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Panel 1: Feedbacks from CSO&LA stakeholders

on the Structured Dialogue process Final Conference

Budapest, 17-19th May 2011



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The Outcomes of the SD



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“The Structured Dialogue was more than a Dialogue. It was a completely new structured experience of bridging dialogue between North-South, East-West, Inter-Regional, Inter-Continents, inter-CSO’s, inter-LA’s (or as you would like to put it). I would have called it the United Nations of Dialogue.      

Roger G. El AshiMayor of Moukhtara. President of the Federation of Municipalities of the Higher Chouf.


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“ El Diálogo Estructurado ha sido un buen paso en la construcción de confianza e intercambios francos entre la Comisión Europea y los gobiernos locales de América Latina. La cooperación sin confianza no sirve”.

Eugene Zapata GareschéAsesor InternacionalJefatura de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México


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EuropeAid“The important role of CSOs is not a question, it is a reality properly acknowledged by all.

All stakeholders involved in the SD recognize that CSOs have important contributions to make to the development sector and are essential actors”. 

Elise VanormelingenPolicy Officer (Funding - MFF - Structured Dialogue) CONCORD



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EuropeAid”The SD has remained inclusive and participatory in nature together with unprecedented assimilation of ideas, experiences and expertise between Northern and Southern CSOs&LAs.

The SD has created a sense  of urgency on the creation of an enabling environment for inclusive and sustainable development cooperation by EU through CSOs and LAs”

Rajiv Mehta International co-operative alliance Asia and Pacific



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EuropeAid“During the SD process, some important global principles have been reaffirmed and acknowledged by all, for example  the Human Rights Based Approach to development and the democractic ownership.

Human rights are critical for long-term sustainable development, and discrimination, exclusion and abuse are all identified as structural causes of poverty. In order to successfully eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development, human rights abuses and inequalities must be addressed and dealt with.

HRDN therefore calls on the EC to apply a HRBA to EC development policy and practice and to maintain a separate and independent instrument for Democracy and HR projects.” 

Alexandra Makaroff EU Policy Manager Plan EU Office



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Asssement of the process



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About the SD:

V. Salamadze (Open Forum)

(i) on the process: good demonstration of a MSH dialogue and consensus building mechanisms (it provides an answer to the calls made by the AAA, namely article 13b): • space for dialogue• recognition of CSO in its diversity• more inclusive and participatory• clear framework and targeted agenda• quadrilogue format / global scale

(ii) on the contents: in general they address many concerns and proposals of CSOs:

• promotion of the RoI; • multiple accountability; • enabling environment; etc


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Lecciones o aprendizajes del proceso como parte de las OSC de América Latina:

•Para participar en el Dialogo Estructurado es necesario establecer un diálogo entre las OSC de América Latina que nos permita ir definiendo una voz más o menos única sin opacar las divergencias o intereses sectoriales.

•Trabajar por el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de incidencia de las OSC de Latinoamérica.

Blanca Mirna Benavides


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“Reconozco el gran esfuerzo realizado para hacer más participativo el proceso de definición por la CE de los futuros criterios para su cooperación con OSC&AL En especial valoro muy positivamente el esfuerzo realizado por incorporar en la discusión aportes de distintos actores y el mecanismo de integrar a representantes de distintos sectores y regiones en el proceso.

Lamento la lógica "gremial" que en cierto momento creo haber advertido se impuso en las discusiones.

Advierto también la limitada comunicación/integración entre la dinámica y contenidos de este proceso con otros en curso en el seno mismo de la CE o con planteos de la UE en otros ámbitos directamente relacionados con los tratado por el Diálogo Estructurado.

Jorge Balbis. ALOP (Asociación Latinoamericana de Organizaciones de promoción del Desarrollo)


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Links with other debates



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Panel 2: The follow-up of the Structured

Dialogue Final Conference

Budapest, 17-19th May 2011



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Follow-up of the SD outcomes



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The key to the success of this initiative is the actual endorsement of these recommendations and their translations into sustained actions that can be followed up; as it was perfectly stated by a wise Man:

“in true dialogue, both sides are willing to change”.I hope this dialogue will be maintained through an informal network that can be established and that will act as the needed platform for the continuity and sustainability of this dialogue…” 

Joyce HAKMEHProject and Communication Specialist Arab Center for the Rule of Law and Integrity (ACRLI)


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“One of CONCORD’s main expectations at the beginning of the SD process was “policy before funding, but funding instruments that deliver policy”.

The SD has helped us to define the policy… now we hope that these policy engagements will be reflected in the future instruments and funding conditions as from 2014”.

Elise VanormelingenPolicy Officer (Funding - MFF - Structured Dialogue)CONCORD



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We expect more from the SD:

V. Salamadze (Open Forum)

“The EU (Member States + EC) should take practical steps for a more strategic inclusion of Civil Society in the aid effectiveness agenda and notably in the position & outcome documents related to the 4HFL”

Endorse the Istanbul principlesPromote the mainstreaming of the SD conclusions in the task team and joint EU position for BusanInclude CSO representatives in the national delegationsCommit and promote and enabling environment, despite the fact that this is the responsibility of national governmentsFollow-up on the SD & implement concrete proposals of the SD documents by involving CSOs in all stages of the processSupport initiating a SD format at the national levelsSupport CSO driven national, regional and global processes dealing with the development cooperation agenda and the CSO development effectiveness


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Follow-up of the process



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1)Amplia difusión de los resultados del Diálogo Estructurado;2)Presentación coherente y completa de todos los componentes de la futura política de cooperación de la UE sobre todo ante los cambios que se avecinan a partir del 2014.3)Establecimiento de mecanismo de seguimiento y evaluación a nivel de cada región participante de la implementación de los resultados del DE;4) Creación de un mecanismo multi-actores permanente para la consulta y discusión de los temas abordados por el DE y más ampliamente sobre la política de cooperación de la UE.

Jorge Balbis. ALOP (Asociación Latinoamericana de Organizaciones de promoción del Desarrollo)


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EuropeAid”There is a great need of enhancing the visibility of the process so that all stakeholders take note of the outcomes and challenges.

There is also a need to institutionalise the involvement of the various actors and stakeholders at country level for desired dissemination and appreciation of the recommendations of the SD. To this end, the EUD should play a proactive role”

Rajiv Mehta International co-operative alliance Asia and Pacific



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Es necesario cerrar el proceso no sólo con el encuentro en BUDAPEST sino que es un compromiso volver a las regiones y que quienes hemos participado en el proceso de Dialogo Estructurado rindamos un informe de los resultados obtenidos. Para ello, la CE debería acompañar este cierre.

Crear en BUDAPEST con representación de las OSC y Autoridades locales de las regiones una Comisión que facilite el seguimiento y monitoreo de la puesta en marcha de los resultados del Dialogo Estructurado.

Blanca Mirna Benavides

Directora de FUNSAL - PRODESE


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Concluding remarks & statements



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« Nous espérons que nos efforts pendant une année, ne seront pas vains, et que ce Dialogue sera institutionnalisé pour poursuivre la réflexion vers une concrète amélioration de la coopération, de la lutte contre la pauvreté dans le monde et de la solidarité entre les peuples. Nous appelons l’ensemble des parties prenantes à ce contrat de solidarité ».

Mamadou FayeConfédération nationale des travailleurs du Sénégal Président de la Plate-forme des acteurs non étatiques pour le suivi de l'Accord de Cotonou au Sénégal SDBC

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