  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    Admissis & Preparati Cferecead Law Schl Recritmet Fair 2013

    Spsrship Ifrmati Blet

    The nations premier information-sharing and networking empowerment event for aspiring Black lawyers

    The Westin Houston,Memorial City

    Houston, TexasFriday, November 15, 2013


    Saturday, November 16, 20


    The9th AnnuAL nATIonAL

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    Cferece ad Law FairPre-LAWnATIonAL

    2 P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]


    Registered over 2,200 pre-law students representing 36 states, 1U.S. territory (U.S. Virgin Islands), 1 oreign country (Canada)

    Registrants have represented over 284 colleges and universities

    Attracted 180 ABA-approved law schools, the majority o U.S. lawschools (There are 202 ABA-approved law schools.)

    Hosted over 215 mock law school classes, clinics, workshops, panels,and other sessions

    Featured 32 keynote speakers, 35 special guest speakers, and 359community leaders, law students, lawyers, law school administra-

    tors, and judges who have served as eatured panelists, moderators,and workshop presenters.

    Earned the support o over 59 local, state and national elected o-cials, and key leaders o infuential bar associations

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    3P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and LawPre-LAWBLACk



    Mission Statement .................................................3

    About The National Black Pre-Law Conerence .........4

    The Necessity o the Conerence ..............................5

    Accolades or the Conerence ..................................6

    The Story Behind the Conerence ............................7

    About the Founder .................................................8

    Registrant Demographic Inormation ......................9

    Why Sponsor? ......................................................10

    Past Sponsors ......................................................11

    Past Media Partners .............................................12

    Past Community/Organizational Partners ..............12

    Testimonials ........................................................13

    Schedule At-A-Glance ...........................................16

    Sponsorship Levels and Benets ...........................18

    Sponsorship Commitment Form ............................21

    Missi Statemet

    The Mission of The National Black Pre-Law Confer-

    ence and Law Fair is to provide a comprehensive

    national event, free to registrants, designed spe-

    cically for aspiring Black lawyers for the purpose

    of providing them with access to empowering in-

    formation, resources, and contacts that will assist them

    in becoming more strategic and competitive college stu-

    dents, law school applicants and law students. It also en-

    ables participants the opportunity to speak face-to-facewith law school representatives sincerely interested in

    reaching out to prospective Black applicants.

    The bottom line: We genuinely want to help them prior

    to beginning their law school careers so they can have

    the insider information and encouragement they need

    to help them to better understand what it takes to be

    successful in their quest to become lawyers.







  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    4 P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and Law FarPre-LAWNATioNAL

    Abt The natialBlac Pre-Law Cferece

    The National Black Pre-Law Conerence and Law Fairofers the ollowing opportunities to participants:

    Keynote and special guest speakers

    Numerous workshops and panel discussions cov-

    ering everything someone considering law school

    would need to know, including: law school admis-

    sion, personal statements and diversity statements,nancial aid and the impact of student loan debt,

    law school selection, the law school value proposi-

    tion, law school preparation, the law school experi-

    ence, academic support programs, non-traditionalcareer options, career choice, creating ones own

    opportunities, the legal job search, diversity issues,

    the bar exam, life as a lawyer, and career advance-ment

    Power sessions on networking, relationship build-

    ing and mentorship, character and reputation, and

    professional business image and etiquette

    Special forums/town hall meetings

    Introduction to the Socratic method and case


    Mock law school classes

    Law School Recruitment Fair

    Networking/Making Connections socials

    LSAT preparation and test-taking strategies ses-sions

    Diagnostic LSAT administrations

    Law School Admissions & Preparation Help AdviceClinic

    Personal Statement, Diversity Statement, Resume,

    and Addendum Practical Assistance Sessions

    Certicate of Participation

    Aspiring Lawyers Pinning Ceremony

    Access to potential mentors, accountability part-

    ners and role models

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    5P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and LawPre-LAWBLACk


    The necessity f the CfereceWhy is a conerence specifcally or Arican American/Black law school aspirants so greatly needed?

