Page 1: MuhikltM^ liSL t-hsdcinrlLi



i W ^ <-,::*>••

•.V'EDNESDAI, JUNE 10, 1942


o v i ; i < ! i O O t K i ^ 0 i ; i


AoyiTcoum •

Over 400 registered for'

high school end adult clas- .

ses'which are now offered

by the Bducp,tion Department

to those who wish-.for self-

improvement .•

Classes are being offer­

ed in tne following cout-ses:

Spanisa, French, German,

Italian; special Eiigllsh,

English composition, Eng­

lish literature; piano, mu-

siQ appreciation, choir,

voicej orcheritra; art; gen­

eral science, biology,

earth foirration, physics,

phy s i 0 i ogy •; c o s tume des i gn-

ing, interior decoration,,

shorthand and ma'theimatics. '• Classes vj i,!. be iield in

the study hal-i "and in bar­

racks in Block 1 during the' '

day and night. These class­

es will be tpught by the following under the super­

vision of Grayce Kaneda:

Bar.ry Saikj.. Jelrry Aika-

wa, Loiiis Shina, John Fuji-

ta, Joe' Kubota, Hidemaru

Sugimoto, Shigetaka Arao,

Toshio • Kaneda,, Sachiko

Ishida, Kats at 0 Ihksi, Rose

Sakata, Kay Kaneda and Rose Sano.

M u h i k l t M ^ liSL t - h s d c i n r l L i

Pancho, the pet 'or the

El Joaquin staff',' wants

publicity.' ! I ,, • :

Vi/ho is this -" 'lovable

' T i M & I S ! M P O R T / i N T ' S ^ V S

( T O L L A i S D T O 7 4 V 0 L U N T € € R 5

'"•Get the message to every person in-your block.

Time is important,**, grimly warned .'lU -W, Collfcrd,

Chief Air'Raid vi/arden for the San Joaquin County, ad­

dressing a meeting of 7^ voluntary Air xiaid Wardens of

the Stockton Assembly Center Monday afternoon at the

grandstand. "It- may never happen; it may happen tomor­

row; it mc-y . even happen tonight. With the type of

building we have here, ve are most concerned with the

danger of fire," INCENDIARY BOMBS

Plourlshii:jg a wooden mo­

del of an incendiary bomb.

Col lard declared t »at the .

incendiary bombsr composed.

,,of en inner core, of ther­

mite and an outer casing of

magnesium, are dropped from

planes in sticks—10 bombs

to each stick—about every

60 feet.

MILITARY OBJECTIVE Since the center is lo­

cated near a military ob­

jective, the air field,

bombs aimed at the-air field

may fall in the ;Center.

He said that the firBt. .

move after an incendiary

bomb falls through a build­

ing is to get the occupants

out. The next move is to

control the fire* He men­

tioned the two methods of

controlling incendiary

bombs—by sand and by a

fine spray of water, which

makes the bomb burn faster.


He also- emphatically

stated not to dump a bucket

cf water on a,bomb, ' since

the bom'b will then explode

and- spread the fire. Then

again, chemicals should not

be Used on incendiary bomb,

because the combination of

the chemical and the bomb will produce carbon monox­

ide,, a polsohous gas. "There is another type

. (CQnt\nued on Page 2)

Many of tlie Center Resi­

dents have Aot as yet re-

is patient, Active and .ceived their first typhoid

^ injections which arely re­

gulations compulsory.

Dr. Kanagavva, head of

the medical stafi; request­

ed that since typtoid shots

are for their own good,

these persons should appear •at the hospital tomorrow.

:. From Omaha, Nebraska,

hails 43-year-old Roland

B. Frost; ^ the friendly

Chief of Personal Accounts, nva.rried, and father of two sons. H6wi-,'s formerly the

Finance Officer of the WPA for this area. •

P A N C ^ I G ^ r o a P B K l D E N T '

character with a . toothy

grin and a cheerful count­

enance? • Where " did the

staff find him?

