
Digitalization of PEOPLES TELEVISION Facilities through ISDB-T Technology1 Studio Facilities1.1 Indicate locations of all PTV Broadcasting StudioSTDIO ! located in Broadcast "o#$le% Visayas !&enue Dili#an 'uezon "itySTDIO B located in Broadcast "o#$le% Visayas !&enue Dili#an 'uezon "itySTDIO B located in Broadcast "o#$le% Visayas !&enue Dili#an 'uezon "ity1.2 Explain the availability of and and Building for each StudioSTDIO ! facilities is ready to usedfor Digital Set u$STDIO B facilities is ready to for Digital Set u$ STDIO " facilities is under contraction (ut is ready to used for Digital Set u$1.! ist up existing"available ST#$I% facilitiesSTDIO !facilities is ready to used (ut the e)ui$#ents is ca$a(le of !N!LO* $rocessSTDIO Bfacilities is ready to used+&ote'STDIO " facilities is ready to occu$y u$on co#$letion of so#e #inor installation1.( ist up re)uired Studio *acilites under the +en loan for each StudioFor the Three,-. STDIO/s0 the re)uired e)ui$#ents is ca$a(le of 1igh De2nition2 Broadcasting Trans#itting Station2.1 ist up all Trans,itting Stations-./ Stations0 1lso 2 Explain easiness" di3culties of access to the Station fro, the nearest to4n for each Station2.2 *or each of the Trans,itting Station2 indicate the follo4ing'*eneral2.2.1 Is the 1nalog Broadcasting being done56ondition of 1nalog Trans,itter3es0 !nd the "ondition of !nalog Trans#itter of PTV is list (elo4 as your reference5PTV ST!TION71I& 8#E9%& 6IT+E:1SPI 1B1+:%12 6171;I&ES &%;TEVI:1& I%6%S S#;B1:#I%$1V1% 6EB#P#E;T% P;I&6ES1&1:1 6171;I&ES S#;$#71:#ETE2 &E:;%S %66I$E&T1Only STDIO "a#eras0 6ulti Vie4er and T7I "aster are ca$a(le for 1D $rocess and the rest of e)ui$#ent in Studio (ooth ca$a(le of !N!LO* $rocess s$ecially the VIDEO S8IT"1E70 !DIO S8IT"1E7 etc9Pease see attached data for al#ost :; $ro&ince that is $ossi(le for our E%$ansion9 This Pro&incial Station is accessi(le using &ehicle for occular ins$ection and 4ith Su$$ly of Electricity and 8aterT16%B1&:#I71;1S917B%1&:1:E&E;1 S1&T%S1& 6IT+61B1+%:2.2.2 $uring the transition period to digital broadcasting2 4hether si,ultaneous 1nalog"$igital trans,ission is re)uired or &ot2.2.! 1vailability of and and Building? Si@e of building3es0 the $ro$erty is a&aila(le and the size of trans#itter house #ini#u# of : % < #eters2.2.( 1vailability of 6o,,ercial Electrical Po4er3es0 the Electric Po4er is a&aila(le $ro&ided (y Local tility in Pro&ince2.2.A 1vailability of BacB up batteries and Electric :enerators Trans#ission Lines2.2.. 1vailability of Trans,ission lines to Trans,itting station fro, nearest to4n.1lso ho4 about trans,ission lines fro, Studio to nearest to4n.*or veriCcation SirTrans#itters2.2.D $escribe existing 1nalog Trans,itter*ood enough to sustain the transition $eriod for the Digitization2.2.E $esired";e)uired Trans,itting Po4er level -$igital02.2.F 1uto,atic s4itch over at *ailureFor &eri2cation Sir!ntennas2.2.1/ $escribe existing 1ntenna3es0 4e can do si#ultaneous !nalog = Digital trans#ission as long as the PTV to4er is a&aila(le for the use of additional Digital !ntenna 3es0 The Bac> u$ (aterry or >no4n as PS$lus the Stand(y *enerator are included in our $ro?ect $ro$osal for our contingency if the local $o4er is not a&aila(leThe desired $o4er for PTV 6an is @ A4 or B; A4 for long reach and (etter co&erage since 4e/&e $lan to re$lace our @;; ft to4er and in Pro&incial sites B A4 or - A4 de$end on TV 1ouse hold 9 Practical enough to (e used0 since #ost of Pro&incial Station are chronic (ut 4e/&e on going $ro?ect to re$lace and u$grade our !nalog trans#itter as 4ell as!ntenna syste#92.2.11 1vailability of 1ntenna To4er. Si@e of 1ntenna to4er especially if si,ultaneous 1nalog"$igital trans,ission is re)uired2.2.12 ;e)uired 1ntenna Pattern-$igital02.2.1! 