminated today in the bombing o( mine prop- erties from an airplane. The HI mines were reopened July I IU after n three-month shutdown bccause o f i n d e p e n d e n t U ■strike.t over wages and work- [j

Nine bomba were dropped from an orange.colored plane, believed to havo earned two men, which' tlew i\f l over the town this momlng aa min­ers were going to work. Four bombs tailed to explode. The five that did explode Injured no one and dam­aged no properly, but tore largo holes in lhe gtound. The bomber w u described u a monoplane. s

Taken tiy imrprlse by the tiuidin ^ air atuck. Providence and Webster « * eouniy were ihrown inlo a aWte ot *<” inwiu* excltemenl- Only one ot the 2S or 30 suardt employed by the mine* In ilie counly had pre«nee A of mind to tire at the plane. Ha »•< shol twice bul wllhout effect. The bombe.' departed in the direction ot «** Illinois. Item whence It came.

■ Denies Bequest karWebflter county ottlclals requealcd '■'JJ

Governor Flem D. Sampson to tend J” (OonUmifd olTPafie *. Col. 3) 7

is iD ia iiiL liKlSHMUTlLL^^


Aug. 11 W>-Jlmmy Donohue, vet-eran parachuU Jumper, believed he . ‘ iK'n. n 'l> Kttiiiidf reeord tor p a ^chuuj leapa loday. O. M. Mesier, ^pilot, aald hla altimeter broke a l *tSAOO (eel and.: h e r t i|ta * l« J -h pclimbed 3000 (cet more before Dono-hue went over Uic tide. ]

A sealed barograph w as canled ta;and will be sent to Washington for $1(calibration. !*'

The former record, held by aa 'army flyer, wu 2(5,000 (eet. Dono- “hue aald, - ”

Donohue w u In lhe parachute 18 minutes. He was sick and almost 1inp* r * ll>1M InnrtM toiirmllea eatl ot the Colorado Spring* yg.airport. ra


CHIOAOO,Auj.llMV-Aooroner’a “ Jury ruled today that Uie fatal alr-plane_plume nf iw» vnuna womw _and a youUitul flleruirough Uie top ofof A huge lUumlnailn* gas tank dur- UiIng A rain squall Balurday, wat due utto “ gross negligence" on the part o/ enpilot and o«-ner. of

Thcplane,-pUot«lbyOrvlUe8uchy. Jj)31, and carrying Misses Mary and _ Eugenie U w t. collapsed durtng the storm, dove througti Uie top of themelal container, and plowed Inlo Uie r

' mud bottom of lhe water w tll that L: supported the gus Unk. A diver r t - V jtevtred the bodies obout nine hour*

— r :..— ,

ODDIE MAKErtFFIClAl T - V I S r r f O T O S K A ¥ P A W -

ANCIIORAOU. AllUlea. AUC- 11 m ^ - A survey of McKinley natlonol park with a view lo speeding con- slnicUon ol a highway lo atu-acl more tourists waa underway by 6ea. alor Tosker L. Oddle, Nevada,, who w u making a trip through tba park 08 an Investigator ot th e aenate publle Unds commllice. re

Senator and Mrs. Oddio were met is at Sewanl by Colonel O. P. Ohlaon sk and Uie ttnalor was guetl o( th6 Anchorage Chambcr qf Commerce Saturday noon. He left (or Uie park . JaUr Uj spend several daya Uiere e* during which he will ( ly over the U

. region. _


GREAT FALLS, Moot., Aug. 11 (JT) !“- M n . John E. Weldele died (toen ”ralUetnake polwnlng today. b

- -tt^.Weldale-wualriickby.'A tQtke: yesterday attemoon wblle on ao f i ouUng near Hardy. Sbe w u Uken sc to a boapltal but tlcadUy grew worse,

- ucipitc -n OMWW-8lr8n. , r =Mr, Weldele ta of Ute.opinion bft

Weldele b u beerl aufterln* (rom % t lweak heart. She w u given (Irat aid .Iraunent and reached the hoaplul g.within an hour but vaa terrtded and „eonvlneeddetlhwuccrtalnfhoadd- ^

Mra. Weldele w u 31 yean'old tad tt tbe^motbcr-of ta-o.children:-..^___ 1. ei

■ Atmrr B vn uucactnjiT iowB ____________

m O R M IS H A P SENDS | [ 1 ( 'G ERM ANY’ S HERO OF [1 1


. JIEW YORK. Aug. 11 MV-On;_ _ U •caUud Itt fllgbu over htl( Uie world. Germany's 24-year-old avi. ’ 1 atlon hero, Oaron >'rlrdrleh Karl | von Warthausen, w u wverely lu- | jured today In the collision ot an automobile and a milk wscon.

Several hours alter the accident y be w u lU ll uneonscl'Hu, suftering nC3 concuulon of Ctie brain and pos- , alble InUrnal Injuries, but rliysl- L clana believed h* would recover.

I t was his second automobile V accldcnt In hla few montlu In Uie United Staiea. A Uxlcab crasli in j El Paso. Texu. last year pul him In tbe hospital tor Uiree montha and left him with a permancnl memenlo, a large sear on tils face. ~

• '‘ TOtf fr tn sa who*«ere tn tfte- au(OR}oblJ« with hto. reiumlnr ^ from a week-end vacation trip, ^ also were severely Injured. the

i i f i i i i i ffi l u p i i l

Railroad Companies.-and Sii- ver Fox Growers Protest “ j* Valuations On Properly j ; ;

_____ fronmor

BOISE, Aug. 11 W>-The annual , 1,^ balUe belwten Uie ullllUea and Uie hnani Of equollzaUon and couniy u - seuors over uxatlon values was r*. turned (Oday u Um boon) began lUIwo'week seaalon. j

Argumenu (or what Uiey tenned n t“/afrer" vaiuattons wrre presrated tiy a nUie Ortgon Short Line, Uw Ohlcaso, hou Mllwoukee..§L Paul and PatKlc. tbe Oregon Waahington Railroad andNavigation company and the Spo* tikane Intemotlonal railroads, all jtfo claiming the level at whleh Uiey wereasscased w u higher than thst ot ( ( kolher property. beei

Their aruumenU were Intemipted tIn the afternoon by a complaint o( vmBoanevlUe coiinty tUver fox gnirem egnlhat (oxe* were atacscd beyond thdr ttay

"Thla s t«y ^ foxea being worUi a ■***? Uuwaand dollan a hleod I iu become , a mj-th," W. A. Baker. apokMman (or i f * lhe group, declared otter aummlog up recelpu (or a group o( peiu mar- !w keted Ual winter.

Plve years ago high prlcet were nol ..,1] excepUonal. he tald. bui ot a down Lj;: -pell».eold-last-wlnUUiooLhli.lml=. lory, only two brought glOO each, .vt^o.tbe.GUiauQld^aaJowMlX..'

WanU BedueUon iKe uked tlia t tbe anetsment for tjx

taxaUon bo reduced from Oio preient J'p' $100 a head u> ISO a bead, l u l year's level. hoi adn.\ted Uiov about u many foxes nw were t }ld each year as wen attested. 1 uUiej-oungmAUire-topelUngitoge ot In about eight montha. ■ pll

Appeals of railroads for lower u - thi

reducUon In revenues due to the groin atrole reduction ordered by Uie Inter- wojU te eooitneree.eonvnisslon, aa well of u on Uie botls of dlscrlmlnaUon. &W. Sawyer o( the Oregon Short Uoe,wnmed the board tbat the railroads EIn Idaho foced a "dlsatlroua yeor.” JuiHe predicted a lou of $1^00,000 lo haUie Oregon Short Line doe fo 'lbe ' pcjreduced grain rotes. <]

Defenbach RepUea flo

Uial unfair n ^ u d s tn reaching val- ^uailoni were being used, Byron Def- cat enbach. tu te treasurer and member an- of the board, uked what' would be sul the assessed value of f arms and oUier > sucb propeny-lf-ttwy-were aeeeased yoi

(C o n U n u iT o T p a ir rC o rT r"

[lO S iilE ^7 . - ^ ^

------- m(

Leviathan o( Skies Returns ISi to Mooring Mast After nn

Day and Night of Flying—— ............. lls

ST, HUBERT AIRPORT. Mont­real. Quebec. Aug. 11 (flV-The Brit­ish dlrlflble R-lOO LevlaUian ot the 8i skies, anchorcil to her mooring m u t ^ here at 0:40 o'clock tonlghl after a day and night's flight over poH ot eutem Canada ond a bll ot ..lhe w Unilcd States. ^ ^

Recently_renttitCfL-tftcr-sultwlnn- a.damatied tin on the England'to^ Canadn flight week betore last, the th big dirigible's Irip aiiswered the dual Duroosc.oL th o ^ ngJ3an«dUwytbf ^ latest nvlatlon developments,' atid letting Itie work done at tbe airport m here. Droning steadily along the d< atrpatJu.ln weather tha* .rarJed ” from 'b rlllla iil' tunihlne to 'ra in j,, «iualU and gusty winds, tho relum- e<i to Ult mooring mast la teemlngU; ^

The R-lOO cruised over Uontreal ^ Tnr-umfttwt'aur befow re tu riil^ to 'Ih t ^ ' J. The db^jlble lett her mooring “ m u t l u l night, and bulsed over Ot- te Uwa. Toronto. Lake Ontario . w d U NUgara Falls, New York. A t Niagara FiUs,'tbe dirigible croued lhe In- n tematlonal border, flying Avertfn ll. ned.atnfct u m w lor tha' t lr t t Ume. j t l

■TODAY:''’W i « p f ^


LDI8 IN1LE!.n o m ra it:EIT m 11-

eavy Rain Causes $500,000 Daitiage at Bingham and Water Moves Centerville and Farmington Buildings

(By Ttie Astoclaled Prett)N A L t L A im . CITY_ ^ ug. S 11—FloodT^hat ruahcd

down canyons bordcrinR ' ie Salt Lake valley today de- ;roycd several homes, filled Ihers w ith mud and debris, lodccd hffrhwaya and may ave caused one death.The worst damage was at inifham, picturcsquo mlnlni;.wn built along a narrow eanvon be.iT li ic m/ne.of UlSfTCffpWr-------:linpany. largest surface copper Ine In ttie world. Here the damage u fsllmtted a t Uie therifrt office ,U00,000.tfore lhan a score ot houses In tbe Inlng town were demollihed and a Ken families had parrow escapes om death when a copper dump of ore than' BOMO tont became u « r - :td with rain and swept lnu> Mark- t f f it gulch, IrlbuUry of Blsghaia myon. Iwv blocks (rom the main ildentlal tcctlon.At CenUrvUle, north o f th lt city [| the Balt U ke Clty-Ogden high- ty , a watl o( water iwept oul of nearby canyon, w a th l^ awoy

ouMt and flooding othera.Deatroyi Home

The home o( David Smith w u de- ;rercd by Uio (lood and » son of le family was reported missing thU ftemoon. I I w u teared he bad een drowned.Three persons hunUng for poulble

letlms ot Uie flood bad narrow et- spu at Ccnten-lUe, whero Jlrcstock. ay and tarm equipment w u car-IttLnwSi__________________At Farmington, also on the SSt

,ake Clty-Ogden highway three (oet f waUr flowed across the rood tor ome lime, thuuing off travel at hrco placet and flooding tarma and lomet. in Parley’s eanyon. eaal of his city, the matn tilghway between lere and Denver w u blocked tn

Principal damage w u caused tn lhe town ot Bingham, where tbe flood ot mud and-debris twept dowa ’ .be tingle main street, /iltlo r ' lomet and (loodlng the basemenU )f-others, u well u of busineu . louset.

The operaUng room ond one ward ) ( tho Utoh Copper compony’a hoa- )1U1 and Uie city JaU were omong the tlnlcturet flooded, ond pave-

st the mouUi o( Bingham canyon w u coveted with debris to a deplh 3f pne to 30 feet In tpoU.

Ne U u o( Ufe Bo (ar u known, Ihere were no In-

lurlea and ho Iou o( life In Blng* ham,' wtiere In Febniorr, 1B26, 37 pcrtont were killed in a. snowiUde. .

The tolal dimage cauted by the noodt rcachcd approximately »«».- »Q (oniBhu I t WM estimated Uie damagr in Uavis count/, IB WBlKl' ” Centenllle ond Fannlngton ore lo­cated. w u about 1300,000. Homes and other bulldlnga. cropa and roods luKered. •

Two Hoods swept down Ophlr ean- yonris mllcrwac-of-hcTe.'tn-rapld — lucceulon. tircaklng water pJpet. power lines, (Ipodlng cellara and ' blocking roads. The loa. w u call- paled at UO.OOO. „ ;“ The Davis county (looda droto nearly 100 persons (rom their homes, whlch-were-wrecked and tuted with iw r« n d :« ie k < . : - ^ . : _ . . . ^ 4 _

The mdtSTtlrsl limHc In tbeim ir... , r» g i6 h - -T r» » i« :^ s ra iy n p ^ ta o r;^ moved westward. Next ira ln i i^ in (he BlnghSffl canyon region, tendlru; lorrenls of water down tbs guUtca. The slorm then moved - northeast ond struck Farmlneton ond Center-' vllle, Foiu flooda poured down can* yons c u t of Centerville, carrying hugo boulders and ireea and crumtt-llns houses In their p a t h s . ____ ^

DebrU Bloelia Bead Piles of mud and rocks blocked the

Salt Lake Clty-Ogden highway In Uiree placet, tbo third Ume"ln two weeks that tbe rood h u been nude Impassable by tlormt.

Ttte homes of Herbert Sleeper. ‘ William Lnng, Henry Barber, David F, emtth. m r id Wlnn. - lla rlo » V ,, Binec.Dt!An.noberts3«lUlam4?ar.— rlth and Mra. Jenny SUwart were Included among thou demoUtbed by the torrenU. ' '

Mrs. Wlnn, her three children and '

ttniek tlielr home*. Mr.'Tltighes matned at the bome.unUl I t was demolished, then Jumped In an ef­fort to uve blmtcK. He landed la mud to hla neek and tils cries.for tietp broughl nelghbon; .

Two thoutand chicken* were k il l* • ed on Uifl.Batber roDCh- . S e w l

rocks. ■ i'. ■(Nesr Fsirmlngton, tbe ho«e-ot'..):|

Janatban -nujbes-w ts ■ sw p ftta to f t the htgbway, .Oreson'6boc^.;Usa,'. and BsaJberger Rjjlwsy trato. s ^ ; ,, ice vud ittvp ted asd telephont utegrspb lines were tora d o w a , ^ ; / '

PeeuUorly cnoosti. as U u 'M m a S t, '

l im .. -

Page 2: S Clark counly Jail lonlght, having' 000,000 teel ot slacked lo:i luai nieli In a fire at the company's work northwesl ol Chehalli.Thc

|r ' 'I- '" . w w if - ' ■

R: Hli iim I i K FEIH r " ..tFBCM^ “ 7 " :— O iB t - R a W - b y - A I

I S m ith In 1928 S

I I gers Over Nebras

l j j bam a and I n . A

I , (UyTheAisocUlwlI■ ' .A«)4«>‘artelro>UiUM■ , I . <Ud«<cs «donwd th« prim:■ - oni>-e (UtM UKla>-tt Ux■ tM dovn to Uifl MAko{f»:I ' KimtorlaJ eudldstn ttl*■ t tm i them In the fenen■ • . Th« <1us(k n lM d by

■ bunauid. Co«lMT(rrfafP■ k Mt. bui OkUtwnu w u K l■ I konaUtUckf from amend ■ I tnd the balUe ery ol prohl ■ I been ralMd tn Ohio..■ In Nebruka. Ihe i'cicr■ > u tx ^ tln s the rcMlu f r■ . ptlgn for renomlnfillon m■ Uun i«ntt«rlal ctndldaie■ fendlnj W i vo« j-t« ilns■ | mtnlMntlon tnd hU «upp

■ ] oppo««l by W. M ..8KI■ plediedhlnueltlomiirchlr■ the Hoover admlnlstntlon.■ I , A ltb vn t DemoertU wei■ I ! .............. poUi to Mlecl a fuce««ur I■ i I KefUn who w u evicted rro:■ ■ ty tor ftllure to support t■ ' m tio preildenUtl ctndldi H ' lln, ctmpolEnlns u an ln<■ ' h u nrrled the .Ilth l lo < ■ . wllh tn tppetl that the;■ tw ty {rom the prlmtrlei u■ i ' him (or re-e^eellon In Uv■ btUolUncr thto UU. John■ betd. Jttper, tnd Pre■ I. Thompaon.MobUepublUhe ■ , tending for the right to fi H then.■ | ' nsbloMa Ctm ptif■ Senttor Roblnton, the E■ t I ktder, tnd AUred S. SmlUt■ I mt(« in 192S. h u chtmpl■ * hlbltlon vltorotuly In hlB

I ln A rk tn tu for rcnomlntl primtry o( h it ptrty. He I br Tom W. CompMI, t L

_ Uwyer.■ The DemoertUe primary ■ : ~ ift OkUhoma hts been 11■ . cUthlcc. perKmtUtlei vlU■ ........................U» nature o ttna tlon tt Us ■ : ....... .........._«d_ l?..J ..W i1gt»U m tn i^■ I Thomas P. Gore, a fon«■ ' tn m Uuti Ittte . tre teeklnc■ to cany tba DemocraUo ■ , c tm ptlm tft ln s t Senttor■ RopubUeanlncumbeoWlnt:■ eleotlon. -Amnk BuU nin ,'■ ■ City, and WUlUm Murray.■ lo t the gubematoHtl noml m \ ' ' ' Twotenatorltletadldth■ I prohlblUon Into U» Demo< ■ < m try In Ohio. Bobert-J ■ , ; ClevcUod. ftvo n repeal, ai■ I ' 8 . Meyers, tUo o( c:eveli■ m odUloatl^ l lw other i ■ . (o rU u te n a t^ W .W .D u

H f • Ituax. Senttor Uc(Woe:■ ; publican loeumbent. bts n■ I opposition. He U a-'dry.”

IL -E lllE iMI; -OFWiiiI I . Coroner^s J u ry .' C(

I ' P a re n t Too k Ovi

H J A f te r M urde rin g

H ‘, I ' KIKSLEY. Kas., Aus.■ ' Deatfit o't 'Albert W ttU n■ - threo children. Erllne, 0;

________._a_and.C hvlu a, «ho6o ^I found ifl thtf ruuis of Um

^ 1 1 home here todty wero t^ H l . coroner’s Jury tonlfihl to hi

ed “from Btullne (ire « ' kins* IntcDl to k ill the ^

j himself.'*H I : After esUnsuUhlns ths b

^ noon todty. lltcmen.founc

H - ' 'U nduk 'repo rts hVKtd I klRSftwllRea thort time:

' blaze v u dUcovered. Mora; the widow and mother, « i, In a ruuuran t when theI dutnyed., Ptrtmen stld a porUb]<I letdlne to me itwm In i

^ 1 . ____ bodies. vetfi.lound tatcLbtup, the door v u fulened,

' .a rt l unbumed vool Man tound to have been satur

: Buollne, Blood found near ' fnui tuChoriUrs to bellere . ren may htve been shot I

m M (Ire lUrled. y ^ H v . l Mr*. Watkins said Uiere ■ H I »o family.trouble U itt m ■O H -.)________ caused WaUlns' tctlon.

A. K. Boowcl]. et Cmry™0 a . ------------- .bu.beaB appe ln l^ fiJW

: — — - .BE^BAn‘A n V S -/M > -l^ 8 i ^ ' *Bd Jeromt-Co. tar Ui

OBldoer Eoterprlte Co. 1 Inr rtbblU OB tha^eonUi

. 'j s i N H S - t k o u

I f l f T h e W e a t lT l i n m fO U C AB T FOB TOD)T l i u t U TOM0 UU>W-UBH(U«d|I unti)iMTCCl^ ot Twin iSn? w rI I I L u I U 3<>hour perfod |I I I I k U I U 0 yesUrdty. aeeordlr____________ report of the lovamment

. . . , - obaerrerbStnflnmiumten - A l f r f ld - E r for-U»-»tm* p«lod.*asJ<

Tbe h lfhetl ttmperstun

S'"' S5.wi’? S J £ '”' “ 'raska, A la - p p E s m g N T h OOVEJ

, A rkansas ^E A R S D ETAILS

DROUTH COM•d Pr*M) _ _ _ •

Jx ^vUn set- the Amerlean Ptrm Buittur wlrctlng the lion: C. E. Huff, prtddeaU itt aiu be National Ptm>eTa*'Onlon. aw n i clectlon. J. Taber, master of they Alfred B. Qrante. were called by Uie;

egree. ArJtaa- tecse of the farm boart sJj . echolnj p tr- prwent.

'T>'« »ncultural departiAc •ohibitlon htd - „ th e r wide bell 1

Middle Atlantic stales ««« t im n NorrU u,e MlssUslppI v*Uey“ hs< *M a ^pub^ eneed t ^ “driest p w ln s .i

ifE^uS'S: '™ * “»■»“ « • “ '* tw . lie waa S n d t t i S o i S i S t S j

sni.“& n K . “went to Uio The com crop waa expecio r lo S ^ t o r the smallest since IDOl. withfrom Uie'par- wrjhums likely (o bert tbe I^mo* to the lowest yield la moredldate. Ile(< >>«»■independent, The report aild Uie dnn

to the votera been fe lt farUier norUi uthey remain aonpit«rtttedttidwaiDovs tnd support even New York tnd XtchijaUw senertl Wlalervheatiraidescrlb<hn 'H. Bank- far advanced to be hurtFrederick 1. drought," while U» “ u iu tl isher. art oon- food crops" wts Indlctted.0 face-Heflln coren 11 SUlesitlcns The Amerlctn Red Oroifl DemocraUc to Uie prtsldent covered « HilU i'sn inn ln i wndltlons wero vetyS o n M ^ no t« serious IhU ctmoe^n ^ ^ > 1 ' tffecUnc some tn t l l ^ l n ^ The ouUook In Virginia tHe U o p ^ tueky a-ai reported Uw mos t UtSJe Jioci

The weaUier bureau clurarycamoaian P«dlcUon of showia eontS of •**> ' ^ « “ ® portions of

^ 'lU ^ s e n U U rt Ludlow. T iiiM tnA Wonned President Hoover

raURMuU-had-acrcM to «u tine Uie r lA t ntes on hay to IndUna polr So s ^ t o S l Mr Tijom told newspt'per itor Pine the r«U»fds In generat were : InUwgeAeral w U t Uw farmen la every'

Kendall,-omUiatlon. BI»ekbum, Kentucky, lales Injected presldent_eondltlou in thi mocratlc p rt- « « , “ tUplcw*le." They i t J. Bulkley. *ured by tha exeeullve Ui 1. and Oeor«o ««eney would be uUlUed to I veUnd. seeks fn tr RepresenUtlve AiweU. LDurbla John another White House callei

nd CtMriea V. mended to tha prealdent t ioch. Uie Re- PubUo building program be J no prlmiCy up « • means of reUevtn ty." ployment reniWngftwm the____ Senator Caraway. ArkanI m r n ’ ^ned to the capital todty I III X toremmtnt aod RL IV n OfflcUU. He stld ftrm en '

— thlefty-iJfeetedTthrwigh-ini I I I n n r i l "^ps for neu yetr «LuRENI I L U i l L I I R«i Grow reporta showed

condUlons-* In Illlnots eouot of apringlleld. Exhaustion

COflCltfdfiS >ouwf* « f drlaklOWIH.IUUM prt„nUng a -seriousn w n I ifA * ” <1 ^<o>th haurd" there, u w n L l ie The SlluaUon aUo w u i in C om llu “ “Mrlouj" Jn eaitem Kai ig F am ily *n h no unfavorable healli

tions u j e t . ---------------Conditions In MUsouri ‘

lg. U Wl - porled ‘ generally serious" kins and hU touthem half v llh a ll erops 0; Margaret, and IndleaUons of “extensl ) M l u were needs" tn the fa ll and wls U»lr-iw ri)fd "PW iy pef CM t'or Uie-o » held by a estlmtted to have been "di ) have resulU In Monttnt. where a watert wlUj .W it- ________________________^ r e n a n d ----------“ t ! ------ ---------------

IS blase about und the four - ,•oom. AT1» ^ • .

-------------------id aold Wat- ne before Uia ova Wi UUqs, w u at vork

he home w u

Ible suirwtyn which UiaLbeen.puUed_______________ _____led. and lev- lankeu were - iturated wlUicar UiB bodies ^ . . « - « • .

■ mlghl have i


ALBS REP^ _ - : - r -

h u n h mdUaet pUn..........- - - - — VJw . «o » H c i.-* li]= --------- * — - ip « u ia r i i« !y fc M

' — ------ Vhywa»MTaettiootl

b«i(. Yoa eaa get i t al ' lAd7,towo,sloo^tbi

Hoc <U)« oc eoU driia o t BMUKaln gtl ntrei bsnar labricati

t m U nortto to tlo f pbl Bay w bm yo ttM a i

- ______ ..------------ ^ - J W I N J A U a

i t h e r - . t . l P T ® ? ? '! * '* !

■ODAY AlfD • L ^ A a j t / l(dl prebabljr / W J S Hoxr.Aw V—re ln U ie T l- I wvo. u r - (— / I " T -------lodpreetdlof ( C / *~] —

“ H" v hhiwetl * u 40. _

m . ■ \ILS OFO N D I T I O N ---------------------------------

A N EN O R M O U S TO LI ___ In lh e n n U on 'j (an

m. and Ix>uU — ■—


P S S S - - P R O S P E C T S H -P C E K T IN F E W

r tn lm tin m (C o n U n a M rm n P .n 1 RtJwn I u t year.

w with 67W0W) busheU fore<in s K tS T o f '” ^ 1'

The. total production of U cMelly In August 1. wlUi Uielr IndlcaU »ld,M*Jmates ( in tl pr^uetlon Isst'yetr, I Uie basis of

gaj p f fw r r t j^ ijn ____CTcentimder Btrley _««• R ye --------------------------------cpected lo be Buckwheat______________w th hsy tnd piax aeed_______________0 be TtdUMd R ice '____ „lore than ten oraUi sorghums_________

H ty (Ume: tons)________drougtH htd H ty (wild: ion s )________1 u Uw sea- Betns (dry edible: busheU)oowtireetlng Apples <buiheU>_____■hijan. Peachea-------------------------cribed u 'to o P ta ra __________________lurt by the Orapes (tons) ■ualivpplyof PoUtoes (buMicU)>..........«!• Sweet Potatoes__________tlee Tobacco (lbs,) -----------------Orou report 8“ * ” Beets (tons)-----------16 stales and Broomcom (ions)------------vety bsd tn Hopa (lbs.) ... ....................>uslnothen, -me at a l l . --------------------------------------lla and Ken- w u presenting a terloui eatt mosiakrm- lem.

. "Forced Il?uldalten c f csU:

01 we ory teporllng board iiw IndUno. Mriousneas of Uie sltuaUon over U itt 11 *" ntUontl total of curre; , w pecu. but In the crltUal ai S ^ l e prevailing ln:eeruin-iute».- loertMn Uw ‘ he fact thst the drtwght wa ere re ljy to •ery wty poa- "The ooly tre u where cro

are expected to be aboi-e aVei all,-NewbaQ. outside the central drought

told the These Inelude WUeoniln. N< I their state aey. New York, New Engltr ey'were'a l- seutlrAtUntlc coast includli > that every em North Carolina. South ( I to help suf- land aeorglo. and the Wetle

including New Mexico, ArUon ll, Louisiana, Nevada, weslem Colorado,, aller, recom- nU, and Otegon.nt Uiat .Uie --------evta«‘ u«m ^ CHIEF CITES n c u n (hedrottghi omcAOO, Aug. f l M7-

-kansu, re- SlieeU. Wtthliiglon. chief ol oday to con- husbandry, Unlled Sutes Id Red Crou ment of agriculture, u ld toc e n would be Ihe drought h u resulted In i i-loabUlty-to UvesloclL.bela2_thr«vn.oj^i] ar and u ^ ket for sltughter that the A ba extended dollar buys more mett now

any time during tha lu l 13 iwed "serious in making tha itatemeni ]UDUea souUi w u summing up the flr tt da: tlon ot velU Inga of the annual conCtren laklog water state sgrirultunl experlmen lous problem tlons. the Unlled SUIet dep ere. of afrrlculiure. th# Amerletu described tute of meat ptckers aod tbe Kansu, but al Ih-eslock meat board.

leallh oondl- Shw ti said that the ftime

j r i were re- yetr tlian lu t . Por M cen'MS" In the the housewife can gel t slrops tffecled «-hleh the paid Si eenU Utensive reUef he stld.winter, .

le'CTops'WU Ptabce U second to the1 "destroyed" 8lal«.i in tolal rtgUlraUoni»ter shortage lomoblles.

L »I__.

r iq m o to r o il?wh, I tw t f a a m ............................

M tliM whea tba beat.

cpopalarbam saitUita U 0v a rtb a \r« t—rtb a m d .aU o is litK - tw h e ta | ) C <I gtloa —PtiuuoU a*> icadoa aod dooblad t t i i i i l i ipbaiBra.

aaa tba Pta&xoa alcn.

LS J j m a j J E W B ,JT O > r T ATJ A

; T a k e s H u i t e F a r m T o l l

'■ JIJ Ml I I - I '


V v

) L L ha * hccn taken b y he a t and dre farm areas. Sliaded po rtio n o f m ap i )8t seriously affccted,— W Photo,

n p year's crop.Oiher ip r ln f" wheat prod

‘ PER------ »ta-liM(lM led.aM14Ml,MMM IW,OOOW) buahaU

W D AYS E ^ l a monUi ago and I t t f ta Ona) harvested In IMS.--------------- Climated oaU producUon f

from lajii monUi'a forecut of orecut l u t 000.000 busheU to l,3H,Sfl8MC iheU In l u t compared with l HfiOOfiOO t

of oUier crops, as Indicated by Uielr cot eated production u ofUuly 1 thU year anc ir. follow:

Indicated Indicated---------------Aumisti • —-fu iy -i - - la s t------------30«,000.000 3JJ,000.000 soil.

