Page 1: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

The community magazine forBrecon and surrounding villages

18 Ship Street, Brecon, Powys LD3 9AD

01874 622077

Ship ShapeCelebrating 35 Years

10 members of a young and enthusiastic team here

Thank you for all of your support over the years

Covering all aspects of hairdressing

Champagne wedding packages now available

March 2015 • Issue 67


Page 2: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

To advertise in the Local Beacon tel. 07775 898432 email. [email protected]

Newport Street, Hay-on-Wye, Hereford. Tel: 01497 820516

Ffrwdgrech Industrial Estate, Llanfaes, Brecon, LD3 8LA. Tel: 01874 624161

Page 3: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

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HelloWelcome to our March issue. Thank you to everyone for the congratulations on our baby news. It’s become a normal occurrence on trips out to have an advertiser, contributor or reader rub my growing bump! I’ve always said what a friendly community we live in.

Some great new advertisers have joined us this month: Brecon Catering, Alex Jones Massage & Holistic Therapy, Brecon Preservation & Construction, Jim The Ferret, Karen Gunn Craniosacral Therapy, Wonderwool Wales, and Contented Pets. We hope our Local Beacon readers can show their support. A massive congratulations to Ship Shape Hairdressers, 35 years in business is a huge accomplishment.

Don’t forget that this month sees the deadline for entries to our Annual Photographic Competition. We’ve had some super duper images sent in but we want more. If you’re a keen photographer with a passion for our local surroundings, please do send in your photographs by midnight on 16th March.

Car Boot season is nearly upon us. Please spread the word to family and friends of the new venue, new time and that with an under cover option, even the rain won’t put us off. See advert on page 26 for full details.

Lastly I would like to draw your attention to our feature on Helena Jones on pages 6 & 7. Helena has lived a truly inspiring life, we couldn’t fit in all we wanted to so will be posting more information about her on our Cariads Local Facebook Page. What a lady.

Happy St David’s Day.


Lisa Marie Badham x

(Photo above: Cariad and Lisa Marie Badham)

CariAds Local Ltd. can not be held responsible for any inaccuracies in advertisements or articles nor for any consequences arising from this. Opinions expressed by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher. All artwork used in this publication must not be published in any other media without permission from CariAds Local Ltd.

The community magazineencouraging local residents

to use what’s on their doorstep

For the town of Breconand the surrounding villages

Address:Goosepool Cottage


HR3 6EBTelephone:

01544 327716 • 07971 446632Email:

[email protected]:

Bishop’s Meadow

Lunch on the run delivery service!

07473 452691 or 01874 622051Bishops Meadow Restaurant @BishopsMeadow1

Senior citizen meal every thursday Senior citizens hot food takeaway monday - friday

Local Beacon is published by:

For the chance to WIN Tea and Cake for two at Pilgrims Restaurant, please complete the word search on page 18 and send to us by 16th March 2015. The winner will be picked at random.

Competition:(Winner of February Competition: Llinos Jones, Trecastle)

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To advertise in the Local Beacon tel. 07775 898432 email. [email protected] 2 -

We also produce a similar publication for the Talgarth and Hay on Wye area. It’s called Wye Local. Just like this magazine the aim is to support local businesses and services. The good news is, if you are unable to pick up your copy of the Wye Local in the local catchment area, you can view it on our website from the beginning of each month.

Some of the many topics included in Wye Local, March issue:

• Get To Really Know Nicole Williams (our Apprentice)

• Old Electric Shop

• Bakers’ Table

... And much much more.

Just go to and click on the small image of the front cover ...

BRECON CATERING Outside catering at your own venue

Also cakes and bakes at Brecon Farmers Market

March 14th, 9.30am - 2pm

Order your cakes for mothering sunday

Contact Janet • Mob: 07970997904

• Web: • Email: [email protected]


Nearly all of us have some experience of dementia in our families and circle of friends yet the

stigma of dementia remains. So why not become a Dementia Friend?

Increase your understanding of dementia, and learn about the small things you can do that would

make a big difference to those living with dementia within our community.

Each session lasts about an hour, and is run by a local volunteer Dementia Friends Champion. The

sessions are interactive – and fun! Anyone of any age can be a Dementia Friend and everyone is welcome.

Dementia Friends sessions:Saturday 28th February, 11-12pm, Brecon Leisure Centre

Wednesday 11th March, 6-7pm, The Hours, Ship Street

Wednesday 18th March, 6-7pm, Brecon Leisure Centre


MATTERSMassage & Holistic Therapy

(FHT, CThA & VTCT registered)Brecon, Hay, Presteigne, Hereford

Our skilled and friendly therapists are building an excellent reputation for treating clients with a variety of conditions

including anxiety/depression, stress, muscular tension, sciatica, frozen shoulder, and circulatory problems. Whether working from our lovely treatment room

in Brecon or visiting you in your home we offera wide variety of personally tailored treatments.

• Massage - Warm Bamboo, Trigger Point Release, Hot Stone, Aromatherapy, Swedish, Indian Head, Facial

• Reflexology • Healing (Reiki & Crystal)Gift Vouchers are available for all treatments

• Free consultation • Flexible working hoursTo make an enquiry or receive a price list please call

Alex 07931114665 or Ania 07519101943or email [email protected]

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This month has been busy with meetings, so many of which revolved around budgets and cuts. With Powys CC having received the lowest settlement from the Cardiff Bay Assembly for the eighth successive year we are once again facing severe cuts to our services and provisions in the county.

The Budget for the authority for 2015/16 was approved at a recent meeting, where I had no alternative but to vote against the cabinet’s proposals. A higher council tax for fewer services is not something I felt I could support.

I have also been very alarmed at the recent announcement that a review of Secondary Schools is underway in the county. This could lead to a ‘number’ of schools and possibly associated community leisure services closing, which would have a massive effect on our communities. The ‘one size fits all culture’

Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Brecon & Radnorshire - Chris Davies

that comes out of the Assembly consistently fails to recognise the rurality of a constituency such as Brecon & Radnorshire. We therefore have a fight on our hands! The Welsh Assembly has again penalised the rural areas when it came to removing the funding for our YFC’ organisation in Wales. The Labour budget, supported by the Lib Dems, did not just reduce the grant, but completely removed this support which will have a major effect on this tremendous rural youth movement which does so much for our rural communities.

By the time you are reading this we will in March with spring in the air and let’s hope a better month ahead. . I look forward to seeing you on my rounds but please don’t forget that should you have a matter that needs my attention, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

May I wish you all a happy St David’s day.

Chris 01874 624796 or [email protected]

Brecon Preservation

& Construction

For a free no obligation quotationplease contact Joe Blackwell

Tel: 01874 409121Mob: 07756146093

Email: [email protected]

• Extensions • Renovations • Bathrooms • Kitchens

• Roofing • General Building • Damp & Timber Treatment

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Jim The Ferret No 1 Pest Controller


Tel: 07719 798796 Email: [email protected]


Contracts undertaken

KAREN GUNNC ra n i o s a c r a l Th e r a py

First session free

Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hands-on, whole body therapy which uses no force and is an increibly powerful way of encouraging the body to repair & self-heal. It can help to get to the root of those niggling & stubborn

tensions in the body that we tend to put up with.

You’ll find the sessions effective, safe & nurturing, allowing you to feel a greater sense of vitality & well-beingA few reasons why clients come to see me: • Headaches • Sore back, neck, shoulders, hips, knees...• Injuries, falls, accidents - recent or old• Unable to sleep, feeling stressed or anxious• Pregnancy, childbirth, babies & childre with trouble sleeping, communicating, concentrating, menopause• Emotional difficulties & trauma in life: divorce, bereavement, long-term illness, depression • Recovery from surgery • Restore a sense of balance & well-being & to feel completely relaxed



Sales and service of reconditioned AGAs and new firebird cookers, fine kitchen and gift wareStockists of Emma Bridgwater, Victoria Armstrong, t and g, mason cash, garden trading, Guzzini

and so much more. 01874 624996.

Also in the emporium Kitecraft, beautiful kitchens made in the heart of Wales, specialising in solid oak, maple, ash and beech. Or choose exotic veneers and painted finishes to suit your requirements.

A family business with 30 years experience. 01874 638017

All at 20 Ship Street, Brecon, Powys, LD3 9AD


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January has been another very busy month with a range of diverse issues being brought to my attention. I have received concerns from many constituents on the issue of fracking in particular and wanted to give everyone an update.I was a co-signatory to and voted for the amendment calling for a moratorium of 30 months on any exploration or exploitation of shale gas. The Labour Party abstained and the Conservatives voted against it which unfortunately meant that the amendment was defeated.I am sorry to say that I was one of just 52 MPs to vote for the moratorium but am pleased that the Government have agreed to protect National Parks. Many people have voiced their concerns about fracking taking place under their homes without their knowledge but as National Parks are now protected and the remainder of Brecon and Radnorshire has no shale deposits in its geology I am pleased to say that there should be no fracking in Brecon and Radnorshire. Looking at the broader picture of fracking in the UK,

News from Roger Williams MPbecause the Labour Party called two votes in the group of amendments and then there was a vote on the moratorium, there could not be a vote on the new clause banning “trespass” under people’s property. This is because there can only be three votes on any group of amendments. The Labour Party introduced a new clause setting out conditions under which fracking can take place and this was broadly accepted by the Government. So the net result is that fracking can take place in the UK subject to planning and environmental regulations. I am sorry it ended like this, but wanted to let you know that I did indeed try to have the moratorium put in place which would have given us a period of time to understand the problems associated with this technology. I have already met with Friends of the Earth and also companies that would wish to explore and exploit shale gas. I have come to the opinion that sufficient safeguards are not in place for fracking to go ahead at the moment and I will continue to press for change.

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To advertise in the Local Beacon tel. 07775 898432 email. [email protected] 6 -

Helena is the oldest of 8 children. She was brought up in Seven Sisters and started in Libanus school when she was 5 and a half, and after winning a scholarship, (11 plus) she started at the County school in Brecon. Helena then had her first teaching post in Llandeilo’r Fan, but after a year was invited to teach at Elan Village school, because the head wanted a pianist and someone to teach drama and music. She was there for 4 years. Place of birth? Seven Sisters, Nr Neath.Where do you live now? BreconMarital status? Widowed (24 years)Occupation? Farming and Elementary School Teacher, I did B&B for 23 years after retiring.Children? 2 daughters, 3 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.Pets? I always had a dog a pony and 2 cats on the farm but I am not allowed to have a cat or dog nowWhat was your favourite childhood television programme? We didn’t have a TV.Are you a collector of anything? Books. Mugs and decorative plates (ribbon Plates).What is your favourite book? It must be the Bible there are so many reasons.What are you reading at the moment? Magazine “Y Foner Newydd”, Saga WI Life and The Speaker. Above the forest by Ruth Bidgood, “ The tragedy of war” by Jonathan Morgan.If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? A working sheep dog collie because they are intelligent and are well fed and cared for and appreciated for their skills.If you could have any superpower, what would it be? To be a mind reader.What is usually your first thought when you wake up? Is that the alarm clock or the phone? Deal with it.What do you usually think about right before falling asleep? I say the prayer my mother taught me.Do you believe in ghosts? Yes.Most exciting thing you’ve won? Winning the heart of

the best husband in the world and winning 1st prize for a story (in Welsh) in the National Eisteddfod in 2013.

