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SEO Concepts for 2016

Learn & Start your Own SEO Strategy

By:- NetProphets

Page 2: New SEO Concepts that works in 2016

Importance of HTM L tags with ON Page thats Matter In SEO

Canonical issue

Meta Description Meta Title

Alt Tag Heading Tag

Robots.txt XML Sitemap

302 & 301Error

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How to Write Title Tag

Meta Title

A title tag is the main text that describes an online document. Title elements have long been considered one of the most important on-page SEO elements. Google typically displays the first 50-60 characters of a title tag, or as many characters as will fit into a 512-pixel display. If you keep your titles under 55 characters, you can expect at least 95% of your titles to display properly.

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How to Write Meta Description

Meta Description

The meta description tag serves the function of advertising copy. It draws readers to a website from the SERP and thus, is an extremely important part of search marketing. Crafting a readable, compelling description using important keywords can improve the click-through rate for a given webpage. The description should optimally be between 150-160 characters. Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings, are extremely important in gaining user click-through from SERPs.

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What is a Canonical Issue

Canonical Issue

A canonical issue arises when 301 redirects are not properly in place. This means that your website can be accessed by search engines from several different URLs. This means that search engines can then potentially index your site under different URLs, meaning that it will look like a site of duplicated content.

Canonical Url Example

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What is a Heading Tag


Heading tags are also known to webmasters as HTML header tags, head tags and SEO header tags. The most important heading tag is the h1 tag and least important is the h6 tag. In HTML coding the heading tags from h1 to h6 form a top-down hierarchy. I always only use one H1 Element on any page. Google has recommended this. H1 tags can improve your search engine ranking.

Example of Heading Tag with Code

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What is a Heading Tag


The alternative attribute can be input within the ‘alt text’ or ‘alt tag’ of the image element and the exact wording used depends on the context of the image as much as the content itself. An additional benefit is that it provides a semantic description of images for search engines. This can attract additional traffic through Google Images and has a positive impact on SEO.

Example of ALT Tag with Code

<img src="baby-crying.jpg" alt="Baby Crying" />

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How to Reslove 301 & 302 Errors

301 & 302Errors

The most common are 301 - permanent redirect and 302 - temporary redirect. 301 redirects are permanent. They mean that the page has moved, and they request any search engine or user agent coming to the page to update the URL in their database. This is the most common type of redirect that people should use.But they don't use it. Instead they use the meta refresh tag or 302 server redirects. And this is a dangerous practice. Search engines don't like either of these redirection techniques because they are a common ploy for spammers to use to get more of their domains up in search engine results.

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Why We use XML Sitemap

XML Sitemap

XML sitemaps serve a very niche purpose in search engine optimization: facilitating indexation. Posting an XML sitemap is kind of like rolling out the red carpet for search engines and giving them a roadmap of the preferred routes through the site. XML sitemaps serve as a set of recommended links to crawl, any noncanonical URLs should be excluded from the XML sitemap. Any URLs that have been disallowed in the robots.txt file — such as secure ecommerce pages, duplicate content, and print and email versions of pages — should also not be included in the XML sitemap.

Example of XML Sitemap

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Importance of Robots.txt File


A robots.txt file is a file at the root of your site that indicates those parts of your site you don’t want accessed by search engine crawlers. The file uses the Robots Exclusion Standard, which is a protocol with a small set of commands that can be used to indicate access to your site by section and by specific kinds of web crawlers (such as mobile crawlers vs desktop crawlers).The Robot Exclusion Standard, also known as the Robots Exclusion Protocol or robots.txt protocol, is a convention to advising cooperating web crawlers and other web robots about accessing all or part of a website which is otherwise publicly viewable.

Example of Robots.txtFile

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OFF Page SEO Activity for 2016

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Importance of Article Submission

Article Submission

Article directories permit clients to submit one of a kind articles to the index for substance syndication. These directories permit articles to embed links to different websites with applicable stay content. Mainstream article directories are considered authority locales and are continually crept via internet searcher bots.Article submission is a powerful internet marketing service in which we write articles related to our industry and then do manual submissions in quality article directories, relevant blogs and content rich websites.

Article Submission Site Example


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Role of Business Profile in SEO

Business Profile

Local business listings mean that one can promote one’s business among the local audience, who are the most likely potential customers. Basically this idea has come from the age-old concept of advertising in the local newspaper or yellow pages.Search engine optimization or SEO has great relevance with local business listings. SEO basically means optimizing the website for better ranking on search engines and the goal is to get online visitors and find the potential customers. Local SEO means that you focus on getting local customers to visit your site versus those of your competitors.


Business ProfileSite Example

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Is Niche Directory Submission Important in Current SEO

Niche Directories Submission

Niche directory submission is becoming increasingly popular. Niche directory submission is nothing but choosing directory submission websites from the relevant niches. For example if you are running a travel website, you should submit to directory submission websites that list travel related services. Niche directory submission has several benefits. The primary benefit has already been discussed. Other benefits of niche directory submission include the following. When you submit your website to directories belonging to your niche, you will be able to attract more targeted traffic.

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Role of Video Submission in SEO

Online Video


Video SEO is important as a result of it permits your video to be uploaded to your web site, shared through social media retailers like YouTube so as to understand the utmost quantity of exposure achievable. A successful internet video are about to be below 5 minutes in order that you just might not lose your audience’s attention. Something longer and you risk the person clicking away before the decision to action.This trend presents startups that are able to produce quality video content with tremendous search engine optimization (SEO) opportunities. In fact, Forrester analysis reports that compared with normal SEO techniques, a video that is properly submitted is 50 times more likely to attain a first-page Google ranking. And since video is in such short offer, relative to other web-related content, the competition for search engine attention is less fierce.

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Social bookmarking is a great SEO tool that can help you drive targeted traffic to your website. It can also increase social signals and make your content easier to share. By bookmarking your content what you are doing is increasing your visibility and, at the same time, improving the chances of being better ranked.

Top Social Bookmarking Site

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Press Release Submission

Press Release


Online press releases are a key element of your SEO strategy. As well as boosting your search engine optimisation, online PR helps by creating awareness about your company.Every business has news and stories to tell. That news can help promote your company and increase your online visibility. You might want to promote an event, launch a new product, or have recently appointed a new member of staff. Whatever your news, our press release submission service will handle all the PR distribution needed to help build your online reputation.Online PR is a powerful SEO tool. But combining online PR with a social media campaign can significantly increase the benefits. This works by creating a viral effect. The link to your online press release is shared across your selected social media channels to increase traffic and awareness.

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Role of Social Media in SEO


social signals pertaining to a profile’s authority are out, but does Google consider links published on social accounts to be credible backlinks? While social shares may or may not affect a webpage’s position in search listings, your social profiles definitely influence the content of your search results. In fact, social media profiles are often amongst the top results in search listings for brand names.We need to understand that search engine optimization includes the search that happens on social media search engines

Top Social Media Sites

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Presented By:Netprophets Cyberworks Pvt. Ltd.

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