Page 1: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development

Resettlement Monitoring Report

#11 Quarterly Progress Report For the period January to March 2019 Project Number: 44429-013 May 2019

IND: Climate Adaptation in Vennar Subbasin in

Cauvery Delta Project

Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil

Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development Bank.

This resettlement monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein

do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may

be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation

of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian

Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any

territory or area.

Page 2: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development

Loan 3394-IND: Climate Adaptation in Vennar Sub basin in Cauvery Delta Project

Implementation of Resettlement Plan Quarterly Progress Report

January - March 2019

PMU Trichy

Water Resources Organization PWD, Government of Tamil Nadu-India

Page 3: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development


ADB Asian Development Bank AEE Assistant Executive Engineer AP Affected Person AH Affected Household CoI Corridor of Impact (toe-to-toe of construction area) DP Displaced Persons DRO District Revenue Officer EE Executive Engineer GoTN Government of Tamil Nadu Ha Hectares NGO Non Governmental Organisation PAFs Project Affected Families PAP Project Affected Person PIU Project Implementation PMS Project Management Specialist PMAY Prime Minister Awas Yojana PMU Project Management Unit PSC Project Steering Committee PWD Public Works Department RDO Revenue Divisional Officer RoW Right of Way RP Resettlement Plan SDS Social Development Specialist SPS Safeguard Policy Statement Sq.ft Square Feet Square meter VAO Village Administrative Officer WRD Water Resources Department

Page 4: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development



Quarterly Progress Report on Implementation of Resettlement Plan, Social

Safeguards and Construction monitoring

January to March 2019

1. Resettlement Sites Construction Activities

Since the last reporting period, the number of required houses has been reduced

from 1135 to 1128 total houses (from 41 sites to 40 sites). Initially the construction of 1135

housing units were planned in 41 sites and currently, all 6 PAFs opted house of Erayangudi

hamlet (Pandavaiyar, Nagapattinam District) have changed their options for cash. Hence

the construction of resettlement houses will be taking place in 40 sites. In addition, another

Project Affected Household, Mr. Karunanidhi at Umbalacheri village in Nagapattinam

district, had opted for house to be constructed in her Mother's Patta land however her

mother has since applied and been granted a house under the Prime Minister's housing

scheme. Hence, construction of one additional house was deducted from the CAVSCDP

total house requirement and the PAP will be provided cash in lieu of house. The payment

to the PAP will be disbursed by 15 June 2019 to enable the PAP complete the construction

of house expeditiously. As of March 2019, the number of houses to be constructed under

CAVSCDP is 1128 (Attachment 3).

Construction progress on the 1128 houses is as follows: 278 houses are at

basement level,98 at lintel level, 100 at roof level, finishing works are going on in 152 houses

and sub works are progressing in Pinna vasal (56 houses).There are 101 houses nearing

to basement level. Foundation works are going on in 61 houses and preliminary works are

in progress in 134 house sites.

Issue: The works has been held up at Adhangudi, Thiruvidaivasal,

Vengramperaiyur and Punavasal due to few problems created by the local nearby habitants

and the issue will be resolved with the assistance of Revenue Department after the

Parliamentary Election is over.

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PAPs of Kunniyur village did not agree to allot houses to the PAPs of neighboring

village in the site given in Kunniyur. The peace meetings were organized by the

Resettlement Officer among PAPs in the village and at the Office of Tahsildar with the help

of Tahsildar and Revenue Officials and AE of PWD Buildings and the dispute was solved

by detailed mutual discussions. PAPs have agreed to accommodate the PAPs of

neighboring villages.

2. Status in Grievance Redressal

A total of 493 valid petitions were received as of 31.03.2019 of which, 455 petitions

were verified and resolved. Among verified petitions 249 were considered in favour of

petitioners and 206 grievances were rejected because they were outside the project scope.

The remaining38 petitions are to be jointly verified in the field by project staff and the

resettlement NGO. Verification of 100% of the outstanding petitions will be completed in the

month of April 2019 (Attachment 4).

Issues: one hundred and five petitions have been received repeatedlyalong with

eleven general petitions. Expecting the favorable reply from GRC, people submit petitions

reatedly, though their petitions were not considered for any compensation or any other


Disputes in enter upon resettlement sites will be resolved with the help of Officials

of Revenue Department PWD WRD and Buildings, Resettlement Officer and Social

Development Specialist.

3. Valuation of structures and cash payouts

Since the last reporting period, the number of affected households (AHs) opting for

cash reduced from 855 to 809; 53 structures were identified as located beyond the RoW

(abutting RoW) and will not be displaced for the project. Six AH also changed their

preference from a house to cash. And one has started constructing houses with PMAY .

