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Senior High School

Subject: English

Class: X (Ten)

Smester: 1

Name: Siti Purwaningsih

Class: PBI/ 5E

NIM: 11321159

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INVITATION, ACCEPTING AN APPOINMENT, AND DECLINING AN APPOINMENT Name of school : SMA N 1 SUKABINGUNG Subject : English Class / Semester : X / 1 Meeting : 1 and 2 Time allocation : 4 X 45 minutes Competence standard : 1. Comprehend the meaning of interpersonal and transactional

conversation in daily life context Base competence :1.1 Response the meaning of formal and informal interpersonal

(socialization) and transactional (to get things done) conversation which is used simple oral language style in accordance with accurate, fluent and acceptable in daily life context and involve speech and action of: introducing, greeting/ leaving, approving an offer/ invitation, accepting an appoinment, and declining an appoinment.

Indicator :

Meeting I

Introducing - Mention the expression of introducing - Response the expression of introducing - Mention the expression of introducing someone else

Greeting/ Leave Taking

- Mention the expression of greeting - Response the expression of greeting - Mention the expression of leave taking - Response the expression of leave taking

Meeting II

Approving an Offer/ Invitation

- Mention the expression of offering/ inviting - Response the expression of approving an offer/

invitation - Response the expression of refusing an offer/

invitation Accepting an Appoinment

- Mention the expression of making appoinment - Repeat the expressions of accepting an appoinment - Mention the expressions of accepting an appoinment

Declining An Appoinment

- Mention the expression of making appoinment - Repeat the expression of declining an appoinment - Mention the expression of declining an appoinment - Mention the reason of declining an appoinment

Purpose of learning : After learning process, students would be able to:

- Mention the expression of introducing correctly - Response the expression of introducing correctly

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- Mention the expression of introducing someone else correctly - Mention the expression of greeting correctly - Response the expression of greeting correctly - Mention the expression of leave taking correctly - Response the expression of leave taking correctly - Mention the expression of offering/ inviting correctly - Response the expression of approving an offer/ invitation correctly - Response the expression of refusing an offer/ invitation correctly - Mention the expression of making appoinment correctly - Repeat the expressions of accepting an appoinment correctly - Mention the expressions of accepting an appoinment correctly - Mention the expression of making appoinment correctly - Repeat the expression of declining an appoinment correctly - Mention the expression of declining an appoinment correctly - Mention the reason of declining an appoinment correctly

Character value : - communicative - tolerance

Main material :

Introducing - Expression of introducing Example : My name is . . . Nice to meet you. - Response the expression of introducing Example : Nice to meet you too. - Expression of introducing someone else Example : I’d like you to meet my friend, . . .

Greeting/ Leave Taking - Ungkapan bertemu Example : Hello! Good morning. - Merespon ungkapan bertemu Example : Hi! Good morning. - Ungkapan berpisah Example : See you later - Merespon ungkapan berpisah Example : See you

Approving an offer/ invitation - Ungkapan mengajak Example: Would you like to . . .? - Ungkapan menerima ajakan Example : I’d like it. - Ungkapan menolak ajakan Example : I’m so sorry, I’ll be very busy

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Accepting an appoinment - Ungkapan membuat janji Example : Could you . . .? - Ungkapan menerima janji Example : O.K. I’ll be there

I’ll wait for you there

Declining an appoinment - Ungkapan membuat janji Example : Could you . . .? - Ungkapan menolak janji Example : Sorry, I can’t

I ‘m sorry, I have to cancel my appoinment Sorry, I can’t. I am very busy

Learning Method : - Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) - Listen and Repeat - Question and Answer

Steps of learning :

Meeting I Opening activity

Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about

introduction, greeting and leave taking directly.

Main activity Teacher explain the expressions and respons of introduction, greeting and leave

taking. Students repeat the expressions and respons of introduction, greeting and leave taking. Students mention and response the expressions of introduction, greeting and leave

taking. Students practice the dialog about introduction, greeting and leave taking in pair/

group communicatively based on the dialog in the text book. Teaher and students do question and answer based on the dialog that’s practiced. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

Closing activiy Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

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Meeting II

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about approving

an offer/ invitation, accepting an appoinment, and declining an appoinment directly.

Main activity Teacher explain the expressions and respons of approving an offer/ invitation,

accepting an appoinment, and declining an appoinment. Students repeat the expressions and respons of approving an offer/ invitation,

accepting an appoinment, and declining an appoinment. Students mention and response the expressions of approving an offer/ invitation,

accepting an appoinment, and declining an appoinment. Students practice the dialog about approving an offer/ invitation, accepting an

appoinment, and declining an appoinment. in pair/ group communicatively based on the dialog in the text book.

Teaher and students do question and answer based on the dialog that’s practiced. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Source :

Grace, E. & Sudarwati, T. M. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga (page: 5-6, 37)

Yuliani, M. Dkk. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA dan MA Kelas X Semester 1. Klaten: Intan Pariwara (page: 1-3, 23)

Evaluation : Techniaue : oral test Instrument form: brief answer Instruments:


A. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of introduction you find in the dialog!

Ronny : Excuse, me. Are you Farhan ? Farhan : That’s right. Ronny : Hi, My name is Ronny.

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Farhan : Nice to meet you Ronny. Ronny : Nice to meet you, too.

B. Complete the dialog below with correct expressions of introduction based on what you

listen from tape recorder!

Dian and Putra are new friends. They meet and introduce each other. Dian : Hello, (1)____________. Putra : Hi, Dian. (2)____________. Dian : Nice to meet you, Putra. Putra : (3)____________, too. Dian : Where do you live? Putra : I (4)____________. And you? Dian : I (5)____________.

C. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of

introduction you find in the dialog!

Irwan : Hi Jack! Long time no see. How are you? Jack : Oh, hi Irwan! I’m fine , thanks. And you? Irwan : I am fine too. By the way, this is my friend Ananta. Ananta, this is

Jack. Jack : Nice to meet you. Ananta: Nice to meet you too. Jack : Well, it is nice to talk to you, but I have to go now. See you

tomorrow! Irwan : See you Ananta: See you

Greeting/ leave taking

A. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of greeting you find in the dialog!

Miss Jenny : Good morning, Mr. Adam. Mr. Adam : Good morning! How are you? Miss Jenny : Very well, thank you? Mr. Adam : Fine, thanks.

B. Complete the dialog below with correct expressions of greeting based on what you listen

from tape recorder! Soraya meets Adam at the cafetaria.

Soraya : (1) _______, Adam. How are you ? Adam : (2) _______, thanks. And you? Soraya : (3) _________. Thank you. Adam : Have you (4) _________ your lunch? Soraya : Yes, I have. I’d better be going, or I’ll be (5) _______ at my office.

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Good bye, Adam Adam : Good bye.

C. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of

leave taking you find in the dialog! Puput : Hi, Nova. Are you free tomorrow morning ? Nova : Yes, I have nothing to do. Puput : Let’s go swimming tomorrow. Nova : O.K That will be fun. Puput : See you tomorrow. Nova : See you.

D. Listen to your teacher. Then response to your teacher’s statements!

Teacher : See you again! Student : ______________. Teacher : Good bye, Student : ______________. Teacher : See you tomorrow! Student : ______________. Teacher : Good night. Students: ______________.

Approving an offer/ invitation A. Listen to your teacher’s statement. Mention the expressions that appropriate to the

statements! What would you say if: (1) You want to invite your friend to come to your birthday party? (2) You want to do your Math homework with your friend? (3) You want to invite your friend to lunch together in the canteen? (4) You want to offer a cup of coffe to your father? (5) You want to invite your friends to watch movie with you?

B. Listen to the your teacher. Then response your teacher’s statement with appropriate

expressions of approving an offer/ invitation!

Teacher : Would you like something to eat? Students : _________________________. Teacher : Would you care for having lunch in the canteen? Students : _________________________. Teacher : Would you please come to the front of the class? Students : _________________________. Teacher : How about cleaning the whiteboard? Students : _________________________. Teacher : Hope you can open the door please/ Students : _________________________.

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C. Listen to the your teacher. Then response your teacher’s statement with appropriate expressions of declining an offer/ invitation!

Teacher : Would you care for having lunch in the canteen? Students : _________________________. Teacher : Hope you can open the door please. Students : _________________________. Teacher : Would you please come to the front of the class? Students : _________________________. Teacher : How about cleaning the whiteboard? Students : _________________________.

Teacher : Would you like something to eat? Students : _________________________.

Accepting an appoinment A. Listen to your teacher’s statements. Then mention the expressions of making an

appoinment based on the statements! What would you say if: Expressions of making an appoinment

(1) You want to make appoinment to do your homework with your friend?

(1) _____________________________

(2) You want to make appoinment to watch movie with your friend tomorrow?

(2) _____________________________

(3) You want your friends come to your home this afternoon?

(3) _____________________________

(4) You want to take vacation with your parents this holiday?

(4) _____________________________

(5) You want to make appoinment to help your mother this weekend?

(5) _____________________________

B. Listen to your teacher. Then repeat after your teacher with correct pronounciation!

(1) No problem. I’m free on Sunday. (2) It’s a deal. (3) I’ll be there. (4) All right. See you there. (5) O.K. Be there on time.

C. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of

accepting an appoinment you find in the dialog! Milla : Friends, can you help me? Dilla : What should we do for you? Lida : Yeah..tell me! Milla : I want to make a birthday cake for my sister and I need tour help. Lida : So, What can we do for you too?

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Milla : Would you help me to make the cake? Dilla : Of course. We will help you. Lida : That’s right. We will help you. When will we make the cake? Milla : Tomorrow is Sunday. How if tomorrow morning? I’ll wait in my home. Lida : No problem. We are free on Sunday. Dilla : All right. See you there tomorrow. Milla Thanks guys.

Declining an appoinment A. Listen to your teacher’s statements. Then mention the expressions of making an

appoinment based on the statements! What would you say if: Expressions of making an appoinment

(1) You want to make appoinment to watch movie with your friend?

(1) _____________________________

(2) You want to take vacation with your family this holiday?

(2) _____________________________

(3) You want to make appoinment to help your mother tomorrow?

(3) _____________________________

(4) You want to make appoinment to come to your friend’s home on weekend?

(4) _____________________________

(5) You want to make appoinment to come to your nephew’s party?

(5) _____________________________

B. Listen to your teacher. Then repeat after your teacher with correct pronounciation!

(1) Sorry, I can’t. (2) I’d love to, but I can’t. (3) I really want to see you, but I can’t. (4) I’m sorry, I have another appoinment (5) I’m sorry, I can’t. I am very busy.

C. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of

declining/ canceling an appoinment you find in the dialog!

Doni : Guys. Are you free this afternoon?

Dino : What’s up?

Doni : Would you like to accompany me to the bookshop?

Andika : Ohh.. Sorry Don. I can’t accompany you to the bookshop.

Doni : What’s going on?

Dino : I’m not feeling well. I want to see the doctor after school. Sorry.

Doni : Never mind. Hope you’ll get better soon.

How about you, Dino?

Dino : I’d love to accompany you, but I can’t. How if another day?

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Doni : Why?

Dino : I have to pick my mother in my grandma’s home. Sorry.

Doni : O.K. No problem. I’ll go there alone.

D. From the dialog you have listened before, mention the expressions giving reason for declining/ canceling an appoinment you find in the dialog!

Doni : Guys. Are you free this afternoon?

Dino : What’s up?

Doni : Would you like to accompany me to the bookshop?

Andika : Ohh.. Sorry Don. I can’t accompany you to the bookshop.

Doni : What’s going on?

Dino : I’m not feeling well. I want to see the doctor after school. Sorry.

Doni : Never mind. Hope you’ll get better soon.

How about you, Dino?

Dino : I’d love to accompany you, but I can’t. How if another day?

Doni : Why?

Dino : I have to pick my mother in my grandma’s home. Sorry.

Doni : O.K. No problem. I’ll go there alone.

Key answer: Introducing

A. Expressions of introduction: (1) Hi, My name is Ronny. (2) Nice to meet you Ronny. (3) Nice to meet you, too.

B. Response teacher’s statements: (1) Nice to meet you too, Miss. (2) Pleased to meet you too, Mam. (3) How do you do?

C. Expressions of Introducing someone to someone else: (1) This is my friend Ananta. Ananta, this is Jack. (2) Nice to meet you (3) Nice to meet you too.

Greeting/ leave taking A. Expressions of greeting:

(1) Good morning, Mr. Adam. (2) Good morning. (3) How are you? (4) Very well

B. Response teacher’s statements:

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(1) Hi, Good morning (2) Hello, good morning (3) I am fine (4) I am very well

C. Expressions of leave taking: (1) See you tomorrow (2) See you

D. Response teacher’s statements: (1) See you! (2) Bye (3) See you too (4) Good night

Approving an offer/ invitation

A. Expresions of offering/ inviting: (1) Would you please come to my birthday party? (2) How about doing Math homework together? (3) Would you care for having lunch with me in canteen? (4) Would you like a cup of tea, Dad? (5) Would you like watching movie with me?

B. Approving an offer/ invitation: (1) I can’t think of anything better. (2) Thank you for extending me the offer. (3) Thank you for inviting me. (4) That sounds great! (5) That would be very delightful!

C. Declining an offer/ invitation: (1) I am sorry, I have to go now. (2) I am afraid that’s not too good for me. (3) Thank you for inviting me, but I will very busy. (4) I am sorry, I can’t (5) Sorry, I think we cann’t.

Accepting an appoinment

A. Expressions of making an appoinment: (1) Can we do our homework together this afternoon? (2) Could you watch movie with me tomorrow? (3) Can you come to my home this afternoon? (4) Could we take vacation together, Dad? (5) Can I help your work this weekend, Mom?

B. Repeat after teacher: (1) No problem. I’m free on Sunday. (2) It’s a deal. (3) I’ll be there. (4) All right. See you there. (5) O.K. Be there on time.

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C. Expressions of accepting an appoinment: (1) Of course, we will help you (2) That’s right, we will help you (3) No problem we are free on Sunday. (4) All right, see you tomorrow.

Declining an appoinment A. Expressions of making an appoinment:

(1) Could you watch movie with me tomorrow? (2) Could we take vacation together, Dad? (3) Can I help your work this weekend, Mom? (4) Can I come to your home on weekend? (5) I will come to my nephew’s party.