IDO,coo 47»0,000 40,1________ ij.ioojXH) .......... . 11;______28.000,000 30,100,000 .. IflJ------------ 37WI.000 M,300«0 40;________ 9}>xi,ooo ________ ' 100;------------s3,soo,ooo as,400w> 101;------------ IIJOOWI 13.800,000 13;•U) ____ 33.000.000 33.000.000 Ifi,'________148,000,000 145X100,000 IM j------------4SJ00W) 47W0.000 43;------------ 34JOO.OOO 34.000,000 30________2» ajio,ooo a,_______ 373JOOW) 3MW»W) 380;------------ 6aj00,000 74.000W 84,'- ... ± - l,«gnM,flon r,BM,000M)I) 1,5IS;

________•'1J1D,000 7^00,000 7;________ M300 flfi OO............. 18,400,000_ 18,400,000 33;

Uttle prob- DUCrs IMAGE M IIfSTO............. PLORENCT. lU ly (/IV-A s l

;sUl* U the premier MosmUdI forluna, me , milestone h u been design

Emesl Thayaht. great-grandiId aold the n;-tm Powers, lato noted Amlon “ U not icuipior. ReproducUons of Uirrent proa- ngn a-ni appear all over Italj 1 eondlUonwis mrt £ ’ T lira TF F a ' POLlCE'AtBW

ill areu." CHEYENNE, Wyo. (ff) - 8MV.H v i.1/1. Uiroughoui Uie sUta have be<

aV?ra« a « “ >»»»« “ ’ o alrwa>-a f,Rht areas. arUJorfc-Unlau enga

New Jer- InlersUte commerce, fllera agltnd Uw lurled lo be licensed or regudlng-eut- aa-QU»llfled.alrmeo.______lh Carolina “ ,etUm aret The avertge cost a mlla tolxont,Utth, nlng t sU-eyllnder car tn Oelo, .Callfor- U estimated at centa.

lURES • ^iPh-t:. w. - . 5 Af of animaltes depart-today that ( J <Insomuch I J m K t A —n the mar- e A m e r l i low than at13 yean. /I Mi a L 4NJUiW JM

lent SheeU [ ' ’v ^ I D I P ^ ^ H E , day's find-■rence of 39 ✓mental sta-

rlean Instl- a ^tbe nation- ^

mier U get-

i i H ; | t o u n d t r i pI l u l yeir,

L o s A n g e lthe Unlled - - "lona of tu - F r a n c i :

” ■ ' 0 “ *'*!' Souihem C fomla, Soutbcm Pacific w ill (i you by wty of Saa Frasclm

j i f J f W toil. SCOMVCllatacWheo iw tgo i l * K

-r- - -..™ .'- ? ife^ but Hide more to see

r"""* ~ t a k Ta ho c " 0 eJ . M o a c l

M o n t e r e j i

Y o s c m i t e

The B i g TrccaT n v tl ts dw*a^tnTt!>rdii O m fW over the H

. S k f r^ j- l i l it b t frw t A»«{I I Rhte CaayoQ (ar below j-

1 1 ^ ' " ^ n i o f h t t t r a ^ to i\ m FiaaeUeo.9ualMdslIybetw

San Pnodseo aod Lot Aagt

V U ----------------------^ XoM psfrcmV.IU iB i i - - ^tra-VraMlMA-n'

DirenvUSeooI 6^ y li f f l i t

------------ l M A i W d « t . i 4 7 . »

f See I t & e l w • * ! .I .OtcdivUPottUad


g - i K^us,

3 'SontiiM,v .n ,n ,o v E W ,fr« g iU /n

g B B • ^r5o,MalaS^SaJtL^kaal

L S ,- ID A H O .-T U E S D A y -M O R N P

'“ B liiw* BACK WIEDm Mary Plekfon), Rod La

que and Vllma Banky _,-L^m ate s

IIOliYWOOD, C l , AUI. —Broadwty. robbed of IU aU|

L ent by Uie talkies, newest Q

B' of Uia enuruinment world, stnick back at Hollywood aw

' screenltnd.t doae of lu own

d ro u g h t The audible screen which ap above RuUi ChaUerton. Marilyn 10 Jaek Oakle, Ann Kardlng tnd

headliners from tha tooUlgl= s s = now giving up to Ui4 legli

stage, temportrlly to be sure. nmH,./ii«n »hlch loog have been movl

Plekfonl todsy conllltflOOJlM y,g .nnouncement, of Arch S’ New York producer, she will

N ** for a sttge appeiflM nH S i: u soon u a sulUble pla;

be found for her. Dusneis rumors she planned locondlilon from Uie screen for good. Sl'tnd Uielr plclures to make fortna ineir ^

to the sUge only for eight U u t Yeat- between

40^00,000 u Riwiua and hta wile.11,800.000 Banky. ara to be co-starred bIflJOO.000 wyn In a play adapted 'froi4O300W0 Hungarian by John Emcrsoi

100400.000 AnlU Loos. The blonde Vlli101400.000 Hungarian, learned lomaq 13W400 wllh Ronald Coleman ata ai Ifi,700,000 »uindlng success In silent p l

183M0,000 bul'when "talkies” csme her 4SJ00W) llmlied her to foreign ch trtd31400.000 Uons. She U now in Europe.. 2,100.000 Coincident vlUi the tn iii

380400400 menl MUs Plckford, MUs :84.700.000 and La Rocque vere retumi

41S400400 the leglUmtte sUge. eame t74J0400 locally U itt Colleen Moore, fUi

47,300 also h u signed v llh Selwyn. 133.300.000 demands have prevenled her

_________inc new motion Bfeturc.corsince the completion of her et

STOrfE ment wlUi Plrst National -picti A M*ry Duncan, who camo I, films after playing In "The fi

hal Gesture" on Broadway Z nouneed she aUo had tn offei

A ^ J Ir .n 8fl»yn- 0he h u nol Ind If tta S ? will tccept.I tt ly .

RAILWAY UTILIZES TRUiBWAY8------ SAOPAULO,-Bniill-MVL- Sheriffs freight tr tff lc because of ' ) been en- truck competlUon. h u led I » for un- Intugurallon of lhe flrs l o< sngamd In n«ntary truck-rillv ty ser%-l r T « rt“ Bratll. regUtered

a tor run- K jw a y « fe £ a s ^1 Oermtny Q


ip 1 ■

i le s 'c is c o j in Call- Ifelj'i l l uke a«Iko 4t IUlovcr i f K

6 e ~ • ' im ’ ' ' " 'J :'

c e s O

rd iS n ------I S --------------------- ■“ —w H llb M ou ic ta i n

* tSSan 'S

t e l ^

lit: ■

• i f - — I -------------------- ---------

-------- - -------------------------- -------IS . '....................... . ............ .. ■'

?*•”17 • ' :i iciia

^ 1 = —•feJW/y . ||


im i , ' ^ t efc

n N G ,-A y c P 8 T - i2 ,J i9 a o

IKES.a Roc- h y B lv e

11 ^SUge tal-I OolUUi ■Id, today and gave TO medi- V'

llch took n

oUier IlghU, u


nnflrmed I Selwyn, vui go to ■ ipearanco, ^play" can . vled. how-! to reUra

“ 0 “ DOROTHY BELL GOF HI relum unanimous selcctior ;ht weeks beauty pageant—W


JOHNSON- CITY. Tenn, A (JT)-8lx llvea w u Uie toU ton: a fire which early today destr

nfiounce- four room,eolUge b u t ,hcn. IS Btnky Charles W itt died UU Ux im lng to bums received when he all e reporU through flames and falling U (llm sUr Hugh L. WUt, hU son, who

'n. StUry escaped Uie (Iro which bun her sign- death hU wife, tvo amall cl contrtcU tnd broUier, L C.'W ltt, tm r engtge- Reeder. ElUabeUiton, v u In 1 ilclures. cal condition at a hospital hi 10 lo Uie nlghU-

Cftlef WJiaJey, after an fr.-' UgaUon, said evidence Indlci

'inQicaiea ^reached fireworks stored in t room—

Mra. Hugh W itt. 34. her ch H u g h rr jr r^ ra iid M in e n B aol motor J. Q_ 15 jnd

er 'lce In — — — ——Venezuela h u 15 airport

K ip li]IT IS recorded of this v once remonstrated wi'tl publication from wliict cut. “Why, you have tt section!” Mr. Kipling s

'Advertisements are any time since the ir ■chants and manufactu

i-. -ments-moB^ompete-f ^high;pn'cedWuthors:aii

' I f you are not a regi ■ in 'this paper, this is a

quaintance. You will find them friendjy. Tl

“ takecdnsiderablestrai' etbooks,

Read the advertiser ing. Believe them beea' suggestiqiis because it fore you pick up the te

— phone bookrBefore-yoi vertising columns of th


. Don’t stop ) and editorials. Tl


Ulss AmerlcB T itle '

— II III III , ,.!)F F of Ncw Orleans was the ju Ion as "Miss Amcrica” n t Galvi -(/P) Photo.. .

It landing fields, all owned b:W govemment.

lESStt e x t r a f in e

. AUI. 11 ' LUNCHESlonlght ofji»,«i. SERVED ATtoday of _ _alumbled ¥ T - ' ' 'i l Varney■nd PWl - .in . o ltl- COR. 3rd nnd SHOSm

NORTH« ija v w -

JlmiM From 11:30 u m n Cloi

i H b25 H "” ' Cooklns

*lMren, Souos Salads Sandivl

’X ? : ~ ~ Short Ordtrs '

- ^ DRIVE INnrU and ._____________ _______

'ifiT iiiT ii'-......

•^avorite ing S to rj! weli-krimvn'British authc ith a friend for having st ch the advertising pages thrown away the most in fsaid.■e more interesting todaj invention of m'ovable t j turers realize that the if a i-fofcinterest-with-the-wo aBd:iiluafccator6.~^^ gular reader of the adver a good time to cultivate 1 find them interesting. They show .you where to ainoffboth shoe-leath& i

lements because they ar« ause they are tme. Act u i t w ill pay you in many ’ telephone, you usually cc ■ou^rt'out'tirshop, consi this paper. They w ill give themerchandise you-war

) with reading-tlie-new3- The advertisinK columns [ually important

. OLYMiillAGTS.' ^ PWTBIBlE|'5i

OLYMPIA, WaalL, Aug. I I g i - P Ia s U flg .a .l(u d ^ w a i l ^ W B ttaa BlUa may be u a c d u a m

booklatbapublUaebooUofl iGSk InitoQ vara announead today


^ ' l ijte jS ^ M B tA tto ra e y Q « » w., which held proplnlona ot Um attemey genar decUred analogous queiUou i

' ' S ' (UtuUo&aL ' t Andenon u ld Informally tfa ^ w ty open tc Dr. sho m lta

through an amnidme&t to Uu g . consUtuUon. .

“ In th? acho^ U frequent > iV comes neeeaatry.^-Dr. Showalu L..:, T explaining hU plans. "U> retar L^V- Bible because of Its relaUoot IS 'I'. te»t booU on llteraHire and hi

- p A 3 in f lB M N 9 - l« » a iB - lB i MILAN. lU ly IM — Amr

planea of Uie StvoU-83 type' K ' ' used on the Seville, Bptln, <

Islands route.

3 B ’ -judges’Iveston ' b e ti. you buy a ct

— H /Z rZ :rB K

= C o ffe eEi

i t is always

r Farni I j th e w rd i For air, flattCQ] the flarar ofconcc. i (iletcly removed from K ills

( m .vacuum a m and hpt eut. ^ V ligh t cans w ill keep eolTcc

JONE.(lavorful a* whca i t comc: [he roasters. The . ccn is

losing » r ' « J ' * t . h = i c r .

CfUnI!nl K/iilht

i n S it U n a f i B

0 )«3I.30K roA 77» Muji oa n

y; :lorthath'e c,sent him a . ______3 had been in teresting

ly than at type. Mer- announce-'rorit W'ihe;'-— — =--

irtisements e their ac-':. You will 0 stop andr a n d p o c k - T ^ — | ------------ --

re interest- upon their ,■ ways. Be- 'consult the ___ _______sult.thead- re you a di-in t;-- “ ____


Page 3: S Clark counly Jail lonlght, having' 000,000 teel ot slacked lo:i luai nieli In a fire at the company's work northwesl ol Chehalli.Thc

’ C a rd s \V ' •■'i* ;

— BrooklpCracks. In Ninth to Lose

E rro rs b y B ls s o n e lte ,, am

Three H its , L a s t. S In g l

by F risch , Spell Defea

Fo r Invaders F rom Eas

axrionKV L u g i t .CiMhH- L j j l rc

H i " J n u . : z z z z : z i i7 » jj

S r . ” ‘l z = = 5 ! S :!!^ PWuSelVlil*_________ J* ’ • j i

A . . (Dy Tho Asiocl»t«l rrcM)« T . L O U I S . A u r . 11- ^ B roo k lyn Robins, crnch ^ in tr in lh e n in th inn in f dropped a dra m a tic Rame t the S I. LouiB Card ln n la, 7_t

* (>. today lind fc l l fro m ih ^ e a in th e N atio na l league tho hlld been Ih c irs w ith b u l tw fh o r l brcnliH sincc ea rly Juni

W ith th e Kumc apparcntl H icly tlowcd away and HoIIlt Thun ton pliehlng nlee!y.,lhe Robins too

'A i&o-nin lead Into Uie n ln lli, bi tKo errorx by Del OLsMneitc, Brook lyn f lr t t bawman. hi* IbU throw 1

. t^ird. nnd three hits, the lu t j in jle hy Fronklc Jtlieh. up-endt the baltle and save the Cardlna l i ir if Sourih ttralght vletory ol

' lerles/ Oy bcatlns the Doston Bravi Acaln. ChtCBBO climbed Inlo the lea by tha small margin o( t perccnint point.

The tloblha how inoi'c” OiriO'Ch cago (or^a viial (Qur>canie s(rl(<r~

nnooKUY» AU n i i o aFttrttrlclt. c l ------------« 1 J < 1aiibftt. : h _________ s 1 3 0 1

rr ....... . 3 l l i oWritht, M ............... -.2 0 0 I <niuOMUf. Ill -----------3 J 3 's 1

l lZ 2 Z '~ lZ 3 0 i 3 0Hr«jler. I t -------------- 3 ® i i "no»m. 3B — _____3 0 0 a. 3Thunlon. p ____t____3 o o u uJ-helpt. p ------------- -.0 0 0 0 0

--------------TOUU____________ so t IIJJS I#: Two out trlien'Wlnnlne run MOtffl.

( 6T. LOUIS An n 11 O ADoulhll. c r -------------- a 0 1 1 0

, Ailunji. ID __________a 0 1 3hlicll, 5ll . ------------ S 0 i 3noiiomkr. ... 4 I 1 os a ; . ' , , : : r = : ! ? 5 !

----------- 5 S ; , “Johnion. p _________ 3 1 1 0 0QtaMwikt. p _______ I 0 n A 1• • l l l ih ------------------- 0-0 0

TuUU ....................34 1 « XI IJ• DttlKl tof Witaon in nltilh-

DMiKl lor Oribowikl In nlnih.Drooilrn ____________ :oo IU 000-eu Loul* ...... ................-m 000 oo3-

Summ&ry: T»'o-bi«e hits—Ollbt 2. Douthit, Lopez 3; thuce-base lilV Dollomlci" home run*—Fredcrlc Herman; double plays-Walklns \Vl?ion lo Mums. Qelberl fo WJI*

_______ to Adams, Adams lo Frbcli ^ Dolomley;' V iim in j pllclicr—Orabo< »kl; losing plwher-Thurston.


day made a sweep ol their (ou name sMes wllh Boston, 4 to 3, wl Bud Tcachoul. younR led-handi Bivins lhe Braves six hlu.

Tlio Cubs pecked uway ol D( Cantft'cJl io r 11 h lt^ well eoou;

------- huDcticd.tQjcprfi tlie nccmary, nitWalllc Berser soi a sUt>homc run the nlntli when Hack Wlbon ml ludjfd his long. hlgU Hy.

IKWTON AD n II 0 ACh»ih»m. 3b-------------4 0 0 0 1Uuanvlllt, M ---------I l l sK W = = = = ! ! ' ! r is : s ' , ? = = i : 1 i !Mi(ulrt. Sb 1 0 0 4 3CAntwtll. p _____ ,,1.3 0.3 0 3

ToUIl >_!________J l 3 e 31 13

* 1..........® j '5 5TttcDout. p T T T Z Z Z j o o o a

TOWU ---------------- .33 4 11 » 13tualon____— — OOO 100 001.

___ V&icAga — ----------- ___^ .010 010 lU-8ujnm»ryrTw<HbMc“hlt«-^(cp

cMon 3, Blalr. Welch; home, run Berger; double plays-FarrcU lingtUh to Blalr. Maranvllle to M eulro 10 SUler.

^ ■ PnTBBUBOH, Aug. I I - P H I - burgh Pirates halte^-a losing sire

thst had reached live straight tod

to «ln the (Inal same ot the »crli BUS.

U rry Prench. knocked out of li iMX'In the ( Ir tl game o( the serji

------ --- eame back to-hurl line ball to rrt- In.the abilJlwheniD

Terry nicked him (or a home r »lth‘ IWO men on.

NEW YOHK AD R H O ACjIU. Jb ...... .......... .TSi 0 0 3ilHn. c l .................. -.S' 3 3 Q

. - . . . g a a 4 l H( S K . I i z r r r d J ! !

I wtcntu..p t 0 0 «ChmiO,~p________ ..1 0 0 3l ^ l t , _________ ,0 g g g

■ - n iu ii__________ ^ i » J411

1- • D»tt«d ior michiii- la mm. Batted (or Piualt in nlnlli.

prrrsDimau ao n h o a

i I. Woarr. cl ....... .... ■—J > 1 ■ S. 0■, t,P .W »B«r.rt--------------« a a 1 0■ f >* I I O O

W h ip R o- -

a 1 ^ tUlW PUT V l WWiTTJHA <H OHVdu«eHAiMflit,0eTuoBi______ / ^ H , ^

T O ARS w y M JJmp w ■ 1 C V CAft * 0 ,

H I 'and r r R c S 5ig ic

'ca t V /

ia s l

||DedoNineWlnpsr " Twin FaDs Team

11- ____lick*linn, V ic to rs Force B ra in s Intc

T r ip le -Tie F o r In la ii i

" T m p i r e League Le aJe rsh if

tw o I --------une. 1 iNL.\so r.MrinR i.i:a(si.t.

’ I Clubv— Wan LoU I’f ln t ly T»m i-»u*-----------------4 J .«•

SJJi'y--------------------- } ' U'took J ^ ;^ s , r - . r r r “ . r : : r ; * i m. but Hhsthsni______ _____ i 4 JJr o o k - ------- — -■ ..-.a » M>u . DECLO. Idaho. Aui. l l iSpeclal U

Tlie Ncws)-I>ec:o forced Twin J’lill; I ' a triple He for leajue Icadcrshli

,v“ |here Sunday when the honic clul ' round ruHmer'a offerings much U , ” 5 i Ihclr llkln j. Pullmer got along ver;

• well for two liin lnjs but early In tin third, a triple. Uo homers and 1

‘ t<oublc cauied his fBtlremcnl In favo•cni—df-Lyosr-McNtinj'rBruin-citctwT!sr ; wai*ii'iiln Uie niUUt; slar tor hts clul A E while .-ill ot the local.t lUi well ani } “ fielded wllhout error. ,0 0 ' TWINFALLS AB R H PO A l4 0 Mc^{cll>•. c .......... 5 1 3 _8 1? ’ PnuLwn. l b ----- :... 4 1 :■ 3 0 '0 D Undholm, 3b ...... < I I 1 ■0 0 Click, 2b ..........-....2 0 I -J 13 . Orchard. 'Jb........—I I . 1 I 0 '1 2 Wllllnms. ct. r f ......i I I .3 0

J L ; Adkins, rt, ef - .......4 0 1 2 0 'i» a,Shohoney.M....... -.4 0 1 1 2t»a. I soulh, I t ........ ........4 0 0 3 (1A E Pullmer. p ... ..........1 0 0 0 1“ ® Lyons, p ....... ........ 3 O O O I

0 0 ] ToULi ... -....... ...30 5 l l :4 7I S ' DECLO AB R H PO A 1

■ 3 0 B. Sjuilonl, C...........0 1 2 3 0Pfmm.31>......... .....4 -3 -I 2 0

, I 5 B.WllHnntf, l b ....... 4 3 3 13 0. 1 0 llamllUM. 2b ..... ...S 2 3 2 1;"0 0 , Andwwii, ••( .— 3 2 0 5 2“ j r i OMcrhoul. I f ..........5 1 1 3 0

I C.irter. p nnd r f ....5 1 2 0 3I Doru, rt and p .......5 0 2 1 3

000-fl E. Oswrhout, M ..... 5 1 2 1 0003-7 -------— ----------illbcrt Totals ...............21 14 IS 27 I.Shit— Scorc l»y Inningstrick. Twin Falls...............100 002 200-ns lo Declo...................—.107 311 OU-1

Summan-: Tvo-ba»c hito-AfcNen ..yoh-,.ly,.SantoM.JIiimlltoa..C.-Ostcrlioii ‘w * '* carter; Uiree-base hlls—McNeal:

Sanford: home runs—E. Willlanv Perrins, D, Williams; double plays- E.Osicrhoui to Hamllioato B, Wll

u to . , llanui; Mruck oul—by Pullmer 4, L> four- ons 4. Bort* 3., wllh —inder. JEROME II. SHOSHONE 7

SHOSHONE.- AlU. I I (Special t D en The Ncwai—Jeronie detealed ll:

Doujh Shoshotienlnc.llto7.hereycslcrda nmn. afternoon.______________________

fO R l^ ifo A M E OAKLEY. AUB. I I ISpeclal to TI:

) A E Ncwsi—Ooodln;i lorfcltcd lo Oakle.> } 0 fi to 0. by not appearing on Uie seen1-t S of a scheduled game.herc.iutcrda 1 0 0 aftemooQ.I 0 0 • 1 ' ' ■ , j = =I u 0 Pool, e ..............—3 'o 0. 4 l ') 3 o:tt«ncb. p -----:-------- -4 I 3 0 JI I j O ' Tbial. ---------- 42 s f« liLA E*N'» TfO'k___________:.0M o il 010-

I 3 JJ I summary: Tworbaso h lt*-0 'Fa t ! S g ' rell, Jackson. Terry. Ftcnch. P. Wan i~or’-u u P i$ o t^ ra o » tC ^ '^ « 1 iy »-o 0 doublo-plays-Eiiglo'W TJalrlcll I j 0 Q Sulir; losing pitcher—Chuplln.

> a » CI.SC1KNATI 4..I>lilLLlES 2I 12 I CINCINNATI, Aug. I I (/!■) - Ra001-a Kolp held Philadelphia u tlx hli‘i* T t todoy_jind_won l pltclier'(eph- battle from Ray Bense. Tho PhlilfeniD— dia not secure a h ll until the slxtU U) Inning. AfUr scoring a rtin In Ui> Ma- first Inning, lha Reda sewed up Ui

game In tho third, scoring twicc. PHILADELPHIA AD R H O AgtjSg*n=r)-Mtr

ilreak Klein, tf .JI_________ 3 0 0 4 0today Hunt. I b ............. . ^ 0 0 1 0

KriCS. TBtlBO*. U : ______ ,..3 0 1 3 4•OismsB .1 0 J 0 D

if Uie Tttt4i»___________J3 3 f l :«10terles. • mttcd lor Tbn«naw in nlnlti.

6 run sirlpp. l u ___._______ 4 1 1 ia 0

15 s m i,- ; :— — ! ! J S !I j ; g r / - = r : i ! ! J !

I J o,cio«otuH ----------- ;__ .io j OMois-' ®| Bummary:Two-basehlt*-Thomp

I 0 u'*oh 3. Callaghan. Strlpp. Pord I 3 oj double playa—Thompson to Thcve I 0 0 now lo Hunl. Cuoclnello to Pord I L i i strlpp.H I 3 , — — — — —


I A * AnnawJo Aguilar. 113. won a 10 I ■ 0 0 .round deeUlon over Jos Ttabon. Ml I 0 o.KansasCltr.heralonJshUThoChlt ' lndlan_knocked Trabon dow:, ; g In the second wund Yor a count 0

[tb in s AmI Urban Faber Wins Game for Chicago

[ ■“And'Mscks iiiniir' S p it Ba ll F o rbe T A th le tlc H lt-

t te rs to Roll O ut to In -

tie ld lo r M ost P a r i and

r W h ite Sox W in b y 8 to 3

iWL AMtniCAS tEAOVC___ Clubt- Waa Lo»t Pfl.

Phlli4»lphU_________11 . I I .»!•~~~ S ,41 JM

S g g u " --------------g «

I t n Auoclated P rtu iT ^ 1 I1 I,A I )E I,P H IA . A ub. U

. K - U r h n n Fnbcr’s «p it ball , , * hnd the HluRKinR A th le t- in to leg ro llinK ou t. to th e in fie ld l«nH

the ( hic:i};n W h ite Sox «on. i h ip S lo M . '

K iilic W nlberg. w ho sta rled in the hn \ Tor th e Mackmcn. i c n l i f te r belnK slapped fo r five riiii.s In ilie third Inning, CL . eU

,«T dlmaxed Ihr uiiaek on lhe toulhitaw •“ ! by lilliln;; a Home run with lwo on

bMC.■*•0 CII1C.\C10 An It 11 O A 1:

lal to WstKOtxI. l l ............4 1 1 1 0 0W h frilll, l l .........,...4 3 3 1 U UJollM. II __S 3 a J I) 0

rahlp ci«ii, 3S -----------4 i a 0 »• 0elub ci»ncr. it> ............. ._ i 0 i 1# 0 0* “ K n ’' - t i l ! ! .'S .........--J-LVJ.-rnrt a Toui. ......:s s la « m 0

I club cocn’r»iip. <■ " ' Z ''^3 D I n I 0and Blmtnon', ll ......... .. 4 u 0 1 11 0. BSV,

■ A'E nrl:t*. 5» 4 1 0 3 2 01 1 ItolfV. f . . . 4 1 1 0 1 0

0 0 M»iir/ifV,‘’p i 2 J S ii 01 I P . . « S 0 9 0 0 0 0 TOUI. . . ' j i 3 7a: u "o ° * • Ilallril Inr M»ru|(fy lu .pxcnlli.0 0 chi;»E» lOJ 000 :o.i-s2 0 i-nii»Uf);>ii;, 100 ww0 0 Sumnmry: Tao-bii.'C h lU *-'K rrr,1 0 Jolley. Siimnia; home run—Cls.sell: 1 0 double pl:iyi~Mullenvy in Clancy.

------ .Mahnttcv in Cci-hraiie In Dykes.7 4 Ulahop' lo Uyk(..s; p;ic lie r-

I A E Wnlbtr;:.0 0 -------0 0 W.VjlUNGTON 9. CU;VE1.AM) S0 0 WASHINOTON. Auz. 11 l - n -1 (I Washlnitlon Senators made l l three2 0 oul ol live lodny in llie lr Ktle«, wllli ; " Ihe Olevelnnd lndmii.%, wlnnin; 0 lo 2 “ 2, beMlnil llie ncady pilehins of AI- 2 ® vlll Crov.dcr.'* . Loo.' e piny on the p.ut ol*

„ lnnd aided in much ot lhe tiolons “ scorlnit.

I CI.I:VtXAND All R II O A t 10— 5iMu»M':>lr. M - ... 4 « 0 I J

;NeA-'Mmiian. >0 -........... i j I l i I I■hoiit, ....... ........< 0 I * I I; je a i r . ln ; w r i i : 3 i ) ~ : z : 3 o ■ 3 »Hams. M>Bii. c ....................4 u 1 I 0 t[a js_ jll.iiirr. p ---------------- 1 u 1 0 1 c, W l l - ... ..... { 0 0 0 0 I

1 • ih iir ii lor'iUrticr tn tilih.' •• llallnl for Millet In nlnih.

lal to WASHlNaTON an it i i o A illiC M>rf. ab----------------- 4 3 J 1 4 I

erday j j 3 u 1

MVoi.’ ci 0 (I I 0 (0 The 0 U-1 8 0 I akley,lcro«der. P ---------- :-.. . f i. 1 u 3 1

Tou u-----------------J4 i t io n la I«<!“ >- {• .....................OIO OM oia-:

W»r.lilnilon----------------104 110 iO*-l------- Summary: Two-bose hlts-Hodapp:

Crowder, Harder. Cronin.. Bluege. \ 1 ® hnitie run—Morgan; doubl* playa- !_ 1 _ Myer to Cronin to Ktilicl.Alunlagui ’ ] j 0 10 Ilo3app to'Uorean; loAng pitch- 010- s cr—Harder.9I»— ------— p---------------------------£> F a t-'; ST. LOUIS 10. NEW.VORk ’s'

eir io ' tiiaiiercU loday. by Rip c;ollins anC Ucorge Blaeholder who pilclied thi

! Drowns to a I0>io>3 victory In thi1 2 I iinul. t i l. Louis appearance of Uii - Ray :eii5on a l .Uie stadium. Wlillc thi I hlls YanHs wr:<, strugsllng lo B«l flvi Cher's hlls, lhe Bnn-ns .clouicd 13. fom iiUHea of'thcm homera. Qooie OoSiirBoi slxUi il iialp. Blue and • O'Rourke om a Uie ajiiccc.D Uie or. LOUIS AIl R U O A 1

----------'-S-II 0 0 Utllllo. 3b ■ ■ 0 1 I 0 I, 0 0 O'llourlie, 311_____ iu-A I 3 o o i' 0 0 liunsllng. e ________ j i l j o <1 0 0 cumm, p..-.,------------ - 0 0 0 0 I-3~TJ imnioiaerrp ------- ._..I-1-0-0“ 0"I

L L ' 5 '. ! J10 I Comix. 1( --------------- J 0 u 0 0 <

ctrroll, p ____ II 0 0 0 0 1

•®-g aM n g .-n p -^^ S S * :^ ,-3 -i- |-t-a -i; ? : lucf, r l ~ ________ i 1 0 3 0 1

' “ Ury. »» _____ _______ 4 3 3 3 3 1: g \ ^ A * : = z z = : l ? S J ? {

“ » UcJtroV.Vnr - . ------- } 2 S 0 0 ‘^ - r ; ' ■ .. '- . - i g j ° o ]

heve« .. .. - 010.003 oio-< :^ y, sumraarj': .T?« hii*-Oos. ™ “ ilin . Dfekey. Kress. U ry ; home nuu

- O ’Routke, Ooslln 3. Blue; doubli plays—Re«« to .L t ry lo Gehrig Cooke lo Jorgens; winning pllcher-

I ,0. CoUlns; losing plicher-Sh:rId. •

*Ch!?-‘ BOSTON 5, OETnOl'T I down, fiOSTOrJ. Aug. I I (4^-Red nt bf/won tfte fastorihefrTqur-Bam

•t w in FA LLS DATLV:

id N a tio n5 Sundays Games« AMERICA^EAQinS[ I Detroit 4. Doiton 3.

.New Vork 14.m. LonU 11. Washington I«, Cleveland «.

T , NATIONAL LEAQUB St. Loula 8*4. Robins 3-0.

U Phlllles U-4, n«lsO-3.‘ - • Chicago 6-11. Boston I - l . ..

V No other games scheduled.

r 'A C in c COAST t tA c v r no Seals 12-4. S la^ S-7.

^ Senaton <-4, Oaks 3-J.3 Angels 13-8. MUslons 1-3.

Portland 4>10. Oakland 3-3.

I Twin Falls Golf 1“ Itari Win Game

' ■ . ..

i ^ j k l a g i c C ity T a le n t Sends

Invaders F rom -, R upert

in d i and B u rle y Home Beateno n ,' • ' _____

* Twin Falls Counlry club ROlfers *‘ ” ;iun!fd th f Invaders from Burley and

Ruperl back f t l the locol club's links ytjierdny. winning by a jcorp of I7 ti

■ 'j^]lJoinii Burley tcored 0 ond Ruperi o n ;lJ ’ ;.

