Page 1: Monthly Planet · 2017-02-23 · Brought to you exclusively by babies with birth defects. Background In December 2015, Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, reported its first confirmed Brought to you exclusively by


In December 2015, Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, reported its first confirmed case of Zika virus disease. Currently, outbreaks are occurring in many countries and territories. To date, Zika has not been spread by mosquitoes in the continental United States, but travel-associated cases have been reported. In May 2015, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) issued an alert regarding the first confirmed case of Zika virus infection in Brazil. The outbreak in Brazil coincided with increased reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and pregnant women giving birth to babies with birth defects.

The four – letter word that brought fear into the world!

Monthly Planet


“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”

― Albert Einstein

People who have been exposed to the virus should not donate blood for at least a month. Scientists have also found that the Zika virus is active in urine and saliva, but it is still unknown if it could spread through these body fluids.

Almost 80 percent of potential Zika victims never showed symptoms. The infected person usually develops rashes and fever, muscle and joint pain, conjunctivitis (itchy, red eyes), headache, and pain behind the eyes. The symptoms reportedly last for about two to seven days.

As of now, there is no known vaccine that could protect against Zika virus. Over-the-counter medicines can only help alleviate the symptoms.

Infants born with Zika have a slightly smaller brain. This condition is called “microcephaly” which could affect a child’s growth and brain development. The most dangerous time for pregnant women is reportedly during the first trimester, when some women are unaware that they are pregnant. It is still unknown how the virus gets into the placenta.

WHO stated that as many as four million people could be infected by the virus by the end of the year. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned people against traveling to 32 countries where the Zika virus is believed to be active. Most of the affected areas are in the Americas.

March 2016

Page 2: Monthly Planet · 2017-02-23 · Brought to you exclusively by babies with birth defects. Background In December 2015, Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, reported its first confirmed


Zika virus infection in humans has been reported since the 1950s. It is transmitted by the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes (which bite in the daytime), identical to dengue. The Zika virus does not spread directly from person to person. A mosquito is infected when it takes a blood meal from a Zika-infected person and later transmits the virus to other people it bites.

While there is no evidence thus far to suggest that pregnant women are more susceptible to Zika virus infection or experience more severe disease during pregnancy, there is increasing evidence of a link between Zika virus infection during pregnancy and brain malformation in their foetuses and infants. The virus has infected millions of people in South America, with Brazil claiming it is the reason more than 4,000 babies have been born with abnormally small heads since October last year.


Major outbreak of Zika virus unlikely in Singapore: Expert


Since 2013, the National Environment Agency (NEA) has had an ongoing surveillance programme for the virus. While no cases of Zika virus infection have been detected in Singapore thus far, surveillance has been stepped up given the current situation.

Get more information on ZIKA using the

QR code.

Singapore has been threatened by other medical threats in the past, such as SARS and

Dengue virus. Is Zika virus another threat that we will overcome, or do you think that this will be a bigger challenge?

How will Singapore be affected if the Zika virus infection becomes common?

How can you play a part in making sure that your family and your home is protected by the Zika virus?


Page 3: Monthly Planet · 2017-02-23 · Brought to you exclusively by babies with birth defects. Background In December 2015, Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, reported its first confirmed


Pandemic Preparedness

MOH promotes health and reduces illness in Singapore through the prevention and control of major communicable diseases pandemic.

A pandemic is an outbreak resulting in the

spread of an infectious disease worldwide,

and it occurs when the whole population has

no immunity (i.e. prior exposure) to the

disease. It is hard to predict when a pandemic

may strike us, and pandemics can be caused

by different diseases ranging from the mild to

the very severe.

In the last decade, we have experienced the

spread of two such diseases – the Severe

Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in

2003, and the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009. These episodes have taught

us important lessons on how to mount a coordinated national response against

disease threats.

The "Disease Outbreak Response System

Condition" or DORSCON is a colour-coded

framework which provides a quick reference to

agencies and the public on the current disease

situation and what needs to be done to respond to

prevent infections and reduce the impact.

DORSCON takes into account the overall public

health impact through considering both disease

severity and the spread of infectious disease in

Singapore. This includes the disease situation

overseas, how transmissible the disease is, and

how likely is importation to Singapore and its

subsequent impact to the local community.

Other outbreaks that affected Singapore in the past…

To know more on how Singapore manages pandemic or information on DORSCON, scan this QR code now!

Page 4: Monthly Planet · 2017-02-23 · Brought to you exclusively by babies with birth defects. Background In December 2015, Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, reported its first confirmed


We must ourselves defend Singapore.

