
Magnus Technical News Letter

Edition #123 May ‘ 16


Techniques of Recruiting / Sourcing Candidates

First and foremost, a candidate who is looking for job should be knowing where to update his

potentiality to reach the HR of his/her dream company. There are many sources where HR’s look for, to

recruit right candidate for the relevant job opening.

When choosing the sourcing method, the important aspect HR’s will consider is the level of

competition within the labor market. Hence, you may need to be quite creative in the way in which you

communicate with your potential HR’s in order to beat the competition.


Here are few points to help candidates to reach their respective HR’s in an effective manner:

1. Make sure you highlight your key skills and upload your latest CV in top Job boards where HR’s

have direct access to your profile.

2. LinkedIn is considered as professional network among all social media. Hence, keep your profile

updated in your LinkedIn account and get connected with technical professionals.

3. Applications received within few hours after a job is posted will be considered as first priority.

Hence, be the first to apply for your relevant job position.

4. 76% of CV’s are ignored if your email id is unprofessional according to statistics of previous year.

Hence make sure your email id is decent enough to consider for the job.

5. Employee referral plays a vital role in Recruitment. So the candidate should be having well

connection with experienced professionals in the Industries to get opportunity to get into the


6. HR’s also consider profiles who have uploaded in corporate website. Hence candidate should

access the career page in corporate website and upload his latest CV for job opening which will

add to the company’s database. If not immediate, chances are there where HR’s will get in touch

in future with the help of database.







Sources of CandidatesJOB BOARDS







Co-Efficient of Friction for Supporting Pipes

Piping Stress Engineers must be aware, that while modeling supports or restraints in Caesar II input

spreadsheet, we have to enter the frictional co-efficient. The value of this co-efficient depends on the supporting surface material and surface roughness. During project bidding stage (ITB Document), the client generally provides the information, regarding which friction factor to be used for which surface. Also every EPC organization prepares their own guidelines for using standard friction factor, in case not available in ITB document.

The following write up will try to provide an idea, regarding which co-efficient of friction to be used in which situation. This can be used as a guide only. However, project specific data or information will override any word mentioned here.

Coefficient of friction factor, depending upon the supporting interface (i.e. junction between Top of Steel and Bottom of Pipe or Bottom of Shoe/Cradle), shall be applied at all vertical restraint (+Y or Y supports) locations as mentioned below. But, if ITB for any project provides separate data, then those data shall be considered.

Carbon Steel to Carbon Steel : 0.03Polished Stainless Steel to Polished Stainless Steel/Graphite : 0.15Teflon to Teflon/Polished Stainless Steel : 0.10Concrete to Carbon Steel : 0.04Pipe to Roll Support : 0.01Teflon to Carbon Steel : 0.02

There are various philosophy among EPC companies, regarding the use of co-efficient of friction for guide and directional anchor supports. Some organizations prefer not to use any frictional co-efficient for horizontal supports. However, if used the same can be taken from the above table (normally 0.3 is used, if no special arrangement is made).

No friction factor is to be used, while supporting using rigid hangers.In case Sliding Plate is required, put the comment as “(PTFE/Graphite) Sliding Plate Required” and mention friction factor μ=0.1/0.15 respectively depending on temperature on stress sketch. Use Teflon (PTFE) Slide plate up to a temperature of 204OC, above which use graphite plate (up to 540OC).

Normally the friction factor shall not be applied, when modeling bottom type spring. But sometimes ITB document/Client could insist for friction modeling of bottom type springs; in that situation, friction factor could be applied, as per requirement.

When the pipe/shoe is supported on the welded rod on the structure, then friction factor of 0.25 shall be considered.

To know the actual effect of friction on piping stress analysis refer the article “Treatment of Support Friction in Pipe Stress Analysis” published by Mr. L C Peng.


Intools – Relevance

The efficiency and integration of the different systems have been made easy by using advance

software. Intools is one of the most advance tools available in the industry for planning plant development, expansions or control system modernization.