Of 809 AHs, valuation for 472 structures is completed, 180 structures (belonging to 178

AHs) were compensated following valuation amount derived by the PWD-Buildings and as

Page 6: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development


per the entitlement matrix of CAVSCDP. PWD-Buildings are in the process of valuing 294

structures as per the entitlement matrix. Valuations and compensation is expected to be

paid in May 2019. The process has been delayed due to the Election Code of Conduct. The

remaining 337 affected structures will be valued in the months of June and July 2019 with

help of PWD - Buildings, PWD-WRD and NGO personnel (Attachment 5).

Issues–During the aftermath of 'Gaja' cyclone many AHs are in dilemma and

frequently switch in choosing houses instead of cash, however, the list of AHs were

finalized. Few AHs have refused to sign the acknowledgement, as they request/demand

more compensation for the affected structures.

4. Resettlement Site Plans - Progress on planning implementation

Out of 40 sites allotted for resettling AHs, detailed Resettlement site plans have

been prepared for 6 resettlement sites where construction of houses are likely to be

completed in near future: Thittanimuttam, Pinnavasal - Mavur, Kankoduthavanitham,

Kadandethi, Korukkai, Thalaikadu.. For remaining 34 sites, draft resettlement site plans

were prepared with available data. Maps showing amenities and infrastructure available in

the vicinity are also under preparation. The final layout plans are required to complete

resettlement site plan; PWD Buildings are yet to provide these layouts. Resettlement site

plans for six sites are attached as annexure 1. Resettlement plan implementation schedule

is given in Attachment 2.

Revenue officials including Tahsildar of Kothanallur and Taluk Surveyor, Village

administrative Offcer (VAO) of Koothanallur Taluk were requested to demarcate the enter

upon lands given by the District Administration to enable the PWD buildings to initiate

construction activities. Requested Revenue Officials to prepare proposals to change lands

classification by the Tahsildars of respective Taluks for the enter upon lands.

Templates for House allotment letter to PAFs who have opted for houses as

compensation and Assignment of Permanent Houses to the PAFs were prepared by Mr.

Pranay Kumar, ADB, Social Safeguard Specialist, Mr. Vaithiyanathan, Resettlement

Officer, CAVSCDP, Dr. R. Rajkumar, Social Development Specialist, CAVSCDP. The

templates are attached as Annexure - II &III.

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5. Micro plans (compensation and livelihood plans) - Progress on planning


Among cash opted affected households, 178 PAPs (with 180 structures) were

compensated and for them Micro-plans were completed. Details of all information of AHs

such as -compensation details, bank information, Aadhaar card, copy of notice issued to

AHs mentioning the valuation amount, acknowledgement for receipt of compensation

amount and bank statement after credit of compensation - were collected and filed in

separate folders along with the copy of the completed baseline questionnaire. For the

remaining AHs who opted for cash, micro-plans will be prepared once compensation

payments are completed. Micro-plans for all the house opted AHs are being prepared,

details of AHs like bank, photo copies of bank passbook and other relevant copies of

documents have been collected from all 1128 AHs who opted for houses.

For the promotion of livelihoods of AHs to be resettled, semi-structured interview

schedule in Tamil language was approved by the EE, PMU (Annexure IV). The schedule

will be used to collect information regarding existing micro enterprises and skill-sets with

AHs, which could be promoted. Avenues for alternative livelihoods would also be planned

along with providing skill training to one eligible person in the vulnerable PAF, who lose

livelihoods due to the project as mentioned in the entitlement matrix of CAVSCDP.

. Stakeholder communications

The NGO is carrying out consultations with AHs continuously. The NGO staff are

also sharing information regarding resettlement timeline, compensation, valuation of

structures, getting acknowledgement for the compensation disbursed to the AHs opted for

cash. AHs were consulted in connection with relocation site identified and where the

construction would be initiated for the respective settlements. Individual AHs are being met

to collect bank and other details from all AHs for completing micro-plans and providing

compensation (as per the matrix).

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Interview schedule for collecting data on training needs assessment for livelihoods

promotion among AHs has been finalized and the same would be consulted with all AHs in

forthcoming months.

Engineers of PWD - Buildings were consulted for resolving disputes emanated by

the encroachers in the enter upon sites such as Adhangudi, Thiruvidaivasal,

Vengramperaiyur and Punavasal located in Thiruvarur District. Resettlement Officer and

Social Development Specialist, CAVSCDP have visited all the sites along with Engineers

of PWD - Buildings and discussed with the persons and groups objecting construction of

housing units in the enter upon sites and given the suggestions to the PWD Engineers as

well as the persons involved in opposing construction. Further efforts such as peace

meeting would be arranged with the help of Revenue Department, wherever it requires after

the Parliamentary and State Election processes are concluded.

