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Salford City College

Eccles Sixth Form Centre

BTec Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Games Design

Unit 66 – 3D Modelling HA5 – Sidekick Task 6 – Production

Name Sam Duxbury

Date: 03/03/2014

This is the first week in which I started on my robot sidekick tasks, firstly we were asked to complete a set of tutorials to help us get used to the software and how it works, after completing these tutorials we then moved onto creating a project charter for this assignment, this was a sheet that we had to explain what we wanted, how we felt about the software and then what we wanted out of the assignment.

Date: 07/04/14

This was the week I started to create ideas for my side-kick, The reason I started so late was due to struggling on the tutorials. During this week I started my mood board and design pack. For the mood board all we had to do was collect images from the web and place them on a word document, the reason for completing this task was to get ideas for my own sidekick robot, this work only took a lesson to complete as it wasn’t very challenging. After completing this I moved onto starting my design sheet where I had to draw out the design for my robot, I had to draw a front, back and side view. It was important that I drew it with detail and the correct measurements because I would be scanning it into the software and using it as a template.

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Date: 14/04/14

This was the week I ended up finishing off all the research and build up work for my robot and then I actually started progress on my robot, for this I used the software call LightWave Modeller, due to having to complete a bunch of tutorials I was quite informed on how to use the basic controls and tools within the software but when it came to more advanced tool usage I had to ask my peers or teacher for extra advice. Within this week I started out to complete head of my robot as I thought this was the most detailed and would be the most time consuming piece of the robot to complete. For the head I took my original idea and worked out in whilst creating it, For the design of it I took inspiration from an already created robot called Optimus Prime and made my own changes towards it so I wasn’t just copying it.


Throughout this week I have just carried on completing the head of my robot and then I imported it into another model piece where I had started to create the body, due to having spent most of my time completing the head design I hadn’t had too much time to start on the body so I only created a small piece of it and would need to carry on with it in the weeks to come.


This was the week I got most of my robot completed, I finished most of the design, added the head and added the textures I was going to use on it. At first I had to ask advice when creating the textures but after doing it for a while it becomes a lot easier to do. After completing most of the robot this week I only have a few things left to finish on it such as small details eg pipes, fingers etc, these small details I will complete in the next week.

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Date: 05/05/14

In this week all I had to do on my side-kick was add small and final details to it. Once I had added thes details I was then to send it over to layout where I would take images of my finished side-kick design from all different angles and then render it out so we could add the images to our blogger page. To do this we firstly had to set up with scene and background within layer which could be found in the shared drive, after placing these items within layer we had to then sort out the camera positioning and also the lighting because if we didn’t when we took the images we wouldn’t be able to see or find the robot. These were all important stages that we had to take into consideration before taking the pictures. Before we took the final images we had to preview them to see if all the parts of it were okay as they can flip sometimes when imported to layout. After completing all I finally then took the images and placed them onto my blog/

Date: 12/05/14-26/05/14

These last couple of weeks were the weeks I started to write the review of my robot but due to other existing assignments it took me a lot longer to complete then I thought, for the review I had to write a various amount of different things to do with the side-kick and assignment ranging from where my design came from, the strengths and weaknesses during the project, time management etc. This was the last stage of my side-kick project and everything I’ve done will be compacted within this review.

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