The INtools Instrumentation Design and Engineering software suite includes integrated modules for instrument indexes, specifications, process data, calculation, wiring, loop drawings, hook-ups, calibration and maintenance. Using either Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server databases, the software features data links to external systems, including the Intergraph Plant Design System (PDS), SAP R/3, vendor calculation packages and distributed control systems (DCS). INtools runs on the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems.


Relevance of Intools: Brings different operating centers together in one

database and single source of Instrumentation data.

Defined and accepted instrumentation naming convention.

Provides a logical location to store Tag information such as calculation sheets.

Provides the ability to request data in numerous ways.

The most challenging item is to bring the awareness to the nonuser the vast amount of data available.

INtools is the instrumentation design tool used by the majority the EPC firms, by default it is “the” industry standard.

The features provided by INtools are required by major engineering projects.

With the application being managed by the Owner Operator we have the opportunity to recommend changes to Intergraph.

The data is used by more than designers and maintenance people. It is used by planners, financial and also by accounting.

The database can contain: All of the physical Instrumentation tags

(engineered, procured, maintained) The other Tags – (Start / Stop signals, etc) Wiring details for I/O connected to the

PCN Engineering data – change that will

happen Current data – what is in the Plant right

now As Built data – “official” record of the

Plant Decommissioned Tag data – what was in

the Plant Historical (revisions) datasheet


Wells – Understanding through Drilling

When one hears the words, ‘Oil & Gas Industry’, many things may come to mind – petrol, cars or evenrefineries. But another important operation associated with this industry is excavation, or simply,Drilling. In order to obtain these crudes for this enormous industry, which the world and it’s economyruns on, extraction and drilling along with well detection & production are a part & parcel in this fieldfor generations, with ongoing developments in these operations – from directly extracting over onshorewells, to deep sea drilling accommodated with offshore structures.

Wells are perforations through the earth’s surface, in order to release crudes from its reservoir; in otherwords it’s a hole into the ground to reach the source. Wells are drilled in various ways, but areprincipally classified based on location, drilling & function. In this article, we’ll delve into theseclassifications in more detail, to fruitfully understand their significances.


A drilling rig is a machine that creates holes in the earthsub-surface. Drilling rigs can be massive structureshousing equipment used to drill water wells, oil wells, ornatural gas extraction wells, or they can be small enoughto be moved manually by one person and are calledaugers.

The first oil drilling job, in the early 1900s.

Modern day oil drilling

Through these various equipments, there are

principally 3 types of wells, based on types of drilling:

Vertical Wells:A well that is not turned horizontally at depth, allowingaccess to oil and gas reserves located directly beneaththe surface access point. Historically, natural gas and oilexploration involved the use of vertical wells becausedirectional drilling technology was expensive andcomplicated. Vertical well drilling is considered aconventional method.

Horizontal Wells:Horizontal wells typically start with the drilling of avertical well. Drilling vertically allows engineers toexamine rock fragments at different layers in order todetermine where reserves can be found. Horizontalwells are then “kicked off” from the primary verticalshaft.

Deviated Wells:

Most wells drilled for water, oil, natural gas, information or other subsurface objectives are vertical

wells - drilled straight down into the earth. However, drilling at an angle other than vertical can obtain

information, hit targets and stimulate reservoirs in ways that cannot be achieved with a vertical well. In

these cases, an ability to accurately steer the well in directions and angles that depart from the vertical

is a valuable ability.

Myths on Beam construction

There are a number of ways in which the superstructure canbe built. In areas where average to good quality bricks areavailable, the walls of houses for two to three storeyedconstructions can be built out of bricks with the slabs, lintels,chajja, etc. in reinforced concrete. Such construction issupported entirely on load bearing brick walls (Fig 1),foundation of which ultimately transfers the building load tounderneath soil.

With natural hazards like earthquake or high speed stormshitting various parts of country more frequently, such loadbearing wall construction are no longer safe for withstandinghorizontal drifts unless retrofitted. Also such construction issuitable upto G+2 storied building in general.