B. Repeat after teacher: (1) Sorry, I can’t. (2) I’d love to, but I can’t. (3) I really want to see you, but I can’t. (4) I’m sorry, I have another appoinment (5) I’m sorry, I can’t. I am very busy.

C. Expressions of declining/ canceling an appoinment: (1) I’m not feeling well. I want to see the doctor after school. Sorry. (2) I’d love to accompany you, but I can’t. How if another day?

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Scoring Rublik of Listening


1.Number 1, the true answer score 3

2.Number II, the true answer score2

3. Maximal final Score I 5 x 3 = 18

i. II 5 x 2 = 10

ii. Final score 25

4. Maximal score10

Aquasition score 5.Students score = X 10

Maximal score

No. Content Score

1. Clearly content, Grammatical clearly Clearly content, Grammatical clearly Content and grammatical didn’t clearly No answer

3 2 1 0

II. The answer clearly The answer didn’t clearly/no answer

2 0

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Name of school : SMA N 1 SUKABINGUNG Subject : English Class / Semester : X / 1 Meeting : 3 and 4 Time allocation : 4 X 45 minutes Competence standard : 1. Comprehend the meaning of interpersonal and transactional

conversation in daily life context Base competence :1.2 Response the meaning of formal and informal interpersonal

(socialization) and transactional (to get things done) conversation which is used simple oral language style in accordance with accurate, fluent and acceptable in daily life context and involve speech and action of: expressing pleasure, showing attention, showing sympaty, giving instruction

Indicator :

Meeting III

Expression of pleasure

- Mention expressions of pleasure - Repeat expressions of pleasure - Response expressions of pleasure - Explain expressions of pleasure

Showing attention

- Mention the expressions of showing attention - Repeat the expressions of showing attention - Response the expressions of showing attention - Explain the expressions of showing attention

Meeting IV

Showing sympaty

- Mention the expressions of showing sympaty - Repeat the expressions of showing sympaty - Response the expressions of showing sympaty - Explain the expressions of showing sympaty

Giving instruction

- Mention the expressions of giving instruction - Repeat the expressions of giving instruction - Explain the expressions of giving instruction

Purpose of learning : After learning process, students would be able to:

- Mention expressions of pleasure correctly - Repeat expressions of pleasure correctly - Response expressions of pleasure correctly - Explain expressions of pleasure correctly - Mention the expressions of showing attention correctly - Repeat the expressions of showing attention correctly

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- Response the expressions of showing attention correctly - Explain the expressions of showing attention correctly - Mention the expressions of showing sympaty correctly - Repeat the expressions of showing sympaty correctly - Response the expressions of showing sympaty correctly - Explain the expressions of showing sympaty correctly - Mention the expressions of giving instruction correctly - Repeat the expressions of giving instruction correctly - Explain the expressions of giving instruction correctly

Character value : - communicative - sociality

Main material :

Expression of Pleasure - Expressions of pleasure Example: I am happy to hear that

I am very pleased to . . . It gives me great pleasure Great! Fantastic!

Showing Attention - Expressions of showing attention example: Are you okay?

I’m okay, thanks Wow. . . that’s amazing Nice dress..

Showing Sympaty - Expressions of showing sympaty example: I am sorry to hear that

You, look poor little thing I’m sorry for what’s happened . . . That’s a pity/shame

Giving Instruction - Expressions of giving instruction example : Sit down

Open the door, please Don’t be noisy, please

Learning method : - Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) - Listen and Repeat - Question and Answer

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Steps of learning : Meeting III

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about expression

of pleasure and showing attention directly.

Main activity Teacher reads dialog about expression of pleasure and showing attention. Teacher explain the expression of pleasure and showing attention. Students repeat the expression of pleasure and showing attention. Students mention expression of pleasure and showing attention. Students given chance to ask about the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test asreinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting IV

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about showing

sympaty and giving instruction directly.

Main activity Teacher reads dialog about showing sympaty and giving instruction. Teacher explain the showing sympaty and giving instruction. Students repeat the showing sympaty and giving instruction. Students mention showing sympaty and giving instruction. Students given chance to ask about the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test asreinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

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Source : Grace, E. & Sudarwati, T. M. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High

School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga (page: 8, 34-35, 42, 69-70) Yuliani, M. Dkk. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA dan MA Kelas X Semester 1. Klaten:

Intan Pariwara (page: 24, 45-46)

Evaluation :

Technique: oral test Instrument form: brief answer Instrument:

Expression of Pleasure A. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of

pleasure you find in the dialog!

Hani gets a gift from her mother. She is very happy.

Mother : My dear daughter, your father said that he would take you to the department store.

Hani : Hooray! That's great. When do we go there, Mom?

Mother : Perhaps after dinner. Father will buy a new pair of shoes for you.

Hani : Thanks for your praise, Mom. I am also happy to have parents like you both.

Mother : You are a wonderful daughter for us. I'm so pleasure to be your Mom.

Hani : Thanks Mom.

B. Listen to your teacher. Then repeat after your teacher with correct pronounciation! (1) I’m really happy. (2) I’m happy to hear that. (3) I am very pleased with the news. (4) I am very pleased about it. (5) It gives me great pleasure (6) How marvelllous! (7) Great! Fantastic!

C. Listen to the your teacher. Then response your teacher’s statement with appropriate

expressions of pleasure! Teacher : I have a good mark for my English test. Students : (1) _________________________. Teacher : My sister get married. Students : (2) _________________________. Teacher : My debate team won the national competition. Students : (3)_________________________. Teacher : I get a nice doll as your birthday gift.

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Students : (4)_________________________.

D. Listen to your teacher’s statements. Then Explain and mention the expressions of

pleasure based on the statements!

What would you say if: Expressions of pleasure (1) You are informed that your father has

just got promotion in his workplace? (1) _____________________________

(2) Your sister get married? (2) _____________________________ (3) Your English teacher told that your

score in the last test is excellent? (3) _____________________________

(4) You get a nice doll as your birthday gift.

(4) _____________________________

(5) The debate team of your school won the national competition?

(5) _____________________________

Showing attention

A. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of attention you find in the dialog!

Adi : Hendra, why do you look so gloomy?

Billy : Be cheerful, please.

Hendra: Thanks for your attention. You know, my teacher got angry with me today.

Adi : Did you do something wrong?

Hendra : No, I didn’t but my friends did.

Billy : Really?

Hendra : Actually not me, but my friends did.

Billy : So, what did happen?

Hendra : When we were in the library, some of my friends made noises. The teacher thought that one of them was me. So, he got angry with me.

Adi : Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

Billy : So poor you are. What did you say to your teacher?

Hendra : I didn’t say anything. I was afraid.

Adi : Oh my gosh! You should have been brave to tell the truth.

B. Listen to your teacher. Then repeat after your teacher with correct pronounciation!

(1) Really? (2) Are you Okay? (3) Wow.. That’s amazing!

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(4) Is that so? (5) Are you kidding?

C. Listen to the your teacher. Then response your teacher’s statement with appropriate

expressions of attention! Teacher : My head is being headache. Students : (1)_________________________. Teacher : I got bad mark in my English test. Students : (2)_________________________. Teacher : My debate team failed in the national competition. Students : (3)_________________________.

D. Listen to your teacher’s statements. Then mention and explain the expressions of

attention based on the statements! What would you say if: Expressions of attention

(1) Your sister slipped and she was in such pain. She couldn't even stand up because she broke her ankle?

(1) __________________________

(2) Your friend got punishment because of other’s mistakes?

(2) __________________________

(3) Your mother wears a nice gown? (3) __________________________ (4) Your neighbor is cared in I.C.U (4) __________________________

Showing sympaty

A. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of sympathy you find in the dialog!

Basri shows his sympathy to his friend, Ali. Basri : Hi, Ivan. You don't look very happy. Is everything alright? Ali : Well, this week has been so terrible for me. Basri : Really? I'm sorry to hear that. What actually happened? Ali : My grandmother passed away on Tuesday. Basri : Was she ill or something before she died? Ali : No, no. She was badly hurt because of a car accident. Basri : Oh really? It’s so poor. What happened? Ali : She was driving a car and suddenly a speedy truck bumped into her car in

front. So her death was really a shock for me and my family. I can't still believe that she's gone.

Basri : Of course. It's always hard to lose someone you love. However, I'm pretty sure, this is not the end of the world. So you will be better.

Ali : Thanks. I hope so.

B. Listen to your teacher. Then repeat after your teacher with correct pronounciation! (1) I am sorry for what’s happened. (2) I’m sorry to hear that.

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(3) Oh, you are so poor. (4) Look! This is not the end of the world (5) That’s a pity.

C. Listen to the your teacher. Then response your teacher’s statement with appropriate

expressions of sympaty! Teacher : I got an accident yesterday. Students : (1)_________________________. Teacher : My head is being headache. Students : (2)_________________________. Teacher : I got bad mark in my English test. Students : (3)_________________________. Teacher : I felt from my motorcycle. Students : (4)_________________________.

D. Listen to your teacher’s statements. Then mention and explain the expressions of

sympathy based on the statements!

What would you say if: Expressions of sympathy (1) Your friend's father suddenly passed

away soon after he got off from the bus?

(1) __________________________

(2) My sister got a car accident last night? (2) __________________________ (3) Your young brother fell from his bike. (3) __________________________

(4) You heard a news about flood Jakarta?

(4) __________________________

(5) Your friend got a serious cancer disease?

(5) __________________________

Giving instruction

A. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of giving instruction you find in the dialog!

Ela : Hi, Dinda, what are you doing? It seems that you are busy. Dinda : Oh, I am making a potato salad. Ela : Hmm...It’s sounds delicious. May I help you? Dinda : Of course. I have prepared the potatoes, parsley, and paprika. Then,

please wash them! Ela : O.K. Dinda : Now, please take two green onions, a half tablespoon of lemon rind,

salt, pepper, and a cup and a half of mayonnaise! Ela : Allright. Then, what have I do?

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Dinda : Well, first you cut up the potatoes, the green onions, and the parsley. Then put them and the lemon rind into a salad bowl and add a little salt, pepper, and paprika. After that, add the mayonnaise and mix it.

Ela : Is that all? Dinda : Yes. After done, you cover it and put it in the refrigerator for about

twenty minutes.

B. Listen to your teacher. Rrepeat after your teacher with correct pronounciation, then do the instruction!

(1) Sit down! (2) Stand up! (3) Open the door! (4) Open your book on page 12, please! (5) Don’t be noisy

C. Listen to your teacher’s statements. Then explain and mention the expressions of

giving instruction based on the statements!

What would you say if: Expressions of giving instruction (1) There is a final exam there? (1) __________________________

(2) You may disturb the patients here? (2) __________________________ (3) The soup is too salty? (3) __________________________ (4) Your room is dirty? (4) __________________________

(5) You get a badmark? (5) __________________________ (6) I want to see out the room? (6) __________________________ (7) You have broken my bike? (7) __________________________

(8) It will help you to prepare the next test?

(8) __________________________

(9) I’ll make you a bowl of soup? (9) __________________________

(10) You have broken my bike? (10) _________________________ Key answer:

Expression of Pleasure A. Expressions of pleasure:

(1) Hooray! That's great. (2) I am also happy to have parents like you both. (3) I'm so pleasure to be your Mom.

B. Repeat after teacher: (1) I’m really happy. (2) I’m happy to hear that.

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(3) I am very pleased with the news. (4) I am very pleased about it. (5) It gives me great pleasure (6) How marvelllous! (7) Great! Fantastic!

C. Response teacher’s statement (1) I am really happy for my good mark. (2) I am very delighted about it. (3) I am very delighted for the news. (4) Fantastic! I get a nice doll.

D. Expressions of pleasure (1) I am very pleased with the news. (2) I am very delighted about it. (3) Great! I am so happy to hear that. (4) Fantastic! I get a nice doll. (5) I am very delighted for the news.

Showing attention A. Expressions of attentions:

(1) Hendra, why do you look so gloomy? (2) Really? (3) Oh, I am sorry to hear that. (4) So poor you are.

B. Repeat after teacher: (1) Really? (2) Are you Okay? (3) Wow.. That’s amazing! (4) Is that so? (5) Are you kidding?

C. Response to teacher’s statement: (1) Are you Okay? (2) Really? (3) Is that so?

D. Expressions of attention: (1) Are you Okay? (2) So poor you are. (3) Wow.. that’s amazing! (4) Is that so.

Showing sympaty

A. Expressions of sympaty: (1) Really? I'm sorry to hear that.Really? (2) Oh really? It’s so poor. (3) I'm pretty sure, this is not the end of the world.

B. Repeat after teacher: (1) I am sorry for what’s happened.

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(2) I’m sorry to hear that. (3) Oh, you are so poor. (4) Look! This is not the end of the world (5) That’s a pity.

C. Response to teacher’s statement: (1) I am sorry to hear that. (2) Really?That’s a pity. (3) That’s a shame. (4) Oh, I’m sorry to know it.

D. Expressions of attention: (1) I am sorry to hear that. (2) Really?That’s a pity. (3) That’s a shame. (4) I am sorry for what happened. (5) Oh, I’m sorry to know it.

Giving Instruction

A. Expressions of giving instructions: (1) please wash them! (2) please take two green onions, a half tablespoon of lemon rind, salt, pepper,

and a cup and a half of mayonnaise! (3) first you cut up the potatoes, the green onions, and the parsley. (4) Then put them and the lemon rind into a salad bowl and add a little salt,

pepper, and paprika. (5) After that, add the mayonnaise and mix it. (6) After done, you cover it and put it in the refrigerator for about twenty minutes.

B. Repeat after teacher: (1) Sit down! (2) Stand up! (3) Open the door! (4) Open your book on page 12, please! (5) Don’t be noisy

C. Expressions of giving instruction: (1) Don’t be noisy! (2) Don’t disturb the patient! (3) Add some sugar! (4) Clean the room! (5) Study hard! (6) Open the window (7) Repair my bike now! (8) Study hard for the next test! (9) Make a bowl of soup! (10) Repair my bike!

