
Research ArticleInformation Dissemination of Public Health Emergency onSocial Networks and Intelligent Computation

Hongzhi Hu,1 Huajuan Mao,2 Xiaohua Hu,3 Feng Hu,4 Xuemin Sun,5

Zaiping Jing,2 and Yunsuo Duan6

1School of Management, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China2Department of Vascular Surgery, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China3Department of Information, Changhai Hospital, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China4Department of Respiratory Medicine, Shanghai Tongren Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200336, China5Department of General Surgery, Tongji Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University, Shanghai 200065, China6Psychiatry Department, Columbia University/New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York City, NY 10032, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Feng Hu; [email protected] and Zaiping Jing; [email protected]

Received 19 February 2015; Accepted 13 July 2015

Academic Editor: Abdul Hanan Abdullah

Copyright © 2015 Hongzhi Hu et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Due to the extensive social influence, public health emergency has attracted great attention in today’s society. The boomingsocial network is becoming a main information dissemination platform of those events and caused high concerns in emergencymanagement, among which a good prediction of information dissemination in social networks is necessary for estimating theevent’s social impacts and making a proper strategy. However, information dissemination is largely affected by complex interactiveactivities and group behaviors in social network; the existing methods and models are limited to achieve a satisfactory predictionresult due to the open changeable social connections and uncertain information processing behaviors. ACP (artificial societies,computational experiments, and parallel execution) provides an effective way to simulate the real situation. In order to obtainbetter information dissemination prediction in social networks, this paper proposes an intelligent computation method under theframework of TDF (Theory-Data-Feedback) based on ACP simulation system which was successfully applied to the analysis of A(H1N1) Flu emergency.

1. Introduction

Public health emergency refers to a sudden event which maycause serious damage to the social public health such asmajorinfectious disease, mass unknown illnesses, and major foodand occupational poisoning. In today’s society, public healthemergencies, such SARS in 2003, Bird Flu in 2006, A (H1N1)Flu in 2009, and EBHF in 2014, have triggered extensive socialinfluence by the dissemination of related information.

In order to get a comprehensive understanding of uncon-ventional emergencies which possibly bring serious impactson the country and society and improve the government’scoping capacity, a major research plan was launched bythe NSFC (Natural Science Foundation of China) in 2009and organized a large interdisciplinary research communitywith more than 300 scientists, technicians, and engineers.

As an important part of the above research plan, our work isfocused on the information dissemination and computationassociated with public health emergency.

Social networks have become an open complex giantsystem that connected more than two-fifths of the worldpopulations and acted as the main platform of informationdissemination in public health emergency, which can easilycause the spread of false facts or rumors and bring abouta serious panic without efficient management [1, 2]. There-fore, the prediction of information dissemination in socialnetworks is necessary for estimating the social impacts andmaking a proper strategy in the management of public healthemergency.

In the past decades, numerous research works have beendevoted to social networks [3–7]. Scholars conducted thetechnologies of content analysis and topic detection to study

Hindawi Publishing CorporationComputational Intelligence and NeuroscienceVolume 2015, Article ID 181038, 10 pages

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the information spread path as well as its key nodes [4,5] and furthermore probed into the topological structureand organizational mechanism of the spread network [6–8]. It has been realized that information dissemination insocial networks is affected not only by the variable network’sstructure and dynamically changing spread paths, but alsoby the complex interactive activities and group behaviors insocial communities [7, 8]. Therefore, statistical models suchas time regression or estimators based on the traditionalmachine learning technologies are difficult to achieve goodprediction results [6, 9].

In recent years, in the view of complex adaptive sys-tems, researchers put forward many models to describe theinformation dissemination characteristics in social networks,such as “the small world” model, information diffusionmodel of dynamics, and infectious disease diffusion modellike SIS (Susceptible, Infected, and Susceptible) [10, 11].Those research findings described the behavioral mechanismand theoretical characteristics in the process of informationdissemination.However, there are some barriers to be appliedin the prediction of real situation [9].

