Page 1: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating



U R(:Fl\C:Y OF \l .'u,P()\\ l:.R Ill IU)I p for panial rh:rngc· O\ er lo war wo1 k i~ c;ised by i1nprove111enl in Korea. bm when the heat was on. light:. burned

until niidnight in Personnel ollKcs. Wi1h the mult.ihillion dollar wa1 program progressing.

the bc:.c tethniciarn. in the c·ou1H1-y )till :ue being recruite<l 111to RC.\ go,·crnmcnt '>Cl\ite. The ,,,11· end will mal..e <>caicch a dent in militan demand' lor -,ervicemen. The deferhe prognun i:. long-1~111ge.

1 he milit.ary cri~i!. crea ted a11 cmc1gcncy in the Co\· Ct 11111em 'ection: it had big manpower quocas co hll in a le\\ da\~. Deadline were met hv dra\\ iag in veteran en­gineer~. branch tec:hni< i:11h and ,J..illed appli('alll\ from the outside. These la~• were held w ou1 rule ol high ~clcnivitV: 011/y rmt' of l'ilt'I)' q11alified /Pl/ intr•nnewnl w11~ l11!f•tf. (Continued on next page)

RECRUITING officers (first row I. to r.J: Jesse Lippincott, Joe Murray, Bill Boxier; (tap) Fred Corbett, Bill Don­dero, Dove Brown, Syd Notkin, Andy Conrad, J. Kornick







A Jtadin Corporation of America Subsidian• Foe U. S. and Overseas


Good Chuac1er Tr.11n1nt: m lnsulla1ion or"c or R1tbr. Communi<:uinns or Tde•·ision vn" Full o~ulls 6' Pr:tclical &p.:n<ncc

Qualified ( .rnd1d;u"' "''II be lnrervie"cil l'romprl)


Up ru $7.000.00 a rc:u w •t.Ln-For O•·cr· k!il~ Aui1mmcnc-\X1ith Pcrit>dic n~,·Jc" of 8.ue S•l•ry 1 htrcah.r Mlldc up or-

8J$!: S.llal') O•·erx·•• Bono>

• Auu.11 ln ing •nd or her fapenses Accidtnr , f1051urahnt1on. and Lire In· suran<t \'3catton and Hnlid;n Pa~

Page 2: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating

MAN POWER (continued)

0111 ol t'\ c:r~ Llncc mc11 .11 u·1H\·d for g11,<·n11111111 1011tra<t. onl goe- oH'hl'.l'-10 l:.urupt·. the Pac 16c or F;u l:..i-1-10 pl.1\ a ll c,.,c11 1i.1I 'c:-n i<c and lrai11 111g IOll .11 \ nm. '\; ,1\\ or Air tone ba,c.

n u. rccruitin~ clri\.: \\:h la u mhc.:d \\llh hii; dhpl.t) .1dH·ni.,cn1e11 1.. .. in ncw'IMIH.:h o l ;o till<:' during .J u ly a nd .\ ugw.1. (h o111 Sq>lcmbcr to lkccrnbcr the Sc·l\itc C.0111-pan v b ta!.. i11g ,pace in " do1c11 lLtdc 1uu1-

Syd Natkin briefs recruits ind11di11~ l:lt't1ri111/ f'11..!,i111·1·11111;.

i'.lrtllfmu1: l fod1tJ;.. T l \1•11•1, Q'IT, < Q!-1 he .ids attraucd dcuro11 11'> 'Pc.:<.i;il1)L'

10 l'c1.,1111nd\ rc<ruitini,: olhtc' 1hro1' 11 up 111 hotel .1ud1111num~ 111 t\t1' \ w 1.. . l'h1la ddph1.1. Ho.,ton. C.l1ica~o. lknoii. C. ln1· land. Pill\ilmgh. Two Pcrv11111l'i 1111•11 11 1·11

to , \lhu1 u1 Io1 mtcniew~ a t Ccmgia I c•1 h . R <.·1 ruitin~ olh< er, a\·c 1 .1 ~cd 1t·11 hour"

;1 cla~ 1111 tltc job. wurl..ccl l u ll 't.1t111d<1''· O lu.: n homt ollu:e Ji~lm bw111.:cl 1111til 1111cl 11igl11. l n fill .1 l.c.1-mi11 111r 11.1H•11111.1<1 quo1.1 .. tpplu;tnt;, 11ere 1ou1cd mil ul btd b' lonq·d l'ltancc phone .111d told lo 1 q111n '11 llltH.

Bill Dondero signs ' e m on

Bu ll.. of tlk applit;1111,;, \H:rc inwn i1 \\Ctl in hotch .n Llle uLie~ 111en ti111wd. Hra1Hh nh111age1' and l echnirnl l' rod 1111' l1cld 111<'11 tonk t..11 e or tl1e n·m.1111du D.tll." Hra11d1 M a11.1~e1 .Jim \I u1 pin 101 111

Slam<. Lal k.eel LO SOlllC jll ll1lll Fnrt \\·nnh ,\ b n;1gcr \n ' \'hi11· .111111lwr 21. Of tJt1, tot.ti onh h;iJI a dotUl fmalh \\lfC

"J.,'lH:d on.

TUBES • • • more precious than time

Just as a chain is os strong as its weakest link, so an electronic device is as efficient as its smallest lube. That's our TV service problem of the moment; there aren't enough tubes.

Servicemen are called upon once more to make sure no good tube is returned. In the past, servicemen some­times sent in three or four tubes from a chassis because they forgot which was defective and time wos loo precious lo recheck. Now tubes are more precious than rime. Recently Bill Zaun' s qual­ity control group made a sampling of returned tubes; discovered 40 per­cent were OK on all-plant tests, including operation in receivers.

because the military is absorbing al­most total production. Although mili­tary requirements account in port for the shortage, the main cause is the tremendous increase in TV production . Also, growing shortages of such raw materials a s nickel and copper may aggravate the situation.

RCA's expanded plant al Harrison, N.J.; the new plant and enlarged fac­tory al Lancaster, Pa.; the newly­expanded plant al Indianapolis, and

the year-old Marion (Ind.)

President Ed Cahil l wants your suggestions for conserving tubes. Already


plont are all working ex· tended - hour, exlra - shifl schedules. Still another factory, for turning out miniature - type receiving lubes, will be set up on 17 acres in Cincinna1i, where 180,000 square feet of floor space is already available. It should be in

on 16 ond 19-inch sets we are using JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2 -inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En­gineer Merrill Gander is investigating similar modifications on other sets.

Tube types for which demand ex­ceeds availability ore 5U4G, 1 2AU7, 6SN7, 6BG6G, 6AU6, 6CB6; the 16" kinescopes, 16GP.d & l 6AP4; the 5-inch projector kine, 5TP4. Tube sockets for 6(86's are being rewired ot the factory to accommodate 6AG5's. The 5U4G, in shortest supply, is being re­placed by 5T 4, available bul limited, at three limes the cost. A third sub­stitution has been abandoned (5R4GY)

\II thmc aluptl'd throni.;«d w GJouce,-11 r C:itv im prntt·\\ing and uric11-1auon. L:nul 1ece111h n·c r uttS wcrt l.ept ml'rnigh1· 111m tht prnH·clure i\ Mream­J11wd 111 ~ct thuu 11111 and on Lheir wa~ 111 a militan rclt'i\ 111~ 'tauon m one d;"

I- ff)l mm l 1m1 ilrtl, C.111 erllllll'll l \l'<I icm 11111bil11.11irn1 1\.1<. 111alk 11c;11h :1 \Cat he· lore 1hc f... orcan rri~I\. whc11 \ \'. F. H :LTd· 111.111 w:h :1;,,ignl·d In thc l' e11tagun as li,1i"111 re1inw111.1t1w. I ht· hi14h w111m:rncl alll.l Paul :\ll:hm. head of the ~t·<tion, al teach \\ere pL11111i11g ,1 buildup .111w i­p;ui11g the rum~ or<lc1' to come. H' .\ pril the\ wen 111;1 l..111g open bid, to ,upph tht- militar) \dth ;11ld11io11i1l <.en ice tcd1-1111 la n' ,111d f' 11~111ccr,.

.\fcam1 hik. l'c r,01111d 11 ,1, gelling re;1cl)


full production in a yeor. The whole recent building program

represents a very big investment. Yet, tubes, for the present, still are in very short supply, and must be rationed by lhe Tube Department to the Service Company and other customers -fairly. We, like everybody else, are having lo get in line to buy tubes from the department and in some instances supplement where we can our ration from that source.

President Ed Cohill and Vice Pres­ident J. A. Milling renew lheir pleo for every technician to conserve and be on watch for good tubes from outhor­ized dealers.

ror the rll!'>J.iughl upon it Lh,11 fo llm1cd. I WO d;1\' ueforc the Korca11 all.I( I... J tllll:

'.!5 a ru 1;,c:d 111 iliuiry sen·1u 111 in' lonn 11·a, t irt 11l.11tcl, <.:mpha,i1ing I <"'t'rH .11 ti1 i· lit">. 1 hi' '((>op t1a~ ~(ored IJ, for ~11 111." 111m 111.111.1g1:r of the Go1crn11w111 u11plo1 111c11 t w111011. '\ 11 one ~el l..nt·11 how 111.111' men 111111ltl he needed. what \\011ld b1 the ,,.,,,ig11 1111·111,, 110r \\hen·· l>t11 \ n111.

:ivv .111 d \ ir Fonc WIHl':IC-h had het•n handed out and more were pending.