    We strongly believe that with good, credible inormation and the ability to network and make

    connections with knowledgeable law students, law school administrators, and attorneys that

    conerence attendees dont have to be a part o the negative statistics. With the right inormation

    and mentors, they can do well in undergrad and on the LSAT, get into law school, get through law

    school, pass the bar, and become lawyers.

    According to a recent study that analyzed Law

    School Admission Council (LSAC) admission statis-

    tics from 2003 until 2008 conducted by Columbia

    Law School professor Conrad Johnson, 61% ( a solid

    majority) of African American/Black law school ap-

    plicants are not getting admitted into ANY of thelaw schools that they are applying to.

    Despite the rise in the number of available seats

    in American law schools, which is up almost 4,000

    seats in the last fteen years, African American/

    Black law school enrollment has actually fallen.

    According to 2009-2010 LSAC statistics, African

    Americans/Blacks are doing less well in terms of the

    numbers for gaining entry into law school than all

    other ethnic groups, with the exception of Puerto


    From fall 2006 to fall 2009, African Americans/

    Blacks made up only 6.4% of minority enrollment in

    predominantly White law schools. African Americans/Blacks make up approximately

    7% of all law students.

    African American/Black representation among Un-

    tied States lawyers is only 4%.

    African Americans/Blacks make up almost 13% of

    the U.S. population.

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    6 P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and Law FarPre-LAWNATioNAL

    Congressional Recognition

    Sheila Jackson Lee

    U.S. House o Representatives

    18th Congressional District

    The Houston Lawyers

    Association and the Houston

    Lawyers Foundations

    Roberson L. King Excellence in

    Education Award

    National Bar Association

    and IMPACTs Nations Best


    40 Lawyers Under 40



    Empowerment Award


    National Black MBA Association

    Houston Chapter Business Journals

    Top 50 Black Attorneys

    (of Houston)

    Trail Blazer Award

    Sadie T.M. Alexander Honoree

    National Black Law Students


    * P h o t o

    t a k e n a t T h e S a d i e T M

    A l e x a n d e r A w a r d s L u n c h e o n a t T h e

    Everett Bellamy (let), Evangeline Mitchell, Donald Temple (Charles Hamilton Houston Law School Prep Institute),Chibundu Nnake (NBLSA Chair 2011-2012) (right)

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    The Stry Behid the CfereceWhy was the National Black Pre-Law Conerence created?

    When Evangeline was a college student, she knew that she wanted to go to law school. Although she was

    clear about her goal, she didnt receive any true pre-law advisement, had very little inormation on therealities o what law school would be like, had ew chances to meet any real-lie lawyers, and did not have

    any mentors to assist her. She was let to navigate the daunting law school admissions process alone.

    As she looks back on those

    years, she recalls having

    a great desire to attend

    law school and assumed that

    she was doing everything right(working hard in all of her class-

    es and making straight As), but

    at the same time, feeling lost.

    She recognizes that although

    she was on the right track, because she didnt have the

    correct knowledge or mentorship, she wasnt doing all

    that she could have to make herself a truly well-pre-

    pared, and more competitive, standout applicant.

    She is adamant that ability and drive were not the is-

    sue, but simply not knowing any better. She is pas-

    sionate about the fact that she could have greatly ben-

    etted from real assistance. She knew there was infor-

    mation she was missing, but didnt know where to nd

    it, and the few lawyers she encountered stated that law

    school was tough, but were unwilling to provide the

    necessary mentorship to help ll in the missing pieces.

    Although I was a serious straight A student, always

    studying and focused on the future, no one really ex-

    plained to me that I had to have a strategy and a writ-

    ten success action plan to eectively compete and that

    I would be competing on a national level with lots ofother straight A students with the same goals I had.

    I could have been in a better position to be a much

    more sophisticated and ultra-competitive candidate

    had I had good information, mentoring, and the op-

    portunity to network with law students and lawyers

    who cared about my success. You can be bright and

    a hard worker, but without the right information and

    mentors, you are at a tremendous disadvantage, she


    As a college undergrad, she

    made a promise to herself that

    once she graduated from law

    school and became a lawyer,

    she would never forget what itfelt like to be the rst in her fam-

    ily to pursue a law degree. She

    vowed to remain committed to

    doing everything in her power

    to help others in her situation. Through creating the

    conference, she kept that promise.