He is just Pancho—Pan­

cho, the pixilated, ..provoc­

ative, pert and per-lite

pancake-faoe,- from, the psis-

tures ^ of Puddville. No,

he wasn't left over from

the' last County Fair. Like

-TG.psy he "jist growed". Little Paiii^no j:epr®ents

the spirit of the Center,'


Meighborly, Courteous,

slap-Happy and Orderly.

He has a terrific dislike

for hash.

He resides in the corner of the El Joaquin press

room. Females., please do

not^rush\\\ \

Page 2: MuhikltM^ liSL t-hsdcinrlLi


P A N C W O ' < P A L S

Co-editofs Barry Saiki

Patti Okura

News Ed,..,..Mary Yamashita

Art Editor,.George Akimoto

Sports Ed Fred Oshima

Exchange Ed Jimmy Doi Sociai-itec. .Teri Tsunekawa

Bus. Mrr Bob Tekahashi

Typists....Sumiye Hiramoto

.Toshiko Oga

Reporters....George Kaneda

Sus Hasegawa, Tom Naka-

mura, Jun Ktsa, Sakiko

Kato, Jane Okaztki, Lo-

Rayne Sugimoto.

Tech:iician.. .Ray Sugimoto

• E d i t o q i m

C E N T E R .


Jack McFarland, Super­

visor of Recreation for

the Center, announced to­

day that the following films will be shown:

Wednesday..2 p,m. & 7 p.m.

"Glimpses of Texas",

"Big Game and the Ntt'l Forests".

Thursday 4 p.^^

"wonders of the World",

a 45-minute travel pic­ture.

Friday^....2 p.m. & 7

"wonders of p.m.

the World".

liiny conscientious groups ure working for the wel­

fare of our community and ujcaong them, the ones especial­

ly to be oomu^nded are the mes shall units-. Doing the

hottest and the most disagreea,ble tasks, • they have

borne the brunt of criticisms coming from uhfair indi-V idup fs) , ..;;- -

About a week ego, the cooks held a meeting in order

to obtain better ratings and improved work conditions.

The talk of mass resignation arose, a clear-headed mem­

ber pointed out to them the consequence of such a move.

The result was that despite their feelings, they all reported back to work the next morning.

We are glad that the last few days have brought

many changes helpful to the mess crews, such as free

working shirts and aprons and better ratings. Their

cooperation, despite their personal beliefs, is one

worthy of respect from all of our Center residents.

25 MOPt L^^NVt

roe iDAWO

Twenty-five additional men, comprising the second

group of Stockton Assembly

Center beet workers, left

for Shelley, Idaho, last

Saturday morning to join

their fellow evacuees.

The men, hired by the

Idaho-Utah Sugar Compfny,

will be assigned to beet

work in various parts of Id ..ho.

3 "fc r< -y 1 p.m. "V,onders of the World".

Will be run 03 meny

times as necessary.


5 E G I N S S O O N

"Barrack inspection will

begin this week starting

with Block 1," announced

Mr. Harold Mundell,

Inspection will be made

weekly with a few hours'

advance notice.

The apartment is to te

opened and a responsible

member of each family must

be present.

n r \


b"j C A N D V P . A J

Wot s in a name?

(Cont^nued^ from Page 1)

of incendiary, the English

calling card, which is com­

posed of a piece of phos­

phorus held between two

sheets of paper. When the

p&pers aro wet, the sheets

are not inflammablo. But

as soon es the p&pers are

dried, the phosphorus will

ruRct to start e fire.

'Vifater will quickly extingu­

ish this type of incendi­

ary", commented Collard.

Collard concluded the

meeting with a suggestion

Spirit witha capital .,$

prevails in the assembly

atmosphere....dull, monot­

onous rows of barracks

slowly transform into more

nome-like appearances

house signs go up rock

gardens vie fjr attraction far the most progres-

sive and most original is Block 6.


between Barracks 6-112 and

6-113..we wonder where tlie

hedges came from?..»


ASTORIA with this caption:

"Thru this portal the

YOU..,7-136-C is simply K.

P In Block 2 Candy saw

this welcome, JUST CALL...