Page 5: Monthly Planet · 2017-02-23 · Brought to you exclusively by babies with birth defects. Background In December 2015, Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, reported its first confirmed


Singapore's major ramp-up in security in

face of mounting ISIS threat PUBLISHED MAR 19, 2016, 5:00 AM SGT

A major upgrade of Singapore's security architecture is in the works, as the threat of a terror attack here reaches its highest level in decades. The use of police CCTV cameras, already in place at HDB blocks and multi-storey carparks, will be extended to more public spaces, including town and hawker centres and walkways to transport hubs. Building owners and event organisers may also be required to impose stringent security measures as incidents abroad show that terrorists are taking aim at soft targets. Emergency response teams of police officers trained in counter-assault skills and armed with more sophisticated weapons will also be formed to react swiftly to attacks. Significantly, a new national programme called SG Secure will be rolled out to organise and train residents to protect society from attacks and ensure that racial and religious harmony is maintained. These measures to strengthen defences and, most importantly, Singapore's social fabric will be put in place over the next few years. They were outlined yesterday by Home Affairs and Law Minister K. Shanmugam in a speech to top officers from the Home Team, where he noted that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terror group poses a grave threat to the region. And Singapore is a prime target. It is also crucial for society to remain cohesive after an attack. As such, SG Secure must be a "rallying call for Singaporeans from all walks of life to unite, to play a part in making Singapore a safe place." Residents, workers and community groups will be trained to stay vigilant to prevent an attack, stay united to safeguard the social fabric when an attack happens, and stay strong to help one another recover from it.

The intent of such attacks is to achieve high, maximum public

visibility, inflict maximum damage and create a climate of fear. Beyond the

loss of lives, the attackers wanted to destroy the psychological resilience

and social fabric of local communities. They wanted to divide

and tear apart communities. ~MR K. SHANMUGAM, Home Affairs


Page 6: Monthly Planet · 2017-02-23 · Brought to you exclusively by babies with birth defects. Background In December 2015, Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, reported its first confirmed


The latest on ISIS attacks in Brussels… ISIS have claimed responsibility for co-ordinated terrorist attacks on Brussels in March 22 2016. A suicide bomber struck at Brussels' Zaventem airport, with passengers seen fleeing for their lives shortly after 8am local time. Bloodied survivors of the ­Brussels airport blasts described chaotic scenes from hell. Witnesses told of corpses, victims with shocking injuries, blood-curdling screams and parents ­frantically looking for their children. Nils Liedtke was just yards from the two nailbomb explosions which killed 11 and left scores more wounded.

He said: “It was basically like a big bang. And everything was shaking, some smoke. It took me a second or two to realise what was going on. Everybody was screaming and running out into the taxi area, so that’s what I did as well.”

An hour later an explosion was heard at the Belgian capital's Maelbeek metro station in a separate terror attack.

Belgian media has released pictures of three men they suspect of being behind the airport attacks - two are believed to be dead and one is thought to be on the run.

An ISIS flag, a nail bomb and chemicals were found in an anti-terror raid on a property in the Schaerbeek area of Brussels.

The attacks come four days after Salah Abdeslam was arrested in the Belgian capital in relation to November’s terror

attacks on Paris.

For updates on Brussels terror attacks visit:

Page 7: Monthly Planet · 2017-02-23 · Brought to you exclusively by babies with birth defects. Background In December 2015, Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, reported its first confirmed



International Day of Friendship (IFD)

The International Day of Friendship is a United Nations (UN) day that promotes the role that

friendship plays in promoting peace in many cultures.

Background In 2011, the UN proclaimed the International Day of Friendship with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, and cultures can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. The UN wanted for the day to involve young people, as future leaders, in community activities that include different cultures and promote international understanding and respect for diversity. We will celebrate IFD on April 7 2016 at Regent. Do remember to reinforce your friendship (include your teachers as well) with one another on this special day.

Awards Day 2016

Awards Day 2016 is here once again. It is a day of appreciation as academic and other achievement awards are given out to Regenites for their accomplishments in 2015. This year, it is more special at it take place at Kallang Theatre right before Cultural Night. Awards Day 2016 will be held on April 8 2016. Come and support your fellow Regenites for their

Cultural Night 2016

The much awaited coming together of arts and performances with will be rolled out on April 8 at Kallang Theatre. It will be a blast of colours, music and creativity. Don’t miss out this opportunity to watch fellow Regenites on stage! Cultural Night comes alive on April 8 2016. Be there and immerse in culture!

Coming soon!

Page 8: Monthly Planet · 2017-02-23 · Brought to you exclusively by babies with birth defects. Background In December 2015, Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, reported its first confirmed


Earth Day was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson

from Wisconsin.

Although Earth Day originated in the United

States, it went global in 1990 with 140 countries

participating. In 2000, more than 180 countries


Earth Day Network members host 10,000 Earth Day events around the world. The theme

of the 2016 Earth Day is `Trees for the Earth. Let's get


Get more information on

Earth day using

the QR code.

". . . on April 22, 1970, Earth Day was held, one of the most

remarkable happenings in the history of democracy. . . "

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