On the other hand, some researches were focused ondata mining and established the predictive model based onthe historical data and existing cases. There are also somelimitations due to the dynamic changing social connectionsin cyber space and the uncertain processing behaviorswhich are largely affected by the cognition and reactions ofmembers in social networks [6]. Considering these complexcharacteristics and factors, an effective computation methodaiming at achieving a better prediction result of informationdissemination needs to be explored.

2. Complex Characteristics of InformationDissemination in Social Networks

2.1. Network Structure of Information Dissemination. Theonline forum, Internet micro-blog, instant messaging plat-forms, mobile network, and various communication termi-nals consist of a highly complex system [12, 13] for people toshare information with others and express their opinions tothe public.The increasing scale of information disseminationmakes existing mathematical model difficult to describe thereal situations and simulate the dynamic process adequately.

Once an emergency event takes place, the informationdisseminationwill usually experience a life cycle of five stages:incubation stage, outbreak stage, diffusion stage, decayingstage, and aftermath stage [8]. According to the existingresearch findings [6], the information dissemination in socialnetworks appears in the forms of two kinds of patterns: thepublic pattern such as BBS and micro-blog, and the smallworld pattern such asWechat andQQ.The network structureof information dissemination in public pattern is an openand unstable structure with a lot of uncertainty. However, thestructure in the small world pattern is relatively stable but hashigher efficiency and easily leads to group behaviors becauseit is usually based on the familiar members and a vocal mediasystem [14].

In public health emergency, information disseminationin social network involves three roles of the participants


Figure 1: Participants of information dissemination in social net-works.

Figure 2:The leading nodes and paths of information disseminationin social network.

[15]: information senders, information disseminators, andinformation receivers, as shown in Figure 1.

However, the roles of participants are often changingby many factors during the process of dissemination withdifferent kinds of events, such as interest and attention, thelevel of activity, and the time to catch relevant information.This will lead to dynamic changes of spread paths and net-work structure under different events. For example, Figure 2shows its main leading nodes and paths of informationdissemination in a social network which are expressed indifferent size and colors. The larger red nodes in the figureare the leading nodes, and the thicker links of each node arethe main paths.

Different from the inflexible structure in electronic cir-cuit, the connections in social networks are actually flexibleand random. It means that the features of network structureare dependent on the dynamic strength among differentnodes. For convenience, we define the expressions as follows.

Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 3

Figure 3: Dynamic structure of a micro-blog network when the spreading threshold varies from 0.3 to 0.5.

The connections in social networks can be regarded as agraph 𝐺, and

𝐺 = {𝑉, 𝐸} , (1)

where 𝑉 is the collection of nodes and 𝐸 is the collection ofconnections among the nodes:

𝑉 = {V𝑖} , 𝑖 = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,𝑀,

𝐸 = {𝑒𝑗} , 𝑗 = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 𝑁.


In the above, 𝑘𝑖is the number of active communication

on connection 𝑒𝑗in a certain period 𝑡; then 𝑒

𝑗is an effective

connection if 𝑘 > 0, or an ineffective connection if 𝑘 = 0.Figure 3 shows the dynamic structure of a micro-blog

network when the spreading threshold varies from 0.3 to0.5 [15]. It can be observed that the network structure ischanging with time by different connection strengths; someconnections may disappear but those strong connections stillexist.

However, in the prediction of information disseminationin social networks, we should consider the complicatedcharacteristics of its based network structure [6]. We willdiscuss this in the following section.

2.2. Cognitive Psychology and Group Behaviors. It has beenverified by many real cases and empirical studies that infor-mation dissemination in social networks has close relation-ship with the participants’ psychological reactions and theirbehaviors in particular situational context [6–8, 16, 17].

The process of information disseminationmay be affectedbymany factors, among which the emotions and behaviors ofparticipants have direct impacts on the development of publicopinions. In social network, users can release and disseminateall types of information with real names or anonymous way,while the validities or authenticity of the information maybe difficult to determine at first glance [18]. The informationdissemination is thus beyond the technological control andsubject to individual attitude, emotion, and behavior andlargely depends on the trust of network relations and humancognitive process under specific situations. Furthermore, the

individual cognitive nature of attitude, emotion, and behaviorwill easily result in the group behaviors in social networks.

