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NA I&C Committee 1 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

North America Information & Control Committee Meeting Summary and Minutes

North America Standards Spring 2012 Meetings

4 April 2012, 0800 – 1630 Pacific Time

SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

Committee Announcements

Next Committee Meeting

SEMICON West 2012

Wednesday 11 July 2012, 0800 – 1630 Pacific Time

San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel in San Francisco, California

Table 1 Meeting Attendees

Italics indicate virtual participants

Co-Chairs: David Bricker (Applied Materials), Jack Ghiselli (Ghiselli Consulting), Lance Rist (RistTex)

SEMI Staff: Paul Trio

Company Last First Company Last First

Applied Materials Bricker David ISMI Crispieri Gino

Applied Materials Kaplan Frank IT Innovation Kim Wontae

Cimetrix Rubow Brian PEER Group McKenzie Alison

Edwards Czerniak Michael RistTex Rist Lance

Ghiselli Consulting Ghiselli Jack Tokyo Electron Sakamoto Mitch

Hitachi Kokusai Matsuda Mitsuhiro

Intel Maloney Chris SEMI Trio Paul

Table 2 Leadership Changes

Group Previous Leader New Leader

Energy Saving Equipment

Communication TF Tom Huang (SEMATECH) Dan Chlus (SEMATECH)

Gino Crispieri (SEMATECH) Mike Czerniak (Edwards)

Table 3 Ballot Results

Passed ballots and line items will be submitted to the ISC Audit & Review Subcommittee for procedural review.

Failed ballots and line items were returned to the originating task forces for re-work and re-balloting.

Document # Document Title Committee Action

5002B New Standard: Specification for EDA Common Metadata Passed with editorial


5177A Line Item Revisions to SEMI E145-1111, Classification for Measurement Unit Symbols

in XML

Line Item 1 Improve readability of combined unit symbols Failed and reballoted

Line Item 2 Correct definition in document and XML file for bit and byte units Failed and reballoted

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NA I&C Committee 2 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

Table 4 Authorized Activities

# Type SC/TF/WG Details

--- Revised


Energy Saving




Revisions to leadership and membership information as well as clarifications to charter

and scope sections.

5411 SNARF Energy Saving




New Standard: Specification for Equipment Energy Saving Mode Capability

Note: SNARFs and TFOFs are available for review on the SEMI Web site at:

Table 5 Authorized Ballots

# When SC/TF/WG Details

5177B Cycle 4,


DDA TF Revision to SEMI E145, Classification for Measurement Unit Symbols in XML

5274 Cycle 4,


Sensor Bus TF New SEMI E54 Subordinate Standard: Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network

Specific Device Model for Generic Equipment add-on Sensor (ADDON)

5411 Cycle 6,


(or C5-12)

Energy Saving




New Standard: Specification for Equipment Energy Saving Mode Capability

4507Info Cycle 6,


PCS TF [ Informational Ballot ] Revision to SEMI E133.1, Provisional Specification for XML

Messaging for Process Control Systems (PCS). For fault detection enhancements

Table 6 New Action Items

Item # Assigned to Details

2012Apr #01 Paul Trio Post available SEMI Standards committee / task force Google Sites on the SEMI website.

Table 7 Previous Meeting Actions Items

Item # Assigned to Details


1 Welcome, Reminders, and Introductions

Jack Ghiselli, committee co-chair, called the meeting to order at 8:08 AM. After welcoming all attendees, a round

of introductions followed. The SEMI meeting reminders on membership requirements, antitrust, patentable

technology, and meeting guidelines were then presented and explained.

Attachment: 01, SEMI Standards Required Meeting Elements

2 Review of Previous Meeting Minutes

The committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting held October 26 in conjunction with the NA Standards

Fall 2011 meetings.

Motion: Accept the minutes of the previous meeting as submitted.

By / 2nd: David Bricker (Applied Materials) / Wontae Kim (IT Innovation)

Discussion: None

Vote: 8-0 in favor. Motion passed.

