Page 1: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking

A project of:




• Help to kick-start your business idea• Access to funding• Networking• Publicise your business• Business opportunities



14 DECEMBER 2012

No cost to enter.Anyone over the age of 18 may participate. You do not need to have a registered business.You do not need to have a registered business.

Plus iPads & lots more!


iPads iPads & lots more!& lots more!& lots more!






“I made a success of my

business idea” 2011 Gold Winner

Ramoba Moba, 34

“I was encouraged to

take my business to new heights”

2011 Platinum Winner

Tladi Tumelo, 23 Madimo Mamosebo, 43

“I now run my business more professionally” 2011 Platinum Winner

Endorsed & supported by:



We encourage other NGO’s, SMME funding and business support agencies, business organisations such as Chambers and associations, and academic institutions to get involved in the

project. Please approach the project team for details.








Page 2: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking

Why youshould enter

Winner SupportWhether or not you obtain funding through the Business Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period.

This includes:• linking you to real business opportunities• linking you with a suitable voluntary mentor for a

12 month period• access to the Business Launchpad helpline• advice and assistance from Seda and other organisations• 1 year FREE membership to the South African Black

Entrepreneurs Forum• the right to use the Business Launchpad “Winner” logo on

all your stationary

Winner prizes& benefi ts• You will have the opportunity to attend

a stimulating, practical and informative business management programme during which you will be able to learn how to run a sustainable business

• You will be considered for funding if you meet our funding partners’ criteria

• Your business status and credibility will be boosted

• If selected as a winner, you will win exciting prizes, including cash, an iPad, business books and more

• You will be profi led in the media and receive benefi cial media coverage

• You will be able to network with business leaders, government offi cials and fellow entrepreneurs

• As a winner, you will be able to use the Business Launchpad winner logo on your stationary and proposal documents

It is important to understand that being selected as a winner does not guarantee funding. However, it means your business will be carefully assessed for funding on a priority basis.

Winners and fi nalists, as well as certain other qualifying entrants, will also be assisted to link up with existing and future business opportunities in the province.

Step 1Tell us about yourself (and your group if you are more than one person).

Step 2Give us the background of your business.

Step 3Apply for the relevant Category.

Business Idea CategoryFill out this section if you have a business idea.

Existing Business CategoryFill out this section if you have an existing business.Step 4:Complete the relevant section for your category

Section A: Business Idea CategorySection B: Existing Business CategoryStep5:Sign your entry

Step 6:Submit your entry• All entries are treated as confi dential.• Once you have completed this entry form, make

sure it is signed and post it to PostNet Suite 315, Private Bag x9307, Polokwane 0699.

• Entries can be delivered to your nearest LimDev, Libsa, Seda, NYDA and NAFCOC offi ces.

• Please make a copy of this entry form for your information.

Important: By signing your entry form,you are agreeing to these terms & conditions


1 I, the undersigned entrant to the competition, agree to unconditionally accept and abide by the terms and conditions as contained herein.

2 Where I am acting on behalf of a business entity, or group of individuals, I warrant that I am authorized to act on its/their behalf, and to legally bind it/them to these terms and conditions, and I confi rm that I have informed it/them of these terms and conditions.

3 I agree that I / we attend any Business LaunchPad event or activity entirely at my/our own risk, and we hereby indemnify the Business LaunchPad competition and its managers, agents and sponsors against any claim, howsoever caused, for damages or loss arising out of participation in the programme as well as attendance at any event or workshop.

4 I/we submit my/our entry form and business proposal (“the entry”) for consideration by the competition, the operator of the competition (“the operator”) and/or their assigned judges and agents.

5 I/we warrant that I/we are the bona fi de authors of my/our entry, or, if the entry has been prepared by a group of more than one person, that I/we am/are authorized to represent this group of persons and act on behalf of them, or, if the business proposal/entry has been prepared by a consultant or third party, I/we hereby accept the responsibility of authorship.

