
Pre-Application Meeting

Welcome To


Presented by Kingman Co. Health Dept.Child Care Licensing ProgramCreated by Lawrence-Douglas Co. Health Dept.

Cindy Chrisman-Smith RNChild Care LicensingSurveyor

Rosemary BoswellChild Care Licensing

Assistant Surveyor

History and Philosophy of Child Care Regulations Kansas Licensing Law passed in

1919 Following an investigation by State Department

of Health For facilities providing out-of-home care to

children Care proved to be cruel, unhealthy and unsafe One of the few laws concerned with the rights of


Kansas Licensing Law Basically states that children have a

right to out-of-home care which protects their health, safety, and welfare

Also, is a consumer protection law-assures parents that child care meets minimum standards

KDHE has authority to regulate the following areas Assuring safe and

adequate physical surroundings

Assuring capable, qualified providers of sufficient numbers

Offering adequate program of activities

Supporting parental participation as feasible

20 Hour Rule-States when must be Licensed or Reg. Deals with care

away from child’s home and non-relative care

One child 20 hrs a week or more

Two children combined total of 20 hrs a week or more

More than three children in care

Regulations are Minimum Regulations are

not indicators of quality

Encourage you to go above and beyond regulations

You may not go below regulations

Licensed Daycare Homes

Can have up to ten children in care

Provider’s own children included No more than three children

under 18 months Licensing inspections done at

least annually Some initial training and renewal

training is involved

Licensed Capacity Under 18 months

18 Kinder.

Kinder to age 11


0 7 3 10

1 5 4 10

2 4 3 9

3 3 2 8

Group Capacity-Two Adults

Under 18 months

18 mon.-Kinder.

Kinder. To age 11

License Capacity

1 8 3 12

2 7 3 12

3 6 3 12

4 4 2 10

Registered Daycare Homes Can have up to six children in care Provider’s own children included No more than three children under 18

months Licensing inspections not done unless

complaint is made First aid training is only required


Licensing visit is a benefit Second set of eyes Parents comforted

knowing home has been visited

Surveyors are available in the home for consultation and recommendations

Making the DecisionPlease consider carefully

Takes more than a commitment and love for children

It is a business (recommend contracts)

It impacts the entire family

You will not get rich

One of the most important jobs in the world

Huge responsibility caring for other people’s children

The early years have a huge impact on the rest of a child’s life

Application Process-Take It Step By Step Attend a pre-app

meeting Read Laws and

Regulations Only after you

receive a temp. permit or certificate can children be in care.

May take 60 to 90 days

Application PaperworkLDCH and GDCH-Green application-KBI/background check-Green Fire/life safety-Local fire (Kingman)-$15.00 to KDHE-$30 or $35 to Health


RDCH-Pink application-Blue checklist-KBI/background check-Green Fire/life safety-Local fire (Kingman)-$5.00 to KDHE-$20.00 to Health Dept.

Initial Visit-For LDCH CCLS will contact you to schedule-

typically within one week of application Submit corrections to Health Dept. within

two weeks Submit a plan for corrections that can’t be

completed within two weeks Typically will have a compliance check

after date stated in the plan KDHE will not issue license until full

compliance is achieved

Paperwork That Needs Posted License or

certificate Emergency

Numbers Fire/Life Safety Emergency Plan Diaper procedures

(Group Only) Well-child info.

Initial Licensed and Group Training Options-within 60 Days following application

Licensed Five observations 2 ½

hours per Child Dev. Associate

Cred. 15 hours of training (3

hrs. college) 3 months


Group 6 months employ. Five observ. And ten

hrs training Three semester hrs. in

child dev. etc. with 3 mon. work exp. Or supervised pract.

Child Dev. Associate Cred.

Paperwork on File for Children Emergency Medical

Release (Notarized) Medical Record Health Assessment

(Licensed and Group only)

Immunizations Permission for Off-

Premise (if applicable) Signed parents

acknowledgment (Reg. Only)

Paperwork On File for Adults Health Assessment

(primary provider only)

Tb test for every adult over 16 yrs.