6. Overall Civil Works Progress for the Project

In CW1 Harichandranathi,50% of works have been completed against the targeted

physical progress of 65%. An achievement of 42% has been made as financial achievement

against the targeted 65%.Scheduled time elapsed is 80%.Out of 104 structures,37

completed and 67 in progress. Embankment work is in progress for 17KM out of total length

on both sides 78KM.The encroached length of reaches have been arrived at 6km instead

of 13km on left bank and 11km instead of 17km on right bank and the total length of

encroached reaches arrived at 17 km instead of 30km after recent assessment.

In CW2 Adappar River, 43% of works have been completed against the targeted

physical progress of 80%. An achievement of 31% has been made as financial achievement

against the targeted 80%.Scheduled time elapsed is 80%. Out of 56 structures,32

completed and 24 in progress. Embankment work is in progress for 48.9KM out of total

length on both sides 85.6KM.Macadam inspection road to a length of 2.1km is in progress.

In CW3 Vellaiyar River, 43% of works have been completed against the targeted

physical progress of 100%. An achievement of 43% has been made as financial

achievement against the targeted 100%.Exrention of Time (E.O.T) has been given upto

June 2020.Scheduled time elapsed is 100%. Out of 74 structures,63 completed and 11 in

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progress. Embankment work is completed in 20KM and in progress for 22KM out of total

length on both sides 84KM

In CW4 Pandavaiyar River, 92% of works have been completed against the targeted

physicalprogress of 100%. An achievement of 91% has been made as financial

achievement against the targeted 100%.Exrention of Time (E.O.T) has been given upto

March 2020. Scheduled time elapsed is 100%. All the 69 structures have been completed.

Embankment work is completed in 68KM out of total length on both sides 76KM.The

remaining portion will be taken up after resettlement of PAPs. Road work is in progress in


In CW5 Valavanar River, 80% of works have been completed against the targeted

physical progress of 62%. An achievement of 79% has been made as financial achievement

against the targeted 62%.Scheduled time elapsed is 80%. Out of 32 structures,27

completed and 5 in progress. Embankment work is completed in 29.7KM out of total length

on both sides 38.6KM

In CW6Vedharaniyam Canal,86% of works have been completed against the

targeted physical progress of 90%. An achievement of 80% has been made as financial

achievement against the targeted 90%.Scheduled time elapsed is 75%. All the 11 structures

have been completed. Embankment work is in progress to a length of 18.3KM.

In 13 Pumping Schemes,93% of works have been completed against the targeted

physicalprogress of 95%. An achievement of 87% has been made as financial achievement

against the targeted 95%.Scheduled time elapsed is 155% (E.O.T). All the mechanical and

electrical works have been completed and canal lining work is being taken up and

completed to a length of 0.51km out of total 3.27km

Issues:At present, all the forest trees have been removed. The TANGEDCO is being

continuously insisted for speedy removal of EB poles and transformers. The EB poles and

transformers located in the encroachment reaches are likely to be removed after

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resettlement of PAPs. The contractors are persuaded to complete the civil works in the

reaches free from any encumbrances.

7. Action Plan

Priority actions to be completed over the next reporting period (April – June 2019) include:

a. Valuation of at least 150 structures opted for cash compensation and preparation of

Microplan for the valued structures and remaining structures in the following months.

b. Distribution of compensation to cash opted 292 PAPs

c. Relocation notice will be issued to 292 PAPs

d.Resettlement Site Plans, Micro plans and PMU proceedings of approval of Resettlement

Site Plan for 18 sites

e. Allotment of House to 136 PAFs

f. PMU will obtain remaining resettlement site layouts from PWD - Buildings

Attachment 1: River wise Summary of AH,s - March 2019


Total No. Of PAPs Before reassessmen

t and exclusion of


Structures beyond

RoW (abutting the RoW)

- Excluded

No of AHs after Re-

assessment and

excluding AHs

abutting RoW

AHs who have opted for alternate

House in Resettlement Site (as on March 2019)

Cash Opted AHs (as on



Pandavaiyar 376 19 357 202* 155

Vellaiyar 599 21 578 377 201


719 8 711 341 370

Adappar 295 5 290 207 83

Valavanar 1 0 1 1 0

TOTAL 1990 53 1937 1128 809

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* 6 PAHs from Erayangudi hamlet have opted for cash instead of house opted initially and

one PAP has initiated construction on her own using Prime Minister Awas Yojana Scheme

at Umbalacheri in Adappar

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Attachment 2: Resettlement Plan Implementation Schedule

Project Activities

2019 2020

Up to


Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

A. Cash Compensation – 809 Project Affected Households

Identification and verification of PAHs (inventory) 472 150 187

Issue ID card Compl


Preparation of Micro Plan 472 337

PMU Approval of Micro plan 180 292 150 100 87

Proceeding issued to PAHs 180 120 172 150 100 87

PMU Disbursement of funds to PAHs 60 120 292 150 100 87

Relocation Notice Issued and Relocation 472 150 100 87

PMU/NGO to verify that land is encumbrance free – handed to


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B. Common Property Resources (CPR) – 67 CPR

