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This is London

Philip Prowse

Daniela Cceres Andrade Grupo A

1. Describe the main characters.

William de Conqueror: In 1066, William came to England. William was the Duke of Normandy in Fance. William lived in London but he was afraid of the people of London. He built the White Tower to feel safe. Now it is the tallest part of the Tower of London.

He was born in Stratford-on-Avon in 1564. Later, he lived in London. Shakespeare wrote thirty-six plays.

William Shakespeare.

Dickens lived from 1812 to 1870. He wrote about the lives of the rich and poor people of London at time. He spent much of his life in London.

Charles Dickens.

2. What is the story about?

History of London: The Romans came to Britain in AD 43. They built a town on the River Thames. They called the town Londinium. The Romans built roads from Londinium to other parts of Britain. By the year 400, there were fifty thousand people living in the city.Londinium London

3. Four and five places that you can visit.

A boat trip on the River Thames: In London you are never far from the River Thames. Many tourists go on boat trips from Tower Bridge to Westeminster. Another good boat trip is to Greenwich.

On the South Bank, you can visit the Imax Cinema with its huge screen or you can go on the London Eye. The London Eye is a big wheel that takes you 135 metres above London. You can see for forty kilometres in all directions.

The London eye.

The National Gallery and the lions of Trafalgar Square.

You can find many art galleries in London. The most famous is the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. You can see paintings by Turner, Constable, Goya, Van Dyck, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Renoir, Rubens and Titian.

The National Gallery

Lions of Trafalgar Square.


London is world famous for its shopping. Oxford Street is London's main shopping centre. Selfridges is a well-known departament soter Oxford Street. You can buy anything you want in Harrods!

4. Animoto London.

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