Beware' there's a KILLER'S

LANE between 5-92 and 5-93

....PARI<: AVENUE runs east

and west along Block 6

6-lOl-D is appropriately

called WOLVE'S DEN.. .Block

8 boasts an ITO AVEIWE with


In Block 1 is BACHELORS'

COVE with the sign, MEN,

underneath it. Are you

thinking what I'm think­ing?...


Wot did one bumble bee

say to another bumble bee?

2Tclr''r'^\^'"^' '^ Confidentially, the the camp. Girls enter at Walerga Wasp stings!,'!

thst all wardens contact Also in Block 6 and explain to each person

on th"ir block the dangers

and t'-.e p^eventiono of fire

by im-enL:.Ty '3. m". s, The dace I'cr the next meeting

was -oc-ntatively set for

?:4:3 <. ,x. . Iridiy.

own risk,".,.under this is

the sign, LADIES,.methinks

bachelors live at ASTORIA

....6-115-C is SUT-HUT, a

clever twist of words


is PA­CIFIC GARDENS between 115-

116....6-115-B is adorned

with the naac; NUV STAR....

There's a SHIMA'S SH^N'^'v in Block ' 7-132-C is

(hold your hat J): BAGDAJ)

-jmiCTOO, and the SAM.^ to

^ ^ the information of the

Center-ites, the Walerga

Assembly (that's near Sa­

cramento, y'a dope!) has a

rag called the Walerga Wasp...


The population of the

Stockton As;i3mbly Center

is novv 4., 150 - ]25 less

Chan the tirie prior to the

departure uT the oeet work­ers.

Page 3: MuhikltM^ liSL t-hsdcinrlLi

m3NESDAY.^;E 10, .19.L'? EL ja'vOTIIN Page 3.

S c r ./ji c r t m o t i c r l ' x L /

Concerning today's oartoon; Little Pancho will pre­

sent in all seriousness, a serief=! of cartoons portray­

ing the five fatal steps toward matrimon;' in the Center.

1st step: Medical examination r.t the hospital at

least a week before ar)plviu;3; for fie license^

Scouting activities are Ass't Scoutmaster George progressing rapidly v;ith AJcimoto and Senior Patrol

the organization of a now

group and an increase in


New members of Troop 91

are Dale Tomota, Huruo Ma-

tsumoto, Miokie Yoshimoto,

Tom Nishima, Jimmie Sakol,

Michihiro Eikumura, Mitsuo

Takal-iashi and Herbert Shi-


Jack FurukaT,va and Shig

Ohata have organized the Cub division of Troop 9I, whose members are Edward

Hiramoto, Shoken Sasaki,

Tadao Matsumoto, Toshioki

TamuJra, Kazuo Hay a s hi,

Jerry, Yoshimoto and Atsushi



Leader Norman ShiracJcawa.

Are you a oollootor?

According to reports frcni

the messhalls, there are

some rabid hobbyists v/ho

oolleot silver(?) w a r e,

cups, and plates.

Due to the shortage

of suoh items, they are

requested to give up

their hobby for the du­

ration and return the

borrowed kitohenv/are.

ra™ P U B L I C _



Head Librarian Ken Has&.

gawa urges all "bookworms"

to oome and road, as books,

books, and more books aro

Qoming in weekly from the

Stockton Public Library.

There ar© already approxi­

mately seven to eight hun­

dred books, including fic­

tion and non-fiction; also,

magazines of all kinds suoh

as Life, Red Book; Good

Housekeeping, Harpers,

Time, News. "Weok, Di ge st s,

Comics, etc.

The library is in the

second story of the build­

ing just v/est of the Hos­

pital, The hours are from

9:00 a.m. to 8:30 p,m •

dc.iIV 1 noluding Sunday.


I t a U started when nine fellov/s made a bet that'll

unglamour any glamour boy.

The wager was that if one

should shave his hatraok,

the others must do liko*-

wise or pay a fine of $13,

The nine was whittled

to seven when two wives

thought that the prospect

of a bald spouse v:as not

tolerable--thcy should have

knovm better. However ah

egg did egg himself, and

tho flock followed.with tlie

exception of one, .