··1t i, impl't ativc tll:ll we imn1cdi.1tcl) 'u1 ,.,., 0111 hl Id organil<ltion to 1kll'lllli1a dw kine! ol experience in milican clcc tron 11, our < UJT1·11 LI\ cmplillcd \\.'tcr.11i-111;11 h.1n· h.ul,'' J Ol' \1Totc in ;1 kttt·r to

all 11:k1 l\1on and T echnical Produu' cit\

11 i<t .111d hri111d1 managCI">. "Our '>llllc''


Page 3: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating


Ham from Home

H ARR\ J. \l l LI.-' didn 't wanl lU go anywhere. Ile wa~ lt.ippy :a ho111c· w i1 h his wil<' :rnd kids in 1hc pleasa m c:ounLTv

ouhide llovc1 ~ l a\~. Uul lhc ( ,fl\ernmem needed him. He'~ a high gtallc co111111 11 11 italio11' and rad;u· engineet, anti a good inslruuo1.

So ll.ury 1> i11 t::urnpl' hdping wiLh Lhc \ fuLUa l Defcme ,\ id l'rngram, aloug wnl1 h .111k L uum k, Joun \\"m. L a Perch. am! George \":1lcmmc \ l nl111, :i ll o ld·limcrs with the company Rohen J. ll umid.e1 from T rnining: TTaU) <)Lovall, Govern mcm, and Ruben \. Il uubard and Ccollrc) .\I. O'Connell T\' bnm h le< hni< i<Jlh.

Han1··, ham r,1d10 \'<I\ 1n three rraw, in l'hiladelphi.i wht n he !ch. awai1ing shipping orders. \\ hcren~r he goes i1'1J go. "If I get tc> tht. right ~t:Hion, ma) be I cm bring my fomih " he 'aid hopcfuU~ .. I h.1 1\ aU i'H' gm tu !he for-m) job. 111~ Eamih ;md Ill\ ham rad10. •

In L.tu iL ,,,I\ partl) lite irhpiralicm wru he toultl p<uk \\ L\ IQ aJu11g with 111111 that decided his going. 'U l ta11'L get on Wt: air O\CI th1:1c.:, al lea:.t 1 can Jisct:n." he said. "T n;! bet:n iu Lhe ham uu~illC!>'> for ~0 year..."

H e's been Wi lh Lhe company ror eight: imo Govern­lllClll in '12, ~pent the w.1r in ~ubmarinc ~en ice - t\\O y1;ars al :\cw L ondon anti Poi ~mouth a vcar al Pearl Harbo1.

1t took d1r ee lric:. lo make H an> agree lo leave home. but he 611..tU} had lo do what 1..hcy wantc.:d, he said. But he hoped he wa., oil lCl a "~low I.mat to I uropc." since his recent assign­u1e11t '"'~ rough. I re die.I " umi fic jnb delivering TV ~ervite


kllure?;) to imltpcndcnL' from ~Jaine to"°·\. Cit): from Bo,ton into Wc:'>ll:rn ~ l a~. \ ~pcci,ol commendation \q11, \col \ 1~e l'n·,idem J. \ . 1\1 illing regarding H arry·!. job from Raef io 11,:

\ ppliann• n i~1 rib1110N. E. RanJord. Conn .. in which Ult pre.'>i· tli:nt tltclan·d· /f11rry .Hrl/1 hns done a ~ple11rl1d f'Jb ... /111.1

b111/1 fm h1mulf 1111 111v111blc t'eputatio11 n.1 11 lurul Jj1n1/1"r 11t11/

good ii11trnrtor.

Destination Pacific for Recruits 1n U. S. Program

NAVY & SIGNAL CORPS co ntract Manager Andy Hilderbrand (bottom of ladder} sees a group of his boys off lo bases in the Pacifi c.

On the ground (/ to r.J they ore: P. E. Molde, J. R. Staniszewski, J. V. Ha rdy, J. J. Rogan, Thomas Breslin, R. A. Mar­sha ll, D. J. Carpenter, L J. Armani, R. J. Singer, H. I. Schne ll, S. S. Tyrol, George Morang, W. H. Holzer.

Left side up the ladder: Andy, C. W . Griesinger, L B. Thompson, J. C. Mortin, B. F. Bandur, H. L. Blount, E. 0 . French, C. E. Neat.

Right down fhe ladder: John H. Nagle , G eorge J. Ross, R. R. Tripp, 0 . J. Fisher, J. C. Soich, Perry l. Willis, John Hollis.

Page 4: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating

Ace Laessle heads Air Net field •


Howard Loessle

I ' 15 lL\RS \lffH RCA H oward P. L<esslc has c:ro~cd most oI Lhe frontiers in the

~cicnce of clccuonic:s; pioneered in nearly every tvpc of electrical developmt:nc. 'ow lte·~ supen ising installation, service and

LEAVING WITH A SMILE - Bob Hunsicker accepts suitcase from fel­low members of Training Section at home office before shoving off to Europe. Others (I. to r.) are : Syd Natkin, Dick Ochsner, Bob, Hugh

McTeigue, Miriam Dickinson, John Karnick.

training or maiutenam..e perso1rnet in the n:uion's first air defense net. which means he':. rcspon..,iblc 1.,r Lite upkeep of air w:imi11g svstcm..- and equipment on con­li11c1ll•ll inL\'l'CCptor unit~. hcadqu:irtcring .1L \ fitthcll Field. K \'.

H i.s firs1 Government dntv, just bclorc the war, Wa!> the San D iego destroyer base, where he wurked on so11ar for a year. Clmrlestou Navy Yard c;une next: then Bo~t011, wltere he added battle announce. For a haU year he was with the :-.Iavy at Ke} \·\Te$t ancl ~liami. When be moyed on 10 l\orfolk he 1va.~ taking iu ail ;.ltipbo1ue elccaouic S) stems. llis lasl war job was in Penrl Harbor, where he spent a year ~uµcrvi,ing all RC.\ government acth i· tics in the Pacific.

Came peace and quick com•ersion: Howal'd managed the fmt TV service shop in Camden. This was not a new field; he had worked in Camden's labs on TV ter· m inal design ~honly after joining RCA ;is a PhC>tophone tester. H e wa~ oue oE the first engineer; to service TV, puL in the

very first video .receivers: in lhe New York l10mes of company. radio and newspaper per.oualities as pan ol an experimental and dc.monscra.tion program (between '36 ~md '39). Tltcse ,,.ere the original TRK-J 2 :ind 9 sets, handled by an eli te group o( engineers.

With ~fen Brisbin. he >upervi~e<l ~er·

vice o f RCA ·s World's Fair equipment in New York. Also he worked with Dr. George Brown in Camden on aotern1a de­velopmen t. He covered the New .England tcrritorv for RPT.

Born' in ~foorestown, r. J., h1; likes 1..he loc:ilc. bur now mnv have to move from his lak~idc home in Browu's Milli, whic.h he and hi~ wife share with a cocker :.panic!. Ilis one daughter is married., and he's a gr:rndfat..her. His major relaxation is photography and he never t..r.i.vcls wilh­olll a Speed Grapllic. 1..ael>Sle got h~ start wit..h the Navy, during World Vi'ar I, by upping his age; signed ou at 17 aud rame out two years later radioman lint class. H is ship: the old USS Arkansas.

NEW RECRUITS-unscheduled, un­tried, but in. One of many groups being processed these days ol the home office.

Page 5: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating

in 11l11.1i11in~ thi~ t~pc of Ill'\' lithint·•" j,

l.1rgd" dependent upou nur ahilil' w lurni)h - 1)11 che<lulc- fidd l'll~incc~

.111tl tl't h11id.lm who arc 11.11mtl aml l''I;· f'CrlClllC<l 111 militan· clcn10111<,. and "e hclic\'e that man\' potellli.dl y qu.difit-d llll'll a rc t UITClltl) c 111pl11yl·d i11 11111 f1l•ld ~cn·1cc org~u1i£aLio11 .... "

J wo dap later. t.he !.hooting 1111 c 11li,l-111g 111 \en icemen withi11 a11d without Liu; 1ompan\ bn<tlile the . o. I , .. ,1... 0\Cr­night. war tontrncts Ja11dcd i11 ou1 tkrnalllling quota5 uf cxpertc11ccd men lO he louml. pic.kcd and prntl"-Wd on l'tllll~t:llt) dt:adlinc.

1 lw .\rnl\"s Concincncal . \ir ( or11ma11d lll'Cdcd rnt:n for the air dckmc lll'l, I he br [a\tt•rn .\fr Force aucl the '>ig11al Corp' rn lll'd lor men al l';I( ilic ha:,c:.. I he l\111111.d lkkmc Aid Progra111. \ i>nnv>rc<l ll\ Lltl' '>talc Department, 1t111 liv the '>ig· nal Corp,. rc:t1uirc.:d high-gr;1d< 111111mu11i < .nirnl\ .111d radar engin<:t1-11htru< 1<>1' to worl.. in 1wo. dlrc:c and four-men 11•am~ 111

'>I' t r.d F 11ropc.m countric·... 1 lw "·"' lll'l'<kd men in it.:. ship,.ircl' anti .1ir \t<•· t101h hue and in the l'acihL

lld111 1 1111ot•b could he filkd. l't·Nmnd h.ul LO hire per~onncl to hire• p tr-t1nrtel.

Fi1.,1 <iddili1m to the :.Lall ''·'~ \ \ ' 11li.11n I . :\. B:ii-tcr . {.diet! down fro11r Lhc C.1111-

c1,, 11 0H1r<'. where he wa~ ~11 pr1 dsor of n·<onh. He r:11nt to Vicwr in '17 .• 1 gradu­·•ll' of L1l.1yeue College wiLh lour H'ar-. 111 1hc \1111} l:.11gi11eer~. H e anti Joe .\I ur­r.t) .1ddet.I \\' iliiam \. Oontlc111, 25-)e<ir­old La '><tile College g'l'adu.tle. and. at the

<llllC.: time. Robert \ntlrew~. 25-\c.:.1r-olcl

alu11111u~ of l'c1111 '>t.11c College. B ill Domlcro anti Hou -\ndrcw, wi:rc

hirtd . \ugu'>l I. I hre1; \\l·cl..~ I.Her Fred Corbeu. ul llatlt:ton. l'.1 .. '•ilh eight H;1f\ ol perso1111cl expcncntc. 10111cd the 11e\' C.H\'Cmment EmpJm 111e111 St:uio11.