Cognitive theory of emotion considers that emotionis affected by three factors: environmental events, physicalcondition, and cognitive process, among which cognitiveprocess is the decisive factor [19]; the information processingespecially elaborates on the content of the received informa-tion. According to limited cognitive resources, individualsusually identify and process information in terms of selectiveattention in cognitive processing [20].

In addition to the information content, people alsoconsider the factors of information itself, for example, sourcecredibility and information length. Some research showsthat the social and cultural backgrounds and emotions ofinformation disseminators will affect their cognitive processsignificantly, which is obvious in the Internet public opinions.For instance, some information will be largely reproduced,spread, and reposted in a very short time and then leadto large-scale riots and even affect daily life. In the aboveprocess, cognitive results and emotional reactions exhibitedby groups are the core elements that lead directly to theircoping strategies and behaviors; these mechanisms havebeen systematically studied by Bagozzi and Dholakia [21],Wheeless and Grotz [22], and Barnes and Olson [23] fromthe aspects of self-disclosure, opinion leaders, and opinionfollowers on social networks.

Recent researches of cognitive psychology and groupbehaviors in social networks have developed into a newinterdisciplinary field which was called Cyber Psychologyand defined as “understanding people how to react andbehave within cyberspace” by Dr. Suler in his hypertext bookThe Psychology of Cyberspace [24]. The progress in socialneuroscience [25] has provided new aspects for achieving abetter study in this field. Remarkably, modern technologyof functional magnetic resonance imaging (abbreviate to f-MRI) can directly track reactions involved with all types ofsituational information stimuli in cognitive process [26, 27],and ERPs (short for Event-related Potentials) can get highresolution in dynamic process which has been used to studysensitive reactions [28]. These will help to explore the brainmechanism of cognition in information dissemination.

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Based on new theory and advanced experimental tech-nologies, researchers have found complicated factors relatedto cognition and group behaviors which may affect theinformation dissemination of public health emergency insocial networks, such as attention and interest on the events,psychological characteristics of people with different regions,cultural background, and specific situations context. How-ever, the existing findings are mostly obtained by ques-tionnaire surveys or experimental observations which mayeasily lead to the incomplete results due to the limitationsof investigated samples or particular experimental cases.So, find a systemic way that is needed in applying in realenvironment [6].

According to our previous research [6], we found thatthe dissemination behaviors for an information receiver arerelated to the factors as in the following formula:

𝐵𝑡+1 = 𝑓 (𝐶, 𝐴

𝑡, 𝐸𝑡, 𝐵𝑡) , (3)

where 𝐵𝑡+1 is the dissemination behavior of an information

receiver at time 𝑡 + 1. 𝐶 denotes the event’s content; 𝐴𝑡, 𝐸𝑡,

and 𝐵𝑡are the states of the information receiver’s attitude,

emotion, and his current behavior, respectively, at time 𝑡.However, the quantitative relationship in formula (3)

cannot be calculated accurately only by a simple mathemat-ical formula. Some knowledge such as rules and behavioralcharacteristics of the information receiver are required [6].In order to get an approximate estimation in the next timeperiod, Kalman Filtering is a better choice shown in thefollowing formula:

𝐵𝑡+1 (𝑡 | 𝑡 − 1) = 𝐿𝐵

𝑡 (𝑡 − 1 | 𝑡 − 1) +𝑀𝑈 (𝑡) . (4)

Information dissemination in social networks also per-tains to the time period of occurrence, spread channels, typeand quantity, and other dynamic circumstances. Moreover,the way of its dissemination is complicated, and the relationsbetween them are complex [17]. Each participant may beregarded as a dissemination node, and it is not only thereceiver but also a sender. The information disseminationthrough the Internet concerning the event is a complexmodeand is featured to be divergent and fast. Daily interpersonalcommunications and telecommunication communicationshave been fused into information dissemination in wholesocial networks and constitute complex patterns of dissem-ination.