    There was nothing like the National Black Pre-Law Con-

    ference when Evangeline was in college or law school

    - nothing that addressed the issues that she and other

    African Americans faced. She knew it was time for a

    change. She had tried other avenues on her own to

    address the issue - writing and publishing books, es-

    tablishing a national Black pre-law organization, cre-

    ating an informational website, and an e-mentorship

    program - which were all helpful in their own way. But

    nothing could replace the dynamics of an event and

    in-person connections - networking and opportunities

    for mentorship - with so many dierent law students,

    administrators, professors, and lawyers on a national


    Now, hundreds of future Black lawyers, law school rep-resentatives, law students, and lawyers from all over

    the country converge in Houston to participate in the

    countrys largest and most comprehensive pre-law

    conference The National Black Pre-Law Admissions &

    Preparation Conference and Law Fair now entering

    its ninth successful year. And Evangeline plans to not

    only continue, but to make it bigger and better and ul-

    timately - through greater outreach and technology -

    reach as many people as possible..

    I knew there was so much I didnt

    know. And there really was a great

    deal o inormation that I didnt real-

    ize I didnt know. What made matters

    worse is that we didnt have the Inter-

    net back then, and the library on mycollege campus had extremely lim-

    ited resources, especially related to law

    school,she reminisces.

    7P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and LawPre-LAWBLACk


  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    8 P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and Law FarPre-LAWNATioNAL

    About the Founder

    Evangeline M. MitchellEsq., Ed.M.,Founder & Executive Director

    Evangeline was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and raised in

    Houston, Texas. She graduated magna cum laude from Prairie ViewA&M University, a historically Black university. She went on to earn

    her doctorate of jurisprudence from the University of Iowa College

    of Law. At Iowa, she earned membership on the Iowa Law Review.


    he studied international and comparative

    law abroad with the University of Iowa Bor-deaux Summer Program and participated

    in the London Law Consortium Semester Study

    Abroad Program and in their British Legal Ex-

    ternship Program, where she served as a legal

    extern to barrister (trial lawyer) Elroy Claxton.

    She also spent a semester as a visiting student

    at the University of Houston Law Center. As a

    law student, she interned in the legal tax depart-

    ment at Shell Oil Company (Houston, Texas),

    participated in the Minority Judicial Clerkship

    Program (Johnson County Courthouse, Iowa

    City), and served as a research assistant to Dean

    N. William Hines and Professor Herbert Hoven-

    kamp. Further, she clerked at a complex busi-ness litigation boutique law rm in Houston.

    Evangeline earned a master of education with

    a concentration in administration, planning

    and social policy from Harvard University,

    and gained higher education research experi-

    ence through the Harvard University National

    Campus Diversity Project, and practical experi-

    ence working in the Harvard Medical Schools

    Oce of Recruitment and Multicultural Aairs

    and at Brown University in student aairs. Fur-

    ther, she taught English and American culture

    abroad for two years at various high schools

    and to adult learners through the Japan Ex-

    change and Teaching Programme. She is a stu-dent of the Spanish language and has studied

    Spanish and Mexican culture at various institu-

    tions and through family home stay programs

    throughout Mexico.

    After graduating from Harvard, Evangeline pub-

    lished her rst book The Arican American Pre-

    Law School Advice Guide. Since that time, Evan-

    geline made the risky and courageous move

    to forego opportunities and her own original

    plans to pursue a Ph.D. and international/mul-

    ticultural/diversity leadership in higher educa-

    tion, and chose to follow the uncommon path

    of becoming a passionate and driven socialentrepreneur.