; A jpeclal match between Oeertsen, s i : , protcjiilonal Instructor tor Butley,« 0 ; Kverelt M, Sweeley. and j : J. Wln- 5 3 utholer. Twin Palls, developed Into I) 0 a cln e conteil, the wore being >• 0 Sweeley 37. GeerUen anrt Winter*“ ® holer each 38. Par for the course J S 15 38.* “ Indlvldnual scores and iwlnls foi*

0 low:\ K : Player Score Points

O-Ggfruen Tliir li-r . ' M 3I Turner. Rupert ...............OR nII 0 Sweeley. Twin Palls ......M 0

i “ 'Hrtland, Burley ...... '.. . .101 0I 0 Colwell, Rupen .... . 97 0 1 u winierholer, Twin Pulls...B3 3

H 2 ' JJJvld'on. Burley 95 0— il/:wi.<, Rui>:rt .... .............89 2• ®:i;Smunrt'. Twin Palls ... 97 2

J lJ lt l lrh . Rurley ..................91 0 . 'iCiilberi'on. Rupert ......... «9 2

pl].'iAk.’sanUer. Twin FnlU . 92 1

i'*;'.McMlllnn; Rii?ley .........92 I ' ir f l Aciitf. R u iie r l................ 97

;Jp:;nslon, I'win F.ilH. . 9r, 1

, , lHarrl. . Burley............... Ifil 1’ • -Rh't. n«/N'n ............. ___ 9 4 - 2-1 - 1 Neni, 'fu'in F a lls ............ 100 0iree --------vlili-Warren, Riirlfy ..............P3 ' iD 10 Nelion, Utipcr. ............... 03 2 'jAI- Tal>er. Twl;i Kails .......... 103 0

'.ve* Kelmerdiiitter, Burley ....113 0lons Olbjon, Rujieri ................ 03 3

i Colwell. Twin Falls...... 100 0A K'l --------i jllPcncc. n-,irlcy ................. lO.S 0u 0 1 Ouyer, Rupert ................00 3I UPntls^I. THlii FhJJ,-! ... ..... 100 0 ■

0 0 Armsltonc. Ruperl ..........106 ' i1 0 Stephan. Tw ill-Fa lli.... -..104' 0

u S Praxr. Durley ................ 93 0— Spry. Rupirt .................. 07 0'■* * Hulqhlnson, Twin Knlls.... aJ 3

. J. Helland. T . Dtirley .......108 '0J 0 TaJa. Ruperl . . . . . • W2 ti 0 0 Ostrander.E.J..Tv.'ln Falls,91 3

n ii itr . Ritrli'V .............,, 'x.0 0 Roper. R iiix ri ......... .'.....--.09 0» 0 Hill. Twin F.ills ...............95 ■ 2 'i

-LJl Tirpmpion. Hurley - ...... 115 0la 0 DoBbj. Rupen ............... 121 0 •IW Rltehgy, Twln PalU-------^ IDfl— 3 -

M a n y H u n t e r s T r y

S l ^ T o G e t ^ g e H e n s

"everybody and,lils ,dog.-_«.tnlminllHg^utidaylin<t p*srwWD,le,re.i»riaUiidlcotcd,;UiRt,„Uifc.,oc«itefc p rp sN ^tu toc io ry to-ihe-hMnlera.'

"7“ u was rcW .M Uial'*W re wtre a good mtny birds north of •r t in ro lri and Uaat Uiey were relaUvely warce

“ I ' lo Uie souUi.- ___________

IM JOE D U ND EE GETS DRAWfour . ___________*8 ^ ' PITTSBURGH. Aug. I I WV-Joo one Dundee, iio>,. BalUmore.'. former . '_ welterweight champion, fought 10 ^ r rounds to a draw wlUi Jack (Duck)0 0 McTleraan. 1S3U, Swlssvale. Penn.0 0 syh-anla. here tonight-■fl'o» 0 S to i ; Uiertby splitting even on lhe 0 0 Krlcs. Danny MacFayden held lhe 0"0 T litriToThrec hlta.-lwo onhem-Jjy— Paul Easlerllng. The.vUltora' only Ia K nin was farced In by MuePtydtn'i0 0 wlldneai In lhe fourth.

1 S • ;

0 0 8wn». 11___________ :.4 0 0 3 0 0; I s r r 3 r : ' . . = r r i t i i r .1 0 0 I 0,1 0g ° C a . » B . p „ . . _ o _ ^ o 0 0 0

■ ____4 0 I 3 3 Ui-;io wJKl‘ r tV -H —i m l i a '0 0 0 >— a Oiuer. ef - ■ « 0 1 3 0 0301- iff - • « 1 1 a 1 0

ling, — ■ I I I —e r - TbUU___________ 34 S 10 37' 9 I

D«u«ii _ — — OOO log 000-t Doiion a il OQI ooz-i

Summao'i T5>;o-baM hlUp-Euter- ling. Oliver; home ' run —Webb: double playa-Gelirlnger to Koenig

irlu,to>>exBnder. nesto"{o;W toUerto

NEWS, T W IK F A IX 3 . H )A H 0

n a l L e a g_____ P l a n s O c e a n Fl



ds r f , /i r t

OTTO im lN K J lA N w i l l i n moi____ i.< ) i; iv i» r b u ilt in Gcrmnns

ers United States.. I t w i l lh a v nd s<ms. bu t on ly five w ill mak iks is scheduled fo r C iirly in 0< H i -----------------------------------

n. M a x B a e r W i n s ’:y.

ng O v e r C h r i s l n e r i ,

i ■-------- I)i* Akron, Ohio, G ian t Goes I

!u Down For C ount o f 10 I

; ~ i r S ^ d ' R 6u n ( l'o f " B o u tn

' o,\KI.AND.Aiis.lH1’>-MaxDaer. r Lliermore, Callfomla. hea\7welghl. \ knocked oul "Kayo" Clirlstner. Ak- i ron. Ohio In lhe aecond round of a c

! lO-rouncltMii: here w nljhL i t; Bser. mnkini his iwenty-tourUi t ■ fUht. ni.toundctl rinttslde crIUcs by <

lerrlltc punclilns. Three times In Uie , • first round he dropped the rough and

mjced Chrtiliier who had only been * knocked oul oncc before In hU carecr.

,. by Prlmo Cameth.Each lime ihi* Akron slani wenl

, down irom a left hook lo the Jnwlie 103k nine cniints ihc flrs l two 1

I Ilmr.' Jowii and tlic bell saved him i t the lh!rd Ume n-i he »prawled on the t

cam'ii~Barrn«hcd cut for Uis see. i ond round nnd stnrted swlniln:{ on;

|. his bulkier opponent w llli lrll& and , ; i ’ rlghu. , , jJ Chrlsiner, sroiigy trom lhe preced- i

in i ses.’ilon, swiuig back wildly but j ) aenldownlnaheapfroinaimaslilng.I rlshl to Uio jaw. , i) I t was a ternflc punch and lhe '

rliu aliook as Cnruinrr Isnded Hal ) cn his bnck.j . Chrlslner welded 200; Bner 193‘1.

• r ^ M i n o r t e a p e s “ '

) WESTERN LEAGfK ^) Taprka ID. Omaha 7. ,} WIchlla 3, Det Molnei . ,

Oklahoma City 4, Pueblo 13.n Only three games Kheduled. ,

J AMERICAN ASSOCIATIOS 1 Milwaukee 1, Columbus 4.Kanui City 9. Toledo 9. ,

D ■'.Mlnneapolli 'S. l.oUl»V'lllc 3t---------H2' i St. Paul 2, IpiUanapnlls 1. |

0 INTERNATIONAL I.EAGUE ,0 ■ Baltimore 8. Kochealer 0. . ^ 3 - _Readlng 8. Toronto 2. _________ ,

Buffalo 9, Newark I.Montreal 7. Jersey City 2.

■ SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION I S AllanU S .Il, New OrUans 2-3.

.Memphis 5-2, Nastivllie <.0.- , Btrmlniham 7. Mobile 6.r t . Ihrtejjiim M ^lietlB led.'

r ! B B ® o d f Q i f i t s

S T e n n i s T e m p o r a r i l y

' SAN F R A N C I^ . AUB. 11 ' - l l - U, Helen WUU Moody, six Umes winner.'

'•V of Uic naUonol women'i tennis d u m - ' i plonship, said tonlshl ali« will nol i

Jo f de fe ia 'heT iilirU iis leaTarnjreK --; ner Hills. i10 Mrs. Moody although she j t l l l lias '

ck) a keen desire to engage in eompeil-i, in . tlve UnnU. sold she wishes to remain

In San Pranclsco wtm her hu.<ii»ndasfl-rglatiyw <>?.

— trawl.■he " I have been away from home to .k , long i l simply wouldn't be rtght lo eo -u* a»ay.80 w n .!L th 8,added.

During Uie last iwo .nioiiuirMrs,- Moody won Uie Prench and Engluh

" eliamplonshlps, retuming to her J bome hero about Ihrte weeks aw.

’ 0 J j —

! ! G o e s t o H a r v a r d j

1 0 CAMBRIDGE. M a i^ Aoc. I I ('Pll |_o -Jamea M, ^ y . Pxalello, Idahn. j

> D apjvlJiM to Ute ifarran l second ‘ ” vanity tmtball coaching sUtt. He

I 0 will acno aa i t ^ lle td coach, ine*'I 0 ceedlng Ma41aon Sales, tamier Har* 1 ‘ ® vard player, who haa been Irans- ) g terred to Ule • frtahman coaehlne I 0 lU lf .

} . [ TBA Pno DU TH S GAIN * ’ ( - } CHIOAOO (/TV-Adull Uvlfic fa* er- uilUea In.'0bletr>'<]urlfi8-Uie i i r i l bb: sU m onm, o f 1830 were 34.7 per nig cent inor«. numerous than during

n o . TUESDAY M01»nNG, AUG

l i i e L ^ dP l i g h t i n B l i m p p


■ J r c<

I J I I ■’> Jl; T

^ jf B

I ■

a _JL — jnode*! o f n ba liy b lim p w hich he J nny fo r n i i r'd f l iy h t |o the j uivc riK in i lo Irunspo rt 21 per- . lake the A t la n t ic crossin),' w fiich ‘ October.— (iT) rh o lo . |

B a b e H u n t W i n s i

F r o m B r a d d o c k *

r ; DOSTON. Aui{. 111,p)-Babe Hunl,‘ Oklahoma Riant, out-pointed Jimmy |

! Draddock. Jersey City heavywel*;it. here tonlghl In a lO.round bsiOe.

SBolh sluggers stood toe U toe. moil nt the dlitance. Braddock rocking ,, his heavy rival's head with spectacu- J lar hooks as the latter battered hu

^ ‘ bidy with heavy punches. Hunt t ’ ve ig iiisn o i i>o\ihdsn4‘ hiare'Uiair ~

I Draddock. PI niough Ifuni eartlfd seven of Uie

r. rounds, by Uie c lo x ji of mantlns. Uw * I. verdlclmelwllh*-ldedUfavor.Brad*. dock's clenn punching pteued llie a crowd and much ot Hunt's furious “

(bwJymtackpJAjedunnotJcMJ.NfMJ)- “ ti er io:k a backward step during the y entire balUe. “* -— ■— J! J o h n n y E d w a r d s i

' D r u b s B a r t l e t t jII J

TOLEDO. O.. AUR. I I i,IVJohnnyo Edwards, Columbus baniamweiRht. hn and Ollla DanleU,-Dstroll. battled rle tour rounds to a draw betore 23W0 t

persona here'ionlihi. r5J i Happy Atherton. IndlanapolU fly* ‘“ wclRhl. sliaded Prankle Oil. Toledo ,

'FItlplno. Roger Bernard. Detroit.I- Junior llghiwelRht. delealed Tony 'i‘ Luplca.'Toledo. |


■S' -------- ,(Continued from Pags One)

lurfacc a^iiln. and bolh went to sum- \- moiraid:-------------- ----------------------- --

ISO reruns SearebOne hundred nnd fUiy persons '

worked continuously unlll 8:13 P. M.whcn lhe body was tound, Ju-sl down- . Ktreom (rom where the'boy had dU>

■ appeared.Phya:clans wrre of the opinion that I

the boy probably had been the vie- <Um of musclc cramp, whleh resulled '

' In hU drownntg. i Tfie wou?<l/«i« been « Junior

_ in Hagfrman lUth srlwyil next term, jHe was a member of ihe school’s bu * iketball squad last year. I

He la survived by his molher and Itather. who camc lo the Hagennaa 1

' ' dUirlet aboul 10 ytars ajo: two ata* i- t«rs.-Olorla and Candldaj-and-Uiraa -

brothers. John, Peitx and a baby broUur. i

Pun«nU arrangemenu ar« In tbe : handa of Uie-Joliason underUklng establUhment of Buhl.

.JU&bama-farmcra.<aia plabling-au** '• aa an^emer^pcy teed~ |

S Canada has 23 flying cluba wlUi y more lhan 9000 membera.

RHODES AIR SERVICE GOOD- RHODES. Island of Rliodts W>- er.ThU historic Aegean Uland haa

mulUpIe air service because ot Ita M straUftlc position on (he BrlndUl* KTithTnstCdDslaHUno^riliic:------------U ■ -2Sgi',; niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid

- • — Y o u ’ r e - m i s s i i i ^ —

” . a l o t , i f y o a

, . -----------d o n ’ t u s eill I n t i n i f Ttnaift

Budwasegd | U G U TO R D A U C



c .

, i x M l W T n w Ui l

JGUST-ia. 1930 ^

J G o e s T-------------------------- ---------- :-----------— ■

Freitas, Sacramento Regains Pitch

paw, today regained Ih t leidtrshlp of 1 Turner. Hollywood. Preltaa won 1<L of contcsU. whils Turner won 12 out ol It

Eart Sheely. San Prnnciseo first baj wlUi an average nf .401..

The leading pluhen;Rhodes. Hollywood ........ - .................Prelisis. Sacramenio___ :........ ........ ...Zinn. Ban PrsneUcn------------------------r . PllieUe, MUjiIom ------- -----------------Jaooha, San Prsnelico_____________Turner. Hollywood ---------------------Home. Los Angeles------------------ ------Baecht, I-ort Angeles............................Barfool. Lo* Ai)«eles.-........ ..... ........

The leading baiters. Including Saturd O A

P fg y ;fU n -r r ir r l iro , r y -—iSheely. San Pranelscn_______ 124 4Severled. Hollywood ________ »s 2Bchulmerleh. Uu Aneeles------- 117 4Lombardi, Oskland.......... ..... . 91 2Basilcr, Hollywood .. ................M 2Hoaf. Sacramento___________119 4Moore, Loi AnBeles __________ ll« 4Arlelt, Oakland _______ ___..109 3Hufft. MlfJlon.4 ____________120 4Monroe. Mtwlons ....________ 127 sRumler. Hollywood .................. M :

• Donovan. San FrancL'Co--------l is 4^ ^u rn j._M la lgju ...... ...........127 (


Favorites Advance In Tennis Contest

: T exa n Scores Im pressive »

V ic to ry Over 'N ew Jersey u

P layer in S in jic Upset J 1 ____ _

r —RyBrN.-Vn-Allgr-U— Wtuucom-. "i petition In the women's singles hold- ■’ Ing the center ot play, (he Eastern *' grass courts tennis championships progreued as predicted loday. the h

; majority of the favorites advancing , with lltlle difficulty. Thlrty-slx * ' matches In the women's dlvUlon and *

six In Ul# men's section wete playcil J ut the Wesl Cheslef Counlry club. ‘

Scoring au Impressive victory over J. OUbert, Hall, Soulh Orange. Nrw j Jersey, Jake Hess. X. Porl Worth, c Texai. turiieil In the only real upset

' of lhe doy. The young Teian wenl , ' into lhe lecond round. deleatlnB t

Hull 5'7. S-4. C-4, t' FranciAT. Hunter. New IVxhelle,. Ncw York, Numbers ou the national 1 ranking list, advanced to the third ) round nloii;; with r.dward W. Pelblc-

man. New Voek. aud T«d Burwetl. • . Charlotte. Norlh Carolina.« Play In the women's singles today '

filled seven of Uie th ird round ' J brackets, wlih Mus Mary Oreef, ‘

Kansas City; Mrs. J. D. Ckicblere, Eait Stamford, ConnecUcut. Mlsa 1 Catherine Wolf. Chicago. MUs Alice Prancl.^ Orange, Ncw Jersey. MUs 1

} Metccdes Marlowe, San PrancUco.' and two New Yorkcrs-Mra. T. D. M. '

Johnion and MLu Clara Oreenspan -ahead of the flelil; All but Mra.

• Johnson and Mlw Marlows played• l wo matches today,_______________



.’ PORTLAND. AUB, 11 W T-8Ut»I game commUslon today ordered Uar- . old H. Clifford, slate game warden, d and E. l i. Clark, deputy warden, re­

moved from office., Tlie commission Usued no aUte-

mcnt explaining lu action. For many

had charged Clifford and Claric with (J laxity In enforcement of fU hln j a laws and with receiving “ protecUon i. money" from poachtra.

J A ttOO.000 airport wifrbe' dWlcai- ed Sepumbtr 13*14 In Duluth. Mln*

« nesota.

** Edltor-R i _________ Chief P linker-

a Vol. 1 A u g u s t 1

y w T —------ HOWDY-rOLKS —- tfte - iro fd - 'A doctor U a person «as new to

- who Uilnts your achea ^ ^ 1 ore imaginary Just be- cause lhat lliUe Uilng “ *"«

, aaya thal you have no rangement- i t m ________________ • (ho:

• - Uiree eUUoiB ill ssys. ••U'a queer. / - ?

NO fellow u good A r e y ^enoush (0 marry a your town?

- Tilee-g4Tl.-bm-lu»l-anyi____________ _body Is (rood enough

_ mashle stro

budgei: Received 84t>: brokeo!"*^ _ s n e B L J L ^ ^ = = ^ s i

Wfl . consider the people of Twin P»IU. ‘

I ’Aeeordlng to Oeorse ' “ H ow ^ U


0 C ubsiSouthpai,L ___hing Lead on Coast.f Paclllc cout league pltchen trom of IS games. IncludlnsHSalurday's 18.

»aeman. continued to tead batleri

Won Lost Pet.....______________ 8 1 J«9

....... .......11 4 .733____ ____________ 18 3 .0J3--------------------------9 3 ■ J193 -__ - n 0 • .684_________ ________IJ 8 .667_________________9 5 .913_________________10 0 .840... .......................... 10 ■ S .625irday's games:AB R H 2D 3B KR Pel.

. - 9^ — &— I a— »■ a ff - : tw —484 83 194 » I 23 .40t248 38 98 :0 0 7 JOS« l 108 J5B 30 3 13 J73 ■292 49 107 19 3 18 J65-219 -30 80 14 1 0 .383409 101 170 38 S 13 J8344A 103 ICrj 34 2 23 J62380 B2 138 37 3 17 JM ,460 R8 IC3 33 4 32 J33517 JJl IM 34 2 23 JJO299 CS 104 18 2 13 J484TS 19A m 30 3 13 J47

_ liS ___09^ in . 33 4 11 J40

I l l n e s s F o r c e s

M o l l a M a l l o r y

F r o m C o n t e s t s

NEW YORK. Aug. I I M-) - The name of Uiat great campaigner. Mra. Molla Biiirstedt Mallory, U mUslnB from Uie lUl of entiania for the ' ItoRSi iromen'J tM»U.ehampfons}ilp lor Uie llrst lime sinco ahe rose to fame. IS yeara ago.

T ilt one-Ume i ueen ^ lhe courta was teiied wlUi a serlods lUness%*rly TnTWyeCThdTiiirnoiTcrTeeomtd— suttielenUy to uke up her racqueU

In thU year's tournament begin­ning next Monday at Porcjt lUlls. younger players will competo for the llUe won eight times by Uie indomlt- able notsewoman. Hklcn WllU Moo­dy, ehamplon lor Uj» las: Uire* t b . Iwads Ihe iUt of entrants.

Because nf 111 nealUi MUa Helen Jacobs, number 2, In Uie lUt. wUl not compel*.

MUs BeUy NuUiall. EngUnd. who.— w u eliminated In spectacular atylo by Mrs. Mallory Iu t year, conaUlutea the only foreign threat,

DEKUH WINS NEWARK. N, J.. Aug. I t t;n —

Artliur Dekuh. lu llo ii heavyweight w«n a technlcal kRoduut ever-Bud Oorman at Newark velodrome to- nlght-In lha fcurUi round ot & acheduted lO-round bouL Oonnan was oul on his feet when Ilefereo Danny Sullivan decided tho lummlt heavyweight had absorbed enough

PUKNITURE FOR— — SAtE-^----------Two-piccc lir in K nw m elghi-plcce d i n i n g room se l; one 9 by 12 r u s ; com­bination .b illia rd and pool table completo, p a rlo r size. O ther household a rlic le s a t a t tra r t ire p r i c e s . T h e

Tbove is all nearly new ana " ' i n excellent condition.

See them a l 512 M ain A v e - fiue N orth between 9 A . M . -

and 2 P .M .,

Roy Wood r-W . D. Niyloi

12, 19:50 N o- 60

-»'realloca{<-!-T-yg««-*«»^°g t l arig.tL .lo radio fans,. "Pine, th e y nave iney uncer- elected him ahear

neana an ar- mder.- t that ea- —nn .tn p fl o.niny tiimhcT tnlo n i^ l onci;^. Twin FalU brlnsa t lot

V more saUsfacUon th u

_____ When wa uro -'p rlfl-■” ^ ^ legSl-tOTOppJrtmlliJ*-

expetla an* tng miUrlaU to t n«w Uiat cotseu structure, wt tte l Mut1 .belns, de- i t U i s w t i t t moaur . » m ent.lo..U«^«r9jrttL : ily -wa it -to- -Bnd-upbulldlnf'of'the- t a golfer will oUy.I he duba a --------

.The poUlo roUrtaa , ! t atxlns Is don’t MeneW ... - . . . . . . IU" . ...l:_____

figure on r f- ~ . M to ria l • ' •

v O i i ^ r t ‘“ "S 'p a r i . r a p h to ^ th e '

in. •• baU i-M om illis tu rM .- ' aotf'tvo ptsat to (hfri

. Uiat boy ot r ln i la U w .b tth tt i^ -

N D C 0 A t t » M M M e

7- ■

Page 4: S Clark counly Jail lonlght, having' 000,000 teel ot slacked lo:i luai nieli In a fire at the company's work northwesl ol Chehalli.Thc

r ' • ______________i( ' ■ v m r s a -


' •VM curnoN u n s

■ I- ■

— .. TTCaun4 M Moon4


'—utMBDt o r A iiocu te o r i

n * AnoelkUd r rw U iie lw li UUid to t t i UM lor pUbllCAUOE

I a m OUptwiiM ciMlud wI elbirvM m d lM Id tbU ptpit

!&• loe*l n tn PUbllUitd B<r I fi*w el Mpuwiemoo ot «p«tI p4tcaw btftiB n>o rwttTKtI tf ) Mtoai Awod«Md Prtm.

Tht !•*•* U ■ atabtt el tbi I Duntu ot areulttion*. noia »lI f f is j* r " .s s s ,™loontUon lupplirt ioc4liy upoa»

No tMponttUlli* u uiumM '

•Bould BOI MCtfd «rt« bunaw IB ItnllB la ^ tbould M wnn epiaoi w « t ttoml ls | or OMitni la ptnoatJIUM • b* publUbtd. Ko ouuwtlpu n(uni*d UBln* ucompuiitd br t4f? pout*.■ M4TJ0HAL BUTUIOrriTr

PRCDDIN. K»NU ANO m t Kl« York. CDIewo. S4b m sM

j AscilM. SUltJ*.


A eood d«ai na*T»«ru=rtw ipokm rtfu d lne the «1de vi

j m, motor trofdc refiulAtlon*I !, . ' d iffm n t eiUct »nd sUtei. « 1 : deslrablUly of & uciironn oode' ' u-£llbehet{Tl«teutUutunal<

enM h u thCTOUshljr illtcd o ben pnoUcet snd unllonnll; Ulned.

In thft meanUme lel ua Inv . KnliontortfopMticuUrrefon

dtie rw gener*! jnibllcitj end e I ») Adoption trtrr"i)tn .

I mere we noir t»tntr-on«) Alone with the DUtrlct cf OoiI . vhlch forbid windshield stlelu

- J ----- !— __ cnA.BUCtL»t-*TH_ rwiuirKl tcI offlc ltl brtks IntpecUoni, etc ' purpoM ot this bu t U to >to|

tooterr tnd'ketp tho wlnd»hl< u d truu pu tn t, » the drlr aee Thst is golne on tnd drtte ^ ao the tttentVn of other'

'u -iu not be unduJj-dUtraclod________ Thenther«Ke«Kaaltttti.

) T.-c8tem, vhleh have ft Iaw i j throvlns Uchted matches, cl| ( clopcta from ean. The pun I thatlAwlaobvloua.Andltlani I ed only in fcmt«. nrcd ml I ttarted almott anjrvhen 1:

veather by' a motorist throvi J_________ ^oround.

UNFOPULAB -BIPBISA I Butope«n goremmenta tre

* ' talUne of a quota ixatem t o :tbe Importation of Am erlm mobllea for tbe proteetion o dotRcstlc ptodueeri ot mot«

) The scheme probably vUlUutush tor the aune reason

. w abandoned a year a«o.i--------------------- lUMropt-mte-toJlmUthe.

tatlon of Amertcvj oars. I t w In the face ot sUtt oppoeitio:

, I tlM people there. Europe^.1 Amerieu ears aad pay h l ^

for tiwm than for the domeet duot becauae the Imported a bile haa proved more sitlifaci

The stluatlon la an eniban , . one tor the Eunpeaa govcn

duoersandlabortoprotcotlon rulaota Amerloaa oempeiJlii caiuwt deny the xlebta o f theli to the beat car obtainable tiTCt of tit orlsla.

IX Euiope ve n producloe. J . . . atisfactory as the Amerioa

. duetj, It m jth t be poatlble to

; ' i toproduoemotloQpletaits'asij as the .Houywood t U n » , ^

■ rcatrlcUveachejneitortbepn- ot the domesUc Industry migl

I Ho boycott or embarp> aI . ceed vhen the forbidden prc

•uperlor to tbe protected on• ------------- pnvine the peopieot soroeUii:

want more .than sDoethlnc ell unpopular a p ro rtm tor any I ment to undertake.

TllE^OCULINSTlNC !: One ot maa't evolutlonar

U his social InaU&et or fre«___________ n«s_Ji*w4>uaan-hii»H4-ai

a i hl«blT developed asd none ;S j patent There Is an ftUractf l . tv«e&men.thatla&ottobedij3 '. ; — ^ • I t Is aot strans» th a t» PlH ; — ;--------Usrtuyja«-iiniT»trta«T<» doKn the ftn lty o f a m na n decla

insane beMuse abe refused t he conpankmsMp o f others.

M f cootnrr, the oommunlty 1

M >. reeltue. 'B i the dtys o f wit, , _ _ _ U ) 0ie » * » U < ^J ^ ..s o c W .

m w ere inoucvoctbes taks .lM bonsanoelTnniM9o(tiwmiH * . ’ . iiM l^vttM Ktieodofm aB iiB ' : pre n te it but t t I t DSTtr BH■ ooonoed t t m MtMoc tbose■ ...........................................wttb O n e

....... abaMtiitairin eenaoe.'-------* '' .Z f jo a te f« fm U fc if if tB K i - la to yen hi

■ I s : ' . - INN

’ NEWS can having license pla ttio l lhe 1_____ __ sUrt*. -Thelk*un«pe*un*cwiIS no waraer between tvo netthbi:L — MM )u«.pait«lirteDds.— H” There are times vtien the int!' ___1 JO ua] tires o f aoctofy when frtniilJJJSnSr; tr*y and human ftfflnpetlUon bcc r f u l S ? ^ everything U let'’’ hlad tor a sojoum in the vtWs

(nm all mankind. U happens i t im t t - i -B iy r e ip e a in r ii i« r weather becomes a.i hot u the i

> r i iu r ^ cOBUci, but Just a* Jcmri iniMir M- drives the dlsgusted-wlUi-hiim ‘ik'’w Mt l>*ek Into clvUliatlon and the «t«ifl” */ui *-omen.pKtti a»- Oetween toclrty and the sol _ . . - - life man accept* the fonner a;

more pcrfect of t « ImperJwf c> ■tbi'Awut lions.I «bom All

--------------OD ttguMUho p e f o r th e .staok,M for Ull

Age U Inclined t« pcMlmlun. 1 W a iS r W W le W W p IIR r t

onnsM tn day. lg epUmlsUc. Surpriilnsl » • lltu il- when j-ou consider tiiat he fu pu '*iu ''w temperament, and lha' 1 b» oien- legitimate atage U right now ------------ terrible plight.

ra m n i. "BMco, IM branch of the stAge. He blnu

working notv on four nc** l »hJeh he wotiJd hanlJy <!o

IRE tl»ughtlhewho!ebuslneMti«i rtO Aiin i] to-poC-ite-iays..nm qier;Jiti , variance **“ >'*t seen a gt»d plsy f l i In the " ' s not a succeaa." There U a

Ux, lenge to your playvrtghu. de/MOTe ^ movies. etpecUUy,a] Expert. <X*PU« their present1 out the Pwtly.helslessreassurlnB.ltefi iltv Is ob> lydeclaresthatheconsl(]ena“c

. InevKable. . a{. Poaalbly this Is uneonsdoua p

torms that **'**• *“ideventu- the faults of the films.« don't

to t t t them slates,Oo.Hmibia,lekeri.ex- CQGIET-\r sterdrlTers IL a s ^ B s e s s s a s s s s s s a

Boyd PrederlckiTion'of'.Mr l«s.moeUy Mn.-Hen»hel-Pretlerteksreeleb w against lUa aeventli birthday with a i cLeua or Pi^fty (or five of.hU unalt fi

L . - l ! ! ! jurraon park Monday evi ’ ' ‘'P®*® Various gamcA provided amuse lant need, and s t a lx-tiilrty o'clock Ium nUght be ivaa terved. the cenler ot attm

1 In drt birthday*" adorned with teven tvinkllng

owtnj Ilie d ij j. Boyd’s gueslt were L* Slurson, DonaW Martyn. VU

...... ..........Oroom,*Mary-Jean Shlpmtn» Betty Irou Uekle.ISAIS" --------are again Mrs. Z. R. Arment. Hanten i to restrict talned eleven children Bunday Inn auto-L . w - . , 'n honor of the tU th birthday i n ot tbelr daughter. Robert*. Qame« otor can. played on the iatm until five < U not go vben retreshmenta whleh ln<

tiMLt t t cream and cake and good «a um I t jhlldren are fond were s >• Thote ptesent In sddltlon tc:helmpoN smsll hostess were Reed. Bi I wtMU be ^h-e rand-B g ltrR ow ieyr-B . Z T J , Wright. Bruce. Wayne, and D<

mon irorn Roland Arment and Vpeana buy and June Carr. Mn. Armen ^ p r io e s saslsted In serving by Mn.

pro- Wright 1 automo-factory. Memben of the M 6*and G >airaa«lne their tamlUes ehjoyed the nT ^ T T ! Plenlc Sunday at the

talrgrounds. • A cafeteria lur ■thfJf-pn>r„ »M lArvfi «nd thenArtv WM ton against s t tables attractively decoralTi utlon boi B*nl*n tiowen arranged and

beirpeopie lowing luncheon races, quoit rrespecUve other fisoes fumlstied amusei

og.can as i „ complement to Mrs, D.*C rioan pr»< Culley, who leav^ in the near

as popular Culley was presented with a gl he various * '

J ! 2 i r M«- "W. T. Lcillc. low feU U proteopoo j_ Maxwell. Supper was .

night have alter the games Mrs. Wilson assisted by her daughten. I

> flv> ®«tty snd Vivian WlUon. A c> can wc- ^ arrangement of gorden Its decked the tables and rooms,

one. Do- - •Khlngthey ‘ ~ 'T — I I — " I ------leiseisioo S c e K s F r e e Q o m

[NOT oai7 tn lts pvcwtetu-

ne Is icon ractlon be- •edenled.L T ^ c ts n ., decenolne ~ eclsredher sed berself n . Onthe- y b u no T 'of e rtn


A RECENT picture of r » I Z • ren K . BUHnga. who H »Toi» T h o m a s J. Mooney

■ s e n t tn ^ to Ufe Impi ment in connection «

I h .w »>- th e 1916 f r c p M iid iie ii

— ----------TWIN FALLS DJ

s i i S i ™r:?:' ITEiELOil1 becomes . ,

lids a « v Melon Growers and Busir -Men-ol-Htllc-Valiny-

Dale lor Big CelcbraJctnrilncas ®

lhe com- HAOEIUAAK. Aug. 11 I8pe<l The NewBi-lUgerman Watem day wUI be Auguat» . buaineat

t toUUry and farmen announced here tod er as the Pinal plans for this event ver rcf condl- nuiged at a meeting of Uio bus

and proleuloaal men of Hager . logether with the watenneloD i

era of Ihe v&Uey. on the evenli August 7.