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NA I&C Committee 3 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

Attachment: 02, NA I&CC Fall 2011 meeting (October 26) minutes

3 Liaison Reports

3.1 SEMI Staff Report

Paul Trio (SEMI) gave the SEMI Staff Report. The key items were as follows:

• NA Standards Staff Changes

o New NA Standards Staff: Michael Tran ([email protected])

NA Staff Assigned TCs / Responsibilities

Paul Trio

Sr. Manager, NA Standards Operations


Committees: NARSC / I&C / ATE / EHS / HB-LED / 3DS-IC

Meetings & Events Planning

General Information

STEPS/Workshops and Sponsorships

Kevin Nguyen

Manager, NA Standards Committees

Committees: Facilities / Gases / PV / PV Automation /

PV Materials / Silicon Wafer / Traceability

Standards Website

Michael Tran

Senior Standards Engineer

Committees: Compound Semiconductor Materials / FPD /

Liquid Chemicals / MEMS / Metrics /

Microlithography / PIC

Standards Membership

• 2012 Global Calendar of Events

o SEMICON/FPD/SOLARCON China (March 20-22, Shanghai)

o SEMICON Singapore (April 24-26, Marina Bay Sands)

o SEMICON Russia (May 15-16, Moscow)

o Intersolar Europe (June 13-15, Munich, Germany)

o SEMICON West / Intersolar North America (July 10-12, San Francisco)

o SOLARCON India (September 3-5, Bangalore)

o SEMICON Taiwan (September 5-7, Taipei)

o SEMICON Europa (October 9-11, Dresden, Germany)

o SEMICON Japan / PV Japan (December 5-7, Chiba)

• NA Standards Spring 2012 Meetings

o Committees meeting at SEMI Headquarters (San Jose)

� EHS | Facilities & Gases | Information & Control | Liquid Chemicals | MEMS/NEMS |

Metrics | NARSC | PIC | PV Materials | Traceability | HB-LED | 3DS-IC

o SEMI thanks Intel (Santa Clara) for hosting the Silicon Wafer meeting

• SEMI is switching web meeting services from MS Live Meeting to Citrix GoToMeeting

o Teleconferencing services from Arkadin will remain the same

o Live Meeting accounts will be deactivated after SEMICON West (July 2012)

o Training sessions scheduled during NA Spring 2012 meetings. Additional training session will be

scheduled after the NA Standards Spring 2012 meetings and during SEMICON West

• Upcoming NA Meetings

o NA Compound Semiconductor Materials (April 23-26, in conjunction with CS MANTECH in

Boston, MA)

o SEMICON West 2012 (July 9-12, San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel in San Francisco, CA)

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NA I&C Committee 4 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

o NA Standards Fall 2011 Meetings (October 29 – November 1, SEMI Headquarters in San Jose,


• Technical Ballot Critical Dates for SEMICON West 2012 Meetings

o Cycle 3: due April 13 / April 27 – May 29

o Cycle 4: due May 16 / May 30 – June 29

• NA Standards Meetings at SEMICON West 2012

o July 9-12, San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel

• Proposed Standards STEPs and Workshops at SEMICON West 2012

o STEP (Standards Technical Education Program): PV2 – Tuesday, July 10

o STEP: 450 – Wednesday, July 11

o SEMI/ISMI Present: Equipment Data Acquisition (EDA) Workshop – Wednesday, July 11

• Webinar – STEP: Equipment Productivity and the E10 Standard planned after SEMICON West 2012 (~ end of


• Standards Publications Report

o February 2012 Cycle

� New Standards – 11, Revised Standards – 9, Reapproved Standards – 0, Withdrawn

Standards – 0

o March 2012 Cycle

� New Standards – 2, Revised Standards – 41, Reapproved Standards – 32, Withdrawn

Standards – 5, Total in portfolio – 843 (includes 76 Inactive Standards)

• New Ballot Formatting Templates

o Word 2010 versions published February 2012

o Templates by Document subtypes are available, includes the mandatory sections for each type

Attachment: 03, SEMI Standards Staff Report

3.2 Japan Information & Control Committee

Mitsuhiro Matsuda presented the Japan I&C liaison report. The key items were as follows:

• Leadership Changes

o Takahiko Ishikawa (TEL) stepped down as Japan I&C Committee Vice Chair

• Document Review Summary

o #5194 – Revision to E5 (SECS-II) for error correction. All four (4) line items passed as balloted

o #5227 – Reapproval of E82 (IBSEM) passed superclean

o #5228 – Reapproval of E88 (Stocker SEM) passed superclean

• Approved SNARFs

o #5367 – Line Item Revisions to SEMI E87 (Carrier Management)

o #5368 – Reapproval of E118 (Wafer ID Communication Interface) & E118.1 (SECS-II Protocol)

o #5369 – Revision to E54.17 (Sensor/Actuator Network for A-LINK)

• Ballot Plans

o #5368 and #5369 submitted for Cycle 2 and will be adjudicated at Japan Spring 2012 meetings.

• Equipment Information System Security (EISS) Task Force

o New task force

o Charter: This task force will develop and propose standards that define concept and required

capabilities to maintain security of information system on semiconductor manufacturing


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NA I&C Committee 5 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

o Scope: Develop standards for controllers of semiconductor manufacturing equipment such as

process equipment, metrology equipment, material transfer equipment and so on.

The standard will define;

� Common perception of security problems induced by malware or illegal access

� Concept for protection against those security problems

� Guide for required capabilities for the protection

o SNARF to be proposed at next Japan I&C meeting (April 19)

� Guide for Equipment Information System Security

• Sensor Bus Task Force

o New task force

o Charter: We need to maintain existing Sensor Actuator standards originally proposed by Japan

region, and also need to discuss related issues about Sensor Actuator Bus standard to get along

with NA Sensor Bus TF

o Scope: Maintenance of existing E54 sub-documents. Talking newly required or possibility to

revise Sensor Actuator Bus issues

o #5369 submitted for Cycle 2 and will be adjudicated at Japan Spring 2012 meetings

• GEM300 TF

o Working on #5367, line item revisions to E87 – load port transfer error indication. To be issued as

an informational ballot

o To discuss the issues from AMHS TF (problems when AMHS deliver a carrier and internal buffer

equipment execute CarrierOut)

o SNARF for E40.1 revision (mapping of RecID) to be proposed at next Japan I&C meeting (4/19)

• I&C Committee

o #5368 (E118/E118.1 reapprovals) submitted for Cycle 2 and will be adjudicated at Japan Spring

2012 meetings.

• Next meeting: Japan 2012 Spring Meeting (April 19 at SEMI Japan Office, Tokyo)

Attachment: 04, Japan I&C Liaison Report

3.3 Europe Equipment Automation Committee

No report

3.4 Korea Information & Control Committee

Wontae Kim presented the Korea I&C liaison report. The key items were as follows:

• Leadership Changes

o S.G Jeong (KC-Tech) stepped down as committee co-chair. Hyungsu Kim (Samsung SDS)

appointed as successor

o Sang-Mok Yoo (AMK) stepped down as GEM300 TF leader. Chang Yul Cho (SEMES) appointed

as successor

o Hyungsu Kim appointed as DDA TF leader

• Ballot Review

o 4824 (E5 revision, add 2 new message pairs + bug fixes) passed committee review

• Next meeting: April 13, 2012 at SEMI Korea (Seoul)

• Authorized Ballots

o 4946 (E87 revision, carrier approaching complete) for Cycle 3, 2012

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NA I&C Committee 6 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

o 5386 (E94 revision, material redirection mode) for Cycle 3 or 4, 2012

• GEM300 Task Force

o 5320 (E116 revision) will be reworked

• EDA Working Group disbanded

• DDA Task Force

o New task force

o Charter:

� To manage and research the equipment data acquisition (EDA) interface standard suite

and related standards (e.g., E139, E157).

� To develop new SEMI standards regarding to data infrastructure if needed.

� To collaborate with task forces in other regions with EDA and Data Infrastructure.

o Scope:

� The primary focus of the DDA Task Force is to collaborate with task forces in other

regions with EDA and Data Infrastructure.

� The DDA Task Force is also responsible for researching the advanced data infrastructure.

� Teleconferences will be held as necessary and face-to-face meetings will be held.