    Evangeline has been doing this work for well

    over a decade. She is dedicated to creating

    accessible educational resources, events, and

    programs centered on helping Blacks and oth-

    er minorities become more excellent, strategic,

    and competitive law school applicants and law

    students. In addition to founding The National

    Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair in 2005,

    Evangeline founded Black Pre-Law Magazine,, The National Black Pre-Law

    Network, The National HBCU Pre-Law Project,

    The Black Lawyers Legacy Project, and The Fu-

    ture Legal Eagles Flight School.She has written or edited, and published fourbooks including The Arican American Pre-LawSchool Advice Guide, Profles & Essays o Success-ul Arican American Law School Applicants, The

    Arican American Law School Survival Guide, and

    Conquering the Bar Exam. She is currently work-ing on several book projects including Conquerthe LSAT!,Arican Americans and the Law SchoolExperience, Creating Your Personal Strategic Suc-cess Plan or Law School Admission and Lessonsrom 100 Successul Arican American Lawyers.

    She is also working on video and lm projects,as well as other national events.

    Evangeline is a licensed attorney, certied me-diator, speaker/trainer, and strategic planningcoach. She is a fellow of the Texas Bar Founda-tion, twice a Houston Bar Association Equal Ac-cess Champion, and a Harvard University alum-na interviewer. She takes onpro bono cases forthe Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program. Shealso consistently mentors students from highschool to post-law school.

    Evangeline has been quoted in U.S. News &World Report, been featured in several publi-cations, and contributed to the Harvard Black

    Alumni Societys Law School Application Guide.

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    9P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and LawPre-LAWBLACk



    Under 25 - 57.7%

    25-34 26.9%

    35-44 10.6%

    45-54 4.6%

    55-64 0.1%

    65+ - 0.2%

    Female - 73%

    Male - 27%

    Registrat Demgraphic Ifrmati






    ConnecticutDistrict of Columbia













    New Hampshire

    New Jersey

    New York

    North CarolinaOhio




    Rhode Island

    South Carolina




    West Virginia


    * Based on 2008-2012 registration data.

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    10 P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and Law FarPre-LAWNATioNAL

    The National Black Pre-Law Conerence and Law Fair is the only national event o its kind in the

    country ocused on ensuring the success o uture Black law students. In its almost nine years in

    existence, it has developed an excellent reputation as the major event or Arican Americans

    interested in law school. We expect an attendance o approximately 500+ registrants this year.

    Sponsorship of The National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair provides its sponsors with the unmatched

    opportunity to:

    Reach thousands through our pre-event promotional campaign (radio, Internet including social media, print)Closely interact with hundreds of aspiring Black law students (college students, college graduates, working

    professionals), as well as current law students, law school administrators, law professors, lawyers and judges

    Showcase their community responsibility, and highlight their organizations commitment to diversity

    Create awareness and visibility of their brand, and connect it to a dynamic national audience of rising Blackprofessionals - visionaries, leaders, and contributors

    Develop an anity with our target audience, who will associate them with a life-changing and empoweringexperience

    Make direct connections and forge new links with representatives of other organizations with a commoncommitment to diversity in general, and to this special demographic of future Black law students and lawyers

    We are committed to developing long-term, mutually benecial relationships with our sponsors.

    We realize we cant do what we do without your support and value our partnership greatly.

    Why Spsr The natial BlacPre-Law Cferece ad Law Fair?

    O U R C U R R E N T N AT I O N A L M E D I A PA R T N E R

    Radio One is the largest radio broadcasting operation thatprimarily targets Arican-American and urban consumers inthe nation.

    They currently own and/or operate 53 broadcast stationslocated in 15 urban markets in the United States.

    Radio One stations reach 82% o Arican Americans.

    Our pre-conference promotional campaign will reach millions.

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    11P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and LawPre-LAWBLACk



    Crprate Spsrs

    Small Bsiess Spsrs

    Law Firm Spsrs

    Law Schl Spsrs Crprate I-kid Spsrs

    Access Group, Inc.

    Recruit for Law School, Inc.

