Page 1: Mrs. Albertson a - UWSP · -3-Ther ar many t r 1tin thin to comm nt about t t it h fficult t ow wh to b gin. Thia ia c rtainly a country of r t contrast - contrasts in th p opl ,

Mrs. Albertson

te from the Philli in a tober 20, 1964

To .... ir. .... ~era o1 th Adminieb' tiv Council


n ar of th

• Al rt•

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somewhat of a

l alao ting vitlt wi a who 1 ac n of oth r {o le an anth.ropologbt a aociolo ist, an now is eating • life to Laoag that i y t

o . they

l'm all set no to e tr velin 1 will

ott, an iaco Uan coll g located in Laoa. •

w II at one tim missionary in China, of t aching in th coll g located in

urc •


at ly

Page 2: Mrs. Albertson a - UWSP · -3-Ther ar many t r 1tin thin to comm nt about t t it h fficult t ow wh to b gin. Thia ia c rtainly a country of r t contrast - contrasts in th p opl ,


1 le ve tomorrow mo~.ning at 7:10 to fly to Tacloban, a city in Leyte, and there will meet a. tnko, who is the fourth of the five candidates. On ®day and Tu aday of ext week I will tly eouth to the city oi layBalay in the Ptovince of Bukidnon. the firat landing at th Town of. Cagayan. De Oro and then . flvlnl over t yBalay. There I wUl m et th fifth of the five can date, and return by :00 P . M. on Tuesday evening. .

To give you an. id.ea of th · r et of m.y sch dul • l bad the pdvil ge this fternocn ol. spending an hour with Mr. Carlos Rom u lo, the re1ident of

th Univeraity of the PbUippin s , former President of General Aaeembly of Umtc Nation•, and one ti Ambassador to the United tes from the Phllippln , . r . u lo te • fa.aclnating person, highly r garde and reepected · ere in th PhUippin • • and inde d tbroughoa;t all of outheast Asia. He is 1eavfus ext week for the Unit d te.s, where he will have an opportunity to vhri.t with some of tho oundationa and also attempt to ~gotiate a loan through th World Bank. He lndlcated that h will go to • Olat•s to receive an l\onor ry

cgree th n go t Yale where he to to ive an address. He .seems to be conata.ntly ahutltn.g back and .forth between th bed States and the hilippines.

hen I r turn on the 17th of October &om Tacloban l wtll have a.n 0,pportunity to ve tbr e•ho · tour of A4antla conducted by President Romeriz of th Philippine Not."'mal Collese~ President Rorneriz extended tb.e invitation to re. last .Friday and I m looking forwar to seeing Manila with him as a gulde. And then on Saturday evening the l?hWppiDe Normal Collea• danc group h going to put on • s.pecial perfo:rmance o1 the tolk dances o1 the Philippines. This i• to he. done ln my hono.r and other pe.-sonnel Qf the Al4> eaion have been invited to attend this occ:aaion~ lt will be held ln th Pbilam Life Audlto:riwn here in

ianUa. Phllam ta an iasurance company .here ln. the Philippines. unday morning 1 will be O\ll'lft the tacWti.e o! the Philippine Hhtorical odety with Mr. Verlaza. Ml-. Ve~~a. one o£ th• five candid.ates-, b the D,.,an ol lnstru.<:tion at the F'htlippln Normal Colle41e.

Th n on IV'edn sday of next week, that's the 31st o! Octobe:r , I wW be oin to Loa anoa with Dr. Rork., who h the Higher . du tion pecialist in the AID

salon, and Di-. Willlarns, who h the Chief f:>f the Education Division of the A1D s ion here. Los Ba.noa ts the agricultural college of the University of the

Philippin • an &D.'l.Ong several intere ttlng projects hat a majo1: investment in the :r search and dcv lopment 0£ rice. The International c:e Inetitut~ is located hi Los &noa and l ba.v h rd of it for a nwnb r of . I am look.ins forward to a chanc to • it fbet band. Then l &m tentatively scheduled to go to Baguio,

hie la ~e " umm«u· Capit<>lu of the Philippine1: Baguio is located at appros• ima.t ly 5000 feet above eea level and in som 200 milee north of la. That i th aottlng for the sum.m I' teach rs instittite program eponsore by the Bur au of Public. Schools and is purported io bo a :rather intei• sting set-up~,

Page 3: Mrs. Albertson a - UWSP · -3-Ther ar many t r 1tin thin to comm nt about t t it h fficult t ow wh to b gin. Thia ia c rtainly a country of r t contrast - contrasts in th p opl ,


Ther ar many t r 1tin thin to comm nt about t t it h fficult t ow wh to b gin. Thia ia c rtainly a country of r t contrast -contrasts in th p opl , in the thin&• they have to work with, in the climat , ln th t rrain, in th ir l uatry an their agdcultur , in fa.ct in any ar a of hwnan n eavor. Ju t a few comm nte on eom unrelat , y t interetting thi 1 .