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Scoring Rublik of Listening


6.Number 1, the true answer score 3

7.Number II, the true answer score2

8. Maximal final Score I 5 x 3 = 18

i. II 5 x 2 = 10

ii. Final score 25

9. Maximal score10

Aquasition score 10. Students score = X 10

Maximal score

No. Content Score

1. Clearly content, Grammatical clearly Clearly content, Grammatical clearly Content and grammatical didn’t clearly No answer

3 2 1 0

II. The answer clearly The answer didn’t clearly/no answer

2 0

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Name of school : SMA N 1 SUKABINGUNG Subject : English Class / Semester : X / 1 Meeting : 5, 6 and 7 Time allocation : 6 X 45 minutes Competence standard : 2. Comprehend the meaning of short functional text and simple

monologue text that’s organized as recount, narrative and procedure text in daily life context

Base competence :2.1 Response the meaning accurately, fluently and acceptable in short functional oral text (e.g announcement, advertisement, invitation, etc.) formal and informal in a variety of daily life context

Indicator :

Meeting V Announcement

- Mention the expressions of announcing - Retell announcement text orally - Answer questions based on announcement text

Meeting VI Advertisement

- Mention the expressions of advertising - Mention the kinds of advertisement - Retell advertisement text orally - Answer questions based on advertisement text

Meeting VII Invitation

- Mention the expressions of inviting - Mention the structure of invitation - Retell invitation text orally - Answer questions based on invitation text

Purpose of learning : After learning process, students would be able to:

- Mention the expressions of announcing - Retell announcement text orally - Answer questions based on announcement text - Mention the expressions of advertising - Mention the kinds of advertisement - Retell advertisement text orally - Answer questions based on advertisement text - Mention the expressions of inviting - Mention the structure of invitation - Retell invitation text orally - Answer questions based on invitation text

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Character value : - communicative - creative

Main Material :

Announcement - Expressions of announcing example: Attention please - Announcement text

example: Attention, please. The students organization invites you to come and see the school bazaar

tomorrow in the school hall. The bazaar will start at 8.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m for three days.

Don’t miss it. Thank you.

Advertisement - Expressions of advertising example: Advertisement, seeking a candidate for . . . . - Advertisement text

example: Adertising Trainee We are seeking a young person for training in the advertising departement

of a national publising company. The job involves selling and marketing. This is an opportunity for a person with a strong interest in the commercial world.

Write to: Managing Director

Invitation - Expressions of inviting example: I’d like to invite you to . . . Would you come to . . .? - Invitation text

example: Dear Amanda, Would you come to my house for dinner on Saturday, August 2, 2008, at 7

o’clock? I’ll be waiting for you. Yours, Nabila

Learning method : - Grammar Translation Method (GTM) - Reading Aloud - Question and Answer

Steps of learning :

Meeting V

Opening activity Teacher greets students.

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Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about

announcement directly.

Main activity Teacher give an example of announcement text. Students read aloud the announcement text given by the teacher. Students translate and retell the announcement text. Students given chance to ask the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting VI

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about

advertisement directly.

Main activity Teacher give an example of advertisement text. Students read aloud the advertisement text given by the teacher. Students translate and retell the advertisement text. Students given chance to ask the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting VII

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students.

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Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about invitation directly.

Main activity Teacher give an example of invitation text. Students read aloud the invitation text given by the teacher. Students translate and retell the invitation text. Students given chance to ask the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Source : Grace, E. & Sudarwati, T. M. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High

School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga (page: 12-13, 106) Yuliani, M. Dkk. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA dan MA Kelas X Semester 1. Klaten:

Intan Pariwara (page: 18-21)

Evaluation :

Technique : oral test Instrument form: brief answer Instruments :

Announcement A. Your teacher will read announcements. Mention the expressions of gaining attention or

salutation and thanks you find in the announcements!

Announcement 1: Attention, please,

To all boyscout captains of grade X, we invite you to attend a meeting at 2 this afternoon in the school hall. We will discuss our preparation for the camping next week. Thank you. Announcement 2: Attention, please,

The students organization invites you to come and see the school bazaar tomorrow in the school hall. The bazaar will start at 8.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m for three days. Thank you.

B. Your teacher will read an announcement. Retell the announcement below with your own

words orally! Attention, please,

The students organization invites you to come and see the school bazaar tomorrow in the school hall. The bazaar will start at 8.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m for three days.

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Thank you.

C. Your teacher will read an announcement. Answer the questions based on the text orally!

To: All students of grade X

We invite you all to attend a farewell party with the students of Grade XII that will be held on: Place : Lestari Restaurant (Jl. Manggar No 17, Bandung) Day : Friday, June 27, 2008 Time : 5:00 p.m Please do come and give your last impression. Remember, the dress is black and red

The committee

Questions: (1) Who writes the text? (2) Why does the writer write the text? (3) Who are invited to come? (4) Where is the party going to be held? (5) When should the students come?

Advertisement A. Listen your teacher when read kinds of advertisement. Mention the expression of

advertising you find on the texts!

B. Listen to your teacher. Mention the kind of advertisements that appropriate to the

statements! Statements Kind of advertisements:

(1) There is a company that requires a Customer Service and a Human Resources Manager.

(1) _____________________________

(2) Matahari Departement store has a big sale up to 75% (2) _____________________________

(3) Graha Adjidarma Company requires an experienced Sales Manager. (3) _____________________________

(4) There is a hotel that requires an experienced receptionist. (4) _____________________________

(5) Cassanove store has new jewelry products. (5) _____________________________

C. Your teacher will read an announcement. Retell the advertisement below with your own words orally!

CASANOVA’S Annual Sale

This week only

Jewelry: watches rings, earings, necklaces Luggage: bags and briefcases

Men and women’s clothing: shoes, coats and sweaters, swimears

Casanova’s is on Jl. Kenanga 84 Open from 09:00 a.m to 09:00 p.m

save 40%

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D. Your teacher will read an advertisement. Answer the questions based on the text orally!

Questions: (1) What position is advertised? (2) What are the requirements for that position? (3) What must an applicant send? (4) Whom does an applicant send his/her application letter? (5) What are the names of the parts of an ad?

Invitation A. Your teacher would read an invitation letter. Mention the expression of inviting based on

the text you heard! Dear Amanda, Would you come to my house for dinner on Saturday, December 28, 2013 at 7 o’clock? I’ll be waiting for you. Yours, Nabila

B. Listen your teacher while read an invitation. Mention the structures you find in the

invitation letter! Invitation Structure of invitation letter:

Boy Scout Organization SMU Mahardika Jl. Panembahan Senopati 55

Yogyakarta Telp. 0274 562976

(1) writter: _________________

To: All boy scout captains of Grade X We invite you attend a meeting at 2:00 p.m in the school hall this afternoon. Agenda: preparation for camping. Please come on time

Anna Joko Secretary Chairperson

(2) day time: _______________

(3) agenda: ________________

(4) address: ________________

(5) for whom: ______________ C. Your teacher will read an announcement. Retell the invitation below with your own

words orally!


Requirements: Min. D3 Secretarial Academy graduate Fluent in English both oral and written Having a good personal appearance and a pleasant personality Familiar with computer Min. One year experience

Please send your application letter, CC, recent photograph & expected salary to:

Nusa Dua Hotel Jl. Kelengkeng Raya 3 Jakarta


We are seeking a young person for training in the advertising departement of a national publising

company. The job involves selling and marketing. This is an opportunity for a person with a strong

interest in the commercial world.

Write to: Managing Director

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D. Your teacher will read an invitation. Answer the questions based on the text orally!

Questions: (1) Who write the invitation letter? (2) Who is invited to come? (3) What special event does Lisa celebrate? (4) Where will it be held? (5) When will it held?

Key answer:

Announcement A. Expressions of gaining attention and salutation:

(1) Attention please, (2) Thank you (3) Attention please (4) Thank you

B. Retell text announcement: The text announce to all of the students to come to school bazaar that will be held in the school hall tomorrow at 8.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m for three days.

C. Answer questions: (1) The school committee (2) Invite all of the students to attend the farewell party. (3) All of students of grade X (4) In the Lestari Restaurant, Jl. Manggar No. 17, Bandung (5) On Friday, June 27, 2008 at 5.00 p.m.

Advertisement A. Expressions of advertising:

(1) CASANOVA’S annual sale (2) This week only

B. Kind of advertisement: (1) Job vacancy ads (2) Sale ads (3) Job vacancy ads (4) Job vacancy ads

To: All my friends in class XA

I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party. It will be held:

- On Sunday, December 29, 2013 - At 7:00 p.m - At my house, Jl. Barata No. 23, Lampung.

Please do come. Your present means a lot of me.

Thank you, Lisa Manurung

Dear Amanda,

Would you come to my house for dinner on Saturday, December 28, 2013 at 7 o’clock? I’ll be waiting for you.

Yours, Nabila

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(5) Sale ads C. Retell the text:

The text advertise to seeking a strong young person training in the advertising departement. The job is selling and marketing.

D. Answer questions: (1) Receptionist/ general assistant (2) Min. D3 Secretarial Academy graduate, Fluent in English both oral and written,

Having a good personal appearance and a pleasant personality, Familiar with computer, Min. One year experience

(3) Application letter, CC, recent photograp and expected salary (4) Nusa dua hotel (5) Job vacancy ads

Invitation A. Expressions of inviting:

(1) Would you come to my house for dinner...? B. Structure of text:

(1) Anna and joko (2) At 2.00 p.m. (3) Meeting about preparation for camping (4) Jl. Panembahan senopati 55, yogyakarta. (5) All boy scout captain grade X

C. Retell text: Nabila invite Amanda to come to her home for dinner on Saturday, December, 2013 at 7 o’clock.

D. Answer questions: (1) Lisa marunung (2) All of her friends in class XA (3) Birthday party (4) At her house, Jl. Barata No. 23 Lampung (5) On Saturday, December 29, 2013 at 7.00 p.m

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Scoring Rublik of Listening


11. Number 1, the true answer score 3

12. Number II, the true answer score2

13. Maximal final Score I 5 x 3 = 18

i. II 5 x 2 = 10

ii. Final score 25

14. Maximal score10

Aquasition score 15. Students score = X 10

Maximal score

No. Content Score

1. Clearly content, Grammatical clearly Clearly content, Grammatical clearly Content and grammatical didn’t clearly No answer

3 2 1 0

II. The answer clearly The answer didn’t clearly/no answer

2 0

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Name of school : SMA N 1 SUKABINGUNG Subject : English Class / Semester : X / 1 Meeting : 8, 9 and 10 Time allocation : 6 X 45 minutes Competence standard : 2. Comprehend the meaning of short functional text and simple

monologue text that’s organized as recount, narrative and procedure text in daily life context

Base competence :2.2 Response meaning of simple monologue oral text accurately, fluent and acceptable in daily life context in: recount text, narrative text, dan procedure text

Indicator :

Meeting VIII Recount

- Mention language feature of recount text - Retell recount text - Mention the generic structure of recount text

Meeting IX Narrative

- Mention language feature of narrative text - Retell narrative text - Mention the generic structure of narrative text

Meeting X Procedure

- Mention language feature of procedure text - Retell procedure text - Mention the generic structure of procedure text

Purpose of learning : After learning process, students would be able to:

- Mention language feature of recount text correctly - Retell recount text correctly - Mention the generic structure of recount text correctly - Mention language feature of narrative text correctly - Retell narrative text correctly - Mention the generic structure of narrative text correctly - Mention language feature of procedure text correctly - Retell procedure text correctly - Mention the generic structure of procedure text correctly

Character value : - communicative - creative

Main Material :

Recount - Recount text

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example : I went to the party. It was fun, you know. But I met this guy you know. The one we met yesterday?So I tried to stay away. And nothing happened. The party was nice.

Narrative - Narrative text example : I read this story called Cinderella. It’s good you know. This girl was

pretty, smart and loving. But she lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters. They were all so mean to her. Well, she was like a house maid in the family. But, fortunately. . .she met this handsome prince. A prince is rich, right? And he fell in love with her. So You can guess . . . she lived happily ever after.

Procedure - Procedure text example: Make apple’s rings. You need apples, butter, confectioner sugar,

water,and cinnamon. Take the apples and wash, core and cut crosswise into slices. Heat butter in a skillet. Place the apple rings in a single layer in the skillet and sprinkle lightly with confection’s sugar. Add 2 tablespoons of water to the skillet, then cover the skillet and simmer the apples until tender. Remove the skillet cover and turn apple rings to brown rings on both sides. Serve hot, the centres filled with cinnamon.

Learning method : - Grammar Translation Method (GTM) - Reading Aloud - Question and Answer

Steps of learning :

Meeting VIII

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about recount

text directly.

Main activity Teacher give example of recount text. Students read aloud recount text with correctly intonation and pronounciation Students translate and retell the recount text. Teacher explains language features and generic structure of recount text. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

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Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting IX

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about narrative

text directly.

Main activity Teacher give example of narrative text. Students read aloud narrative text with correctly intonation and pronounciation Students translate and retell the narrative text. Teacher explains language features and generic structure of narrative text. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting X

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about procedure

text directly.

Main activity Teacher give example of procedure text. Students read aloud procedure text with correctly intonation and pronounciation Students translate and retell the procedure text. Teacher explains language features and generic structure of procedure text. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

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Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Source : Grace, E. & Sudarwati, T. M. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High

School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga (page: 14-16, 30-33, 59-62) Yuliani, M. Dkk. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA dan MA Kelas X Semester 1. Klaten:

Intan Pariwara (page: 12-15, 23-25, 45-47)

Evaluation :

Technique : Instrument form: Instruments :

Recount A. Listen your teacher while read a recount text. Mention the language features of the text!

Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.

The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home. Text by Agus Molgana

B. Listen to your teacher when read a recount text. Retell the text with your own words orally!

Meeting a Star On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for

a record store. A man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn't sure exactly where it was, but I walked with him to the end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly, and his face looked so familiar. Then I remembered where the Hyatt was and told him how to get there. He thanked me and tried to give me something. I thought it was money. I said 'no' at first, but he really wanted me to have it, so I took it.

I found the record store and listened to a few records. D' Masive had a new record that was number two in the top twenty. I decided to buy it. I looked in my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper the man gave me. It was a photo. I was so surprised! He was a singer in D' Masive!