Today that duokling is

still -debating "to b e o r not to be, 'b'

(Bald or- broke) or IVl H

Tho Center School will

prosont a program and cua

exhibit this Saturday at

2:30 p.m. Children's works

from the nursery through

tho eighth grade will be sho\'/n.

Tho school, v/hich boasts

of a daily attendanoc of

That Center residents

con transfer under special

conditions to another cen-

Troop 31 with 10 members ter ivill be made possible

meets every T/ednesd6(/ at 2 by the management.

p.m. Takeshi Kubota is Cases of those vj-ho wish ovor 400 pupils, is located

Scoutmaster. to join the family or an at 1-13 and 16. Sixteen

Former members of Troop invalid parent v/ill be members mako up tho staff.

19 aro aiding John aaimakcw given due oonsidoration. Parents and frionds are

'Wa, Scoutmaster, in re- aooording to Mr. Harold cordially invited to attocd

organizing tho troop with- Mundell. tho^ exhibit*

in the Center. Tliree pa­

trols have been assembled

under the supervision of


Borr. to:

I'r, .5: Mi'K, Earl Harano

Mr. & Ml":. I'lnoru Okubo

Mr. 3: Vr.-s, Tom Tmtauni

Mr-, k \k-y, Frank Tan.ihara




P A D O P B V £ ' N ' s y & 3:00 p.m. Danoing Class for


7:30 p.m. Coranunity Singing

9:00-11:00 a.m. Homo Nursing

•2:00- 4-00 p.^m. Home Nursing

9:?5.11iOO p.m. ''Aftor KoZ.! Call" Danoe

Mr, ii Vu-L, Hi cap M:.t3no Aj .1 c-'-nnbn •';o


.-ake ;oLrce at the J.\\c\cA:ii\ l x. Hall,

Page 4: MuhikltM^ liSL t-hsdcinrlLi


In order to

avoid injuries,

Page h

please stay oliajv

off of tlie ployiiig

field. Reo. Dept.

EL ja'.QUIN ulIDHESDAY, JU?JE jQ. iqjp

m m b m u p s e t k d s


Tlie irj'ant American League softball struggle's firs t major upset occurred last Friday nite when the in­

spired Rainbows released all their steam to knock out

the heavily favored Reds 7-8. In wliat was supposed to

have been a breather turned out to be a n i g i ^ A e for

the Reds, as James Hamasaki' s bunch pushed°'ul?Ss two

^^u-^-'^n'^^° ^in^l inning to squeeze them out, M m Ogawasara hung up

his third straight win as he leu tho Bears to a 12-6

victory over tho Trojans.

Tlie win kept the Bears up

on the top of the ladder

witli three wins and no de­feat.

Iho Yankees kept pace

vrith tlio Bears by ooming

through v/ith a tvdn vic­

tory over tho week end. They nosed out tlio Senators

0-5 and then broozod thru tho Rainbov.'E 34-15 on a

terrific 34-hit bombard­ment.