6 I/we warrant that I/we have all necessary rights in respect of the display or use of any and all intellectual property and/or copyright and/or trademarked content in the entry. I/we indemnify the competition operator and its agents and sponsors against any claim from any party arising from any unauthorized use of any trademark or other intellectual property, whether such use was made knowingly or not.

7 I/we hereby authorize the operator to allow any persons appointed by the competition operator as a competition administrator, judge, agent or manager to possess, store, copy, transport and read the entry.

8 I/we agree that the decision of the operator with regard to the acceptance, adjudication, scoring and selection of my/our entry is fi nal, and that the operator is not obliged to give any reasons for any decision taken in relation

to the conduct of the competition and adjudication of the entry.

9 I/we warrant that all content, statements and information provided in this entry form is, to the best of my/our knowledge, true and correct; I/we further acknowledge that should the operator discover or determine that any content, statement or information is not supplied, false or misleading, the operator will be entitled to disqualify this entry without notice.

10 I/we agree that if I/we undertake any action, or fail to undertake an action, that has the eff ect of failing to discharge any of these terms and conditions, including the entry requirements contained in the entry form, or that brings the operator or competition into disrepute, or which the operators consider to male fi de, or which prevents or frustrates the eff orts of the operators to adjudicate or operate the competition, the operator shall be entitled to immediately and without notice disqualify my/ our entry.

11 I/we accept that the operator will be entitled to keep my/our entry for a period of three years, for legal record purposes, subject to the operator’s confi dentiality undertaking given in this entry form, and that I will not expect or demand the return of same.

12 I/we agree to make myself available for media interviews, photography and public relations purposes as reasonably required by the operator, at any stage during the competition. I/we further give unrestricted permission for a short summary of our business idea or business proposal, excluding fi nancial information, including a photograph of myself/ourselves, to be included in the competition website, and/or press releases, and/or competition event programme(s), and/or any other communication to promote the competition or any competition event.

13 I/we agree that in the event that I/we am/are selected as a fi nalist, I/we will designate one person to attend a compulsory 12-session business plan training programme. Attendance of the programme is mandatory and failure to attend the programme will result in disqualifi cation. Non-attendance of more than two sessions of the programme will also result in disqualifi cation.

14 In the event that I/we am/are awarded any prize(s) as a result of the competition, I/we indemnify the operator against any claim

with regard to the theft, damage to, loss, working order, operation, warranties and state of the prizes following their delivery to me/us.

15 I/we agree and accept that the operator makes no warranty and gives no assurance that any fi nancial assistance or other fi nancial benefi t or funding will be off ered or granted in respect of my/our entry. I/we agree that the competition functions solely as a method of identifying promising entrepreneurs and enterprises for the sponsors and funding partners, and the performance of an entrant in the competition, including being selected as a winner, does not create or give rise to any entitlement to funding or an off er of funding. No warranty or guarantee is given with regard to the provision of funding, loan guarantees or fi nancial assistance in the event that I/we am/ are selected as a winner in the competition, and I/we agree and understand that the provision of any funding and/or loan guarantees and/or fi nancial assistance or investment will be at the sole discretion of the funding partners, and the terms and conditions for such funding and/or loan guarantees and/or fi nancial assistance shall be a matter for the conclusion of a separate agreement between myself/ourselves and such funding partner(s); the conclusion of such agreement shall be a matter solely for the entrant(s) and the funding partners, and the competition operator shall not be held liable in any way for any failure, for whatever reason, to conclude such an agreement.

16 The operator reserves the right to amend the rules of the competition, including the adjudication procedure, prizes and arrangements at any time and without notice.

17 If any entry is made by electronic means and is not possible for me/us to physically sign this document, I/we agree that the act of submission of the entry by electronic means shall be taken to mean that I/we agree to these terms and conditions as if we had knowingly signed them by my/our own hand.

18 I/we hereby give our express written permission for the following companies to contact me by email, telephone, mobile phone, SMS or post for research, marketing and promotional purposes: Traction, Nedbank, LimDev, Libsa, Seda, Khula Enterprise Finance, NYDA, Proudly SA, NEF and SABEF.