Two lessons life has taught you? Things can go wrong but in the main you get out of life what you put into it and when one door closes another one opens.

What makes you grumpy? Being caught in the rain without an umbrella.

Teenage crush? I’m sure I had a few but its so long ago that I have forgotten.

You’re given one million pounds, what do you spend it on? I’d love to fund a museum memorial in memory of the Dambusters, I lived in the Elan Valley at that time, The perfect plan and model is ready made by my grandson.

Have any bad habits?

Procrastination and sometimes leaving things to the last minute.

Which bad habits drive you crazy? Erratic drivers who think they are the only people on the road.

Do you believe in the afterlife? Yes, oh Yes.

What book would you recommend to others? The Bible. It’s got stories, poetry and gives you hope.

Get to really know... Helena Jones

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Best present ever received? A beautifully hand carved bardic chair made by Alex Thomkins, given to me for 90 years involvement with Eisteddfods. List one thing you wish you could change about yourself: I can’t choose! Its between bad feet, poor hair and the family nose.If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go? My daughter who was an airhostess for 10 years says the East is more exciting than the west so maybe China or Japan?List five goals on your life’s to-do list: Declutter my house, learn to say NO, finish writing (2 books), stop spoiling some family members who don’t really need it and be kind to myself.Name one regret you have: I regret not working harder to speak Welsh. I would love to have written more in Welsh. Name one thing you miss about being a kid: The close fun and friendships we had as children I was the oldest of 8. Tea parties, sports in the summer and Eisteddfods in the winterName one thing you love about being an adult: I love being close to my grand children, 3 great grandchildren and children. Health permitting to live my life as I chose.What’s your favourite song of all time? “Myfanwy”What’s your favourite thing to do on a Saturday night? Going to an Eisteddfod or Concert or relaxing at home watching Television.What’s your favourite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon? Spending time with my family who live near by.What would be your dream job? Nothing other than what I have done.What have you done today to make you feel proud? I’ve had a lazy day to day but I am happy to have filled in this form.Sum yourself up in five words: Hardworking, friendly, have a good sense of humour, out going and happy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Helena has had a very interesting life. If you would like to read more about her teaching, her studies, what she did after retirement take a look at our Facebook page.

CLAY SHOOTINGWoodland Park, TUITIONnovice to experienced shootersPRACTICE 100-clay automatic layoutFUN EVENTSStag / Hen / Family Corporate sessionsVOUCHERSa gift with a difference

For more information about ordering a voucher or booking a session, please call Gill at 01874 623 602

Computer repairs

New Computers and Laptops

All computer supplies and parts

13 Ship Street Brecon 01874 611877

Cuprum Ltd

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Fascinating for fibre fans, captivating for craft lovers, marvellous for makers, Wonderwool Wales 2015 returns for its tenth year over the weekend of April 25 and 26 at the Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells.

Visitors can enjoy special exhibitions, daily demonstrations and have-a-go sessions on many of the exhibitor stands, all adding to the popular programme of Woolschools put together by the organisers, the regular demonstrations by members of the Welsh Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, the hands-on activities in the interactive area and a series of felting demonstrations by The International Feltmakers Association.

Plus, thanks to the wealth of quality exhibitors drawn to the show. They

Wonderwool Wales celebrates tenth fabulous year

can shop ‘til they drop at stalls selling fleeces, yarns, spinning and weaving equipment, knitting and crochet products, buttons, buckles and shawl pins, patterns and more.

The pre-bookable Woolschools, always a highlight of the show, will include drop spindle spinning, free form knitting, making needle felted animals with Jenny Barnett

and creating 3D felt flowers with Mandy Nash.

Wonderwool Wales is on April 25 and 26 at the Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells. Opening hours: Saturday 10am – 5.30pm & Sunday 10am – 4.30pm. Tickets: £9 for adults, children under 16 free. For more details visit:


5pm (NEW session) & 7pm, St Davids Hall,

Beilihelig Road, Llanfaes

Tel: Shelly 01874 622846 or

07980 259638

The Giddy


HOG ROAST COMPANYFully Mobile Hog Roast Catering Servicefor all Social occasions and events.

www.thegiddypig.comGet in touch to discussyour event 01874 658819Meat supplied by W J George Butchers, Talgarth

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Wild in March Protectingwildlife for the future

Moschatel is easily overlooked but unmistakeable in flower as the green flowers are arranged as if on the faces of a cube – rather like a town-hall clock with four faces on each wall of the tower. But not many town-hall clocks have a face on the top as well!

The Golden-saxifrage pictured is the more rare species which is dotted around Pwll yr Wrach in small clumps. The carpets are of the commoner, opposite-leaved species.

On Saturday 28th March Keith Noble is leading a walk “Birds of Brechfa Pool & the Commons”: to see resident Skylarks and other birds, then Brechfa Pool for water birds. Details at If you have never been to Brechfa pool then you need to!

John Crellin

We all know that snowdrops and daffodils can start to appear near the turn of the year but March is the time for another flush of woodland plants that get into flower before the bluebells and anemones that delight us later in the spring.

Pwll-y-Wrach Nature Reserve is the Trust’s most popular. This is a great place to enjoy Early Dog-violet, Moschatel (also known as Town-hall Clock) and carpets of Golden-saxifrage.

Family Mediation

Contact Joanne Deveney to discuss how Amity Mediation can help youAmity Mediation Limited, 12 The Bulwark, Brecon LD3 7ADTel: 01874 624927 Mob: 07539 369000Email: [email protected]:

“Family disputes that are resolved through mediation are cheaper, quicker and, according to academic research, less acrimonious than those that are settled through the courts.” National Audit Office

At a time when family finances are often under pressure and have to be divided, mediation is far cheaper and less time consuming than going through the court system. Family Mediation can be used in a wide variety of circumstances, for example:

Contact and residence issuesFinancial provision disputesMaintenance claimsIssues between grandparents and parentsPost divorce issues relating to the family

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SudokoPlace the numbers so that each row, column and box contains the numbers 1-9...good luck.

6 4 5 3

8 4 5 2

9 1


4 2 9 6


8 9


1 4 2 8

01874 610355Ffrwdgrech Industrial Estate, Brecon LD3 8LA

WE hAvE movED!

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T: 01544 327169 M: 07815 089213E: [email protected]:

• New Builds• Extensions• Barn Conversions• Renovations• Commercial Contracting

Combining traditional building with the innovation of new sustainable technologies...

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– Tom Russell – Director of Beacon IFA Ltd


“Your local source of unbiased advice explained in Plain English”






Contact:t: 01874 611911e: [email protected]:

Directly authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority

Surging demand for pensioner bondsThe National Savings & Investments 65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds will be on sale until May 15, chancellor George Osborne announced.

Originally these ‘pensioner bonds’ were due to close once savers had put £10billion in, sparking fears some might miss out.

But now that cap has been scrapped. When they were launched on January 15, demand was so high that the NS&I helpline and website went into meltdown, causing frustration for thousands of pensioners.

So far, 610,000 pensioners have bought the bonds, putting in £7.5billion in just three weeks.The Treasury now expects the total amount in the bonds to top £15billion.

The bonds pay 2.8 per cent fixed for one year or 4 per cent fixed for three years.

They are only available to those aged 65 or over. You can put a maximum £10,000 into each bond - a total of £20,000.

Interest will not be paid until the end of the term. And it will be paid after tax, so non taxpayers will have to reclaim it from HM Revenue & Customs.

The rates are far higher than banks and building societies offer - the top rate for one year is 1.76 per cent with the tiny National Counties BS and 2.4 per cent from Close Brothers for three years.

AnimalFuneral ServicesIndividual cremation service for all petswith collections either made from your

home or veterinary practice.

Individual cremations can be carriedout and returned on the same day.

Full range of caskets and memorials

Equine collection and cremation service

Farmers sharps and pharmi wastecollection and disposal service

For more information on our24hr service call Rachael or Austinon 01544 340 277 or 07970875244

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YOUR ONE STOP SHOPSituated on the main A40 between

Brecon & Llandovery

Visit our welcoming Café which serves all day breakfasts,

Homemade main meals, puddings,cakes, & freshly ground coffee

Always check our specials board Over 60’s special – Every Tuesday




Not to missed monthly promotions

Newspapers DVD Rental Off Licence Jet Wash Lottery Oil 4 Wales Fuel Paypoint Welsh Gifts


Deliveries available 100ltr minimum

Key & UK Fuel cards accepted01874 636267

Equestrian, safety and wet weather gear available

At Sennybridge Trading Co.Defynnog Road Sennybridge

Stockist of Kozi Kidz wet gear & Hoggs of Fife country wear

01874 636497

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On Wednesday, March 4th at 2pm in Brecon Library, and as part of the Brecon Women’s Festival, the Breconshire Local & Family History Society will facilitate an illustrated Talk about this remarkable Breconshire doctor. All are welcome.

The daughter of a Merthyr Cynog Family, she was the first female doctor to qualify from a Welsh University (Cardiff).

Her medical career started in Leeds improving the health of women and children. Whilst in Leeds, she joined the Leeds Women’s Suffrage Society.

Her World War One war work was as a doctor with the Scottish Women’s Hospital for Foreign Service, serving in, for example, Serbia. Her work there led to the King of Serbia granting her two medals.

Before her demobilisation in 1919, she worked at Endell Street Military Hospital in London, treating British war casualties.

She also worked for the Ministry of Munitions of War Air Group in London.

In the 1920s, she continued her work to improve conditions for the poor, but this time in Merthyr Tydfil.

In the 1930s, she was active in Palestine and London

She died at her home in Suffolk in 1956 and is buried in Merthyr Cynog Parish Church.