Thla fe tU nl and picnic will AOR place in the Colthorp park.

mercluints and gwwen w ill fui Wl, David, fw wttermelona for evwytody

’.’in . if ■«' The objcct of i i i l i festivd li ” • acquaint the people o( southern

e has an howilhthedellclousncasottAel that Uw erman valley melons. ThembUi

ivtv in ■ Invited to come and brine tmed baakeu and enjoy tba da

for hla ConaUtteea b Charge blnvxif la The committees have arrange.... entertajnment lor the aftenooo5* piayt, fyfolmt. Speaking wUl bettn al do i f he M. utisJc wlU be furnished b] tiasgolag Hagerman band ali afternoon.. It,at heplsy that *.ju enjoyed tn tbe erenlng a U a chal- Orand Opera House.

The commltteea a n a i follow Ull* D. Nlghsw0ng e ra n d ^A .B 0ttrt

“ “ eommiUee on music; Beryl Pn ent pros- Ed Oraley. and P»ok Ori Ife fn n k . erounds and sporta; K. O. Fr

»wl J- B- Wagner, tloal am * menu; Mra. J. R. Wagner and

It. A. Martin, advertising comm: M prtju . ThU watermelon feaUvml wUl» With'a ll snnual affair, arrangementa I

madetoexhlbltotherJUgennaa lon t « n t ^ products In fu tan yearj.'


(Continued nom Page Ons IS national guardsmen here :

occasions alter homes had beei namlted and mlnen ahot tn a

s a H H busii. Tha governor replied he__ locol_authorUlea_could_handIa

.Mr. nnd altuaUon.Miebrated “ C.' U“ Walkrrrcbunly” a l l^ «

a merry Web«ter county, a a l d Qon >11 friends Sampson wia not asked todi ■ evenlnir. »n d troops, hl» previous rti nutement h a v ln i r dlseoungcd oftlelal luneheon hopes of any help Irom that t

attraellon ter.Iday cake a mva meeUng was called ilng can- tonight to nlse a fund for i ' fw the arrest ol the occui

vu^tnia Q( u,e plane. Plans lo realst an n»n._an_d lOr-aMick Included.lssuance.ot.

ammunition to Ihe regular guarda and augmsntlng of

CltUens of Providence said iSw n lrt^ would permit no one at Uie me

*ho waa known to have im< l?rJ t'^ublo at Uie mlnca. About T " w eent of the mlnen nlurned to

inHiJriFri «>’ «'» ‘ he mines reopened Ju of ‘‘ '8 remaining » per eent

S e rv e d * **" attempUng to penuade B to Se to lay down ‘ their

BumeU, Nineteen aUlklng miner ^ 2 u m o r undecJndlcuneatJieteLJorJxu d Dorothy confederating to inUa nd Walker working miners. Seventeen ment w u apprehended and are oi In. m n k l»nd.

The bombing plane appeared the.direction ot Harrisburg, III at abo'ji S A. M. I t dropped the

nd 8 Club mlaUle at an abandoned mtne I Uielr an. Clay, a few mUes norUi of he the PUer exploded wlUi a detonation I

luneheon for mllea. The plane was fiyli WM seyed an altuude ot 2000 feet.

DEFENDANT TAKES 2< ;u.iu..a HOURS TO ENTER Plusement. -

Amlgned yesterday momlt n . r t «t the prooate court on a chan

the infli • ' ln ta lt .U j i i JUoDr. o . h.

mornlnS'and tn tw ^ a -^ e a .t a wm bv C. A. BaUey. Cal?1 to M n »“ “ »e Twin Pallioa sened force Sunday night.

Tm S a t t h e h o t e iA charm-sn flowen noasBSOK-John Voorvaasi

Angelea: J. M. Colvin, D. W. : ' ■ ' ham. Denver; Mr. and Mrs.

-------- Wooda,.s. J. Shreeve.-Dailas,o m gon; A. UAamodU CinelnnaU. I

J. O. Connor. Olenwood Springs i f i i i i orado; j . j . Taylor. W. W. Ecb

P. E. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. EnglMrg, J. M. Blumer, Jack A..

M | Jrr. K. O. Down. Sstt U lw cu ^ ■ 1 IK- Wilton. Pocatello; H. A. Ru

C. Rutsum. a -W , Davto. M r H B M n..W . Uoyd. J o h n Ti H I H Polae: yrmnl? w«

WUllam M. - Sch roeder,,^ SUnley Johnson. Long Kach, llom U; IL C. Haeger, SU LquU tourl; s , 'J . Rollo. Newloir.

_ tuck}-; Oen Lachman, Atr. and R .B .C o lt.S e a ttle ;H n k fi^G

- TaoomK: -V,-H.-8teele. Oectm vUle, KenneUi Unvlile. Marvin' dlngham, Ben Bergeson. Ed B Ed Bayne. LuUier Cook, n Jacklen, Pete McDermott, 01 Strauf, John Cuneen, Laverne

' Tom Blnley. WUllam Brian ^ ■ 1 - 1 . Pict.McFiTUa^.a^O()ot K

voh-~s^BrBm uq(grwciB tm

- PERRINE-W, BrW snwe tiu M H Spokane: Mr. and Mrs. D. B.

ten. Washington: R. A. Vi . Portland; Joe 'V ttgul PaUon. J

n f W n r o. Bloke, Says, XsP. B. Jewkee. W. W. Vaa

'ho \? lth s. o. JMdgemaa. Salt l* k « ney was B.- L. Esll. Chlesfo; U r. aad inprlson- J- p< MtiUbort, Americaa : n w i t h ColoneliL 0 . McOottasl.Bel*

r a n e l ^ paroled la Oklahooui' durlai

■PATLY-mm, TWlW-?Ai,L8,-HI

BT —

l i W B Mjslnessty-Sel-iratlonj

M«iit to D ^ H H jk S tu w ^ Blermelonleas men S Wtoday. I W / m J i & W B were ar> business M

HU Uke 'k. The furnish

ipdy and

a Is -to ~«m Ida- AeKsg- ibUebaarln f w«U - Wl I ■

' '“ • YEAllS AGO CALVIN COI from the CoolidRC fa m

hgedfor they re tu rn ed th e re f< (lent could ad m ire h is cr, is show n w ith M r.

m ^a nd — I - —

S ^ th e M u t l i e r o f t t G i r l

Uowa; r Mirdctte,Praaltr,OridJey,Frasier

mmitue. lUbeaa ts belncnaa val- I

■■ I

' IN ' ' r J>LANE S'‘/ I----------------------------- ^ i T - . fa il' i3ni)W three Ixen dy> m a m -

he fe lt idle^Uie, _

m ey~ot .Sovernor v «day to V :: refusals V*

tiais of at quar-

led here THB JIA R C H IO N E S S M a3r a re- C ris tina M arcon i, w ife

the inve n to r o f th o w iot less, ffave b ir th to h e r f i

ar ■ mine c h ild ra 'd a u g h tc rr f l t *0(1of Uie carchi palace, C iv ita V

aid Uiey chia, I ta ly .— W Photo,meeUng — ,

ANN0UNCEMEN11 to work

July J. The Unity club cUl meet Wedt ent have day a t U» bome of M n. Will;lade Uie Burtt.!lr tools — ,Inen an The Butlneu and ProfeulcJtondlna Women's Club wUl meet for lun iUmldate eonTuMdamooa'snneTlubTO)tn have ,I out on Mountain View club will meet v

Mra. Vemon Lawton Wednes red from afternoon, Auguat 13., Illinois, ■theflrst ITw Women's Progressive e

,tne near meet wim Mrs. M. J. Bush, ^ r * t t Blue Lakea boulevard .Wedr in heard <>*y' August 13. Roll call rcspoflying u to «« W h o day^____— Tho THn MfConk Circle ofn t Ladles -of the Onnd Army ot

Republic wUi meet In regular bi t P I CA ness session at Uie rooms of ‘ Business and Proleaslonal Womi- - I ..- .« Oub »t P- M-4 There will be a speelal commi

«Uon of Masons at Uie Mosc hall Wedneeday at # P. M. •

h o im to ^ confened.

. S M A f i i i i w Q S S ^ u y a S - O m R S O J U tB R O iS

Complaint vaa sworn to late 3 Urday by Pete Sevey In the prot

o court ehargliig Uiat Charles Snmi ^ 1 .0 ton had committed an assault u

Ui« penon of his broUier N sast, Los Sevey, by striking him with hb 'i wr. Fnd- Th# esse will be tried somo t rs. E. A. Thursday, pending whleh Samuel las, Ore- h u been released on his own rcc lU. Ohio; nlsance.Ings. (Jol- < —Bckercbe, BALL BAUOOS ‘ BASKET rs. A. N. ADOBBDRO. Oermany fcP) - ;A.Slad- aluminum ban Kven teet In City: H. amffar tnsKad of a baaket to Russum, ^ tu r e of a bai/oon m whleh F Mr, and Auguste Piccard of the Unlver : Tumer. ot Brtissala hopes to reach an i ■Hansen;. metffa. Th ti i« « ,xniicago; higher Uiaa any balloonist haa ich. Cal- ascended. Laek q l crou-viRds mU,Mls- him to pick UlU tovn tor his t< it . Ken- otf.and M il. ------------------------■LBwlog. AOt-BTIIDCNTS. FROM ABRC irge Lln- BAST BT.'LOUlBrlll. C/Th -Pi rin Wad- a ir coUege hts ils oa-n 'foreign 1 Bolton, glco'' wtUi flying studenu f: , Robert Alsika, Siam. Canada, ScoUi

Charles Spain, tod Hall. ___rlsnahsn,

_ a t t e n t io nETw: 'Polato Growers J'SSf- will ton(tKl a l lm ll,

amoonl o f cars fo r Octoh an -B b . jd e U rc i^ . Advance $100 p

zJ, H . K IM B A LL

• PRODUCE CO.y s ?

-IDAHQ, TU E apA Z M O B fflH G ^

.Coolidge Windmill Spins

COOLIDGE mado a litt le ivindmlll ’arm house near Plymouth, Vermor e fo r a brief v la lt and placed i t or his hunillu’oric C. Ba»com SIcmp Mr. Coolltljro on tho poreh o f the 1

m I E H B Fm isiisuGcuiH BUHL, Aug, 11 (SMClal to TI

Mews)— Funeral senrlt^ for i l i Frank Zack, West End resident ti

tS I :o years, who died at Hot Lake n Oregon, Saturday o\-enlag foUowli ■ anopenUon,wUIbehcldatUieBu

' H Prtsbyterian chureh Tuesday alte - n noonata:30P.M.Rev.JameaMUli

paslor of the Twin Falls PrcsbyterU 3 church, wlU conduct Uie services.

Mra. Zack was bom In Czecb ' . g i Slovakia, she came to Chicago ■ /fiJ IMS and to Uie West End In ISl •' J 7 ' when Uu tract was ln.the l in t stag

of'devilophfent..- ' ' She Is survived by two sens ai

(one daughter. Charles Zack. En ' jg m Zack and Mrs. Ella Kudlaz, all ■ ■ whom live In Uie West End.

^younger brother and her faUier 11 In Czecho-Blovakia.

^ ^■ 7 - '~ T h e body lles'st the Johnson fu: en l parlon In Buhl.

I ' b e r s OF B l l

K ' l i s E y s s p iw ire -1 --------

r f i r s t I KIMBERLV. Aug, 11 (Special -Oac9r -n » Newai-Thtrtrmembe« of t I Vec- Kimberly Onnge. wlUi an eqt „ .number of guciu trom Hanai

I gatliered al the basement of t — ■ Christian church hen In regu

___ session tonight. Plans were moN T S for exhibits a l Uie Twin FaUa cot

ty lalr In September.Vfdnej. program foUowlng the bu w uii-m ness seislon consisted of three rei . ; Ings by Mrs. R. W. Teague, Hanfc

I and tn-o vocal aolca by Miss Ai e&slonal Roberts. Kimberly, lunch-1 Tiie Kimberly group made pli

?TOoms~for-th»-n« held August 35. when deUiled

cet with I rangemenu for fa ir exhibit* wlU dnesday made.

e elub I jsh. (03


. Special ComraunJcadon W e d .A t i» . I3 .8 P .M .,

Third D e s fM lim S i- Masonlo conferredS ' C . B . LINDSEY. W .M .

g SPOT DANCtr Noah

i PRIZESlET- ~ '

S i-K iiiiie rijilversll> . • ':V J,t SHADOWLAND

S lO lG H Ti^ P t r k » - ........ - ■ :elgn le-

l e e Lo g a n ’S____ SHADOWLAND



" DANCEa rn • 7T-------r : --------;—

} J j J G U g r 32. 3980 ■

ns Again

llll which he placed acroua the roai nont, Mra. CoolidRo found i t whe: on a pout where tho former Pres:

ip ( le ft), V lrs ln la Republican leac e farmhouse.—W Photo.

R s m H iPm .M F T jF m

Charles U Bailey and Henry I Catu. SeatUe, vere sentenced t five days coch in Uio Twin Fal

J " county Jail yesterday by 0. A. Balle; probate Judge, on plea of guUtj- t a charge of steaUng is gallons i

.7 . ir Sssollne worUi MJO from Ea: lliu,.* “ opentlnc a Uireshln

mtclilne on ths Balmoa pmjee Two boys, Phil Peterson. 17, an

^ Ronald Clark, 17, wero wlUi Uio mc and are In custody while W. ,

“ Young. probaUon otflcer looka Inl Uw case. The men wero arrested I the pollce-ln a tent which they Its

. ...ri * * * " occupying in tho Rock Cret ‘ “ S canyon. They had been under sui . i 7 ^ veiHance for eenn l dayj as Ihf

seemed to have no vlalble means < t i» support. This ImpreaslOD on the pa:

T “ ® ot Uie officers was sUengUieni . .whcaBncxnmUiflllonoI.UiclrcloUii

‘ *'“ ** and personal elfect* revealed tl lact that Uiey had only a small sui said to have been 20 cenU in tl p „ . „ ------------------- -------

IIL I The first Pan-American acr m l r “ sutlcal congress w ill be held

IdLl ^

to et Uie equal

anaen.If theegular ^ ' ^ 1 ^ 1made ^eoun-» THIS LIQUII

. Z t J S S O D D E M D E A T H T(


i« ‘ “ BECAUSE


^ ^ h ^ h b h h h h

T “ShadowA ParamoD:

Natalie Moorhead


I -A Delightful

' W Ett

E m~ I H««sol


AT ORPHEl THEATRE----------THaT'Anrt H lM in r H s s t a p ^

screcn audiences u thoroughly u the won the allectlona of New Yorli (healK.goen U.depionitnted at tlx Orpheum theatre.

An aeUTu of the A n t water. Mlsi Harding further quallUes for the.ds. mands ol Uiking pictures by possess,

i In i a golden wlce which register: i beautifully and lealiires ot photo- 1 gnphle perfection.I . in "Her Private Affair." M lu Hard- I Jng is called upon to pUy a role of tht 1 tame tense, surk dnma whleh mark- I ed many ol her recent atage per- I lormances, notably the title role ir f "The Trial of Mary Dugom." Bhe ac-

qulu henelf tinely. dUpUylng sub tlety.and Ilnesse In a role whose In

■ leniliy might ewlly be a.stlmulua U ukW«actUig i l l U.v capekla kandi,—

Playing opposite Miss Harfllng I Harr)' Bannister, nlto a recruit the New York stage, Mr. Bannistei is excellent as Judge Kessler, whili

, John Loder, Kay Hammond; Fran) Relcher, Arthur Hoyt, Elmer Ballard

hen William Orlamond and Lawlon •pai. DavldJon all test their respective . . J roles with line artlJtrj-.. . ,

-Her Private Affair" was adaptei tnm Leo OrvantwiTs play. •Th

^ Qlsht to KlU." vhleh Herman Dern «eln translated and produced at thi

____nnrrlek Theatra In Nev York.-


^ (Continued from Page One)1 to on tho ume basis as requested by Un

railroads, nomel)- on a ‘‘capllaUI^ eamlngs" baJds, Dy this meana th

,- to value tk-ould be determined by tokln i of the annual pn>llU of Uie n llroad o E ir i s fixed percentage of Uie total volui hin- "WlUi grain scUlng from M to 8 >{Art Q buahel and wool a t Ita prea

ent price. 1 M-ondcr what would b ■“ U» total eamlngs of fahns, and wha

. ' wuW be the tou t value of fanw llgured o n t basis of capiuilied com

r i l Inss?" Delenbach asked.Porty.Uireo ol Uie oounty as

,1?W»Mon.wcTe.prtacntand.wlU.bCi»lle '•*** on latw In the week lo explain tli

ascMmcnts In their counUcs.


the ' *juni. (Continued from Pago One)‘ the M of tlie murder because of t^

trouble he had had with hla brothe Tlie confc«ion foilonwl an Intent

aero- grilling, 'Id In Mr. and Mn. VadnKi, the parent Oru- are plonccn of the Cnnus Meadoi


m K lU S Ifa , mm- quito«, mothj, toache*. ant*, bed- T O bug*. «ea»-qu;eicef I Use Black Flag

Liquid. I t ponetratoi their tiny bfeathinc tubei. All Inieets die. Al-

_______ way i Kmef-prletd than other wtll-t e a " known brands. Yet It't the deadliest

mode. Money back .If not tatUfled.f-ee* •

i BLACK FLAGm liquidKilh quicker— Alwa)i mts la

rOT'O F B LACK F t A Q f a w ni M

She T u rns To H im fo r P ro- t yctron_ . ^ h e n Double _ C ro sse ^ H lm ! Leaves H im l '

^ “ T ^ a r e “ G ^ - P i in ta h m w l!^

ra'1 pOWELL says good night at ' her door. A scream! A

8 1 man hidden In Ute room at-m j Uck5 herl Powell rushes to■ / defend herl The fight! Thoj v other man i^osblng to theI --------alreet-twcnly stories belowI._d The woman gone . . . leaving■ Powell to face the blamel

^ . An absorbing story made Into great-'dnmai by the

A M -P O W E ttr w of the Law-!i_oont A l l T a l l t ln f D ram a

withad - ,MaHon S h illing


tMA SP A R E Rt u s ’ b e g a y ’ ’ - .ul Coniedy D ram a DeLuxe


I ef F m m e n t n s to w


-ed- Seeoas tn-MniUam ,Powdi:fcjeiu starring picture. "Shadow ot Ui

)rk U v ." whleh wUl show at the Idah;jw U}oHrtshiflrnpWly,The8toneper

on a metropoUtAn scene.-la a bondlas some apartment building. The tcla.. Uon tu rr j to a courtroom for a moss- menl; thentotlie lnterlorof asUteers penlientlarj-. inUiecloalngaequenctq- es of Ihe picture, the action Ukt’ plac« In a smaU SouUwm towi

;d. ihowlnsabiu}-llillemUllnopemiolhe and beautllul oounU->- club sctnea.-](. .1. ^1, —cr- ROAn PHONES FOR MOTOIIIBTin DULAWAYO,. Southem Rhodcsl

ic- (,r>—Tclephones at regular Intcrvail>* a l o n g important hljhwaya aiIn- planned lor aiding sUanded .motoiI to Ists. Roadalde farms may be sub«

: •* m i^ 'ln iT H v tic re ^ ^ ^ u ie n tmte” _______________'"5 Roof-top signs Identify 41 Cor ^ nectlcut communlUes for aviator*, ord ■■ ■


= _ * EToday and TomorrOi

5K I F K ^ ' *] ^ ' ■ r \ * ^ '7 *” •

a- 't S i S '

> dnma of tho < ' fine appeal

B E S O p B

iS Wi R ^ ^ ^ ^ T J o l k i n g


BETRAYED!= 1 fihe had placed faith In a

man who tought to black­mail her. and, rtbelllng. to

. *3w JjfrJJOnor, ahe— ^ A t r e m e n d o n a acreen. ' drama, packed with tenso thrilla and deep appeal—A talklnr picture that will hold you In a viM-like grip to Ihe Ilnal scene.

»• All Muilc — AU Sound—AU Dialogue

ag"J' Other- Features. Comedy,

Novelty A cIh — Palhe-Revue-—AcKopK-Fabl

Matinee ICC and 30^ Evenlnpr 1S(S, 30« and 4 (


» » — ' ..............

K i i J ^ H ^ ^ K K ' i BEi:

p | ^ ^ Q g e i g U u | e j j j | e

T r a v e I By Coach

____ l t _ C o 8 t i . L e « „V o u See M o r e

p;cklel.Grtyh«gad T t iv i l It leanle and cDmferiibl*. I*> CIUI* II CDift miicli Uu It

__ oaablai yea <o rtay

trav«| lyilam, I> i t id ywt «h«t«m yw »i«i >0 ga.

_ _ Wflta for Ytealloa^MMMilwa ^

A PeSv L o w F a i 'o iLoa Angelea ___tUAO

— - —Lsa lU La ka 'cU rtZ H . SMO-Chicago U -. :..___ ; MUSNew Yotk C ily ____WWO

W C K M C K -O R E V H O ^

PERRIf^E HOTEL Phone 424 -

Page 5: S Clark counly Jail lonlght, having' 000,000 teel ot slacked lo:i luai nieli In a fire at the company's work northwesl ol Chehalli.Thc

^ ■ r n r '' Arthur-England Supervises .

Shingling and Painting “of’Pleasant Vim BuJIffliig '|

KNULL. aub. I l .w o ik b«B«n lu t VMk on preptrtnf< tha Fleuani View Khool building Ior the open. ln ( ot ths ftU te ra on SepUmber 8, The itrueture U belns ihln«I«l. pilnlert snd redecontwt on the In* ftldo by Arthur Bncland. Atter the M rk it completed regtitretlon day will be innouneed tor lU pupllt who

, intend lo ottend. ^Mr. m d Mr*, fr tn ic Miller, P»y-

elle. were sueiU at the home ot Ur. tnd Mr*, a. a. Victor f r i i t y while en route home from Mlnden,’ Ne* b ru to . where they have been v lill* Ins durlns the le tl month.

"-“ '♦ W K M O IfO tu le andiMtrie^Blit--.. ler relumed trom Albion Priday alter complellog the iummer'normal eourte. They will retum to Albion in^ptem ber.

: M ri. Dan Johnion U reporled illshtly Improved after an attack ot

^ ' heart dtoeaie.Mrs.-UUlan Dentler. BoUe. l i o

Bueit at the home ot her daughter. Mrs. Jeule Oordon.

WUbur and Leiter Wh(t<heid re­turned lhe the weejfc trom

■ "^ ih e r, who U employed near Spo* • kane.

Mr. and Mr*. John Beali and ioa. Pete, CaldweU, are. gueit* ot rela- tlvei la thla vicinity. They wer8,hoa« ored (Ueita at a dinner given n the home of Mr. and Mr*. F. W. Neale on Bunday. Thoie preient at the dinner were: Mr. and Mr*. A. O. Victor. Mr. and Mr*. P. 8. Gappell. and Mr*. T. M. Baird.

Memben ot the BapUit MluJon- try toclety entertained the women ot that omanixatlon in Twin PalU on Thuraday afUrnoon at tbe home

I ot M n. k L. Holloway. A pcocram featuring the cuitom ot the Japan* eie people w u carried out under tha leadenhlp of Mr*. Albert S. Beuley. Betreihmenu were lerred by » committee comprUIng Mei*

-------<l*mu4loy-Wtl8htai^I.JHoJloway,J. T. Andenon and Albert Z. Deaa* ley.

Rev. Albert E. Beasley h u arrlv* ed to accept the vutorate ot the K E U ln i ii iu i church for the com-

. ln8-year.^andM r*.-B ea iley .M c KvlMT at (he ptnoatte nur

~ Baptist church. - •


BUHL. Aug. n (Special lo The New*)-Puncrtt aenlces for Louis

_____ ;^J.Jtoublnek. Weat End farmw whodied a fh h home neafTJuhl W day, mre' held at the- Preibyterlui church here thU atlemoon. Rev. Jamea MlUar, pu tor ot ths Twin P ills Presbyterian church, delivered the Mrmon from F lr*t Thtealonlaaa CM.

The choir of the church mbs lhree number*.

------- .Mr..ft)utiInek.Jiit(J b?en_*_re«Jd^ot the West end for tbout three year*. He came here with his family from Mule Shoe, Texas. He had

------- -beea-A-inember-of the PresbyterlMchurch *lnce childhood.

Interment was tn the Buhl ceme* tery. _________ • '


«-u resumed Iwre today foUowlnc the ceisation of work caused by the

---------- Ught rain flaturday.-One-thrertlngm«chlne In the vielnlly of the school* house and one at the L. H. Brown ranch worked today. Tbe rala over the week-end was reported to have

_ caused no serious damage. •Mr. and Mr*. (S ia r te s ^w to td W

and Harold Brown formed a camping party and left Saturday lo r a short vaeatkn In the ouuntalns south <3

■here.Mr. aad M n. Leslie wnuamaoo,

Wuhlngton, an visiting a t the bome o t» . Wllllaraaoa-s pareots, Mr. and M n. J. W. wmiaason.

Mbs Dorothy Ptnder Is spenAng ■two mekrln.tbe.SiirtoaULmotm-. ttlns wltb feUtlTcs.. W am n‘nraBU *erteaslya iftttt» home « f his fueoU , W . and Mn. Rupert Tegan..M a m WooMt'* club wUl mtti

------ Thunday a t th.> Ham* of Mra. a j n, DlehL

J lO filiM iL ■ RRIOE«ERiN

- ' ” H Aono£A». Auf. 11 (apedti to Tlw News)-.iMA H. a Frailer boo* ortil Mr*, te s panons. reoent btide of Hagennao. a( her boo* Thunday

* afternoon, entotalniBg fiknds of■--------- Vtr*. Paiwn* t t fonr tab la of bridge

’ A fu r the gaawtmlie*Uut*oussbow« er w u preaenfed tbe bride.

- Mrs. R. H. QrMM 'w u twuded--------- hlgh-prtw atcMtH and the low went

to Mr*. J. Parmer., .■U tU eB ia ieB klnaerdK S tedua

brlile In pink ttsaady v lU i veil and flower*, and UtUe Johale Brton. Washington, as croem. entered the reception Tootns drtwtng ■ Ben lUul*

glfU for M n. Parsons. Many use* 1 vful and valuable •rtleles for her new

r •V '‘»»e were opened tod exhibited by Tthebnde. .I Ths boeUss lerved dellgbUul n *

fwihmeols t t the clcee of ths after*

■■ F lyer ViBits


" i i lE S * lj-

Ciirluill/ . by .numeroM tl l f l i

** sheU^U a r tS o n * c h r t f^0,

ie B iS iE I' 5 i ftTPICllNBl:a- _____ «m -------- c5 Group Names Twin Falls Man « ® Vice President and Re-;^6 elects Otiier Officials'edJ - -------- \i'h. ntTML, Aug. 11 (Special to Tlie J

New»)-ApproxlmoS!y 200 rofWer-* reildenu of Nebruka gothered fo r '

V* their annual picnic ot the Buhl city f he psrk Sunday afternoon. Addresses c n- were given by John L. Hailey. K u * i « tlags..Nebraiko..ftnd_0.jJi_Chlldi,_f he piJcr. . J

• A cttteUrla lunch nl 1 P. M. was < followed b y 'g t ^ , contesu and con* I verutlon. |

Offleen were elecUd u follows: , aeorss A. Child*. Buhl, re-elecled , preiidenl: A. EsUlng. T*^ln FslU. ,

* r vice president; CharU* Underwood, i ) L KJmberly, re-elected secrelsry-lrtai* <

“ I I ’ B. SJunon, Twin Palls, was , ■hfl vlee president of the organluUon ]

ho The Nebraskans voled to hold Ihelr i next j-c iii.*f*» lon j» t the W n ; Poiu ;

IM county fslrgrounds in FUer dUiliig , e». August ___________ i

=ciyBiTMai I:J8IISMII15,illy -------- ■

to Mrs. S. M.’ Eaton Receives i Prl:e ot Vase as Winner of Most Blue Ribbons

N ' WEUDELL, Auff. 11-V.Vmcn oT fit) Wendell Civic club held tbelr annual

flower show here at tho ciubrooms Hu Ibundayafumoon. Mr*.8.XLEal.

on reoeJred the p r l» of a vase, « tag- p *^ charge of the affair Included: Mn. ^ M;.B,.McO)y,_*|^JB.J5^Dysr_pnd_

^ "Seemed No Belief In World For Me’',

SvK fll'iyfat-ln'g bwckttd . »faftH iff-w lthtindi^^ gestion. My kWneys bccamo;

affcctcd, brcmkinff into ni>'{i<a

>mei&d —

tbs -


V \tto00* > \ / 7ide ^ S S S S S S S r ' ' ■

MRS. B. A.. PUFFIN^ sleep o t n lg hT M <ril''U raM “ my 0* inUe* usd basds would swell and ried I'd ban.frt<iueQt atliek i .of d ln i* M t nu*- 'Hiera seemed nd. relief

In the world^or ne tmtU 1 sUrUd4 Sorgea and i t did me mon good u,d tban I'even dared hope lor. Every Lul kUintnt I h td Is gone or lost dls* Uie appetrlBg and lo r tbe f l n i time In (ul* yean I gat k real nlgbl'a rest My ritb whole lytUm 1« streagbened to d I ue* feel Uke ft.dUlereat penon.MW "Saiion PUU regijgted me per- i by fectly aod rm tree o f .ooullpatlon.

that treoblad me tU n r Ufe.’.--Mn. n * B. A. Duffla. 9S8 V. S8th St., Port- ter* - ^ a^nun*JohM oa ,

its “Death Valley Scotfy’i ”

v r

________ % ' i, ^ I^ “ ' V ' > P

t^»ll> Valley SeoU; nrw home. CnpUln nttd found a 4l>>rt»iiii In the heart (lir ilrM Hill have been pot Into

' 11 l i tomplctrd. Enpla (old Moeready Ihot A. Inturanre excrutlre rnm

tllfUU ovff l l f alh “ Itc found thal the cllr

tbe InrluUon ot pUnatlo^ ..

Mrt. M. O. Kappel. Mr*. EU B tn*’ I netl. Hawrnun, awlitcd by her Ms- IJ ler. ML« lr«ne RlwJile. u tto tiie H Judges ol t-V affair. Tho nse tt-aa

LBlven by M.-. mid Mra. A. R. Coon. I Oskloncl, CAlilomla. • .