Adapted from New Horizons in English 4, 2002

C. Listen to your teacher when read a recount text. Mention the generic structure of the text you heard!

I woke up at about five o'clock yesterday. It wasn't a regular day, because I was about to propose a girl.

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After praying and taking a bath, I had my early breakfast. At about nine o'clock I was in my office but my soul wasn't there. I was thinking about the lines that I had to say to her. At one o'clock, I had my lunch but I wasn't enjoying it either. So, I practiced the lines to almost all girls I met at my lunch. Yes, I was a little bit crazy. Finally, it was three o'clock. I remembered all my lines. I wrapped my works and got ready to pick her up and of course proposed her.

I met her at four o'clock, took a little walk and went to a movie. At seven, we had a romantic dinner. I thought it was the perfect time to ask her to be my wife. Then I said the lines that I practiced the whole afternoon. She smiled. I reached my pocket to get a ring and put it around her finger. Then she said "Yes." After driven her home I went back to my house.

Taken from New Horizons in English, 2002

Narrative A. Listen to your teacher while read a narrative text. Mention the language features of the

text you heard! Well, my students, I have a very interesting story. The story is about ‘a blind

listening man’. Please be quiet and listen carefully. You know, a stupid man was sent by his father to sell salt. He first went to a

mining area but nobody there wanted his salt. When he returned home, his father told him that if he had helped the miners to dig, they would have bought his salt.

The man next went to a house where a wedding was taking place. There he dug a huge hole. This made the people angry and they chased him away. When he returned home, his father told him that if he had beaten a drum and danced instead, the people there would have bought salt from him.

Then, he went to a village where there happened to be a fire. Rushing to the place, he started drumming and dancing, only to be thrown out by the people. His father told him that he should have poured water on the fire instead, if he wanted to sell salt there.

In the next place he went to, a couple were fighting with each other. The foolish man poured a bucketful of water on them, again to be chased away. His father later told him that he should have tried to settle the quarrel, in which case they would have bought salt from him.

In the final event, the man saw two bulls fighting with each other. He stepped in to stop the fight and was gored to death by angry bulls.

Taken from English Bestseller 12, 2001

B. Listen to your teacher when read a narrative text. Retell the text with your own words orally!

Three Foolish Sons There was a rich man who had three sons. They lived in a large house in the town of

Keelung in northern Taiwan. One day, he said to his sons, "You are no longer children. You must do something to

earn your own living. When I die, I am not going to leave you very much money. I started with nothing and made a fortune by working hard. You must do the same. Now, here is two hundred dollars for each of you. You can use it to start your own business."

The three sons went off separately. The eldest son met a hunter. He thought that hunting would be fine so he bought a gun from him for two hundred dollars.

The second son met a basketmaker. He bought a set of tools from him so that he could make baskets.

The third son met a doctor who told him that he had a medicine which could cure all diseases. He bought it from him for two hundred dollars.

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When the rich man heard what his sons had done with the money he had given them, he was very angry. "What stupid sons I have!" He said.

One day, the eldest son tried to shoot a fly on his father's forehead. Instead, he killed his father. The second son picked up his tools and tried to repair the damage to his father's head. The third son tried to cure his father with medicine which he had bought.

Everyone said that the three sons were very foolish. They had spent all their money uselessly.

Taken from Favourite Stories from Taiwan, 2000

C. Listen to your teacher when read a narrative text. Mention the generic structure of the text you heard!

The Fortune Teller In the great city of Taipei, there lived a man called Lin and his wife. They had no

children. Because of this, they were very unhappy. One day, they found a baby boy outside their door. He was wrapped in a blanket and crying. They took the baby into their house and called him Sau Ling. They loved him very much.

When Sau Ling was a young man, a fortune-teller came to the house. "You must send your son away," he said. "One day he will become a thief and cause you a lot of trouble."

Mr and Mrs Lin were very sad to hear this. They believed what the fortune-teller said. They gave Sau Ling some clothes and money and sent him away.

Several years later, Sau Ling was having a meal in an inn several miles from Taipei. He put his bag on the floor near his table. After finishing his meal, he picked up his bag. "That's strange!" he thought, "It feels so heavy." He looked inside. It was full of small gold bars. Then he realised that someone had taken his bag by mistake and left another bag, in its place.

That evening, a young man came to the inn, "Has anyone seen my bag?" he asked. Sau Ling was very honest. He returned the bag to him. The young man thanked him. "You are really very honest," he said, "I shall ask my father to give you a job." The young man's father was a rich merchant. He gave Sau Ling a good job. "But go home first," he said, "and take a holiday." Sau Ling returned to

Taipei. Mr and Mrs Lin were delighted to see him again. The fortune-teller was also present. Sau Ling told them what had happened. The fortune-teller did not know what to say. He left the house without saying a word. Mr and Mrs Lin never believed in fortune-teller after that. Sau Ling took them to live with him and they were very happy and contented until the end of their lives.

Taken from Favourite Stories from Taiwan, 2000

Procedure A. Listen to the dialog that will be read by your friends. Mention the language feature of the

dialog! Ismail : I'm going to tell you how to cook rice. Yudi : Good. What do I need? Ismail : You will need two cups of water, a cup of rice, salt and a pan with a lid. Yudi : All right. And then what should I do? Ismail : First, wash the rice in cold water. Then, put the rice in the pan and add

the water and the salt. Next, you heat the pan without the lid on until the water boils. When it has boiled, turn down the heat, put the lid on and cook it for about fifteen minutes.

B. Listen to your teacher when read a procedure text. Retell the text with your own words orally!

How to record on the cassette player /How to use a recorder

o Well, first you have to plug in the cord. o Then you put in the tape on it.

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o After that you connected the microphone. o And then tested the voice level recorder. o Then you can begin to record it. o Finally pressed down the record and play button.

C. Listen to your teacher when read a procedure text. Mention the generic structure of the text you heard!

How to Make Bregedel Tempe (Tempe Fritters) 150 g tempe tablespoons fried shallots kaffir lime leaves 1 tablespoon flour 1 egg 1 cup vegetable oil for frying Spice paste: large chilies, seeds removed small chilies 2 red shallots 2 cloves garlic 1/2 teaspoon chopped galangal 1 candle nut 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon shrimp paste 1. Mash the tempe with a fork or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend until

it resembles coarse bread crumbs. 2. Grind the spices in a mortar and pestle or place in the bowl of a food processor and

blend to a smooth paste. 3. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the spice paste, fried shallots and lime

leaves. Stir in the flour, followed by the egg. 4. Shape the tempe into fritters the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork. 5. Heat the vegetable oil in a wok over a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the

fritters into the oil, five or six at a time. 6. Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with

rice. Taken from The Jakarta Post, May 2, 2004

Key answer :

Recount A. Language feature of recount text

Past tense : (1) My friends and I went camping (2) We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a

half hour from the parking lot. (3) We built the camp next to a small river. (4) It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp. (5) we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were

preparing meals. (6) etc

B. Retell recount text On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store, then a man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. After thought, I

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remember where’s the Hotel take place, then I told him. After that, he gave me something. It was a photo of a singer in D’Masive.

C. Generic structure of recount text (1) Orientation: I woke up at about five o'clock yesterday. It wasn't a regular day,

because I was about to propose a girl. (2) Event: After praying and taking a bath, I had my early breakfast. At about nine

o'clock I was in my office but my soul wasn't there. I was thinking about the lines that I had to say to her. At one o'clock, I had my lunch but I wasn't enjoying it either. So, I practiced the lines to almost all girls I met at my lunch. Yes, I was a little bit crazy. Finally, it was three o'clock. I remembered all my lines. I wrapped my works and got ready to pick her up and of course proposed her. I met her at four o'clock, took a little walk and went to a movie. At seven, we had a romantic dinner. I thought it was the perfect time to ask her to be my wife. Then I said the lines that I practiced the whole afternoon. She smiled. I reached my pocket to get a ring and put it around her finger.

(3) Reorientation: Then she said "Yes." After driven her home I went back to my house. Narrative

A. Language feature of narrative text Past tense: (1) a stupid man was sent by his father to sell salt.

(2) He first went to a mining area but nobody there wanted his salt. (3) When he returned home, his father told him that if he had helped the

miners to dig, they would have bought his salt. (4) Etc.

thinking verbs/ feeling verbs/ verbs of sense: (1) Started (2) Danced (3) Poured (4) Stepped (5) etc

B. Retell narrative text There was a rich man who had three sons.He said to his sons that they have to do something to earn their living, because he wouldn’t leave much money for them and they must work harder. He gave two hundreds dollars for each sons to start their own bussiness. The eldest son bought a gun, the second son bought a set of tools to make basket, and the third son bought medicine. One day, the eldest son tried to shoot a fly on his father's forehead. Instead, he killed his father. The second son picked up his tools and tried to repair the damage to his father's head. The third son tried to cure his father with medicine which he had bought. Everyone said that the three sons were very foolish because they had spent all their money uselessly.

C. Generic structure of narrative text Orientation: there lived a man called Lin and his wife who had no children.

Evaluation: They found a baby boy outside their door and taked care of him.

Complication: A fortune-teller told to Mr. And Mrs. Lin that Sau Ling would be a thief and cause a lot of trouble. So, they sent Sau Ling away.

Resolution: Sau Ling found a bag and be honest to return to the owner. Then he got a good job from the owner’s bag.

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Reorientation: Sau Ling took them to live with him and they were very happy and contented until the end of their lives.


A. Language feature of procedure text Imperative sentence:(1) wash the rice in cold water

(2) Put the rice in the pan and add the water and the salt. (3) heat the pan without the lid on until the water boils. (4) turn down the heat, put the lid on and cook it for about fifteen

minutes. B. Retell procedure text

To use a recorder, first, plug in the cord, then put in the tape on it. After that, connected the microphone and tested the voice level recorder. Then pressed down the record and play button. And you can begin to record.

C. Generic structure of procedure text Goal Make bregedel tempe

Materials/ Equipments:

150 g tempe, tablespoons fried shallots, kaffir lime leaves, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 egg, 1 cup vegetable oil for frying large chilies, seeds removed, small chilie, 2 red shallots, 2 cloves garlic, 1/2 teaspoon chopped galangal, 1 candle nut, 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon shrimp paste


1. Mash the tempe with a fork or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend until it resembles coarse bread crumbs.

2. Grind the spices in a mortar and pestle or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend to a smooth paste.

3. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the spice paste, fried shallots and lime leaves. Stir in the flour, followed by the egg.

4. Shape the tempe into fritters the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork.

5. Heat the vegetable oil in a wok over a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the fritters into the oil, five or six at a time.

6. Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with rice.

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Scoring Rublik of Listening


16. Number 1, the true answer score 3

17. Number II, the true answer score2

18. Maximal final Score I 5 x 3 = 18

i. II 5 x 2 = 10

ii. Final score 25

19. Maximal score10

Aquasition score 20. Students score = X 10

Maximal score

No. Content Score

1. Clearly content, Grammatical clearly Clearly content, Grammatical clearly Content and grammatical didn’t clearly No answer

3 2 1 0

II. The answer clearly The answer didn’t clearly/no answer

2 0

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Name of school : SMA N 1 SUKABINGUNG Subject : English Class / Semester : X / 1 Meeting : 11 and 12 Time allocation : 4 X 45 minutes Competence standard : 3. Express the meaning in interpersonal and transactional conversation

in daily life context Base competence :3.1 Express the meaning in formal and informal transactional (to get

things done) and interpersonal conversation (socialization) accurately, fluently and acceptable by using simple oral language in a variety of daily life context and involve speech and action of: introducing, greeting/ leaving, approving an offer/ invitation, accepting an appoinment, and declining an appoinment

Indicator :

Meeting XI

Introducing - Mention the expression of introducing - Response expression of introducing - Demonstrate the expression of introducing

Greeting/ Leave Taking

- Mention the expression of greeting - Mention the expression of leave taking - Demonstrate the expression of greeting/ leave taking

Meeting XII

Approving an Offer/ Invitation

- Mention the expression of approving an offer/ invitation

- Demonstrate the expression of accepting an offer/ invitation

- Demonstrate the expression of declining an offer/ invitation

Accepting an Appoinment

- Mention the expression of making an appoinment - Mention the expression of accepting an appoinment

- Demonstrate the expression of accepting an offer/ invitation

Declining An Appoinment

- Mention the expression of making an appoinment - Mention the expression of declining an appoinment

- Demonstrate the expression of declining an offer/ invitation

Purpose of learning : After learning process, students would be able to:

- Mention the expression of introducing correctly - Response expression of introducing correctly - Demonstrate the expression of introducing correctly

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- Mention the expression of greeting correctly - Mention the expression of leave taking correctly - Demonstrate the expression of greeting/ leave taking correctly - Mention the expression of approving an offer/ invitation correctly - Demonstrate the expression of accepting an offer/ invitation correctly - Demonstrate the expression of declining an offer/ invitation correctly - Mention the expression of making an appoinment correctly - Mention the expression of accepting an appoinment correctly - Demonstrate the expression of accepting an offer/ invitation correctly - Mention the expression of making an appoinment correctly - Mention the expression of declining an appoinment correctly - Demonstrate the expression of declining an offer/ invitation correctly

Character value : - creative - autonomous

Main Material :

Introducing - Expression of introducing: example : My name is . . . Nice to meet you. - Response expression of introducing example : Nice to meet you too. - Expression of introducing someone else example : I’d like you to meet my friend, . . .

Greeting/ Leave Taking - Expression of greeting example : Hello! Good morning. - Response expression of greeting example : Hi! Good morning. - Expression of leave taking example : See you later - Response expression of leave taking exmple : See you

Approving an offer/ invitation - Expressions of offering/ inviting example : Would you like to . . .? - Expressions of approving an offer/invitation example : I’d like it. - Expressions of refusing an offer/ invitation example : I’m so sorry, I’ll be very busy

Accepting an appoinment - Expression of making appoinment

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example : Could you . . .? - Expressions of accepting appoinment example : O.K. I’ll be there

I’ll wait for you there

Declining an appoinment - Expression of making appoinment example Contoh : Could you . . .? - Expression of declining appoinment Contoh : Sorry, I can’t

I‘m sorry, I have to cancel my appoinment Sorry, I can’t. I am very busy

Learning method : - Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) - Conversation Practice

Steps of learning :

Meeting XI

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about

introduction, greeting and leave taking directly.

