  • Marina Diez and Ben Curtis 2007 1

    Inspired Beginners Podcast 20 El Kindle


    1. Key Vocabulary and Grammar 2

    2. The Transcript of the conversation 2

    3. Translation of the conversation 5

    4. Vocab Building (add to the list) 7

    5. Cool Spanish! 8

  • Marina Diez and Ben Curtis 2007 2

    1. Key Vocabulary and Grammar Vocabulary Libro digital E-book

    Formato digital In digital format/Digitized

    Libro de bolsillo Paperback book

    Libro de tapas duras Hardback book

    Pantalla Screen

    Blanco y negro Black and white

    Teclado Keyboard

    Navegar por Internet

    Browse the internet

    Internet The internet

    Bajar (informal) Download

    Descargar (formal) Download

    Friki Nerd

    Soy un poco friki Im a bit of a nerd

    Piratear To pirate/copy illegally

    Spam (pronounced espam) Spam

    Bajar una peli Download a film

    Bajar una cancin Download a song

    Blogero Blogger

    Wifi Wifi

    Voy a conectarme con el wifi Im going to connect to the internet with wifi

    Real Spanish Facebook no tiene tirn Facebook hasnt caught on

    MySpace tiene ms tirn que Facebook MySpace is more successful than Facebook

  • Marina Diez and Ben Curtis 2007 3

    2. The Transcript of the conversation BenBueno, Marina qu es el Kindle? MarinaEl Kindle es un libro digital, tiene una pantalla muy grande, y un teclado chiquitito, pequeo.

    BenS, y cmo es de grande? es muy grande? MarinaAproximadamente como un libro de bolsillo BenAha. MarinaUn poquito ms ancho Ben Mhmm. Marina pero ms finito. BenY casi todo es pantalla. MarinaMhmm. Ben El teclado es muy pequeo, verdad? MarinaMhmm. BenY cmo funciona? Si yo quiero leer un libro en el Kindle, cmo consigo el libro? MarinaPues lo compras, los libros cuestan aproximadamente unos $10, y tardan menos de un minuto en descargarse.

    BenVale, pero tengo que ir a la pgina Web de Amazon o lo hago directamente desde mi Kindle? MarinaLo haces directamente desde tu Kindle. Desde el lugar donde tu ests. BenAh! Vale. MarinaNo tienes que conectarte a Internet. BenMe han dicho que es posible, tambin, bajar los primeros dos o tres captulos de un libro, eh, como una prueba.

    MarinaS, puedes bajarte los primeros libros, los primero captulos de manera gratuita. BenQu bien! MarinaAs puedes comprobar si te interesa el libro antes de comprarlo. BenEso me parece muy interesante. MarinaS. BenHay otra cosa que me gusta mucho del Kindle, y eso es que puedes bajar tambin peridicos, por ejemplo El New York Times o The Guardian, del mismo da. Entonces, te despiertas por la

    maana, bajas dos o tres peridicos, y en el metro puedes leer el peridico sin tener que comprar

    mucho papel.

    MarinaEs una manera muy ecolgica de leer, porque no hay consumo en papel. BenY, pues, qu ms cosas puedes hacer con el Kindle? MarinaPuedes leer algunos blogs. BenS vale. Y tambin, me parece, que puedes navegar por Internet.

  • Marina Diez and Ben Curtis 2007 4

    MarinaPuedes acceder, por ejemplo, a la Wikipedia. BenS, es verdad. Pero todo es en blanco y negro, entonces no es muy interesante para ver fotos en la Web, verdad?

    MarinaNo. BenTiene alguna cosa ms negativa? MarinaEl precio. BenS. MarinaEs un poco caro. BenCunto cuesta el Kindle? MarinaCuesta casi 400 dlares. BenS, pero estn agotados. Amazon ha vendido todos los Kindle que tenan, no se cuantos. MarinaEn cinco horas. BenEn cinco horas. No nos dicen cuantos, pero imagino que un milln. MarinaBueno, no sabemos. BenNo sabemos. Bueno Marina en conclusin qu te parece el Kindle es una cosa buena o mala?