WendeU var, the «enc of sewfnl 1 | automobile accidents during the lest; tttek. which inwlvcd T. N. Colman. Orchort Va!; )., Mn. -Clyde ^tivek „

n and Carl Ssnt.-chi, none ot wlwm vi is ; r i Injured.

1- J Mr. nnd Mn:. Oordon Staples nnd ChUdren arc spcndiiiB ihclr vacation

Is with relatives al Mokow.I Mrs. L. F. Avant ond imoU dAugh- !<er. Twin Pullj, are vlsltlnff ot the

,e home of Mr.v Avanfs ilsW , .Mrs.'5r-Pr**w'»-BfeUnuii>,------------------------w ' Mr. nnd Nts. H. P. DoftTwy nnd dl ty family liavc nrrlvfd here from Mos-. es cow and are lu in j In the Macqul«y K. s* residence. The Dorneys have been li,_nttendliis,Miiimifr wliogl In.Mo.'cow,

,M r. DoBiiry wjii b; superintfwJfnt U ofWeiidtlUcliooLnlUs year and Mrs. lo n- DOMicy will inch In Ow grades. • ot

I Wendell delecaiw to the Ooodlnc • j county Republican convenUon. tis de-: w lermlncd bj- the election laal Prldsy dl U. ore os fo’lons; Austin Schonwtller. pi « . H. J. Barton. N.C.AbbolUL. A. Jones. b< **.OeorgciJarre:{, P. w. flas:ins, R. D. «•

'BradshftT.MotiroeNoble, N. L.Pcter-1 ' « sen. Winiam Wlnesar, Jr., J. H. Sll* n

brough,M.O.KoppelandCl>-deMy- oi , n e t DemocraUo delcsaies ore: N.-u

O. Lebnd, pcorgtignUji. Ra)-mond d H»_Rolx>lt, P. L. Dornu»n, J. B, Uartwrll. >'P ond Kothrj-n Hortwea t .

i i i i s s i i IP KKPIIlSSyilGESSi^*T—BU irETKu«.-irfS pM iirT ff-Tne^: . ;New*»-S»-lnvnlnB ond safely w k r

conducted here August 4 lo 9 Inclu- li es MVP. under direction of Charlea P. — Otilr-WUIflmeWeunlver»lty-graduate._i c r u'orklng under au.ipleca of the locsl i

chapter of the Red Cross. v,is*a de- j nc cldcd sueoess. Rev. A. C. tathrop.

officer of the chspUr, staled Mon- e 'day.'' Mr. Olll, who left lale Salurday .

,u i evcnlnBforOhaUlsioconductaclas!. « „ *Uit«lthatUiesenlorllfcsa\1ngclass , ‘ . «iis the Urgest In the siAlo lo uke , „ fxatnlnattons under his direction. |

Elshieen per*ons took lhe final test , . in th li dlvlilon and nine were exam- ,

itjed in the Jumor cuss. U^rtmei* ; .!e.<> of efficiency wlU be Issued U> aU, who-pa«e<J.--------------------------------;

— Rev. lAttuop stotes th U a great ' m.iny re<iuesU have been received by . Mr. OIU, Hcwy l4«»y, the c l^ Ufo j

jV guard and himself for a repetition of i- the course aott yeor. i

no I ^ IIW II 1


r l92'6“01dStioljile'C< F . 1926 Studebaker D

1926 Chevi'olet Cou

1927 Essex Coach..1927 Star Four Bed

I ~l?28'Erskine Sedar I 1929 Ford Fordor-i

_1926 Chevroletlru1928 Reo Tmck, N d itione^^am nte

»; I927"Chevrblet.Tru 1928-Star Six Coui

■Ud • ;


I i -

I n i ' U n io n M>rt-'

______ tW lN T A L L S DAILT: N g


— a

is— l ot

B ^ r . .■'Wf -'. ’ g : Ken

J k "‘ i'’ Mm.■ ■ >< 0 ledr

tioii lace.

. A • < ' ’ ' M T^l:^ ..........»■»'!'ond

t (lower r ilh l) lo vUll. the UlUr** Matreatly ellmbrd from hU pUne j-_,

mil raUle (top) iira rln i rnmplellan dfrfrt. Ten yeor* work and JJ,OOOJWO Into the mignirieenl ilrueloro when p i„ :p1alnlng how It aU stortrd. Seetly A. M. Johnion. mlUlunalre Chicago m

rnnimhjaoned him lo bufld (lie eaille. ,n l climate here wai good (nr hi* health niul ^ li» f r ' -Bonliyi B ilfitinm ir fT* ^

'IPPLEl’8 SCHOOL . |KGiPLEIiiP a ii l K a rtz k c , Jerom e C on- ,

t ra c to r . Rushes W o rk On

New $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 -S tru c tu re

JEROME. Aug. n (Special ta The.-.NewsJ.^Con;ilruetloiu_nt_Apnleton __

dtslrlcfs new IJJ.MO school buliaing 1» rnpldly nearing compleUon. Paul Kartzke. Jerome, ha* the contract for Uw building.

R<h| brick has been used In tho '*yuciurc, two stories hish. AnaudI-' lorlum 23 by 70 teet. with a slage In on6 end. and one classroom make up

■ the llrst lloor.: The second f lm of the building Is I divided Inlo four clawrooms and the

. principal's office. The buUdlng has , been Ilnlshed Inslds In gray, and Is , B’lred .'or eleclrtciJy.■I ' The ichooUiouse sots baek from the• rood about 600 feet. A largo amount ' of ground surrounding the building• • ulU prortde timple space fo r rtcren- I Hon.

iPEsflBfiis,|eiNsrayraoN' i RUPERT, Aus. It (Speclol to TOC

1 NeR^sJ-Xfember* ftnd euarrflans ol irHhreFBT'OutHTjntuprrrCnmpflrfrglrls — t retumed Bucday iificr a week’s out-- Ing ot Ou)'er Hol Springs.'• Ouordlnans were: Mrs. FajTc ^-Kenoffy, ^U«..Roduoy.(3oodmanJmd _ 1 MlssEthl]-nOnea1.Rui»rt:andMra.- H. A. Baker. Mrs, A. P. Beymer nnd '• Mr*. Carl Upp,v Rupeit Women's- club, sponsors of the trip.

'They report an enjoyable time. The >■ party secured Uie hotel o t Ouyer as

a clubhouse and w lili Mrs. Anna Hlte « ond M n. Hnttle Deon of Rupert au- I 0 per>'lslng the dlnlilg room and kltch- >• en service, the problem of “ eata"• V.-U adtnlnbly eared for. The menu- TSUI prepared bv Miss Helen Jensen.

a w o i )NXB.m eNT i t : * Children's haircuts, under 13. now ly 40c. Udles neck c llui 18c. Barber lo shops open unlU 0 Wednesday eve*If nlngt. K U IB E R LY O A R B E R



csach . - r s iB O io nD up lex .... SlBO;On oupe ......... . 6 5 .0 0

'..-IliZsiiio.onedan.........ifi22 S J)0 'a n ^ . . . . . . . : . . . . . - S 3 4 5 ^ 0 - -

r-Sedan .... $400 .00ruck..„..„.:$135.0Q L^New Rubber, recon-te e d .........S42S.00^ C k “;.:.....;.s250.00



S®otor Co,

ig W S; FALLS, IP A H O . Tl

im swEi,:,-_____ omur

f^he IGroup Outlines Program For“ Tw jrFa liriS u iitrFa l'"” 5;;—sHslsnd-Park-MeetinD JSi


ISLAM) PARK, Aug. 11 (Speelal oDUl U) Tljp .se«)_idalw 8mlU»-Uughei ' rqulf agrlcullure icnrjiers held their focoiiI''r<'tu'c at Uta*hU elub. Island ;r jy n Patk, Ausuit l,to 0 Inelusive, Ivippi

Ct)iil.-i-nw! leaders were WUllam I It Kerr. Hotv., sin-.c director Of \-oca*:l lte i lloniil iisncultiire: and Dert L«lU i. ■ Mo»«i». tracher trainer ot the col- l-<Id les© nt acrtculiure. W. T. Sponloii. Huai fedfMl nscnt of agrlcullunl educa- inne tion, Watlimgion. and Jatnes K. Wal- i«ilill Uee.- msrlietliMi ipeclaUst. bureau ol r.m 1 ognriiliunl econotnlcs, were preseni at tly roiitcrence and gave ImpirtaM leciurr* on «)tiferfnee meUioda and m a rk H li^ o b le n is ^" a Kiitiire FMrmer prw rinnartJ ie “ “

T»iii J'j :i» county fair u-as outlined, _ whirli of Jud:;lnj, fllllnsondMioxlns ol livMiock.

J'l4n T«H» Kails Session i,, ll Ell Kn:i;oU. Filer, dislrlct advisor bp.iv

for Kiimrr I ’armera of Soulh Idaho. ■»« « « the tale (or a di.v.rlcl meetlnj ot n-.du Fii'.tin- Farmers of Aniqlea at Tuln Si>rl PalUdiinti^Uicm'imhofNovember. on i

L Mr.WHllaceniciiilnncdlhelmport- pnlii snl llm t low price of slwep anil Rail

j niuiton 'ii-n.i due to .luch large Umbs Mk

W H E N 1


ated 7S W U pounds wai Ui? de- | U l |

OntHne ^llenu H ljMiss McPorUnd. state dirrotor of l | ] line f f t?fwmfcs. was aJso prcnett; and ilUned the dallj' menu for the xrelt. lie alv) sugtfsted rortJMds of co- xraUon between Iwme rwnomlcs ChCS Id vocallotul airlculttiral depart* 1rm 'jio l-th frsuu.------------------ -J--------QfNutnerous. methods of imiirovlnit

otk m vocatlonfll ofrlciiistirr Mfrr ___

ipihod* were oullltird for tVure anncr protfrom. projccl fuiKrvi.iimi, Jtolnlns refercner’ ti-.airrial and I ASI Vilpment, conduciliii; evrnlns cIrm- ; Nf wsi » for lormrrs and nvtlHxli of co-.‘'■■‘ Ho'’ ivraUon between liomf wiiovuic.-! ■neelli ppirinienta and fxu 'iisijii wikIht ' I Tl)e It was the (ipiiilon ot iiirmbrrH of for Ui le ld.iho ViVaironal iivotiailoti Uut •. i>m i'.l)tr-i\nd->on tMuiqiKv.v should b<. fid in oaeh dei«rimrnt of Umitli-' .on.’ Uuhrs niirleiillnre lu IiUlm m line ol tlie iijllnnsi naiire I 'u n rrr, Mci iililli-ipfiiklns rr>n!r-i: ii'.Cie Aii;‘TI- .in Ho\.-»l this l.ill. -iirodl

-------------------------- ■ :llolse«.05 1 M<v

Tri Vnlon Parllfc .Mhlellr Mrf( i li___ ^ Al O n iia i.,^ regar

• ,\usuit IMh and 1fi(h it'onsloutirt ;r lp from Twin f'a ll' vl.i O rf ou Sliotv Une Railroad, oiitfMniiM /mm IJ HtHcni II il'rilllii? «|viris: 15 band!. Vi'll , - n i l jp.mtlfiil Ondon Canioti. Ikr:i'.:t. i ilio p ■;c Ir.ii. EI I’allo. Arlfslnti IMrlt. tl’.i ;inR l< planu, swim at Ulaii lint | ;w C •l>rlns% or Kl Monte SpHnis- Ticki'ti I IM tlf m ^a:e Aii:usi H, 15, 10 (rom aU;t:n^ I rnln-s ou the Ori'KOii Kliort Lltif I’ ls talltonrt. (ielum IitiiK. Austin! iDili , camp Ml: lural m rni (or details. nd'.-, Iculiu


% ASKS ' . . . . !

^ andyo

L H _______ ^ H E next timJL the man ac

question. "Ethyli

■ And in justicc tlH urge you to onsv

H H - proud of, is like' H ' H tarings out rajtc H B ) the qualities wh


Ethyl stops the k the accelerator ^

gears on hilU. Ei you when you Iei

— y Say,"Yesl” . . , ;pcoT H E G A E X T R A

JST 12. 1030

fflOMiP tet Un At

iE I8 ftlO l£. ____" PalU;

Wlswalester L Mink, Twin Falls, I BecsmesSecrotary-T roas-! .urer.. For Ensiilnn Ycar f l , .

_ _KailTON, Aus, 11 .SpccUl to Tlie wsi-Members ol Uic Irialio Vo- ’ ;Ional a.v>cia(lon hrld ih rlr aiu '.iu l' m A etlttg M Uta-lda club August 6. I W ri)e folloa-ln* ofllrcn M-erc r lo ii-J 1 ■ the ensiitjiff )« ir ; 'I'reildent. Boyd I . llru liw ii. Mov i # *■; vlceptfJldcnt.S-inlej llic lw d . ■ ■ .1. Oraw: Kcr.'Mrv-tr.';w;ir«r. ■ ;r..ier L. Mink. T^.ii. l-'nU. ■Membera o! Uic cxrcumv cununl!*? nre C. R. Tullej, Eiimic^a; H. T. tjdUead/ Jllacklro;; W illlim Kcir, lise: H. E. Littli:, Mr.-.'O'i.Mini Importiini umoua the minwr- .1 business dL<eu.«!ntu> were ui<\^ jardlng Rummer r.nni« lor msl oimtuiuire snider.w iu!d^'ru» — - re Farmer program .ii (lie VSi.Mcrn aho4i;iltlct fair.

nuekfool ( hi«fn n i6 m.iekfont fair was itliown n\0 plaC47 lo ir le c i tl-." 1;\ -ic-lc jiid ;- t; team to repmciit Idnlv» m Knn* f l f X Cliy Amcrlcnn H.-))!!] laMr^ul of iclflc In t*nutln iM i a: roni.ind os in been done In llu- puM. HI’ lans were outlined lor lioklir.i; B imp* for lw)'d Jfl iwnjlojial ni.71- illure.. TIk: lolloAiiij commlltfcr, wolll


" E T msay yes! .

p u ll say it

ime you (3rive into a CONOC t the pump w ill ask you a yl?” , w ill bc his query.

: to yourself and tJ>c car you iswer, “ Y(s!”

d cd-:? (rX O J4Q £Q i;t% ^5ce'stiasoning added to'fopd. -.ffi tc and deliciousness, so E th y l' vhich have made CONO.CC

: knock that mak'cs iHc foot rc r when you would ja ther "bc stops thTkfii^k'tharforccs'yt Ethyl stops the knock that c let in the clutch in traffic.

jQ ?^QCQ-Mlctman . asks, **Ei . and you’ll say it again.


tp p i^ io M t f iO c r 'a B d o t t l* 'pToimn4o<ttw>'<i«On»T .-------Z«tlildahorOeMH^.WlnBbe>« . ArUa Parklu. QuUmm..,. r . - . >iM’ VftU«]p,’J flto Bvwr. a o l« i . '•a . *)I Tulley, Bmmett. ■•uU) Idsho. 0. h. Mink, Twtn » i; s. T. BTfon. Burley; a H. • raU. Cerome.uU>eaH Idaho. Stanley Hlebutl.Once: D, A. Uogcnbaucta. Ms- A. E. I>uke. Re»bun; A. 11 Sate. irid tho-PolU.---------- — -------- ----r

al«-jaa.ffli)l-sfleclilbL_Ln Twin %. Phone *10. Dr. FoaUr; Adn

( i l l sf l i e s

Q u ic k l


klAN \

a ? ”• • • • _____________

: again

CQ station, 'I one-word '

u drive, we

^seasoniflf:^."1 brings out • ■:0 Gasoline

retreaffrortT’ bear down’’y o u to s h if t -------------------------embarrasses

^ 0 “

M IL E S 4 r ' i

. - . ; r t - v r - ■*

Page 6: S Clark counly Jail lonlght, having' 000,000 teel ot slacked lo:i luai nieli In a fire at the company's work northwesl ol Chehalli.Thc

igDPjiiiow______ S hare P rlccs Close Hig

On S to r t Covering SI

u la ted b y Crop Sla

M arke ts a l A Glancc

NfW Yojk. .\u j ’.1 - Ei£>:1cj:

rai:* lead ra)'.> .UoniU; irsfw^i'.^r; o'

Imid rallies tr.ore •Jiar. : ;v;r.!KorcUii E\c:unjcj. Utf-u,.

i!«llnB »av.iTVfJ,Cction’. Lfi'»rr; r\crr ..worn

• - i - wMUier.acd, . Kiicar; E.i!y; ■'

Ifrli;K«.C olfff! lIlK lifr; tifJ.'ly

Iin n;»kci».’CHICAOO;WhMt; Lli.

pool nnd rxr.c itd b'-.uL'li f crntneni rp;>vr:.• Corn; JVni; hii:i cr>;[i aJi'i nntl fx iiff.n l biilllMi i:iivr:;i:m rcpon. ^

Cnltlc; Strnriy CO Insrr. _ _______HoK3: :<>

»)• JOUN I . n to i. r v (Aisoclaifd I ’t w riniim'ial ' ' ’ f'

.......... N nvyO R K.A ii|;. l!-S !oc la Ibetl «1> und-do'in rrr.iitc;illy lo but c^o^ttl hlKlur uii Jlwct '■‘►'•i' AUmuJalrd by a itintc o iitiin liilc ' of Uic crop *liuatlO!i.

toccpl in u comparatively Jew gtancM. ncl k-aliw >ric Domlnal. the rallj'liin leiirtciiclta prevs only olicr the mnrkei had K' lhroi:glJ some J))sl»y frrallc iii mtnU. U WM nuiiln tlic old t of dullnrM on the dccUnex nnd ' )n£fif.u Ju tako produ on'the vancfs. but Uie bear* opparc sensNl an ovrrsoW comlltlon n* rwuJt oi }#4t wrelt's deellnc* covcrcd with wme Ireedom. cspe<

Tfie /alJuri! of Saturday's rali hold encourancd luriher sellini Uie morning hours when modi <JedJnM devrlopcfl In kcveral tlon* of lhe ll*t. notably In the f

_____ Implcmeiil snare*, tlie ruils“ utJUllfi. tme mnrkcta’ re»l*ti

proved a surprise on the shorts. I ever, add ulter a ecrln ot t moves In rJther dlrctUon, cove

. began In earnest a l inld-oftcri under tbe leadership of the Im

•mentTflJls; AUhtson, for cxnu rose more lhan 1 polnls and U Paclllc nearly O- Lnie proflt*in medfralfly rcdiiccd many of lh( treme gains.

Money Firm The l lrm iim of money was m

wheni ot a turprlsc. tor call 1 advanced to 2' j j x t cctU a ltti newlng a l J. The rise um ttiir lt to the withdrawal of oboul »S0, OOD by DUl-of'town baiilu whlcl requiring lundi for lhe niovci of crops.

Prominent Industrial shares erally maintained a firm undct In the dny's (Inctuatlons. Ui

_________ S iatcs Steel, which eloswl SamsrisB ’ smtppitrTo-isB’Trbut- movcd 3 points abovo that 11i *elllnF ofl to 160’ nv the clav, I

---------------emhMotors-waft-^KW'pHoiwlly-Jgaining n ]->liit. ncl. Johns•^ vDle, Eastman Kodak, A. M. Q Auburn Alito, Auto strop. Amci

■ Tobacco &, Radio, Standard Q New Jersey, Vanadium und V


■ COLUMN. TUE nUUUES U:. . A a E .iu o s t: bU i'PLicu t o




•. • ' I N MIND. * ■ • ■

U<M|g<kr = = = = :

........— tt.OO lolj lu ittc i — —/C.........— taoB toI S“fE=ErS'sI l*uuJlt>

hnu. 4',i lb». ui>-------------_______ jdJsliiJjeai..ui«icr.41i.l'>»-_—

U«t>orii btn>. It).___________Uloiier* I,U ^o rn BtolltnOIU COCKS .UmierUt-------- ... -----------------

>:»>cxiri* -------------------------------------------------

; ■ / Umi .!ZZZIZ '.'ZZZZZZZZZ

( • • evtiiuck__________CHw TrIumpM - --------------

a r « l Norihtrn.' Oreal Honiicru. »o. 2_________

OII «r»a*..„.____________ll.OQirtDui *na Mill r>to

Sim. cw i.______ ........... ......I t ’. •• ' _ BWK 'ooa. loo- itt ioM

.............. ridM»«oa.'’ »l9.'’ a or Betur—tutaii Pti«T»1__________c llu in " * ’ bof’. ' i ' - - — ~I aiTMi Gorn (do»D)-----------------

• Cutaloupa , , • ■ ta<- >i

- N««. uUtoM lloeall. pound ~

1 .Twnalow. peiind.-,., . .C u ^ beri. m aO n o m dOMD — <0e

■ a e : , 5 T 5 = = . » g 'S 5 , - = =

rrodsN .: g i } ! £ - i iS S “ ? - r =


Page S ix '

'SlCKIWi. . • • . I A'n. H (.n-C3Piti»

i iI>rf»*'rt»if------jM l j^O If

Mfiriin «so T'” i " a uJ t ami n

. S i ™ - i s S r * ~ | s ! I I ! ;

5 la l i is ; “ £ ' ” | ! ’ ; , 4 i a ' " ' ' " ' '

---------- , inshniise r ifctrlc rallied 1 w 0 pul:. . ' Horbiifk was MK! .it t

rlfkv" nnd liioki- lo il nrw low loi IV . [USA (ll more ih'in 2 polnla. '1

niaxiiiiiiiii lo? In tne lit u,.; Rnicrally r''<lii'-':cl or ell |[i:itril. Am' Tel'-phn:;” elo;

1 I-'U- ir.iciloiiall>-hitilicr.

I i.m i:uTY uoNusI NEW YOHK. AilK. 11 . • r i - B f

..J ■ !qmiiailon\ ilii.'c; ^.!'• of- .......Xibcriy I.U 3 M 7 ......... $lu:I- , .11 ,U ii.'riy n il 4‘.,% 3n.:i!i........ sio:

.‘ I'T/.,,Miry 41., 47 .i:..‘ ........ •5ir.• ;T ri i.stiry 4s 44-34 ............. $ict

Trcwiiry a ,s 40-:,( i ............ JlOiL lir.'- Tr<Mfijj-y ; r . jmu-43— .... MDlI sov- jTrra.^iiry 3:■. 4;i.47.... ........ 'M l

j .ueTMS

Quiet; clertrotilic !nt ■ 1U-.' Zraii; O'llI; riiimiKT j .J’. o.

ju illla li. sill; Alutjaltia J llM t'. J Writer) j Tin; tiiratly; ijk/. a;ul r.;.ii la btib- ;$30.JU;-Iiiliir«' WOiU.■ loilay, I I.rail; Steady: s])o'..S'c-A'VTtrH «i (►vi'riiin ! E-Hl fit. Lolll^ $j.35.tic view Zinc; ^Xl. y: Ki.M .‘ ‘t, l,.iw:-. ;

(and luture s IJD10 Jl ari,Jew In- Anilmony JO. na l.ior Q'Uck Mlver S1I9.tevalletl --------

Kone UAH KILVi:il; inuvc- JJEW VOBK, AiiK. 11 oVj - I d "lory riivt|. 331.,Ild will- _____lhe ad- .'itO.VEV’“nr .h ^ n e w YORK. Aug. a CV; - C

" ‘oney: Sleady; high :;'ic : low special- .jg ^'.Tir,:-;:: a ^ c r w d«y»-2S<: «)-(iHy!.-Jhe llln# 111 ^

Prime commercial paper 3 to 3' Hankers- accepMsceit; Undiiuw

; « 30 days 2 to I ’ .c; il;> t>. 00 (l;.y

r s - ......— -[ siniiU-ovcrlnR SUOAKicrnoou ^'OnK. Aiu. I I o ii_ r!Invest- “ “ s riRlt r today undrr lucre

■xnumie '" 'd only a Umli.'4I U.,ion " " “ ‘'f- ' ’ f ' ' ' " decilned nOoiit I. .inklns “ > 3.1BC lor NWts dhe cx- 3Utfljrs ol Cijljiifi f j f j/ro(ii[)£ .'Jiifi.-ti . . . . 1 to nn oiil[>ori n-dnrr al UiL-. level.

I Except for ft little: nli'aillncM tn e<-p:^:nbfr ;il iJic Ai.iri

II i^ . ,v to M 'w iiu whcii.iiricci.ttivini;;■ loansI '«c«-.vrd lliiuJdrjlJoj) ajlil".v.'];ljj^

irmuica ,jon.^, ciiban coniwcilons. 1 JSOOOO.. nioted by llie more liberal oiler hicii arc j „ u-.e ipoi nwrHci. ovcment ApproxlmBtliii; only 22.C50 t

Number 3 contracts ciuscd lo 1 :es gen- jiouila lower at $3,00 for 8cr>tcn idcrione and $3.M lor Deci-mber with l lo ^

Unlled ClotaiiK prlccs Ior number 1 Sept latiirday ber $1.15, December S1.33. Jam ut-then SlS5r-M(i»h-«l,34,-M(vy-*U0,.. , IlBurc. JI.47.K*. CJen- The rellrcd markcl was unclii ily-<tr»ir^cd. a! t l.&O.IoiiJ.wi-BraHUlat£d. is-Man- bll.'-lIle. . u-ds 11;hl and for nenrb) I. Oyer*, qiilremeiit.1 only as the inidc 1 merican hot Inclined (0 buy nlicad In ' .1 o il of ' ‘f wi-'-ler raws wliicli led lo J West- pcetatloia ol a rcdiicUou In rctlm

• - u i ic A o o rn o u u c E^ CinCAOO. AUR. 11 1.1V-DUI»• Reeelpls 0305; Jltm; crcamery

tras 37‘ jc; standards 37‘3c: e Ell NOI llrsts 3a to 30';c: llrsis 34 toE uu o - .second 33 to 33<:iC.____________fT x i i lS l tRKiT: Hccei'ini l l i f i l : llrm : e

UIVEN firsts 35 10 3Cc! frcah graded I fO Tllfc 24 10 24'.;c: Ircih currrnl n-ci iEU9 IN 20 to 2l'r c 5 ordinary currcnt rccf IT IN A IS to 19. .1,1.1'fKs rotiltry: Alive. 4 ears. 3 in i I U V t . frlm: lowls 21e: ^prlnl;^ 2ic; b

TIIA.N rrs 25c; rOMters 14c; tiirlicys I Y o u t 18c; spring ducks 14 (0 IOc; sp ELLEH& (tfcje 12c.IS FAlTi rv. .

ducc. exclinniie;' bu tte r. HI----- 5«'?\ iwmid.': cliec.'.c 01.400 |«unds:----- t»8 cases.) io . eoo uuiter In bulk 37c.'li'* *7w0 io '«w 'ca .'c counl 2Cc; intMlums 23«; sn J to iow ;i4 ':C .

,,,.! I ’otiltry; Broilers I ' , jwunds___^..iiclovcr l>: imunds to a ', poimds— L-:.K;frj'fr.Ttrsl;om.<r-2’ r t o 3 pound*

I colored 28c: roasters 3 jwunds I u» 2»c; LeRhorn hens under pouds He; 3 'i 10 4 pounds 16c;

------- 3— 4 1,ounds JCc; colored hens 4 poi_ _ _ j jc |tu id up 2Bc; ducks young lilc:—— w i '

___ia.o'j34c: hens 2bc; d ressl 3Jc; und— li'i'pouniU 15c; old loiiis 25c; dre

- - }JfJ mV^NCJSCO PBODUC.M ' £AN.I-RANClSCO, Aug. 11 I J lililt liT ja l 30'.,c.— «i 1s' 0;j)tiji.s; Jobbbij sicked yellowi Z i i iU l is it o l l 0»: red elobes----- 41 :q ;. PoUloes; Jobblnn StoclTton,

»j))i» jj.oo lo«JO cB irC oIjnS ( . lifts 2S to 3c jwund: number 2

—— i»e to I’c pound.—J*oijl!;7 r iJroJIfrs 23 to 38e; ]

rs ra iio 118 to 2Bc: turkeys nominal.

■ DRIED nv ir — 3<ic - N E w ^ n K T A u s .- n « > -K-----crtiled applei; Kasy; •choice 1S T Z iw fancy 13 to 13«c.--------.ic j Prunes: Steady; California t

Oregon nomlnaL Aprleou; aeady; jtarxlard 0‘

------- 1»« lOc: choice i l to exlra ebt? >5 “

______Je Peaches; Steady; standard W'. . He; choice l l to Il'. ic ; extra cb

■:------K IP j 10 IPU.,

‘ ^ DRINK NATSOdPAU«»J6 Wa deliver In our own' gllsU

—- r i s y0i i . 0Tdet8 10 41111. Hol Wells UBV —- * J g adv.

IMQ I s to c k M a rke t Averagesges j ■

iF ■ I.s I«18 V o C J ^ k J G E R 'J1 ! u j s e e w i ^ o HA.vje pi 1 l i i * B 6 6 M K e ’eP lW OUS’ *J u n w rm D e v e i oPMC-wts f r T w 9 W W c o d a v U E l T " ~e i« 3 SETTLGMEMT. h e


SOMETMIMO OVGR S 5 0 0 .0 0 0 IO P U V

V Ior a ’ VJITH T H Kla. 'ITie 3 3 0 0 .0 0 0 WD iS? iitu i- - ro R e c e iv e 'F c o '^

'eio"!d ■fOMAMG UP W l'j IK JH eR lTA N C e TA-/. PANMEKfT. AM O

-B o iid H S IS UOOKIMO FOR 6. BARCAirvj;

?100 30$1U2.(» M '51011.005112.20 _____ ______ ________$108801100.00 ____________________M Dl.17----------------“ .------------------ -------

' N E W

■ = ■ i Mp . i y l • _ q . o it'. 5m ! ■ .r.MCbyl in>- Tll- <joi,i ii.;

. -J;?'. I

S ] S ; r : f ‘ | s g 5Ilirnfil'urA • " ' j j :nw o iiK ii... " 1 j'li" ‘■"J*

— Call CSM'rtUii^^rl'.'. :i83'' ilOft. 2c; c u o , - ,i.cV. ■ ■ i ilu j’ cwl-

CM at f_& I'p fV :.ClUllMtr • 5T-. T H Y Ctlil

roml'-ilv. ......... -i: '. lior l-«fI . 11 r Com N>uill ...... l l i ' i l ’.>ckat>t

^ C.iM nil ol Del ... -.••.1'. l-tn AmCn,|, I,c | «<, ;.a.a„| rJ j], JJ C iiilt j Wliclll .

K^nrnm"Krlr 11 U .........3B>. S'tfw.r

1-n.VJi' Cirli A'PiiMt . . !it a r Incretxs- ‘ ' ' ‘' . I t ' , ! . — ...... -’-Vt.'4 d f- , , , i l l , ' [ M,rii (j’iiiIt I.IOc a tw itfii........... i i ’ , ' iiWiinsfi*■ts duty _____________________________I 3U.OO0--------------------------------------------

g l LisiDcminsaiii:;;d- l ! ________ ■ — ■ - "■V under J S A N KKAXCIsco'uVKSl'OCT 1;1J1\- by JWV;>-ClSCO.-inin.l*T.T) 'ns. p ro -Is I) A)—I!oi;i: llrcpliit.s 700; h;ea< iIIcrliTO]i„ad 1,’)U pound Culilovnla $11 I.