This rnmm•1111I needed dcputie,. Cw11-mcrcia I Em plo\ ment .\ I ;1 nagcr J c~>t.:: I ip­pint o u , Jr .. ~pent 11e:11 Iv luU time 011 < '°' crnmclll rclTUlllllA .u1d \\'age ~ ~.ii arv Admini,tr;nor Paul '>lanin\..a lem .1 h.rnd . .\Cert Bri'ih111. '>)d :'llaU..iu and John 1-.arnick. of the r r:tlllllll{ ~CUJOll: HUii\

Pt·uel. of \\'agt: & '>.ilar. : Boh \\'e i,. uf the :-\. \' . 1l"trill olhu·: ;i11d John h .:utlll. ul Qu:ilitv pittht:d 111. (.11\t:rnmcm w1

tion men. uowbl) 1),1\l' Brown. tlitl ~to­man sen·i<.e. '\'arr c.:n \\' ernc1 , H1ll ll:vclc\'. \ndy H ilclerbr.11ul .. \111h C:our:id. illll'I'·

'it'\\'Cd .1pplitalll\ :11 lhl' hou1c 111l1tc anti in hmcls. l\ lcanwhde. Lht hra11Llt 111a11a!{<.:1 t.1p1,Jin~ in the l1cld 1.ill..l"<l tu .1pplil.lllh ill ii 11101111:111\ llt1liH'. Will·tf rt:IOllllll( ll· tfallOll>.

Hal \I t'll. 1'1·i-111111l'I l)j, j,iu11 111.111agl· r hlueprimed the emrrc <lrl\ e. r.tther I 'l hlueprinting it. hcc;w,c the tall ~till i,, out.

Once ~ignctl b~ RC.\ .._, a L' . S. lethrr i­ria n . a rcrruiL is directed 111 lus clay-10-cl;I\ .lll i\'ilk~ h) t11e lot.ti wuummdiug offiler ul the ll. S. ~cr.• icc to wl11d1 he i~ :HUH.heel. RC.A provides field :.uper\'i:.ion, 1ed1nical infom1:11ioll. :iml tlala 1111 111a:1.i11111111 clh­ticnt servile. £\'<:n Lctl1 lw~ 1he <'nginecr­ing <1ncl rcscardr fa<.ilillt:) of thl corpora­tion to draw Oil 1, hl'll lidd problem:. <lem:rnd.

n1o~h \\I: h.l\t: fi'\l'd lln .1ge limit. t11e

RCA techs in AF receiving station

They sock ovt and brush up on TTY

:1H·1.1i.:t .1pplic.11H i~ bctwt:l'll !ti .111d 30. \ Jo;' l·,J I 111:1 II) oll e <:X·\t'f\ ill' llll'll \\ i I h l ' ll·

g1necrin~ dcgrce~ >C( 11rctl 1111d1•1 1 h<' GI hill. Otht'J'> .11t: rece111 .!.\'r:11l11:11n. r>I C"kt­mu1it\ \d1ook

\moll~ those tallt:d b;1tk i11to wa1 worl.. from the 1 O\ler of RC-\ fil'ld c·n~i111.·1·1>

1'110 the militar.· tlur111i.: \\orl<I \\'ar 11 .ire )Uth top-nou h 1 ng111l·cr, :t\

(Continued on page 8 )

Hal Metz: Man Power Chief tr yu11 wan1 to know the ;ecrcL of 111e11 \\IH1 1.111 >W1td up umkr <Ill) a1111111m

ol pn:~urt.'. wo1 I.. irict•,,antly. anti lllO\'l! >leadilv upward. li$U.!n LO I Jal l\ l(•tt. 011 1 pers1mncl 111.111agc 1 - lt•arn 10 like hard work when )ou'rc vuuni.; and don 't ln>e '\<OUT <tppel ilt: 101 It .

H •tl 1, •• , gr.1tlu•1ted 111agn.1 tu111 l.111tlt Imm La '>••llc Collegt ( l'hil.1 .. ':'l!l) .• 1!1c1 workin11; h" wa) thrnu~h as sports rl'poncr 101 l'hilacldphia papt:rs. aml fin.ilh. a' r.11 in re\\l'ilt:lll.111 Oil Ult: old £t1t'11i11g Lt'tf~,., \t 17. \dll'D bi\ Lat.her tlicd. ht be! llllt head of the \lu1 huu.,c in Overbroo\.. , 0111.,idc l'hilacklphia .

. \rcer rnllLgc he.: lt:ppcd imo :i good job <1> public· rd:ition. and pt:r-imncl a3~i'>talll to Liu: cdU1.11ional direetor at the Phil.tdl'lphia \n \ f u'>cum. From there he wcm to the Bure;1u ul bnpJo,mcnt '>ewriL\, \\'a~hing 1 on. 1'\exr came Lhe \\'a1 l\ l anpower Co1111nb~ion. where hc hc;ided a unit 111 the Bureau of \lanpowcr tltili 1aLion -rnll\ert.i 1 1~ t'i"ilia11 , 1..ilb tu rnilita.f) , ~Laf111rg Ll1c i.ymheLir mbhc1 indmu·y. helping to laund1 Lhe manning 1:1hlr progr;1111.

In 'I I. lw joined RCA \'iuor, bern 111c t hid joli anaJyi'>l of Lhe Ca111dc11 pl.1111 in '-15. pa\~l'd up LO \1;ige & '>afa~ admini\trawr. 1111 Le> emplo\mcnl manager <1ntl finallv. a "<'·•r ago-111 3'.!-was appoimcd w din·CI the \\t:!fart: of •omc :;ooo cm­plo\t:e:. of the ~pr;rn lmg Senile Co. Ht' found ti mt in '-11 to coUecl a rna~tc1 \ dcgre<: ;H tht• U. ul l'l'lllh)hania. aud t:\'t:ll nm' ''ith nc.;1, cll\i'>ions to stall O\C111igh1. union probk111~ lO 01d1udirace, the aitil;tl nt·l'd to de\ dop adclitional e~euniH' talent .. md thl 111utinc o f hiring. promoting anti tt·rnun.nmg in we '>quc1:1ed ele<· trcmiu held. hl' worl..' al odd moments 0 11 a l'h.O .. \Chcdulcd lor ncxc vear.

But he ha~11·1 urne for his lavorite rcl."·llion. n ·adiDg: h:u. mh.~ed hi\ fir,l H emingway nU\ CI (, /11 0,1~ Th ,. Ri:1er . Intl 111/o /'h1• TrPr1) in man\' vcar~. J\long the line hi' younger bro1hrrs a nd sisccrs i..rrcw up. w<.:rc rt:placcd b~ a wire and lour children llf hi-. own: l\larv Ellen. i : Bcny \1111. 5. Harold, -l: T ommy. 2.


Page 6: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating


TV Service Goes South T ou,\\' 1111:. \\AR JJJ:.LO\\ Tiii 110R01 ll 1~ w t:o1u 1ucr Liu: air­

'"IH"> fir>L wiLh thl'·,wpc. lib<•r.iu• Lile mmt IH'l· worl..\. command the n11ht n·ceiH'r<;. Cuba. Hr;lliL :\lc:x

1w arc the Bl(. I HLU r rnmpc:u11i:t 111 l \ . \l ni<o. RC..\ and Hill C.othnm <Oll'lllllltt• the winning LTi

lllll\il.llC. mu pul ~t•Hion XTTT\' 1111 thl air. ofltuau,, '.'lq>­l('lll her I. "he11 the native~ fur 1 hc· 111",l ume 111 hi~tol\ he;ml and '""' their pre.idem opc11 wn:.;re'~ - ;111d LIH: vc11 fin.1 I\' ,1,11ion in .tJ I South \mcrirn rn.1dt• it, lio" i11 \lc;1.ito Ciry.

\\'illard (\\ iltl Bill) J la 11 ,011\ 11 :111 \miucr in !:iao J'aulo. Hr:11 ii - rnmrolled by l>r. h~b Cha U:<t ubr i.111d. 01' ncr o f ~!{

cl:d lic, anti 26 radio .. 1.1tiom - lit'.11 1111' ri\iel 'tatio11 pcnlu•d 011 111p of ~u~;11 Loaf :\lnunta 111 111 Rm lie J :rnriro h\' morc: L11.111 a month. (The ··prop<1gand.1 '.elm··· for R C.\ w:h .. llt'­

mt·ndmh,.. Hill ~")'·) <;1atio11 Pil l j I \' .1111p the• ;II 'tun '>t.•ll B.111 1.. hu11<ling. hc~<111 .1 rt·~ulai 01u:-two holll"' a ll.I\ 111 pro1-,rroi111111111~ Ju1' 21. m.1dc: ib fom1~1l p1u11ilrc: in !:l1f1t<·mhc1.

I 11 .1dtlit11111 to bt:ati11g tlw opp1hiti1111 nn Liu· air ,i11~k~

h;mdcd \\hc11 it had 10111 ,t.111:-ad1 lt'< hni11a11' on thl· 'l''>L \\ ild Bill has had to au : .. , 1mpn: ... irm.

