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Focus on Grammar 3 PART VII Pre-Test 1


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1 | Complete the conversation by writing the words that you hear.

Machiko: I need to get some things at the store today. Actually, I’m planning on going to the

thrift store to look for a skirt. Are you interested in coming with me?

TaMara: To a thrift store? Do you mean a place that sells used things?

Machiko: Yes.

TaMara: I don’t know. Why do you shop at thrift stores instead of at the mall?

Machiko: To save money. Things are expensive at the mall. I 1.

shop there,

but not anymore. I’m 2.


TaMara: Not having money doesn’t mean that you can’t buy things. You can use your credit


Machiko: But you shouldn’t buy things with your credit card when you don’t have any money!

That’s a terrible habit.

TaMara: Well, I don’t shop at thrift stores 3.

I don’t want old, worn-out


Machiko: It’s easy for people to think that everything at thrift stores is in bad condition, but you

can actually find some very nice things there. Sometimes people donate to thrift stores


get rid of stuff they don’t use, even if it’s in good condition. Come

with me. You’ll see.

TaMara: Well . . . OK.

2 | Read the sentences from the conversation. Choose whether the boldfaced words are gerunds or infinitives.

1. Are you interested in coming with me?

a. gerund

b. infinitive

2. To save money.

a. gerund

b. infinitive

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2 PART VII Pre-Test Focus on Grammar 3


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3. Not having money doesn’t mean you can’t buy things.

a. gerund

b. infinitive

4. It’s easy for people to think that everything at thrift stores is in bad condition, but you can actually find some very nice things there

a. gerund

b. infinitive

3 | Use the words from the box to complete the paragraph.

buying go shopping staying to feel

coming going to buy to get

feeling seeing to come to go

getting shopping to come in to stay

It was funny to 1.

with Tamara today. I asked her if she’d like


with me to the thrift store. 3.

at thrift stores is totally

normal for me, but she avoids 4.

to them. She prefers shopping at the malls.

She went with me, but she was planning 5.

in the car. She was afraid of


someone that she knew there. I had to persuade her 7.

out of the car and go in with me. She finally agreed 8.

. Eventually, she stopped


so nervous. It was interesting to see her attitude change. She ended up


some pants and a shirt.

4 | Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Shopaholics are people who are addicted to spend / spending / to spending money.

2. Shopaholics will say, “Let’s go to shop / shop / shopping” even when they don’t need anything

or don’t have the money.

3. Shopaholics often buy things that are too expensive to afford / too expensive affording /

expensive enough to afford.

4. Credit cards make it too easy not to spend / too easy overspending / easy enough to overspend.


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Focus on Grammar 3 PART VII Pre-Test 3


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5. The friends and family of shopaholics can’t get used to watch / watching / to watching them

waste their money on unnecessary things.

6. Some husbands and wives of shopaholics become too frustrated not / frustrated enough /

too frustrated to seek a divorce.

7. Shopaholics usually shop fulfill / fulfilling / to fulfill some kind of need that they have.

8. Some people may shop proving / to prove / prove to themselves that they are “worth it.”

9. Spending / To spending / Spend too much money often gives people feelings of guilt.

10. If you think you have a problem, don’t postpone to get /getting / get help.

11. Shopaholics usually find it too difficult / enough difficult / difficulty enough to change on

their own. They need help.

5 | Use the correct gerund or infinitive form of the words in the box to complete the sentences.

ask buy insist save shop visit

be go look see think

Today I finished doing my homework. Then Machiko invited me 1.

to a thrift store with her. I considered 2.

to thrift stores to be strange.


at thrift stores was never something that I did. I remember


a thrift store several years ago, but everything there seemed


old and ugly. I really resisted walking into the store with Machiko today,

but she really wanted me to. At first, I was kind of annoyed with her for 6.

that I go into the store. I was nervous about 7.

someone who knew me. What

would they think? But I finally relaxed, and I started 8.

around. They had

some really nice things! I decided 9.

a shirt and some pants. They’re nice, and

shopping there is a great way 10.

money! Now I’m thinking about looking for a

purse there.

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4 PART VII Pre-Test Focus on Grammar 3


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6 | Use the gerund or infinitive forms of the words in parentheses to complete the sentences.

1. In the past, (market)

to men had been profitable only with certain

products, such as sports drinks and steaks.

2. Many men claim that they can’t stand (shop)


3. But that isn’t stopping many marketing firms that would like (attract)

more male shoppers.

4. These marketing firms are attempting (find)

out what makes men

spend money.

5. Finally, they are beginning (understand)

more about men’s shopping


6. Nearly 50 percent of married men say that they go shopping only when their wives persuade

them (go)


7. Only 7 percent of men say that they enjoy (buy)


8. Most men do not stop (look)

at things unless they already planned

to buy them.

9. The secret to (target)

men is to do it before they come into the store.

10. The marketing firms are offering (help)

retailers attract more male


11. For more information on (market)

to men, click here.

7 | Correct ten errors in the newspaper article.

Are you a smart shopper? When is the last time you went to the mall in order to buy a

sweater, look for gifts, or eating lunch? If you do these things regularly, you’re wasting your

money. Smart shoppers prefer to not spend more money than necessary. I quit to go to malls

because the stores there charge way too much. Besides, I got sick of to spend a lot of money on


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Focus on Grammar 3 PART VII Pre-Test 5


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y Pearson E

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something, and then hearing my roommate say that she found something similar at a thrift store

for only a dollar or two. I’ve learned that it’s OK to check thrift stores first in order to not pay

more money than necessary. I believe on looking nice and fashionable, but not if I have to spend

all my money to do it. For instance, I needed buying a dress, and I found one for $70 at the mall.

I regretted to buy it the very next day when I found an even nicer dress at a thrift store for $10.

If you are enough rich to buy things without going into debt, go right ahead. After all, smart

shoppers like us need you buy things at full price so that we can have them later for much less.

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