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Anthony Reyes

Review Sheet

Aztecs- A warrior people who dominated the Valley of Mexico from 1100-1521

Reconquista- The long struggle (ending in 1492) during which Spanish Christians reconquered theIberian Peninsula from Muslim occupiers

Anglican- Church of England, type of protestant religion

Pilgrims-Settlers of Plymouth Colony who viewed themselves as spiritual wanderers

Puritans- Individuals who believed that Queen Elizabeth s reforms of the Church of England had gone farenough in improving the church

Quaker- Members of the Society of Friends, a radical religious group that arose in the midseventeenthcentury. Quakers rejected formal theology focusing instead on the Holy Spirit that dwelt within them.

Beaver Wars- Series of bloody conflicts occurring between 1640s and 1680s, during which the Iroquois

fought the French for control of the fur trade in the east and great Lakes region.

Pueblo Revolt- Rebellion in 1680 of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico against their Spanish overlords,sparked by religious conflict and excessive Spanish demands for tribute.

Columbian Exchange-The transatlantic exchange of plants, animals and diseases that occurred after thefirst European contact with the Americas

Reformation- Marin Luther s challenge to the Catholic Church initiated in 1517, calling for a return to

what he understood to be purer practices and beliefs of the early church

Covenant- A contract with God, binging settlers to meet their religious obligations in return for God sfavor.

Pequot War- Conflict between English settlers and Pequot Indians over control of land and trade in

eastern Connecticut.

Separatists- Members of an offshoot branch of Puritanism. Separatists believed that the Church of England was to corrupt to be reformed and hence were convinced they must separate from it to savetheir souls.

Slave Codes- A series of laws passed mainly in the southern colonies in the late seventeenth and earlyeighteenth centuries to define the status of slaves and codify the denial of basic civil rights to them.

Encomienda- in the Spanish colonies, the grant to a Spanish settler of a certain number of Indiansubjects, who would pay him tribute in goods and labor.

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Anthony Reyes

Redemtioner- Similar to an indentured servant, except that a redeemtioner in America rather than inEurope.

Predestation-The belief that God decided at the moment of creation which humans would achieve


Treaty of Tordesillas- The treaty negotiated by the pope in 1492 to resolve the territorial claims of Spainand Portugal.

Frame of Government- William Penn s constitution for Pennsylvania which included a provision allowingfor religious freedom

Headright system- Institued by the Virginia Company in 1616, this system gave 50 acres to anyone who

paid his own way to Virginia and an additional 50 per person brought with him.

Indentured servants- Individuals who contracted to serve a master for a period of four to seven years inreturn for payment of the servants passage to America.

Proprietary colony- A colony created when the English monarch granted a huge tract of land to anindividual or group of individuals who became lords proprietor.

King Philip s War- Conflict in New England (1675-76) between Wampanoags, Narrsgansetts, and other

Indian peoples against English settlers; sparked by English encroachments on Native lands.

Repartimiento- in the Spanish colonies, the assignment of Indian workers to labor on pubic workprojects.

Protestants- All European supporters of religious reform under Charles V s Holy Roman Empire.

Act for Religious Toleration- The first law in America to call for freedom of worship for all Christians

Fundamental Orders of Carolina-

House of Burgesses- Legislature of colonial Virginia- organized in 1619 by the use of representative


Joint-stock company- Business enterprise in which a group of stockholders pooled their money toengage in trade or to fund colonizing expeditions.

Bacon s Rebellion- Violent conflict in Virginia beginning with settler attacks on Indians but culminating inrebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against Virginia s government.

Middle Passage- The voyage between West Africa and the New World slave colonies.

Stono Rebellion- Uprising in 1739 of South Carolina slaves against whites; inspired in part by Spanishofficials promise of freedom for American slaves who escaped to Florida.

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Anthony Reyes


1. The earliest American, whom archaeologists call Pale- Indians, traveled in small band, tracking andkilling animals. During the Archaic Period- Indians adapted to regional environments, learning to use

local resources efficiently. Thus resulting in permanent settling and the creation of villages.

2. Prior to the discovery of the America, Europe was recovering from the devastating disease andwarfare of the Fourteenth century and about to embark on the devastation religious conflicts of thesixteenth century.

3. The significance of the Colombian exchange was that it allowed for the exchange of goods from the

Eastern Hemisphere to the Americas and vice versa. This created a great impact on trade and the priceof certain goods that were being traded. The most significant impact on the Native Americans from theEuropeans was the Diseases brought over through the transatlantic trading.

4. The English were Quicker than the French to stake a claim to the New World but no more successful

at colonization. English settlement experienced more of a religious and ideas diffusion, than the Frenchsettlements. The basis for the attainment of their food also varied, the French who settled to far Northfor any possibility of farming, had to fish in order to attain food. In the English colony Farming was the

main source of labor and food.

5. In 1619, the company began transporting women to Virginia to become wives for planters and

induce them to stay in the colony. It was also the year in when the first Africans arrived in Virginia. Alsothe company created the first legislative body in English America, the House of Burgesses.



Colony Religion FounderMassachusettsPlymouthNew HampshireConnecticut

New Haven



John Winthrop-1630162016301636


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7. The geography of Chesapeake allowed for the production of high quality tobacco that was extremelyprofitable to the English. The New England colonies on the other hand, used mixed types of faming in

order to obtain revenue to support their lifestyles and repay debts that they had.

8. The French and the English had different relations with the French. The French, since they were

outnumbered had to keep a peaceful and trade based relationship with the Native Indians. On the otherhand, the English had a peaceful relationship with the Native Americans at first but then as the landbecame limited, they started taking land from the Native Americans creating conflict between them.

9. Bacon s Rebellion caused the House of Burgesses to pass certain laws allowing the enslavement of Native Americans and seizement of their land.

10. The Spanish policies that led to the Pueblo Revolt were the harsh rule of the Spaniards over theNative Indians of New Mexico. They were forced to work restless for the 2,500 Spaniards that controlled

them to 20,000 who were controlled by the Spaniards. Also religious persecution to the Indians ignitedthis revolt. Economic competitions in European countries lead to the Beaver Wars because of the Englishand the French who wanted to take over the Fur trade in North America. This war occurred becausesince the Fur trade was so prosperous in producing pricey furs in Europe; both countries needed thiseconomic boost created by the fur ending in a devastating war over the fur trade.

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