By signing your entry form,you are agreeing to these terms & conditions

to the conduct of the competition and

I/we warrant that all content, statements and information provided in this entry form

with regard to the theft, damage to, loss, working order, operation, warranties and state of the prizes following their delivery to me/us.

We suggest you make a

copy of your entry form

prior to posting it.

How to enter theBusiness Launchpad

• Great prizes for the winners• World-class business skills training

for fi nalists• Support with building a practical

business plan to start or growyour business

• Excellent networking with other entrepreneurs

• Free membership of SA Black Entrepreneurs Forum for all fi nalists

• Business opportunities via the SME-CONNECT business directory

• Expert advice to assist withfunding applications

If you are serious about starting or growing your business, Business LaunchPad will get you there faster.

Page 3: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


STEP 1: Tell us about yourself(and your group if you are more than one person).

MAIN CONTACT PERSON(person filling in this form and who will receive all communication from us in the future).

First name ............................................................ Surname ...........................................................................Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 55+ Identity number ...................................................................Gender Male Female

Contact information:

Landline .................................... Cell ............................................................. Fax ......................................Postal address .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Code ....................................Physical address ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Code ....................................

Role in business ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


First name ............................................................. Surname ..........................................................................Landline ................................................................. Cell ................................................................................Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 55+

Gender Male Female

Role in business .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

First name ............................................................. Surname ..........................................................................Landline ................................................................. Cell ................................................................................Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 55+

Gender Male Female

Role in business .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Page 4: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


First name ............................................................. Surname ..........................................................................Landline ................................................................. Cell ................................................................................Age 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 55+

Gender Male Female

Role in business .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

STEP 2: Give us the background of your business

Tell us about your personal background. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Tell us about your employment history. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What are your achievements in the community? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What are your qualifications? ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What challenges have you faced? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

How did you overcome these challenges? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Page 5: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


STEP 3: Choose your category


• We will select 50 Business LaunchPad entrants from this category to participate in a three-day new venture creation programme to assist you to plan and start your business.

• Entrants will be selected on the basis of

(a) likelihood that business will be commercially viable (b) business is in a growth sector in the Province (c) evidence of some planning and preparation already done.

From the 50 participants, we will select 10 winners who will each receive the following prizes:overall winner: R20,000, Apple iPad1st runner up: R15,0002nd runner up: R5,000 3rd runner up: R2,500


• We will select 60 Business LaunchPad entrants from this category to participate in a one-week small business growth programme.

• Selected candidates will also be assisted with applying for funding, depending on your score in the funding section. • Entrants will be selected on the basis of

(a) relevance of product and/or service (b) commercial viability of business (c) market research

From the 60 participants, we will select 10 winners.overall winner: R20,000, Apple iPad1st runner up: R15,0002nd runner up: R5,000 3rd runner up: R2,500The remaining six winners will each receive R500 cash. All 10 winners will receive framed winner certificates. All the 50 other participants will receive their completion certificates.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES & NETWORKINGFOR exISTInG buSIneSS CATeGORy OnLy All 60 finalists will have their business and its products and services listed in the Limpopo 2013 SME-CONNECT business directory, which will be distributed to hundreds of buyers, tender officials, decision-makers and large business owners in Limpopo – putting your business on the desks of people who make buying decisions.


• Promote your business to company buyers and government officials

• Give you credibility and a wider potential customer base

Please complete this carefully as these details will be included in the SME-CONNECT directory exactly as they appear, if you are selected as a finalist.

business sector ......................................................... business name ................................................................Short business profile ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Product and services .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Page 6: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


Contact person ................................................................. email .................................................................... Website ............................................................................ Telephone ..............................................................Cell .................................................................................. Town .....................................................................


I hereby give my unconditional permission to LimDev, the organisers of the Business LaunchPad programme, Traction, the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, and their duly authorized agents (“the parties”), for a period of three years, to publish and distribute the details provided above for the purposes of business promotion, in printed and/or electronic form and understand that these details will be made public and that consequently I may be contacted by other persons. I hereby indemnify the parties against any claim for any error or omission in such publishing, howsoever caused. I give unconditional permission to the parties to communicate with me via email, fax and telephone.

nAMe ........................................................................