" ll ll'\ didn't ha,·c: a 11 ytlii11g 111 111 It to 11flt•1 hut l\ritkc:\ \J r)ll'.>C' .11111 tr;nclul.\Ut'' <la\' a lu:1 Ila\." Dr. I l;111so11 l''-j>lililllCI (I.Ill " Dr" i~ :111 ti1k L111· H1 .1-1ilia11 .. 1 .... 11.111) tlrnppt:d 011 Hill ). ··,o I 1.ilkd Ill' t"orite pi•mi~• oil hi• wproom juh ;md ~.11 him bdore the 1.1111ua H t· '' ·" " ,111.1~h hit. hc:<.111tl· L1m1111' o\ 1·1

uigltt .'' Hill. ''ho ,11.,'lH·d oil Llw job '>qntomlit:l

R ,1ht·1 m·<1rh Ulll.'t: 111011111\ 111 'i.10 1'.111111. h.111 111 ditl'tl e\l.'f\Lhin!_!. bt:Wll'l' Bt.1111 ian' <1rto .1p1 111 lie not l'l<11trn111;dl ) 111ind1·1l. l·-H·11 1111 ain\il\'l'\ 11·1 the .. .. lip i111n ~:111 1 11-.. :in 1111k' ;e\\',I\' mu the mm1111ai1i- to Ll1c roa,t.

Bra1ili .111~ art· rationed 011 power. \ "olt;1gt_ 1r.11i-miw·1 \ho\\t'd up anyLl1ing frnm l li:"1 w '.!W 'olts: frcqucnn· from .·,:; w til ndcs. Rccci,·c:rs rct.1il lor ahout !:>500· arl.' in u.11'. clt-panmem ,wre,, '01111 I 00 pri' .nc ho1m.:~.

In Cuh.1 it', a liuk dillcre11t. 1 here ri1i-1)•botl)· 1\ ckn10111t' 1omuous. Ln!n <.:11h:in owns hi~ 1-;idio: an~boch wonh h" 'Ulfolr h.l'> two or Ll1n:c:, 111•111) of L11c:ru portable\. 11 11111.11.1 Y La,tr.1. S e n C . owrwd by ~ri~uel Humara anti J uliau I a...ira. has hcc:n the R(. ,\ I lah:1na clistrihutor £01 1w :irl) ,;n H·ar~: ~db more r;1d j.,, th;111 t he ~ i x ne;1.t-l.1r~e'1 c 11111 pcti w1' p111 LOgl•1hcr.

l"he l.a,tra RC.\ Villor \1).lll IM'<' rnl nbm•r ). h1g-g<:'>t i11 do,\lllown I lahana. clomin.1H·, tlw main ;:.tem, .El l'rado. I 1 m1·d to end 1111 tlw wmcl " l:Jc:l u 011 i1<1."' hut now d1a Hengl·' th< pk<hUrc Im mg ( ''uh ... I dn i'>in11."

\\1th the L 11io11 Radio putun~ T\ on Liu: air 1hi, momh. the p.irlllt'r' t;1.pe1 1 to itpt'.ll in H'tt°i\ ing >Ct ~alt·'\ Mm11:1h111g or the phc11omc11;il \II( ( l''' tht'\ 11t.1dt• of rad it>. I \\'II 11{ 1.hu1 men. \ nwnio Zamorano. ~ale, l'ng111cc1. and Edalhc:no \r. net•t. tedm ic.ian. olht'n nl 111c:1.l10ch at Ult' ho ml' uffiH .1 nd Lill'

Ca111(1c11 lira11< h d11rin~ Scptl·mhc:r. \11w11io. who has a11 EE dcl.\H'l' ft orn

1h1 l '111\ll \ll\' of H .111d 1w11 H·,11,· 11.111111114 .II RC.\ 111\tilll lt:\ . .:--. . ' .. ;11111ti­pall"' hit1 ~~tlc,.

· I lll'n•\ 'mm· monev run11i11i.:.'' hl 1 omn1111b. · I 1\ the ckn1;ind f111 ,11~.11·

111 adtl111011 10 bem~ ( uba\ fi1,t '11ku ,t.n111n l l11inn R.1dio gol oll to .1 dra 11111i1 •1.1n wh1·11 ih c11rirc equipmull 22.01111 p111111tl' 11( hdd :ind 'llltl1n ~l\U and ·, l..ilnw;itt trnu<>mint-r (<ill RC\ ) \\'IH' ,hip1H'd I>~ .1ir, -\ugu.,1 l I. C111hn111 ;il'u 111111 iaLl·cl al tl1i' ru,h joh: li 11 i,ht•d ii

111 ti111c 101 C ul>a':. b;1scba ll Sl'a,nn.

" \11 i111pm,ihili1,," Rill cl1•1·,, "hut it h.1ppu1ul. 1'1dtv ,u·imt; n:t c:ption. too. 1 hl'll it lllnwd around and rc:ac hc:cl 11llo 1h1 11111·1iol', i"l milt:-.·"'·" 111 C.1111pi11•"· t>\Cl another m11unL1i11 ran~':·

SENORA Zamorano, E. Arrieta and Zamorano wilh RCA representat ive

Lq11ip111t·11t fo1 Cuba\ ~eloncl ,1,11i1111. ( .. \ IQ. "·" ,hipped from RC \ h\ 1111·.111 lrugl11. b1:g11111111~ m June. I ht: ornlll '' 111 .. 1.111 ell.I h ni11~ picwn" in 1 k11111h1·r 11111lu th< 'upen i\ion of Rannond \ Coh in . . 111uthtr 'enior cn~1n('('r.



Page 7: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating

AFTER SPEECH Wild Bill is handed posy by Jose Brody, Sao Paulo RCA manager

HUNDREDS of excited Brazilians file by for first glimpses of television

CUBAN enthusiasm for baseball is evidenced by World Series listeners

DOMINICAN MONK, Jose Mojica, once Mexico's film idol, is SA singing sensation

DIZZY antenna height (536 fl.) has Sao Paulo engineer closing eyes

TWO DISTRIBUTORS, Wild Bill and RCA's Dr. W. Obermuller (Brazill talk TV. Antenna is atop building lo left

Page 8: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating

VIP file I '\ \IOD~-' l 0.'L·:.lOR\ IHILU"(, Oii th1,;

11ortlK.1,ll'rll tip ol llw (II\ -\•hnl' dc,I.. 'P·u l i, hard lo find and

scrvttl tuntrau.i. ea~\ - is .1 'pcual fik p.u in < abinc1 memhcr<>. wnawh. lop 111ilit;1rv a11d i nd u~trial bg-ure;. lrmn ,\ to l.

\\'ht•11 ;1 nhtomer in Lhi~ file 1: i11 , , a fir~t­lint• wn i1t·m;u1 <Imp~ \l'!1ali:H' r he\ doing. gTah, h 1 ~ tools and Ji!{hts out Im 1ht othe1 t·ncl nl tlw line. =-:ot 0111) .tr(' \' II'\ H'IJ 1111p111 t.1m p1:ople. bU')). .inti \fllllt'lltm"• lo\\ on paut!m.e but the\ m.11..t up .1 hii.: pt:rtc.:rn.igc ol the t thl•1111er, 111 thh to\1 n.

I cdmiuan;, from l.'.1th & n l>b .. ~- L. haH· plea,am rel,nion~hip, \11 t h lll•lll' of tlwm in their home,, where tht•\ 'II ~o ,,, c1 the 111\'~lC I iC!! or T V set operation lU~cd1er. ( 1 lw~e a,,')ig 11 111cm~ arc as tonlu lcmia l ;"

.111 l'Bl report.~" we wcur ' t go i 11L11 a rt ) of tlwm lwn'.) \ ml the tedh h:l\c 11111u ·drtk \CJL' fill V>1Ue of \ \.';1',Jii 11gto11\ J,iggc'l 'how~.

Br;1mh \l ,111<1~t:r rr;111 I.. \ ' I ;11 l..i11gto11. Cm 111'l.11Hl'. "·'' in 011 th' hr-l \\ h1tt Hoiht: I \ ' i1h1all;ni1111. Ja11111n 17 I 0111

111c11 tlitl ll 1n two hm1r-. Onlu' c ;1111t· i11 :11 Ill \ . :\I. to pm in ;1 till! I' I h. prn1n lion 1 omolc in llllll' for ll1c npl·11111i.: nl C.ungit'" at n111111. The thrn· ,,tJ1u tn Ji, on the 111h ''ere (,corg :· F1\h rla 11 lll.11t<h 111.111agt•1 . D:l\ c Brcnn1 Li1t-r di,tti<I 111a 11

ah<er. and .Bill \\r1tenbcrA ,uu \11th lht branch . .\ fl'\\ d~l)' J>rl'' inu' to thi'>. Hob Stulh. no" Bndgcwn (;:>.. J ) l>rand1 man~1ger. had ri~gcd up ol l~mpor ;1n in \ laliation.

·1 ·ark has been here sinu: '16. when he u~111~ferrcd from Ll1c L. I. City office a month afLcr ht wa~ hne<l. ·1 he branu1, then in Arlin,:\'ton. \a .. ha~ mm eel to ii.;. pre,ent <>itc in 'IR, the y~.11 he wa~ matk manager. ;'l:ow a nc\\ olltte ~ l>emg sought heetu!>c th1.: , -olumt of Ulh ln~ in thi' T\'­happ} flt) (four \\'a'.>hin~w11 channcl. and three Baltimore) ha~ outgrown th1.: '>p ate.

T all. lean r .1rl.. ingttrn 'moke.; a tor n rob pipe. a carryover from the fomily l;mn nc;i_r Dana. lncJ .. 11 l11d1 he lc fl when he wa-' 18 for a job in a n Ind ianapolis avta· tion ~chool. He\ im arial>ly d1eerr111 d t.-<ip ite ll1e heavy dc111.1 11d~ o r l11s job.