    Andrews Kurth LLP Baker Botts LLP Ballard Spahr LLP Bracewell & Giuliani LLP

    Dickstein Shapiro LLP Faegre & Benson LLP Hunton & Williams Kirkland & Ellis LLP

    Latham & Watkins LLP

    Mayer Brown LLP McGuireWoods LLPShook, Hardy

    & Bacon, L.L.P. Thompson & Knight LLP


    Law Preview Princeton Review Macys

    Avalon Massage

    & Bodyworks

    McDonalds Starbucks Coe

    Sonesta ES Suites

    Greater Houston Convention

    & Visitors Bureau


    Kaplan Bar Review - 1L Edge

    Semester Success Program

    Phoenix School of Law

    Veritas Prep

    Citi Microsoft Proctor & Gamble

    Sidley Austin LLP

    Edwards Wildman

    Palmer LLP


    Jackson Walker L.L.P.Steptoe & Johnson LLP

    Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP

    Huron Consulting Group

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    12 P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and Law FarPre-LAWNATioNAL




    Black Star News Dallas Weekly Houston Forward Times i10 Media Group The Choice 90.9 FM

    Black Legal Issues HBCU Connect HBCU Network Radio One

    Black Summit Weekend/

    Foundation for Student

    Leadership and Success

    Council on

    Legal Education




    Houston Area Urban League

    Young Professionals

    National Urban Leagu

    Young Professionals

    National Bar


    National Black

    MBA Association -

    Houston Chapter




    State Bar of Texas

    Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity,

    University of Houston, Eta

    Lambda (Space City) Chapter

    National Association

    of Future Black Law


    National Black Law Students Association

    National Pre-Law Division

    National Black Law Students Association

    Rocky Mountain Region

    Shrine of the Black Madonna

    Cultural Center and Book Store

    100 Black



    Tri-County Black

    Chamber of Commerce

    Houston Young Lawyers

    Association Tomorrows

    Attorneys Pipeline Program

    National Association

    of Black Female


    University of Houston

    Downtown Black

    Student Alliance

    Texas Business


    100 Black Men of

    Houston Metropolitan

    Chapter, Inc.

    Association of

    Law Firm Diversity


    Houston Style Magazine Rolling Out Magazine

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    13P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and LawPre-LAWBLACk


    Sccess Stries

    Iattended the conerence and it has by ar been the best pre-law event that Iveattended. Being surrounded by so many Arican American judges, lawyers, and

    administrators was a breath o resh air and an assurance that I too could join the

    ranks o Black lawyers. Had it not been or the conerence, I dont think that I wouldhave walked away with the condence I needed to navigate the admissions process

    nor would I have met a judge which led to me joining a local non-prot and a research

    opportunity or this summer. I was accepted to the University o Caliornia, Berkeley,

    University o Michigan-Ann Arbor, University o Pennsylvania, Duke, Georgetown,Cornell, and University o Southern Caliornia. None o that would be possible without

    the encouragement, amazing advice and instruction, and hope I received ater

    attending the National Black Pre-Law Conerence.

    Chayla C. JacksonFirst-Year Law Student, Georgetown University Law CenterWashington, DC

    The National Black Pre-Law Conerence truly is the preeminent event or minorities

    who are contemplating the study and practice o law. The conerence is verywell organized and yields SO much inormation that will help to guide you on

    your journey. I personally attended the conerence and the wealth o inormation and

    contacts that I had access to were invaluable. Because o the skills and conceptsthat I gleaned rom conerence, I was able to successully make my way through the

    admissions process. I was ultimately accepted to the University o Maryland, Universityo Baltimore, and Howard University Schools o Law. Bottom Line: GO! Be Inspired!

    Rise to the Challenge! And SUCCEED!

    Vincent BrownFirst-Year Law Student, University o Maryland School o LawBaltimore, Maryland

    Ididnt know many people that were on the same path as me and I didnt haveanyone to turn to or guidance and elt that I would nd some sense o relie by

    attending the conerence. . . .O the 14 or so schools that I applied to, I got accepted

    to all but about 4 o them, some o which ofered awesome scholarships!. . . I really

    dont eel that I would have the condence in mysel or the motivation that I have i itwasnt or The National Black Pre-Law Conerence. Beore the conerence, I was only

    thinking inside the box, but now I eel that I can accomplish anything that I really work

    hard or and put my all into. I urge anyone who is interested in law school to attendthe conerence.