3. Intelligent Computation Method Based onTDF Framework

3.1. Limitations of Existing Methods. Unlike deep and wideresearch that was carried on epidemic spreading, quantitativeresearch on the social networks’ information disseminationhas been relatively limited, and, furthermore, the existingmethods do not sufficiently take into account the effects ofsocial cognition, group behaviors, multichannel dissemina-tion, and other characteristics or justmake somemacroscopicand statistical descriptive models. For the above reasons, werecognize that in practical applications, theoretical tools andmodeling methods are difficult to adequately describe and

accurately predict the information dissemination in socialnetwork. The main reason leads to the abovementionedproblems being that the dissemination is affected by toomanycomplex factors in dynamic changing environment due tocognitive psychology, emotional reactions, and behavioralintention of the network users whichmay result in uncontrol-lable processing behaviors and will continually produce newstimulus to other receivers. Under these circumstances, wefind that it is not enough to solve this problem if we only relyon various theoretical models to describe basic features orartificial simulation systems derived from the historical datamining in such an open and uncertain environment.

On the whole, the existing methods have the followingshortcomings: (1) It is difficult to apply a statistical model topredict actual situations in open and dynamic environmentwithmacroscopic description based on sample data. (2) Sometheoretical models can reflect the mechanism and some basicrules under an ideal condition, but there are huge variationsas to actual situation in the real world. (3) Technologies ofbig datamining can provide valuable analysis and parametersfor those models, but the future uncertainties may not accordwith the changing tendency obtained by historical data. So, itneeds further exploration to find a more effective method todeal with such complicated problem.

3.2. ACP Simulation System. Information dissemination insocial networks involves an interdisciplinary study whichcovers psychology, sociology, mathematics, management sci-ence, and computer engineering. Such work is difficult to beclearly expressed just bymathematical computation formulasbut should utilize the unstructured knowledge such as a vari-ety of rules, empirical data, and cases. It is expected to exploitnew ideas and methods from the integrated perspective of areal application environment.

For the purpose of exploring how to offer comprehen-sive solution to the scientific problems of complex socialand economic system, Wang from Institute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences, firstly proposed a parallelcomputational theory to solve management and controlissues in complex system and put forth social computingmethod that combined the artificial society with computa-tional experiments and parallel execution, which is calledACP (artificial societies, computational experiments, andthe parallel execution) [29]. This method can deal with thedifficult problems such as Cyber Psychological computationand make it computable; Figure 4 shows the ACP simu-lation system which has been successfully applied to thedynamic analysis in the national emergencymanagement andresponses of China [6, 30].

ACP simulation system provides an effective way to solvethe above problem and new clue to further experimentalresearch. By using this, complicated problems which are noteasy to be accurately predicted, difficult to precisely model,and unable to repeat experiments in real social system allcan be addressed. In this computing environment, the real-time system continuously exchanges data and synchronouslymodifies the artificial social context in the light of thefeedback data. Through iterative interaction and persistentapproximation, it can help to realize the parallel computation

Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 5

· · ·

· · ·

Cloud computing environment

DataSocial environment Financial environment

Cultural environment

ModelsKnowledge base

Contextual baseMethod base


Tools Prediction tools

Decision support tools

System tools

Visualize tools

Modeling tools



Cyber space

Real world

Computational experiments

Scenario creating

Analysis and estimationExperiment and

Parallel execution

Comprehensive decision making



Interactive system Visualized situation

Control and management Dynamically adjusting

Result estimation Decision making

Emergency response plan Decision supporting platform


Interactive exhibition

Figure 4: ACP simulation.

between artificial society and real society and finally achievethe goal of dynamic optimization management and control.The ACP method can also serve as a bridge between socialproblem and computing technology and break the dilemmaof interdisciplinary study between social and computationscience.Themethod also has important significance in virtualcommunity information dissemination from the perspectivesof fundamental theory, experimental methods, key technol-ogy, and practical applications.