Dttring World \\ a r 11. in t he !\a\; for fin: )C:tr.. be hec1111e <hie! radioman in c hargc of tl1e tr ·rn,mitting .,talion on Tiaiaa . bigge't B·'.m b.1,c 111 the P acific You still get the H oo'>il'f drawl and he puts in fa.n:n hou~: I :S to I I a clav.

Efficient thid de1l i, \ml> FecJa~. lormcr adjutant o l a held artillcn bat talion in chc l:.1 O . wht.:rc he picked up a Brnna· Star. Dealing with \ ' II' \ i~ rnn-ol-1ht·-mill plugg-111g for \ndy. enli vened b' nnlii tolleetion .

'\man. dean tut H:tl111iu.111 J im Crane l' pn:sicJcnt. bu~inc" 111;111a~cr and chicl ,1.·w:ml in tl1c \ \';hhi11gto11 an·,1 n{ the ln­tnn.itinnal Brnthcrh11od of £.lcetrirnl \\ orkcrs. Loc:rl I l:S'.!. I It:. ha;, been witl1

..... FRANK TAR KINGTON hobnobbs with the lo p g uys

1 he hramh s111tc 'Ill. lt was the ~ l. 1rilll'' who ga\'C J im hi' clcctrirnl train ing. more than two veaN 111 their topuotch ~chools. i>clon.: shipping him to tl1c Pati fi l wi1h the !Id \ ir \Vi ng. H e cnwrg(•cl •• tcth \Crgt•anl. \\' itll !Bl:.\ \.' fu nds. he started a \'o lunran 'chool for ,cnitemcn, a uni11ue opc1.11i1111.

Chicl I nh \ nhur J. (Reel) Ba,\IH'll ha~ hcc11 with the branch nearh lmu H'ar-. c.1111e to RC:\ <1ftcr llirct· ~car, w11h the· Signal Corp\. He was in on ::-- om1anth. the Hulgc. '>l. Lo. !'rained to be a draft, 111.111, ht· """ JurccJ in to ckumni<' 111 ':Si \ 1.1 ham radm.

jim CraH·m. another first·<i.h'I tt·thni l ian, i' on loan to the Princeton I .ahorn LOric~ IH:a nr h in ~ih·cr Sprinwo. ~ Id .. wlw rt• wlor I'\' n ·n·i\'cr:. ;ue te,tt'd .11Hl tlcH·I oped \\ ..... Jungttm has \t1pplicd '>t'H'ral men IOI r hi~ .1ninrv: )l e" ' orJ.. .1 kl\ more '>uptT\ i,ion come, from Chid I· 11 ·

i;nrct·r ~ l t:nil ( .aadcr's home .,lhtc ~mup .mcl Prill( c.:hm

CUTE The lma Furr, 19, is hard-working contract clerk living a few doors from branch +

BRANCH PEOPLE (first row, I . to r .): E. Tierney, L King, P. Boiwir, E. Crande ll , J . Crone, G. Reeder, R. Crowder, M. Daugherty, A. Bassnet t; (2d row) M. Jacques, M. Burns, T. Furr, L. Fortwengler, E. Marshall, J. Margolis, V. Bolles, L. Holley, R. C. Peard, F. V. Tark­ington, F. Daly, R. Sopp; (3d row) J. Jackson, L. Furse, A. Fedos

Page 9: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating

COWORKERS (I to r ); Chief Tech Red Bossnetl, Dist. Mgr. Bob Peard, Photographer Horry Clark, who shot five of these piclures

r op lOntr.H t --i11:-,111.111. l'aul L B .111• it, pl.,ughs t..hrou~h rnuutttams ol ru,10111c1 t.1nb ;md ~ale, po"1bilitic> "ith tlrl ,,1111t• '>pirit he hit LIH line bad .. in Ohio l .. 111d W. \ ' a. \\'cslcv:rn. ·1 he bad.field ,L,tt h.1, been with the ofhtc Im two and hall ~1·.11,

J'he br.indt ha' \t't up lne w'lc11i- .ll

. \ll<tlO>Lia airfield for two-w;n rc1q1111111 "ilh Flmd Rcnm:u Fidd. ~- \ . Otht 1 1111·

portant installauum mdude a :SU(h1p1.11c· 1 m h rc<ci' er .n tl11. I rc<t>UJ') (for rc\lt''' 111g .end 1emonng ncw,reeb). a du1c11 'l'l\ .11 WalLCr Recd I l o~p 1wl. a life-si1c M 1t•1•n prnjcCLor in tlic Pc111ago11.

In ;iddition w pollljtal headliner,, 1lte branch'> friend; include the editor ol .1

national n· mag;uine. am) a ln~t11m

'1dn1 tomcdi:111. ( l11cf l cc.h l3:t!.-,ncu had n·marl ablc .uttc,, 111 <lc:1rinl! up rt:ll p· lltm at Lite rnmk\ \'itgi11ia lto111c.

Those RCA buys s111c h11uw thetr }/11ff! plugged tlt1: ~ t.1 r the mo1 ni11~ after on hi' \how.

JIM CRANE ... he gets around in the VIP world

DC loss Norfolk's gain

L~O'\ c-11 \RI h 1 t R\I. pc, for LIH' lil\t

eight 111011Lh> llhlJll;uion \1tpen l\Ot

,1l \\ ashin~wn. tC<cmh· was appo1111cd lllallJ~er or the Ill;\\ :-..orroll.. branch.

The ~ix-morllh\ old olhle ha.\ liH 111u1

w handle its 0 11c-stauo11 trade (Um1111el I).

·1 he 24-ye.u o ld naLiH' o[ Flon:11lc, ~0111h Carnlin.1, got oil to tbl' right \la• l in hr~h sd1ool pur>uecl dt:crronic,, and got himselJ hired at the Cha.rlc:~toll 'la' v ' .1rd a~ won a., he'' .1~ h::u1ded ~diploma.

h1r 1wo )ear.,, he in!>t<1Hed r.idar and <0111111unic:::niom ')~lem\. u11ul the \nny tuok him over in l!Jlj, whcu he was 18.

He l.1nckd with tht' Airhornt: 'iii.,'ltal

( nrp~ i11 Jap;111 Routilu: il1 this p.11.1d1111 -ing outfit "·" .1 jump t:\'t:r' tlnce 11111111h~ With full t:quipllll'lll.

The last leap wc·m \\Ton~ and hrs 1 adio m jured hh bat 1.., puuil1g- hlm in thl' VA ho'ipitaJ ,11 Col11mhi.1, ~- C .. tor a wuplc ol momhs and s;cttrng him om n( th~ \nnv. with .1 hr.11 ('.

He ,0011 \\a• abl1· 10 LO!>S Liu: hr:1cc, hm,. t:\ cr. and h.h h,1d no recurrtntc of the bad;. u-oul>lc. fm IS months. bcfme wm mg with Lht: \\'a>hiugton bramh. he .II·

tended a T\ ~chool m h..ansas (;ii'. Leon\ 011lv 111Lcn'.'t in lhe \irhnmc al

tire momcm 1s lO ~ee what the s101 l-. bringi, ..irw da) now: it'll be hi<. fir-,1. Leon Furse

Page 10: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating

MAN POWER (continued)

Harrv l\r ilh and Howard Laessle. \Lile po,t\;.ar addition, to our ranks wl10 now ;ire in govcrnmenc work mclude Dick l'rnp>l ;111d J flt: H au lnvdl.

Tl1e hi.,LOrv or john B. Knhkr slwws who is joining RC:..A·s "foreign legion," ho" iL's done. and what happem w Lhe recruit. "\L -10. John was a tlisLOn· tcnttd ,.alcs1rnm lor H ;itrv & Young, Inc, of Hanford. Co1111.

Business 111 radio and TV pans and acce>MJric~ wa.'> ~lipping hcrnu.,e New York whok."Sakr~ were breaking inw Conuctti· cu1. tcrriton. and beside> lie mi..,scd the technical w~rk lor whitl1 he h:ttl been fiued at Carnegie fc<l1. Penn ~talc . antl <luring a four-year appre11Liu:~hip Wil li We;ting· house. al>o in a '''a r-ti111e gu1c1 nrne11l ill· spcnor's post.

La~L \ugu;,1 l. he pid .. ed up the /hidw" /mrt 1'011. :.;iw •111e uf H al ~ l eo"1- hve-indi ad,, aiUing for rndar. telet\pe <111d rv e.xpcriente. follo11 ing ins11 uc:Liom. he J10wed up :u the Hotel SuuJe1 u1 i\ lnn­hanan on \ugu;,L 8. wheie Jlan: Hro\1n a nd Bill Uaxler \1•c1 e pt l.'~iding mer a mass i11u:n·iew.

f111 three hour~ he fiUetl oul form,, r lten he waited . . \t l11c o't.lock he gol in lo sec D<t\'l: tor 15 minlllL.,,, I hen he went lwine. \fte1 .1 fuv da)''i ol n:worl.. iug h~ pan~ CllSlOnlCr~ he half ~hen up Wt.' idea

uf brcal..i11g iJllO Lile uig·Linw again. \\')1ett - aL te11 one 111ght he got Bill's u<lJ to

report in L11e home ofiH.e Augu~t 14. In Cloute~tei. he was put thmugl1 :1

ph1·sil~LI d1clk·up. brieled ou the job. and give11 one week w clc<ir up hi;, .1ffalr~ in Co11neniwt. He v1ltl the <;12.0110 Bridge­port hvrne h1,; wa:; living in a lone. and re·

ONE FOREIGN LEGION unit encour­ages another o n barrack blac kboard

Joe Shuskus of Brooklyn Bos~ OF' l'IH. Bl '>H\\I( .... HRA,\11 '"' llROOh

1.Yi-: -1hc rompanv's new~L-is .Joe Shw.ku~. one 111 the;,e quiet. ven elliciem fellows who has ,pent a young lifetime studl'ing ;rnd wurkin~ to do a good job.