Identification and verification 67

Public consultation

Assessment and valuation by PWD- Building 67

Micro Plan 67

Disbursement (Cash) 67

Relocation (If applicable)

PMU/NGO to verify that land is encumbrance free – handed to


C. Relocation and Resettlement -1128 Project Affected Households; 40 Relocation sites

Resettlement Preparations

Resettlement Site Layout Finalized 40

Update Records of PAHs * *

Preparation of Resettlement Site Plans 6 12 12 10

Preparation of Micro Plans 72 64 190 245 246 245 66

PMU proceedings of approval of Resettlement Site Plan 6 12 12 10

Allotment of House 136 190 245 246 245 66

Relocation- 41 sites

Site visit by PAHs 6 10 15 10

Notice of allotment 6 10 15 09

Allotment letter 6 10 15 09

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Shifting notice 6 10 15 09

Disbursement of resettlement allowances (shifting/transition) 6 10 15 09

Certification of NGO on readiness to move (Checklist) 6 10 24

Occupation of house 6 10 24

PMU/NGO to verify that land is encumbrance free – handed to


Rehabilitation - 41 sites

Formation of society/association (including registration) 6 10 24

Logistics support to PAHs: Residential certificate, change of

address, PDS etc.

6 10 24

Skill assessment

Identification of training institute(s)


D. Monitoring & Evaluation

Monthly Resettlement Report 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th 5th

Quarterly Monitoring Report 5th 5th 5th 5th

Impact Evaluation

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Attachment 3: River wise Progress in House Construction




Cost NO OF




Current Stage achieved On Schedule?


Basement Level

Lintel Level

Roof Level


1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 Kadanthethi 2276.00 190

90 100 --------- 15.07.2019

2 Vadakkupanaiyur 228.10 28 28 --------- --------- --------- 31.07.2019

3 Thirukkuvalai 430.00 36 28 8 --------- --------- 31.07.2019

4 Maharajapuram 355.00 28 14 --------- --------- --------- 31.07.2019

5 Palakurichi 176.00 13 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019

Not Achieved Grade beam level

6 PR puram 271.00 24 8 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019

8 blocks Grade beam level

7 Thulasapuram 141.00 10 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019

Not Achieved Grade beam level

8 Naluvedhapathy 101.00 10 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019

Not Achieved Grade beam level

9 Umbalachery 461.00 30(31) 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.08.2019 Not Achieved Grade beam level. 1 individual

house being constructed under PM scheme deleted from this scheme.

Now we construct 30 individual houses only.

Total 4439.10 369 (370)

1 Kankoduthavanitham 96.00 16 --------- --------- --------- 16 30.04.2019

2 Pinnavasal 325.00 56 --------- --------- ---------

Work Completed

15.04.2019 Sub works are in Progress.

3 Thittanimuttam-I 510.00 72 --------- --------- 72 31.05.2019

4 Korkkai 321.00 36 --------- --------- 36 15.03.2019

5 Korkkai 308.00 28 --------- 28 01.04.2019

6 Punavasal-I 88.00 8 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Not Achieved Grade beam level

7 Punnavasal-II 145.00 14 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Site Dispute

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8 Aathangudi 384.00 40 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019

Site Dispute

9 Aathangudi 269.00 28 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019

Site Dispute

10 Aathangudi 160.00 16 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019

Site Dispute

11 Athangudi 161.25 16 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019

Site Dispute

12 Arichandrapuram 65.00 6 6 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Achieved Y

13 Vengramperiyar 235.00 24 24 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019 Achieved Y

14 Vengramperiyar 51.00 4 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Site Dispute

15 Vengramperiyar 154.00 14 14 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Achieved Y

16 Thittanimuttam-II 770.00 82 40 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 30.09.2019 30.09.2019 For other 42houses, Preliminary work is in progress.

17 Thiruvidaivasal 43.50 4 2 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 For other 2houses Foundation work is in progress.

18 Thiruvidaivasal 114.50 10 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Site Dispute

19 Thiruvidaivasal 158.00 16 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Site Dispute

20 Thiruvidaivasal 45.50 4 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Site Dispute

21 Radhanallur 340.00 31 8 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019 For other 23houses Foundation work is in progress.