Information dissemination in social networks has veryclose relationship with psychological and emotional behavior

in particular situational context, as well as its temporal-evolution-characteristics and complex spreadingmechanism.In the face of all uncertainties of future context, in orderto gain relevant experiential knowledge and important dataparameters, further study should focus on cognitive mecha-nism of network information, trend predictions, and reactionrules. Only through deep experimental observations, instantsocial psychological research in addition to large exact caseswill be able to make more accurate analysis and evaluationon the information dissemination rules, evolution character-istics, and developing trends.

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3.3. Intelligent Computation Based on TDF Framework. Inorder to get a better prediction of information dissemi-nation in social networks, Professor Dai proposed a newTDF (Theory-Data-Feedback) framework to deal with themodeling problem [9]. His framework absorbed themerits ofthe mechanism model, data model, and social psychologicalfeedback model interacted with instant online survey dataand formed a new systematic analysis and modeling method.We extended that framework to be applied inACP simulationsystem for analyzing the information dissemination of publichealth emergency as follows.

The mechanism model includes the basic laws of thingschange, existing research results, and related prior knowledgeon similar problems, such as network information spreadingmechanism and evolution characteristics. It lays foundationfor normal operation of the whole model. In this part,information disseminationmechanism needs comprehensiveanalysis to determine the range of data acquisition in “input”part of the model, which is of great importance in accuracyof predicted results.

The data model stores historical data and reflects currentstate. This part accumulates relative data prepared for theconstruction of reaction rules on future uncertainties. In thispart, by usingmethods like functional brainmapping analysistechnology (i.e., f-MRI) or cognitive neurology analysiscan obtain statistical characteristics of users’ emotional andbehavioral responses to situational context.

The feedback model is used to reflect response ruleson uncertainties of future; this part will simulate the actualenvironment and predicts the following behavior if possible,so as to seek for effective solution or provide a basis forimprovement to current solution in real-life situations. Inorder to reduce differences, the feedback system will begina new round of optimization and evaluation procedure andgenerate error signal to further revise the assessmentmethodsor parameters of artificial system through the observation ofrelated state changes under the actual changes automatically.

By applying interactive iteration procedure and paral-lel computation analysis in both artificial and real societycan obtain much better approximation descriptions of realenvironment and, in part, can predict the trend which inturn effectively manage and control changing problem in realsocial system. In this way, the model will be of great helpto decision making for coping with dynamically changingsituation. Figure 5 shows the TDF framework for intelligentcomputation on social networks’ information disseminationof public health emergency.

The application and realizing process of TDF frameworkcan be divided into the following three steps.

(1) Theory: Mechanism Model. The famous disease spreadmodel firstly presented by Grassberger in 1983 [31] has beenwidely used to describe the essential features of informationdissemination in social networks. In this model, each nodein a social network has two states 𝑆 and 𝐼. Here, 𝑆 representsthe initial state, when each node receives a message; it can betransformed into 𝐼with certain probability. After spreading amessage, node in state 𝐼 will return to state 𝑆 which has thepossibility to be infected or delete themessage thatmay forget


Artificial society Real society

Feedback: feedback model

modelTheory: mechanism

Data: data model

Response rules

Situational context

Basic rules

Management and

Experiment and

Analysis and summery

Parallel computation


Figure 5: TDF framework.

Table 1: Attributes of agents in artificial society.