Breconshire Local & Family History Society


Mary Elizabeth Phillips (1874 to 1956)

Lesley Walker RADRTS, AIDTA

T: 01874 623219

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- 16 -

1 Steeple Lane,(next to St. Mary’s Church)

BreconLD3 7DJ

Tel: 01874 623371Fax: 01874 611195

PHONE: 01874 623371

Family Law SpecialistDivorce

MOD Pensions

Finances after divorce

Separation Agreements

Children’s Matters to include Residence, Contact, Adoption and representation of Grandparents.

Pre-nuptial Agreements

Cohabitation Disputes/AgreementsGiLL MARTin specialises in all areas of Family law and is accredited by the Law Society as a Family Law specialist. She is also a member of Resolution which promotes a constructive and non adversarial approach to family matters. Gill is based in our Brecon office, please contact her for an initial consultation.


Property Law and Commercial SpecialistBuying and Selling Property

Acquisition of Land

Business Sales & Purchases

Commercial Leases



JAneT TiMOThy, Partner, specialises in all matters concerning land including the buying and selling of houses, land, businesses, commercial property and commercial Leases. Janet also has extensive experience in Probate and Wills.The firm promotes dealing with clients directly on a one to one basis without any legal jargon.

“I�know�myself�how�frustrating�it�is�not�to�have�phone�calls�returned�or�not�to�be�able�to�speak�to�the person you need to, so we put our clients first by making ourselves easily accessible.We give out direct�phone�numbers�and�email�addresses�in�order�that�we�can�deal�with�any�queries�as�quickly�and�efficiently as possible to, hopefully, ease what is already a stressful process. We know that the modern business is not constrained by traditional office hours and 9 to 5 doesn’t always suit business clients.”

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Llanddew is a small village lying two miles north of the town of Brecon. St. David’s Church and the Village Hall form the heart of the village. The Church is the oldest in the historic county of Brecknock, the building dates from around the 13th Century and is in cruciform shape with a central tower. A booklet on the history of the Church was written by the late Ursula Jepson with illustrations by the late Ruth Miles which can be found on the bookstand in the church. The people of Llanddew are fortunate that their congregation remains constant and have regular weekly 9.30am Sunday services.

The remains of the imposing bishop’s palace, immediately to the north-east of the churchyard (picture to the left) was built during the 12th century, its most famous occupant being Giraldus Cambrensis who, as archdeacon of Brecon, occupied it from 1175 to 1203. It was in the year 1188 that Archbishop Baldwin stayed in Llanddew during his recruiting for the Crusade mission and Geradus Cambrensis escorted him through Wales. Ruins of the Bishop’s Palace still remain and incorporate a double vaulted well known as Bishop Gower’s well which dates back to 1340AD. Architectural finds in the village show that there was a thriving community in the medieval ages, many serving the important religious centre at that time.

At the centre of the community is the village hall (pictured above) which was formerly an old Church School built in the 1800s and renovated in 1990s to meet the required present day standards.

The hall is used by the community for social events such as the annual village BBQ, Bingo and Quiz nights, Harvest Supper, Strawberry teas etc. A variety of organisations also use the hall such as the Sewing

Group, U3A Art, Spinners/Weavers and of course the village choir – Cor-y-Ffynnon, as well as being hired for functions and parties, including social events and talks organised by Llanddew Society. A main feature is the spacious car park which is also used for recycling. The hall provides good kitchen facilities such as a cooker, microwave and fridge and those who wish to hire the hall can phone 01874 624672.

The village choir Cor-y-Ffynnon was formed in 2002, it is not only a social group of 40 mixed singers but its aim is to perform at local residential homes and small churches in the area to help raise their funds. A variety of Welsh traditional and international songs are included in the programme.

There are a few short walks around the village providing photographers and artistes with excellent views of the Brecon Beacons and surrounding areas from the elevated location overlooking the town and valley below.

If you would like us to feature your village in a future issue of the Local Beacon, please give Lynda a call on 07775 898432 or email.

STEVE COOKPainter & Decorator

Call Steve on

01874 622408

or 07983 689108

[email protected]



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Wordsearch Competition:Brecknock Sinfonia Helena JonesHonddu DippersJean RustonLlanddewMary E PhillipsPaula Davies BeautyThe RetreatWonderwool WalesWomen’s Festival

For the chance to WIN this month’s prize (see page 1), please complete the wordsearch, fill in your details below and send to Local Beacon by 16th February 2015.Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Keep your town beautifulThe Honddu Dippers, a group of volunteers formed in 2005 to pick litter along the rivers Usk, Honddu and around Brecon Town.

They brave the water in their waders and have collected all sorts over the years – bikes, traffic cones and over 600 bin bags FULL of our towns’ rubbish. You’ve probably not noticed them but you would notice all the litter and junk dumped if they didn’t continue their work. They have never been paid for their efforts or even had a Thank you for keeping Brecon beautiful…. So firstly, a BIG Thank You to the Honddu Dippers for a decade of hard work!

The original members are now retiring and have asked PLAN Brecon to take on litter picking duties.

PLAN Brecon are a group of volunteers who aim to enhance the People, Land, Action and Nature within the Brecon community. For example, they have planted an avenue of fruit trees in Newton Park, created a sensory seating area down the Prom, restored Brecon Canal Lime Kilns, and more.

They will now be meeting at Watergate Car Park on the dates printed below, so join them for a social stroll, pick some litter and get active all while helping keep your town beautiful.

Sunday 22nd March at 10am - 12pm

Thursday 16th April at 5.30 - 7.30pm

Thursday 21st May 5.30 - 7.30pm

Thursday 18th June at 5.30 - 7.30pm

Thursday 16th July at 5.30 - 7.30pm

Thursday 20th Auguest at 5.30 - 7.30pm

Thursday 17th September at 5.30 - 7.30pm

Sunday 25th October at 10am - 12pm

Sunday 22nd November at 10am - 12pm

For more information please contact: Charlie Searl 01874 611858, Gareth Ellis 01874 611039 or Gerwyn Davies 07989303493.

Page 22: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

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Call us today on 01874 665-738or visit

Servicing, Installations & Repairs

Powerflushing & General Plumbing

Replacement Boilers from £1399

Up to £5000interest free

grants available over five years on replacement

gas boilers, D rated or higher


Please mention Wye Local when responding to adverts- 11 -

This month the Old Railway Line Garden Centre is hosting a Charity Quiz and Curry Night as part of the national Garden Re-Leaf Day.

Garden Centre owner Mark said “On Friday 27th March we will be hosting a Charity Quiz and Curry Night in our Railway Restaurant from 6.30pm. The evening is in aid of Greenfingers, which creates gardens at children’s hospices across the UK. Greenfingers is a fantastic charity which we enjoy supporting every year.

“Teams of up to six people can enter and tickets cost just £10 per person including quiz entry and a choice of delicious homemade curries. Don’t worry if you don’t like curry; there will be an alternative option! The quiz will contain a wide range of subjects to appeal to people of all ages and interests with £120 worth of gift vouchers on offer as prizes.”

As well as the

quiz night there

will also be a variety of fundraising activities at the

garden centre during the day.

Mark added “During the day of our Charity Quiz &

Curry Night customers are invited to join us for a day

of fundraising activities including our popular ‘Wellie

Throwing Challenge’, raffle and a new addition ‘Soak

the Boss’ wet sponge throwing stall which I am not

looking forward to! Activities cost just £1 a go giving

you an opportunity to win a wide range of fantastic


For further information and to book, please call The

Old Railway Line Garden Centre on 01497 847055

or visit

Curry & Quiz Night inaid of Garden Re-Leaf

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CALL DAVE EVANS on 01874 754898 07766 727209

Unit 2, Chambers Yard, Silver Street, Brecon, LD3 8BG(next to Ian Jones Tyres)

Flower Garden2 Plant container grown trees, shrubs, climbers and roses. 2 Prune and tidy up bush, patio, climbing and ground cover roses.2 Plant and divide perennials.2 Brighten up your pots with pansies, primulas and spring flowering bulbs.Kitchen Garden2 Prepare the soil and then make the first sowings of

lettuce, rocket, radishes, spring onions, leeks and early varieties of carrots and peas.

2 Plant early crops of potatoes in pots undercover; plant first earlies outdoors towards the end of the month.2 Plant rhubarb, container grown fruit trees and

bushes and strawberry plants.2 Sow hardy herbs and plant and divide

perennial herbs. Greenhouse2 Keep heating the greenhouse and water sparingly2 Sow tomatoes, chillies, sweet peppers and half-hardy annuals / bedding plants in a heated propagator2 Pot up plug plants and young plants as soon as you

have purchased them.2 Plant early crops such as summer cabbage and

cauliflower in pots..The Lawn2 Deal with worm casts and molehills.2 Redefine lawn edges. 2 Lay turf before the end of the month if you didn’t in the autumn.General Advice2 Remove weeds and moss on paths, patios and drives.2 Clean pond filters and pumps and begin to feed fish if weather is warm enough.2 Continue feeding the wild birds, ensure you clean feeders regularly and provide a fresh water supply.

Article supplied by The Old Railway Line, Three Cocks.


Tips for Gardeners

Please mention Wye Local when responding to adverts- 11 -

This month the Old Railway Line Garden Centre is hosting a Charity Quiz and Curry Night as part of the national Garden Re-Leaf Day.

Garden Centre owner Mark said “On Friday 27th March we will be hosting a Charity Quiz and Curry Night in our Railway Restaurant from 6.30pm. The evening is in aid of Greenfingers, which creates gardens at children’s hospices across the UK. Greenfingers is a fantastic charity which we enjoy supporting every year.

“Teams of up to six people can enter and tickets cost just £10 per person including quiz entry and a choice of delicious homemade curries. Don’t worry if you don’t like curry; there will be an alternative option! The quiz will contain a wide range of subjects to appeal to people of all ages and interests with £120 worth of gift vouchers on offer as prizes.”

As well as the

quiz night there

will also be a variety of fundraising activities at the

garden centre during the day.

Mark added “During the day of our Charity Quiz &

Curry Night customers are invited to join us for a day

of fundraising activities including our popular ‘Wellie

Throwing Challenge’, raffle and a new addition ‘Soak

the Boss’ wet sponge throwing stall which I am not

looking forward to! Activities cost just £1 a go giving

you an opportunity to win a wide range of fantastic


For further information and to book, please call The

Old Railway Line Garden Centre on 01497 847055

or visit

Curry & Quiz Night inaid of Garden Re-Leaf

Page 24: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

To advertise in the Local Beacon tel. 07775 898432 email. [email protected] 22 -

The Second Hand Shopat Three CoCkS

Give uS a Call on

01497 847653

ClearanCes undertakenWe buy and sell:


Household goods Children and baby items

..and the thing that you threw away last week

The Perry family has been repairing roofs in this area for over 45 years (three generations):

• Traditional built up high tensile felting systems, fibre glass, single ply, liquid coatings, slating & tiling with manufacturers’ backed guarantees ranging from 10-25 years;

• UPVC fascias and guttering – with 10 year guarantee.