22 Kunniyur 290.00 26 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019 Preliminary work is in progress

23 Pallivarthi 43.00 4 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Preliminary work is in progress

24 Pallivarthi 112.00 8 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Preliminary work is in progress

25 Vikkirapandiam 453.00 40 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019 Preliminary work is in progress

26 Kokkaladi 267.00 20 20 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019 Achieved Y

27 Puluthikudi 221.00 18 18 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019 Achieved Y

28 Aalivalam 710.00 66 30 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019 For other 36houses Foundation

work is in progress

29 Aalathur 335.00 30 30 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.08.2019 31.08.2019 Achieved Y

30 Velur - Manali 110.00 8 8 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Achieved Y

31 Palayangudi 151.00 14 15.03.2019 15.04.2019 31.05.2019 31.07.2019 31.07.2019 Preliminary work is in progress

Total 7435.75 759

Net Total 11874.85 1128

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Attachment 4 Status of Grievance Redressal as on March2019

Sl.No River

No. of





at field

Reply sent to APs


verification Decided in

favour of AP Rejected Total

1 Pandavaiyar 60 56 31 25 56 4

2 Vellaiyar 140 135 67 68 135 5

3 Harichandranathi 220 203 114 89 203 17

4 Adappar 73 61 37 24 61 12

5 Valavanar 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 493 455 249 206 455 38

Attachment 5-Status of Valuation of Cash optioned structures as onMarch 2019

River No. of cash optioned


Valuation Completed

No of Structure Valuation reports


Date to complete remaining

Compensation settled to AHs

No. of structures removed

Compensation to be completed (date)

Date for removal of structures

Pandavaiyar 155 55 0 0

Vellaiyar 201 71 20 1

Harichandranadhi 370 291 145 (+2)* 9

Adappar 83 55 13 0

TOTAL 809 472** 178



* Two AHs own two structures

** 21 Structures beyond RoW, previously affected structures were 493

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Attachment 6: Civil Works Progress up to March 2019

Contract Scheduled completion

Encroachment km

Planned Physical Progress


Achieved Physical Progress


Planned Financial progress


Achieved Financial Progress


Time Elapsed %

1 Harichandranathi 03 Nov 2019 17 65 50 65 42 80

2 Adappar 03 Nov 2019 11.5 80 43 80 31 80

3 Vellaiyar* 26.02.2019 / 30.06.2020

( E.O.T) 17.4 100 43 100 43 100 (E.O.T)

4 Pandavaiyar 27.02.2019 / 31.03.2020

( E.O.T) 12.0 100 92 100 91 100 (E.O.T)

5 Valavanar Drain 25 Oct 2019 0 62 80 62 79 80

6 Vedaranyam canal

18 Jan 2020 0 90 86 90 80 75

Pumping (and supply channels)

31 March 2019 - 95 93 95 87 155 (E.O.T)

*1. Concrete blocks along channel prism for 2km not yet placed but many have been precast ready to install

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Contract Scheduled completio


Structures, No L&R Bunds, km Macadam Inspection Roads,




In progres


Completion date

To Strengthe




Completion date Scop

e Progres


Completion date

1 Harichandranathi

27 Oct 2019

104 37 67 78.0 17 33.0

2 Adappar 27 Oct 2019

56 32 24 85.6 48.9 7.6 2.1

3 Vellaiyar* 8 Feb 2019 74 63 11 84.0*1 20 22 54.0

4 Pandavaiyar 10 Feb 2019

69 69 76.0 68 26.0 8

5 Valavanar Drain 27 Oct 2019

32 27 5 38.6 29.7 13.8

6 Vedaranyam canal

27 Oct 2019

11 11 18.3 18.3 0

Pumping (and supply channels)

22 March 2019

13 13

Lining work 3.270

0.510 2.76

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Annexure I

SITE 1. Profile of PAFs - Pinnavasal - Mavur (Survey No. 135)

Name of the Settlement to be relocated

No. of PAP

SC BC MBC ST Hindu Christian

Ogaiperaiyur 31 29 0 0 2 31 0

Attur 5 4 0 1 0 4 1

Kalimangalam 10 10 0 0 0 10 0

Kunniyur 3 0 3 0 0 3 0

Mavur 1 0 1 0 0 1 0

Neermangalam 2 1 1 0 0 2 0

Pinnavasal 1 1 0 0 0 1 0

Ramanujamanali 2 2 0 0 0 2 0

Vadakattalai 1 1 0 0 0 1 0

Total 56 48 5 1 2 55 1

PAFs required Ground Floor

Type of PAPs Numbers of PAPs

Differently abled 0

Senior citizen 7

Senior citizen / Women headed household


Total 08

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Annexure I

SITE 2 Profile of PAFs - Thittanimuttam (Survey No 39/1)


Name of the Settlement to be relocated

No. of PAP

SC BC Hindu Christian Muslim

Vellaiyar Pothagudi 72 5 67 5 67

TOTAL 72 5 67 5 67

PAFs required Ground Floor

Type of PAPs Numbers of PAPs

Differently abled 1

Senior citizen 10

Women headed household 4

Total 15

Page 22: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development

Annexure I

SITE 3 Profile of PAFs Kankoduthavanitham (Survey No. 116/9)