I can pan h n I et ome. or inetance, I ne to tell you a out th taxicab lver who t e out to the airport Tue y mornin • H did not know a word

of ngUab a.n I n e to uae th guard at the hot l aa a translator in ord r to g t him to ta m to the om atic Airport hel" in la. had a minor

ccident o h way out w c brou ht out beautiful statem nt of profanity expr sse in rf ct nglish. l also nee to tell you a out th P ace Cor • volun.te r in r Luzon ho is t achin mod rn mathematic,, of the piecopalian

aeionary, ott an the ouaeful of boy• that e has ho are livin with him a.n attendin colleg in oag. 1n a tion to th •ix oys and two of th b younger broth rs, he &lao baa tw nkeya, a dog a.n a cat, and l a ,ure ev ral oth r animate tha I didn't • e (nor car d to). • ' ott is a

vot d rao a on of t inter attn al eli a ii that e ls also •o ewhat of a. town c racter, sp ding his unclay aft i-n one a.t th local hotel having

rinks wtth t "nativ a" an gagin in conv rsation with who v r 1• available. Another int r sting aid 11 ia t y t ey drive here in the hilippin • · I have hear etorie f the ' ay t e taxica driv r1 carry on in Paris and Tokyo, but l am av that they ot ua1 th careleesn ae and r ckles•ncs1 that you fin

onatrat er in ........ .u&4.a. Ther 1e ma to b no regar for prop ty or hLlman lil an on • U! is in ed ln J opar y ith r a pedeetrian or •• an . occ pant in n of the v clea. 1 c 11 und retan why th Ame:ric•n mbaaey pr er• that its r onn l mb ey v hicl a, but rather hir local or Philippin driver or th m . to tell you bout the occupant• of th room next to min h r at th hot 1 th apparent activlti a that hav be goin n ln co Junction with their fr u nt trtpa to Hon Kong and oth r pointa her in th Far aat.

l hav been very fortunat in vi a my travelin com ion for th trip to

w th th

orte aleo for t e trip tomo row an on .. onday an Tu sday of next r . Juan A atin. •tin is th T acher due tion pecialiat for

Public n .. .._>A.., fin intro uction for m in meetin oviric a. courteey of th P Upino. Today

be turn d to ln is PbiU i o ' glieh 0 You , doctor, while 1 b come air eick", upon w ch he promptly di •

me more comment, - last night I s yed at th Texicano Hot 1 in Laoag - a op l'&t by a T w o came to the Pbilippin during the war

an mard hilippioo girl. Icano ia llocoa wor for "An American from" ,

Page 4: Mrs. Albertson a - UWSP · -3-Ther ar many t r 1tin thin to comm nt about t t it h fficult t ow wh to b gin. Thia ia c rtainly a country of r t contrast - contrasts in th p opl ,

henc "An Am rican from T xae" b th nam of hie hot 1. It - as a very stark an eom w t ri tiv eituatio • ow tonight 1 am in my room her at the ilipinaa Hot 1, the air con 'tio er is oing, th levision set ia on with eome Phillplno ro ra , an l am dictating into an 1 ctronic d vie

v lop in th ZOth c ntury. Y s r y 1 r e in a cala•h, a ora - rawn carriage. and today 1 fie c 1n a -3 nd •• a DC- on t runway aa w w r coming lnto th Manila airpol't. Agai an xa.mplt.t of th contr t on fin e h r in th ilippinea. ~bil in th north I ate nativ lippino I. n ver really certain what it wae, an hopeful lt wow not u I t my ato ch. Tonig t I ba a here y bar an a cok • l am ncloaing with t tap a c;opy of a map of t e bilippinea ahowtn th ri ry ar aa h r I am visttin. •

or lat r .

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