
PCA Chesapeake

NEW Old-South Country Club RALLY

What Should we keep South County?

What kind of country is it?

Who has creative solutions to unusual problems?

What is the name of the wetlands sanctuary?

Who is the pastor at Wesley Chapel?

Where is the jockey holding a lamp?

What sign describes a favorite dessert?

Where is the Greasy Wrench?

What is the motto of the Magnolia Shoppe?

Where do you find a huge red plow?

Where is a place where birds cross the road?

Where is there a large Christmas wreath?

Where is there a Livery Stable?

How many M’s are at a farm?

What hangs on the barn at Sentimental Fools?

What image is on the side of the pool house?

Where 2 foxes sit on a bench, who stands next to a pole?

You will not cross Porsche Stream but…

What is a good place to keep track of time?

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