He Maned wiL11 the Service Cum pan) in

HH!i at the old Kearney (~. J.) 'hop (one of Lhe four original T\' l>randtt:!>) and t l1e nc.,t ve:1r went to the Fords shop. W hile there he 1nac.k the fii>t ~hjpi>oard 1·ideo i1htillation. aboard the pilut boat. New ja~e)'.

1 hen he mnve<l cm to \ l\';p,hi11gto11. D. C.. in charge of the compauy's cderau prnjen-an experimen tal ~yMem toiubin· ing tdevis1011 aud radar. whid1 thl' .\ ir Force was adapung for na1·igminn. H is jrib wa., to instruct ...\_F n lhtef'> :111d men i11 operatiou and mai11teHanLe.

Joe g-rcw up in ~ewark. :-:. J .. >Luclied dettrical engint'Cring at 1\ewark l · 11 i1e.r­sir1·: r:id io a nd rcle\·is1on en~ineering at Capitol Radio Engi11eeri11g I mtitutc, \ \·a,h111gt•m; and completed t<u r~pon<l·

enLe CntU'se~ in busine~ a<lminismnion witb the lntcrnatioual Cm·re~ponclemc

d.11101 anJ . \lcx:wdcr llam.Jl tou lnsLitu te. With \\'e:-tinghome d uring L11e war. Joe

u·ained >en·ice personnel in tltt' operation ol radar. so11ar a nd c.onuu u n icatio11s l'{j u ip· tnCIH and worked 011 bo1lt \ ntJ) .111tl .:>.!al'y gear ~t:ile'>illl :111d •>1er~ea,.

\ ou can't get Joe Shmku> to talk <ibout ltim~cli mu<.h: he'~ too Int~) .rnd too modes£.


p01 ted [01 tlut)' .\ugu;,t 21. Here he W:b urie!ed :again, this Lime hy

\Vane 11 \\:crner anJ P aul ~kin>). l'\c.\.L nwrn ing he wa' chcc.ked ou1 with ;1 group ot othe1 rca-uics from Calilomia. Penn· ~yhania. l\ l i.,_,i,.,,ippi. Ne\~ Yori:.. and l'rom 'iervice Compa111 Lrand1cs all 01•cr the lOUlllTV.

The gToup·~ dcsli1ialion w;b an \ir Force rcceivi ng station where the men 11ere pnt through a lourse of in~trunion for one w l wo weeks. Fru111 there, J ulm reported to cl1t' Co1H111e11tal . \ir Com· m:111d. in tlrnri;e of ~Crl'ici11g radar and other toiumunitalions cc1u1pment. Ht•re he rcccin:d hi~ permanem ass1~1rnen L in a southern C:alifornia air cldense setwr.

I I is rn.n:er stanc<l in I !)28. wltc:n h.oblcr went with \\'esliughou~e. 111 1!132, the RC,\ di~tri lrntor in Piu~hurgh wok him on a.~ sen· 1ce mana~cr. which he rcmaiued

ror '''" yt·:u~ hcfore lw lclt tn npc:n ltb own r.ul io and electrical <I pplin111 t· '>IOI<·

in chc expcnsiH: Schenlv \p;1nmcnts in hi' 11a1ile 1>i11:.b11rgh. The high rc111 foned h im out in ·~lll. a11d lie wok w ~c:lling pan': l;otcr 111rnt«l to d~·1C'loping c:tchings l"r J a111t·; 11. ;\l auhcws Co., ~tee] and rulolier ~t:m1p makers.

·\t the ombrea l.. of the war he wem in to gn\'Ct 11111enl 'en ice at \Vrigl11 Field. Day­ton. 0 .. fi11a llv became an i11speuor in dia1ge o f 1·aricrns <mllranors· p la111.'i in :-.!cw E11gla111l.

BAND WAGON Kellord Company, downtown New

York dealer, didn't hop on the RCA

TV bond wagon, they set up their

own, with the help ot Conrad Od­

den's district. In an all -out push to

sell not only RCA merchandise, but

Service Company contracts as well,

they set up this " Trai lervis ion" with

servicemen help, ofter lheir own

men had bogged.

Page 11: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating

Joe Holds that Scanning Line ... I llllll 1.11 Ill Kl l'OKI" I() UI \l\"'°· Jo~cph .I:.. ~teot,rer ft .1111ralh "a om: 111;r11 b11)11ll:)' \\1thm tht.- (.Omp:irl\. Iii,

title " field ,, 1\11 · 'UPl'f\ 1,or 11[ ~im:photo l"<luipmcnt. 1 \' film ll'lotding 1.llllll.1 (\d1id1 1.1J..e, pitlltrl" !tom the !' \topq .u1<l I\ film prn11·c wr,. I le\ not onh .)t1pc1T1~or. bm the; ''h11l1· ,Lill - 1hc one ,1ml 011h >l'f\ i1enw11 h.111<lli11~ thl''' highh tl·d11111,1l pmd1111,.

\11cl \illle \JI 1u.1lh au 11wjo1 I \ llCl\\'Ofks i11 the toumn me RC \ ·dt \eloped l..111e 11·1orcli11g tamcr.i:, and him pmjL·v 11ir,, - lnr 'i1 llla lh t'H:r; pmi.;1.1111 tlrt') put oo - Joe ha., .1 hlh) lilt. . 1 It'' ;1 Jc•an l:rcl'll. qwd.. moHni:; fellow who goes ;1bou1 hi., work coolh .rnd .111011~111nu.\ I ).

Recording I \ · piu un·., with .1 .,pt·ti,tll}-<1d.1ptcd 16-mm m<» tinn p11 wn· 1a111e1a " the ') 11d11·01111 LL' m1radc of Lhi:. age o l 111iratle~. ' I he n·nird in~ camera operate~ .11.1 speed or 21 lilm fra111Cl> pa M:rnnd. rcle i111,1gc\ .ire IJ<1:.t•d Clll ()() fields. or wl1:1t a11m1111t" w !SO li.1111t•,,, per .,t·rnncl : a f\' ficlJ i' one ~canning ol an 111 ti-rlaccd p1uure.

L1d1 p1ct111c filnwd i' .1 n·rnrding of o<ld and e \ Cn fields. Tht n po~un• and him p 11ll-d11w11 of l\\fl film fraruCli rumL be filled lllto fl\e I\' f1dcis Lo sv11chro11ite the dillcre1llc be t1,·ecn the I liOth of ,1 't'11111d IY fil'ltl .md 1-2-ltb of .i sewml film fr;um•. ~>. two 1 \ ' held' are rewrdc<l to make a <.om plcte uucrlaccd n • {r;uuc 111 1-)0th of n second.

~o\\ thl' film ltlrht bt• pulled clown for t.hc ne'L c:xpo,ure. Tht· next e'p<hure bt'g111\ in lhc mrcldk of the fitld. becau~r

th<.· film ''·'' hc111g pulled dmn1 <luung the first half of the field. T hh expcM1rc tlllhi't~ of tht l1onom hail of t.hat field. • ill of the IH',L .• 111cl Lht• top halC ol the ~lllteeding field. Thl' film pull do\\ n o« ur, clu1111g thc la~t half o( ti.tis fi[th fi eld. and illl nck npcr1b rbdf.

Ca111l'1.1 l''P'"urc 1inw 11 11ff11111/I'() rr111i11tfli11i-d H•illii11 Ir" tl11rn 1Jll1"/111l/ o/ 11 1c1111111111.. /1111·. 1 lu~ c'au uming assure~ 3'.LJ I V piou rt: lirrt'~ for earh camcra £rame expo~ecl.

The retnnl111g t.1111t'1.1 .111d .,h111tt•r arc driven ll\ \} II·

l h1 nnn11\ 111uwr' \\'hH h arc thcm~ch-c~ ~' 11t..hroni1cd with tlu: tcle1·1>io11 sntc11r. I he :,h 11ucr i~ drhen bv iL'> own 3600-rpm mrnn~ whi1 h npcratc., il ,11 I I Ill 1 pm. l' rl'l i .. ion gear., rnal..t· thi, pt•1 lc1 l w111 hrn11i1ati011 po~-.ihlt•. \ ~cparale 11wto1, \\'<1rk-111g 111 svm hro111~n1. drive!> the lil11r pull-do\\ n.

' I fw H'11>rc li11g l.111w1.1 i., huih h) John " 'all Cunera Co., ',)me uw. w RC\ 'Pl'< ifr t.1tiom. IL i~ an ;1d;iptation of Lheir own r:i rrwr:i. ll~l'd hv I loflvwood in shootilll{ newsreels. I hC; rt<hOll lor l'lllp l n\1 11~ Iii 111111 i1htcad of :rl-mm t"<'Juipmcuc i, 1m1. Thi l..11H l.1mt·r;1 in J T\' 'tudio ~cl~ more u'e in ,1 Wf'f'k 1han 1 \\ .tll c1nwr.1 in Hoflywoo<l ~CL'> in a vear. flit:

.. t11d111-. film '11111alh 1,;\ll\ lhin~ th t'1 fred lht' net~.

Thi, " cl11111 for "'""' H'.l\c11i-: Lo re-run Lht· pro~rr.1111 <IL :Jll(lif'n1c· pt'al.. lo.11k w retmd prn~an1' for rlocnmf'ntar;· pur p<he, l•ll '' 11d11 :111011 of progf<lllh to rcmnt.: ,tatimh. for rc­hroacli ,1,1 hn.1mc 111 d11Ttn·mt'\ rn linu tolll'', or to pn·part• for 1hc.. p<·rlonmr,· \,11,nro11.