Main activity Teacher explains the expressions and responses of introduction, greeting and leave

taking. Students practice the dialog about introduction, greeting and leave taking

communicatively in pair or group work based on the dialog in textbook. Teacher and students review the dialog practiced. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting XII

Opening activity Teacher greets students.

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Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about approving

an offer/ invitation, accepting an appoinment, and declining an appoinment directly.

Main activity Teacher explains the expressions and responses of approving an offer/ invitation,

accepting an appoinment, and declining an appoinment. Students practice the dialog about approving an offer/ invitation, accepting an

appoinment, and declining an appoinment communicatively in pair or group work based on the dialog in textbook.

Teacher and students review the dialog practiced. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Source : Grace, E. & Sudarwati, T. M. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High

School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga (page: 5-6, 37) Yuliani, M. Dkk. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA dan MA Kelas X Semester 1. Klaten:

Intan Pariwara (page: 1-3, 23)

Evaluation :

Technique : oral test Instrument form: brief answer Instruments :

Introducing A. Mention the expressions of introduction based on the situation below orally!

Situation Expression of introduction

1. You introduce yourself to Mr Hutagalung, your new English teacher 1. _______________________________

2. Wayan is your friend. He introduces Sofyan, his brother, to you. 2. _______________________________

3. In the classroom, Dewi, your friend, introduces you to Tini, her sister. 3. _______________________________

4. At a meeting, you introduce Mr Lubis, your English teacher, to your father. 4. _______________________________

5. You introduce yourself to your new friends in front of the classroom. 5. _______________________________

B. Response the expressions of introduction below orally!

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A : My name is Eka Febrian. You can call me Eka. B : ____________________________. C : Hi, My name is Aprilia. Nice to meet you. D : ___________________________. X : Hello, I am Dilla. Very pleased to meet you. Y : ____________________________.

C. Practice the dialog below in front of the class with your group! Use intonation, expression, and pronounciation correctly!

Cipto waiting for Andi and Yani, his new colleague at the airport. Andi : Excuse me. Are you Henri? Cipto : Yes. I'm Cipto Susanto. Andi : How do you do, Cipto? I'm Andi from University of Jakarta. Cipto : How do you do, Cipto. Nice to see you. Andi : Nice to meet you, too. Did you have a good journey? Cipto : Yes. It was fine, thanks. Andi : Let me help you to bring your suitcase. Cipto : That's very kind of you. Andi : Not at all. Let me introduce you to my friend. Yani this is Cipto. Cipto this

is Yani. Yani : Hello, Cipto. Nice to meet you. Cipto : Pleased to meet you, too. How's the trip? Yani : Well, It's nice and exciting. Cipto : Great, then. You must be tired. I'll take you to the Hotel first. Andi : OK. Thanks, Cipto.

Greeting/ leave taking A. Mention the expressions of greeting based on the situation below orally!

Situation Expression of greeting

1. You meet your teacher in front of the school. 1. _______________________________

2. You meet your neighbor in the way you come back to home. 2. _______________________________

3. You meet your friend in the mall in the afternoon. 3. _______________________________

4. You greet your teacher in the classroom.

4. _______________________________

B. Mention the expressions of leave taking based on the situation below orally!

Situation Expression of greeting

1. You leave your nice talking with your friend 1. _______________________________

2. You would go to your bedroom that night. 2. _______________________________

3. You leave your friend because you want to go to canteen. 3. _______________________________

4. You leave your mother when you would go to school.

4. _______________________________

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C. Practice the dialog below in front of the class with your partner! Use intonation, expression, and pronounciation correctly!

(The telephone rings)

Tania : Hello? Rara : Oh, hello, Tania. This is Rara. Tania : Oh, hi. How’s life? Rara : I’m fine, How about you? Tania : I’m fine too thanks. Are you school in Oxford? Rara : Yes, how about you? Tania : I am school in london. Rara : Next time I want to vacation to there. Tania : Okay, I will show you the beautiful scenery of London. Rara : Ok. I have to do something now. See you Tania. Tania : See you Rara.

Approving an offer/ invitation A. Mention the expressions of asking an offer/ invitation based on the situation below


Situation Expression of asking an offer/ invitation

1. You want to do your Math homework with your friend?

1. _______________________________

2. You want to invite your friend to lunch together in the canteen?

2. _______________________________

3. You want to offer a cup of coffe to your father?

3. _______________________________

4. You want to invite your friends to watch movie with you?

4. _______________________________

B. Practice the dialog below in front of the class with your partner! Use intonation, expression, and pronounciation correctly!

(The telephone rings)

Revi : Hello? Cantika : Oh, hello, Is this Revi? Revu : Yes. I am. Who is this? Cantika : This is Cantika. Revi : Oh, hi Cantika. What’s up? Cantika : Are you free tomorrow evening? Revi : Yes, I’m free. What’s the matter? Cantika : Vera’s parents invite us for dinner on Saturday in her home. Would

you like to come with me? Revi : Yes,I’d love to. I’ll pick up you at seven. Cantika : Okay. I’ll wait you. Bye. See you tomorrow. Revi : See you.

Accepting an appoinment A. Mention the expressions of making appoinment based on the situation below orally!

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Situation Expression of making appoinment

1. You ask your friend to jog tomorrow morning.

1. _______________________________

2. You ask your mother to make a cake for you.

2. _______________________________

3. You ask your father to accompany you go to dentist.

3. _______________________________

4. You ask your friend to lunch together this afternoon. 4. _______________________________

5. You ask your sister to give you special gift for your birthday. 5. _______________________________

B. Mention the expressions of accepting an appoinment based on the situation below orally!

Situation Expression of accepting an appoinment

1. Would you like to jog with me tomorrow morning?

1. _______________________________

2. Would you please make me a cup of tea?

2. _______________________________

3. Would you please give me special gift for my birthday?

3. _______________________________

4. Would you care for having lunch with me? 4. _______________________________

5. Would you please come to my party tomorrow evening? 5. _______________________________

C. Practice the dialog below in front of the class with your partner! Use intonation, expression, and pronounciation correctly!

Miss Ida is Ana’s teacher. Ana wants to consult her project to Miss Ida. Ana : Excuse me, Miss. Miss ida : Yes, Ana. Pleas, come in! Ana : Thank you, miss. Miss ida : What can I do for you? Ana : Are you busy today miss? Miss ida : Yes. There are many work on my desk. Why? Ana : I want to talk about my project. Could I see you tomorrow? Miss ida : Tomorrow? What’s time? Ana : At 2 p.m, Miss. Miss ida : Yes, it’s a perfect time. Ana : Yes, miss. Thank you. See you tomorrow. Miss ida : See you.

Declining an appoinment A. Mention the expressions of making appoinment based on the situation below orally!

Situation Expression of making appoinment

1. You ask your friend to jog tomorrow morning.

1. _______________________________

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2. You ask your mother to make a cake for you.

2. _______________________________

3. You ask your father to accompany you go to dentist.

3. _______________________________

4. You ask your friend to lunch together this afternoon. 4. _______________________________

5. You ask your sister to give you special gift for your birthday. 5. _______________________________

B. Mention the expressions of declining an appoinment based on the situation below orally!

Situation Expression of declining an appoinment

1. Would you like to jog with me tomorrow morning?

1. _______________________________

2. Would you please make me a cup of tea?

2. _______________________________

3. Would you please give me special gift for my birthday?

3. _______________________________

4. Would you care for having lunch with me? 4. _______________________________

5. Would you please come to my party tomorrow evening? 5. _______________________________

C. Practice the dialog below in front of the class with your partner! Use intonation, expression, and pronounciation correctly!

Ira and Ari are friends. Ari want Ira to date with him. Ira : Hello? Ari : Hi, Ira! This is Ari. Ira : Hi, how've you been? Ari : Alright, thanks. Say, would you like to go out tonight? Ira : Sorry, I can't. I have many matters to settle down. Ari : Well, how about tomorrow night? Are you still busy? Ira : I guess not. Ari : Well, would you like to go to a concert? Ira : Sure, I'd love to! Ari : That's settled then.

Key answer :

Introducing A. Expression of introduction

1. Good morning Mr. Hutagalung, My name is Didi. Nice to meet you. 2. Please meet my brother, Sofyan. 3. This is my sister, Tini. Please meet her. 4. Dad, please meet Mr. Lubis. He is my English teacher. 5. Good morning friends, My name is Jenny. Nice to meet you.

B. Response expression of introduction 1. Hi Eka. I am Tetti. Nice to meet you.

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2. I’m Jeje. Nice to meet you too. 3. I am Denni. Pleased to meet you too.

Greeting/ Leave Taking A. Expressions of greeting

1. Good Morning, Mr. Brown. 2. Hi. Good Evening. 3. Afternoon, John. How’s your life? 4. Good Morning, Mrs. Slave.

B. Eexpression of leave taking 1. Sorry. I have to go now. Good bye. 2. Good night, Dad 3. I will go to canteen. Bye. 4. I will go to school Mom. Bye. See you

Approving An Offer/ Invitation A. Expression of asking an offer/ invitation

1. How about doing Math homework together Don? 2. Would you care for having lunch in canteen with me? 3. Would you like a cup of coffe Dad? 4. Would you please watch movie with me tonight?

Accepting An Appoinment A. Expression of making appoinment

1. Would you like to jog with me tomorrow morning? 2. Would you please make me a cup of tea? 3. Would you please give me special gift for my birthday? 4. Would you care for having lunch with me? 5. Would you please come to my party tomorrow evening?

B. Expression of accepting appoinment 1. No problem. I am free tomorrow. 2. O.K 3. All right 4. O.K. I’ll wait you in restaurant 5. I’ll be there.

Declining An Appoinment A. Expression of making appoinment

1. Would you like to jog with me tomorrow morning? 2. Would you please make me a cup of tea? 3. Would you care for having lunch with me? 4. Would you accompany me to go to dentist? 5. Would you please give me special gift for my birthday?

B. Expression of declining appoinment 1. Sorry I can’t. 2. I can’t 3. I’m really sorry. I don’t have money. 4. Sorry. I have another appoinment. 5. I’d love to, but I can’t.

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Name of school : SMA N 1 SUKABINGUNG Subject : English Class / Semester : X / 1 Meeting : 13 and 14 Time allocation : 4 X 45 minutes Competence standard : 3. Express the meaning in interpersonal and transactional conversation

in daily life context Base competence :3.2 Express the meaning in formal and informal transactional (to get

things done) and interpersonal conversation (socialization) accurately, fluently and acceptable by using simple oral language in a variety of daily life context and involve speech and action of: expression of pleasure, showing attention, showing sympaty, giving instruction

Indicator :

Meeting XIII

Expression of pleasure

- Mention expressions of pleasure - Repeat expressions of pleasure - Response expressions of pleasure - Explain expressions of pleasure

Showing attention

- Mention the expressions of showing attention - Repeat the expressions of showing attention - Response the expressions of showing attention - Explain the expressions of showing attention

Meeting XIV

Showing sympaty

- Mention the expressions of showing sympaty - Repeat the expressions of showing sympaty - Response the expressions of showing sympaty - Explain the expressions of showing sympaty

Giving instruction

- Mention the expressions of giving instruction - Repeat the expressions of giving instruction - Explain the expressions of giving instruction

Purpose of learning : After learning process, students would be able to:

- Mention expressions of pleasure correctly - Repeat expressions of pleasure correctly - Response expressions of pleasure correctly - Explain expressions of pleasure correctly - Mention the expressions of showing attention correctly - Repeat the expressions of showing attention correctly

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- Response the expressions of showing attention correctly - Explain the expressions of showing attention correctly - Mention the expressions of showing sympaty correctly - Repeat the expressions of showing sympaty correctly - Response the expressions of showing sympaty correctly - Explain the expressions of showing sympaty correctly - Mention the expressions of giving instruction correctly - Repeat the expressions of giving instruction correctly - Explain the expressions of giving instruction correctly

Character value : - communicative - sociality

Main material :

Expression of Pleasure - Expressions of pleasure Example: I am happy to hear that

I am very pleased to . . . It gives me great pleasure Great! Fantastic!

Showing Attention - Expressions of showing attention example: Are you okay?

I’m okay, thanks Wow. . . that’s amazing Nice dress..

Showing Sympaty - Expressions of showing sympaty example: I am sorry to hear that

You, look poor little thing I’m sorry for what’s happened . . . That’s a pity/shame

Giving Instruction - Expressions of giving instruction example : Sit down

Open the door, please Don’t be noisy, please

Learning method : - Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) - Listen and Repeat - Question and Answer

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Steps of learning : Meeting XIII

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about expression

of pleasure and showing attention directly.

Main activity Teacher reads dialog about expression of pleasure and showing attention. Teacher explain the expression of pleasure and showing attention. Students repeat the expression of pleasure and showing attention. Students mention expression of pleasure and showing attention. Students given chance to ask about the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test asreinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting IV

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about showing

sympaty and giving instruction directly.

Main activity Teacher reads dialog about showing sympaty and giving instruction. Teacher explain the showing sympaty and giving instruction. Students repeat the showing sympaty and giving instruction. Students mention showing sympaty and giving instruction. Students given chance to ask about the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test asreinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Source :

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Grace, E. & Sudarwati, T. M. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga (page: 8, 34-35, 42, 69-70)

Yuliani, M. Dkk. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA dan MA Kelas X Semester 1. Klaten: Intan Pariwara (page: 24, 45-46)

Evaluation :

Technique: oral test Instrument form: brief answer Instrument:

Expression of Pleasure A. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of

pleasure you find in the dialog!

Hani gets a gift from her mother. She is very happy.

Mother : My dear daughter, your father said that he would take you to the department store.

Hani : Hooray! That's great. When do we go there, Mom?

Mother : Perhaps after dinner. Father will buy a new pair of shoes for you.

Hani : Thanks for your praise, Mom. I am also happy to have parents like you both.

Mother : You are a wonderful daughter for us. I'm so pleasure to be your Mom.

Hani : Thanks Mom.

