Page 1: Our Palo Angeles ROSS SYSTEMS, INC

We have expanded our telephone service to

support our company gramh. Our c u ~ e n t telephone numbers me:

Palo Alto (415) 856-1 100

Smr Francism (415) 4343798

Los Angeles (213) 553-8668


Page 2: Our Palo Angeles ROSS SYSTEMS, INC

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Page 3: Our Palo Angeles ROSS SYSTEMS, INC

What MAPS Does MAPS (Management Aid for Planning Strategies) i s a computer- zed planning and reporting system offered by Ross Systems, Inc. I t was developed to assist individuals i n preparlng planning reports, budgets, financial analyses, expense reports, financial statements, cash f low projections - and numerous other reports that utillze a tabular report- ing format to present and analyze data.

MAPS is easy to use. An individual needs no prior experience'with computers or computer program- ming to achieve results with MAPS. Typically, after only two hours of instruction, a new user i s preparlng

useful reports, formatted in a pro- fessional manner and suitable for review by top management.

MAPS is convenient An individual uses MAPS via a terminal in his own office. Thesystem i s operated over telephone lines between the user terminal and Ross Systems' DEC PDP 11/70 time sharing computers. Reports can be developed and pr~nted dlrectly at the user terminal 24 hourslday.

MAPS is a technique that alds man- agement in four important ways:

Examines Alternatives - MAPS qulckly examines the effectof many different alternatives and assumptions. It elim~nates the hme-consuming, error- prone clerical work associated with the preparation of these alternatives Improves Decisions - MAPS improves the decision-making capability by providtng a more comprehensive analysis of a greater number o f alternatives.

Communicates Results - MAPS immediately provides reports suitable for use by top management, reflecting the latest available data, results or planning assumptions. MAPS allows the user complete free- dom over the selection of titles, column headings, an- notation of data lines and report format. Thus reports can be prepared in a company's own format using i t s own specialized terms.

Adapts to Change- MAPS makes the modification of exlstlng reports and the prepa- ration of new reports an easy task. New or revised data can be entered on the terminal, and all requested reports are automatically produced. E~ther type of change can be done in mrnutes by inexperienced personnel.

MAPS is offered as a Ross Systems' timesharing service, but can also be purchased as a package to be run on an in-house computer Several Fortune 500 companies and medium-sized firms havesaved considerable dollars by implement- ing MAPS In this manner.

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How MAPS Works

Fundamental to MAPS is the concept of the accounting worksheet or "matrix." The rows of the matrix can represent such Items as sales revenue, deprec~a- tlon, net profit, etc. The columns of the matrix usually, but not necessarily, repre- sent time periods.They might, for example, represent actual, budget and variance figures forthe current month and year to date, or a comparison of various divls~onal figures. The MAPS user is free to spec~fy the formatof his report by deflnrng exactly what he wishes each row and column to repre- sent. A MAPS "model" can have up to 1024 rows and 100columns.

The MAPS user prepares a report defini- tion typically referred to as a MAPS model. The model is used to define the report layout (names of the rows and columns), the source of the input data, the requirements for output (saving the results of the report) and the logical relationships between the rows and columns of the matrix. A MAPS model is divided into a series of 8 sections:

OPTIONS- Def~nes various print

OUTPUT - Defrnes what data is to be saved for use by other models.

TITLE - Defines the report headings.

COLUMNS - Defines the report columns and thelr printing characteristics.

ROWS -Defines the report rows and thelr pr~nting characteristics.

PARMS - Def~nes a set of individ- ual parameters which can be used in the model -and varied during its running.

LOGIC - Defines the calculation rules relating the rows and columns. MAPS also contains a number of pre-defined functions such as return on investment to assist in developing logic.

Once the model i s deflned, the user operates it via a series of commands that instruct MAPS in whatto do. The PRINT command, for example, instructs MAPS to print one or more of the reportsdefined in the MAPS model. The CONSOLIDATE command is used to combine the results of other runs in

options which apply to all reports, order to prepare consol~dated state- such as page width and how to ments. There are approximately 20 print negative numbers. different commands that can be used to INPUT- Defines where the input construct the type of system that the data for the model is to come from. user requires.

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A R C U A N U F A C T U E I N C CO., I N C .


JAN FEB MAR AFL MAY JUN TOTAL L ---- - ----- --- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - --. -.-.-.- --- SALES

RIDGETS $ 10,000 6 11.000 E 9,000 $ 15,000 $ 16.000 $ 19.000 $ 80.000 78.8X BANDLZS 3.000 3,500 3,500 3.500 4,000 4,000 21,500 21.2% -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ----.-... ---.-- CROSS SALES 13.000 14,500 12.500 18,500 20,000 23,000 101.500 100.01

COST OF SALES AT STbADAID 6,950 7,775 6.775 9,775 10.600 12,100 53,975 5 3 . 2 2 KPC. VARIANCES 1,390 1.555 1,355 1,955 2,120 2,420 10,795 10.61 -------- -------- -------- ------.. -------- ------.- -....-.-- ------ TOTAL COST 8,340 9,390 8.130 11.730 12.720 14,520 64, 770 63.8%