XBC. med thi, rnorclin~ ''"C'lll ahom 18 months a!_\o lO hlm pro~r .111r.. l111 rdno.ulc.1,l .it ,t,1tiom not on thl' tnaxi.11 t.rhlt. flral i\ \\hCI(; lot t.lllll ill. anti wa, c:rai11cd in 'Cl'\ it ini;- at \ch :111cccl Dt1dop1111·111 111 C..1mdf'11 lor sc\·cral month~ and .11 \\air .... (.1111era opc1<1tinr1. oil fir .. t. \\'ib tough. it \\;I\\() t r1/1rnl. HLltl.. .111d \\llllt J111c:' l..q1t ru111ing the pi<tur<:>.

Ir t \ lfw p1n 11 n• 'Plice pw111 .11 llw frfrh fidd whirh camcs trouble .. / /11/1•1<11111• 1•\u•1•d111i:, 1m1• /nr 1111111.111111/lh 11/ 1111 i,,rh /ll'flff11r1·1 11111/1•1irnli/1· li111·1. Jot· lt•ana·d lo 1orrc<L a narrow

~h uLtcr b) 1 0111111.l!. tlw i·dt!t• 11•1/lt 011rhnf1 tho11.1n11rl/h( nj 1111

i"'h of 111111111·1 1111til the line., di-.<1ppe;u-ed.



'ii111 t .111 imt.1l1,nio11 in r\cw Yori... Ch iG1go or H oil~ wood m;11 1011\1\t ol lour ol the rctor<ling scLS. Joe doesn't !{Ct a lot of umc off .n horn\. (wife and four kid~). \ dckcti\e t amcr.1 h 1111"1 ht 'hipped lxu.I, to \\'.11! f11r a mm plete O\crh;iul. Rcpauc<l. Joe irl'pccb it in Snacuse and Ilic, it to

the sta 1io11 .

D t Kl'C. Tiit \1 \K lot• \\J\ lm,1te<l at the l'\nrlolk !\an \ .Lrd where he ~t'ntted all RC...\ ~hipbome dectronil> .rpp.rr;nu~. \t 1he l lld or tlw \\Jf, put lll work on the lli·llllll pmjt·ttor,

ill' broughl nut lhc IM·p.igc /lC I ./l/IJ (FPJO ) .\1 nm<' .\1111111nl.

I le l\ I OIC' and rlfll'.tr~i ted the cnti1·e book in hb ~pare time. took m111t. than 100() pillur<"> 11! llj..111m part.\ in tht· cellar of hi\ 11n11ll' in J\f1. Ephraim. ~ . J. 1 here \\'ii'> nu other \Cr\'ltl'

111a11u:il like it in 1hf' l1dcl. and. n :1·iscd once. 11 re111;1n1> the M ;111d:ird in 1h.11 held.

joc '"'' 1>0111 i11 l'r: ri r it• du Chien. \\·i!. .. wh id1 boa\tcd a !Oil 'cat movie \t I · •. he wa~ ns prnjcnioni<;L helped p11 1 t11~1·tlu•1 lht· hnmt·-macle 'oound gear. \t 17. in addition 10 thi, joh. he opened hi' own r.1clio .,tore:: ran tt 1111 ten

' ea1-.... l n '12 ht• "·'' hiu:d Lo take.. a Plwwphonl' tirurit. "..i~ clraflc<I 111to ( .m et1111w111 and ordered 10 1'nrf11ll.. fm till' cl11i;11 ion

PICTURES ore Rimed from projection-type kinescope

with RCA 16 mm camera, which handles 1 200 ~. of film

Page 12: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating

From Hollywood to Home SERVICE sells RCA FRCl\t \ltol "' TI!£ c nRi'.1 R in Camclu1

ancl du: l'.u 1hc ~lopf' rnmc:s applau:-.1: £or sen it1., .1pprt:na tt:tl h::vond the mon<') im ol' ed.

It"\ 11ci~hborlinc'' which prompt' t U\tmncr' 111 the Philatldphia and :\cw York area1> ln write in c1mi.,'Talulating RC\ 'en in•mt'n, but it\ 100 percent end111si­a~m whid1 d1.1w1> a lf'11cr all the wav from a nt\\ 111 Uh .-\n~dc\ 10 Camden, '\. J.

Bus\ J. J. -\mcmll, of tht Lm l11grlr( F.x1111111111, 'a"" hc"s "1101 one co wrile lel· LCn;," b111 tnmmcndi. "a J 1\1 \I' HI" 1:..~. "ho i~ ouL~t:u1di11g .. elso you1 'en capable am! p:uienL olhlC m:magcr. J-'"L' \IC.\LI bl Jo.It

(both Holh wood)."

:\or arc our tedl\ '' ithout honor in the RC\ f.nnih. l he projection set in the home of Vite l're1>idcnt 1:.. C . .-\ndcrsnn, nl RC.\ l'iinu:ton l.,1boL1torie,. n t::clled aneution.

"Tiianl \ou 'CT) 11111th for se11tl111g JOHN l>IC:'-1' (\\'bile !'lams)." wrote tht.: lab ch id tt> ~en ice Cum pan)' \'ice Prc~i ­dcnt J. \ . \lilling. " l\ l r. Ditkt:v \\':ts most councoui., most careful and most paim taking, and did an excellcnL joi>. l/"1 .~rrnt tn Jul thflt )'OU are a /'mt o/ tlTI orgm11::n /inn thflt /110 srroicemc11 <>/ thil col1ber."

. \ lcucr rctcivcd by CusLOrncr Rtlatio1h head. Franl Smalls. tclh a lamiLiar ~LOI)'. the Hay Ridge branch 011 •tagc: '"1 wrote to ,·ou last week to t:x pn:~) m' LI ii.~a 1 b


Driving 1n

10 Easy Lessons

!auion wi1h the scn·ilc on tll\ tell.:\ j,ion 'l' L .•. I .1111 writiu~ now w te ll you Ill)

rc1 eptiou i' ,1, go()(J a~ it cottkl be made in this area and .I am plea,ccl." rhi1> rom mun iGJtion .• 111d otht:r'>. proH· that a cu' tmncr doC"\11't 111ind spent.I in~ mom:v on his t;noritc 111,un if he ~Cl\ >t'n•ice for it:

·• •• • ARTlll ll ~RLI>RIC"l\~I'' Wtlb RAC:l'AR

lll' J.T\LA" and /\RI 111 K 11 /\~51 I' (al l Broul­hn) made w\cr:1I c.lu1114c' and adju'>t· mcnli> on .1 \Cl and were 1110\l coopera­ti,·e and inclustnous .....

From R.tl1w;i). :-\. J ..• 1 rave for Jot~

1,0,rot./\ : "' I k •'· abo\e nil. clhlient, inccl ligent and courteous. \Ve 1hougill we had l.dr T V 1wqnio11. bur .• iftt'r ~Ir. Go111ola d 1ec k.ed ,1 ntl repaired our set. we h:I\ c /flO.plm-prr /('(I ruept1m1 "

From ).;e" York to the I I. (It} bra11tl1. a ··wk.e11 ol gratitude" tor tech 1011r-. uROll"F.R: " l hl· senile I \\'a<, ~enin!{ on ffi) RC\ F;1i1 field was \(:'l-V poor; as ;1 re­m.Ir l spun '' Cl'li> watching prnj.,'TaDU. with 'cry bad re«·ption. Thanl.., tu Mr. Bro1,er, l:t!>t night I "a~ full~ able to apprec.iatc :ind t::n jny llw Fairfield."

I n Chic1w1. ROllERT 'l lll '(;AkS, or Oak Park, pro111p1 h· kept a11 appoinrmem to ha\t:: an amenn.1 in~tallc:d, .1t 1he Jhn rate o f 29.~15. ~l.tlC!> the CU.\tomc•r . who wrote en "m infon11 \OU of tl1t: wonderful rc:cep­tion 1 am recei\ ing on :ill channck"

,\ t 1 he same branch, w11.1.1"" EDWARD~

wc11t ou1 and ~olved a dillilltll problem, u1>pired a rnmplimeman kuer. oo,Aul

I. lloUktt Ctt# Wiik




(Courtuy U. S. fidelity end Guoronty Co.)


''"'""" 111111~1 ff ' ""''" THEY SHAU NOT




L K'/hl 1.,. llMI tt/1 , . ,,,


\l .\lRElt and l 'AL L \lATlll ' · tht. Bron.,, Wtll comulcrcd " miracle.: men " bv one: llli.tomcr. <:llAllLES A'-lll R'IO.... . ill Ont' o l .,e,eral high!\ compli111c·111,1n leueN re· cehetl h' the ortheast (l'hlia.) brand1. "·;c, citt::d .1, "11111 1111utltu 1111/1111te wltv it />nyl 1111rl " 11 />l1·r1111rr tu tlo IHHITll'H with Jl(.' I." \nd 001'Al. D TIARRNI\~. b\' his "ull

muaUv pk.l'lalll .111tl i;entkm.111 1) m<11111e1 .111cl olJviou' inu·rest.'" 1s rC'pom1ble Cor his rlic11t's recommending R(. \ ,en ice all on·r Phil.1tlt·lphia.

LOt:ls uo,c:o (I on Lee) wa\ \O "plcasarn and rourtco1b" while i11.,rnlli11~ ;111 :111-ll· n na tlta l lit.• maclc a Rid~cficld Park ( '- I·) woman contented that hc1 husband h.1d in i,tcd 011 . 111 RC.-\ ,~-t ''hen 'he· YCI'\

11111t h wamccl .mother. In B.11L1111orc. JOll" c.1 . \1tK made a woman happ~ eH·n Lhou~h repair~ mulct produce 011h " fairly good reteptinn ·· i11 :e 'f'r'll whcrc all rcreprio11 ·~ "1·en bad." In addition, Juhn had w ;11.J<l an '.8 hill LO a <:.J.9'1 1 harge alread) made. But <>ht: "ro1e '"man\ thanks'."