Name of the Settlement to be relocated

No. of PAP

SC Hindu

Pandavaiyar Ilangarkudi 4 4 4

Pandavaiyar Kankoduthavanitham 11 11 11

Pandavaiyar Nadutheru 1 1 1

TOTAL 16 16 16

PAFs required Ground Floor

Type of PAPs Numbers of PAPs

Differently abled 1

Senior citizen 2

Women headed household 0 Total 3

Page 23: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development

Annexure I

SITE-4 Social Profile of PAFs - Kadandethi (S.No. 110)


Name of the Settlement to be relocated

No. of PAP

SC BC MBC Hindu Muslim

Pandavaiyar Aatrangarai Street 1 1 1

Pandavaiyar Kadalakudi 2 2 2

Pandavaiyar Killukudi 9 9 9

Pandavaiyar Thirupanjanam 4 4 4

Pandavaiyar Thulasiyapuram 1 1 1

Harichandranadhi Alangudi 13 8 5 13

Harichandranadhi Amarakoonmoolai 1 1 1

Harichandranadhi Egarajapuram 19 19 19

Harichandranadhi Kadandethi 16 16 16

Harichandranadhi Karapidagai 1 1 1

Harichandranadhi Kothangudi 10 5 4 1 10

Harichandranadhi Manakudi 2 2 2

Harichandranadhi Mudaliyappankandi 1 1 1

Harichandranadhi Pazhzya Aatrangarai 7 5 2 7

Harichandranadhi Pirinjimoolai 40 5 5 30 40

Harichandranadhi Sadayankadu 4 2 2 4

Harichandranadhi Thalaignayiru 47 28 11 8 46 1

Harichandranadhi Thirumalam 3 2 1 3

Harichandranadhi Vettaikaraniruppu 9 6 3 9

Total 190 106 34 50 189 1

PAFs required Ground Floor

Type of PAPs Numbers of PAPs

Differently abled 2

Senior citizen 17 Women headed household 1

Total 20

Page 24: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development

Annexure I

SITE - 5 Social Profile of PAFs - Korukkai


Name of the Settlement to be relocated

No. of PAP

SC BC MBC ST Hindu Christian Muslim

Adappar Dhesingarajapuram 1 1 1

Adappar Korukkai 1 1 1

Adappar Pamani 20 20 20

Adappar Salakadai 12 6 5 1 12

Adappar Thalaikadu 2 1 1 2

Total 36 29 6 1 36

PAFs required Ground Floor

Type of PAPs Numbers of PAPs

Differently abled 1

Senior citizen 5 ( 1 Expired)

Women headed household 0

Total 6

Page 25: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development

Annexure I

SITE. 6 Social Profile of PAFs - Thalaikadu (Survey No. 487/21A)


Name of the Settlement to be relocated

No. of PAP

SC BC Hindu

Adappar Thalaikadu 28 25 3 28

Total 28 25 3 28

PAFs required Ground Floor

Type of PAPs Numbers of PAPs

Differently abled 0

Senior citizen 3

Women headed household 0

Total 3

Page 26: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development

Annexure II

Government of Tamil Nadu

Permanent Residential/House Allotment Order for the Project affected families of

Climate Adaptation in Vennar Sub-Basin in Cauvery Delta Project (CAVSCDP)

Water Resources Department

1 Name

2 Name of Father / Husband

3 Residential Address before


4 Aadhaar /Ration card Number

5 Block Number - House / Unit

Number allotted in the

resettlement site

6 Place


Name of the Taluk

Page 27: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development

Annexure II

Letter of Undertaking

1. Undertaking of Thiru ________ S/o or D/0_______________ residing in ________ Village

_________ Taluk, ______ District.

2. As per the G.O. Ms. 172 / (Miscellaneous)/ dated ____________ subject to the conditions

prescribed, I receive the allotment letter along with key of the allotted house on ___________.

I agree to vacate all the encroached area and the structure located in the land belong to the

PWD - WRD Right of Way (RoW) where I have resided earlier. I declare that, I shall not claim any

rights abiding all the conditions as per the above Government Order.

3. I take full charge of the house allotted to me by Government of Tamil Nadu under Climate

Adaptation in Vennar Sub-Basin in Cauvery Delta Project - CAVSCDP

4. I declare that all particulars / documents provided by me are true to the best of my knowledge.

I agree to abide the rules and regulations of the Government to take legal action, if any of the

documents/particulars found irrelevant.

