Page 1: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by RainbowTechnology using Color Coded Encryption


Umang Agrawal(TEB-30)

March 18, 2015

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 2: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References


Rainbow Storage is a group of techniques to store digital datain some colors, color combinations and symbols in RainbowFormat.The technique is used to achieve high-density storage. Withthe help of Rainbow system we would be watching full-lengthhigh definition videos from a piece of paper!The main attraction is the cheap paper. The Rainbowtechnology is feasible because printed text, readable by thehuman eyes does not make optimal use of the potentialcapacity of paper to store data. By printing the data encodedin a denser way much higher capacities can be achieved.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 3: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

How is it Possible?

It uses geometric shapes such as squares and hexagons torepresent data patterns, instead of the usual binary methodthat uses ones and zeros to represent data.Files such as text, images, sounds and video clips are encodedin "rainbow format" as colored circles, triangles, squares andso on, and printed as dense graphics on paper at a density of2.7 GB per square inch.Instead of using 0s and 1s, we use color dots where each colordot can represent minimum 8 bits (1 byte). The rainbowpicture will be highly compressed and can be represented inany color medium.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 4: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

How is it Possible

Figure: Data stored in rainbow format on an ordinary paper.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 5: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References


Currently, of the several options available for data storage,DVDs are the best mode, but are yet expensive.While a CD costs Rs. 15, his paper or plastic-made RVD willcost just about Rs. 1.50 and will even have 131 times morestorage capacity.Using this technology an A4 sheet of paper could store 450 GBof data. In comparison, a DVD can store 4.7GB of data.Paper is, of course, bio-degradable, unlike CDs or DVDs. Andsheets of paper also cost a fraction of the cost of a CD orDVD.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 6: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

Comparison with other Storage Devices

Figure: Comparison with other Storage Devices

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

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Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

Process of Storing data

Printing at 1,200 dots per inch (DPI) leads to a theoreticalmaximum of 1,440,000 colored dots per square inch.If a scanner can reliably distinguish between 256 unique colors,the maximum possible storage is approximately 140 megabytesfor a sheet of A4 paper.If the scanner were able to accurately distinguish between16,777,216 colors (24 bits, or 3 bytes per dot), the capacitywould triple claims of several hundred gigabytes.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 8: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

Implementation Requirements

At least one of three things must be true for the claim to beefficient data storage:

The paper must be printed and scanned at a much higherresolution than 1,200 Dots per Inch.The printer and scanner must be able to accurately produceand distinguish between an extraordinary number of distinctcolor values.The compression scheme used in the data encryption must bea revolutionary lossless compression algorithm.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

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Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References


Rainbow technology uses two level of conversion procedure:1)Level-1 Data to DataPicture2)Level-2 DataPicture to Data


Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 10: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

Level-1 Data to DataPicture

Data to DataPicture conversion takes place in four steps:Input: A chunk of data bits are taken from data source(Normally Binary file), which is known as a word.Word to Value Conversion: The word can be convertedinto a value that will be unique for each different combinationof bits.Value to Picture Conversion: A picture will be generatedby representing values as colors.Error Correction bit Addition: The value then passesthrough some error checking mechanisms. After producingsome error correction bits such as Picture Boundary Mapper(PBM),Universal Picture Dot (UPD) it will attach to the datapicture.

Thus the final output (DataPicture) will be generated.Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

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Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

Level-2 DataPicture to Data

DataPicture to data conversion uses just the reverse process. it isalso takes place in four steps:

Input: DataPicture is taken as an input.Error Checking and Correction: The parameters like UPD,PBM, etc are read from the header. Some errors that occurdue to color fading can also be handled at this stage.DataPicture to value conversion: Some image processingmethods are used in this stage to convert picture to values.Value to Word Conversion: Value to Word mappingfunctions are used for mapping the arrangements done onactual data. hence the result data will be the original data.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 12: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

Products from Rainbow Technology

By using Rainbow Storage, we can develop many kinds of products.They include:

Disposable storageRainbow Versatile Disk (RVD)Rainbow cardsData centers

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 13: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

Disposable storage

Rainbow storage can be used to achieve Disposable storage. Wecan store any kind of data in any kind of media that can representcolor. It can be used as one time storage. We can use biodegradable materials here (because it is not intended for longtime). This category of products can be used for distribution offiles, documents, etc. Here we can use even printers, scanners,cameras and so on as input and output devices.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 14: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

Rainbow Versatile Disk (RVD)

RVD (Rainbow Versatile Disk) is another product that can bedeveloped by using Rainbow Storage. We need to develop specificdrives for reading and writing. It can hold huge amount of data andit will be very cheap enough to reduce storage pricedramatically.Storage capacity will vary according to the nature ofthe mediums used.

Figure: Rainbow Versatile Disks (RVDs)Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 15: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

Rainbow Cards

Rainbow cards can be constructed as a cheap secondary storagemedium for PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant) and other smalldigital devices. They can be constructed in many standards andsizes. The size can vary from visiting card size to the size of a SIMcard. Specific readers need to be attached with such devices.

Figure: Symbolic Rainbow CardsUmang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

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Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References

Data Centers

Datacenters are the static storage servers that can hold Peta Bytesof data. It will be a sequential access storage system that can beused for secondary storage of data. We can construct a data centrewith a cost of around 35 lakhs.

Figure: Symbolic Rainbow Data Centers

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

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Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References


The extremely low-cost technology will drastically reduce thecost of storage and provide for high speed storage too.Files in any format like movie files, songs, images, text can bestored using this technology.It is more confidential then any other storage device.The biodegradable nature of the storage devices would doaway with the e-waste pollution.The four main storage devices made using this technology areRVD, Disposable storage, Data Banks, Rainbow cards.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

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Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References


Rainbow cards can be used in mobile devices in place of DVDsand VCDs.The rainbow cards can solve this problem. Un-authorizedcopies of the films can be controlled to a certain limits usingthese cards.Another theme put forward by rainbow technology is the DataBanks. it is huge server with a high storage capacity.As per a research project done in US in 2003 to store theavailable static data, the server required will cost 500 croredollers(Rs.23000 crores). But by using data banks ,a similarserver can be made with Rs.35 lacks.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

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Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References


The paper has the tendency to fade away hence the data lossmay occur.With the extremely low cost of using this technology we canalways afford to have multiple copies.

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 20: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References


Rainbow Technology Decidedly Nurtures Storage TrendsInternational Journal of Technology and Engineering System(IJTES) c©gopalax-Publisher of International JournalsColor Coded Cryptography International Journal of Scientificand Engineering Research, Volume 3, Issue 7, July-2012 1ISSN 2229-5518 IJSER c© 2012"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper" by M. A. Siraj, ArabNews (published November 18, 2006; accessed November 29,2006)

Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

Page 21: "Rainbow Technology"

Introduction How is it Possible Motivation Comparison with other Storage Devices Process of Storing data Implementation Requirements Working Products from RT Advantages Disadvantages References


Umang Agrawal (TEB-30)

"Data Can Now Be Stored on Paper by Rainbow Technology using Color Coded Encryption Algorithm"

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