
· .. ~ •,.,

::·,,:'.'_.{,-,,' __ ·:::?/-:~-:-~~ :;,···. ' .. _:;·,::·,, ":, __ ":··.",,:,·· '··_.· .. - Towards the end of the meeting; 'there -was ;,a disaussiop :'ti.rounil the terin / "flexibility". It was .rega:Xdea .. as:an)ideal/(cna,ractef::1:stic of TEND by sect.ion, Let us inflect.·· · · · · · · ·· ·· · · ·

,, ,, :t am flex.ible You are ~pen to .··,{rgumefrt;. ·· ..•.. · i . • • . She or'he'i:Joesh~t:;·:bave a mi'z:id o'f';:heif di: '.his

In the course of that discussipll you .ii:mt;_iiz-ea ;J;o say, qui = properly, 'that y1J:t:, personal feelings woul'd enter ahy sel'e6tti'6p:·;pz:'ocess'/i tt.: wa's correct. ai.;sci'· o.f i' j Mr. Demytko to warn of the ·a.angers· of alt:tempting .to draw up a specifidtion.:'!i,f, a human being. As the report,,9-f,.the sctence,iT~sk··P'.orOei}put':i.~ ·conc~rnihefr'(il'tlltiat:J

~-a. ineffective t£e1as 01~. :~nq·~:?,::_,\ ·;.i::,:ri:! ;if:::Xi;,/ ::{: ., ::.Y6; ,, ,:(;::-:': _ . . .· :~t{ !~\\)j· .. ,.

•"By. this we mean fields 'which, _t"f9{". theJ'f.$1M(b~ing: ,O:t.,pe;rmanen,9y 1".:I>0;S$B$~;,,rjt, ';, of certified knowledge .. Such. fi'e1cis' Ja'9f(.{ti!_itihei ·' . 'facts_,, I;_ . (accurat'e .eropj,.,/±t:ffi.~' observations> or a. methoa.01ogv/fpi:,: •1.og/i'a.~jy consisvt~.n1: rJrea1ct1qg::,.-~fIJ>qtJli;if They are· clearly oogbnd the.purv:1.ff!ft,'-oty.ffn~(}{cLentifi;; 'ft;:.hos,i· sitic:tLi:tiifv:,:r;'a:ftW{~ satisfy the requirements, ne:ithei' 6f di'siri'teri/$t~dness, fl~r of. organized s.c~pt:J,o

.: They· include much (Jf th~.· ;se>c/i'a.p:,:.~.cibnt~'#lii:-~pd:':oi);rm~itj'.~..;~J.spiplifl,afiJ.'f~i~~~,j~ The pretence of their pradtitioneis ''ttt~4=·3::Ji~$.e':fie1ds. ii.rra,~par.t -of ''Sqierfce;}niil'iJ./

\ . _ . _ , . . ,, ' 1/, \ i·,¥ · - (_ 5 ,, _ ~- :-:,·.>., .,·~·=:~("':·-~,~~- .':,.(_'J,J'.','. ·:( , '> ,:'.- ·\. ; .• ~:-~':·, \·.- <,! ;.·,~ '·- ·: ,· <,, .' ' 'w ,·, .• : ; ,:C-i;'•<,' ,;_· '; '·'• -·:'i .. ;(.ii:, .;}i);, ;. :\ as Ravetz suggests, . a dev:rc~ .~o:t .$ .. r.zrv1..Y,a.J.,; -t,he' _absetfce 'or, which> :s-ocietg{".#'<1 provide for these·. fields 'neithe.i"tesoiii!cJs'.t-'n'ol:+e"spect:(ul' 'at',tent:J.on."''>::7cf ..

i · · .'!~i~ilf itltt1!1ri}i::b;,,Jt;,'~:· .. G. Rosman A/g. Section Head · Solid State Electronics

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