Your property deserves the best so, for a free survey and estimate

tel: 0500


Based Locally between Brecon and Hay 01874 938005 E: [email protected]

Marquees forall occasions

Page 25: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

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Brecon Women’s Festival was started in 2012 to mark International Women’s Day locally (which this year takes place on Sunday March 8th) by staging a programme of events, taking place on and around International Women’s Day, in celebration of the creativity, talents and achievements, past & present, of women in and around Brecon. This March sees the Festival enter its fourth year and it’s bigger and better than ever. The festival will be officially opened by Actress Joanna van Kampen - who plays Fallon in The Archers – at 6pm on Wednesday March 4th at The Hours Cafe & Bookshop. Theresa Stabb from The Welsh Academy of Art will open the Brecon Women’s Festival Art Exhibition at The Muse, which includes a craft fair, music, talks, poetry and workshops.Visit and follow Brecon Women’s Festival’s Facebook page or Twitter @BreconWF2015. Brochures will be available soon!

Brecon Women’s Festival 2015 Programme

Wed 4th March 2pm – Brecon Library: Breconshire Local & Family History Society - Life & work of Dr Mary Epynt Phillips. Wed 4th March 6pm – The Hours: Official BWF launch. Wed 4th March – All Month – ‘Cutting Edge’ An exhibition by Emily England - The Hours.Wed 4th March (continuation) – 12th March – The Andrew Lamont Gallery, Theatr Brycheiniog: Exhibition by artist Jacqueline Jones. Fri 6th March 2pm – Watton Presbyterian Church: Women’s World Day of Prayer (International & Interdenominational). Fri 6th March 6pm – 8pm – The Muse: Opening of Women’s Festival Art Show. The exhibition continues until 22 March.

Sat 7th March 10am – 4pm – The Muse: Women’s Festival Craft Fair. Sun 8th March 7.15pm Theatr Brycheiniog Gallery: Alive & Kickin Choir Concert £5Monday 9th March 7pm - George Hotel Brecon - ‘An evening with Kirsty Williams’ in association with Friends of Brecon & District Mind.

In its 4th Year

Tues 10th March 3pm – The Hours: ‘Poems for Anne Cluysenaar’. Wed 11th March 10am- 12pm – The Muse: ‘Stitch Together’ Coffee morning. Wed 11th March 6pm - The Hours: Women & Dementia Workshop. Thurs 12th March 10am – Bobbins: Ffolkyffelt felting workshop.7pm – The Hours: Female Feats with Punch Maughan.Saturday 14th March – 12 - 4pm The Muse: Mandala Workshop. Tuesday 17th March – 10am - 12pm The Muse: Artists Forum & Coffee Morning. Wednesday 18th March – 6-9pm - The Hours: ‘Drawing from Life’. Thursday 19th March – 7pm - The Hours: Women & Words Open Mic:.Saturday 21st March 10am – 4pm – The Muse: Stained Glass Workshop7pm - Saturday 21st March – The Muse: Live Music with Tarion.Sunday 22nd March 2pm – The Lime Kilns on the Canal: Women’s Festival Tree Planting.

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Tel: 01874 623400Mob: 07971 973666Rhydywernen farm, Brecon.

By appointments only.

Beauty therapyby Paula Davies

Spray tan, acrylic nails, gel overlay, shellac, make-up, individual eyelashes, manicure, pedicure, Hollywood toes, facial, tinting & waxing. Princess parties. Hopi candling, threading and wedding packages available.

Adult pamper parties available and gift vouchers available.

Eco-friendly, long burning briquettes.Made with clean sawdust from local sources.Minimal ash, no sparking, clean to handle.

Contact: Nino - 01432 352 776 or

Available in packs of 10kgor pallets up to 1000kg

(Pallet delivery available)

Heat Logs

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Paula Davies Beauty Therapy is based in a fabulous location just a 1½ miles from Brecon on the Libanus to Brecon Road with easy access and plenty of parking. Paula offers a variety of beauty therapies including offering Princess parties for girls , Hen parties as well as the usual special treat for ladies and men alike.

I have for years wondered what Candle Ear Treatment or by its proper name Thermal Auricular Therapy was, well now I know. You remain fully clothed for the treatment but still Paula put a cosy blanket on your feet which I always love, she then places a piece of tissue soaked peppermint oil under your nose to clear you air ways if you don’t like peppermint she could use another oil. Then she places a cone of waxed paper with a filter at the end, which is the candle, in your ear, this is then lit. As the paper slowly burns down, the suction that it forms draws and gently stimulates and the vapour collects and removes impurities or deposits from inside your ear. Often, referred to as the ‘chimney’ effect. The rising air gives the ear drum a gentle massage and also helps to regulate ear pressure. This is soothing, calming and protects the irritated areas. While lying there I experienced a gentle wave noise with the occasional gentle pop.

The therapy is widely used by doctors in Europe and America as an alternative to conventional treatments such as antibiotics, ear syringing and grommets. Many people after treatment notice an increase in their hearing ability many feel clear headed and very relaxed which was how I felt as it is removing impurities it can help ear, nose and throats areas.

Some may have heard it called Hopi Ear candling the Hopi is the brand name for one of the producers of the candle.

Paula also offers a variety of beauty treatments, nail polish, facials, waxing and make up and from the wonderful testimonials she has received, she has clearly made many of her clients very happy,

especially those she help on their wedding day.

“I was so, so pleased with my wedding make up. We had an initial consultation where Paula listened to what I wanted. We tried a few different things at that consultation and we decided on what looked best. I felt so relaxed after this, it was exactly what I had hoped for. On the day Paula came to my home, embraced the chaos and did all our make- up perfectly. It lasted the whole day despite rain and tears and the photos looked fabulous but more importantly I felt beautiful. Thank you Paula.”

Paula also offers pamper parties with her fabulous relaxation room upstairs while one person is having treatment another could be having their nails done and the rest can just relax in the relaxation area. And with two young daughters Paula Princess parties have also been a fabulous success for many parents with young daughters.

“Thanks Paula for a fantastic pamper party for Jess. All the girls had such fun - including me! The most stress free and easy birthday party ever!!”

Lynda Like

“she has clearly made many of her clients very happy. ”

Exactly what I had hoped for


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Brecon Film SocietyWADJDA (PG)MONDAY 2ND MARCH SAUDI ARABIA/GERMANY DIR: HAIFAA AL-MANSOURA girl covets a bicycle owned by a local boy and decides to get the money to buy her own by entering a Koran-reading competition.


NEW Spring clothing collections.Great selection of canoes, kayaks and equipment, everything you need for a trip down the Wye.Expert advice, guided river trips, qualified instruction for beginners and improvers.

Tel: 01497






come RAIN or SHINEWe have moved location and changed the times to ...

Gwernyfed High School, Three Cocks (Sat Nav LD3 0SG)

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April 4th & 18th • May 2nd & 16th • June 6th & 20thJuly 4th & 18th • August 1st & 15th • September 5th & 19thThe NEW venue offers:• A large outdoor space for dry weather • A large indoor space for wet weather • Refreshments stall• Free parking for buyers • Toilets on site • Disabled access

£6 per car • £10 per van • No booking requiredContact 01544 327716 •

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The Tories say that the economy is working, but for too many people life is getting harder. David Cameron’s plan is failing because he doesn’t understand that Britain only succeeds when working families succeed.

Figures published in February show that by 2020 the number of working people reliant on Housing Benefit will have more than doubled during the decade. At the same time, we have heard how HSBC has been caught out for allegedly helping its super rich clients avoid paying tax and how the company that owns Boots has dodged paying £1.1bn in taxes by routing its cash through a series of subsidiaries in well-known tax havens – quite frankly, that’s obscene when estimates show 40% of Boots’ income comes from NHS funded services.

That’s just not right and it’s not fair on hardworking people in Brecon and Radnorshire who get up each day, put in the hours, work the shifts and help our businesses create the wealth for our economy.

Labour will tackle the issue head on. The next Labour government will give tax havens six months to open their books and agree to publish a register of beneficial ownership, and if they do not act we will recommend to the OECD that they are put on a blacklist.

It’s tough action but we can’t allow the super-rich and big companies to shirk their responsibility and avoid paying their taxes. This matters to everyone who relies on our schools, our hospitals, our roads and our railways. It is costing everyone who pays their fair share of taxes, including millions of British businesses.

The question we must address is who this country is going to be run for. Is it going to be run for everyone under fair rules which apply to everybody with Labour? Or is it going to be a case of one set of rules for one set of people and another set of rules for another with the Tories?

Our country can only succeed if we all play our part

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Name of the business? Blackbird GB Ltd (First Aid Training).Where are you based or area you work in? Our HQ is based in Glasbury on Wye, however we have instructors in West Wales and Bristol. We cover Wales, its neighbouring towns, villages and the Bristol area.

Why Brecon? Brecon is an excellent town with a fantastic community spirit and has a great variety of services for surrounding towns and villages. (It was also a childhood favourite of mine to visit growing up).

Why did you decide to open this shop/business? I have served in the emergency services for nearly 14 years both here and London and always managed to be in the right place at the wrong time when it came to first aid in every possible first aid scenario imaginable.A lot of the friends, family and onlookers at various incidents always commented on how they wished they had the confidence and knowledge in first aid techniques so that they could have perhaps made a difference at the time. After gaining a higher qualification as ‘medic’ in my role several years ago I quickly realised how effective one could be with a little knowledge and confidence both at work and with my friends and family. This was confirmed twice with two separate life threatening incidents involving my Son where I gave him first aid and had the confidence to apply what I had learnt and ultimately saving his life. We started off running free coffee morning style workshops to teach new parents first aid techniques for children and infants. They became so popular and effective I felt it was time to teach quality, practical first aid techniques in a variety of subjects that could make a real difference in those unexpected moments in life.

What are some of challenges you encountered? The first challenge arrived at the first hurdle; becoming instructors with the correct qualifications that are recognised by the official governing body. Our next challenge was re-establishing ourselves in Wales and Bristol from London last year and now

making sure we make the right choices when it comes to advertising and self-promotion. There are so many companies doing what we do so we take pride in growing slowly but surely thanks mainly to word of mouth.

What do you wish you had known before you started? The amount of paperwork that is required to gain and maintain instructor status!

Is this the first business you have launched? Yes it is however we are soon launching two other branches within Blackbird GB unrelated to First Aid training.