Signature of the Allottee



Page 28: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development

Annexure III

Order of the Assignment of House site Patta along with Permanent House

The house of Thiru___________ S/o or W/o ________________ residing in ________

Village_________ Taluk, ______ District is affected by the Climate Adaptation in Vennar Sub-Basin in

Cauvery Delta Project - (CAVSCDP), as per the entitlement matrix, his/her family is eligible for getting a

permanent house and assignment of Pattaland underResettlement Plan Implementation. The house

allotted to him bearing the number ---------, the four boundaries are _____ in North _____ East, ______

South ______ West. The _______ Sq. Mts of permanent house and the _______ Hectares of undivided

share of total land allocated for four houses in one block having Ground and first floor is allotted as per

Revenue Standing Order under Article 21 of part (ii) in Para No. 7

Allotted Unit / House No

Block Number Survey Number Area of the House site allotted (in Hectares)

Allotment Criteria - Order of Allotment

1) Thepatta/allotment letter will be given jointly in the name of Wife and Husband. The land and house

transferred to any of the spouse or Head of the family will not be permitted legally

2) The allottee should not sell the house, lease out or rent out the allotted house for 10 years, .

Violation will result in cancellation of the allotment

3) The respective departments having the right to assess and tax the property and land allotted and

subject to change time to time by the Government

4) The assignee should not entertain any business, commercial activity or enterprises in any part of

the house or land allotted

5) If the assigneedo not occupy the allotted house on the date of deadline i.e 60 days from the

allotment for taking possession, the allotment will be deemed to be cancelled.

6) The assignee has to vacate all the encroached area and the structure located in the land belong to

the PWD - WRD Right of Way (RoW) where he/she as resided earlier. He/She has no claim any

rights and would not encroach again.

7) The assignee is permitted to mortgage the house for self employmentloan and agricultural loan

from Cooperative Society or Nationalized Banks.

8) No allottee can, under any circumstances, use more than one tenement. If any allottee due to

misrepresentation or otherwise is found to be in possession of more than one house and that if

s/he does not report the fact of such possession, the allotment will be cancelled.

9) Whenever the particulars / documents provided by the assignee are found incorrect or fraudulent,

stringent action will be taken by the Tahsildar / Appropriate Authority throughdetailed enquiry. The

assignment of land along with house will be cancelled without any compensation even for any other

modifications done in the allotted house, if found guilty.

It is certified that I ___________ , Tahsildar, ________ Taluk, is signed an authorized officer on behalf of

the Governor of Tamil Nadu and by the Order of Honb'le Governor of Tamil Nadu on _________ date,

________, Month, _____ Year.

Page 29: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development

Annexure III


1. House allotment letter is issued with house site assignment order

2. The following category of vulnerable PAFs, such as families with differently abled person, families

with senior citizen, women headed families, will be allotted Ground Floor tenements through lottery

method in G+1 tenements. If the numbers of such vulnerable PAFs exceed the number of available

ground floor units, preference in allotment will be given to families with differently abled person,

families with senior citizen, women headed families respectively.

3. Families with blood relations assigned to a resettlement site and who would like to reside adjacent

to each other, may submit their request to the District Administration within one week of receiving

the notice of allotment. Such request may be considered subject to availability of units. Such

allotments, if made, will be through lottery method.


______ Taluk, _______ District

Page 30: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development


jkpH;ehL muR

fhBthp bly;lhtpy; cs;s btz;zhu; cgtoepyj;ij jl;g btg;g epiy

khWghLfSf;Bfw;g Bkk;gLj;Jk; jpl;lk; - CAVSCDP

kPsFoBaw;w jpl;lj;jpd; fPH; Bjh;t[ bra;ag;gl;l jFjp tha;e;j FLk;g

cWg;gpdh;fSf;F thH;thjhu jpwd; Bkk;ghl;L gapw;rp BjitfSf;fhd tpdh gl;oay;

I.FLk;g tptuk;: Bjjp:

1. Mw;wpd; bgau;

2. Mf;fpukpg;g[ brhj;jpd; milahs vz; rhjp:

3. nlJ / tyJ kjk;:

4. FoapUg;gpd; bgau;

5. fpuhk Cuhl;rp

6. tl;lk;

7. khtl;lk;

8. FLk;g jiythpd; bgau;

9. miyBgrp vz;

10. FLk;gj;jpy; 18 taJ Kjy; 45 taJ tiu vj;jid cWg;gpdh;fs; cs;shu;?

11. FLk;g cWg;gpdh;fs; gw;wpa tptuk;:


11.1 FLk;gcWg;gpdhpd;bgau;

11.2 FLk;gjiytUlkhdcwt[ Kiw






Page 31: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development


12. eypt[w;w FLk;g tifapy; ve;jg; gphpit rhu;e;jth;

1. bgz;jiyik 2. khw;W jpuhdhsp 3. 60 taJk; mjw;FBkYk;

4. kw;wtu;fs; - tpthpf;ft[k;

II.thH;thjhu jpwd; Bkk;ghL gw;wpa tptuA;fs;

2. cA;fs; gFjpapy; eilbgw;W tUk; Kf;fpa bjhHpy;fs; vd;dbd;d?