B. Listen to your teacher. Then repeat after your teacher with correct pronounciation! (1) I’m really happy. (2) I’m happy to hear that. (3) I am very pleased with the news. (4) I am very pleased about it. (5) It gives me great pleasure (6) How marvelllous! (7) Great! Fantastic!

C. Listen to the your teacher. Then response your teacher’s statement with appropriate

expressions of pleasure! Teacher : I have a good mark for my English test. Students : (1) _________________________. Teacher : My sister get married. Students : (2) _________________________. Teacher : My debate team won the national competition. Students : (3)_________________________. Teacher : I get a nice doll as your birthday gift. Students : (4)_________________________.

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D. Listen to your teacher’s statements. Then Explain and mention the expressions of pleasure based on the statements!

What would you say if: Expressions of pleasure (1) You are informed that your father has

just got promotion in his workplace? (1) _____________________________

(2) Your sister get married? (2) _____________________________ (3) Your English teacher told that your

score in the last test is excellent? (3) _____________________________

(4) You get a nice doll as your birthday gift.

(4) _____________________________

(5) The debate team of your school won the national competition?

(5) _____________________________

Showing attention

A. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of attention you find in the dialog! Adi : Hendra, why do you look so gloomy?

Billy : Be cheerful, please.

Hendra: Thanks for your attention. You know, my teacher got angry with me today.

Adi : Did you do something wrong?

Hendra : No, I didn’t but my friends did.

Billy : Really?

Hendra : Actually not me, but my friends did.

Billy : So, what did happen?

Hendra : When we were in the library, some of my friends made noises. The teacher thought that one of them was me. So, he got angry with me.

Adi : Oh, I am sorry to hear that.

Billy : So poor you are. What did you say to your teacher?

Hendra : I didn’t say anything. I was afraid.

Adi : Oh my gosh! You should have been brave to tell the truth.

B. Listen to your teacher. Then repeat after your teacher with correct pronounciation!

(1) Really? (2) Are you Okay? (3) Wow.. That’s amazing! (4) Is that so?

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(5) Are you kidding?

C. Listen to the your teacher. Then response your teacher’s statement with appropriate expressions of attention! Teacher : My head is being headache. Students : (1)_________________________. Teacher : I got bad mark in my English test. Students : (2)_________________________. Teacher : My debate team failed in the national competition. Students : (3)_________________________.

D. Listen to your teacher’s statements. Then mention and explain the expressions of

attention based on the statements! What would you say if: Expressions of attention

(1) Your sister slipped and she was in such pain. She couldn't even stand up because she broke her ankle?

(1) __________________________

(2) Your friend got punishment because of other’s mistakes?

(2) __________________________

(3) Your mother wears a nice gown? (3) __________________________ (4) Your neighbor is cared in I.C.U (4) __________________________

Showing sympaty

A. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of sympathy you find in the dialog!

Basri shows his sympathy to his friend, Ali. Basri : Hi, Ivan. You don't look very happy. Is everything alright? Ali : Well, this week has been so terrible for me. Basri : Really? I'm sorry to hear that. What actually happened? Ali : My grandmother passed away on Tuesday. Basri : Was she ill or something before she died? Ali : No, no. She was badly hurt because of a car accident. Basri : Oh really? It’s so poor. What happened? Ali : She was driving a car and suddenly a speedy truck bumped into her car in

front. So her death was really a shock for me and my family. I can't still believe that she's gone.

Basri : Of course. It's always hard to lose someone you love. However, I'm pretty sure, this is not the end of the world. So you will be better.

Ali : Thanks. I hope so.

B. Listen to your teacher. Then repeat after your teacher with correct pronounciation! (1) I am sorry for what’s happened. (2) I’m sorry to hear that. (3) Oh, you are so poor.

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(4) Look! This is not the end of the world (5) That’s a pity.

C. Listen to the your teacher. Then response your teacher’s statement with appropriate

expressions of sympaty! Teacher : I got an accident yesterday. Students : (1)_________________________. Teacher : My head is being headache. Students : (2)_________________________. Teacher : I got bad mark in my English test. Students : (3)_________________________. Teacher : I felt from my motorcycle. Students : (4)_________________________.

D. Listen to your teacher’s statements. Then mention and explain the expressions of

sympathy based on the statements!

What would you say if: Expressions of sympathy (1) Your friend's father suddenly passed

away soon after he got off from the bus?

(1) __________________________

(2) My sister got a car accident last night? (2) __________________________ (3) Your young brother fell from his bike. (3) __________________________

(4) You heard a news about flood Jakarta?

(4) __________________________

(5) Your friend got a serious cancer disease?

(5) __________________________

Giving instruction

A. Listen the dialog that will be read by your teacher. Then, mention the expressions of giving instruction you find in the dialog!

Ela : Hi, Dinda, what are you doing? It seems that you are busy. Dinda : Oh, I am making a potato salad. Ela : Hmm...It’s sounds delicious. May I help you? Dinda : Of course. I have prepared the potatoes, parsley, and paprika. Then,

please wash them! Ela : O.K. Dinda : Now, please take two green onions, a half tablespoon of lemon rind,

salt, pepper, and a cup and a half of mayonnaise! Ela : Allright. Then, what have I do? Dinda : Well, first you cut up the potatoes, the green onions, and the parsley.

Then put them and the lemon rind into a salad bowl and add a little salt, pepper, and paprika. After that, add the mayonnaise and mix it.

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Ela : Is that all? Dinda : Yes. After done, you cover it and put it in the refrigerator for about

twenty minutes.

B. Listen to your teacher. Rrepeat after your teacher with correct pronounciation, then do the instruction!

(1) Sit down! (2) Stand up! (3) Open the door! (4) Open your book on page 12, please! (5) Don’t be noisy

C. Listen to your teacher’s statements. Then explain and mention the expressions of

giving instruction based on the statements! What would you say if: Expressions of giving instruction

(1) There is a final exam there? (1) __________________________ (2) You may disturb the patients here? (2) __________________________ (3) The soup is too salty? (3) __________________________

(4) Your room is dirty? (4) __________________________ (5) You get a badmark? (5) __________________________ (6) I want to see out the room? (6) __________________________

(7) You have broken my bike? (7) __________________________ (8) It will help you to prepare the next

test? (8) __________________________

(9) I’ll make you a bowl of soup? (9) __________________________ (10) You have broken my bike? (10) _________________________

Key answer:

Expression of Pleasure A. Expressions of pleasure:

(1) Hooray! That's great. (2) I am also happy to have parents like you both. (3) I'm so pleasure to be your Mom.

B. Repeat after teacher: (1) I’m really happy. (2) I’m happy to hear that. (3) I am very pleased with the news. (4) I am very pleased about it. (5) It gives me great pleasure (6) How marvelllous!

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(7) Great! Fantastic! C. Response teacher’s statement

(1) I am really happy for my good mark. (2) I am very delighted about it. (3) I am very delighted for the news. (4) Fantastic! I get a nice doll.

D. Expressions of pleasure (1) I am very pleased with the news. (2) I am very delighted about it. (3) Great! I am so happy to hear that. (4) Fantastic! I get a nice doll. (5) I am very delighted for the news.

Showing attention A. Expressions of attentions:

(1) Hendra, why do you look so gloomy? (2) Really? (3) Oh, I am sorry to hear that. (4) So poor you are.

B. Repeat after teacher: (1) Really? (2) Are you Okay? (3) Wow.. That’s amazing! (4) Is that so? (5) Are you kidding?

C. Response to teacher’s statement: (1) Are you Okay? (2) Really? (3) Is that so?

D. Expressions of attention: (1) Are you Okay? (2) So poor you are. (3) Wow.. that’s amazing! (4) Is that so.

Showing sympaty

A. Expressions of sympaty: (1) Really? I'm sorry to hear that.Really? (2) Oh really? It’s so poor. (3) I'm pretty sure, this is not the end of the world.

B. Repeat after teacher: (1) I am sorry for what’s happened. (2) I’m sorry to hear that. (3) Oh, you are so poor. (4) Look! This is not the end of the world (5) That’s a pity.

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C. Response to teacher’s statement: (1) I am sorry to hear that. (2) Really?That’s a pity. (3) That’s a shame. (4) Oh, I’m sorry to know it.

D. Expressions of attention: (1) I am sorry to hear that. (2) Really?That’s a pity. (3) That’s a shame. (4) I am sorry for what happened. (5) Oh, I’m sorry to know it.

Giving Instruction

A. Expressions of giving instructions: (1) please wash them! (2) please take two green onions, a half tablespoon of lemon rind, salt, pepper,

and a cup and a half of mayonnaise! (3) first you cut up the potatoes, the green onions, and the parsley. (4) Then put them and the lemon rind into a salad bowl and add a little salt,

pepper, and paprika. (5) After that, add the mayonnaise and mix it. (6) After done, you cover it and put it in the refrigerator for about twenty minutes.

B. Repeat after teacher: (1) Sit down! (2) Stand up! (3) Open the door! (4) Open your book on page 12, please! (5) Don’t be noisy

C. Expressions of giving instruction: (1) Don’t be noisy! (2) Don’t disturb the patient! (3) Add some sugar! (4) Clean the room! (5) Study hard! (6) Open the window (7) Repair my bike now! (8) Study hard for the next test! (9) Make a bowl of soup! (10) Repair my bike!

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Name of school : SMA N 1 SUKABINGUNG Subject : English Class / Semester : X / 1 Meeting : 15, 16 and 17 Time allocation : 6 X 45 minutes Competence standard : 4. Express meaning in short functional text and monologue text that’s

organized as recount, narrative and procedure text in daily life context

Base competence :4.1 Express the meaning of short functional text (e.g announcement, advertisement, invitation, etc.) formal and informalby using kind of oral language in a variety of daily life context

Indicator :

Pertemuan XV Announcement

- Mention the content of announcement text - Differentiate formal and informal announcement

text - Arrange announcement text

Pertemuan XVI Advertisement

- Mention the content of advertisement text - Differentiate kind of advertisement text - Arrange advertisement text

Pertemuan XVII Invitation

- Mention the content of invitation text - Differentiate formal and informal invitation text - Arrange invitationt text

Purpose of learning : After learning process, students would be able to:

- Mention the content of announcement text - Differentiate formal and informal announcement text - Arrange announcement text - Mention the content of advertisement text - Differentiate kind of advertisement text - Arrange advertisement text - Mention the content of invitation text - Differentiate formal and informal invitation text - Arrange invitationt text

Character value : - communicative - creative

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Main Material :

Announcement - Expressions of announcing example: Attention please - Announcement text

example: Attention, please. The students organization invites you to come and see the school bazaar

tomorrow in the school hall. The bazaar will start at 8.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m for three days.

Don’t miss it. Thank you.

Advertisement - Expressions of advertising example: Advertisement, seeking a candidate for . . . . - Advertisement text

example: Adertising Trainee We are seeking a young person for training in the advertising departement

of a national publising company. The job involves selling and marketing. This is an opportunity for a person with a strong interest in the commercial world.

Write to: Managing Director

Invitation - Expressions of inviting example: I’d like to invite you to . . . Would you come to . . .? - Invitation text

example: Dear Amanda, Would you come to my house for dinner on Saturday, August 2, 2008, at 7

o’clock? I’ll be waiting for you. Yours, Nabila

Learning method : - Grammar Translation Method (GTM) - Reading Aloud - Question and Answer

Steps of learning :

Meeting XV

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students.

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Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about announcement directly.

Main activity Teacher give an example of announcement text. Students read aloud the announcement text given by the teacher. Students translate and retell the announcement text. Students given chance to ask the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting XVI

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about

advertisement directly.

Main activity Teacher give an example of advertisement text. Students read aloud the advertisement text given by the teacher. Students translate and retell the advertisement text. Students given chance to ask the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting XVII

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about invitation


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Main activity Teacher give an example of invitation text. Students read aloud the invitation text given by the teacher. Students translate and retell the invitation text. Students given chance to ask the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Source : Grace, E. & Sudarwati, T. M. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High

School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga (page: 12-13, 106) Yuliani, M. Dkk. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA dan MA Kelas X Semester 1. Klaten:

Intan Pariwara (page: 18-21)

Evaluation :

Technique : oral test Instrument form: brief answer Instruments :

Announcement A. Mention what the announcements below tell about.

Attention, please, To all boyscout captains of grade X, we invite you to attend a meeting at 2 this

afternoon in the school hall. We will discuss our preparation for the camping next week. Thank you.

B. Differentiate the announcements below orally! Announcement 1: Attention, please,

The students organization invites you to come and see the school bazaar tomorrow in the school hall. The bazaar will start at 8.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m for three days.Thank you.

Chairperson. Announcement 2: To all boyscout captains of grade X, we invite you to attend a meeting at 2 this afternoon in the school hall. We will discuss our preparation for the camping next week.

C. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order to form a good announcement, then, read in front of class.

Thank you. You should record your interview and prepare it for the next English lesson. Attention, please. We will discuss it together.

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You should find a foreigner there to talk to, or to interview him/her. To improve your English Speaking , we will go to Borobudur next month. For further information, please contact Mr. Angga , the English teacher.

Advertisement A. Mention what the advertisement below tell about.

B. Differentiate the advertisements below orally!

C. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order to form a good announcement, then,

read in front of class.

Please send your application letter, CC, recent photograph & expected salary to: Nusa Dua Hotel, Jl. Kelengkeng Raya 3 Jakarta

Requirements: Min. D3 Secretarial Academy graduate; Fluent in English both oral and written; Having a good personal appearance and a pleasant personality; Familiar with computer; Min. One year experience

Vacancy We need an excellent and experienced Receptionist/ General Assistant

Invitation A. Mention what the invitation below tell about.

Dear Amanda, Would you come to my house for dinner on Saturday, December 28, 2013 at 7

o’clock? I’ll be waiting for you. Yours, Nabila

B. Differentiate the invitation below orally!

CASANOVA’S Annual Sale

This week only

Jewelry: watches rings, earings, necklaces Luggage: bags and briefcases

Men and women’s clothing: shoes, coats and sweaters, swimears

Casanova’s is on Jl. Kenanga 84 Open from 09:00 a.m to 09:00 p.m


We are an established air freight & courier service company

Currently we are seeking for excellent candidates to fulfill vacancies as below:

CUSTOMER SERVICE Female min. S1, max age 30 years old Min. 1 year experience in customer

service Fluent in English

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER Male, min. Age 30 years old Min. S1 in Psychology Laws Must have experience in HRD min. 2


CV sent to: Jl. Batal Pustaka Timur Raya No.39

Blok A-8 Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur


We are seeking a young person for training in the advertising departement of a national publising

company. The job involves selling and marketing. This is an opportunity for a person with a strong

interest in the commercial world.