.') lo;»J* Jta lo 203 jjrtUiHl Ni'br;u‘ l ■0 tons, ,jio.7j to $10.05; pavklni; nnvs lari10 to U 'lj. 5813.mcmhTj (,•;,,ijj,. jjfcpijij., joas, holdovrr 1 “ ow-M .liiK i:t ^„.prs alwiii f.icady; 5 c; ^'Ptcm. ,„i„H iim 10:0 to I0J5 [wund ;ra :l « J u ly !* ’ ^T.-1. i „ - !l‘i*er; ii;i-dliini Krll i^•r^ olf ift.' «>i

' i i;)rrfl 1.151 ,^JondIly; a lo;ub 1075

■mP”o'’fd ; 3 liiatb eho , ,j i)Hi) ll) l l i f j je iin il lu ; . V.'jniiil

fl lo fxvtlnfd. I cav,,. V.1-.

iMi) J325 puund griiM bull\ jii. c:i P icr.; 2UU: Meady: loud meillniu : -DuUtr;

i ' i i q v nretlpU ITJO: =ci; T,.,. .’.ii'aily; 2 dwks r.ood C3 to ui pm:

• Ofi-XMis $8; ilcck 75 pound S7.

1,1 .•.Mice, uiidi'vione 25 lo SO: hli:li rccc'iiiA ■* ffi'dcrs dlsjilaycd.rcceipwj- ,.o u T i^ .\N ir i; iv r :s T o ( ir 'in irts . ' AiIS, 11 >U. S.

.. hr.;i'i Rccslrt.s 2:;xi, in:Uidi31Hihroiii:h:op.'nlii-;B:ow, Me,idy

• V w C• *’’ ” "5 .lo iiy I.-, iiitie i,r,vvr than early I....M<i:i>l.iv; .hulk llglit bulchen ea

— ■ - MSll'to tll,5»m«w bidding ;E f^5 r=r»^^.ii''fr:;to reW to!ti'3a»s)j-r9 i TV=Trn- OTT?3 {jrjs:5tir»vf-Rmco'jr;

140,800 Tv,V lin iiiiw s n ilx c il'lls lil pJcF ds: CKCJ •'.■OAS and slronK wclithl butchers SS

i;o $lu; part deck clwljo 70 P3« plan $13; anstlier part di

esh ISc; lairlv itikkI uneven welsht^ $13-'5, smalls “ Ca;;>-; Hecelpt.i-2400, v.vlvos-l

ifo t c:;oush carlj’ lo mak? nda 23e;'iti,i:kf.: run ir.cliidei nrour.d nds 23c; ol steers nnd onlv 10 to 12 lr: nd* ICc:-‘ ii'-sl'>«'i:-3 iMd»-conu«on-ia.l nds ;i:;tl “ '•''diutii sieem early $8.23 tu 7, dcr 3'. pWw b,ire!y Mcady to shade low l6c‘ over!'’" * medium lo near'ijixvi 1 I pounds' *)Ulc- 'O’d 'crJeMims In both cla«s not sold; mK'io iia ;‘'»;;»^»of eiKcs sold early;^

imd1:r''8'i ' i w o ' i s ' i : reiwhidcr mc: . drt iclns; JwUiJnff .sjH-ak of .s

Iwrlj-; low Kocd to near choice lan —— — W ttuaU iow niU O jia iii^ innv iC)UCfc Ic j (o f i io ; o,■ne Ji!J,xnl ycarlJiijfc i11 (/iV— 2 sear old wcUierx $3.25.

llows 75c ‘ aMAM.V I.JVKSTOCIC,|JJ.------- OMAUA. Am ..U U I tU .a D.onHong —Hojs:'" R<c*lpt.'i“ lj,otjor'ner inSOar- airoa!rto~l»g-liwhw,--lrtp inVi-' ier 2 I t ; .strictly cinice IG.‘> paund luhts; b

170 to 230 pounders $0.25 to $0. te; ben* 330 to 270 pound.hulclKHjaW;

to 200 pr.m<lers $8,75 to $9.00; 2flc 330 pounders $8.50 to '$8,75; pack MW*. $7.75 10 $B; smooth llshl 51

LL-Tvnn up'Tird t3-S3iO,__■ *. ^ T n w 24.000; ^ 0 5

per cctil of lamb supply Jccd< . . - lambs «tak to mosUy 25c Io» “ “ “ ihe«p Meady; feeders stron?: e: J «v . ranee slaushier lambs $8.2!“ V $8.00: some held hIgfifr:<mos{ nai a choice iamb» $8.35; ewe top $3.75: bulk ra

feeding larnbi $Q to $6.35; top $0I W 'j {0 fe«l(nj ewf.% $JJ0; mired iroken i a choice jolld mouth breeding ewea $3J8,

CaUle; RecelptrtOOO; calvea ! fed yearllnj* and lI jM *ee« r t «

II welKhiy steers alow, undertone w llsKnlng to 25c loa^r; klU lnt ihe alock 1 w Wi«n>,bu»« ♦?w dy;

atroiu: (00 mixed iw U & is tlO: I


Wll,tJl»4C. TO OAN C A 6 M \POCl CiCTM TMOUStkMD A C i^c s OP e«AZ5LiAs»T lM R f-n |,rv.Mt5' 0 0 '< 0 t j

W Y0U1<

'.osiyQ J])]) ._______________

l)';« .......... ;;ir.c;>tr Coir'oit»!« l-.iii:-■' »imli C-I-.I wwai r :i_ ‘

i-r".' ... 1 TmiVfif'i'JJii' neir";'. c "!f u. . ... VS-, I nian_i.Atr.prlr» ___Vuijj{v-r« T.IV n .'m ’ T i rn i'ac''' . ' T. 'Ct)i. fpt . JJ'i I t i l l Ihlt Atr «1iiiti I’ac ... I II H iiiii)ii(r . 10’ .

NoVo:. .. ;3’ ,*1 v " r r c irn 'c iifm ~ *4:m1i t l r i A . JJ ' W«l Itm i I3« A - IM'.[•octrp & I.J! . AV, I IVf.! Vn T<! . ..IMlulb iirrtv 111 1 UV<tlii«l;nii.6 Klrc ,n r ',

in'i ■;. u ' j 1 I'l-nn 5i,»nKCT, ■ l j ’ , I ‘'^1; *1

) Coin ct A:ii ; r i V ii i,n il 'A -m i« r -r . ’ '' ni<i Toll ll ijp. j HI'.MC r f jo:;.

ir.o''iiufk .. ' Vr'/ I r^pVn'ran'BTd'’ . V ■8fi* " ' .s:]nd o;l oMDti 4j^

n .-..'('m J3..50; biilk led ste.Tr c :ai;:I M.i;.i:v;s ellrlbV lo j.*ll $7.50 !■ J ' {;i r,n: i, d ii.'itcrs *7.50 m S9 so: bull

-T.I'., b.'i; c()*» t4.r.o u. $:i.50; f.------- ,:r(i CT.. up 10 511.50; c 'ltifr Kr.uf.)CIC •Trn?irmcrt:iimb-a!'-'vi'-.s»!o-M;’ ’. 'T,T)!U-prr-:;.'ii-H.J>-V^U.ti—tlio u -b u - ;ea<ly; ' ii'.-.Il;ini l(j utod und frrd'I lii;i; I $5.50 to $7; n-.'lirhtv Itcders;;; J7 i;u‘ l;i..% ■'I’k calves np to SO; n j lari;L-/i;'-;cp e,i!v;j ir.ilufitd.

r rJ f l; ’ LOS ANOf.LHS MVESTOCIC ' I.0 S ANOELES, AUs, 11 i.v. cU, 6

n. A ,i-C atile : Uceeiiit-s unii, hold 57 7;); i;u r 372; Slow, liilIyMcariy vilh la.s

T fx.• «)in- ;i'i cake sWers $7.C5; loa;! C'ih!ornl.i oTj to , S7.,’in; Mexicans 5fi :i.’. i i $0.7.'i; 3 lead. ••stork-0riaRit!o-cow»-*‘i-‘'^«'-4i;,<ii;-Ujull ehoicu ronimon to me<lluin $ 1.75 to $(! ;.S; lov niiilnK cutters nnd cutters 82.50 !.'> $1,110 lMUt;ii liiills $8.00 down. C.ilirs: Jk;eip;: v.iMk; 200; tuound 25c hlslvr; wme u; . calv- u'.oir; pracikMl v.-a>r t<-p sil.75 m 220 head la ;13.C0; bur.; fOoO n tmt at C11.50.

Hox?: nee<liitsOOO;:i l/i40;h!sh r.rt;ve I*nday^ n :i; t l l t ; c:i .1 Ic.nt

ui iiroimd in.B r-=>uia Ea»;e:n.s; lojd 17 S7t;o' l'Tiiid£'.>.-i $ |l; h'lt |>j;u:;l Nc

, „• - br:uHka $10.1:0; packln; j.jws $8 25 1< ilftipr' 'fi**''.

' : Sheep; RerrlpJ' ^'e-dy: : r(fcl:s C3tnmi.ri>(i patm^ Cj.'ifomli

j7-------; lambs 68uO;>Jlnlco fi;io;^.l to $8J)04 „ ;i".vcfl ttr - ;4 ^ i!.'c)c Rccd 122 psum

itul'liu J® «.5£idv to —— ,

n-f O' O r.urN LIVEKTOrK:y last ooc>E.v. Aus. r i (-n lU. s. d, a. early ' —Ho3s: Kocelp'.s 1047, li;e!urilng 4

• lv'» iiitor.nMrt«;:£lowt^;«;_lii;.s -10 u>.25

in I ftetuiy. m «:l}' J8 to inimd lie.ivy c l!\i ja.I deck 1 CaUlc: Receipts 519, lnc:ui!in; « . -.J / for markel; .iii;>p!y n J f.'.if.’fn : i/en: 7 -100' ! ‘ 0 medium xr.idc D8 n k f luPQurul Orecon t>!eers $0.75; irrrtlur,;,,j CO''® FwxJ,,'iloads fa l 1025 to' 1140 twii'.d o«2oi

l ‘‘*'eow8 $5.M: odd held uu-di.ini Aad, 7*fl. <4;” Iow cmwrj’ doxn i . i - n t s r n

: Ibulls aold; vealers .'•.eady, rdd hea< J 1000 ‘o *2.55,

She«p: Reeelp'.s 25.47!, lr,r:udln i'll ' lin 3278 for markel: l,i:iit:s f.'.r;itly:

tJ’k 'lM 'la IW l 75 to 78 rsund Id.^ho • * ; $ 7 .50 to $7,(30.

mcstly CIIICAOO LIVESUICK >i .^ 1 CHICAGO. Aus. 11 (-T, IL’. S I), A, latnbs —Hoai: Receipts 37.0DO, i:;;;udln

'Y-rmt.g 15.000 dlrcc:*: market n r;i\f iijfc and rs r^ n ic a v y ip is m s

pncklns aows stroiu to i:-.- li;«-hcr top $10: bulk 170 10 2:0 ixiu.;::' :s JO. 73 to $0-05: p.ick!nf: 5 ! ) $8J0

D. A.) light l lfh t i. hitther; p:iek;:;i mjw nertve; *lrong'K>-35c:JU;ltt:;-S*:p-$:Q:-bul IS -n tr JIO to 530 poundcru $0.75 lo $9il3jTbuilcipacklt« «>UTmtr$imr1t7frr.5ht:$0.40: gocd and cholee no to 100 pjund

25; r o $92S to $0.85; lu h u c ijii^ icu u> 202flotb poundi'W.70 lo jfOrmrt?;:m-iTeIifh

lacklnf WO to 350 paunds $ to $903II sows heavywelcht 350 to 3iu jMiind.s $8,11

to <».TC; packlna m«s tncdiitm an n j - M ' fSHm3-tff««hJ«^nd•'^»7^r^‘VM3^ tcdera; slaughter plfs in>wl-and-ehxce 10 lower; Co 135 pouiKto M to SO.n. ■: early CaUlc: Receipts. 17.OM, calw i8.25 10 1500: general,traje Meady 10.23 native fouw; m « !V i’ic oli on seltrhl

c range steer*: steady lo 25c off on ym rllnji I $OJO: Ultle tmde In Iieavie;.; itiir iu ii enand I l K ‘alaufhler raitle ard v<>aJej; U8. steer* seed and clmlce GOO'toOe es &OO: pounda $9J0 to $11: 030 to ' ilO rteady; pound5|9 lo» ll; 1100tol300}»uot t weak 18.90 to II0.7S;. 1300 to UOO pounC :k and « a s to IIOJO: hellers seed .an 10 SQg^chPlce ^ to-B5j paitnds?8.75 n no,

,0: beat‘il7.1Sl c ^ r > $3 to $4; bulla, yearl


C A S O U W rA U


AOt:itS:e9 n TO PRGSGMT A. n Z r ,CQRI'^'LO cw e c K '^o t^ H TUC l-'ULL fW lO U M T . « ’ ITq ~ ^ u r v \ - w f».M T& -tT— m - 7^


l i i i l s i T' liiPiiiiffiS I ; ' Sensationally Pessim istic

‘ i ; ; i .U tio K ic ia l F ie ld M vices

L i l t Ye llow Cereal Prices

• } y ‘ * Uy JOUN P. nOL'GllANC "!' lAr.wlatcd Prrs.s MarUel Editor)

cmCAtlO, Aus, ll-Scnsatlonal- , ! j ' ‘ ly ))cs-miiitlc unolliclal field udvlcea ‘ j j i.iftiid corn vtihies upward liile lo­i i ' lUtf. dcupltu gotiil rains in drougllt

i ' j ’ ' Territory and notwlilwup.^lng wldc- M '.-prcad relief Itom nbnorma! heat. 4 . Wheat valuM sympathized lo some

!?•]'■ vxti'iit with llio rtncwil ot c o rn n r '. ii:lec udvnncci. but Icll buck again 1 ■ .It the llnlsh. domlnatvd by general ' " ' ’ -■ind-CCTT«t-beliH-iliiii--Uic BOvem-

iiin it crop rei»rl due ultcr lhe cloic ’’ v.ould make n benri.'h exhibit na to < u uliral. Brsldts, cxjiort demand to*

(lay for wheal Irnui North America ;in;>earcd lo be at a rtandstlll. nnd the Unlled aates viMble supply

- r . ’ V tctal-rhored-n-IKH i-Jucrcase-ofj“: l ' i'),;ii) bujhc;,',.tJ’ .‘ I Clo.Onrt (luotatiotir, on corn Urm

■ . to r.iC a biL'lul liishiT llia ti Bul-■ ii:i!.iy'ft Ilntfh. Wbeat closed un-

t r ‘, .'i.-.iity 111 1-. u 2 .1: uet lo.-'i, wlUi___ ',-. I; to lc olf. niul pruvliionsshov,-- - - . ui;; 5 U) 2ic .;3.itecTM Corn iriiden :ui-u;pd th :lr aiten-

■ twn ma:.'. ol tlio tu iif today on cgm- bulk; ]m.|i|.|nivi- iut;!iu,u-;ii L-susd by f' •' )),-1v;iU- rxi’,trU\ have

jtDi tcturucd l-,'.-;v trom Ilrst hand ^•'.•'■•tX7.i:;in3t:on-n! croinrttiid wlw have ^^^---eniTm l-jjir-rofii-o i.t-lrpai-eud-le

J Illd. Out: ol ll; .^e experts lumWied 1', 'I ', luii-iui.itioii iiU)ut corn In Ioah und

Jllmob which temj>«rBray • icuiiui t5 Klvc an ndvnniagc to the

U i'lliiK Mde ot Ibe markel. He said I ih - i ilic crop both In Iowa und Hi

U. 6. ] I'.citlirM Ulmuis, two ol the inoal Hold-1 .■our c.i c l the couniry'j 1 iii)jj))ijr;t;al ;.i;jiply. Is Sllll Jiromu.. ■r«-1 lun 11 y;:l(i 01 noi Iar below normal, rn~is; i l h i f . uii ul the aland ot corn hi leads.i],(. n'jcircd loljclng bcavlei

: low ' . 'Sl iIO: OffstU Noticeeip;s yi;!;. cmicn'jy. however, lhe bearlsli

ciii;.';.ui .cncjuraglng iclerciicca ti ‘ ‘ •■f- l i i* a 3 jifooSblfl y)rn crop und u

tnat ul northern Illinois wa.s mon , I . than uf!>ci by general nollcu bclnj

lakvii Uuit lhe samo auUiorlty sau I ; the airn crop In other eeciioas hnt

, j*.‘ :su!lcrccl more Itom drouglil am , * j lica; tlwn he had ever wllni-ised bC'

,n ywTs ot traveling. ly; 3 I A:i cctitiialo lha l the E'uropeat omls I car.'javcr v l -jiJjcat iJils se o w i^ k8JlO:.illil.utiO.OOQ_b'LiahcLt lew th n n lus' >3und I ycur had only a iraruleni sumulat- $2.50.line J;i:jiitHa\ iswpliajlilns sluci

{iiL';s ol European demand lor Norll lAincritr.ii whijat v 'as a report tha'

), A,> }i.w sold 3,500.000 buahela 11ng 45l«)tlier irans-AUantlc countries ai fl.2S0|aboui 5c a bui^el under quoiallou;

; «u-C«JM4inr>Mest^>t«eQual.iir«)i! l iU n ^ fO a ls ^ iV k>VesTi1ttC«K;ftU?itf sown! mcl 'sdod deiiiand' bn dceltncj.- ~ ~ i«>:h| itoitfrrs o f provWoni showct

ilhcmiclves dls;Mscd 10 realbte pro. Ills : and to Ignore an upturn In ho.

W heal-;'open lUgU Low Clou4T ',f Sept ....... us'-. W S3'-.

Dec ....... 101', 101', 115’ i 09',,Mm -------- lOSU-lOSIi. 1Q3-, lu4'.

Mny - „. ., l0 8 ‘j ices 107 Corn—

udinc s c p i......- 08 09=i OG', mv: 3 . . — ' —i.ihos '

Ings excluded, good cholee beef $8.2------- to ^ ln^uvea:r^^,nnHll M -

choice $1110 $13; atocker niul feede I) A,) calUe. steera saod and cholcc 500 t< iid'ng 1050 paunds $il.SO to )T.25.0 to Sheep: Reoclpts 13,000; fturly. ae

^her: eold; iiailve ewea and wvcliers $0 I4 sto.- $0.50; bucks largdy $8 lo$823;aht<e| $8J 0; and leeder lamtis unchanged; slaugh rows ter sheep and Iambs. lambJ, 90 (Mund

-b u lt down.jw<lchoie<!j$8*)to$fl.05; ewt $9i)5: 00 10 150 pounds nMdlUnrW ljI«srf*a3Mo4<;-i«c<Un« Jarnbj. M to ?, junda pound* good Uiolca I0.2J to $0,75, :o200 .... --------

---------- Dt1^\Tn siiins r---------$905:$8,00 .DENVER. Aug. U i/71(U 8 D A l-

> »td shjop^ecelpta BSdO: row uiea na W38I' -tlTB^ttmbr-woundHS^pWWUWi? « 100 jooka around 25c lower: no Western :,lve. •1.25C‘iRhly O05T0N WOOLiu,?^ BOSTON, Aug. I I (,11-Dcmand fo

wool U lalrly b ^ on 64s u id fine wools, with pflces quite Tlrm. Ouii

'1100 nesa appears tUshUjr better on bot cniodi M. 6O1 and SOs trades at very llr i ounds lO'ic'*- Recclpu oS domesUe H.00I .and during tha week eodln^ Augusl

1 no ,, amounted to' 38,)!B,100 pounds o

1 - ^ - Id u in iT W y te v W lll^ ^


U E Y ^ T lu ^ H r , ‘

BOT. M tt M IO A O lZ ^ T TH AT LA M O IS / 'fO O R S S l M O R TM T W lC B W iC H O LA rWAT M U O * A T TWAT W l ’ .G A ^T . O V J lW ti . R AJU R O A :0 T u e PA£1T TWftT T K G R B ^ ~vO /i33 -rTO~R a i6 B - -T IM B S ft - * oOKAE C A S K t 'M O O U O ' ■^IGMT BE WlUUrJO '^ O R .T H TO TAKE a i2 , B U T T

M 6 V e R 4 > a . ^ - / ' - - w —

■ . Oco ____ovi 93S 03M 95’;M a r____98 07’ i 04^4 , 07‘a

. M ay____Ofl'j 100'. 07 09‘-,OiCs—

r r .?cpt____ 42 43 40’ ; 4 i ‘;r 1 Dec ____4 i‘ i 45S 43?i 44'-.L l .Mar....... 47-. 47 \ « ' i 47>,

M ay.......49‘ i . 43S 48'* 40

^ — c m n u z f m i n m x i s —'lie CHICAOO, Aug. l I H ’) -W h ca l;

Number t red JSlic: number i hard )CS 02’j to 57'ic; number 3 yellow hard

D3'.c; number l no tlhtm spring ;GS 53'. to 03'.e; number 1 mixed 821.

to 03';.Corn; Number 1 mUed $1 '.i; num>

ber 1 yellow $i to tl.o i'.;; sample ,r) grade 93'j 10 Ode. ml. 02U: Number 1 while 40»i to «g 'ic : number 3 wlille 40'-i to 4 l ‘ :c. 10. nye: Number J 65!ic; numbtr 2 Klit C3’ j to tiI'.,;C. de. ■ Barley SO to 57c. sat, TItrwfft)’ «ec<l IJ.2S to 15.50. ime . Clover seed $10.75 to $17.75.

uln TOLKOO GRAt.V:rul TOLlXiO. Aug. 11 (,P) — W hcil:m - Nmtibcr 2 red.95,to.0Cc._oic Corn: Number 2 yellow "$r9T ioI to $ Oats; Number 2 white 44 to 45c. ■Ica Uarlcy; Number 3 57c. md Rye: Number 3 70c.>ply Clover seed: Caah domcftlc $14; -of. 0;Uil)cr.}IS:.Dccomber $I5J5; choice

cash $1430.Irm Alslke: Ctwh $11.00; O:lob:r

3! DfccRibcr II2J3, ,

.lUl O.MAUA GRAIN>v.- OMAHA. Aub. H ('’ I — Wheal;

Oark hard number 2 83'.;i to etlu; fn - number 3 83lj to 88c;, hard number JII). 1 KJ'j to 85',c: nuumber 2 83 to

by 81'jc; yellow hnrd emuUy number^ ave 78ei northern rprlns number l 80’ i and to 83c: number 2 05 to 80c: Durum lavo soiuiiy.number 1 79; Durum num- I U ber 2 75’^ ~to'^V'n iixea~numbtr' 1hed 63c: mimbeT‘ a'6-Jto'fi2trc7-'----------and Corn: White number 2 05c: yellow riiy number 2 ti2‘i io03e. the ' Oats; White number 2 30c; num- said 3 37‘ j IO301.C.I 111 --------lOsl PORTLAND GRAIN■^y'\_J^RTLANI). ^ug. 11 (-Ti-Wlieat ni.'.- luiu/M clojrd: Beplember flS'.ic:

December 00‘ic. Cn»h wheat; Big » ‘",13eml Blueslem $1-C8: to ll while, '■•Cf < vrsterj) whUc B?c; hard ' wlnler,----- ; i io tU itm -» p tia 8 ^ titr r i. rc ^ IW ._

1 Cur receipts; Whcnl 140; Barley , I J; ilour 25; tom 1, oats 4.

rlsh 1 ______

— B POTITfliRKEISlind 'L ...................... 7- — ■and; CHICAGO MARKET b c ij_ cmCAOO.Aug. IIO I'JIU S D A )

: ratatow; ItccclpU 129; on track )Can i •u.i'l t'lilled Ulatcf n)ilpin*nla Iiatb' Saturday 434; Sunday I I : allfhlly

weaker, (radlnc talr; Kansas and [KtTI-IIUsonrt-iaekcd- Ir lih Cobbleti uc::. S1.C0 to $1J»( mostly around $1.05 orlh I lo IL70: fancy ahade l ilih e r; Mln- tu a l: nesoU* sacked Early Ohio's SI.«0 3 10* to $140; Nebraska sacked Irisb

.1 '< Cobblers irjO to $2; New Jersey loiu sacked IrUh Cobbler* m o a .t lr iiJs,_!arniM iinilM iciop_V>'»UO. ~

x~iwcd pro. •

J Harvest 1I ^GE^07 • ' ,

03\i ^

$8.UJUML- .eder Z ^


;D to' “ ~ ~h«pugh*SS ■ Link Chiiwco • .... .......................

A l - • : u M na -*- ' .. . -------

S S T " -. . — P ’ " ^

s S r Kllu ll*both

210 20 niiAve.Ss a» •

AUGU3T IS. 1030'

B»-rT.TM eeie i§ ^ .SLP. M R . W Q A U .ftq#kO , L A 9 E H O W e.\;E R I'KA AUITV4 A O F AC TlO M5A O i s l ' ' I w m . S E 4 j


■H T E N . \ TWAT’S fiS O Q O O , T W A -T ^ ^ \ A>JD M O M O R t

i H f i i rP: SESSlHfflai; Group Plans fo r F a i f a iid

^rd; M akes Rcsolu lion Favo r­ing'2'« | in g Closed Deer Season

m -l ——p '* ' HANSEN, Aug. ll-A b o u l 35 r.em-

'b fr t of ffaiiMn-Onince attended the meelinB held al the Community

'church here Thursday evenliig. Tlio ■ 2 group mndfl stiwce o l gralfi to be

I prc.senied al 0>e county fair at Filer I in September. During tho buslneu [meellnir. s r«o!i;ilo)» wm pawd Jn {favor of closed seawn for deer In I Twin Fulls county during the year of 'liao. A baJlot WM taken on two new

Jl- ■ members, Mr. and Mrs<-Wttrren Mc- ' ' L;y. A l lhe close of tlie niecltng

-{~MfMl#m«i-lIaroW-.WilCiltt_aiCllR.: Hushes. Wlllls Sampsois. Vanec Nay-

, ,lor, und Albert McLey served ice '■ ] cream and walers,

I Mils Vera yo»l. who Is altenillnB 14. rchvsil nl the St. Alplioiuus nurces' ,j(.g ; inilnini.* rchoel at Dolse, camc home----- tHiiiiy-lo-spMid.a-weck’s.vacalloui;,, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. “ ’ SCcorsc Yosi.

I Mr. und Mrt. Cam PlUhimcr and three ions and d.iiiglitcr. Tonkawn.

,, , Oklahoma, le fi Monday to return to thclr home by the wny nf the Vel-

, ' low.stotie park, ^ tc r vlrltlng a few “J '', ilayj here ut t l i f T. i ;. Galley liome. ‘2 1 They made the trip throunh Arl-

‘ 3 ' a,nn to Lci Angeles and up the Coast O 'i' to PorllanO.™ '. Royal NclKliborJ of America will ”.'!...metl nt Uie Modern Woodman hall IjjIuc .id a i-rvc iiinB ,''." 'I . Bcrl Siatwer ts bulldlns a reven-

tosm bun'talow houte cn his ranch I northeusi ol Hansen.

The Women's Communliy Council v.-lll meet at l!ie church Thursday a/l/T.towi,

Wnlter Colnrr l i constructing a potnto cellnr on his ranch nortlnvcti

• c: I of lluiuen. Tli- cellar la to be 130 Big , Icct. by 30 Icct III ilM, .'lie, I Hansen Gr.-.nd Army ot the Rr- ler.jpiibllc wll! boh! Its regular mcetlw;__at the cluircli Tuesduy alternoon.

rley ;n ic CcRitiiTnnn^Mndrunicj~Uie leaderjhip cf E, H, Koiter. Is how priictlchiB I'wlce 11 week, Tuesday a:id

_ _ Thuftday cvenlnRs, In pteparalloa

I BEANGROWEIA) I^ 1 I have n n d t l o f (hc uc ll*1};^-: - I l l ' l l u f lilt . (iieu l.N *H +h«nJ < ArraUp. “ Ihc Spanlarils” w({s .seed, nnd in v llc thnsc in ic r•w crop before harvest, n-.M 1 Localcd 1 Mile NorUisb I . . • •

time Will Soc IT READY N

I h a l i i - ' L .



iSo. -Electrical Supplies-


I >MOW T PAS. KAS A.S ' 1 ’ '^ '^ B R lT A N C e j

fo rjh B concert to be held the last of this monUi,

Robert McCallum. wn. Harold.' and daughter. Roilna, le ll Monday

II nnd returned Thursday from Baker. II Oregon, and returned through Cald*I well, where theyabltcd Mrs. Susie* Burion nnd family, und !lopi>ed at

Meridian lo v l:li Mr. and Mra. Pctu-I

j MrTnnd Mn. .lamcs uingnam ana . chllrtrcn. Poeatclh. wae Ruesls nl

the W. 0 . StanKcr homo Saturday and Sunday.

0 ,^ MOUNTAIN VIEW. Au.t. 11-H a r- , vest Fcnson Is RCltlng well started In „ the Mountnln View district. Mosl of „ the grain crops have been cut. Sev , eral tields of wheat and barley were „ threshed last week.* Mlis Helen McDowell relurned ■ Thursday niter a week's visit with* telnllvea In Rupert.

- Mr:-an<{.M».-C<rl-Nc2sAZLarriV£iL ' home from Calgary. Can-

adn, where they visited Uie Max 0.imWo famIJy. iorwer neI:libors

B here, who reside al Bar.ano, Alberti. Mr. Ncl>on slates that, no |i!ace on li» frlp looks as ppotl to him as this

u. .Twla-KuHs-Uflct_______________»• Mr. und Mrs. Fred Fnrrer and torj.’

Albert luid Jack, returned Tuesday d niu'r n (almon lishlng trip lo Caps a. Horn on Salmon river.,0 Mr. und Mrs. Claud Woods and I- Mrs. Mur, Dean relurned Mondoy w nfter a two-week motor trip to Se* e. .H’Je nnd Ynklmn. V/ashlnglon. I- where Ihcy vlslled relatlve.s. Mrs. st Wosds. rr.. who aeeompanled them

there, remained al SealUe for a fewII weeks longer lo visit a brollier,II Mr, und Mrs. K, O. Hartman nnd— cluiiircuJxndAlla Svelyn Mae Bauer- 3rtr-Wn-n-w«cfc-*-campiC€;:rjSia.thfl

SuwiooUi mounulns. •'" Lester Dllter is :pcndli;s a week

In SaIc Lake City tlurlni; lils vaca- 11 lion from work in Twin Falla.y ----------------;-------

LAtV.V illOlVtTW SIMBPCNED " By Elceiro-Kcen process. iFactory

way.> Jack Bailey. 210 4th Sl. N. adv

‘ DR. niLUNGTQN5 has moved.his olllcs to Room 8,

Eldrcdgc B:dg.^ Adv.ic ------------ '— ~ '•________V DATIIE IN N.\TSO0PAtI d BeauUtul wnters in a beauttftil II pool: adv.

!RS ATTENTIONII*known discasc-rcsislant '&*

which 1 am raising for orcstcd lo como nnd view the

lh o f Five Polnl Slore


on Be Here r o w !

ngpiiniiiwiHi— F H e s - . ---------

jTOPWENEDi^ r * 1 \» ij Filllit « ii ^lUtl»^' |[Tgy„ .

wATsiTiiciit V. illiBU.i r ^ ' — :

US ^ .E-'...........-Iran.-Falls, Jdaho::.

