barton county commission agenda meeting minutes filebarton county commission agenda meeting minutes...

Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes Recorded audio is avajlable on compact disk upon request to the Barton Counly Clerk's Office, 1400 Main - Room 202, Great Bend, Kansas 67530. Phone (620) 793-1835 \ Fax. (620) 793-1990 \ Email [email protected] Requests 10 be made pursuanllo the Kansas Open Records Act and Counly Policy. EslImated cosl of disk - Ave Dollars ($5.00). September 23,2013 The Board of Barton County Commissioners convened this 23rd day of September 2013, at the Barton County Courthouse. Members present: Don Cates, Commissioner, 4th District, Chairman Kenny Schremmer, Commissioner, 1st District (ChIlirmInPro-T"",j Homer Kruckenberg, Commissioner, 2nd Dist Don Davis, Commissioner, 3rd District Jennifer Schartz, Commissioner, 5th District Chairman Donna Zimmerman, County Clerk Richard Boeckman, County Counselor/Administrator I. OPENING BUSINESS: Commissioner Cates called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. Commi1ssioner Kruckenberg moved to approve the agenda as it is. Commissioner Schartz seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. Commissioner Schartz moved to approve the minutes of the September 16,2013 Regular Meeting. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. II. APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATIONS: - Payable Register will be submitted to the Commission for the period of September g, 2013, al'\J endililg September 23, 2013. Commissioner Kruckenberg moved to approve appropriations for the period of September g, 2013 to September 23,2013. Authorize the Chainnan to sign on behalf of the Commission. Commissioner Schartz seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed. Ill. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business. rv. NEW BUSINESS: A. PROCLAMAnON 2013-11: Barton County Preparedness Week, September 22 - 28, 2013: -Barton County Preparedness Week, September 22-28,2013, is a part of National Preparedness Month, an event hosted by the Ready Campaign and Citizen Corps. This Proclamation encourages individuals, businesses and communities to plan and prepare for an emergency. Amy Miller, Emergency Manager, said, National Preparedness Month, which is promoted by and Citizens Corps Councils across the United States, is an effort to encourage people to become prepared fOIi disasters and emergencies. It encourages everyone to be self reliant for three days, to do without electricity, power, water, etc. Miller encouraged everyone to put together an emergency supply kit with contact information, supplies, Blue Book (medical) information and a whistle to notify people if you need rescued. Miller said there's information on the County's website, and excellent links are available. Page 1 September 23, 2013

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Page 1: Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes fileBarton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes . Recorded audio is avajlable on compact disk upon request to the Barton Counly

Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes Recorded audio is avajlable on compact disk upon request to the Barton Counly Clerk's Office, 1400 Main - Room 202, Great Bend, Kansas 67530.

Phone (620) 793-1835 \ Fax. (620) 793-1990 \ Email [email protected] Requests 10 be made pursuanllo the Kansas Open Records Act and Counly Policy. EslImated cosl of disk - Ave Dollars ($5.00).

September 23,2013

The Board of Barton County Commissioners convened this 23rd day of September 2013, at the Barton County Courthouse.

Members present: Don Cates, Commissioner, 4th District, Chairman Kenny Schremmer, Commissioner, 1st District (ChIlirmInPro-T"",j

Homer Kruckenberg, Commissioner, 2nd Dist Don Davis, Commissioner, 3rd District Jennifer Schartz, Commissioner, 5th District Chairman Donna Zimmerman, County Clerk Richard Boeckman, County Counselor/Administrator

I. OPENING BUSINESS: Commissioner Cates called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.

Commi1ssioner Kruckenberg moved to approve the agenda as it is. Commissioner Schartz seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed.

Commissioner Schartz moved to approve the minutes of the September 16,2013 Regular Meeting. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed.

II. APPROVAL OF APPROPRIATIONS: - ~ccounts Payable Register will be submitted to the Commission for the period of September g, 2013, al'\J endililg September 23, 2013.

Commissioner Kruckenberg moved to approve appropriations for the period of September g, 2013 to September 23,2013. Authorize the Chainnan to sign on behalf of the Commission. Commissioner Schartz seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed.

Ill. OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.

rv. NEW BUSINESS: A. PROCLAMAnON 2013-11: Barton County Preparedness Week, September 22 - 28, 2013: -Barton County Preparedness Week, September 22-28,2013, is a part of National Preparedness Month, an event hosted by the Ready Campaign and Citizen Corps. This Proclamation encourages individuals, businesses and communities to plan and prepare for an emergency.

Amy Miller, Emergency Manager, said, National Preparedness Month, which is promoted by and Citizens Corps Councils across the United States, is an effort to encourage people to become prepared fOIi disasters and emergencies. It encourages everyone to be self reliant for three days, to do without electricity, power, water, etc. Miller encouraged everyone to put together an emergency supply kit with contact information, supplies, Blue Book (medical) information and a whistle to notify people if you need rescued. Miller said there's information on the County's website, and excellent links are available.

Page 1 September 23, 2013

Page 2: Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes fileBarton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes . Recorded audio is avajlable on compact disk upon request to the Barton Counly

Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes Recorded audio is ava lable on compact disk upon request to the Barton County Clerk's Office, 1400 Main - Room 202 Great Bend, Kansas 67530.

f'tlone (620) 793-1835 \ Fax (620) 793-1990 \ Email

Requests Lo be made pursuant to the Kansas Open Records Act and County Policy. Estimated cost 01 disk -Five Dollars ($5.00).