1ny co,,ents on *eeder ines -$igital0No co##ent ! Priority on re)uired ti,e fra,e for invidual Studios and Trans,itting Stations 4ith respect to +en oan.6larify 4hich *acilities"E)uip,ent you do not re)uire +en oan.8e donCtre)uire nor a$$ly the 3en Loan for our On going $ro?ect to $re&ent the $ost$one#ent of I#$le#entation this co#ing !ugust( 1ny co,,ents that2 you feel2 ,ight i,pat the cost of facilities i,ple,entation.No co##entA Identify e)uip,ents"ele,ents for 1nalog broadcasting for 4hich you re)uire +en oan ProGect.Practical enough to (e used0 since #ost of Pro&incial Station are chronic (ut 4e/&e on going $ro?ect to re$lace and u$grade our !nalog trans#itter as 4ell as!ntenna syste#9The PTV hold BD to4ers considering the B; to4ers for i#$le#entation this year9!nd the !ntenna size 4ill de$end on our $ro?ect $lan as 4e #ention in $re&ious ans4er93es0 4e need antenna $attern for each Pro&incial Station to &erify the actual res$onse in connection 4ith the $ro?ect $o4er in our $lan9Sir "leo0 in #y o$inion as Technical 4e can only used this 3en loan for our DI*ITiE!TION roll out9If 4e intend to acco##odate this oFer it 4ill cause dra4(ac> to our ti#eline for e%$ansionDigitalization of PEOPLES TELEVISION Facilities through ISDB-T TechnologySTDIO ! located in Broadcast "o#$le% Visayas !&enue Dili#an 'uezon "itySTDIO B located in Broadcast "o#$le% Visayas !&enue Dili#an 'uezon "itySTDIO B located in Broadcast "o#$le% Visayas !&enue Dili#an 'uezon "ityExplain the availability of and and Building for each StudioSTDIO ! facilities is ready to usedfor Digital Set u$STDIO B facilities is ready to for Digital Set u$ STDIO " facilities is under contraction (ut is ready to used for Digital Set u$ist up existing"available ST#$I% facilitiesSTDIO !facilities is ready to used (ut the e)ui$#ents is ca$a(le of !N!LO* $rocessSTDIO Bfacilities is ready to used+STDIO " facilities is ready to occu$y u$on co#$letion of so#e #inor installationist up re)uired Studio *acilites under the +en loan for each StudioFor the Three,-. STDIO/s0 the re)uired e)ui$#ents is ca$a(le of 1igh De2nitionist up all Trans,itting Stations-./ Stations0 1lso 2 Explain easiness" di3culties of access to the Station fro, the nearest to4n for each Station*or each of the Trans,itting Station2 indicate the follo4ing'Is the 1nalog Broadcasting being done56ondition of 1nalog Trans,itter3es0 !nd the "ondition of !nalog Trans#itter of PTV is list (elo4 as your reference5PTV ST!TION 6%&$ITI%& and ;E71;=S71I& 8#E9%& 6IT+ :ood 6ondition Installed on 2//F E:1SPI 1B1+ :ood 6ondition2 Intalled on E/Hs:%12 6171;I&ES &%;TE :ood 6ondition Installed on E/HsVI:1& I%6%S S#;:ood 6ondition 2Installed on 2/12B1:#I%;eady for Installation"6o,,issioning this co,ing *eb2 2/1($1V1% ;eady for Installation"6o,,issioning this co,ing *eb2 2/1(6EB#;eady for Installation"6o,,issioning this co,ing *eb2 2/1(P#E;T% P;I&6ES1%ngoing Tender for this proGect and target Installation"6o,,ssioning by 2E/2!E26ara,oran2 6atanduanesSan 7iguel2 6atanduanesPanganiban2 6atanduanes(F2!.EBatac2 Ilocos &orteD2(2!12221AE2AA2.D21A!2E.F1.!2E2/(!F2(./2E/2!E2Original PTV Trans#ission Po4er 7ega 7anilaaoagBantay2 Ilocos SurBangued2 1braBaguio$agupan -pangasinan07t. 1,uyao27t. ProvinceTuguegarao -6agayan01parri2 6agayanBasco2 BatanesSantiago2 Isabela6abarroguis2 8uirinoBayo,bong2 &ueva Vi@cayaBaler2 1urora%longapo

A1!2FFA2E(2D(/1(A2F1.6IND!N!O1DA2/A/ A =42/A2!!E2/!2(/2 1 =4$apitan1!D2(.A12A22((.D2F.A2D22EE(!!(2(D! 1/ =412A2!.E 1 B>.A2.(2F(21A/A.1221FAA21D1 A B>Ipil2 SibugaySan *ernando2 Pa,pangaSan 7iguel2 BulacanTagaytay-Batangas0ipa -Batangas0ucenaSan Pablo2 aguna6alapan -%riental 7indoro0$aet2 6a,arines &orte=alibo2 1Blan;oxas -6api@0IloiloBacolod7etro Bacolod6ebu

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