Attachment: 05, Korea I&C Liaison Report

3.5 Taiwan Information & Control Committee

No report

4 Ballot Review

Passed ballots and line items will be submitted to the ISC Audit & Review Subcommittee for procedural review.

Failed ballots and line items were returned to the originating task forces for re-work and re-balloting.

NOTE 1:Committee adjudication on Cycles 1 and 2 ballots are detailed in the Audits & Reviews (A&R) Subcommittee Forms

for procedural review. These A&R forms are available as attachments to these minutes. The attachment number for each

document is provided below the summary tables.

4.1 Cycle 1 Ballots

Document # Document Title Committee Action


4.2 Cycle 2 Ballots

Document # Document Title Committee Action

5002B New Standard: Specification for EDA Common Metadata Passed with editorial


5177A Line Item Revisions to SEMI E145-1111, Classification for Measurement Unit Symbols

in XML

Line Item 1 Improve readability of combined unit symbols Failed and reballoted

Line Item 2 Correct definition in document and XML file for bit and byte units Failed and reballoted

Attachment: 06, Ballot Review for Doc. 5002B

07, Ballot Review for Doc. 5177A

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NA I&C Committee 7 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

5 Task Force Reports

5.1 Diagnostic Data Acquisition (DDA) Task Force

Brian Rubow (Cimetrix) reported for the DDA Task Force. The key items were as follows:

• Attendance: 11 in person (1 remote)

• Two SNARFs expected at SEMICON West for minor updates to the would-be-published approved 5002B

ballot and to other EDA standards

• Ballot Plans:

o 5177B (E145 revision, XML Unit Symbols) for Cycle 4, 2012

• New issues

o A few issues related to EDA standards were reported and added to the EDA issue spreadsheet.

• DDA TF Google Site


o Available materials: minutes, ballot drafts, issues tracking spreadsheets, and other working


Attachment: 08, Diagnostic Data Acquisition Task Force Report

5.2 Energy Saving Equipment Communication Task Force

Gino Crispieri (ISMI) reported for the Energy Saving Equipment Communication Task Force. The key items were

as follows:

• Leadership Changes

o Tom Huang (ISMI) and Gino Crispieri (ISMI) stepped down as TF co-leaders

o Dan Chlus (SEMATECH) and Michael Czerniak (Edwards) appointed as new TF co-leaders

• Task Force Charter

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NA I&C Committee 8 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

• Phase I (new standard)

• Phase II (possible E54 Standard revision)

• New SNARF – see section 8.3 of these minutes

Attachment: 09, Energy Saving Equipment Communication Task Force Report

5.3 GEM300 Task Force

David Bricker (Applied Materials) reported for the GEM300 Task Force. The key items were as follows:

• Attendance: 10 (1 on the phone)

• No new ballots, no new SNARFs

• Reviewed documents from other regions

o Japan GEM300 SNARF for E40.1 revision

o Korea GEM300 Draft Document 4946

o Japan GEM300 Draft Document 5367

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NA I&C Committee 9 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

Additional Discussion:

• Gino Crispieri (ISMI) asked whether there would be any issues since ballots 4946 and 5367 plan to revise the

same Standard (i.e., E87). Wontae Kim (IT Innovation) clarified that the ballots will be revising different parts

of the standard.

Attachment: 10, GEM300 Task Force Report

5.4 Process Control System (PCS) Task Force

Chris Maloney (Intel) reported for the PCS Task Force. The key items were as follows:

• Attendance: 2

• Ballot Plans:

o 4507A (E133.1 line item revision, alignment of XML with XML style guide) informational ballot

for Cycle 6, 2012 voting period

Attachment: 11, Process Control System Task Force Report

5.5 Sensor Bus Task Force

Chris Maloney (Intel) reported for the Sensor Bus Task Force. The key items were as follows:

• Meeting Attendance: 3

• Ballot Plans:

o 5274 (Revision to Add a New Subordinate Standard Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network

Specific Device Model for Generic Equipment add-on Sensor (ADDON) to SEMI E54,

Sensor/Actuator Network Standard) for Cycle 4, 2012

Attachment: 12, Sensor Bus Task Force Report

5.6 Sort Map Task Force

No updates.