What type of education or experience helped you to open/run/manage this business? Well, having a lot of hands on experience in every scenario from shootings, serious assaults, road traffic accidents and CPR on both adults and children to minor cuts and bruises pushed me to become competent at first aid, after all people’s lives were on the line. With every experience came a new challenge and made me more and more passionate about teaching simple, practical First Aid techniques to everyone we can. Luckily I have two equally passionate and experienced instructors that work with me in Alan and Dave.

Describe a typical day in your business: We are lucky enough to provide a number of different First Aid training courses that can take us from a classroom environment to the outdoors such as a forest, back to a nursery, up onto a mountain side, back to someone’s living room and many different work sites all in a week. No day is the same and no class or student is either, that’s what is such a pleasure and challenge. We just get enjoyment out of helping people help others when they need it. Aside from the teaching we are constantly learning new skills as well as keeping active in the outdoors. With this in mind we aim to raise money and awareness for six charities throughout each year. We climbed Snowdon, jumped the ‘Powerfan Plummet’ and rode ‘Skyride’ (As seen in our photo), all for ASSERT – Angelmans Syndrome in December raising £106.

Any advice to new businesses in this area? Be patient, work hard and set achievable goals and aims. Surround yourself with like-minded supportive people and remember: ‘What you put in you get out’….

New in Town

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“For those unexpected moments in life, when you can make a real difference.”

[email protected] 07772 259692

Guest Chef NightMarch 7th £25

Mother’s Day TeaMarch 15th £10/7.50

Pizza and FlixMarch 21st Gone Girl £10

telephone: 01874 mill, the square, talgarth, ld3 0bw


DOG WALKING - We walk your dog from home when you are unable to.

DOG HOME BOARDING – We board your dog in our home.

CAT FEEDING – Your cat stays at your home where it has its home comforts.


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Freddy Greaves

To get involved in Freddy’s campaign:Phone: 07762 594629Email: [email protected] @FreddyGreaves


As the general election campaign has got properly underway, I have been really enjoying spreading the positive messages of Plaid Cymru’s plans for rural Wales. I continue to work full-time on coordinating the Youth Engagement agenda in Powys and the rest of the time I have my hands full with my children.I am proud to tell people about the positions Plaid are taking in these often difficult times.On austerity, we are hearing more about how spending cuts will affect our rural lives, through a reduction in funding for organisations such as the YFC and even potential closures of secondary schools. These cuts are ultimately political decisions handed down by the Lib Dem/Conservative coalition in Westminster via Labour in Cardiff. I am fully committed to opposing austerity. Instead of cutting, Plaid Cymru will protect our rural public services and invest in infrastructure spending to boost our economy. We would secure fair funding for Wales, clamp down on tax loop-holes used by large corporations, and save billions of pounds through the scrapping of the Trident nuclear weapons replacement.We would make it easier to attract GPs to work in rural surgeries by offering them incentives such as the repayment of their student loans. This will be more cost-effective than the use of locum doctors.We would extend the business rates relief scheme to bring hundreds more Brecon & Radnorshire small businesses out of paying the rates altogether, with reductions for many more.Two of our recent motions at the Welsh Assembly have been about protecting the farming industry and calling on the government to resist fracking in our countryside. These motions are further proof that Plaid Cymru are the only party to truly put rural Wales first.Whether you are a farmer, a small business, care about our public services or the environment, whether you are young and in need of a strong economy for a job, or whether you are retired and in need of a functioning health care system, I implore you to vote for a positive future for Brecon & Radnorshire. Vote for me, Freddy Greaves, and vote for Plaid Cymru – The Party of Wales.

Freddy Greaves - Plaid Cymru


Brecon’s newest beauty salon providing waxing, shellac nails, massage, pedicure, male treatments.

Treat your Mum this Mothers Day with one of our packages

Shellac Manicure with Luxury Hand Massage £25

Full Pedicure including a Hot Stone Foot Massage £28

Massages choose from either Hot Stones or Swedish half body £20 full body £35

Call us on 01874 622487 Walk in appointments welcome

Gift vouchers available.


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Tel: 01874 409024 Mob: 07817 722489email [email protected]

Services include Renovations and Improvements

• Carpentry inc. wood & laminate floors•Tiling floors and walls

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All aspects of interior and exterior maintenance for home and businessAll work by mulTi Skilled TrAdeSmAn

wiTh over 30yrS exPerienCe

C.S. WatkinsProPerTy mAinTenAnCe

Over 25 Years of Experience in the Accountancy Profession

Please do not hesitate to contact me on:

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Professional, friendly service

Principal: Karen Lawrence FCCAMember of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants


Savings & Investment Planning•

Retirement Planning•

Protection Planning•

Inheritance Tax Planning

Tel: 01874 610707Mobile: 07970692927

[email protected]

8 Ship Street, Brecon.

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Gwyneth and Salvo would like to welcome you to our cosy, friendly country pub/restaurant. You will find us about 3 miles to the north of Sennybridge,

by following the signs – Pentrebach and country pub/restaurantWe have a log fire for the colder evenings, flag-stoned floors and plenty of original beams. We have well-kept Real Ale (CAMRA members) often sourced locally. There is

a good selection of wines and plenty of soft drinks/teas/coffees too.We also cater for weddings, birthdays, funerals or business meetings.


ARMSPE N TR E B AC H S E N N Y B R I D G E0 1 8 7 4 6 3 6 5 0 8

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Donna first started out as Rainbow Beauty over 10 years ago, a successful business from her home before going into partnership with Rhyanne Nixon, at The Retreat in Sennybridge and then later in Brecon. Unfortunately Rhyanne suffered ill health and had to withdraw from the business. It was at this point Donna created The Retreat, Brecon. The Retreat Brecon thrived with Donna’s enthusiasm and she soon realised there was room for expansion. In 2012 she met with Therapist, Sharon Copson, and they decided to work alongside each other. In June 2014 Sharon went part time in her role as PA with the Local Authority to enable her to dedicate more time to The Retreat. In October 2014 the building in which the Retreat was based changed management and Donna and Sharon agreed it was the right time to look for new premises. Donna’s husband Rob is a qualified British Wheel of Yoga Teacher and it seemed a perfect time for all three to come together. The Retreat Brecon is now working alongside

Wellbeing Centre Sharon’s Bodywork Clinic and Rob’s No Worries Yoga. All three agree that the most important aspect is ‘Peoples Wellbeing’ so the new building will be called the Wellbeing Centre. Donna said each of the Business’s are unique in their own right but we all have the same ideals, of putting the wellbeing of the client first. Each of us strive to give an excellent service and are constantly attending training courses to ensure our clients receive the best treatments. Donna will continue to offer beauty, holistic and massage treatments; including EveTaylor Skin and Body Care, Mavala Hand & Nail Care and Smart Polish Gel nails.Sharon offers Sports Massage, Swedish massage, Reflexology and Northern Style Thai Yoga Massage, a unique and powerful Massage Therapy combining acupressure, gentle stretching and applied yoga.Rob offers Hatha Yoga including group classes and one to one sessions. Rob sees yoga as a way of improving health in physical, psychological and emotional states, by bringing balance, harmony and vitality to ones life.We will also be offering workshops for other treatments.This is a really exciting time for us all and is more than a business; this is our passion.

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15 Plate Call in to see our gorgeous array of Floral products, Cards, Gifts and

more in our Gift & Wedding Rooms.


See our website

Tel: 01874 622220Opening times are 9:00am - 5:00pm

34 High Street, Brecon

Mothering Sunday – 15th March

Mike LuxtonElectrician

3 The Paddocks, Newgate Street,Llanfaes, Brecon LD3 8DJ

Tel: 01874 611794Mob: 07802 711670

Email: [email protected]

PAT TestingInstallation & Repairs

Part P RegisteredElecsa Registered

No electrical job too small

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After a very successful concert of works for strings in January, Brecknock Sinfonia moves to a programme of large-scale works for full orchestra. The main work will be Tchaikovsky’s mighty Fifth Symphony, one of the great masterpieces of romantic music. Exultant and reflective, passionate and brooding, hushed and loud, all the elements of the composer’s work are here and always swirling with endless melodies. Two of Vaughan Williams’ best loved works, the ‘Fantasia on Greensleeves’ and ‘Serenade to Music’, present romanticism with a British face. The serenade is an orchestral arrangement of a setting of Shakespeare for 16 solo voices composed as a birhday tribute to Sir Henry Wood, founder of the Proms. In the fantasia Vaughan Williams takes the famous Tudor melody as the basis for an evocation of Englishness. ‘On Hearing the First Cuckoo of Spring’ by Delius continues the theme of reinterpreting the traditional beauty of the old ways, although this musical viewpoint is more influenced by European innovations.

The concert is in Brecon Cathedral at 7.30 on Saturday March 21st. Tickets are on sale at the door for £12, under 16s free. Join Brecknock Sinfonia’s growing audience for a rare chance to hear a full symphony orchestra performing large scale works in Brecon.

Big Orchestral Classics forSpring Concert

Glasbury Taxis Mini-Bus Hire

Sporting Events I Nightclubs Airport runs

Any distance – cheap rates Tel: Graham on 07966 017714

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Contributions from local poets are invited. These should be no more than 24 lines in length and accompanied by two or three succinct sentences about the poet. They should please be emailed to [email protected] and not directly to the Local Beacon.

BRECON Poets:On retiring from full time employment, Jean is looking forward to spending more time writing fiction and poetry.



Land of kings and gods, mysterious, history-richYour lovely wild hills keep hidden secrets, saga-storiesAncient tracks breast open moorland, ghost-driftedWith the marching Roman legions, plumed and scarlet cloakedThe hill-tribe people watch still with untamed fierce dark souls.The wind caresses in a gentle breeze, then bites with deadly breathBlack rocks frozen, scant shelter for the white furred hareClean picked bones in hollows, to be found in the kinder Spring.Close woods, planted by the hand of man outstrip the mighty oakOld guardian of the land, once worshipped, ringed and marked with age.Now no sunlight in the black and dusty depths, silentThey wait the rasping saw, the crash of falling timberThen light reborn on damp dark banks where new lifeReaches up to nurturing warmth in small green serried rows.Empty skies, singing birds aloft above the greening brackenPromise of short warm summer, but mighty width of tender blueCan change to mauve lit storming clouds looming over black-lit mountainIce capped sparkling heights above the valleys far belowShadow chased with every passing season.Generous, free and open to the wanderer and those who search for peace Protect your precious living treasures from the encroaching worldFor they cannot be replaced, once destroyed are gone for all eternity.




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Call us for FREE advice about any roof work, from a missing slate to a new roof.

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Give Tommy a call 07885 814694

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Lifestyle and Gift Shop in the heart of Brecon.