After losing ttoir third

straigiit tilt to tho classy

Rods 6-18, tho Kiv/anis fi-

Tlio Beachcombers, Ploif/ai-

ions and Block 4 squads

got off to a flying start

in tho Center Volleyball

League Sunday evening as

thoy defeated Blook 9,

Block 8 and Block 3, roe-



Boo.ohoombcrs.,,.,.,15 - 15

Block 9«,,*,,.,,,,, 2 - 7

Hav.'alians,,,,,,»,,,i5 « 15

Blook 8,», .,, 6 -. 6

Block 4.«.n..*.15. 10 - 15

Block 3»»..^.,klO- 1 5 - 8



Victorious in the open­

ing gar.iea of the National

League softball raoe last

Sunday evening were Block

5 Cardinals and the Blook 3 Ramblers.

The Cardinals had an

easy time with the Block 6

Trojans as they v/hipped

then 17-8, while the Blook

2 Grapepickers were the

^^iotims of the Ramblers in a 12,.8 affair,


C;iRDIN..LS 17 19 1

TROJANS,, 8 12 2

Batt, A« Kun© & N, Taniinoto '•

D. FujiLfi: N. Shi'nakava RAMBLERS,.,,,,.,, 12 10 4

gr.ipepici:er3 8 9 7

Batt, D,Hiraoka&M,Fujioka

M . Kiriu & L. Nagel

nally to life Monday MORf- RtC . fXilNtiS night to wreck tlio Bomljers

28-17 in a v;ild game v/hich

saw them get up to tho

plato 24 times in tho sixth, Tlie Bums cashed in on the

Bombe.'s' 12 errors to shel-

Rcoreational department annouiicod that a registra­

tion for those, ospecially the Issei, interested in

participating in a Ronju,

Shogi, 04^ Go tournaraoAt

will take plaoo from IVed-.aok them 23-6, Yo Moriwa- nosday through Saturday at ki turned in a 6-hittcr to help push tho landslide for

the Bums, RESULTS: R H E

SBLINIS 28 13 9

TROJANS ., 17 16 6

Batteries: G, Kagavra. & Z,

Ohata; S, Teranishi & F,

Mirikitani. ARISTOCR.ITS...... I7 I9 5

TROJANS ».,., 8 10 2

Battorios: M, Nakai & J.

Sakamoto; H, Hirose & T. Sato.

BUMS.,.,,,., 23 11 6

BOMBERS ,. 6 6 12

Battorios: Y, Moriv/aki &

I. Nakamoto; S. Teranishi,

D, Shimr.saki & F, Mirikl-tani. REDS , 18 12 3

KLV.INIS 6 10 5

Batteries: G, Baba, M.

Takeuohi & K, Hiramoto; Ci

Ksi,p;.\7ia, I« L'atsuoka Cc K.

Fujinaka •

BE.lRi;,..-, 1. • • •. 12 7 2

TROJANS...,. 8 6 7

i;^\ttcries: M. Ogav/asara &

B, Kibagawa; H. Hirose &

T, Sa'jo.

the Block 10 Moss Hall fi-qm 10-11 a»m. ajad 2-4 p,m,

Tho tournament vdll oommcnoo on next Monday.

Also, make note of tho opening of a Recreational

Branch No, 2 at the west

end of Block 10, ^vhoro

other aotivitics such as

ping pong, croquot, >iorso

shoe, and otlior gomes are

ready for tho oommunlty's

uso, Tlao plaoo will bo opon daily from 9:00 a,in, till 8:30 p«m.

-t*-Y^^^S 3V 27 ^

RAINBOl^'S,,.»»,,.,, II -' 3 ^

Battorios: J, Ishida, T,

Shironaka & ,S. Yamashita;

Hari, Maoshifo & Manini.

J^^-^ 6 5 3 SENATORS 5 4 3

Batteries: T. Shironaka &

i . Yamashita; Suni K a w a m r a ^ G. Tomura.

R.'iJNBOl 'S 8 6 2

f ° s :. 7 6 ^ Batteries: Maeshiro & Ma-niiH; G, Baba, P. Ito & G. Hnri +-.'

A"2:RIC.UJ LT^lGUE •••

Bears, .,„,,,,^,,,,, 3

Yankees..,*.,,,,^,, 3

Reds,.,,,,^^.,,,,., 2

.Iristoorats,,,,,., 2

Senators*,,,,^,,*, 1

Rainbowsr.••,..,». 1

Trojans,,^»,.,,,,, 1

Bums,,,,,,».»,,,,, 1

Bomber3,.,,,,»,,,, l

Kiv/anis,., ,, , , , 0 , , 1






1 2






Senators vs Bums


Yanlcs vs

Bombers and

Trojans vo Reds


Kiwanis vs


bears vs'




Blk,5 Cardinals,,,. 1 0

Blk.3 Ramblers 1 0

B11-C.2 Grapepiokors. 0 1

Blk.6 Spartans,,,., 0 1

Blk,7 Hells Diver,, 0 0

Blk,8 Shangri-las,, 0 0

Blk,9 Giants,.,,,,, 0 0

Poop-outs.,,*,•.,,, 0 0


Shangri-.las vs Poop-outs

Ramblers ys HoiIs Diver


Grapepickers vs Spartans


Spartans vs Giants


ST/iRT AT 7:00 P-.M.

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