SIGneD ...................................................................... DATe .......................................

STEP 4: Complete your relevant section


This programme is for people who have a business idea and want to start a new business, but need assistance to do so. Please answer the questions carefully and in your own words. Please write clearly so the competition team can read your answers. Please give as much information as possible, especially facts and figures.

If you are selected as one of the 50 finalists, you will be able to attend a very beneficial three-day new business start-up course that will help you plan and start your business. This course will also teach you about how to apply for funding.

Please note that the Business LaunchPad does not offer funding, and being selected as a finalist or winner does not guarantee funding. Our objective is to help you launch your business, if possible without funding, and to equip you with the vital knowledge and information you need to help make a success of your new venture.

Describe your product / service in detail: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What makes it different to other similar products and services that are currently available: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Who are your 3 main competitors?

1) ...........................................................................2) ...........................................................................3) ...........................................................................

Page 7: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


What will your product or service cost? What is your pricing structure? ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Who will your customers be, and what do you know about their needs and buying behavior? ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What qualifies you (and your associates) to start and run this kind of business? ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Why do you want to start the business? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What makes you think the business will work? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Are you (and your associates) currently employed, studying or unemployed? Please describe your current occupations.






Where will the business operate from, and what area will it cover? ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Page 8: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


Have you done any financial projections to work out the income and expenses of the business for its first year of operation?

Yes No If yes, please complete the following income and expenses projection summary:

Summary of income & expenses for first year of business

Income expenses

Source of income Amount Type of expense Amount

Total Total

Have you invested or spent any money to date in the planning and preparation for starting your business?If so, please give details.





Do you have a detailed business plan?

Yes No (If yes, you are welcome to attach it to your application.)

Have you sought advice and assistance from any of the following institutions in relation to your business idea? If so, please describe what assistance was given.

Seda ............................................................................................................................................................

NYDA ..........................................................................................................................................................

DTI .............................................................................................................................................................

Limdev ........................................................................................................................................................

Libsa ........................................................................................................................................................... Other (please specify) ....................................................................................................................................


Have you applied for funding from any financial institution to start your business?

No Please advise why you have not done so yet.

Yes Please advise how much you applied for and the outcome of your application




Page 9: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


If you are unable to secure external funding (loan or other funding) to start your business, do you have a plan to start it without funding? If so, please explain how you plan to do this:



..........................................................................................................................................................................For each of the following business management skill areas, please indicate how you rate yourself (1 is very poor and 10 is excellent): Please circle the number that corresponds to your level.


Financial management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Administration and record-keeping 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Sales and marketing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10HR management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Business strategy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Operations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Are you prepared to attend a 3-day business start-up programme to assist you to plan and start your business?

Yes No



This section is for existing businesses that want to grow and expand, with or without funding.

Please give a short summary history of your business from start-up to its present status: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What made you start this business: ........................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Are you operating this business full time or part time? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Please describe your product or service in detail: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Do you have an existing business plan?

Yes No If so, please attach it to your application.

Page 10: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


What makes it different to other similar products and services that are currently available: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Who are your 3 main competitors?

1) ...........................................................................2) ...........................................................................3) ...........................................................................

What is your pricing structure? .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Please describe your current customer base. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Where does the business operate from, and what area does it serve? .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Please provide the following information to indicate the financial performance of the company (Please indicate relevant years):

Item year 1 year 2 year 3


Other income


Gross income

net income

Have you sought advice and assistance from any of the following institutions in relation to your business idea? If so, please describe what assistance was given.

Seda ............................................................................................................................................................

NYDA ..........................................................................................................................................................

DTI .............................................................................................................................................................

Limdev ........................................................................................................................................................

Libsa ........................................................................................................................................................... Other (please specify) ....................................................................................................................................


Have you applied for funding from any financial institution to start your business?

No Please advise why you have not done so yet.

Yes Please advise how much you applied for and the outcome of your application




Page 11: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


If you are unable to secure external funding (loan or other funding) to start your business, do you have a plan to start it without funding? If so, please explain how you plan to do this:






For each of the following business management skill areas, please indicate how you rate yourself (1 is very poor and 10 is excellent):Please circle the number that corresponds to your level.