Find us on Facebook

Stockists of Chalk Paint™ Decorative paint by Annie Sloan.

Homeware & Gifts

Come & visit us at 6B The Bulwark, Brecon, LD3 7LB



Are you a keen photographerwho has a passion for our local surroundings?

Then this competition is right for you . . .

1st prize: £50 2nd prize: £25 3rd prize: £1012 of the images will appear in the 2016 Local Landscapes Calendar

Rules are simple: High resolution images of local landscapes in theBrecon Beacons National Park. Images need to be landscape, not portrait.

Closing date: 16th March 2015

Email your entries to [email protected] each photo. Give details of when and where the photo was taken.Include your name, address and contact number.

Last years winner

: Cariads Local Ltd / Local Beacon / Wye Local

Page 40: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

To advertise in the Local Beacon tel. 07775 898432 email. [email protected] 38 -

Page 41: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

Please mention the Local Beacon when responding to adverts- 39 -

To make the Vanilla custard

Panna cotta

315ml of milk

190g of caster sugar

1 vanilla pod

500ml of double cream

4 gelatine leaves

1 tablespoon of custard powder

Raspberry puree

2 punnets raspberry

4 table spoons of caster sugar

1 table spoon water

Poached rhubarb

3 sticks of rhubarb

100ml water

2 tablespoons grenadine

Mini meringues

75g egg whites

70g caster sugar

Method: To make the panna cotta

Soak the gelatine in water till soft

Boil the milk, sugar, vanilla pod

seeds, and cream together

Once boiled add 2 table spoons of

the liquid to the custard powder

and mix then add back to the pan

Squeeze out the water from the

gelatine and add to the cream

mixture and whisk till dissolved

Pour out into the moulds and set

for a minimum of six hours

Ingredients: To make the puree

Add all ingredients to the pan

and simmer for 20 minutes

Blend and pass

For the poached rhubarb

Boil the water and the

grenadine together and once boiling

turn down to a simmer

Cut the rhubarb on the angle into

diamond shapes

Put in the simmering water and poach for

5 minutes or until just soft

Take out and cool

For the mini meringues

Turn the oven on to 120c

Whisk the whites till soft peaks and slowly

add the sugar whilst whisking continuously

Put in to a piping bag and pipe out on

to a tray with grease proof paper to the

desired shape and size

Bake for 25 minutes, then turn the oven off

and leave them in until they have cooled

To plate

Spoon out the puree on the plate

Decant the panna cotta, the best way to

do this is by placing the bottom of the

mould into simmering water for 5 seconds

to loosen

Put on the plate just off the puree

Dot around the rhubarb, meringues, and

fresh raspberries in clusters on the plate.

To finish serve with a scoop of Llanfaes

dairy raspberry sorbet.

Recipe: Vanilla custard panna cotta, raspberry, rhubarb, mini meringuesThe George, Brecon.

Page 42: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

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Meal planning - quite a revelation!One of our Love Food Hate Waste tips to reduce food waste and save money is to meal plan! Now I have to be honest, meal planning is something that I’ve never been too good at.I’ve always written a shopping list, and always used what I have at home to cobble something together for dinner each night. But, the weekend before last something changed for me! Every Saturday I go to my local town to buy my fruit and veg from the market, but on that Saturday I was busy and didn’t really have time to go. I knew I still had some veg in the fridge from the weekend before but wasn’t sure if it was enough to last the week. So, I decided to write a meal plan and have a think about whether it would actually be enough for the week, whether we’d be home every night for dinner and what our plans were for the week. It was quite a revelation! I realised that actually you can’t eat that much food between two people for five weekday nights and I really didn’t need to make

a dash into town to buy more veg.On Sunday my mum kindly invited us for a roast. Monday night I was home alone so I made a dhal from lentils, spices, onion and garlic that I already had, threw in a few mushrooms that needed using up and served it with some rice from the storecupboard, it was delicious, and what was even better was that there was enough left to keep me going for lunches on Tuesday and Wednesday served with bread. On Tuesday we had sausages and mash with veg from the fridge and C Boy took the leftover sausage and gravy for his lunch the next day with some bread. On Wednesday we had risotto made with leeks, mushrooms and 3 rashers of bacon leftover from the weekend, I ate the leftovers for my lunch on Thursday.If you don’t feel too confident at meal planning, you will find some readymade meal plans to get you started on the LFHW website: by Vik Salisbury

- 40 -

Eve: 01874 658406 Day: 07789 [email protected]






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We step in when you are out!

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3 1 to1 coaching on dog behaviour issues

Petra 01874 636385 Mob 07908 [email protected]

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Book your FREE consultation now!

Every Tuesday at 6.30pmBRECON, Bishop Bevan Hall, Lion St.Every Wednesday at 6.30pm

GLANGRWYNEY, Glangrwyney Village Hall, Crickhowell Rd.

Tel Joan: 01873 812053 Mob: 07796 628419

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To advertise in the Local Beacon tel. 07775 898432 email. [email protected] 42 -

Brecon Business Club presents “Meet your candidates”Brecon Business Club will be hosting a public meeting on Wednesday March 11th, taking place at the Castle Hotel, admission will be free, and the event will start promptly at 7pm.

The six candidates representing Conservative, Greens, Labour, Liberal, Plaid and UKIP will be attending. The first part of the meeting will be a “question time” type of session - Roger Smith (The Clarence Inn) will be Chairing the meeting. Questions being put to the Candidates will cover topics relevant to Brecon and the surrounding area, e.g economy, environment, NHS, education, public services, and there will be the opportunity of comment from the audience.

The second half of the night will be an opportunity to talk directly with the candidates and their teams. In between the two sessions there will be a raffle in aid of Brecon Dial A Ride.

Although the meeting is free to attend, seating is restricted to about 130. There will be additional standing room. Seats can be reserved at a cost of £1 with proceeds to Brecon Dial A Ride. Please see our website, for further details.

Yak-Y-DaRestaurant & Take AwayOld Brecon Road, Hay On Wye, HR3 5PS

Nepali & Thai CuisineOpen Monday to Saturday 5.30pm til 10pm

Please call to book a table, specially for party/functionon 07432 50 98 38 / 01497 847 898

J L StephenS LtdTel: 01874 676268. Email: [email protected]

new Builds, extensions & conversionsRefurbishments & renovations

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in the Building


Page 45: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

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What’s on: during the week

- 43 -

Advertising Rates (all prices are exclusive of VAT)

Price per issue 1 Issue 3 Issues* 6 Issues* 12 Issues*

1/8 Page (W: 64mm x H: 43.75mm) £20.00 £19.00 £18.00 £17.00

1/4 Page (W: 64mm x H: 91.5mm) £32.00 £30.48 £28.80 £27.20

1/2 Page (W: 132mm x H: 91.5mm) £54.00 £51.43 £48.60 £45.90

1 Page (W: 132mm x H: 187mm) £92.00 £87.62 £82.80 £78.20

Front Cover (W: 132mm x H: 150mm) £162.00 £154.28 £145.80 £137.70

Inside Front Cover (W: 132mm x H: 187mm) £110.00 £104.76 £99.00 £93.50

Inside Back Cover (W: 132mm x H: 187mm) £110.00 £104.76 £99.00 £93.50

Back Cover (W: 132mm x H: 187mm) £162.00 £154.28 £145.80 £137.70

Inserts (you give us your leaflet and we will place these within the magazine)

All homes in Brecon (3800 magazines) £140.00

All homes Brecon & Community Points (5500 magazines) £198.00

Contact Pink Sheep Design

to quote on the design and/or

print of your leaflet: lisamarie

Please speak to us about our in-house design team who can design your advert free of charge. All we need from you is wording and any logos or images supplied as jpeg files. Or you can supply finished artwork as a jpg or high res pdf. Email all copy to: [email protected]

*5% discount when booking for 3 issues. *10% discount when booking for 6 issues. *15% discount when booking for 12 issues.To qualify for these discounts, payment is required up front for the full period.

We also publish:

Wye LocalA monthly magazine for

Hay-on-Wye, Talgarth and the surrounding villages

Cariads Family MagazineA quarterly magazine

going direct to local families via Nurseries and

Primary Schools

Copy date:14th ofeach month

MONDAYSewing Group: 1 – 3pm. Llanddew Village Hall. An informal group meeting each week for a chat and cup of tea while sewing.Rob’s No Worries Yoga – “Stretch & Release”: 1 – 2.30pm. Trallong Hall. £6. Contact 01874 638810 or 07748 568402. Playford Style Dancing (English Country Dancing): 2.30 – 4pm. The Subud Hall, Nr Watton Villa, Brecon. Contact Peter Brock 01874 622889.2nd Rainbows (girls aged 5-7): (Term time only). 5.30 – 6.30pm. Llanfaes Church Hall. Contact to register interest.Brecon Athletics Club: 6 – 8pm. Brecon Leisure Centre. Contact Kath Crane 01874 623677.

Brownies: 6 – 7.30pm in Brecon. Age 7 to 10. Take pART – Veronica Gibson teaches painting: 6 – 8pm. Unit 28 Ffrwdgrech Industrial Estate, Brecon. Contact 01874 610643 or 610825. Brecon Bridge Club: 6.45pm. Brecon Rugby Club, Watton, Brecon. New members and visitors are always welcome. Contact Chris Forbes 01874 622158.Alive & Kickin’ Community Choir: 7 – 9pm. The Old Museum, Glamorgan St, Brecon. Everyone aged 10 and up who wants to sing is most welcome. £5 per session. Please don’t worry about needing any past singing experience. Contact Tanya Walker 07723 016837.Brecon Rotary Club: 7.30pm. The George Hotel, Brecon. New

members welcome. Contact 01874 636390. Charity Cash Bingo: 7.30pm. The Gremlin Hotel, Brecon.TUESDAYBadminton: 9.30 – 11.30am. Brecon Leisure Centre. Friendly group meet weekly. All ages, all abilities welcome. Equipment provided. £2 per session. Contact Gen Tyler 01874 690460. Crick Howlers: 10am. The Parish Hall, Church Lane, Crickhowell. The Crick Howlers are a natural voice group who meet weekly led by Helen Vincent, where all songs are taught by ear so you don’t need to be able to read music. Contact 01873 832795. Story Time: 11 – 11.30am. Brecon Library. Free and all ages welcome.