Attributes ParametersSerial number 𝑛 = {1, 2, 3, . . . , 𝑁}

Social relationship Sr(𝑛) = [0, 1]

Attention to this topic At(𝑇) = [0, 1]

Attitude Ad(𝑇) = [−5, 5]

Emotion 𝐸(𝑡) = [−5, 5]

Informationdissemination role

(1) Opinion leader(2) Follower(3) Controller(4) The rest

Informationdissemination state DS = {𝑆(𝑡), 𝐼(𝑡), 𝑝(𝑡)}

or not be interested with the topic with certain probability.Consider new comers and inactive ID users; the dynamictransmission model can be expressed as follows [32]:

𝑑𝑆𝑘 (𝑡)

𝑑𝑡= 𝑏 [1− 𝑆

𝑘 (𝑡) − 𝐼𝑘 (𝑡)] − 𝜆𝑘𝑆

𝑘 (𝑡) Θ (𝑡)

+ 𝜇𝐼𝑘 (𝑡) − 𝑑𝑆

𝑘 (𝑡) ,

𝑑𝐼𝑘 (𝑡)

𝑑𝑡= 𝜆𝑘𝑆

𝑘 (𝑡) Θ (𝑡) − 𝜇𝐼𝑘 (𝑡) − 𝜀𝐼

𝑘 (𝑡) ,


where Θ(𝑡) = ∑(𝑖𝑝(𝑖)𝐼𝑖(𝑡)/∑ 𝑘𝑝(𝑘)).

It represents the probability that a given side connectswith an information received node. Here 𝑘 represents thedegree of that node, 𝜆 represents the transmission thresholdof a social network, 𝑡 is a unit time, and 𝑝(𝑘) is a distributionfunction of 𝑘.

In order to endow the prior knowledge and basic rulesof mechanism model into the agents’ simulation system inartificial society, the key attributes of agents can be designedas in Table 1.

Hereafter, the basic rules of mechanism model can bedesigned as follows.

When receiving a message, the changes in attributes of anagent are decided by

Agent (𝑡 + Δ𝑡)

= 𝐼 (𝑆𝑑 (𝑎) ,At (𝑇) ,Ad (𝑇) , 𝐸 (𝑡) , 𝑝𝑟 (𝑡)) .


Here, 𝑆𝑑(𝑎) is the attributes of the agent who sentthat message, At(𝑇) is the attention to this topic by the

Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 7

Tecent News

ifeng Net

Net Ease

Renmin Net

China Net TV

Sohu NewsXinhua Net

Sina Net

China Net

Baidu News

China News Net


Huanqiu Net

China daily Net











0.26 0.85



















0.26 0.85
















Figure 6: Relationship diagram of interconnections and strengths among websites.

information received agent, Ad(𝑇) denotes the attitude to theevent reflected in the information which is initially fixed byinterest, 𝐸(𝑡) is emotion at time 𝑡, and 𝑝

𝑟(𝑡) is the probability

from state 𝑆 to state 𝐼.After sending a message, the changes in attributes of that

agent are decided by

Agent (𝑡 + Δ𝑡) = 𝑂 (𝐸 (𝑡) , 𝑝𝑠 (𝑡)) . (7)

Here, we mainly consider the changes of emotions whichmay be decayed as 𝐸(𝑡 + Δ𝑡) = 𝐸(𝑡) ∗ 𝑒

−𝑘/Δ𝑡 accordingto the dynamic characteristics of emotions [6]. 𝑝

𝑠(𝑡) is the

probability returning from state 𝐼 to state 𝑆.The dissemination directions and scopes are decided by

the social relationship Sr(𝑛) of the information sending agent.Detailed relationships and parameters of formulas (6) and (7)will be achieved from data model by machine learning [32].

(2) Data: Data Model. Data model should be built from thehistorical data under specific situational context in the realsociety. We selected mainstreammedia websites covering thetotal number ranked top 15 that were released by ChineseInternet data platform.These sites represent the vast majorityof Internet users’ access channel to news in China. We usethese 15 web sites as nodes to generate web site correlationmodel by analyzing the link number of each site that pointedto other sites by weighted graph. With this model, we maytrack information about Internet users’ personal browsing

behavior affected from the strength of interconnection net-work sites, which will further affect netizens’ emotions andcognition. Considering the information dissemination ofpublic health emergency, we can obtain the relationshipdiagram as shown in Figure 6.