Financial management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Administration and record-keeping 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Sales and marketing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10HR management 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Business strategy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Operations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Are you prepared to attend a 5-day business management programme to assist you manage and grow your business?

Yes No



Please only complete this section if you would like to apply for funding from a financial institution, and would like more information and training in this regard during the business launchpad programme.

Important:> The Business LaunchPad programme does not provide funding or any advice, brokerage or financial advisory service

> Our role is to identify candidates who may be eligible for funding, provide information on funding options and how to apply for funding, and link them to financial institutions

> Business LaunchPad and its organisers have no financial interest in the securing of funding for participants

> No guarantee is given that funding will be obtained by any participant

> The conclusion of any funding transaction will be solely between the participant and the financial institution concerned

For how long have you been trading / have financial records: bank account:

I use my personal account for running the business

Business has its own bank account

Overdraft facility:

Yes No

Please describe your current bookkeeping/accounting system: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Page 12: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


Who does your financial management: .....................................................................................................................Do you, the company or any associates have any unresolved SARS, vAT or income tax queries, disputes or tax-related issues:

Yes No

If yes, what? ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Do you have the following for your last financial year:

Balance sheet Yes No Audited financial statements Yes No Unaudited financial statements Yes No

Do you have any debt judgements recorded against you, the company or any of the other directors or shareholders?






Do you have a recent credit agency report on your credit rating? Yes No

* If so:

Clear, no adverse listing

Judgements or other adverse listing

Do you have any current loans or debts that still need to be repaid, either in your name (you and other directors/shareholders) or the company’s name

Yes No

What is the total amount of funding you would like to secure for your business? ....................................................

PURPOSE OF FUNDING:Do you, your associates or the business have any assets that could be used as security for this funding:

MySeLF: name .......................................................................... Surname ......................................................................................................................

value Description What is still owed



Policies / investments

Total R R

buSIneSS: name .................................................................................................................................................................................................................

value Description What is still owed



Policies / investments

Total R R

Page 13: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


OTHeR MeMbeRS / SHAReHOLDeRS name ............................................................... Surname....................................................................

value Description What is still owed



Policies / investments

Total R R

OTHeR MeMbeRS / SHAReHOLDeRS name ............................................................... Surname....................................................................

value Description What is still owed



Policies / investments

Total R R

OTHeR MeMbeRS / SHAReHOLDeRS name ............................................................... Surname....................................................................

value Description What is still owed



Policies / investments

Total R R

Looking at your current income and profitability, approximately how much can you afford – based on your current income WITHOuT external funding, for repayment of a loan of you receive loan funding:


Have you or the business applied to any financial institution in the last 5 years for a loan or other form of funding (including bond, vehicle finance etc)?

Yes No

InSTITuTIOn .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

AMOunT .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

OuTCOMe .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

CuRRenT STATuS .........................................................................................................................................................................................................

ALL participants can apply, using this form, for membership of the SA black entrepreneurs Forum

SabEF benefits• Funeral cover valued at R6500 • Participate in Compliance Readiness Workshops• Complimentary listing as an SME member on THENGA business directory• Notification of procurement opportunities through THENGA opportunity

matching technology• Gets complimentary package of SABEF bi-monthly newsletter – SME Focus• Participate in various Trade Missions and International chamber visits• Participate in the Business Network• Gets access to SABEF Legal Protect and SABEF Debt Collect (both

underwrittend by LegalSense)• Gets complimentary access to Budget2Mobile (a cellphone budgeting app) • DISCOUNTS on Business Support Services: BBBEE Verification |

Tax Clearance | Bookkeeping | Mentorship• DISCOUNTS on Corporate Identity Packages: website, e-mail, fax-to-mail,

business cards etc• Access to extensive “Service Provider” database: get support/ help with

anything you need to succeed as an smme

cost r750 per annum. if you tick yES, SabEF will contact you directly.

Do you want to apply for membership?