Write to: Managing Director

save 40%

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Invitation 1:

Invitation 2:

C. Arrange the following sentences in the correct order to form a good announcement, then, read in front of class.

I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party.

It will be held: On Sunday, December 29, 2013; At 7:00 p.m; At my house,

Jl. Barata No. 23, Lampung.

To: All my friends in class XA

Please do come. Your present means a lot of me.

Thank you, Lissa

Key answer:

Announcement: A. The announcement tell about invitation to all boyscout captains of grade X to attend a

meeting for discussing about camping preparation. B. Differences:

Announcement 1 Announcement 2 - Use the expressions of inviting - Invitation for all of students - The agenda is school bazaar

- Not use the expressions of inviting - Invitation for all boyscout captains of

grade X - The agenda is meeting for camping

preparation C. Arrangement:

7 Thank you. 4 You should record your interview and prepare it for the next English lesson. 1 Attention, please. 5 We will discuss it together. 3 You should find a foreigner there to talk to, or to interview him/her.

Boy Scout Organization SMU Mahardika Jl. Panembahan Senopati 55

Yogyakarta Telp. 0274 562976

To: All boy scout captains of Grade X

We invite you attend a meeting at 2:00 p.m in the school hall this afternoon. Agenda: preparation for camping. Please come on time

Anna Joko

Secretary Chairperson

Dear Amanda, Would you come to my house for

dinner on Saturday, December 28, 2013 at 7 o’clock? I’ll be waiting for you. Yours, Nabila

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2 To improve your English Speaking , we will go to Borobudur next month. 6 For further information, please contact Mr. Angga , the English teacher.

Advertisement: A. The advertisement tells that a company is seeking a young person for training in

advertising departement for selling and marketing. B. Differences:

Advertisement 1 Advertisement 2 - Kind of job vacancy ads - Kinds of sale ads

C. Arrangement: 4 Please send your application letter, CC, recent photograph & expected salary

to: Nusa Dua Hotel, Jl. Kelengkeng Raya 3 Jakarta

3 Requirements: Min. D3 Secretarial Academy graduate; Fluent in English both

oral and written; Having a good personal appearance and a pleasant

personality; Familiar with computer; Min. One year experience

1 Vacancy

2 We need an excellent and experienced Receptionist/ General Assistant

Invitation: A. The invitation tells that Amanda invite Nabila to come her house for dinner on Saturday. B. Differences:

invitation 1 invitation 2 - Kind of informal invitation - Written by Amanda

- Kinds of formal invitation - Written by boy scout organization

school C. Arrangement:

2 I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party.

3 It will be held: On Sunday, December 29, 2013; At 7:00 p.m; At my house,

Jl. Barata No. 23, Lampung.

1 To: All my friends in class XA

4 Please do come. Your present means a lot of me.

5 Thank you, Lissa

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Name of school : SMA N 1 SUKABINGUNG Subject : English Class / Semester : X / 1 Meeting : 18, 19 and 20 Time allocation : 4 X 45 minutes Competence standard : 4. Express meaning in short functional text and monologue text that’s

organized as recount, narrative and procedure text in daily life context

Base competence :4.2 Response meaning of simple monologue oral text accurately, fluent and acceptable in daily life context in: recount text, narrative text, dan procedure text

Indicator :

Meeting XVIII Recount

- Mention language feature of recount text - Retell recount text - Mention the generic structure of recount text

Meeting XIX Narrative

- Mention language feature of narrative text - Retell narrative text - Mention the generic structure of narrative text

Meeting XX Procedure

- Mention language feature of procedure text - Retell procedure text - Mention the generic structure of procedure text

Purpose of learning : After learning process, students would be able to:

- Mention language feature of recount text correctly - Retell recount text correctly - Mention the generic structure of recount text correctly - Mention language feature of narrative text correctly - Retell narrative text correctly - Mention the generic structure of narrative text correctly - Mention language feature of procedure text correctly - Retell procedure text correctly - Mention the generic structure of procedure text correctly

Character value : - communicative - creative

Main Material :

Recount - Recount text

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example : I went to the party. It was fun, you know. But I met this guy you know. The one we met yesterday?So I tried to stay away. And nothing happened. The party was nice.

Narrative - Narrative text example : I read this story called Cinderella. It’s good you know. This girl was

pretty, smart and loving. But she lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters. They were all so mean to her. Well, she was like a house maid in the family. But, fortunately. . .she met this handsome prince. A prince is rich, right? And he fell in love with her. So You can guess . . . she lived happily ever after.

Procedure - Procedure text example: Make apple’s rings. You need apples, butter, confectioner sugar,

water,and cinnamon. Take the apples and wash, core and cut crosswise into slices. Heat butter in a skillet. Place the apple rings in a single layer in the skillet and sprinkle lightly with confection’s sugar. Add 2 tablespoons of water to the skillet, then cover the skillet and simmer the apples until tender. Remove the skillet cover and turn apple rings to brown rings on both sides. Serve hot, the centres filled with cinnamon.

Learning method : - Grammar Translation Method (GTM) - Reading Aloud - Question and Answer

Steps of learning :

Meeting XVIII

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about recount

text directly.

Main activity Teacher give example of recount text. Students read aloud recount text with correctly intonation and pronounciation Students translate and retell the recount text. Teacher explains language features and generic structure of recount text. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

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Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting XIX

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about narrative

text directly.

Main activity Teacher give example of narrative text. Students read aloud narrative text with correctly intonation and pronounciation Students translate and retell the narrative text. Teacher explains language features and generic structure of narrative text. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting XX

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about procedure

text directly.

Main activity Teacher give example of procedure text. Students read aloud procedure text with correctly intonation and pronounciation Students translate and retell the procedure text. Teacher explains language features and generic structure of procedure text. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

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Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Source : Grace, E. & Sudarwati, T. M. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High

School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga (page: 14-16, 30-33, 59-62) Yuliani, M. Dkk. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA dan MA Kelas X Semester 1. Klaten:

Intan Pariwara (page: 12-15, 23-25, 45-47)

Evaluation : Technique : Instrument form: Instruments :

Recount A. Listen your teacher while read a recount text. Mention the language features of the text!

Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.

The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home. Text by Agus Molgana

B. Listen to your teacher when read a recount text. Retell the text with your own words orally! Meeting a Star

On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store. A man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn't sure exactly where it was, but I walked with him to the end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly, and his face looked so familiar. Then I remembered where the Hyatt was and told him how to get there. He thanked me and tried to give me something. I thought it was money. I said 'no' at first, but he really wanted me to have it, so I took it.

I found the record store and listened to a few records. D' Masive had a new record that was number two in the top twenty. I decided to buy it. I looked in my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper the man gave me. It was a photo. I was so surprised! He was a singer in D' Masive!

Adapted from New Horizons in English 4, 2002

C. Listen to your teacher when read a recount text. Mention the generic structure of the text you heard!

I woke up at about five o'clock yesterday. It wasn't a regular day, because I was about to propose a girl.

After praying and taking a bath, I had my early breakfast. At about nine o'clock I was in my office but my soul wasn't there. I was thinking about the lines that I had to say to her. At one o'clock, I had my lunch but I wasn't

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enjoying it either. So, I practiced the lines to almost all girls I met at my lunch. Yes, I was a little bit crazy. Finally, it was three o'clock. I remembered all my lines. I wrapped my works and got ready to pick her up and of course proposed her.

I met her at four o'clock, took a little walk and went to a movie. At seven, we had a romantic dinner. I thought it was the perfect time to ask her to be my wife. Then I said the lines that I practiced the whole afternoon. She smiled. I reached my pocket to get a ring and put it around her finger. Then she said "Yes." After driven her home I went back to my house.

Taken from New Horizons in English, 2002


A. Listen to your teacher while read a narrative text. Mention the language features of the text you heard!

Well, my students, I have a very interesting story. The story is about ‘a blind listening man’. Please be quiet and listen carefully.

You know, a stupid man was sent by his father to sell salt. He first went to a mining area but nobody there wanted his salt. When he returned home, his father told him that if he had helped the miners to dig, they would have bought his salt.

The man next went to a house where a wedding was taking place. There he dug a huge hole. This made the people angry and they chased him away. When he returned home, his father told him that if he had beaten a drum and danced instead, the people there would have bought salt from him.

Then, he went to a village where there happened to be a fire. Rushing to the place, he started drumming and dancing, only to be thrown out by the people. His father told him that he should have poured water on the fire instead, if he wanted to sell salt there.

In the next place he went to, a couple were fighting with each other. The foolish man poured a bucketful of water on them, again to be chased away. His father later told him that he should have tried to settle the quarrel, in which case they would have bought salt from him.

In the final event, the man saw two bulls fighting with each other. He stepped in to stop the fight and was gored to death by angry bulls.

Taken from English Bestseller 12, 2001

B. Listen to your teacher when read a narrative text. Retell the text with your own words orally!

Three Foolish Sons There was a rich man who had three sons. They lived in a large house in the town of

Keelung in northern Taiwan. One day, he said to his sons, "You are no longer children. You must do something to

earn your own living. When I die, I am not going to leave you very much money. I started with nothing and made a fortune by working hard. You must do the same. Now, here is two hundred dollars for each of you. You can use it to start your own business."

The three sons went off separately. The eldest son met a hunter. He thought that hunting would be fine so he bought a gun from him for two hundred dollars.

The second son met a basketmaker. He bought a set of tools from him so that he could make baskets.

The third son met a doctor who told him that he had a medicine which could cure all diseases. He bought it from him for two hundred dollars.

When the rich man heard what his sons had done with the money he had given them, he was very angry. "What stupid sons I have!" He said.

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One day, the eldest son tried to shoot a fly on his father's forehead. Instead, he killed his father. The second son picked up his tools and tried to repair the damage to his father's head. The third son tried to cure his father with medicine which he had bought.

Everyone said that the three sons were very foolish. They had spent all their money uselessly.

Taken from Favourite Stories from Taiwan, 2000

C. Listen to your teacher when read a narrative text. Mention the generic structure of the text you heard!

The Fortune Teller In the great city of Taipei, there lived a man called Lin and his wife. They had no

children. Because of this, they were very unhappy. One day, they found a baby boy outside their door. He was wrapped in a blanket and crying. They took the baby into their house and called him Sau Ling. They loved him very much.

When Sau Ling was a young man, a fortune-teller came to the house. "You must send your son away," he said. "One day he will become a thief and cause you a lot of trouble."

Mr and Mrs Lin were very sad to hear this. They believed what the fortune-teller said. They gave Sau Ling some clothes and money and sent him away.

Several years later, Sau Ling was having a meal in an inn several miles from Taipei. He put his bag on the floor near his table. After finishing his meal, he picked up his bag. "That's strange!" he thought, "It feels so heavy." He looked inside. It was full of small gold bars. Then he realised that someone had taken his bag by mistake and left another bag, in its place.

That evening, a young man came to the inn, "Has anyone seen my bag?" he asked. Sau Ling was very honest. He returned the bag to him. The young man thanked him. "You are really very honest," he said, "I shall ask my father to give you a job." The young man's father was a rich merchant. He gave Sau Ling a good job. "But go home first," he said, "and take a holiday." Sau Ling returned to

Taipei. Mr and Mrs Lin were delighted to see him again. The fortune-teller was also present. Sau Ling told them what had happened. The fortune-teller did not know what to say. He left the house without saying a word. Mr and Mrs Lin never believed in fortune-teller after that. Sau Ling took them to live with him and they were very happy and contented until the end of their lives.

Taken from Favourite Stories from Taiwan, 2000

Procedure A. Listen to the dialog that will be read by your friends. Mention the language feature of the

dialog! Ismail : I'm going to tell you how to cook rice. Yudi : Good. What do I need? Ismail : You will need two cups of water, a cup of rice, salt and a pan with a lid. Yudi : All right. And then what should I do? Ismail : First, wash the rice in cold water. Then, put the rice in the pan and add

the water and the salt. Next, you heat the pan without the lid on until the water boils. When it has boiled, turn down the heat, put the lid on and cook it for about fifteen minutes.

B. Listen to your teacher when read a procedure text. Retell the text with your own words orally!

How to record on the cassette player /How to use a recorder

o Well, first you have to plug in the cord. o Then you put in the tape on it. o After that you connected the microphone. o And then tested the voice level recorder.

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o Then you can begin to record it. o Finally pressed down the record and play button.

C. Listen to your teacher when read a procedure text. Mention the generic structure of the text you heard!

How to Make Bregedel Tempe (Tempe Fritters) 150 g tempe tablespoons fried shallots kaffir lime leaves 1 tablespoon flour 1 egg 1 cup vegetable oil for frying Spice paste: large chilies, seeds removed small chilies 2 red shallots 2 cloves garlic 1/2 teaspoon chopped galangal 1 candle nut 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon shrimp paste 1. Mash the tempe with a fork or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend until

it resembles coarse bread crumbs. 2. Grind the spices in a mortar and pestle or place in the bowl of a food processor and

blend to a smooth paste. 3. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the spice paste, fried shallots and lime

leaves. Stir in the flour, followed by the egg. 4. Shape the tempe into fritters the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork. 5. Heat the vegetable oil in a wok over a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the

fritters into the oil, five or six at a time. 6. Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with

rice. Taken from The Jakarta Post, May 2, 2004

Key answer :

Recount A. Language feature of recount text

Past tense : (1) My friends and I went camping (2) We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a

half hour from the parking lot. (3) We built the camp next to a small river. (4) It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp. (5) we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were

preparing meals. (6) etc

B. Retell recount text On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store, then a man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. After thought, I remember where’s the Hotel take place, then I told him. After that, he gave me something. It was a photo of a singer in D’Masive.

