
PREFIX REVIEWHonors English 8

A-, an-

ANonymous (without a name)

Apodal (without feet)

Amnesia (without memory)

Atypical (not typical)

AB-, abs-, a-

ABSent (to be away)

ABduct (to lead away)

ABrupt (to break away from)

ABStract (to pull away from the concrete)

AD-, ab-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-,

a- ADmire (to look toward)

ADhere (to stick to)

ADjective (toward or near a noun)

ADvertisement (to turn toward)

ANTE- ANTEbellum (before war)

ANTErior (placed before or in front)

ANTEcedent (to go before)

ANTEdate (date before)

ANTI-, ant-

ANTIfreeze (opposite of freeze)

ANTIbiotic (against microbial life)

ANTacid (against acid)

ANTIdote (to give as a remedy against)

COM-, con-, col-, cor-, co-

COMpanion (to break bread together)

COMbine (two together)

CONspire (to breathe together)

CONversation (to turn together)

DE- DEpart (to split apart)

DEscend (to step down)

DEduct (to lead away or down)

DEscribe (to write down)

DIS-, dif-, di-

DIShonest (opposite of honest)

DIFferent (to set apart)

DIStract (to pull apart or away)

DIvert (to turn aside)

EPI-, ep-

EPIdermis (upon the skin)

EPonym (named upon a person)

EPIlogue (words after a book)

EPIdemic (upon the people)

EX-, e-, ec-, ef-, es-

EXit (to go out)

Effect (to work out)

EXhale (to breathe out)

EScape (out of one’s cape)

IN- (not), im-, il-, ir-

INcorrect (not correct)

IRrelevant (not relevant)

IMproper (not proper)

ILlegal (not legal)

IN- (in), im-, il-, ir-

INject (to throw in)

IRrigate (in water or moisture)

IMprison (in prison)

ILluminate (in the light)

INTER-, intel-

INTERcept (to take between)

INTERsect (to cut between)

INTERrupt (to break between)

INTELligent (to read between)

OB- (against, toward), oc-, of-, op-

OBstacle (to stand against)

OCcupy (to take over)

OFfense (to strike against)

OPposite (to set against)

PER-, pur-

PERmit (to let go through)

PERmeate (to pass through)

PERfect (to completely do or perform)

PURpose (to put forth)

PRE- PREdict (to say before)

PREhistoric (before recorded history)

PREvent (to come before)

PREcede (to go before)

PRO- PROceed (to go forth)

PROvoke (to call forth)

PROpose (to put before)

PROlogue (words at the beginning)

RE- REcess (to go back)

REmove (to move back)

REplay (to play again)

REvert (to turn back)

SUB-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-, su-

… SUBmarine (below the sea)

SUBtract (to pull from under)

SUFfix (to attach after)

SUCceed (to go up to or near)

SYN-, syl-, sym-, sys-

SYNonym (same name)

SYMpathy (feeling together)

SYStem (to stand together)

SYLlable (to take together)

TRANS-, tran-

TRANSfer (to carry across)

TRANscribe (to write over)

TRANSport (to carry across)

TRANscend (to step across/beyond)

RE-back, again

PRO-forward, forth,


EX-out, out of,

away from

ANTE-before, earlier;

in front of

IN-no, not, without;

in, into, within

PER-through, thoroughly

DE-away, down, opposite of

AB-away, from, off

COM-with, together

DIS-apart, away

SYN-together, with, at

same time


A-without, not

ANTI-against, opposed to,

opposite of

AD-to, toward

EPI-on, upon, over, after,

besides, among

INTER-between, among,


TRANS-across, beyond, on

the other side

OB-against, toward, by,

down, away

SUB-under, below, up to,

lower in rank, nearly

together, with, at the same



out, out of, away from


no, not, without


without, not


under, below, up to, SUB-

on, upon, over, after, besides


before(as in “before recorded



in, into, within


away, from, off


back, again


apart, away


between, among, togetherINTER-

to, toward


away, down, do the opposite of


forward, forth, before


together, with


across, beyond, on the other


against, toward, by, down, away


against, opposed to, opposite ofANTI-

through, thoroughly


before (before the

war); earlier, in front ofANTE-

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