6 Leadership Changes

Group Previous Leader New Leader

Energy Saving Equipment

Communication TF

Tom Huang (SEMATECH) Dan Chlus (SEMATECH)

Gino Crispieri (SEMATECH) Mike Czerniak (Edwards)

Motion: Approve NA I&C leadership changes [as shown in the table above]

By / 2nd: Jack Ghiselli (Ghiselli Consulting) / David Bricker (Applied Materials)

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous in favor. Motion passed.

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NA I&C Committee 10 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

7 Old Business

7.1 Completed action items from previous meeting:

Item # Assigned to Details Status

2011Oct #01 NA I&C Co-chairs Contact James Moyne to inquire about the

usability of E151 and E160 as stand-alone

documents (with the Data Quality TF



See additional discussion below

(¶ 7.1.1)

2011Jul #02 Paul Trio,

Mitsuhiro Matsuda

Request clarification from the ISC Regulations

Subcommittee on the use of SI units, particularly

whether both SI and non-SI units are allowed in

SEMI Standards as well as preferred



Discussed at Regs SC. Regs SC

currently has no final comment.

Matsuda’s recommendation is to

separate the use of SI and non-SI

units that are currently contained in

one table.

I&CC committee believes that the

standards are OK, but could be

better if the tables were separated.

7.1.1 Committee Discussion on Action Item 2011Oct #01

Paul Trio presented to the committee James Moyne’s response (co-leader of the now disbanded Data Quality TF)

with regard to SEMI E151 and E160:

a) How much work specified in the road map was not completed?

ALL of the work was completed.

• Guide for understanding data quality is E151

• Data quality metrics is E160

• Data quality communication template is in E160

• Application note as guide for defining data quality: here we decided to include instruction in the standard and

felt what was standardized was explained to the point that an application note was not necessary.

• Data quality reporting compliance methods are in E160; they basically refer to filling out the template which is

structured to capture compliance

So in summary, all components of the figure were addressed.

b) Whether E151 & E160 are useful as “stand-alone” documents

YES, they are useful. For example when a supplier wishes to communicate data quality capabilities of a tool or

component, E160 provides metrics, calculation methods and a template for communicating this information. The

consumer of this information can use these same methods to verify compliance. Note that it has always been the

charter of the task force to provide metrics for specifying and verifying compliance of data quality items, not to

specify data quality requirements for tools or components.

c) Whether they should be withdrawn

NO, they should not be.

In summary the data quality task force addressed all of the tasks identified with their TFOF (summarized in the

diagram below). The only thing that might occur in the future is that additional definitions and metrics may be

added. We have structured the standard so that this can easily be done. We sent out a request to the membership

asking if there were any more data quality metrics to develop and the response indicated no new metrics were

required at this time.

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NA I&C Committee 11 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

I don’t know what “additional document” Sakamoto-san believes is needed. Perhaps he can provide additional


Additional Discussion:

• Mitch Sakamoto (TEL) thanked the committee for following up on this action item. He explained that, in his

opinion, the existing Data Quality standards are “not good quality from an engineering point of view.” He

believed that they are “rough” and not well-considered. He added that if the industry needs to use these

standards then these should be reexamined with an engineering point of view.

• David Bricker (Applied Materials) suggested for Sakamoto-san to provide additional information as to which

sections of the Data Quality standards that need refining.

8 New Business

8.1 Japan Equipment Information System Security (EISS) Task Force

Mitch Sakamoto (TEL) presented on the Japan EISS TF. The key items were as follows:

• Background

o In the public domain, incidents of violating information security are reported daily as virus or

illegal access to cause failure or leakage of valuable information.

o In semiconductor manufacturing, equipment is also exposed to the threat.

o In fact, virus infection and data leakage have already been experienced in the factory.

o Local negotiation-based-deals of the information security between equipment users and suppliers

are inefficient in cost, quality, and delivery time.

o Furthermore, it is not well confirmed whether those deals are robust and sustainable in the


o Guides for agreed concept and technologies of the information security are required for

semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

• Purpose

o Purpose of this standard is to provide guide for the concept and required capabilities to maintain

security of information system on semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

� The guide includes a series of options or suggestions intended to increase the awareness

of the user to applicable measures in the information security.