    Ashley CloudFirst-Year Law Student, Howard University School o LawWashington, DC

  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    14 P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and Law FarPre-LAWNATioNAL

    This conerence was organized, detailed, inormative and most importantly,relatable. Actual attorneys headed diferent seminars and workshops. They were

    personable, knowledgeable, and answered all inquiries. I you are even slightly

    interested in the legal eld, attendance at this conerence is a MUST!

    Jessica C. Smith

    Second-Year Law Student

    Thurgood Marshall School o Law

    Texas Southern University

    Houston, Texas

    Iattended the National Black Pre-Law Conerence and learned a million and one

    things about the legal education process, rom when and even where to apply,

    to when to take the LSAT, and even more priceless, are the connections I madewith other like-minded aspiring lawyers rom all over the country. This event is truly

    a treasure or aspiring lawyers who oten are challenged with nding inormation,

    especially inormation specic to ethnic minorities.

    Ayomide Shittu

    First-Year Law Student

    University o Texas at Austin School o Law

    Austin, Texas

    Thank you so much or dedicating so much time and efort into making theNational Black Pre-Law Conerence a great success! The conerence inspired me

    to reapply to law schools because the rst time around I was completely on my

    own, and my pre-law advisor was not o much help to me. The tips that the panelists

    gave during the diferent seminars were very helpul to me and I was able to put theminto good use during the application process. I sent out the applications much earlier

    this time around, and instead o getting outright Nos rom schools, I was given

    opportunities to prove mysel at NCCU Law, Florida Coastal and Widener. I chose todo the Trial Admissions Program (TAP) at Widener, and though it was great leap oaith and a great sacrice o my time and money, by the grace o God I was successul

    with the program and got great news that I have been accepted at Widener University

    School o Law. I can honestly say that your work is not in vain and I will do whatever Ican do help you to continue to make this a success.

    Jasmine HarringtonFirst-Year Law Student, Widener University School o LawHarrisburg, Pennsylvania


  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    15P.O. Box 631234 Houston, Texas 77263 Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026 [email protected]

    Cnference and LawPre-LAWBLACk


    The National Black Pre-Law Conerence and Law Fair played an integral role in whyI [attend] the University o Houston Law Center. I would encourage aspiring Black

    law students to also take part in this amazing and proessional event as it is a

    rare opportunity in which you can learn how to make yoursel a more well-rounded

    applicant, as well as network with successul black attorneys who are willing to havean open dialogue concerning the issues we as minority students may ace in applying,

    nancing, and conquering law school.

    Ariell Hardy

    Second-Year Law Student

    University o Houston Law Center

    Houston, Texas

    This conerence is a must or any pre-law student o color. I had perormed years o

    legal research and preparation beore I attended the conerence and I thought I

    was ready to start my legal journey. Once I did attend, I realized that even through

    my individual diligence, Id missed a lot o things that I needed to know. Thats the gisto this conerence - it will answer the questions that you have and the questions you

    didnt know to ask.Chris OliverSecond-Year Law StudentSouth Texas College o LawHouston, Texas

    The conerence and the educational experience I received there greatly impacted

    my acceptance to my law school o choice, as well as acceptance to ve otherprestigious institutions. The networking opportunities at the National Black Pre-

    Law Conerence are countless and the relationships I have developed are priceless.

    Jennipher V. WilliamsThird-Year Law StudentSouthern University Law CenterBaton Rouge, Louisiana

    God has truly used this organization to make an impact on my lie, and I pray that

    it will continue to help young aspiring attorneys accomplish their goals and

    dreams. I have to just say that many o the contacts I made in Houston are stillmy riends to this day. I was able to have so much wisdom and discernment because

    o the things I learned in the conerence. You should see how I was able to help some o

    my riends out because I gained so much inormation rom your program.

    Ricky Armand , J.D.Law Graduate/AttorneyVermont Law SchoolSouth Royalton, Vermont

    See numerous additional testimonials on our website and live video testimonials on our

    YouTube Channel!


  • 7/29/2019 NBPLC 2013 Sponsorship Information Booklet


    P.O. Box 631234

    Houston, Texas 77263

    Phone/Fax: 281-247-4026

    [email protected]


    Then A T I o n A L

    cferece & law fair

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