Ms Matsi ModiseNational Executive Director

South African Black Entrepreneurs Forum

"We would like you to join the South African black

entrepreneurs Forum. Just look at all these benefits."

Page 14: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking


THIS MUST BE SIGNED BEFORE yOUR APPLICATION CAN BE ACCEPTED AND REVIEWED.1. I have read the Business LaunchPad programme (the programme) rules as published herein and hereby accept the

rules as the sole terms and conditions of entry to the program.2. I warrant that all information provided herein is true and accurate, and understand that if any information

provided is false, inaccurate or misleading, the programme may cancel my participation at any time. 3. I give unconditional permission for the programme organisers to review and peruse the financial and non-

financial information provided, to share such information with the organisations listed in clause 4 below in order to assist with facilitating access to funding.

4 . I hereby give permission for the programme organisers and their authorized agents, as well as Limdev, Libsa, Khula Enterprise Finance, Seda, Sefa, NyDA, Land Bank, Nedbank, FNB, Standard Bank and Absa, to view and peruse my application and the information attached thereto.

5. EXCEPTIONS (Organisations who may not see my application):

.......................................................................................................................................................................6. I hereby give permission for the organisations referred to in clause 4 to contact me via telephone, cellphone, fax,

email and post for marketing, research and business development purposes.7. EXCEPTIONS (Organisations who may not contact me):


8. I give permission to the programme organisers take photographs of me/us for publicity purposes, without notice, and to publish same in the media, at any time during the competition and for a period of five years thereafter, without remuneration or compensation.

9. I give permission for the organisers to write and publish a short description of my/our business and/or product/service for publicity and informational purposes in the course of the programme.

10. I accept and understand without conditions or limitations, that no warranty, guarantee or promise, implied or express, is or has been made or given that any funding, loans or investment of any kind is being offered as part of or consequent to the programme; the role of the programme is limited to training and to facilitating contact between the participants and funding institutions, whereafter all engagement shall be solely between participants and such institutions.

11. I understand that the programme organisers are not financial, legal or business intermediaries, advisers or brokers, and that they will not give or offer any financial advice or represent or sell any financial products. I will not make any financial or business decisions directly or indirectly as a result of the programme, and, should I/we independently make any such decision following participation in the programme, undertake to consult an independent professional legal, financial or business adviser before making any decision which may impact on my/our business or financial affairs.

12. I fully and unconditionally indemnify the programme organisers against any claim from myself/ourselves individually and as a business with regard to any action, decision or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from my/our participation in the progamme and which may affect my/our business and financial affairs.

13. I warrant that I am authorized and have secured the necessary authority to agree to the above terms and conditions, and give the above permissions, on behalf of myself, and where applicable, my partners and associates, my business/company, and its directors, members, shareholders and officers.


I confirm that I have read and understood and that I agree to the terms and conditions

nAMe ........................................................................

SIGneD ...................................................................... DATe .......................................


We take the confidentiality of your information very seriously. your business ideas and business information are safe with the Business LaunchPad. We will not disclose your business concepts to anyone outside the project, other than those specified in the rules. We only disclose information to the judges, who have signed a strict confidentiality agreement, and to funders and partners where you have given permission. your entry is securely stored.


Page 15: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking

Why youshould enter

Winner SupportWhether or not you obtain funding through the Business Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period.

This includes:• linking you to real business opportunities• linking you with a suitable voluntary mentor for a

12 month period• access to the Business Launchpad helpline• advice and assistance from Seda and other organisations• 1 year FREE membership to the South African Black

Entrepreneurs Forum• the right to use the Business Launchpad “Winner” logo on

all your stationary

Winner prizes& benefi ts• You will have the opportunity to attend

a stimulating, practical and informative business management programme during which you will be able to learn how to run a sustainable business

• You will be considered for funding if you meet our funding partners’ criteria

• Your business status and credibility will be boosted

• If selected as a winner, you will win exciting prizes, including cash, an iPad, business books and more

• You will be profi led in the media and receive benefi cial media coverage

• You will be able to network with business leaders, government offi cials and fellow entrepreneurs

• As a winner, you will be able to use the Business Launchpad winner logo on your stationary and proposal documents

It is important to understand that being selected as a winner does not guarantee funding. However, it means your business will be carefully assessed for funding on a priority basis.