\ ,lmissioner Davis moved to adopt Proclamation 2013-11:, Barton County Preparedness Week, September 22 - 28, 2013, Commissioner Kruckenberg seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed.

B. BARTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFltCE: Kids Camps: -The Barton County Sheriffs Reserves sponsored the 11 til Annual Barton County Sheriff Reserves KIDS CAMP for children age 8 - 14 on Saturday, Sepfember 14, 2013. Held at the range, activities included demonstrations from the K- Unit and the Crisis Response Team, a presentation from Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism and an event with the Life Team helicopter. Cost per child was $15.00, with proceeds going to the Reserves.

Sheriff Brian Bellendir said KIDS CAMP ,is an annual event hosted by the Barton County Reserves as an opportunity for kids to interact with law enforcement. 17 kids participated in the following events: firearms safety, entry team, K-9 unit, helicopter landing, specialty weapons, Department of Wildlife & Parks, emergency response vehicle, math lab clean~tJp and crime scef1le events. This event is geared to kids who may be interested in criminal justice and was hosted by 22 sheriff reserves. It is financed through a $15 fee and reserve benefit funds. Coltege criminal j.ustice students and Randy Smith also helped.

Information Only. No Action Required,

C. COMMUNICATIONS: Doonan Tower Updated: -In late July, 2013, the Communications Tower at the Doonan intersection was destroyed. After a review (,I'- '')tions, it is recommended that the County replace the tower, equipment building and other select i .s.

Doug Hubbard, 911 Director, said the estimate to replace the tower and building is $140,000. We received $93,517,72 from the insurance company, The balance can be paid with 911 tax funds. Hubbard said when the tower was pulled down, one repeater was moved from the Doonan Tower to a location North of Pawnee Rock and the other repeater was moved to a lower tower on Great Bend Fire Station #2. Those moves kept them going and they were up and running in a couple of hours after the accident. However, these locations have caused some problems with coverage. The County and the 911 Advisory Board studied moving the law enforcement channel to the KDOT tower five miles North of town, but determined that although that would be a good location, we would then have four frequencies on that tower, and if something happened, we'd lose some of our redundancy. Hubbard said experience tells them where they have the repeaters now is not working. The recommendation of the Communications Department and Administrators Office is to replace the tower and radio channel repeaters back where they were before the accident on the same Doonan Tower location.

Commissioner Davis asked how long until we're back up and funning. Doug Hubbard said 6-8 weeks.

Commissioner Davis moved to direct the 911 Director to coordinate the replacement of the Doonan Tower. Commissioner Schartz seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed.

D. CENTRAL KANSAS COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS: Fiscal Year 2013 Year End Outcomes: -The Kansas Community Corrections Act provides grants to Kansas Counties to develop and maintain a ranqe of programs for adult offenders assigned to Community Corrections agencies. A Comprehensive F (grant application) was submitted that set the goals for FY2013. The Year End Outcomes then sets

Page 2 Sepfember 23, 2013

Page 3: Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes fileBarton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes . Recorded audio is avajlable on compact disk upon request to the Barton Counly

Barton County Commission Agenda Meeting Minutes Recorded audio is available on compact dJsk upon request 10 the Barton County Clerk's Office. 1400 Main - Room 202, Great Bend, Kansas 67530.

Phone (620)793-1835 \ Fax (620) 793-1990 \ Email [email protected] 9 Requests to be made pursuant [0 the Kansas Open Records Act and County Poky. Estimated cost of disk - Five Dollars (S5.00).

{,.. . {he results at the close of the year and require the review and approval of the Barton County Commissioners, as the Administrative County for the District to which the plan pertains.

Amy Boxberger, CKCC Director, said they had 105 discharges in FY 2013,24 offenders (23%) were revoked and entered the Kansas prison system, while 81 offenders (77%) did not enter the prison system. Boxberger introduced an offender (David) to tell his success story. (David) told of his 4 DUl's and arrests for meth and pot. (David) said he hadn't had people in his life to push him in the right direction. CKCC helped him turn his life around. By going to CKCC instead of prison, he has a chance to live life now.

Commissioner Schartz said she was proud of Amy Boxberger and her department, but was disappointed in the State for its short sidedness in not funding the department at a higher level.

Commissioner Schartz moved to approve the Fiscal Year 2013 Year End Outcomes Report for Central Kansas Community Corrections. Authorize the Chair to sign grant forms as needed. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion.

All voted aye. Motion passed.

E. BARTON COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING: -Within the last few months, the Commissioners have authorized certain expenditures related to the upkeep of the Office Build ing at 1806 - 12th, Great Bend, Kansas. With the project complete, a report will be provided on the outcome.

Amy Boxberger, CKCC Director, said the recent remodeling project was complete and noted the last rp""'odel was in1995. Boxberger said the painting came in under bid by 10%. The employees painted ( own offices and the contractor painted the common areas.

Laurie White and Sabrina Chism were also present.

Information Only. No Action Required.


1. Announcements 2. Appointments

VI. OTHER BUSlNESS: • Glen Miller: Inquired about the fences on the two county owned cemeteries. How are the fences taken

care of and how it was engineered in the first place. Boeckman said there was a formal bid process and offered to call Miller with any information.

VIL. ADJOURN: Commissioner Kruckenberg made a motion to adjourn at 9:43 A.M. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion passed,

AnEST: =--=--~!:::-:H'~+L.J:t.-..~~~-­Donna Zimmerman Don Cates, Chairman Barton County Clerk

Page 3 September 23, 2013