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QUESTION 2How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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MY SOCIAL GROUP• My social group is made up of teenagers because they can relate to the type of clothing that my

characters are wearing. Stereotypically teenagers wear clothing such as hoodies and skinny jeans which are normally dark coloured. My film suits this social group because teenagers are the majority of my target audience as well, to make my film appealing to teenagers I dressed my characters as generic teenagers that fit in to the modern society. As well as being dressed like teenagers they act as teenagers as well acting on stereotypes that teenagers ‘hang around’ certain places making people feel uneasy about going into that area which is great for the effect I was trying to give off.

• As many people enter their teenage years they become a part of their own groups/gangs which could help other teenagers relate to the main character in the way that they feel when they walk past on of those gangs.

• The area in which I filmed at (an alley way) is a stereotypical place for teenagers to hang out, I based most of my film of stereotypes because most of those stereotypes are plausible in which case it teenagers will relate to the location and costumes in my film.

• My film lives up to teenage stereotypes supporting the accusations made by society. I've done this because most action films live up to stereotypes and this is what makes them great films and if they didn’t meet those stereotypes than the films just wouldn’t be the same or be as effective.

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TARGET AUDIENCE • My target audience consists of mainly males aged 12 to 20 and that is

because those are the type of people to go and see a new action film in cinemas. There are other people that go to see action films and females or older people can go and see and action film but generally it is males aged 12 to 20 so that is who I have decided to aim my film at focusing mainly on the number of people who will actually go to see it.

• My film is suitable for my target audience because it is an action based film which is popular amongst my target audience meaning that they are likely to go and watch it in a cinema. My films isn’t too violent, doesn’t show nudity or drugs and has little to no profanity so it would be rated 12 which means that all ages of my target audience can go to watch it without the trouble of age restrictions.

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I have used a mixture of typical action film techniques and techniques that are not normally seen in action films and I have done this because my target audience can go and watch a typical action film but also watch an action film that is different from the others at the same time with a range of different shots and camera angles to show the audience that action films don’t have to be the same over and over again using the same plots and techniques each time. If I had just used the exact same techniques as other action films then my target audience would not go to see it because they would have seen that type of film a million times before so mixing up the films makes it unpredictable for example in my opening there is a shot where Rory has a gun pointed at Dan then the screen goes black and a lone gunshot sounds out and when the image on the screen returns Dan is holding the gun and Rory is on the floor leaving the audience to guess about what happened and how he is still alive making them want to carry on watching.

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