Winners and fi nalists, as well as certain other qualifying entrants, will also be assisted to link up with existing and future business opportunities in the province.

Step 1Tell us about yourself (and your group if you are more than one person).

Step 2Give us the background of your business.

Step 3Apply for the relevant Category.

Business Idea CategoryFill out this section if you have a business idea.

Existing Business CategoryFill out this section if you have an existing business.Step 4:Complete the relevant section for your category

Section A: Business Idea CategorySection B: Existing Business CategoryStep5:Sign your entry

Step 6:Submit your entry• All entries are treated as confi dential.• Once you have completed this entry form, make

sure it is signed and post it to PostNet Suite 315, Private Bag x9307, Polokwane 0699.

• Entries can be delivered to your nearest LimDev, Libsa, Seda, NYDA and NAFCOC offi ces.

• Please make a copy of this entry form for your information.

Important: By signing your entry form,you are agreeing to these terms & conditions


1 I, the undersigned entrant to the competition, agree to unconditionally accept and abide by the terms and conditions as contained herein.

2 Where I am acting on behalf of a business entity, or group of individuals, I warrant that I am authorized to act on its/their behalf, and to legally bind it/them to these terms and conditions, and I confi rm that I have informed it/them of these terms and conditions.

3 I agree that I / we attend any Business LaunchPad event or activity entirely at my/our own risk, and we hereby indemnify the Business LaunchPad competition and its managers, agents and sponsors against any claim, howsoever caused, for damages or loss arising out of participation in the programme as well as attendance at any event or workshop.

4 I/we submit my/our entry form and business proposal (“the entry”) for consideration by the competition, the operator of the competition (“the operator”) and/or their assigned judges and agents.

5 I/we warrant that I/we are the bona fi de authors of my/our entry, or, if the entry has been prepared by a group of more than one person, that I/we am/are authorized to represent this group of persons and act on behalf of them, or, if the business proposal/entry has been prepared by a consultant or third party, I/we hereby accept the responsibility of authorship.

6 I/we warrant that I/we have all necessary rights in respect of the display or use of any and all intellectual property and/or copyright and/or trademarked content in the entry. I/we indemnify the competition operator and its agents and sponsors against any claim from any party arising from any unauthorized use of any trademark or other intellectual property, whether such use was made knowingly or not.

7 I/we hereby authorize the operator to allow any persons appointed by the competition operator as a competition administrator, judge, agent or manager to possess, store, copy, transport and read the entry.

8 I/we agree that the decision of the operator with regard to the acceptance, adjudication, scoring and selection of my/our entry is fi nal, and that the operator is not obliged to give any reasons for any decision taken in relation

to the conduct of the competition and adjudication of the entry.

9 I/we warrant that all content, statements and information provided in this entry form is, to the best of my/our knowledge, true and correct; I/we further acknowledge that should the operator discover or determine that any content, statement or information is not supplied, false or misleading, the operator will be entitled to disqualify this entry without notice.

10 I/we agree that if I/we undertake any action, or fail to undertake an action, that has the eff ect of failing to discharge any of these terms and conditions, including the entry requirements contained in the entry form, or that brings the operator or competition into disrepute, or which the operators consider to male fi de, or which prevents or frustrates the eff orts of the operators to adjudicate or operate the competition, the operator shall be entitled to immediately and without notice disqualify my/ our entry.

11 I/we accept that the operator will be entitled to keep my/our entry for a period of three years, for legal record purposes, subject to the operator’s confi dentiality undertaking given in this entry form, and that I will not expect or demand the return of same.

12 I/we agree to make myself available for media interviews, photography and public relations purposes as reasonably required by the operator, at any stage during the competition. I/we further give unrestricted permission for a short summary of our business idea or business proposal, excluding fi nancial information, including a photograph of myself/ourselves, to be included in the competition website, and/or press releases, and/or competition event programme(s), and/or any other communication to promote the competition or any competition event.