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What’s on: during the weekFree help with NHS hearing-aids: (First Tuesday of every month) 2 – 4pm. St Mary’s, Brecon. Contact 02920 333034 or email [email protected]. DAI y Bannau: 4pm. Theatre Brycheiniog, Brecon. A Multimedia Theatre group that aims to develop and enhance the skills of young people in relation to performing arts and multimedia theatre. The sessions are initially aimed at young people aged 7+. To register your child contact 07846 446268.Brecon Tennis Club: 5.30 – 7.30pm at Brecon Leisure Centre. Free to members, £2 to non-members. All levels welcome. Contact Bryan 07817 002318. Brownies: 5.45 – 7.15pm in Brecon. Age 7 to 10. Samba Brecon: 6 – 8pm. We are a lively, friendly community percussion band which meets to play Afro-Brazilian rhythms on a weekly basis. New members are always welcome. No previous experience needed. First taster session is free. £4 per session for waged and concessions available. Under 16s must be accompanied. Contact Glenn 07971 398727 or Catherine 01874 625422.Slimming World: 6.30pm. Bishop Bevan Hall, Lion St., Brecon. Contact Joan 01873 812053.Gwernyfed Hockey Club – Training: 7 – 8pm Brecon Leisure Centre’s Astro. All abilities welcome. Contact Nicola Drew 07812 691345. Scottish Dancing: 7 – 9.30pm. Subud Hall, nr. Watton Villa, Brecon. Beginners welcome. Contact Peter Brock 01874 622889.Brecon Youth Club: (Term time) 7 – 9.30pm. Brecon Youth Ctr., Cradoc

Rd., Brecon. Activities: Arts and crafts, cookery, pool, dance, air hockey, darts, music room, IT suite. Age Group: 11 – 25. Contact Rhodri Jones 01874 622658.Shukokan Karate: 7.15 – 8pm beginners, 8 – 9pm intermediates, 9 – 10pm seniors and adults. Brecon Leisure Centre. Contact Paul Jones 01874 623677. Table Tennis Social Club: 7.30pm. Trallong Church Hall. Beginners, enthusiasts and veterans welcome. Contact Trevor Lee 01874 638995. Open Mic: 8pm. The Globe at Hay. The very best musicians from the locality and beyond. Contact 01497 821762.Brecon Basketball Club: 8 – 9pm. Brecon Leisure Centre. Contact Roger Norris 01874 623677.WEDNESDAYAberhonddu Angels (A young WI group): (First Weds of the month) WI Office, Lion St., Brecon. Follow on Facebook for updates. Stitch Together: (Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month): 10am – 5pm. The Muse, Glamorgan St, Brecon. Everyone welcome. We are a Community Sewing group – knitting, dressmaking, crocheting, etc. Up cycling material, sharing ideas, conversation, tea, coffee and cake as well as a chance to sew, knit and chat in a friendly environment. Contact Charlie 07967343619. Brecon Breastfeeding Support – BIBs: 10 – 12noon. St. John’s Family Centre, Brecon.Trallong Art and Craft Group: (Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in the month) 10.30am – 12.30pm. Trallong Hall. A quiet, light space to paint, sew, or whatever you enjoy. All welcome. Please bring your own materials. Free taster session, small annual membership fee to cover hall costs. Contact Joy 01874 636125.

Sesiwn Sgwrsio dros baned: 12.30 – 1.30pm. The Brecon Volunteer Bureau. Small, friendly venue to practice your Welsh.Visual Impairment Breconshire: (Every 2nd & 4th Weds in the month) 1.30 – 3.30pm. Watton Presbyterian Schoolroom. Contact 01874 624949. The Mothers Union: (1st Weds in the month) 2pm. The Diocesan Centre, Cathedral Close, Brecon. New members welcome. Although called a “Mothers Union” you do not have to be a mother to join; single, married or divorced, all are welcome. Contact 01874 636390.Rainbow Guides (for girls aged 5 & 6): (Term time only). 5pm. Cobbles Coffee Shop. Contact Pam Martin 07976 797107. Beacons Netball Club: 4 – 5.30pm years 7, 8 & 9. 5.30 – 7pm year 10 and older. Brecon Leisure Centre. £3 on the night or reduced fee for the term. First training session free. All abilities welcome. Contact Margaret Nuttall, Coach 01597 840420.Brecon Women in Business: (First Wednesday of the month) 5.30pm at The George Hotel, Brecon. Contact Johanna 01874 625994 or Janet 01874 611467.Brecon Business Club: (2nd Wednesday of each month) 6pm. The Clarence Inn, Brecon. The meetings give opportunity to network with each other and “showcase” their businesses. Key note speakers are invited to share their expertise. Contact Rob’s No Worries Yoga – “Stretch & Release”: 6 – 7.30pm. Subud Hall, Brecon. £6. Contact 01874 638810 or 07748 568402.Velo Hay Cycle Club: 6pm Drover Cycles, Forest Road, Hay. All welcome. Contact 01497 821134.

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What’s on: during the week / monthSlimming World: 6.30pm. Glangrwyney Village Hall, Crickhowell Road. Contact Joan 01873 812053.The Alternative Business Club: (Alternate Weds) 7pm. The White House Inn, Sennybridge. Meet and chat with people who are like minded and interested in helping other people and their businesses by networking. First meeting is free so come and see what’s going on. After this first meeting it will only cost £5. Contact 01874 636986.Gwent & Powys Army Cadet Force: 7 – 9pm. The ACF Ctr, Conway St, Brecon LD3 7EU. Ages 12 (Yr 8 High School) – 18yrs looking for a new exciting, fun and challenging activity. We aim to inspire young people to achieve success in life, make the most of their abilities and develop the qualities to be a good citizen. Contact 01873 813756. Brecon Singers – Rehearsals: (term time only) 7.30 – 9.30pm. Neuadd Goffa, Christ College, Brecon. We are now rehearsing Mozart’s ‘Vesperae Solennes De Confessore’ to perform in Brecon Cathedral with Christ College Choirs on 14th March. Contact 01874 658332.Brecon Racketeers (badminton): 8 – 10pm. Brecon Leisure Centre. Contact 01874 623677.THURSDAYProbus Club of Brecon: 10am. The Castle of Brecon Hotel.Brecon U3A: (Term time only) Morning session 10.30am. After-noon sessions at 1.15pm & 2.30pm, each for one hour. Studio, Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon. Coffee available from 10am. Lectures on any one of a wide variety of topics. New members are always welcome. Contact, Jean Hosie 01874 610340.

Rob’s No Worries Yoga – “Stretch & Release”: 12.30 – 1.30pm. Subud Hall, Brecon. £4. Contact 01874 638810 or 07748 568402.Slimming World: 5pm and 7pm. St David’s Hall, Bailihelig Road, Llanfaes, Brecon. Contact Shelley 01874 622846 or 07980 259638. Football for Girls: 5.30 – 6.15pm (Years 1, 2, 3). 6.15 – 7pm (Years 4, 5, 6, 7) at Brecon Leisure Centre. Ages 5 – 12. Contact Anthony Thornley 07854 012841 or Jemma Alderson 07836 501925. Brownies: 5.30 – 7pm in Brecon. Age 7 to 10. Ladies Rugby Training: 6pm (U15’s girls), 6.30pm (U18’s), 6.45 (Ladies). Gwernyfed Rugby Club, Talgarth. If you’re looking for something fun, challenging and exciting to do, then come along. No experience is required. Delyth Thomas 07891 371458. Brecon Youth Club: (Term time) 6.30 – 9pm Tuesday and Friday. Brecon Youth Centre, Cradoc Road. Activities: Arts and crafts, cookery, pool, dance, air hockey, darts, music room, IT suite. Age Group: 11-25. Contact Rhodri Jones on 01874 622658.Short Mat Bowls: 7pm. Trallong Hall. Please come and join a small, friendly group playing Short Mat Bowls on an informal basis. Contact Alan Bloss 01874 636125. Club Night: 7.30pm. The Globe at Hay. Home to a rich variety of groups and societies. Contact 01497 821762.Brecon & Glanusk Explorer Scouts: (Term time) 7.45 – 9pm. We provide scouting for 14 – 18 year-olds, meeting either in Crickhowell or Brecon (lifts are usually available). We are a friendly group,

and newcomers are more than welcome to come along and try us out. You can get a flavour of what we get up to by visiting our website’s No Worries Yoga – “Stretch & Release”: 11am – 12 noon. Brecon Leisure Centre. £3.80. Contact 01874 638810 or 07748 568402. Art group for the over 60s’: 2 – 4pm. The Youth Centre, Cradoc Rd, Brecon. Any level or ability. Any medium. Professional tutor. Contact Geraldine White 01874 610415 or Eleanor Sherwood 01874 623937.Brecon Bouncers: 4.15 – 5.45pm. Brecon Leisure Centre. Trampoline activities. Contact Sue Goodhead 01874 623677.Friday Live: 8pm. The Globe at Hay. Fantastic live entertainment. Comedy, music and more. Contact 01497 821762. SATURDAYBreconshire Local & Family History Society – Assistance on Family History Research: (3rd Sat in the month) Mornings. Brecon Library. No appointments needed, just drop in for one-to-one advice.SUNDAYServices at Penyrheol Baptist Church: (4th Sunday in the month) 3pm. Contact 01874 711061. Sunday Service: 6pm. Cwmbach Methodist Church, Glasbury. A warm welcome awaits you and there are refreshments following the service. Contact Rev Bill Jones 01873 811007. DURING THE MONTH Sunday 1st MarchTalgarth Rural Market: 10am – 1pm. Talgarth Town Hall. Contact 01874 711980. See advert on page 40.

Page 48: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

What’s on:during the monthMonday 2nd MarchBrecon Film Society presents: Wadjda (PG): 7.15 for 7.30pm. Coliseum Cinema, Brecon. A girl covets a bicycle owned by a local boy and decides to get the money to buy her own by entering a Koran-reading competition. Contact Judith Fitton 01874 623166. See article on page 26.Tuesday 3rd March “Art and the Napoleonic Wars”- Brecknock Decorative & Fine Arts Society: 2.30pm. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon. Marking the bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, this lecture complements a major exhibition to be held at the Royal Academy in autumn 2015. Annual Membership of Society £40. Visitors welcome, £7.50 per lecture. Contact Deborah Cogger 01874 625679.Wednesday 4th MarchBreconshire Local & Family History Society – Dr Mary Epynt Phillips: 2 – 4pm. Brecon Library (Upstairs Room). A talk about this remarkable lady who was one of the first to qualify as a doctor in Wales. This talk is part of World Women’s Week and Brecon Women’s Festival. See articles and advert on pages 15 and 23.Aberhonddu Women’s Institute: 7.30pm. Watton Church Schoolroom. A trip down memory lane in Clarks photographs with Alison Noble. A chance to view old Brecon in photographs. All welcome.