First aid training KBI background

check Training


Discipline Policy Develop a written

discipline policy Make age specific Available for

parents Should state

prohibited punishment will not be used

Smoking is Prohibited Smoking is not

allowed anywhere in the home during daycare hours.

Do not smoke while transporting children

Do not leave children unsupervised to go out and smoke

Medication Issues Nonprescription

given only with written parental permission-keep record

Prescription given only from labeled container-keep record

Working telephone on premises

Forms taken to emergency room with child

Injuries or illness requiring medical attention reported to parent

Communicable diseases or death reported to health dept.

Safety plans reviewed with parents and subs

Fire drills monthly Tornado drills April


Transportation Issues Yearly mechanical

safety check Accident and liability

insurance is current Children’s paperwork

in vehicle First aid kit is in the

vehicle Transports only to

authorized destination

Safety While Transporting Appropriate car seats

or restraints are used Only one child per

seat belt Doors are locked Discipline maintained Enter and exit away

from traffic Under ten not left

alone in vehicle

Animals in the Daycare Home Pet area maintained No animal in kitchen

during food prep Dogs and cats have

current immunizations Pit bull dog not on

premises Children protected

from hazardous animals.

Swimming Pool-Over 24 in. Below ground enclosed

by 5 ft. fence Above ground 4 ft. high

or enclosed by 5 ft. fence

Person with CPR training in attendance

Chlorine and PH test done daily and recorded

If 6 ft. across have a ring buoy, rope, or shepherd’s hook

Wading Pool Children allowed

in only with adult supervision

Water is emptied daily

Use caution with children in diapers

Diapering and Toileting Children changed

when wet or soiled Three and under have

extra clothes Diapered on

waterproof pad Hand washing in

restroom Diapers in covered

container Pad sanitized after

each use

The Home Second means of

escape available from first floor

Walls in good condition

Skirted and anchored if a mobile home

Reasonably clean and uncluttered

Temperature 65 to 90 degrees

Home Safety 2A-10B:C fire

extinguisher Smoke alarm on

each level Electrical outlets

covered Bathroom doors

can be unlocked

Stairways railed if have more than two steps

Stairways guarded by gate or door if children under 2 and a half in care

Balusters not more than four inches apart

Storage of Dangerous ItemsHousehold cleaning

suppliesBodily care products with

warning labels or contain alcohol

MedicinesSharp instrumentsCigarettes, ashtrays,

lighters, and matchesGuns contain trigger

locks or in locked gun cabinet

Outdoor Play Area Climbing equipment

and swings anchored

Surfaces under anchored equipment are approved

Swings safely located. No metal or wooden seats

Fenced as needed

Children and Outdoor Play

18 months and older have one hour daily

Under 18 months taken outdoors daily

3 and older within hearing distance at all times (if yard fenced)

Under 3 attended by someone 14 years and older. An adult within hearing distance

Children in Care Daily activities for

growth and development

Age appropriate toys in good condition are made available

Toys for children under 18 months washed and sanitized daily

T.V and videos age appropriate. No R or X

Napping and Sleeping for Infants in Care Crib or playpen with

slats not more than 2 3/8 inches apart for each child under 18 months in care

No bassinets No soft bedding for

infants Back sleeping highly

recommended for infants

Napping and Sleeping for Children over 18 months

Bed, cot, sofa, or pad. Pad over carpet, ½ in.

thick,and long enough Separate clean

bedding for each child Bedding stored in

sanitary manner Children separated by

24 inches Quiet activities offered

for non-nappers.

Handwashing After using the

bathroom Before food prep Before and after

eating After blowing a nose After diapering Teach children

proper techniques Do not share towel

Food Service for Infants Infants are held until

they can hold their own bottle

Sleeping with bottles is prohibited

Bottles have nipple covered when not in use

Solid foods offered with parental permission

Food Service for All Nutritious meals

and snacks served following regulations

Allow seconds of vegetables, fruit, bread, or milk

Food allergies and special diets considered

Helpful WebsitesKDHE website Care Weather Watch

CPSC (recalls) www.cpsc.govNAEYC

Thank You For Coming

Please feel free to stay and ask questions

Do not forget to pick up brochures on the table

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