CBOSS EARGIN 4.660 5,170 4,370 6,770 7,280 8.480 36,730 36.21

PERIOD EXPENSES SELLIHC 590 500 500 5 00 500 500 3,000 3.0% ADNINISTRATIVP 1.300 1.450 1,250 1,850 2,000 2.300 iO,I50 lO.OI. R & D 600 600 600 660 726 799 3.985 3.9% -------- -------- -------- ------.. -------- -------- ....----- ------ TOTAL EXPENSES 2,400 2.550 2,350 3.010 3,226 3.599 17.135 16.92

PROFITBEFORBTAXES 2,260 2,620 2,020 3.760 4,054 4.881 19.595 19.31

PROVISION FOR TAXES 1.@85 1,258 9 7 0 1,805 1.946 2,343 9,407 9.32

XEI IUCOllE 1.175 1.362 1,050 1,955 2.108 2,538 10,18810.0% --=----- -------- --=----- ----=-=- =------- -------- --=---

PERCENT OF SALES 9.0% 9.4% 8.41 10.62 10.52 11.02 LO.OI -1



IllPVT 11101 " R & D" 11201 0- - TOTAL BIPENSBS"

1401 D b l * 11301 81 'PROPIT BEFORE TAKES" 1501 1010 10000 11000 9000 15000 16000 IF000 11401 81 "PROVISION 70R TAXES" 1 1601 1020 3000 383500 4000 * 11501 B1 U- "NET IIICO%ES'

. 1701 1095 500 11601 El Dl 11 "PERCENT O F SALES'' 5001 14001


SIB1 VgllB SAVE1 14201 "COST OP SALES, HA!DLES(%)" y.61 700! 14101 "nrc. vaernlvcs t z ) i P E O ~ P T


7101 DATE 25101 SEGHENT DEHOL 7201 TiHE 2520! FOB COL-0 TO "I-IX 7301 LEFT '"PREPARPD BY KO69 SYSTEMS, IRC. 25301 ROW103O-SOW(I010%,10201) 7401 LEE1 ' ' 25401 ROW1050-PARH1410 * ROVlOlD 7501 " A B C U A N U P A C T W X I U G C V . . I R C . " 25501 ~OU1050-ROW1050+lROW1O2O*PdRH14ZO) 7601 " " 25601 BOU1O5O-ROUNDI1OSDI.OI) 1701 "FI~~ANCTAL FORBOAST" 25701 ROW1060-PARW1430 * ROTI10SO 7801 " " 25801 ROU1070-RSUH(1DSOI,I06oX) $501 25904 ROW1080-ROW1030-BOW1070

I. COLTJIINS 26001 ROW1100-.I * ROW1030 26101 IF COLC3 THEW ROW1110-600 ELSE

860! 9 " JAN " a*----.!, " FB* " '----." ROW1I10-ROUII1O(COL-I)*I.1

870! 9 26201 ROW1I2O-PSUW(IO95X.1llO%) 8601 9 " Hbg n i -__ -_n 26301 EOW113O-EOWID$O-ROW1120 8901 9 " *PL .a "---.-" 26401 ROY1140-.48*ROUi130:

1 9001 9 " EAT 40 "-----" EOV114O-ROUNO~ll4OI.OI) 9101 9 .' JOB " "-----" 2650! ROYIl5O-ROV1130-RDW1L40

I 9201 10 TOTAL " " -------" 26801 BOU1160-100*(ROIi1150/ROW1030) 9301 1 01 XI " z " '--A 27501 NEXT COL 10100 1 27601

ROWS 28001 COL6-SUU(0%,51) FOR ROW-1010 TO 1150 2805! FOR ROW-1010 TO 1150

101O1 C$ "SAXES" 28101 C ~ L L - C O L ~ ~ ~ ~ W I O ~ O ~ ~ ) " WIDGETS' 28201 COLL-COLL'100

10201 - BANDLES" 28301 NEXT ROW 10301 0- " GBOSS SALES" 28401 ROW1160(6)-lRONi150(6lIBOW1O3O(6~~*1OO


Page 6: Our Palo Angeles ROSS SYSTEMS, INC

Technical Features Operating System RSTS/E, RSX-11, TOPS -20

Computer PDP-11 and DEC 20 (Digital Equipment Corp)

Language BASIC-PLUS or BASIC-PLUS 2 Report Limits 100 columns by 1024 rows,

total matrix not to exceed 32,767 elements

Reports Up to 10 different reports can be def~ned in a single model

Arithmetic 17 d~gits (optionally 8 digits) Precision

W a t i o n s Spec~al MAPS notatlon 18

used to reference rows and columns in the user's logic. Any valid BASIC-PLUS state- ment can also be used.

Data Output


Data Input MAPS provides an easy-to- use, specially formatted input f ~ l e for def~ning MAPS Input data. I t can also read spec~ally formatted flies wr~tten by other MAPS models. Any number of f~les can be read by a MAPS model. By using BASIC-PLUS within MAPS, any other type of computerf~le can be read Into a MAPS model.

MAPS prov~des a specially formatted "wr~te" f ~ l e for saving all or parts of the results of a report.

MAPS provides a number of internal funct~ons to ease model bu~ldlng- including summ~ng , rounding, return on ~nvestment and inter- polation.

Command Files MAPS contains a compre- hensive, multiple-level command f ~ l e facility for operating complex systems.

Debugging Twls A number of powerful de- bugging tools are available through MAPS to assist in model development.

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