Page 7: S Clark counly Jail lonlght, having' 000,000 teel ot slacked lo:i luai nieli In a fire at the company's work northwesl ol Chehalli.Thc

Wings_CH r . V m

PiQl* V U fBriou. 8ba kiww Jiek b u t H id tM jreakt.wklWflr J im . An h«r mntoHr «ebnBan9

s T i w r s j j i S ’"00 n u r utu* tricod U lueti k c i i t l

ladyt" Paul* u td to Jack u ld ljr u UMTtUnMd.

JMk to r n *Bd looted do»B at her.

"PauU, n r d»tr. t U dr U a ladjr wbeUwr i t u fa In a chcck room or oc Park av in u , tt. itoa U reiUy a U d i r H* ipok* u Uwoib ba v tn

.. g d d m iln i a ipoUcd eblld. a i ib i t t i

“Aai I luppofe vben ooe U oot a . . Udr.iho mar have red ercnlnsfracki

-a a d Itm sM be U d j? " tbe Uexleu girl looked op the fUer. archly.

- -Jack laufhed.- - .-P ttb a p ir Ke r l ^ d that mueh

asd tben tbe «mc« ended.But tbere v u a rtiLQ uaritl l ih ts

the .three cane to leave.^ "I'm va llliw (or Jidc.** Jack u ld L . a a 't l i^ rou from tha Uble. Paula 1 protwted twerly.

"But yoa h ire n t your car and you ll have to take either a cab cr the lubway homer

MarpU“ Wpntente, PiuU." u ld Ctrlyle.

■'■.“ ^ T i i iU h w r in n n in u iw n n i lona rWe honft alone v lth her. -8Uy v ilh me In tovn lonlih i, Jack. You can Tide out in the tnomlng v lth me. 211 B ln you « k«7 to u u apwtmeot.

PauU vas tulklns openly. Jack v u Ilrm. He u v .Carlyle and Paula to the car. and eame back.

Ke took a lecludRl table not (ar . from the door vhere he eould lee

Jane at vork and be as far from the Jaa band a i poulble. He smoked and watched ths flrL Bo th li bad ac> counted for'the late hours ot lis t nishti He v u ashamed o t hlmielf •nd detemlned-never to k t Jane know wbat a (eol he'd been.

As ho u t there looking a t j in e throufh a eloud ot cigarette imoke. Margoll eame o n r to tbe cheek room

. door and laid his hand on Jioe t am. Jack fn>»ned snd vatcbcd.

-------The man-vu-evldently-aiklng befabout her fHends. Jane vas calm, answering cuually. Jack hoped there would be no irouble. Queer, this erenlng. Ke had not been bsck to the bright lights fo r e/ght yetn and hls first venture v u beeauie o(

------ a.Koman.lthe badnol been.»o }est*ous and desperate about J&he he vould never have been persuaded to come with Paula and her escort. He

■ simply looked about the room quick* ly, arose and volked Into the haU.

' I I I wts long alter a o'clock. The crovd v u rspldiy thinning out.

Jsne smiled a t Jack, but did not o//er. to introduce ibe tvo men.

Mr. Margotl vslked avay. Jane made a slight grimace a l Jaek aud told him she'd be ready a t the rtar door In (Utten minutes.

------- "I-U have a cabi"-he told ber*-------------- W ietrJins etm# ooro^tlwktWKt^

door of tbe elub Jkck helped her Into the cab and cUmbed in afterward.

"Six dollan tonight, lieutenant, thst'makes t in tovsrd ray (lying fund. Isn 't thst f in e r

■‘But I bate the place fo r you." he cried, holding both o( her bands be* tween his. Z dont like anything about HI I t U nt any plaee for your

Jane smiled up a t him.- "Ot coune It l in t Ideal,’* she ad­

mitted. “ But I ean take-care ot my- sel( and It will do until I tlnd some*

r--------ih lng-be tte rrlt-von t be tor longrAnd I think my tlylng Is vortb the sacMdce. I t really Un't bsdl"

Jue't Bactre When the csb stopped at hsr door

Jaek .walked up the steps v lth ber."VouH be out tomorrov by noon

or a little atter. v o n t y e u r be asked. “The veatherman uys 'Pair.* and ve must not miss & lesson n ean avoid.”

Bhe looked ao snull and helpleu and

Jack's heart melted within him. He ’ v u a fool. o( coune, and lusplcloui,

but he wuldn't help It."Jane, Janel" he 'u td suddenly.

There w u almoit a wb In his voice. "Kever dUappoInt rae, darling, never dluppolflt msl"

He held both o( her cold lltUe .bands clMo.tQj)i4 tacjL^aoe, look^

■. uJl^ai.hlm,-tb«n aade:a-Teiolver

' ’ "Aiia.nuieJEnev,-fiomlhstaameoi. OB, that she could never lell blm the truth about herKlf.

Jane se tU e ^ le k ly Into the rou* Une Of IKe In New York.Pl)ot~^day, cheek girl by nlghtl

-------Jane-often imiled-to herK lf at theodd combination ot Jobs. A t the Oreen Tree th ln ti veto not inpos*

- -«lble.-8be bad.been.thenJar.ttinflveeks and had managed to keep Mr.

I Margoll In good order v lthout mak-■ Ing him angry. She pairled all bis I advances v lth a smiling IndUtennee I that battled him.■ As for her flying, her lea#ons vere 1 p y w ^ g veil. She v u d w tln g

■TTtS T •p fT 'D g ■

. I t D o v rr -U t< f t . . . . \ ;X TWIN F A T S O 'D O C A M ", TkPPUB

_____ W O M -A M ' t r 't -S JEAJJ

W A C X W lT MM ie s

. / t .7, , _ •

.1 .........................

Of Iiove f» Brows

k t a i u ^ and Ite boped tbat WOB Ibea be^flylng aloM;_________* iibea s ^ e n lr OM day Hoetblngi n u n d le a U y .v ro a u iU L J iM 'iL ^ . f tng. Although the lieutenant did not 4 Uti ber, he had been Just about ready

to lo lof her; send her up alone ter >t tbe t in t lime, vhen the ilump came, s Jane v u almost Id tean a lUr tba

leoond lesien had resulted In tallure."X dont knov vhere tbe ground U.’

lhe vailed u ibe itopped the plane- on the airport before Uklng otf for ’ one l u i try, oaklng tbe ninth land-* ing that day.* ‘ Eight' landlnn. and not om ot A them decent! l dont knov vhetber

r td ten cr t itty fN t o l( tbe ground whtn I get abnost dovn. What IB i

* the mttler wtiti me?- r ^ - Tbe DandeUons t

The lieutenant shook bis bead i IhougbKuily. IJe. too, va*.piw led. i

w ThU complete lapse o( Jane's abUlty _ “ mj'stintd h t r Uaebir Ju it as mueb '

u It did Jane. Plying v u » <iuecr ° busineu, he mused, (ull ot oomplexes

and vorrles and nervoUs hatards ot d which even the tiler hlmstlt U <)ulte la unconscious.

ir I t onee more.”Jane le ltltd herseK more eomfora*

ably In tbe seal, opentd the IhioUle _ and took oI( with some degree o tac - i.

*' minute* arid she v u *h another landing. Bang, bump,'bumpt t n The pUne hopped, skipped and t s. Jumped acrou the fleld rolling to a t. slop tip by the hangars.J Jane ground her teeth In her nge o and tiled not to cry. I t w u mad*

deninglir ~1 w u vorse lhan be(orel” ihe T « guped u lhe ihu t otf the ignition, le " I cant da Jt at all." '— ' d . The-lleutenant lilted h tr out ot , :• the cockpit, imlled down Into ber . st blue eyes and ordered her acrou tbe . If road to "Dad's" tor a talk. »le "I've a theory about aU this. I *

think It U th# daodtlionit- he an- , le nouneed vhen ihey vere uated. “ I , e, think because you ilarted taking " Q landlngl wben the fleld v u brlghl ^ :t yeltov It h u throvn you o ft nov ” 6. they're gone. Aniver'me, honestly.!£. Dldn't-you-look4ot-dandel l o n s l l _ _ a. Jsne nodded guiltily. ' Aid - I used to wait until Ihey looked i r , like sun (lowera and then start a Jc leveling olf. They.leaped out at me i r i to. 1 jm couldn't help l t l"}( The lieutenant ihook his head and ^ I* laughed. Lle . •That’s'lhe Irouble:-Nav we'U find. to a remedy." lte “ What will I t be?" Jane asked. ‘ c* - TJaybe H I have to get out them IL and itrew the graund with butter- “ rd cups or something 10 you can get that ^

Ih lp dovni Let’i try tomorrov,Qt vatch!ngbIadeso(grass.Justusoon \

u you begin to see dUtlnct blades ol { le grau begin to level off. And onoiher ^ Id Uilng, m tch ahead ot the ship about IT JOO leet. That v ll l help you a lot In . finding the exStt lacatlon ot the- groundDon't ihlnk.othet-tllets dont f «- haro-youf“ tfoubl».—Thty-do, .Lda. I to wmetlmes. i t I've been (lying at

6000 or eooo (eet i t U hard (or me to L It, Ilnd the groundvhenl come to land. A ig I usually (ly'oncs about the tleld at _

soo feet lust to get a penpectlve. I t * le helps a lot. A feUov up high gett lo » e* air-minded he doesnt knov anything Ig about the eahh." br Jane VM comforted. She had been ,

completely dUcouraged v lth her lu *1* sons. 8he had begun to believe tbat « f- she ii.-ould never leam to tly. - « e* " I vUh you'd stay out ben this 7 gr alUmoon and-tly-vltb-ma-atoun-. tl le K t." the lieutenant u ld u tbey valk*. 1,

ed back to the abiiort."BurpriMdl" she said. “ I can. ,,

or HartoU told me ihU momlng I ' needn't come In untll lO o'clock be- ^

>n cause 1 vorked lato three nlgbU In tePranclne’s place." ,|t : "Keep on your flying clothea and ra v«1{ sneak away and take a bop Jutt .

at lundovn," tbe lieutenant u ld . f, u "W ell fty high and youll see some- . It I 1le I I v u almoet 6 wben tbe lieu- \ u, tenant (InaUy waved to Jane to Join ^

him In the ship he had been tlylng. t, ly. 8be n n oul. puUtng on her helmet «. u - ih e vent, and climbed Into her n er accustomed seat. ^

"Ptagtt about landings and eveiy- ji le thing elu. ve-re ju i t going (or a Joy* “ iz ride," JadLitld . "Sately .belt.l)>L t 'er tenedr -. i

bL J a if t ljb a u t her joyously. . There ,m vere 'to i»’«lbuds In the iky. blllo«7 «

thingi o( the w tlest'plnk dropped „u* into the deepest ot blue. The lieu- ..k. tenant banked sharply and tumtd ,i ill Into the vest. Tlie tun v u sinking »s fast'-Qreat-biasing manes Of rtdu shot up from tba rim o( the vorld. 1.,s* Jsne loiAed and looked untU i t „Cfl seemed her-beart.vould break v ilh ' Ir. the beauty around her. ‘They slipped k- along for Kme time, due vest, then

tbey climbed higher and higher. ^ee Suddenly the earth dUappeared. The ,

two in tb9 sky floated along on an sea of crtmson, alone v lth nothing ,1

In t ^ l f j rorld but the vlngs o l their .* • J fiW 'ti# rm r 'o n h B b ■niotor'-ane! -

---------------— ^ ^ ..... . - .....

JBAUO U 1U B -O U M P a N S -J H IM ? irS » A O

W mIC V E M W tT F

H I M ^

M y - .j | j 2 ■'

JTWDf F A U a D A t tY OTT

) ____________■ .

I ' t l o O K » \ ( «

' b e ;

r ■' -V— AMD rS \ PR*

' / \ >

' ^ *V " •

• ^* A /?s\ Vr / I i f 7 I N . J - - V .* mM's M * r® i M k ' J 3

L 4 ^ ^r _______ • ' ■t> ■ ■—

i TIMETABLES 1Bcbeddet ot Passenger TnUns and

r n S i r Thfottgb Iv la ■_

ORECON SnORT LINE , “ ! Cutbonnd ' >: T ra ln M le m t________ -4;15P.M.', I^a la IM Jeares________ 7;59 A. U.

t ■Train 8J le m i______ __ia:OJP. M. *ll Train 185 Itav ts_______3:S3P.M.‘ VfElXS BRANCHe - Soatbbooad. Train 330 Icsvtj_______ J:30 P. l l. " "

Nortbbeoode T n ln 340 arrltts— i___Jt35 P. M. _L PICKWICK STAGES LO, Cutrra Sebedole , Ji Uave Eutbound---------- 10:15 A. M. 1?!‘ Leave EsilbolmtJ.___J2:30 A. M

t Wtstera Bobednle, Leave Watbound______ 1«:30A.M. ^i Leave Weilbound----------Ji85 P. M.! Arrive trom W«L______ 10:0S A. M,U ArrlN-e (rom West.______ 13:01 A. h t =


~ ^ ^ ' ’0 « w> * « o l^ L e a v e - _ ^ _ _ _ ^ _ 7 :0 0 A. M.t Arrive--------------------------6:« P. M, i■« «•'* P. M. I

BuJboaod Jd Arrlve.:__:________A. M.

i ..... '. Leave________________ 13:30A M . Fc- BOISE LOCAL.. Leave-------------------------- i:JO p. M. -■t A rrive_____________„.S :15P . M.f T1TIN FALLS-DUSS'n Uave_________________1:00 A. M.,I Arrive-------------------------l l :« A .M .■r Uave ------ P. M. |i t Arrive------------------- 13:00 Mldnlgm t Jin OTHER STAGE LI.NEB ed le TWIN FALLS-WELLS yli. t Arrive.---------------- .,..-.-lil4 .P ..M . aglft IfC kO -— * — -------3:30 P. u . toIt TWIN PALLS'SHMIIOKK bu a « P. M. ou1 Arrive-------------------------- 4:10 P, M. iIt loIt ----------------------------------------- — toi® color. Such eolorl Jane vtjhed ] >> evtn; artut In the vorld might have Ini

been thtre. No man could knov , ■0 vhat erlmron w u until he h id seen j. , >* luch a sunset. And the vQrld? I t “ w u gone, blotted but l i i shwiow. I t

wes n « there at all. below them. , “ They vere the only two things In ,

theunlverK.-lighled-up-by-thU,oe-. ItJtlal spetUght. «1

„ J tin luned her head bsck and ^ “V looted ktng. A t Ja« the lieutenant ‘ cut the motor and surted a vide " doa-na-ard tp ln l. Jane breathed a '

” regrtllul ilgh. I t seemed too beau- . illu l to l ts « . She wjhed they could '»

lly on asd oo tb the outermost ilm .7 o( (tie sunset—and then bt>*ond— p i I** (orevtr. As the ship noted down |,| >* gractiully the world appear Ul _1 ssiln, Here and there a light twin­

kled. Trees. ttouKi, buualilfi: KCW — York ju i t putting on her nightly

" array o( JpveU. I t v u beautUul,*■ too. but It w u the earth.’ I Wlien the ship tlnally K ltltd . to . '

the ground and Jane M l qulel In tho ou cockpit and she did not spesk when ^ l i l t lleuiantnl finally lifted her out.

'* H tr eyes wero shining with tears. jfJ c Thera4Kunoneedior vanU;he.uii:.V deritood.=He had=been. tlylng for « ^ y t m ^ d he *‘•'1 nbwonte v l^ W

8ten. tlie sunrl«s.’ "ire hatf alvayr "J with him tho picture ot the.untvene ” “ ss It v u mtant to be. As they

Miked alovly baek toward the otdce P? tlie iltuUnant spoke: •

>5 S i i t^ o n Again . _f "Now you knov vby wei, telloai?; keep on Ilylng and flylngl^^ He JJ tr laughed a b it shamefacedly. Jane5 nodded a s u n t ................................«® " I remember onee Doug tried lo » i

(ell me wmeiblng about ) t -a t sun* prset. but, poor boy, 1 didn't know L iwhal he meant X 'couldnt under* ^ .

» sund then. He'd-be glad'to know hoJ that I do nov."________________

5U S o p * \ o a s r A m iw u t e j C ; i 4 o u u t o - ) - M 3 u ^ « i - M A M - - - IIVS-I* / t O O M V W A N -r ' ■ i U I /H E M 3 A K IV ‘r A t^ t< - - ■U U G lT jA 4 3 0 U f‘A a if iE .T t lM a I^ T R ' i r f e : : 5 f t ® v e K j w i T H - ■

r o W S r T W IN F A U S , ID A H O . T I

T H E a U M P l

' " ' m. \ 1

\ -R W ftDOU o u BIM* VIT ! i A. ....

De k o t if o u .L _ R lM ( i= i_ .___ _________________ _

nr ^j ' r n i s T o o o ; ^ - - ---------------------^k l o t O P M O M tt- JID rr'S-tMC >RlTT lSVr RIN<r



PER INSERTION • ------_ Clote

AUWanl Adi a llvt aod aetlvf asd-tbe y bring lb t buyer. ALP

Pbooe i : ^« 110'

----------- --------- ;— g tv iLost 6

Twin PaUs on talghvay. Purse v ltb v-sluable papers. Reward. Phone POR i : t i . pol

-■ niiiALOST-PAIR OP GLASSES NOT W j j j . i

case, in ^ k s bulldln:. Finder piMue retum 0. J. Wsdisx>rt^ PED Room 50, Perrtne Kolel, and reoelto pu: ren-ard. Haye= = ^ = = = = = ”

G iilE M th i DN MS P illi E)

1------_____________B tFarmers Estimate 40 Bush- . els of Wiieat On-Acre S '

Probable On Few Tracts »rtthwere

— - flourPAmPlELO, Aug. I I (SpecUl lo

The News)-Harvest work hu s ta rt- “ "1 ed on Camas prairie v lth vheat yields running far above the aver- age.-Wmiam Dehntl-vu-the ftn t to start. His vheat averaged 31 ‘ b'ushels to tliTacfeTDehlurimpped' ~ oul a carload Wednesday.

Ben Wlltcn. Soldier, w u the (Irst to deliver wtieat to the local eleva- ...s.., tor.

Karry Klttier h u s ta r t t harvest- Ing ot 1800 Bcrcs ot wheat 'No

Competent men have esUmated some or the wheat on tho pn lrie „ w ill avenge more than 40 buiheU to the acre orer large Incti.

While there are numerous excel* ..i,h lent (lelds ot wheat, observers are , i t j , especially s 'tnck 'w litlhe wbed"o( ^ Amon WlUons. Ernest Fields, J. 0. ^ 1 ; Camp, Prank Tucker and Hatiy.Ness. woo<

Combines sre generally ukd on o( t the pn lrie and very UlUe outside la* belni bor U employed. ir»ni

----- — eiUtcMisTismH I i i in i ‘| n y ir~ n r~ « > a u i . r u

i n l l l l T T T f l l i i rOAKLEY, Aug.TT-Raln o( cloud* ^ wl

bu n t proportions descended In the f , Birch creek district wuUi o( Oakley _ Priday. and part o( the atorm v u tett here. The «-aier rushed dovn (UUng all canaU. A stream ot v t le r Arte about'35:fcet w ldCtad-rtoot'doep : eai pained thiough the e ^ part o f Oak.f Ce ie« and down Water sireet I t v u Ot RM rted-ljere-yeiUrdsy-lhat M r. a ro W ^s, llvlng ln U>e Btrch cnek-vl-Tabor cinlty. loat 30 head ot sheep and most auet of h ll crops «-ere destroyed u a n * ItWe ault ot tbe itorm. payi

Mr. and M n. Charles 8. Claric lett Sepl Priday morning for Rexburg to visit treai Mr*. Clartt'i pannta. Mr. and M n. City, Oeorge 8. Romney. who vUl leave Au* Ar gust 19 for Wuhlngton. vhere th ty mm vUl make Ihelr home. Mr. Clark U date prealdent ot the Cusla ilake o( the and U U er Day BalnU cbureh. seuc

M n. Joe Ambler U oontlned lo her adve home here v ltb Mrloui Ulneu. Di

- i ----------------------- thUOnly one foot specialist in Twta


P .S - H ^ A V E S - H C

• m u - ' / y - m n ' xi \ k m u t \ « v H«NW

K t m „ ?

___/ TWAT W l\ aoT t wg \ *

ids-B^rgFor Sale—Seeds

ro n * "SALE - ALPALPA s r o .white and yeliov blossom sweet APAl

Jle»ersted, Bute tested. HUh'puri* y. 'iV tn PklU Frtd M d 4C6 km. • g g g ILPALPA, COMMON. ORIMM AND PD‘

Ootaack. Sa'ectClovtr. White and ,■ellow. Red clover, and all pu tu re ' p^, nvies (or (all seeding. OarrDvBros. SetdCo.________________________SLEE


police pups. H mile e u t and !4 - . n,ulle norlh ot W ite n comer. Phone * i»3 -R -t ____________________ J H !

REDJOBEBD GERMAN POLICE ^pups «lUi papen. IIO each. R. 0. J z

Hayts, phone 340J5 or 73. See them poRi t Ha}'es Hatchery. me

-------- . = = = = s oo c


' ' - nuB U l^. Aug, I I (Spcclal lo The

Wewsl-Porty carloads-orproduee h j r : tnd merehandtst «tre bUled out ot rer lhe local freight station during July phonind'BO were received, according to ------;. P. McElroy, local agenl. MUk led ONB irlth IS can and other shlpmenU op: irere as follows: Wheat, 0 'cars; N. P: llour. i : poutoes, 1: besni, 6; hogs, —— I; sbeep. B; seed. J and cauln. J. In * PO“ »mlng shipment* were cans. 0 can^» i l , 14: gu. 0; lumber. 3; feed, 1: em- sutos, 6; vood, 1; machinery and lmplim inu. 3 :^ m in l, 1; -flour,-3;.

-------------------- --------------------------- ONELegal AdverllsementsNOTICETO CREDlfoRS '

derslliMd AdmlnUlntor with tbeWll! i&nextd of the etUte of Ella« 5Russell deceased, to the crediton ot ____and all penons having claims agalnit LONthe u ld deceased, to exhibit them edalth the neoeaury vouchen, v llh ln S*rocslxmonthsatUr-thellnt-pubUcatlotr gSOfot this notice, to the u ld AdmlnU- grouiin to r v lth the WUl Annexed at the —oKlce of B«hwell and chapman, P ° »Woods Building, Twin Palls. County heo( Twin-PalU, Slato o( Idaho, this ln«. 1btlng the ( In t placo tUed tor the noruinnsacUon ot the business ol salt) Sum:eiUU. . menl

Dated Juii-M.W39. ____J. A. KEEPESt, ------

AdmlnUlntor wltli U» WIU Annexed ol the EstaU of BUu Russell, dt-.

-WUM.---------------JAMES R. BOTHWBlS---------------- ro RW. Orr Chapman, actAttomeyi (or Admlnistntor v ilitU ie phon

WUl Annexed, Residing a t Twin ------PaUs,.Idaho. 000

— PU}/o n 'cB ■ 221

Aricshni WaUr Cemttany. L td . la- FOR : cated-Kt Arteslatt CitTi Twin FaUi - ateCounty,-Idabo. ' - nnp>On the SSUt day of July, 1930. at eu t

a roeetln* of the Dlrecton ol the conn abOTR.'iiamod-CorponUon a specialauessmentotSO c^ U p e r^h a re n s .------ItWed upoa tl)e OaplUl stock thereot payable oa or be(on the 1st day o( September, m o to tbe undersignedtreasurer, at bis otflce In Artesian ^city, Idaho, j m

Any Itock on vhleh Uils assess- wAhmmt ntnaltu tm n d , alter the ibove m idite. vUt be dellnquaBi advertUed ^ and wld, to pay the Allnquent as*leument, t ^ ih e r vtUiTTie coit of _advertutng, and expenui of ule. SAU

Dated, at Arteilan city , Idaho, gnthU S lit day ot July. m o. ante<

P. J. MARBHALU pen* tWMwuw ind T rfiiu re r SU 1

— --------------:— A ^ M A N X

— H A V S ^ ■ W B ' ^ ’T - A — * V

.1. . G O O D BO OVf )

I 9 I' — 9 ^ A y

y > » j

JOT 12,1980

\ O M E A N D H A P P

r*» NOT A t ^^ n i l 'IT A ZXM bC R t PO«KM1.B06K THA.T ■

>UT 0 > COOtONT^RC W ITH TWS MiMT . —Ug CrOY MIKE FNOA\*p«HE M U 'rr 'O^AT OFP(ltSD ITr j o i t a &-ST<?=---------------- ~•3 r t- l ‘r T t ; r -» 6 t - IT * im - ------- — ;• OH A PLWN /

G01& M0UMTIN6— J

I f e l

^ains-0]For Rent—Furnished F(

PARTME.STS PQR RENT, 411MalnW.______________________ o'clociO O M a -lJT 'T iii“ AVfi « u K i^ . sEE~~ Phoni Ml.____________________ supOR RENT-ROOM AND OARAOE.Phone 538W. to r

LEEPING ROOM POR R EN T- 730 3nd ave. N. .. •* ^OOM AND D0MU3~CL08e ” i N.3l» snd ave. N._______________

c o i

TONISHED APARTMENT AND palM roooif, Pb«w JIOIW. owe.OR RENT-MODERN APART* FOR: menu 2t8 Fourth avenue e u t ,- In finlOOD 4-ROOM P U R N I S H B D SouUlJiouse-/or.jc3t-rhone.a5«JH.___ j>boniWO FtTRNISHEO. BEDROOMS U ER for rent 4t3 4th ave N. Phone Rs-j

)33J. ney, tOR nENT-FOUR*ROOM PUR- nuhed hou«, nevly cleaned.' Coll Jl—IM Ji_________ _______________ OOLIURNISHED APARTMENT-POR rent, eu second avmue north.

NEOR TWO ROOM FURNISHED 0 .0 . opirtment. 243 Blue Ukes Blvd.

I. Phone M6J. '___________ ____o ^ R E N T - T w o OR •n m iE For(In t clus apU.; furnished; mod* ..—

m. 458 0 Ave. East PICK, I ---------- sluOR RENT-3*R00M PDRNlSll- phoned apartment Bungalow Ap irt- —^lents, 2nd ave. e u t FLOl

L-joUiNE ROOM PURNISHED APART* Kenjment., elcctric stove, llghu, tt-atcr, =

so ot phone, tso per numth. Cnm- ,ridge Hotel, Phone 33T._________ IORRENT-PURNiaflEDJ-ROOKdownitaln apartment, furnace (gj

eat electric range.' CsU evenings.-------- --------------------------18 Srd ave N. Pboue 4S4W. FORONQB AD»4-R00M FURNlBlf^ JU I ed house. US; O-room modem. OS; FOR .room_m^eni.-l3p:_6;ro9in_l»«so.. _Jan jon -room house, one acre ot u u s round, t2S. A. N. Long. Phone B03. 0. C.

■ IdahiD R N I S B B D APARTMENT- ------hot vater, electric llgbl and cook- OOO

ur, Nice new fumlture. 260 3nd ave. U t ortb, one block north of Poilofttee. as fli ummer rales. CalUomla Apart* Nbwt lenU Phone 1805. : =

ForSaleor Trade

OR 8AUE OR W ILL TRADE POR acreage. 8-room modem house.hono lOTJW. — • ' -----------(JUSlOOD 40 ACRES NEAR TWIN ^ PalU tor house In Tvln. Writo ^

IOX 91. Can Neva.OR SALE OR W ILL TRADE FOR m stookt-Tvo-dooc.aedaa-Ui good.. _

npJing ordeft' N e v ^ b b e rr^m ilo - ^ u t and H mile north ot Waier'a onier. Ph8ne B13*R-I. •

^ ~ PIAI

......" H e l p W a n t d ; - " ^ - ^

IAN TO CUT APPLE TREES POR share of wood. Phone «» -J*I.iTANTED-A LIVEBAySM ANTO aell eJeoWoal appUaact*. Writa S in

hd narte- itfeitmeei. --Box-CHD,' ^ ^

ALESMAN WHO OAN BELL K lO a "O " gnde ipedalUes money back guar-

ntee. Car neceasary aalaty and ex- enses. CaU room 330 Rogeraon Hotel iU to eight P. M. . - —

— ■ ' yeHOJ

'-O P 'tlTE RATUR E-^ SS________ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1188

____ , _ r r r *1 ^ ^ _ f w w A f f in — j

— I A . A D u e u - ^ ^

' M A M B m o

^ Bldar j v C _ / —

~ y , ^ ~ ^C T ' l a r / i3onw»»j«\c - tah

- A N D ^

: W sc.{ j M ■ BPRTM m »

M iJ W P W I i l u - J Mori


• bOVA \ \ ViORH A Bl*N IV IH T A K N I lH tb

V U W ll- - O N I . U '' CtCAK. SPAR)

> U A t SUOWM THKI ' R IA t M A ^p iN H S \ ANO bCVOTlO l

— \ -----------------------' t f m ----------

\ 5V6H BE ----------V NNC M

\ \ \ ^

•ppo rtu iFor Sale Miscellaneous

JOOD SECOND HAND DtCVCLE. W\ :aa a t ]3 i0 aih East after 8:00 I lock. IE DARROW--DB03. S!CT & ' | iupply Co, lor bulk lly spray. Bring U i r containers. —iR SALB— FOROSON BEAN ^ utUr, good one too. W. U Brovn,E. Maroa school. _IR BALE^KEAP IPTAKDT AT )m*. «00 Hobsrt M. Cable piano >d u nev,-. Call Klmberij- 83.iMBINA'rioN bRAINAl^'BEAN = - r - hreaber. fu lly equipped, good le* w - *- lr, medium sUe. Henry Eddy, Jet- «• ' ■ O. C»R SALE-SECOND HAND LUM- JouJT x r sulUble for aU purposes. A ll . -d f ln t class condition. H i miles W. _ uUi Park AddUlon. A, 8. Olbbs, swEEjOOJlDiJg, ---------------------- —MocSRB&^^FOR BALB OY H. J. lauch, good for all sttmach, kld-r. bowel, liver and blood troubles,--------pjva Point Itore, Blue U k u iton , _■la Palls. Idaba ............. ....... n o juJLPETTE OOUR9E LOTS 9 ANO 10 In Block 93 also good locaUoa tor t doer sports. OUftUUans.8Longo > a u . jiks. Warehouse and Pactorj-sites. imwnd^ by dftiUng »1th me.O. Pirgo, I'nmwn Slore or Phono ], • .

)r Sale—Fruits, Vegetables ^CKLINO' ■ CUc'uMBER8. * * A i islKs; swf«t com. peppers, cabbage. ^ —7'

1C37W. r*— - - — IhoLORENOE CRAB APPLES FOR —jniry tini- r^rty .tr Ih p{ ofrfyrrf. WJK ens-oii Green.