� Subsequent evaluations and standardization can be derived from the information in this


• Target in Scope: Semiconductor manufacturing equipment

o This standard applies to information system that operates semiconductor manufacturing equipment

such as process equipment, metrology equipment and material transfer equipment. The

information system is implemented computer system that is connected to network and can be

accessed by operator through the user interface.

• Definitions in Scope: Security policy of Equipment

o This standard defines following views for the security policy for the semiconductor manufacturing


� Common perception of security risks induced by malware or illegal access.

� Concept for protection of those security problems.

� Options or suggestions of measure for the protection.

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NA I&C Committee 12 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

Threats Risks

Illegal Access

Spoofing or Masquerading


Illegal Execution / Use

Malware Execution


System Malfunction

Performance Degradation


Breached information

Destroyed information

Disclosed secret information

• Malware Protection and Equipment Performance

• Intellectual Property Protection

o Protection of Process IP

� IP separation among IC makers in Foundry

� IP separation among IC makers sharing process development facility

� IP separation among process generations

o Sharing data with suppliers for troubleshooting; maintaining IP security

o Suppliers IP Security

• Classification / Separation of equipment data for Access Control is needed.

Additional Discussion:

• David Bricker (AMAT) asked whether there are IC makers contributing to this activity. Mitch Sakamoto

responded, “No.” However, he pointed out that the motivation for this activity stemmed from user requests.

Attachment: 13, Japan Equipment Information System Security Task Force

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NA I&C Committee 13 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

8.2 Request for a GEM300 Task Force Google Site

Brian Rubow (Cimetrix) asked whether a Google Site can be created for the GEM300 Task Force. With GEM300

activities also taking place in Japan and Korea, it would be helpful to have a common place to share information.

Paul Trio created the Google Site during the meeting (, but

requested for the various TF leaders to assist SEMI staff in uploading and maintaining content as there are already

several Google Sites for various SEMI Standards groups that also needed to be managed.

8.3 New TFOFs & SNARFs

Mike Czerniak (Edwards) presented a new SNARF from the Energy Saving Equipment Communication Task Force:

• New Standard: Specification for Equipment Energy Saving Mode Capability

• Rationale:

o The industry is lacking a standard for factory system communication and control for production

equipment sleep modes. The goal is to gain agreement and enable suppliers to offer end users a

configurable option for communicating and controlling production equipment sleep modes.

o Charter/Objective

� Develop a new standard to specify communications between the factory system and

production equipment to configure the equipment to enable sleep modes as defined in

S23, for the purposes of energy conservation.

• Scope:

o Develop communication protocol and message content between the factory system and production

equipment for the purpose of enabling, confirming, and monitoring sleep modes for reducing

energy consumption on production equipment and support systems. This includes defining states,

transitions, commands, parameters, and protocol for implementation.

o Not in Scope:

� Supplier IP or art

� Equipment, chamber, set-up and process specific implementation of energy saving mode

(e.g., Process and performance monitoring and criteria)

� Supplier Specific Safety: worker and product

Motion: Approve SNARF: New Standard: Specification for Equipment Energy Saving Mode Capability

By / 2nd: David Bricker (Applied Materials) / Gino Crispieri (ISMI)

Discussion: None

Vote: 9-0 in favor. Motion passed.

8.4 I&C Standards due for 5-Year Review

Paul Trio presented a list of I&C Standards due for 5-Year Review. The following NA I&C task forces will review

the following software Standards due for 5-year review and will recommend the appropriate letter ballot action (e.g.,

reapprove, revise, withdraw, etc.) at the next committee meeting at SEMICON West 2012:

• NA GEM300 Task Force

o SEMI E37.1, High-Speed SECS Message Services Single Selected-Session Mode (HSMS-SS)

• NA DDA Task Force

o SEMI E139.2, SECS-II Protocol for Recipe and Parameter Management (RaP)

o SEMI E147, Guide for Equipment Data Acquisition (EDA)

