
HELPING YOU SHINE Tips On Writing Resumes That Make You Shine (And Get Results)

Lauren Howe

Flickr photo CC by Brandon Schauer

WHAT IS A RESUME? It’s a story…about who you are, why you are special, and why you are uniquely qualified for that job you want. Like any story, YOUR STORY…must be told well to earn you an audience.

Flickr photo CC by DaveBleasdale

SO, HOW DO YOU TELL YOUR STORY WELL? Like any great story, writing a resume takes crafting and weaving together the story lines in a way that KEEPS YOUR AUDIENCE ENGAGED and wanting more.

Flickr photo CC by Sonny Abesamis

IT STARTS WITH A GREAT INTRO Your intro (overview) must be compelling and INSTANTLY HOOK THE READER…so he or she wants to keep reading.

Flickr photo CC by Beta-J

IT MATCHES YOU TO THE JOB You shouldn’t make your audience have to work hard to connect how your skills and experiences match to those skills and experiences required for the job…MAKE IT EASY and MAKE IT OBVIOUS.

Flickr photo CC by Jeff Turner

USE KEYWORDS A good way to make your audience conclude that you are a good candidate is to use some of the keywords and phrases in your resume that are used in the job description. This requires customizing your resume for each job…BUT, IT’S WORTH IT!

Flickr photo CC by Sophie ffrench-Constant

MAKE IT EASY AND ENJOYABLE TO READ Don’t get too fancy or cute…simply keep your format EASY TO READ and ELEGANT.

Flickr photo CC by VenusPetrov

WATCH THE CLICHES Be careful of being cliche…everybody uses words like “innovative”, “creative”, and “results-oriented”. To stand out, you need to use impact words, but ones that others might not be using. Don’t get too fancy, but do PICK YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY.

Flickr photo CC by Tom Newby

NO NEED TO INCLUDE THE PERSONAL STUFF Save space by not including your personal hobbies in your resume. YOU CAN ALWAYS SHARE THOSE LATER, once you get the interview (or the job).

Flickr photo CC by Elitist

PROOFREAD Your audience will be immediately TURNED OFF IF YOU HAVE ERRORS and typos in your resume - even just one can mean the difference between getting an interview for your dream job or not.

Flickr photo CC by Shannon Kringen

KEEP IT TO 1-2 PAGES You don’t have to tell your whole story in your resume - just enough to WIN YOU AN INTERVIEW. Resumes should be 1-2 pages, depending on how much work experience you have.

Flickr photo CC by mpclemens

MAKE IT EASY TO CONTACT YOU Clearly include your main phone number and email address so that you are EASY TO CONTACT. Also, be sure to keep your email address professional - your audience will be turned off by goofy, crude or odd email addresses.

Flickr photo CC by Dan Markeye

WRITE A COVER LETTER You should ALWAYS WRITE A COVER LETTER, except if the job description explicitly says to not write one. Yes, we are all busy, but a cover letter is a great chance to introduce yourself and highlight the most important points that make you the best candidate.

Flickr photo CC by Daiju Azuma

HAVE FUN WITH IT You should be professional and not over-do it, but that’s not to say you shouldn’t have fun writing your resume. After all, a great resume is all about telling a great story…do that and you may just land your DREAM JOB:)

Flickr photo CC by Ben Askins

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