13 I/we agree that in the event that I/we am/are selected as a fi nalist, I/we will designate one person to attend a compulsory 12-session business plan training programme. Attendance of the programme is mandatory and failure to attend the programme will result in disqualifi cation. Non-attendance of more than two sessions of the programme will also result in disqualifi cation.

14 In the event that I/we am/are awarded any prize(s) as a result of the competition, I/we indemnify the operator against any claim

with regard to the theft, damage to, loss, working order, operation, warranties and state of the prizes following their delivery to me/us.

15 I/we agree and accept that the operator makes no warranty and gives no assurance that any fi nancial assistance or other fi nancial benefi t or funding will be off ered or granted in respect of my/our entry. I/we agree that the competition functions solely as a method of identifying promising entrepreneurs and enterprises for the sponsors and funding partners, and the performance of an entrant in the competition, including being selected as a winner, does not create or give rise to any entitlement to funding or an off er of funding. No warranty or guarantee is given with regard to the provision of funding, loan guarantees or fi nancial assistance in the event that I/we am/ are selected as a winner in the competition, and I/we agree and understand that the provision of any funding and/or loan guarantees and/or fi nancial assistance or investment will be at the sole discretion of the funding partners, and the terms and conditions for such funding and/or loan guarantees and/or fi nancial assistance shall be a matter for the conclusion of a separate agreement between myself/ourselves and such funding partner(s); the conclusion of such agreement shall be a matter solely for the entrant(s) and the funding partners, and the competition operator shall not be held liable in any way for any failure, for whatever reason, to conclude such an agreement.

16 The operator reserves the right to amend the rules of the competition, including the adjudication procedure, prizes and arrangements at any time and without notice.

17 If any entry is made by electronic means and is not possible for me/us to physically sign this document, I/we agree that the act of submission of the entry by electronic means shall be taken to mean that I/we agree to these terms and conditions as if we had knowingly signed them by my/our own hand.

18 I/we hereby give our express written permission for the following companies to contact me by email, telephone, mobile phone, SMS or post for research, marketing and promotional purposes: Traction, Nedbank, LimDev, Libsa, Seda, Khula Enterprise Finance, NYDA, Proudly SA, NEF and SABEF.

By signing your entry form,you are agreeing to these terms & conditions

to the conduct of the competition and

I/we warrant that all content, statements and information provided in this entry form

with regard to the theft, damage to, loss, working order, operation, warranties and state of the prizes following their delivery to me/us.

We suggest you make a

copy of your entry form

prior to posting it.

How to enter theBusiness Launchpad

• Great prizes for the winners• World-class business skills training

for fi nalists• Support with building a practical

business plan to start or growyour business

• Excellent networking with other entrepreneurs

• Free membership of SA Black Entrepreneurs Forum for all fi nalists

• Business opportunities via the SME-CONNECT business directory

• Expert advice to assist withfunding applications

If you are serious about starting or growing your business, Business LaunchPad will get you there faster.

Page 16: LIMPOPO 2OI2 YOUR ROAD TO BUSINESS SUCCESS ...Launchpad, the programme and its partners aim to provide winners with assistance for a twelve-month period. This includes: • linking

A project of:




• Help to kick-start your business idea• Access to funding• Networking• Publicise your business• Business opportunities



14 DECEMBER 2012

No cost to enter.Anyone over the age of 18 may participate. You do not need to have a registered business.You do not need to have a registered business.

Plus iPads & lots more!


iPads iPads & lots more!& lots more!& lots more!






“I made a success of my

business idea” 2011 Gold Winner

Ramoba Moba, 34

“I was encouraged to

take my business to new heights”

2011 Platinum Winner

Tladi Tumelo, 23 Madimo Mamosebo, 43

“I now run my business more professionally” 2011 Platinum Winner

Endorsed & supported by:



We encourage other NGO’s, SMME funding and business support agencies, business organisations such as Chambers and associations, and academic institutions to get involved in the

project. Please approach the project team for details.








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