    MarinaMe parece muy til para gente que tiene largos desplazamientos en transporte pblico. Y tambin para gente que realiza investigaciones, y tiene que tener muchos libros al alcance de la mano. BenS. MarinaY a ti? BenA mi me parece muy interesante, y yo creo que es el futuro de los libros, sin duda. El Kindle ahora no es muy bonito, slo es en blanco y negro, pero en el futuro yo creo que todos tendremos algo parecido. As que para mi todo bien.

    MarinaMuy bien.


  • Marina Diez and Ben Curtis 2007 5

    3. Translation of the conversation BenWell, Marina, what is the Kindle? MarinaThe Kindle is a digital book, it has a very large screen, and a small, little keyboard. BenYes, and how big is it, is it very big? MarinaAbout the size of a paperback book BenAh. MarinaA bit wider Ben Mhmm. Marina but slimmer. BenAnd nearly the whole thing is screen. MarinaMhmm. BenThe keyboard is very small, right? MarinaMhmm. BenAnd how does it work? If I want to read a book on the Kindle, how do I get the book? MarinaWell, you buy it, the books cost around $10, and they take less that a minute to download. BenOK, but do I have to go to Amazons web page, or do I do it directly from my Kindle? MarinaYou do it directly from you Kindle. From wherever you are. BenAh! OK. MarinaYou dont have to connect to the Internet. BenIve also heard that its possible to get the first two or three chapters of a book, as a test. MarinaYes, you can get the first books, the first chapters, free. BenThats great! MarinaSo you can see if the book interests you before buying it. BenThat seems really interesting to me. MarinaYes. BenThere is another thing I really like about the Kindle, and that is that you can also download newspapers, for example The New York Times or The Guardian, for that day. So, you wake up in

    the morning, you download two or three newspapers, and in the Metro you can read the paper without having to buy a lot of paper.

    MarinaIts a very ecological way of reading, because no paper is used. BenAnd, well, what else can you do with the Kindle? MarinaYou can read some blogs. BenYes, OK, and also I think you can browse the Internet. MarinaYou can access Wikipedia for example. BenYes, thats right. But everything is in black and white, so its not very useful for looking at

  • Marina Diez and Ben Curtis 2007 6

    photos on the web, right?

    MarinaNo. BenDoes it have any other negative points? MarinaThe price. BenYes. MarinaIts a bit expensive. BenHow much does the Kindle cost? MarinaIt costs nearly 400 dollars. BenYes, but they are out of stock. Amazon has sold all the Kindles they had, Im not sure how many.

    MarinaIn five hours. BenIn five hours. They wont tell us how many, but I imagine a million. MarinaWell, we dont know. BenWe dont know. Well, Marina, to sum up, what do you think, is the Kindle a good thing or a bad thing?

    MarinaI think its very useful for people who have long trips in public transport. And also for people who are researching something, and need to have lots of books within arms reach. BenYes. MarinaAnd you? BenI think its very interesting, and I think its the future of books, without a doubt. The Kindle isnt very beautiful yet, but in the future I think that we will all have something similar. So for me, its all




  • Marina Diez and Ben Curtis 2007 7

    4. Vocab Building (add to the list) Can you add to these lists? Ordenadores Computers

    Escner Scanner

    Impresora Printer

    Ratn Mouse

    Modem Modem

    Disco externo External hard drive

    Internet Internet

    Pgina Web Web page

    Pgina de inicio Homepage

    Foro Forum

    Chat Chat room

  • Marina Diez and Ben Curtis 2007 8

    5. Cool Spanish! Chulo! Chulo is a very cool, and very informal, Spanish word that has several meanings (some unmentionable here!) However, it is used everyday by ordinary Spanish people, with meanings such as: Eres un poco chulo You are a bit of a show off We can also use Chulear, the verb, in the same way: Mira, David esta chuleando con su nuevo Kindle Look at David, showing off with his new Kindle We can also use chulo to mean cool, fantastic, or great: Alicia qu collar ms chulo llevas! Alicia, what a cool necklace youre wearing! In the same way, you will often hear Chulada: Qu chulada de collar! What a cool necklace!

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