With high storied construction trend now-a-days coupledwith natural hazards, it is advisable to opt for RCC(Reinforced Cement Concrete) framed construction (Fig 2).Basically, RCC framed construction consists of a series ofcolumns provided suitably in the house which areinterconnected by beams to form a frame. The beams carrythe load from slab/building and transfer to columns, andtherefrom the building load is transferred to underneath soilthrough RCC footings. Beams span between one or moresupports, and are reinforced by means of main longitudinalbars to resist bending moment; and transverse steel (closedties) to resist shear force.

Beams are meant for supporting load of brick walls also (slabcouldn’t carry brick wall load in general), hence width ofbeams shouldn’t be less than width of walls. In general,beams have minimum width of 230 to 250 mm.

Guests Article

Fig 1: Load Bearing Construction on brick walls

Typical Loads to be considered for Beam Design

(i) Dead Load: Any permanent load acting on the beam,e.g. self-weight of beam, dead load/super-imposeddead load of slab/staircase, weight of brick wall.

(ii) Live Load: Any non-permanent or moving load on slab.(iii) Earthquake Load: Depends on the seismic zone where

building is located, also upon dead weight (seismicweight) of building, soil site type.

(iv) Wind Load: Depends upon the wind speed, height &location of building. Also terrain and adjacentstructures play a role in determination of this load.

Fig 2: RCC framed construction



Fig 3: Secondary beam reinforcement should be supported above primary beam reinforcement

Myths on Beam construction Guests Article

Sl No Myth Actual

1 Bottom reinforcement of beam should always be more than top reinforcement

Bending moments at supports of continuous beams of framed structure arealmost 1.75 to 2 times higher than span moments in dead load + live loadcase only. Now considering wind load, seismic load cases, and loadcombinations, the bending moments at support top are further enhanced.Hence steel reinforcement requirement at support tops are always highercompared to requirement at span bottom.

2 6 mm rings/ties are too thin to hold the beam rebars

Use of 6 mm rings is allowed as per present BIS guidelines and makes nodifference to the structural stability of beam, provided it is made and fixedas per BIS guidelines. It also results in significant savings over 8 mm rings.

3 Rings can be placed at a standard spacing (150/200 mm c/c) throughout in the beam

As per the guidelines of BIS 13920(a), rings should be placed at closerdistance (about 4’’) upto 2d distance [d=effective depth of beam] from anybeam-column joint. The spacing in the balance central part of beam can be5’’ to 6’’, based on actual calculation.

4 At beam-column junction, beam rebar can be made to pass through inside/outside of column rebar, makes no difference

The load transfer occurs from beam to column. Hence it is entirely necessarythat the beam rebar is tied with column rebar using binding wires, which isthe medium of load transfer. Now, if the same is not tied properly, no loadtransfer would be occurring to columns, and column is totally ineffective. Ifbeam rebar passes through inside of column rebar, and such case happens,at least partial load may be expected to be transferred to column, as well asthe beam bars wont have any freedom to shift off, as it will be surroundedby column bars.

5 At beam-column junction, beam rebar to be bend and made to pass through column rebar

Beam rebars are meant to carry axial tensile forces arising from bendingmoment on the section. The portion where the beam rebar is bent at anangle, the rebar becomes ineffective to carry tensile force.

Recommended construction practices for beams

Secondary beam rebar should be placed above primary beam rebar (Fig 3), as the load coming on secondarybeam is transferred to primary beam and thereby to columns.

Article by,

Mr. Sourav DuttaManager (Civil)


Fig 5

Fig 4

(a) BIS 13920 is the code of practice pertaining to ductile detailing for RCC structures

The ends of the ties must be bent as 135° hooks. The length of bend must be at least 10 times diameter of steel bar or 75 mm. Such configuration is mandatory as per BIS 13920(a) for earthquake zones III, IV and V in India. Fig 4 shows the wrong practice and Fig 5 shows the correct one as per BIS 13920(a).