In Figure 6, the size of the node indicates the number ofInternet users, and the weight reveals the strength betweeneach node. The attributes of agents contained in each nodecan be endowed by machine learning from historical data.Technologies such as computations of attentions, attitudes,emotions, and information dissemination roles have beenwell developed in the existing researches [6, 14, 32, 33]. If onlyconsidering the macro information dissemination amongwebsites, we can regard each website as an agent and endowtheir statistical attributes by machine learning [32, 33].

(3) Feedback: Feedback Model. As discussed in this paperbefore, the aim of ACP simulation system is to establishan artificial society which can “follow” the changes in thereal society and predict its trends in the future by theparallel computation and interactive iteration procedure.Therefore, the changed information in the real society shouldbe returned into the artificial society so as to adjust theattribute parameters of intelligent agents.

We designed a feedback system which can acquire andtrack the new information disseminations in social networksin the real society. The Cyber Psychological computationmethod [34, 35] is employed to evaluate the real changes

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1 6 11 16 21

Figure 7: Information dissemination and prediction.

in attentions, attitudes, and emotions of the member ina social network. Corrections of the agents’ attributes areusuallymade every one hour.Thepredictions of their changesin the artificial society are based on the Kalman Filteringmodel as shown in formula (4). Besides, an online surveyis also utilized to update the new response rules of people’spossible behaviors under the upcoming situations, whichcan be combined into the rules of agents’ activities in theartificial society. Generally, the analyses and predictions ofinformation disseminations in social networks are based onthe dynamic changes of agents’ attributes as the results of theirinteractive activities in the artificial society, which is differentfrom the traditional methods based on the computation of amathematical prediction model.

4. Experiment and Results

Comparedwith the traditionalmethods, ACP simulation andTDF parallel computation have the superiorities of the feed-back adjustment ability which can follow the changes in thereal society and the complex description ability which con-siders the inherent psychological and behavioralmechanismsof the participants in information disseminations. Therefore,the proposed method can achieve an ideal prediction resultand has been successfully applied in the analysis of complexpublic health emergency such as Bird Flu, A (H1N1) Flu, andEbola Outbreak [6, 32, 34, 36].

Table 2 shows the dynamic information dissemination insocial networks, which was recorded from 16008 nodes whenan A (H1N1) Flu emergency took place in China in 2009.

Figure 7 illustrates the information dissemination insocial networks and the prediction of total number ofdisseminators. The left images in Figure 7 are the topologynetwork of dissemination in social network within 24 hours.We point out the leading nodes (red nodes) and segmentspreading groups into different strengths in this process. Theright half in Figure 7 is the total number of disseminators.Theblue line is the data of predication, and the green line is theactual number; it shows that the data of predication is veryclose to the real number.This indicated that the computationbased on TDF framework can reach a very high preciseprediction for the dynamic information dissemination insocial networks.Thismethod has been successfully applied to

Table 2: Information dissemination on social networks.

Time (hours) Number of information dissemination1 171072 85303 38964 16245 9376 5857 6988 3379 25510 31411 26412 25013 26114 27215 20416 20017 18118 16619 13220 9821 9822 7023 6324 80

the national simulation platform for emergencymanagementin China [32, 36].

5. Conclusion and Discussion

This paper analyzed the complex characteristics of informa-tion dissemination in public health emergency of social net-work as well as its network structure, cognitive psychology,and group behaviors and argued that the existing theoreticaltools and modeling methods are not sufficient to accuratelydescribe and predict the information dissemination in socialnetworks. Therefore, a new intelligent computation method

Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 9

based on the framework of TDF (Theory-Data-Feedback)was constructed for the ACP simulation and prediction onthe dynamic dissemination of emergency event’s informationand reached a high precise result.


Hongzhi Hu and Huajuan Mao are the joint first authorsof this paper. Zaiping Jing and Feng Hu are the jointcorresponding authors.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


This research was supported by National High-tech R&DProgram (863 Program) of China (no. 2012AA02A612),Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 91324010), andShanghai Philosophy and Social Sciences Plan, China (no.2014BGL022).


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