• Sensor Bus Task Force

o SEMI E54.1, Standard for Sensor/Actuator Network Common Device Model

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NA I&C Committee 14 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

o SEMI E54.9, Specification for Sensor/Actuator Network Communication for Modbus/TCP Over


o SEMI E54.15, Sensor/Actuator Network Communication Specification for SafetyBUS p

o SEMI E54.20, Standard for Sensor/Actuator Network Communications for EtherCAT

• PCS Task Force

o SEMI E126, Specification for Equipment Quality Information Parameters (EQIP)

• The following documents will be discussed in the NA I&C Committee

o SEMI E30.5, Specification for Metrology Specific Equipment Model (MSEM)

o SEMI E127, Specification for Integrated Measurement Module Communications: Concepts,

Behavior, and Services (IMMC)

o SEMI E127.1, Specification for SECS-II Protocol for Integrated Measurement Module

Communications (IMMC)

8.5 New Ballot Submission Summary

Paul Trio reviewed the TFOFs, SNARFs, and letter ballot submission information presented to the committee for

approval. These can be found in the Authorized Ballots and Authorized Activities tables (Table 4 and Table 5,

respectively) at the beginning of these minutes.

Motion: Approve all SNARFs, TFOFs, and letter ballots (as presented in tables 4 and 5 above)

By / 2nd: David Bricker (Applied Materials) / Gino Crispieri (ISMI)

Discussion: None

Vote: Unanimous in favor. Motion passed.

9 Action Item Review

9.1 Open Action Items

Paul Trio (SEMI) reviewed the open action items. These can be found in the Open Action Items table at the

beginning of these minutes.

9.2 New Action Items

Paul Trio (SEMI) reviewed the new action items. These can be found in the New Action Items table at the

beginning of these minutes.

10 Next Meeting and Adjournment

The next meeting of the North America Information & Control committee is scheduled for Wednesday, July 11 in

conjunction with SEMICON West 2012. The tentative schedule is provided below:

North America Standards Meetings at SEMICON West 2012

July 9-12, 2012

San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel

55 Fourth Street

San Francisco, California 94103

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NA I&C Committee 15 April 4, 2012 Meeting Minutes SEMI Headquarters in San Jose, California

Monday, July 9

• I&C Leadership (11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon)

• PCS (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM)

• GEM300 (1:00 PM – 5:00 PM)

• I&C GCS (5:00 PM to 6:00 PM)

Tuesday, July 10

• DDA (8:00 AM – 12:00 Noon)

• Sensor Bus (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM)

• Discussion on Japan EISS TF Activity (1:00 PM – 3:00 PM)

• Energy Saving Equipment Communication (3:00 PM – 6:00 PM)

• Sort Map (3:00 PM to 5:00 PM)

Wednesday, July 11

• I&C Committee (8:00 AM – 4:30 PM)

Having no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the NA I&C Committee meeting on April 4 in

conjunction with the NA Standards Spring 2012 meetings in San Jose, CA. Adjournment was at 11:15 AM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Paul Trio

Senior Manager, Standards Operations

SEMI North America

Phone: +1.408.943.7041

Email: [email protected]

Minutes approved by:

David Bricker (Applied Materials), Co-chair May 17, 2012

Jack Ghiselli (Ghiselli Consulting), Co-chair May 18, 2012

Lance Rist (RistTex), Co-chair

Table 8 Index of Available Attachments #1

# Title # Title

1 SEMI Standards Required Meeting Elements 8 Diagnostic Data Acquisition Task Force Report

2 NA I&CC Spring 2011 (March 30) minutes 9 Energy Saving Equipment Task Force Report

3 SEMI Standards Staff Report 10 GEM300 Task Force Report

4 Japan I&C Liaison Report 11 Process Control Systems Task Force Report

5 Korea I&C Liaison Report 12 Sensor Bus Task Force Report

6 Ballot Review for Doc. 5002B 13 Japan Equipment Information System Security

(EISS) Task Force

7 Ballot Review for Doc. 5177A

#1 Due to file size and delivery issues, attachments must be downloaded separately. A .zip file containing all attachments for these minutes is

available at For additional information or to obtain individual attachments, please contact Paul Trio at the contact information above.

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