For Saie-Reai Estafe ^3R V aL^M ODERN h o use W easy lerms. (QIR. ,OR 6 A L E -L 0 T 8. BLOCK 180. p X " tt-archousQ property. Phone 369.3R e A L B -:w acres OOOD

i * somrincome’property l i T w i l f . 0 . Wilburn Real EsUte, Jeroma. aLBI laho. violGOo'CTtEAP « ACRES. WUJ. ------Uke beans or potatoes u top prices I t in t payment WriU Box Ifl. Care

= = = = = = ^ = ^Situations-Wanted mo n

. .. - - . . . . . ___ - - - - - u t llATERNlTY NU RS I N G. UAB j - r ;

[ATERNITY N U R S lN Q -M O im perty Smlser. Pbew W RI “

BS. EMMA-OAM»ttTER. I*RAC* - on tlcal nune. Pbone 1I95W. ArtbiU TO R liTo-O R ADrAN D HIGH OUR scbool. Phooe IMS afUr noon. h r XPERI^CBD GIRL W A N T S v o rk lffh o m e c fa t^ Phond-iaoo. SSS

For Sale—Furniture in i______ ._________ tb o t

lANOPORSALEORPORJlENT. OftenPhone la ij.v ------- r -------- -------- r: jf lU lOR 6AL&-TENT, W<KU<-BBNOH,' 5^ Stow. 444 5lh ave. W.;0T POINT ELEOTRIO RANGE IN ' good condlUon. Phono M3J. Sun ITUA-nONS WANTED- LIGHTLY USED WASHINO MA- ^ cJjJres. Wonderful b irjslns. M mt

lovo them. MayUg Sbop. 330 No. J z Uln. _ ^ HAV

Wanted to Rent v S___________ I.l.., - p r o U

year.. Phone 583R5. ABo. . . . . I —. ■ Hl-G

lOMB'FOR MOTHHl AND TWO ___-ehildren-vhero-ehildren—oM -bo BS£ ared for vhlle moUwr«rt«.P»usna Jet 168 beton 8:30 mornings and otter sulei:00 evenings. Ing■— — jjolju

For Rent—Untumlshert _ i o D ^ " itovas, n j ^ y " d k 6 ^ 5 Koraled and cleaned. Pbone 15UU. —*"•

1QHT HOUSEKEEPINO APART- I ment-double, or. single.

lldg. Call Mn.. Wbaliy a t N m FOBUod. '___________________ la= ~ 'i ■ ■' bgn(

:AKE THB SOKNIO D R IV *;- ir4 B = always scenic. • ' ' I

0*30 TRAOTOR.POR RSNT o h U - . .b e u maahlne. t B.. H K. Baniea. WAt •bona 01J3. Paul W. Seott. cr.VSWILLPAYSeOVSRTaBlXAR- TV71 ket priee fo r freah eggi .VarDeyt, cai

• ' '< ■ "

^ - ■■

UT««W.I1F IANto n n r \

J T T W % tO N l • ,RKUN6 —WAY *ro MORC

L O V ff —ON___________________ _______

><6 V-W tW .W ■ :•_______________IE A b te TO p iN b ' M SR /«*kRCM U & M T - y ' - - - -

k 'Aim n n . c>.i«. T *«4.

n itie s

UBEniDRyProfessional “ a t t o r m v T ’’ * " " ^

kO nODOIN.. Rooms 4 ssd a, mk and Tnut BuUdUsg. Pbone 6.L DUNN-ROOOU s aod 4 SmlU) ice BuUdlng. '

a jiaa ^F C T o w flock a to i*IN W. GBAUAH-Uvye^, BankId Trust BtUldlng, Pboue 63)*W. EELEY-A SWEELEy-U voItlces

Business" " " rttJM BlNQ MB PLm intsa A .nr.ATiNn 0. - ^ o v Room aod Sbops, ISI rd ea it Pbone 3S3.-

LLANTYNE P ltO M B lN O * ------eaUng Ca,*^bect Metsi Works. heating troubles, phone a i-W ,

INSURANCEIo"lNBUItANC~E-Aii covengea. o tu r Real Esute. Pbo>ieS74.-


J .N o V u ^ ^ n r it rT lo n g 'a a dhort bauL Pbone eaa.- ----------------tItBEBO TRANSFER A STOB-icrco;=coanma-vood.-PbeBn--------

MICUOLS TltANSFER A STOR* kOB - Garbage bauled dally; ont 300.

IlNTING AND KALSOHIVINO IL ROW AN-PalnUn^perbsng. Qg'atad kauomlniog. 33$ eu> tve. t Pbone ]3«ff.— — MU8I0-TEA0T O ----- --------

BERT t^'FRANCIS -lolln teacber. Pbone 6i m fa cu

LoansRM LOAMS-SWm It CO.JNEY TO Lb A N -P O rrse REAL . sUto.

n S o '^ n m a m r e s id e n c e ^ . ty oaly.-call 309 or I53L)NSY FOR STRAIGHT LOAUBmmodere-bouses-lD-Tvtn-FaUSr-------thur L. 8wlm A Oo.IR TEN YEAR PARM LOAN OP^ i n the bett ot lo u ru t r t ie i tad laymiat privileges. Nocaibeom- . iilBa. UUeb f t WUUams.ItfOPFBRBW A- VBRrOHBAP-iS-r Ind Heilnble farm loan. I tb ln k i. *>. : ) belt fann loan proposlUoB-«yerered bn Uie Tvln Palis trac t « ___ _j w acCTicBgtor»'TinoMag?=^ j r loan- ,0.jA._BoblnMt________ _____

For Sale-PoultrylODE isla n d " ^ “m YS." 'i«k' •W. o( Plve Point Phota aoSRl.JFF ORPIIINGTON AND RHOOB bland Red fries. Pbone M8R11.^YES' FEEDS SAVE YOU S T lS more money. Rolled barley. tlJS ; lea t tl.4S; laying mash, IS per cent oteln. «3J3; 30 per cent' proUlh,

i other (eeds In proportion. Rayet .•Gnde Balcheiy.E SURS A N D W A R & U O O » £ m Z -^ IeU wim Parke-DavU C-A C*p. ^ les before puUlng them in the lay« g houM. I t your birds are. not ling r lg b t bring one ot Uiem tn and.I'U make a post mortem examloa- i f t i r»ot.ebarge..Hayeam-Ontda^.:_^

"BijnesTopfoWnltles C.5R SALE-^SroVICS 8T A 'n w ; ' ‘. ' i '• laeJudtar oomfilM eao lpm eW !,' hndllnr leecawrle^ot w tt driakg-.

■ W a n te ^ M fe c e tfa n g o u ? * ;. ^ )!

A N tK D - - r o n T R Y . & a { ^ ^W. Phono90W ^

w m T A U p :a R O K S R M IB ~ W '^ /

Page 8: S Clark counly Jail lonlght, having' 000,000 teel ot slacked lo:i luai nieli In a fire at the company's work northwesl ol Chehalli.Thc

sliw iiiDilBESni

-EFfECWKI-l, Citizens Fail lo File P

■Icsis and Levy Bccon Operative and Cour Allows Grist P( B

Tr.tTf u : r :r.t> obj«:;o", rn jff i ora.-y w^yruik!l-'.c (’ the t l w [y

- t\st. th( 5h:cI’.'f'.iTt''. tr> bf in

force »r.rt fifff-^ b>' J V " ; . ,

r.'ir.e. on mo;;rn t.-;!: dtfet:

lf>»eri. Of »•■'»17M ;n: V-PSC30M lo: 1inc city fm rhif.'- 01 invars jfiKSS ww on 1 "r» r ro;; srm ■}■->'.? i is^a J uar>- J. 1231’ T!-.* bil^r.rr of I- TCM tiS rr-nJie fillu rc t« w.:TT..v,f l-.;:n pi)-roa offf.nnih* of -.Mi' >1^;-

munih of -J- ) V - * v u »ho«n by the rcpsn nf cft# M, M cm iiT i. Of ihf.-< j: :*™ « fbtcd 6f taxM recdurl arJ nol ciWrilJu-.fd into var:r>tLi fur.<U- rccelp'j of tJie ciirrtr.i Kfncral i k.-nount«l w MOiTJl; the #pr: 1L-.C Jucd to IIM . lor S«p:o\-<n dJalWet 3< K» l lJ iM * ; to: taipr< intnV dlstriet 35 to «a .« : tor proTemcnt dUtrlcl « to »5:«: d iitrliit W to $3.<9: Improvenrcnt d h irift 47 la »Jl fer Jmprovfmcni dlAtrlct 48 to I

Relitlve to iJ ilfu due to er trom one furrt to tinothcr. rum bick over » lotie i f r lw of ywn revf«ltd by ih t audli rtcfn ily I by H. C, Edmunds, i: «iu> asatet

------------ 0 ,-M.-H#)}.-r»J>-rltft.-Ul4L.lhlalist irjiterlally affcci the-city, timattly lhe clly wi^W hnvf to luBd A aum improperly credlK' It 0 / from UOO to S600. T h f hr f i l ahlfu occurred In the ca«

- - — Smprovement.dlstrlct 3< «h]eh bsen crtdlted » lth in iB tno m

' and taiprcrcnitnC c jt^ rlft 33 «i--------- “ liadTwen'CTfaited wlth-|244207

than It ahould hive btfn.Leave «a.n erantfd to the U

- Psellk EtateA to widen the cu the curbing at lhe Tajlnr Sej station fll the corner ot Second nuc and Third alreew cMt. w the.''* Stases are now un'.osdcO anlval,

BREVITIEGn to EaiJey-Mr. and Mr*. 1

. Holt left Simday nicht tor E Hot SprlnpA to tpend n weet.

ParrnU cf Son—Mr. and Mrs.D. White are lhe parent* of a bom here al a private sanlts i^ustut 30. ■

U are for Berkeley — M ri. ( Norlh. accompanied by her mo---------------E. Mitrr»Y. M l yW»tor Berkeley to vUlt.

Heme Atler T rlp -Jud je and C. A. BaUey returnfd Sunday i ^ trln ihrouRh Oreeon. Waahln and Britlah Columbia.

Pattnta of Son—Mr; and Walter V. Day. Muriaush. are parenu ot n boy born here at a vate tatillarlum Sunday.

Fool ha{ returned from BoLie n ihe h i» been vUlllns friends. wa.1 accompnnled here hy M la

------;— _T lilb Q t..B o lse. _

Refom* ta iMt I. Travers, Lois Ans«lu. plan 16ave tor her home tomorrow, er TlsUlnK her parents, Mr. Mrs. A. It. Bralbfortf.

■.— 'Keeoteilhir After OjicraiTon- A. V. \VllUami..who undehien

----- ------ t^fw raU on-am day^^tar- ap^tod.I -r—. t t ' lh V T ^ n -F a lls Coahty’ Oti I " *■ -" hospllal'is Tej^iied Improvlns"


Uo on. Vacation—Mr. and Mr H. Pheli>». nccompanlfd by Mr,E. SandhoJis and Jier dausJiicr oia. and Mrs. Dculali Selk. Um

------------- selM. -lefi-.v«Mtrday- for 4I»1I«'vacallon.

Home Atler Trip—Dr. andW. M. Fuher.' Jr.. returned S« alter a ihree weeka' motor

i v i w___ - A real HonDsl to

--------------- ' “ n‘c fock-in th

KIM. . . . S h i

= = q - - T H I]A n ,

You can't afford t(

91^00 Couple

r^g o E ight- - ' > —

llll Willie Willis 1 8

-e^ at "m e alnH leared o* nolhln.' Me r pe'Ta. him «s* waiebln' II Ihnnder Im hich ll an' he doqble-jUrtd l l la hit hUin full __________ ■ -, Kails —-------------------------------------- ---• during which they attended

denrar eonrenaofr la D fsrer^ •re »1- vlmim In OkUhoroa and Ka«as.

all-^ard ■V ar.d- H , „ f „ n , S(bra»Ju-MW L l i w f . 1, Cfdarbers, North Platte. Nebr ;irat;cel|jj arrived here yesterday IS v

rd ci;y|},fi4,0 Jan- -------

Arrlte from .Kanu»-MT.<. U d-e tO|St..&fn-.»ktr and daushter. Mr*. :

the n. Nob;e. arrived ytster&ay tr I Topeta, K a a iiv l * vuJl Mf. i Mrs. Andrew Van Buren. Haielt

ir the . -TTTTTt-----Batk f iuiu VU lt - Mi.-nvdr-Xrhar;ea H. C. Schade f?turred Saturday fr M eon- a trip to Osden and Salt Lake C nol je l where Ihey met Mr. Schade'J neph' U- The Rtv. n. H. Rttter. who Is a mliiU sl fund »0' In China and U retureed al iprink- T fif* there,vement ■ » ~~iprovc* G»ea on VacsUon—W. C. Son or Im- aon. actnt here lar the Plckw :4; for Siace llnea, accompanied by \ .49: for Sorenson, left yesterday for '£ »JB3; Lake CJiy on * «eek'« vaeatl a I4.0S. norlan Thcmpe*n. Osden, U h

errors “ during hia abscnce.

m a'aa Abi^nt—Ah^ ;ly tiled quorum catued patiponemlted by Khoolboard meetlnss schjjla dkL**'*** la.iu-nlKht. Mt*. It. ly oHSmunrMcretary.'Uin-Bolae-Ttait. ti, f f . A Alsur: L. L, Palrlek k avayilted 10 vacvion. and C. H. SUnson outheatl* O'* IntflncM. There v ll i bi

case of ' * 1' ^ meellnc ahortly. l l la aialch had •> inijth ' *ro« California C.1 Boulea, treuurer of the South [07 ! f« Id4ho..Wholeiale,Onieer>-. eompa

acccmpanicd by h la daught , unjen Clara Mae and Chafloile. have cm In turned afi^r a U v •eeks trip

which they vlslied Yosemlte. Mi nd ave-il'^ '“ - Catalina. Ban Dleco. Calli ' nia, ARua Calienle. Mexico, ided cn points.

*■ return fmm V iaa-M r. and I A. C. Zacharla.\ and dauchl

1 ^ 0 1 Margaret and Allee. relumed 8 - p .^ ld a y - l r o m -S a i l Lakc_ClU_,vI

they had visited tor aeveral d They were accompanied home

a. a. K stn. Metle Zaeharlaa tnd l: ■ E i'lf)- daushter. Dorothy, who had l k- vlsltins In Orand Junction. C

rado,•lrs. Lon ___— -It a « n Arllat Vialla Hew — T . Mer iltsrlura Y „ i : cuy, utla t. who haa

ceniiy retumed Mller four y ^ , spent In Parl<. accompanied by

•X C. A. fnher. who realdea In Illinois, moiher. ]8o u i gunday «t lhe home ot

wtwda) atu Afra..Q, p. f t if. fofiner bcrs. here Sunday on Ihelr from the Pacific coaat to Veil

tnd Mrs. .Mne Park, ay after ,'hlnstcn L e a t e a for Home - Car

DeLonc. Chicago, former Twin I resident, accompanied by M

1 Mrs- DeLong and ihelr aon. W. .? ,® i , Delons- WUI l«ve today on the >i “ Pf>- turn overland trip to Chic

whrre he Is ronnrcfrd wJOi ttrm ot A. HuUlnm and aoaa. 1ttlli fca Ity way m w^umUm-

S h e '°“ '* ‘ “ Mlnneaou. l la Bea n«JdenU V U ll-M r.--------- Mrji. .W, .0, Slark, Biockton, CMf. w *rrlved Monday ‘ by m

, • *nd are spending a few daja v iun.1 to ij.^ , t the home ot Mr. and 1 rT’ Humphrey. Mr. Btark

cenneeied with lhe poeUl dep mtnt. He and Mty. Jsiark. rea

»f>t-e#i- iro -tm stl-jon r-n ieB an l- in d - l rrl. arrived yeslenSsy to vlalt .

^ Parker’s parenu. Mr. and Mrs. / Mr.s, P. Bonwell. Curry. M rs.' Patker Mrs. a , ; formerly Miis Rebccea Bonwell. i-er. \1- M ft cradusje cl Twin PWb :

An- jschool with the class c f 1923. alley, on ;taier oiU'ndfd AJblon nonnaJ tc

land inucht for a iho rt time tn 'CiSlltlOfd iCllMl

nd Mrs. - » . - . iSunday j Leam. fnr Conterence—Franl

lor irlp I Brown. repreaenlaUve of lhe 5o

M d m Fto (SontlnosH \Ycddinj a l 11:00 thcorchcstrn-plFat ■rir^’- —


U R S D A Yu g u s t 1 6 '

1 lo miss Ihls, lhe sensation ,of . tho year


l i i l l l lT Y T l 'f DE»118TI]5 — R e v .-C ec il ( f . - R is lo w Po it

• I I n l . i l i- n t iK i is C lir

' As Assurance o l Futu

■ ‘becauae, In the worda o( PiW 'We see lhe light ot the koowio

~ of the g)ory of Ood in lalih in Je ChrUt; we know lha i life la < lord over death and love ca.n ce lose.'" w u the theme of the aem

■ii| ot Itev. Cecil K Kisiow. puuw of f in t Uelbodlit Episcopal churth

Me an* tuneral of Mrs. iUzel Hull, r today ^ Orasaman mortuary Sunday t him." tCTnwn.- -ra lth • In lmtr.orUUty tor '

--------- ChrUUan." aald Ilev, nistow. u bard the on fa llh in Chfut. u rtvealed In rr^a d Godlike character. The-uabe)le •Jki. says 'the Idea ot immortality U

good’to be true.' The ChrlslUn uI Luel* I” immorlalin' U too good: iebras- » Jw true."':a VUlt The funeral w u attended bj

ft large numt>er of persona fr< Twin yalU, Oakley and Muruu

Mary «ho knew Mrs. Hull, during lhe r». Ida y t« s of her life of 28 year*, wh ' trom v tre spenl in Southem Idaho. 1 tr. and nuarrous and beautiful flcral , m lton. buiea ot trlends. harmonlxed «

the Knumenu of lhe lermon ot P

Mrs. Tom Molt and Miss Bes Carlson tans "End of a Perfect Da

iLSten ■Beauisfui Uie of Somewhei J . 1, . . MUa -CarUon sang .'The Ito u i

" Mra. C, M. siln»5n played the i companlmeni for the musical ael

Boren.ickwlek P« ll>e<UYra were WUUam i l y Mra. Clarence Matihewa and 1,r 'Salt BUon. Oakley; Martin Wegener I icatlon Tliomeix. T«-ln FaUs; iU here' Charles Morrts. MurUugb.

\bsenee ern Idaho Bean Orowers auocnement Uon, lett Iu t evening for Denversched- meet L o u i a Dousman, BlllltR. B. MonUina; and O. R. Irwln.-Baj

Tisilinc Wyoffllnc—repfcsentatfres o l tkway on organluUona In their reapedout of stales, to consult u ith L. W. \

II be & Vieei. Trinldnd. regarding mark Slated. Ing plans for tho T rl-8tat« B<

Marketing corporaUon.- C.- p . . .. —------------Duihrrn Tlie Itno tobacco acreage In K imtianr, lucky has been'estimated at B1S.( jghlera. _ ~f'!* CARD OF TIIANXStrip on. Marl- wish lo extend our Uwnks i CaUtor- apprMlatlon lo our tricnd< tor t! :o. and Msl'-once and words ot «>inpa

And tbe beautiful llow m during nines and dcith of our daughter i

nd Mrs. _UBhlers. BELLE SXn'HI■d sun. WAYNB BMmi

w’h t ^ m il an d MRS. HOWAWri davi ---------------- ----------------------------ome a n d ^rRS. ARLSVd i i tu l s M m t .. . .

0 " 'y f«"‘ »peeUll«t In T ’• Faiu Phone 810. Dr. Foster. . Jf

S BRING ?= COOL jq ;t lr w2y - T O S U M M E R r I ) > !Vellow. / /

Carl L. ________ ,fin Falls / / '• M rs . ^w . E. f f \ .the re. d \ ^ V j X

Chicago, \jth fhe ^U.They -• • \ / y f V Uaig.’ th e i; ' .

Mr. and Tn, Call. V S 5 1 t moipr M vlslu ■nd Mrs. ' Jt ’ ” - - - -'jy lU rk U f ■ U ■ depart. •

id-Ros- —y t - - . a -lalt Mn. } I ■ A r».A. N. . . . . / I ^ker WIS *- I I # ■ »ell. S h e ------I mm #

orange PEKOe tn tiie

■Hio tficrm om eter <<TOf tank w . your energy r l ie i wht n South* d e lic lo o j, floye

, beveTogo i t serve ■ M K Summer lim o Iskod T t____ ___ ond^TToeTeo'glv

you Iced Tea ai ib l ie i


B l l i v U I


l i r TtNIN FALLS SECTION J t , SHOWS-; PROSPERir* n n “ TW* U the b o c u r ie u lW iec I I H tlon I u w OD » Wp o f awrAUia U I I 3700 mllea.- Ret. C. P. RUU>«, pLto

of Uie MeUiodUt 1^Ueopt>-£irc laid yesterdar, •peaking o t » vacs

lA inle Uea oi>Un« during wWch ha tiJd M r OmiS vlsued reltUTts b lM n .R U

and hla reUUna In KMtlam tl ir iS l Washington, and drore ttaioug

u lu rc ter leaving l»ett B rr. RUtow le< tured a l the Epworth iM gue cam t l Wallowa Lake, Oreeon. July i

Paul. IO Ju/y 30. and Hieh w « it on raci wietlge 'Mn irom which; he reUimed lai I Jesus week.

H i SMALL CHILD DIE?:"I u.; at home of parent:

irch at . ,

isy’af* nobcri Demetl KelUon. two-yeai o'.d sen of Mr. aed Mrs. I.. P. Nel

died yesterday monilng w, if ' 1- fsmlly hi>mc In Ihe^Darrow.'room

PuMf*’ services will t»e cooducu *"* tha afiemoon at the D nke chap

icjiever j o'eJoek^ t iitrtt-o f u too p ,j. 8»lnu chureh. with BUhc

nu ys. Ml!cht'.l W. Hunt preaiding. Tl: ■“ In o l bc-ly will be U ken '10' OaUey f<

burul after (he a

Only ene foot spectaUtt ia Twi ruugh. WO* Df- Foster. Adlhe M ___________________which ______________ .

0. The al tri- 1 wllh


iver to \ fiming.1. : / f J ^ H I I I

■ !



i Ken* .......... ....................................r-112.000.--------- -------N O \V -|s - th e - t!m c -t(

cvc i’j I l i I i iK io u needi i and E V E R Y artfcJcl B t ij '

npi^ Regular 59c to

I M M i

, 522.50'I

A Kon iI K H r lI H a ^ B d Bcd-4

_ I ^ H H I »>■ ti**\ C link S


Irops,when f l iP H i l ip l * * ™ * *

Z 7 g o ld e n ARR


A l iT BBWS, T W n rP A L lS , ID ^

..TjiHKEiaiiWlIllfiTBUCHlHEfEBIlIKFellowuu atTfral recen

vaca- Ings In southern Idaho. P. E. Drake r u n , coroner of Twta PaUs eounty. iw , RU. evening Usued & waming to bathin tUnd, not to go loto k poot too alUi reufih <»'lng a hearty meal Mr. Drato sak LAJ ' Dial he’ — " ■" « tyalf aa<I leerUwc hours should eUpae afur meal CMo|b«l«® * ^^ , 5 ! a pool, or beteit uklng a b a ^ . raca* He uld that bathlsg plsecs sboutiI Ust be potted aod children taught thn

. II u dangerous to go In svtsmliM • lew soon after eating.

NTsFUMFSiEfiSPUIII s iPFflRFIlIKA lhe ' _____wwn*- “ “ “ , .lucted P:»ns are being formulatrt by u> Jupel local chapUr of Future Ptiraea o ;,«t{«r^uild a FaUier and Sm lUhop banquet a l the high «hool bulMini

’The durtng the Amerlean -Itoyal Lire , for stock show neu tall ai whleh Ua.

•Jie National Pufore Fannfi* auo dallon publle speaking contest wii

Twin bt. broadcast.Adf. Dcn Murphy, president ot Uie lo

■ _ -

USE TH E N IC to ' ta k e ' BdvnntaRC-of-thin-OBpoi ecd-oR-our-Bas.v-Paymettt-P4ani Yi B tii' NoH’ !

t o Sl.OO Values! LINGERIE

JU B IL E E T R IC E ■ B i

2 fo r$ 1 .0 0 ' HigeHTof tliie rayon—goww.”;mltc.t, dance seu. puiUes. p-lns, and >esta In puie i idM of tksh, peach and e. AMorlmrnt of aUetl Buy ■m a t Ward's! Savings of lost

a B 3 B B > ■(Values!T U B H E IT P R IC E ----------r =

S 2 .1 4 mMen’s Plain Toe -O t

Work Shoe Kbrown, waterproof, pliable

Un leather. Roomy lu t,Ued and tewed construcUon, r v ^ >90ih leaUier Insolea. Our A n a taUst Work shoe valuei. - P f r a

6 Values!i - E c . - B e ( L Q u t f i L ^“ J V B I tE E P B IF E ' - r ' f r j

PCHMM>*OUTnT - lOOr.MV for TaJue/PuU aUe .uo'lined walnui flnUh, Meu) e,.,.hd-43rlb. all-cotton felted.II edge‘ Matircss-’'h |.r!K " f.^S ,

IROW BICYCLEJU B IL E E P R I C E ______________

$ 2 7 .4 4A rtilly eflolpped blejele f r nBrlght‘ 'Indlan“ R M -co lo r— - - ■ V “

Ul gotd head aod eold a trip *.|IDelta buUet electric head , , ,

ht. Z 11 s asTroxel shock Bl»QTf){ng n d - pacity,

jzlastTmlAuto type. horn.,ReCcctor. • - 'frL v a iwar guard. ParUog aUnd * ,5 ^ ;“

d packm carrier. •<New Departure , C ou tc r. spotles

ake. ■ w i ll p iPAY TTBItE TOU BIDE.* b u i l t tB U Y O N T H E E A S Y

r» . . ' ' .


B* « i i 'c t o p t t r c t P ^ > *m o * uao; dkU w . b u tlfnined hU loteoUoc

_ et ivioBiortflc M ia t . Im a t . *al y c T r t t M t f ’tehiMU Ovitiiff Um (all • |0, udBUeUoot;

' flao o f twlptag fermuiate pfluu fa *n * the DUlrlct b.'cUnc which wU tx ^ held in I'vlD PaU Uoie Ut No-

rc s ber. ~i lu r ■ • ' ■

^ postmaster requests " S : NAMEs-oiniinrBoxE!ouU -In order'that Uie heal peaalbli that aerrtoe may be glvtn patrqu of thi lUng Twia PalU postotnce on rd M Uoei

I t U DecMsaiy tor such patrons t< have th rlr oaaies oeatly prlntet

Hupon their taall receptacle. It wa suted yesterday by P. w . McRoberU Twin PalU pocmaiter.

’n t ) ■ "W ith thU end fa view.” he sUte H s ed: -A man wlU call on Uie pat . l l t l rons ot each route In Uie near fu

Uire prepared to paint their boi with, name Uiereon u id pUes th<

u x bos in good condition, u req.atred b: * ot 4he post offlee dipartment. tor i 59“ nooUnal.inn. n n jr tc iU o a perk, ding for n iriJ camera w ill alart aoon ani •iTe. where namet of patrons do not ap Uae pewr on Uwlr boiea th * m*U lr l u ^ suny cases will have to be retume< wilt to the postofflce oo aeoooni ot th

lubstltute rural carrier not luiowtn: : lo- what box to place the maU in.'*

w M t

[EW EASY PA^porltin lly -to -buy------ On purcha*.Yoa-can:savt.on____pay only a

wonthJy inj

56.95 Value! Ploor-O-Leum Rugs

Keirwt nor»l .nd 1 ^ . j beautifully bordered l i

co^on. EnaoMl Jialnl heavy le lt base U tt i «atcr*proof. For long prtc« you can't hea quality rugs. 0x13 aUe.

I | | | | | H B in Years!


ca by BO. Ends ute Cholcc ot colors.Stock up nowl Pair - PLAID BLANKETS- uteen bound ends, cht orL TO by 19. Za Aog

^ tto n ~ B L W i mfu] plald-10 by 80. B match plald. Buy N- NOVI 8*vel Pair — WARD'S LAY AVAY

I 1 imail deposit w ill holdket or Comforter unUl

A Star Bargttln fo

- " $ 2 , 9 8 7 "c;h. new. gaily colored printed ^ to n t i l l lln uleen border. Thick t l ^ g of cc iched »rt)lt design. Slze.iOxSa Aleading igust. y


125 V a lu e !—

tfS lL E B W E E K fT » £ » V PW CB. ? p 0 4 i

as cffic lcnt as i t is good looking ty. glossy, green porcelain tub holi TnlQUtc:ieaturG^gciiuinc.Loveil.O vano Agitator, 6 to &8beQi c a p ^ \ ,t08S in Boll clothcs and iti 5 ilessly clcan. U ntil you see i t you purchase tho World’s greatest V

t than mott washers coating>■«» Dnivn —. i f i

.P^ONE29 . ,

, 'A T O O g r iZ . 1930

■0 m~«TB0DUu .-fl>{t»-O«-Uw-M" Uoo York-Atlaou*uiaa) air miU routi la i e w td ii-nm mllea. • tau ■— ' — — —

“ Killing 40000 fB r « t d in s b y ‘ l ' « M l l l i o M . l

D i c n d . ^ W j l l F D r c « l f a l

^ WEPOSmVELY f lguarantee ■

S : W ih o q d d c tc K * - ■


Z 'S S f r i W I r iOvfntSiHIOKttlUwnhCte*. K l

■iS a b s o l u t e l y HAR

m d t

l Y M E N T P L A N

itafte8-of-$25.or-oiorc..ni8de.befo • a few dollars down, and the r inslaliinenls! Save!

51.95 Hr s J U B IL E E -P I

$ 1 .0 ^------------------------ ftnother-typical-Ju

lOfo terl FuU'fashloneten and Serrlee

1 tlJe p a tte r^ the newest Pall sh I in harnvonlilftg ^u l printed on » ,tlam.proof and

ng wear and low h«e. 8a«beat Uie/e floeIse. Lowut Price '


iatee bound^

'. Bound ends ,c i 7 0

A T^siA Jubilee fl**old any Blan* P n C CaUl October 1. What a "Jubilc

niakcr. Scamtc

i f E R ^fo r Jubilee }y w ltli every <

—weavO}-deopi)ll« y is it our fiyT choose the <i?si

tUkoline wiUi only four dnvs0 " i. '- s 5 i

~ 4 i im

T h e N ew E ^ IN -G ¥ R ^

K A 10-YEAn : i ' 0 U ------ nU-AHA-NTEB—

ng and low-priccd! The extra cu- loWs.Tjcat, is easily cleancrf. Everyll;.Wringer,Ovcr:Hiie-}Iotor,-Netf-acity..JuaL fill i t wihh hnt, fnnmy' 5 to 7 minutes they will emerge ou won’t bellevo thnt only J64.60 ; Washing Machinc value! Better 126 or more.

M Monthly ■ '

.............V . '

n t •' Kann ii menyjnorB^tbia lUJgft ate 000 on iu htghwajr ly ttc a o f . 7

mUee duHni I t t l . ^

People Annually, Hatdicil InUiupulubicFW

I F O t - —

[A ckeaptti in the end

FLY -TO X«le trf I>M So*sv Bwlflcu w i)x VtWdU L L S T H E M A L LRMLESS TO PEOPLE

n _ _ _ ....................

fo re S eptem bcr..lB th j_voa_____renutlnder in convenient

Hosiery Valuea!



) 2 5 ;9 5 9by l2ilce” fo r the th r if ty homo less Axminster Rugs in )v«^ pft^torns. U i ^ colox.— ^ s 'th a t chacmble perfect-'• decoranve schcfno,' I 'lr fn 'i le r^ -—jr_d'epaflment' today, anti Isired pattern. Remember, s left.3 Down, 53 M o n lh ly



I ' '


A ■■ ■ X ; : . : ............

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