2.1 jw;BghJ eilbgw;W tUk; bjhHpy;fs; }yk; Bghjpa mst[ Btiy tha;g;g[fs;

fpilf;fpd;wjh ? Mk; / ny;iy

2.2 Mk; vdpy; nj;jifa bjhHpy;fs; }yk; Bghjpa mst[ tUkhdk; fpilf;fpd;wjh?

1. Mk; / 2. ny;iy

2.3 gapw;rpapd; fhyk; vd;d?

2.4 gapw;rpapd; epiwtpy; VBjDk; rhd;wpjH; tHA;fg;gl;ljh?

2.5 nj;jifa gapw;rpapy; cA;fs; bjhHpy; jpwid Bkk;gLj;jf; Toa tifapy;


2.6 nj;jifa bjhHpy;fis ePA;fs; bjhlA;Ftjw;Fk;, bjhlh;e;J bra;at[k; tA;fpapd;

}yk; fld; trjp fpilj;jjh?

2.7 bjhlA;fpa bjhHpiy bjhlh;e;J bra;J tUfpwPh;fsh?

2.8 ePA;fs; Vw;fdBt bgw;w gapw;rpapd; mog;gilapy; bjhlh; gapw;rp VBjDk;

Bjitg;gLfpd;wjh? Mk; / ny;iy

2.9 Mk; vdpy; ve;j tifahd bjhHpy; gapw;rpfs; Bjit?

2.10 bjhHpw;gapw;rp bgw 10 Kjy; 30 ehl;fs; tiu jhA;fs; Beuk; bryt[ bra;a


Page 32: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development


2.11 nytr gapw;rpfs; jpUth\h; / ehfg;gl;odjjpy; ele;jhy; jhA;fs; te;J bry;y


2.12 ePA;fs; Ra cjtp FGf;fspy; cWg;gpduhf nUe;Js;sPu;fs;? my;yJ ng;bghGJk;


2.13 ePA;fs; trpf;Fk; nlj;jpy; vd;d tifahd bjhHpy; bra;jhy; yhgfukhf


2.14 Vw;fdBt ePA;fs; bra;J te;j cw;gj;jp bghUspy; kjpg;g[f; Tl;ly; bra;jhy;

yhgfukhf nUf;Fk; vd fUJfpd;wPh;fsh?

2.15 Vw;fdBt jhA;fs; bra;J tUk; bjhHpypy; cw;gj;jp bghUl;fSf;fhd

re;ijg;gLj;j cjtp Bjitg;gLfpd;wjh?

2.16 jhA;fs; bjhHpy; bjhlA;f / elj;j tA;fpf;fld; bgw;W jpUk;g brYj;jp


2.17 jdp egh; bjhHpy; / FGj; bjhHpy;, ntw;wpy; ve;j bjhHpy; bra;jhy; rpwg;ghf

nUf;Fk; vd fUJfpwhh;fs;?

2.18 g[jpjhf kPs; FoBaWk; nlj;jpy; mA;Fs;stu;fSld; Ra cjtp FGf;fshf

nize;J bjhHpy; bjhlA;f Mu;tkhf nUf;fpd;wPh;fsh?

2.19 nisqh;fSf;F vd;d tifahd bjhHpy;fs; Vw;wjhf mika[k;?

1. 2. 3.

2.20 Bkw;Twpa bjhHpy;fSf;F vd;d tifahd gapw;rpfs; Bjit?

Page 33: Resettlement Monitoring Report · Prepared by the Water Resources Department, Public Works Department, Government of Tamil Nadu for the Government of India and the Asian Development


III.fhy;eilfs; gw;wpa tptuA;fs;

3. vd;d tifahd fhy;eil itj;Js;sPfs;? vj;jid itj;Js;sPf;fs;?

t.vz; fhy;eilfs; vz;zpf;if1 khL2 fhis khL3 ML4 brk;kwp ML5 BfhHp

3.1 fhy;eilfs; %yk; khjk; vt;tst[ tUkhdk; fpilf;fpwJ?

3.2 fhy;eilfis ve;j epyj;jpy; Bka;r;rYf;fhf tpLfpwPh;fs;? fhy;eilfis

Bka;f;Fk; FLk;g cWg;gpdh;fs; ahh;?

3.3 fhy;eilfis vA;F fl;o itf;fpwPh;fs;?

3.4 fhy;eilfis fl;Ltjw;F vt;tst[ nlk; Bjitg;gLk;?

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