Industrial Visit - Kaleesuwari Refinery Student Report

One morning, from ‘MGTE- Office’ to a remote Industrial region in Tumkur,

marked the 3rd of May, 2016, our Industrial visit to ‘Gold Winner’

manufacturing unit, Kaleesuwari Refinery, a leading edible oil manufacturer

in the country.

As a batch of 12 students, accompanied by 2 faculty, we were greeted by

Mr. Narsingha Rao, HR of Kaleesuwari Group. The introduction to the plant’s

services was taken by Mr. Subramanian, who was the Head of the Refinery

plant; he started with general information about the plant. The plant has its

major base at Chennai, founded in 1993, and since then has progressed its

services in edible oil production of 7 different varieties. The branch here at

Tumkur, produces both sunflower and ground nut oil by its flagship brand

‘Gold Winner’ refined oil.

After the introduction at the conference room, we started touring the plant

from frisking area in order to ensure safety & security, followed by the

‘Packing zone’, where final product was filled & sealed in tin cans, plastic

containers and plastic packets of various capacities.

Boilers used at this plant were of two types - coal fed and wood fed. Hot air

generated is used to produce steam for the plant operation. The plant is also

powered by wind mills located at Gadag.

Plant has a well maintained control room organized neatly &

systematically for every part of the plant. The production process starts

with the crude (sunflower) oil imported from Ukraine, which are checked

for quantity & quality and later sent to storage tanks. The refinery uses

four stages to process the crude oil: Neutralization Process, Bleaching

Process, Dewaxing Process and Deodorization Process. The oil is then

moved to storage tanks located nearby.

The waste produced is processed in a very efficient effluent treatment

plant. The ETP is equipped with aeration tanks, clarifiers, press filters and

biological bacteria treatment settling tanks. After, primary treatment, it is

sent to the RO (Reverse Osmosis) Plant for further purification. The water

treated here is brought to potable (drinkable) level.

Plant is very well maintained and runs economically with ecofriendly

terms. At the end of the tour, a Q&A session was entertained, where all

our doubts and questions were discussed back at the conference room. To

conclude, the visit was pleasant and knowledgeable. We, from Magnus

Global Tech Group, thank Kaleesuwari Refinery in making this visit a huge

success, and endowing us with industrial aspects & plant working.

FOCUS :Magnus Technical News Letter is a unique attempt fromMagnus Group to create a platform for engineers ofdifferent engineering streams to understand concurrenttechnologies and know the real time challenges facedalong with possible solutions.

It gives us immense pleasure to inform you’ll that we willbe publishing the news letter at least once in a month.We would like to thank the engineering departments forthe enthusiasm shown in sharing the technology.

YOU CAN BE A PART OF THE TEAM :We welcome you to be a part of this technical movementby sending your article or write-up with respect totechnical challenges faced with possible solutions.Please note that your article will be published under yourname, after verification of the article.

Corporate Office : Magnus Global Tech Private Limited#874, Raineo House, 1st Floor, Modi Hospital Road, Basaveshwaranagar, Bengaluru -560086.

Ph No: 91-80-42042954, Email : [email protected]

Scheduled Events

Magnus Global Job Fair 2016

In a competitive job market, it is amammoth task to get the right careeropportunity, at the right time withdesired job description. Magnus GlobalJob Fair will be a right platform forexploring the brighter career prospectus.This unique initiative has been taken toassist both the employers andjobseekers to find their respectivesolutions under one roof.

Our motto is to discover professionalswith wide range of skills and techniques,which will help our clients in theselection process to get the rightcandidates and to create a goodplatform for our job seekers to grab theopportunities.

Our VisionTo reach a state of excellence byproviding world-class engineeringresources to our Global clients, provideenormous opportunities to our jobseekers.

Schedule :We are planning to conduct a series ofJob Fairs from 2nd Half of the year.

Registration :Get yourself registered to our coreindustrial Job

Magnus Global Tech Group




Plant Engineering

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