Saturday 7th MarchThe Gourmet Gardener cooks a Spring Tasting Menu: The Bakers’ Table, Talgarth. £25. Contact 01874 711125. See advert on page 29.Folk & Irish Music Session: 8.30pm. The Harp Inn, Glasbury. Contact 01497 847373. Sunday 8th MarchBreconshire Local & Family History Society Annual Lunch: Bishop’s Meadow, Brecon. Booking essential.Wednesday 11th MarchDementia Friends Session: 6 – 7pm. The Hours Café & Bookshop, Ship Street. See advert on page 2.Brecon Business Club presents - “Meet Your Candidates”: 7pm. The Castle Hotel, Brecon. Brecon Business Club hosts a public meeting to meet your candidates. Although the meeting is free to attend, seating is restricted to about 130. There will be additional standing room. Seats can be reserved at a cost of £1 with proceeds to Brecon Dial a Ride. Visit Saturday 14th MarchBrecknock Farmers Market: 9.30am – 2pm. Brecon Market Hall. Contact 07805 375636. See advert on page 19.Brecon Bowling Club - Coffee Morning and Table Top Sale: 11am – 2pm. Bishop Bevan Hall, Brecon. Stalls including cakes, bric a brac, books, toys & bottle/tombola, raffle drawn on the day - first prize hamper. Teas & Coffee. Free Admission. All welcome. A few

tables remain available at £5.00 payable in advance. Contact Linda 07813 523579.“Grow Your Own” Day: 11am and 1pm. The Old Railway Line Garden Centre, Three Cocks. Talk by Gardening Experts. Free to attend and no booking required. Contact 01497 847055. See advert inside back cover. The Hardy Plant Society - “Hidden Gardens of Herefordshire: a seasonal look at lesser known gardens”: 2pm. Glasbury Village Hall. Jill & Alan Whitehead speak. Entry £3. Christ College Choral Concert: 7pm. Brecon Cathedral. The combined choirs of Christ College and The Brecon Singers. The programme will also include performances by the Chapel Choir and the Chamber Choir, as well as Mozart’s Vesperae solennes de Confessore KV339. Tickets: Adults £10; U18s/Concessions £5, available from Ticketsource via the ‘Forthcoming Events’ page of the Christ College website.Sloe Gin Competition: 8pm (Entries must be in by this time). The Harp Inn, Glasbury. Contact 01497 847373. Sunday 15th MarchMother’s Day Tea: The Bakers’ Table, Talgarth. £10/£7.50. Contact 01874 711125. See advert on page 29.Monday 16th MarchLocal Landscapes Photography Competition – CLOSING DATE. See advert on page 37.Tuesday 17th MarchBrecon Jazz Club presents: Dan Messore (guitar) and Cathy Jones (Latin jazz vocals) ensemble with piano: 8 – 10.30pm. Brecon Jazz

Wednesday 4th - Sunday 22nd MarchBrecon Women’s Festival: Art, talks, music, poetry, crafts, workshops and exhibitions. Please see page 23 for the 2015 programme.

Page 49: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

What’s on:during the month / next monthBar, Theatr Brycheiniog, LD3 7EW. Admission £6. Contact 01874 611622.Wednesday 18th MarchFree Business Seminar – 100+ Ways To Get More Customers: The Castle Hotel, Brecon. Limited places – please register on Dementia Friends Session: 6 – 7pm. Brecon Leisure Centre. See advert on page 2.Thursday 19th MarchBrecon Political and Theological Discussion Group: NEPAL looking at spiritual, political, military, traditional, economic and other perspectives: 7.30pm. The Three Horseshoes, Llanfaes. Contributors to the discussion include Ruth Ricketts, Guptaman Gurung and Mike Douse. All invited. Contact John Harries 01874 622874 or Mike Douse at [email protected] 21st MarchNearly New Sale – Baby Equipment, Maternity Clothes and Children’s Toys: 10am – 1pm. Bishop Bevan Hall, Brecon. Raffle, information, tea, coffee and homemade cakes. Admission £1. Pitches/tables available at £10. Contact 07866 924161. See advert on page 37.Flix in the Stix (Talgarth) presents: ‘Gone Girl’: 7.30 for 8pm. Talgarth Town Hall. Pre film pizzas available at The Bakers’ Table (01874 711125 to book). Entrance to film £4, pizza and film £10. Early booking essential. Contact Bryan Craven 01874 713166. See adverts on pages 29 and 40.Brecknock Sinfonia Concert: 7.30pm. Brecon Cathedral. Delius: On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring, Vaughan-

Williams: Greensleeves, Vaughan-Williams: Serenade to Music, Orchestral version, Tchaikowsky: Symphony No.5 in E Minor, Op.64. Conductor: Michael Bell. Tickets £12 (Under 16 free) available on the door. See article and advert on page 35.Open Mic Night: 8.30pm. The Harp Inn, Glasbury. Contact 01497 847373. Sunday 22nd MarchHonddu Dippers: 10am – 12 noon. Meet at Watergate Car Park, Brecon. Litter picking around Brecon town. Join us for a social stroll and help keep Brecon beautiful. Contact Charlie Searl 01874 611858, Gareth Ellis 01874 611039 or Gerwyn Davies 07989 303493. See article on page 19.Wednesday 25th MarchBrecon Poetry Group: 7.30pm. The Three Horseshoes, Llanfaes. Come along and – if you wish – read your recent poems. Contact John Harries 01874 622874.Friday 27th MarchGarden Re-leaf Charity Quiz & Curry Night: 6.30pm. The Railway Restaurant, The Old Railway Line Garden Centre, Three Cocks, LD3 0SG. The evening is in aid of Greenfingers, which creates gardens at children’s hospices across the UK. Teams of up to six people can enter and tickets cost just £10 per person including quiz entry and a choice of delicious homemade curries. Booking required. Contact 01497 847055. See advert inside back cover. Pub Quiz in support of the Brecon Volunteer Bureau: 7.30pm. The Three Horseshoes, Llanfaes. Entry fee £1 per person. All invited. Contact John Harries 01874 622874.

Saturday 28th March“Birds of Brechfa Pool & the Commons” - Walk: Keith Noble is leading a walk to see resident Skylarks, other birds and water birds at Brechfa Pool. If you have never been to Brechfa pool then you need to! Details at See article on page 10.Sunday 29th MarchBaking Class - Sweet Treats for Easter.The Bakers’ Table, Talgarth. £65/£125. Contact 01874 711125.Wednesday 1st AprilBreconshire Local & Family History Society - Brecon Slum Clearance: 2 – 4pm. Brecon Library (Upstairs Room). Harley Simpson will return to talk about the state of housing in Brecon and the efforts made to improve conditions.Saturday 4th AprilCar Boot Sale: 1 – 4pm (Sellers from midday): Gwernyfed High School, Three Cocks LD3 0SG. (All weather venue). Cars £6, vans £10. No booking required. Contact 01544 327716. See advert on page 26.Tuesday 7th April“Here’s One They Prepared Earlier: First Efforts of Britain’s Greatest Architects”- Brecknock Decorative & Fine Arts Society: 2.30pm. Theatr Brycheiniog, Brecon. Contact Deborah Cogger 01874 625679 or visit Friday 10th AprilBrecon Bowling Club Pre-opening Evening: 6pm. New members welcome. Contact Linda 08713 523579.Monday 13th AprilBrecon Film Society presents: Calvary: 7.15 for 7.30pm. Coliseum Cinema, Brecon.

Page 50: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

To advertise in the Local Beacon tel. 07971 446632 email. [email protected] 48 -

“The For Sale is great, my freezer sold on Day 1”

Email [email protected] by 14th of the month, to get your items listed for free.

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USEFUL NUMBERSBrecon Medical Group Practice...... 01874 622121Brecon Advice Centre....................... 01874 624595Dyfed-Powys Police ...............................................101National Grid Gas (Gas Leaks) .............0800 111999Powys Citizens’ Advice Bureau........ 0845 601 8421Powys County Council (General Enquiries) 01597 827 460 / 0845 602 7030RSPCA ................................................. 0300 1234 999Samaritans National Helpline .......... 08457 909090Scottish Power .................................... 08452 722424Welsh Water ....................................... 08000 520130Western Power Distribution ..............08000 520400

- 64 -To advertise in Wye Local please call Clare: 07811 961983 or email: [email protected]

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USEFUL NUMBERSDyfed-Powys Police ........................................................ 101

Hay Medical Centre .............................. 01497 822100

National Grid Gas (Gas Leaks) ......... 0800 111999

Powys Citizens’ Advice Bureau ..... 0845 601 8421

RSPCA .......................................................... 0300 1234 999

Samaritans National Helpline .............08457 909090

Scottish Power ......................................... 08452 722424

Talgarth Medical Centre ..................... 01874 713000

Welsh Water..................................................08000 520130

Western Power Distribution ..............08000 520400

FOR SALEDELL LASER TONERS BRAND NEW, IN BOX AND UNOPENED PACKAGING. Compatible with Dell 1250c/1355cn/1350cnw and many more Dell models. x 2 Cyan, x 2 Magenta, x 1 Yellow. Cost £90 will sell for £40. 01544 327716.

ZANUSSI ELECTROLUX WHITE TABLE TOP DISHWASHER. In excellent condition. £100. 07915 913473.


PRETTY 1930S OAK TABLE WITH DRAWER AND SHELF W29.5”, D15”, H30”. £35. 01874 620606.BEECH BENTWOOD COAT AND HAT STAND. Suit bathroom/bedroom/hall. £50. 01874 620606.NEW MAHOGANY BOOKCASE WITH INLAY. H81”, D13.5”, W35”, 6 shelves, 5 moveable. £200. 01874 620606.CALOR GAS HEATER WITH GAS CYLINDER. One year old, very good condition. £60 ono. Contact Jan or Terry on 01497 821326 anytime.PRETTY BANTAM COCKERELS. Free to good home. Can deliver. Tel: 01497 851341.

RENTALSPACE TO RENT STORAGE SPACE IN GOLDEN VALLEY. 4 miles from Hay, huge clean warehouse with lighting, power points, water, lavatory, concrete floor, completely dry, very easy wide access from road, roll up/roll down door, competitive monthly rates, short or long term. Suitable for caravan storage, scaffolding, household effects etc. Ring to find out more – Emma 0777 567 1868.

RECRUITMENT ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT FOR A BUSY, FRIENDLY OFFICE IN HAY-ON-WYE. Sales Ledger / Credit Control experience preferred but training will be given. 35 hours per week Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. Apply in writing by Friday 13th March 2015 with CV to: R.M. Jones Farmcentre, Oxford Road, Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire. HR3 5AJ.

Page 51: Local Beacon Issue 67 March 2015

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