JA\IF~ lllU-. LLO a nd LO\\\lll) PAR!..•R

rn11quered 1 ha1111el I 3 for n Flu,hing . L. 1., lllSlomcr. Clients of RIC<O 1101'1-'Tn, Pitt:. hur~h, w:im hi!t Lopper<; to know how pleased UlC\ \\'Cre "it11 hi~ help. In ~pring held C,ardcm. l\. \.. ~lana~t:r '>TA.'\l:tL\L~ .,, \IOl.O' and hi~ perwnnel were wmpli mt·mcd for prompu1esi. :rnd clhcicn(') . Other leU<:rs mmme11ded \cn·ile i 11 Col­lingclaJe. l'a.. \kron, 0.: ~L. Loui~. J\h>.: c .11nbrali;c. J\l;i<;\.


~ e

9- Stopp~ Too !llddtll/f



Page 13: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating


Mrs. 0. R. Mancz

\\' hcd1cr tl s pad<lllt;' lom kids oil to .. c.hool or lt·qnng .1 h,1td1 of Led111iti.m' m ordc1 . 1 L ' .ti I 111 t..hc d ;l\ ·, wm l for "RS. o . R. \I \'loc /. \lhcclultni.; dcrl.. .11 Lhc ~ lt1>h­ing ( L I.) hr.inch.

LlfUtppcd \\ 1Lh phcnmnt:na.1 crn:r1,..,, , a photo){r.1phi< 111c•mun . 1ccl1111cal \ .11111 wo1 l..1ng lncndt·dgt• of Lbc lic.ltl , ~he ha, the rc,1wc1 :md ro11hdc11tc ol C\'Cn

,cni<t·man 111 Lhl br;111d1: h;111<Uc, !JO talh a tl.1\ with llt'\CI ;1 troswd wire. \!a11age1 F:D \\01.:-.1.11.. ~;iys her work b outJtondm[!.

;\ f r-. Mano tame lO Lhc tOlll!J.lll} i11 "18 a~ n tclcpho11l' clc1 I.. al Lht: ult! f <1tkson Ht·iglm hra rH h. Wtllt L11c .;pcnli14hL lhe rW'lol ,urn11tl't liv 1 n·dit & wllcttiom eU1-ci<'nc ,._ and was made st.hcdul111g deck. Hcf11n· 111inin:,: RC.\ . ,fte "<h .1 u edit i11-tcn i('wt•r fur two Jam:iita th:p.11 l11t<.·nt store~ . .She h:h .1 husband and tour dtil­<lre n: m.1n;1gc, her IJ\\ 11 home in Queen~ \ illa~c.

70,000 Pilgrims Hear Via RCA loan

\ leu e1 Lo RC\\ prc,1dc nt , h .1111.. ~J Folsom. 110L onh C'-prc~~1:cl Lhc J.'1·.111111dl·

of 196 mt:n. and indircuh 711,000 lllOTl'

pcr;ons, ln11 e,pcli.tlh rnm111cmlcd \Ian a $\CT "· L WllEA 1111' .incl II . "· I .I IH t..HC

of thl' PILilatldphia di:.11i11 \L L11L rCl.JUC:.l of V1lC l'rr\1rlc11L John

f.... \\ L·~t. RC\ \'icwr puhli<. n •l,niom, th t:.c 111e11 imu1lkt.I a publil addrc'' .,,., . telll i11 !}t. Jos(•ph's Church. I l :r1111110111on.

-:-\. J .. lor uoc~ during Llw k'>tiv.d '>l'(lll ·

srnwrccl h} the lot.11 llolv l\.11nc '>o<ict \ . lrom July 10 to 15. 1 he :.oc 1ctv prc~1dclll . in hi., lcw::.r of L11a11l..,, C)·d that the . 111nual k-.uval ,1ttraus up" .ircl<. ol 70,UUU pilg11111~.

$5 in the Kitty The comc~t for .i l><:tlt.'r monil..l·r

Lha.n P1cl1up for thi., page 1~ noL do.,ed . ju,t po Lponed.

Xnt a name h,h lit•cn ,uhmiw:d since the last issue. 1 hou~h de' cl '"g; gl·,tiom arc in h.111d front the p.1'L. none j, CJUill' pertinent to the lt>mpam and its t:Spc:aal busillL'-'>.

.\ good n;une '>till j, '' .1 llt<:ll \ nd LJut !>"1 wa.its m the ·' ""'" " .\ rw1 l..1LL}

Battle of Signs R.H . HtC-H't 1..nm_.., whc:rc he lhc:. wd.t)

(at le;ist al pre ... ., 1l.1lt:). but onlv Ult' l\l im!' l:.\•ans and a l\lr. Ddano um cle<:1clc 1<>-111orrow. l t seems out in 'it. Loui' Counl,, ,\lo .. th<• Ted111md Procluns c.:11 gineer' has hi~ home on tht ,amt: I.tile a~ two ~pin~ter,, :rnd .i gcmlcman who 'Lill are stron!{ on p ioneer spinL One clav. llecht's addre,,;, i., 86S5 £!111111 L;me: Llic 11t'xt il may be fi35 J)c/1111" Lane. clc.: pcnd in~ on which famil\'s cla11n 1~ holding.

PRIZE MONEY I lc;i<l111g the IC.t of latcsl suggbtio11

;rnard wiru1c.n. arc JOF HAICll\\ l LL,

lurmnh Qu.alin . uow i11 L.11e Padfw J . LUC>t \.11.G and 11 . F . sc11ROEDFR, Franklin

CJllarc. For a 'Ul,~C\tio11 Oil Ll:.t: or Lhc ro t.llo r fo r 1mt.ill.1tion and orie11tat ion lhC\C tl1rc( ~har<'rf a ::,.)Oii priLe.

J .\\II' llL'(;(u \'lo , L. I. Cit\', ret eiH•<l s 150 fo1 hh 111ethod ol antenna operation .rnd 1mwllatio11 of rcn •i\ crs ,,old LO Ll1c ~rntlc1 OI ~all ilillintl. l'Al' I \C:l LL\', C,rn1<lc11, t . llllt'

oil with $ J ll for new cmplo) rncm of '" 'oden tnin,,mb,,ion Jinc red lwldcr,. hll ,ld»Litulio11 ol 9 I 2i0 ma'I.. for RT27U and r{ fh.j!W masks. \\'Al.I l::R Al LR~ LAN. l'nts hut !{It. <; 111 •

\l wa)' neeJe<l ;111J ;ilwav' worlh t:1\h arc idea.~ whid1 will: sa\'C I imc, rcdutc w;1,tc and rejects. impro1e qualit) and , ,1fct\' condiuon.~. co nserve mawrial, 1m· plih proclun111n.

Bill laun awards Joe Hatchwef/

Whirlwind Tech Not c' en engine<:r ha> Lhe element>

ltd ping him like KF." llFRRICK who a11 ived 111 L1111a. 0 .. arrn· in·arm wid1 a tornado. " I >i~ned We Lima Drhe-ln .,e nite l Oll· u a t l 1Ulllted1ateh aILer lhl· twl\ler 1111." he \aid.

FINANCIAL DIVISION a ffai r last summer attracted its entire home office force to Silver Lake Inn, N. J.

Page 14: POWER ELECTRONICS TECHNICIANS U...JT .d rectifier tubes. Selenium rectifiers in 12 ''2-inch sets are saving a tube in one manufacturing plant. Chief En gineer Merrill Gander is investigating


FROM THE BRANCHES for Antenoplex briefing technicians inspect Hohnemonn Hospital (Philo.) installation (111 outlets from one amplifier). First row, from left: W. Stone, R. Potrovich, both l. I. City; J. Jepson, H. Nodell, both Comden. C2d row) H. Smith, Antenoplex soles; J. Gruszkos, Newark; J. Alexander, Flushing; W. Sonders, Detroit; A. Sjoquist, Cambridge; W. Wiesenfeld, Pittsburgh; J. Ogilvie, Philo. dist. mgr.; P. Wagner, Cambridge mgr.; J. Zobor, asst. Antenoplex engineer; K. Spruth, asst. engr., Chicago; J. Brendel!, St. Louis (Back row) R. Sherrill; R. Boese, Oak Pork; J. Brewer, Chicago; J. Marchetti, Collingdale; E. Pedersen, Hollywood; C. More, chief Antenoplex engr.; J. McGee, Baltimore; K. Flor, Comden; H. Knopp, Washington; Bill Bohlke, Antenoplex chief; J. Falkenstein, Comden mgr.; J. Gunn, Antenoplex engr., Chicago; R. Kohn, Milwaukee; R. Shoemaker, Collingdale mgr.; H. Kennedy, Denver; R. McMillan, Cincinnati; J. Glendinning, Dallas

PRESIDENT ED CAHILL addressing the lost session oi a theatre TV training pro­gram, Sept. 15, put on by the company, with Engineering Products, for selected members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes & Motion Pic­ture Machine Operators. This, first insti­tute of its kind, presented fundamentals of instantaneous and intermediate TV film systems, operation of 16-mm and 35-mm terminal TV equipment, and PT-100 TV system, to 30 projectionists from all over the U. S. RCA tele systems ore being installed in theatres in ten cities.


NEWS The RCA Servke Company News is published of Comden, New Jersey, for emptoye~ of the RCA Service Com· pony, Inc. Editoriol offices ore locoted on Building W3, Floor I, &tension 165.


Vol. 7, No. 10 October, 1950

Post Graduate Course

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