
Subject: Solar Energy Engineering

Introduction to Machine Intelligence quotient


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Introduction While defining human intelligence is difficult, for machines with senses, environments, motivations and cognitive capacities which are very different to our own | it seems to be impossible.How can we hope to create \artificial intelligence? If we can't even say what intelligence is?!?!A good place to start is by looking at well-known definitions of intelligence that have been given by psychologists... what we find is that they have many similarities.

01-04-2016VVCE, Mysore2

Some well-known Definitions of Intelligence

The capacity to learn or to profit by experience." Ability to adapt oneself adequately to relatively new situations in life."A person possesses intelligence insofar as he has learned, or can learn, to adjust himself to his environment." We shall use the term `intelligence' to mean the ability of an organism to solve new problems. . . ."

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From these definitions, the following key Elements are apparent:

Intelligence is a property of an individualIntelligence is a matter of degreeThe individual interacts with an environmentIntelligence is related to the individual's success

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Combining these gives us the following definitionIntelligence measures an individual's general ability to succeed in a range of environments.This captures the essence of many definitions of intelligence. However the definition is still informal.

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MACHINE INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT (MIQ) The machine intelligence quotient (MIQ) is a measure to assess the intelligence of an autonomous system. Any index, numerical or linguistic framework indicating the degree of autonomy of an intelligent agent can be regarded as MIQ quantification. MIQ can be considered as a union of machine control intelligence (Mc) and machine interface intelligence (MF) M = Mc + MF

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Intelligence testingHaving explored what intelligence is, we now turn to how it is measured. Contrary to popular public opinion, most psychologists believe that standard Psychometric tests of intelligence, such as IQ tests, reliably measure something important in humans. In fact, Standard intelligence tests are among the most statistically stable and reliable Psychological tests. Furthermore, it is well known that these scores are a Good predictor of various things, such as academic performance. One important property is that the test should be repeatable, in the sense that it consistently returns about the same score for a given individual.01-04-2016VVCE, Mysore7


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Machine intelligence testsThis section surveys proposed tests of machine intelligence. Given that the measurement of machine intelligence is fundamental to the field of artificial intelligence, It is remarkable that few researchers are aware of research in this area beyond the Turing test and some of its variants. 01-04-2016VVCE, Mysore10

Turing test and derivativesThe classic approach to determining whether machine is intelligent is the so called Turing test Though simple and clever, the test has attracted much criticism. It is insufficient to establish intelligence In response to these challenges, even more demanding versions of the Turing test have been proposed such as the total Turing test in which the machine must respond to all forms of input that a human could, rather than just teletype text For example, the machine should have sensorimotor capabilitiesAnother extension is the inverted Turing test in which the machine takes the place of a judge and must be able to distinguish between humans and machines 01-04-2016VVCE, Mysore11

Compression testsIt is a simple solution to the binary pass or fail problem with the Turing test: replace the Turing test with a text compression test While simple text compression can be performed with symbol frequencies, By using more complex models that capture higher level features such as aspects of grammar, the best compressors are able to compress text to about 1.5 bits per character However humans are able to reduce this down to about1 bit per character01-04-2016VVCE, Mysore12

Linguistic complexityThe propose to measure a systems level of conversational ability by using techniques developed to measure the linguistic ability of children. These methods examine things such as vocabulary size, length of utterances, response types, and syntactic complexity and so on.This would allow systems to be assigned an age or a maturity level the best way to develop intelligence is to retrace the way in which human linguistic development occurs01-04-2016VVCE, Mysore13

Multiple cognitive abilitiesA broader developmental approach is taken by IBMs Joshua Blue project In this project they measure the performance of their system by considering a broad range of linguistic, social, association and learning tests. The goal is to first pass what they call a toddler Turing test, that is, to develop an system that can pass as a young child in a similar set up to the Turing test.

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Competitive gamesThis method has more emphasis on tasks and games rather than cognitive tests. Similar to our own definition, the propose is that doing well at a broad range of tasks is an empirical definition of intelligence To quantify this we seek to identify tasks that measure important abilities, admit a series of strategies that are qualitatively different, and are reproducible and relevant over an extended period of time.

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Collection of psychometric testsAn approach called Psychometric tries to address the problem of what to test for in a pragmatic wayThis to also include tests of artistic and literary creativity, mechanical ability, and so onWith this the research is focused on building robots that can perform well on standard tests designed for humans01-04-2016VVCE, Mysore16

C-Test. The C-Test consists of a number of sequence prediction and abduction problems similar to those that appear in many standard IQ tests This test has been successfully applied to humans with interesting results showing a positive correlation between individuals IQ test scores C-Test always ensures that each question has an unambiguous answer in the sense that there is always one hypothesis that is consistent with the observed pattern that has significantly lower complexity than the alternativesmain criticism of the C-Test is that it does not require the agent to be able to deal with problems that require interacting with an environment01-04-2016VVCE, Mysore17

ConclusionAlthough this paper provides only a short treatment of the complex topic of intelligence, for a work on artificial intelligence to devote more than a few paragraphs to the topic is rare. We believe that this is a mistake: if artificial intelligence research is ever to produce systems with real intelligence, questions of what intelligence actually means and how to measure it in machines need to be taken seriouslyI accept that the topic is difficult, however i do not accept that the topic is so difficult as to be hopeless and best avoidedAlthough intelligence tests for humans are widely treated with suspicion by the public, by various metrics these tests have proven to be very effective and reliable when correctly applied. This gives us hope that useful tests of machine intelligence may also be possible. At present only a handful of researchers are working on these problems. No doubt these fundamental issues will someday return to the fore when the field is more advanced01-04-2016VVCE, Mysore18

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