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C. Generic structure of recount text (1) Orientation: I woke up at about five o'clock yesterday. It wasn't a regular day,

because I was about to propose a girl. (2) Event: After praying and taking a bath, I had my early breakfast. At about nine

o'clock I was in my office but my soul wasn't there. I was thinking about the lines that I had to say to her. At one o'clock, I had my lunch but I wasn't enjoying it either. So, I practiced the lines to almost all girls I met at my lunch. Yes, I was a little bit crazy. Finally, it was three o'clock. I remembered all my lines. I wrapped my works and got ready to pick her up and of course proposed her. I met her at four o'clock, took a little walk and went to a movie. At seven, we had a romantic dinner. I thought it was the perfect time to ask her to be my wife. Then I said the lines that I practiced the whole afternoon. She smiled. I reached my pocket to get a ring and put it around her finger.

(3) Reorientation: Then she said "Yes." After driven her home I went back to my house. Narrative

A. Language feature of narrative text Past tense: (1) a stupid man was sent by his father to sell salt.

(2) He first went to a mining area but nobody there wanted his salt. (3) When he returned home, his father told him that if he had helped the

miners to dig, they would have bought his salt. (4) Etc.

thinking verbs/ feeling verbs/ verbs of sense: (1) Started (2) Danced (3) Poured (4) Stepped (5) etc

B. Retell narrative text There was a rich man who had three sons.He said to his sons that they have to do something to earn their living, because he wouldn’t leave much money for them and they must work harder. He gave two hundreds dollars for each sons to start their own bussiness. The eldest son bought a gun, the second son bought a set of tools to make basket, and the third son bought medicine. One day, the eldest son tried to shoot a fly on his father's forehead. Instead, he killed his father. The second son picked up his tools and tried to repair the damage to his father's head. The third son tried to cure his father with medicine which he had bought. Everyone said that the three sons were very foolish because they had spent all their money uselessly.

C. Generic structure of narrative text Orientation: there lived a man called Lin and his wife who had no children.

Evaluation: They found a baby boy outside their door and taked care of him.

Complication: A fortune-teller told to Mr. And Mrs. Lin that Sau Ling would be a thief and cause a lot of trouble. So, they sent Sau Ling away.

Resolution: Sau Ling found a bag and be honest to return to the owner. Then he got a good job from the owner’s bag.

Reorientation: Sau Ling took them to live with him and they were very happy and contented until the end of their lives.

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A. Language feature of procedure text Imperative sentence:(1) wash the rice in cold water

(2) Put the rice in the pan and add the water and the salt. (3) heat the pan without the lid on until the water boils. (4) turn down the heat, put the lid on and cook it for about fifteen

minutes. B. Retell procedure text

To use a recorder, first, plug in the cord, then put in the tape on it. After that, connected the microphone and tested the voice level recorder. Then pressed down the record and play button. And you can begin to record.

C. Generic structure of procedure text Goal Make bregedel tempe

Materials/ Equipments:

150 g tempe, tablespoons fried shallots, kaffir lime leaves, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 egg, 1 cup vegetable oil for frying large chilies, seeds removed, small chilie, 2 red shallots, 2 cloves garlic, 1/2 teaspoon chopped galangal, 1 candle nut, 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon shrimp paste


1. Mash the tempe with a fork or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend until it resembles coarse bread crumbs.

2. Grind the spices in a mortar and pestle or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend to a smooth paste.

3. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the spice paste, fried shallots and lime leaves. Stir in the flour, followed by the egg.

4. Shape the tempe into fritters the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork.

5. Heat the vegetable oil in a wok over a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the fritters into the oil, five or six at a time.

6. Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with rice.

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Name of school : SMA N 1 SUKABINGUNG Subject : English Class / Semester : X / 1 Meeting : 21, 22 and 23 Time allocation : 4 X 45 minutes Competence standard : 5. Understand the meaning short functional written text and simple

essay organized as recount, narrative and procedure in daily life context and to access the knowledge

Base competence :5.1 Response the meaning in short functional written text (for example announcement, advertisement, invitation, etc) formal and informal accurately, fluently and acceptable in daily life context and to access knowledge

Indicator :

Meeting XXI Announcement

- Read alloud announcement text - Mention the content of announcement text - Answer question about announcement text

Meeting XXII Advertisement

- Read alloud advertisement text - Mention the content of advertisement text - Answer question about advertisement text

Meeting XXIII Invitation

- Read alloud invitation text - Mention the content of invitation text - Answer question about invitation text

Purpose of learning : After learning process, students would be able to: - Read alloud announcement text correctly - Mention the content of announcement text correctly - Answer question about announcement text correctly - Read alloud advertisement text correctly - Mention the content of advertisement text correctly - Answer question about advertisement text correctly - Read alloud invitation text correctly - Mention the content of invitation text correctly - Answer question about invitation text correctly

Character value : - creatif - autonomous

Main Material :

Announcement - Expressions of announcing

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example: Attention please - Announcement text

example: Attention, please. The students organization invites you to come and see the school bazaar

tomorrow in the school hall. The bazaar will start at 8.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m for three days.

Don’t miss it. Thank you.

Advertisement - Expressions of advertising example: Advertisement, seeking a candidate for . . . . - Advertisement text

example: Adertising Trainee We are seeking a young person for training in the advertising departement

of a national publising company. The job involves selling and marketing. This is an opportunity for a person with a strong interest in the commercial world.

Write to: Managing Director

Invitation - Expressions of inviting example: I’d like to invite you to . . . Would you come to . . .? - Invitation text

example: Dear Amanda, Would you come to my house for dinner on Saturday, August 2, 2008, at 7

o’clock? I’ll be waiting for you. Yours, Nabila

Learning method : - Grammar Translation Method (GTM) - Reading Aloud - Question and Answer

Steps of learning :

Meeting XV

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about

announcement directly.

Main activity

Teacher give an example of announcement text.

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Students read aloud the announcement text given by the teacher. Students translate and retell the announcement text. Students given chance to ask the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting XVI

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about

advertisement directly.

Main activity Teacher give an example of advertisement text. Students read aloud the advertisement text given by the teacher. Students translate and retell the advertisement text. Students given chance to ask the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting XVII

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about invitation


Main activity Teacher give an example of invitation text. Students read aloud the invitation text given by the teacher. Students translate and retell the invitation text.

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Students given chance to ask the material that’s not understood. Students asked to answer the oral test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Source : Grace, E. & Sudarwati, T. M. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High

School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga (page: 12-13, 106) Yuliani, M. Dkk. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA dan MA Kelas X Semester 1. Klaten:

Intan Pariwara (page: 18-21)

Evaluation : Technique : written test Instrument form: brief answer Instruments :

Announcement A. Read the following announcements loudly with correct intonation and pronounciation!

Attention, please,

To all boyscout captains of grade X, we invite you to attend a meeting at 2 this afternoon in the school hall. We will discuss our preparation for the camping next week.

Thank you.

B. Read the announcement below. Mention what the text tell about! Attention, please, To: all the students of SMA 1 Bakti Jaya

The students organization invites you to come and see the school bazaar tomorrow in the school hall. The bazaar will start at 8.00 a.m to 3.00 p.m for three days.

Thank you.

C. Read the announcement below. Then, answer the questions based on the text!

To: All students of grade X

We invite you all to attend a farewell party with the students of Grade XII that will be held on: Place : Lestari Restaurant (Jl. Manggar No 17, Bandung) Day : Friday, June 27, 2008 Time : 5:00 p.m Please do come and give your last impression. Remember, the dress is black and red

The committee


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1. Who writes the text? 2. Why does the writer write the text? 3. Who are invited to come? 4. Where is the party going to be held? 5. When should the students come? Advertisement A. Read the following advertisements below loudly with correct intonation and


B. Read the advertisement below. Then, mention what the advertisement tell about!

C. Read the following advertisement. Answer the questions based on the text!

Questions: 1. What position is advertised? 2. What are the requirements for that position?


Requirements: Min. D3 Secretarial Academy graduate Fluent in English both oral and written Having a good personal appearance and a pleasant personality Familiar with computer Min. One year experience

Please send your application letter, CC, recent photograph & expected salary to:

Nusa Dua Hotel Jl. Kelengkeng Raya 3 Jakarta


We are an established air freight & courier service company

Currently we are seeking for excellent candidates to fulfill vacancies as below:

CUSTOMER SERVICE Female min. S1, max age 30 years old Min. 1 year experience in customer

service Fluent in English

HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER Male, min. Age 30 years old Min. S1 in Psychology Laws Must have experience in HRD min. 2


CV sent to: Jl. Batal Pustaka Timur Raya No.39

Blok A-8 Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur

CASANOVA’S Annual Sale

This week only

Jewelry: watches rings, earings, necklaces Luggage: bags and briefcases

Men and women’s clothing: shoes, coats and sweaters, swimears

Casanova’s is on Jl. Kenanga 84 Open from 09:00 a.m to 09:00 p.m

save 40%

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3. What must an applicant send? 4. Whom does an applicant send his/her application letter? 5. What are the names of the parts of an ad? Invitation A. Read the following invitation loudly with correct pronounciation!

Dear Amanda, Would you come to my house for dinner on Saturday, December 28, 2013 at 7 o’clock? I’ll be waiting for you. Yours, Nabila

B. Read the following invitation, then mention what the text tell about?


Boy Scout Organization SMU Mahardika Jl. Panembahan Senopati 55

Yogyakarta Telp. 0274 562976

To: All boy scout captains of Grade X

We invite you attend a meeting at 2:00 p.m in the school hall this afternoon. Agenda: preparation for camping. Please come on time

Anna Joko

Secretary Chairperson

C. Read the invitation below. Answer the questions based on the text!

Questions: 1. Who write the invitation letter? 2. Who is invited to come? 3. What special event does Lisa celebrate? 4. Where will it be held? 5. When will it held?

Key answer : Announcement:

To: All my friends in class XA

I’d like to invite you to come to my birthday party. It will be held:

- On Sunday, December 29, 2013 - At 7:00 p.m - At my house, Jl. Barata No. 23, Lampung.

Please do come. Your present means a lot of me.

Thank you, Lisa Manurung

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B. The text tellthat the students organization invites all of the students to come and see the school bazaar.

C. Answer questions 1. The school committee 2. To invite all of students of grade X to attend a farewell party with the students of

grade XII 3. All of students grade X 4. Lestari Restaurant (JL. Manggar No. 17, Bandung 5. On Friday, June 27, 2008, at 5:00 p.m.


B. The text tell about job vacancy that an air freight and courier service company need a customer service and human resources manager.

C. Answer questions 1. Receptionist/ general assistant 2. Min. D3 Secretarial Academy graduate; Fluent in English both oral and written;

Having a good personal appearance and a pleasant personality; Familiar with computer; Min. One year experience

3. Application letter, CC, recent photograph and expected salary 4. Nusa dua hotel 5. Job vacancy ads


B. The text tell that the boyscout organization invite al of students grade X to attend a meeting at 2:00 p.m in the school hall for preparation camping.

C. Answer questions 1. Lisa Marunung 2. All of her friends in class XA 3. Birthday party 4. At her house, Jl. Barata No. 23, Lampung. 5. On Sunday, December 29, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.

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Scoring rublik of reading

Element Score

Pronunciation 25

Delivery 25

Performance 25

Clarity 25

Standard of each element:

Excellent 21-25

Very good 16-20

Good 11-15

Average 6-10

Poor ≤5

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Name of school : SMA N 1 SUKABINGUNG Subject : English Class / Semester : X / 1 Meeting : 24, 25 and 26 Time allocation : 6 X 45 minutes Competence standard : 5. Understand the meaning short functional written text and simple

essay organized as recount, narrative and procedure in daily life context and to access the knowledge

Base competence :5.2 Response the meaning and generic structure of essay written text accurately, fluently and acceptable in daily life context and to access knowledge that organized as: recount, narrative, and procedure.

Indicator :

Pertemuan XVIII Recount

- Read aloud recount text - Retell the recount text - Mention generic structure of recount text

Pertemuan XIX Narrative

- Read aloud narrative text - Retell the narrative text - Mention generic structure of narrative text

Pertemuan XX Procedure

- Read aloud procedure text - Retell the procedure text - Mention generic structure of procedure text

Purpose of learning : After learning process, students would be able to:

- Read aloud recount text correctly - Retell the recount text correctly - Mention generic structure of recount text correctly - Read aloud narrative text correctly - Retell the narrative text correctly - Mention generic structure of narrative text correctly - Read aloud procedure text correctly - Retell the procedure text correctly - Mention generic structure of procedure text correctly

Character value : - creative - autonomous

Main Material :

Recount - Recount text

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example : I went to the party. It was fun, you know. But I met this guy you know. The one we met yesterday?So I tried to stay away. And nothing happened. The party was nice.

Narrative - Narrative text example : I read this story called Cinderella. It’s good you know. This girl was

pretty, smart and loving. But she lived with her stepmother and two stepsisters. They were all so mean to her. Well, she was like a house maid in the family. But, fortunately. . .she met this handsome prince. A prince is rich, right? And he fell in love with her. So You can guess . . . she lived happily ever after.

Procedure - Procedure text example: Make apple’s rings. You need apples, butter, confectioner sugar,

water,and cinnamon. Take the apples and wash, core and cut crosswise into slices. Heat butter in a skillet. Place the apple rings in a single layer in the skillet and sprinkle lightly with confection’s sugar. Add 2 tablespoons of water to the skillet, then cover the skillet and simmer the apples until tender. Remove the skillet cover and turn apple rings to brown rings on both sides. Serve hot, the centres filled with cinnamon.

Learning method : - Grammar Translation Method (GTM) - Reading Aloud

Steps of learning :

Meeting XXIV

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about recount

text directly.

Main activity Teacher give example of recount text. Students read aloud recount text with correctly intonation and pronounciation Students translate and retell the recount text. Teacher explains language features and generic structure of recount text. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

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Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting XXV

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about narrative

text directly.

Main activity Teacher give example of narrative text. Students read aloud narrative text with correctly intonation and pronounciation Students translate and retell the narrative text. Teacher explains language features and generic structure of narrative text. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Meeting XXVI

Opening activity Teacher greets students. Teacher absence the students. Teacher gives warming up by giving simple questions to the students about procedure

text directly.

Main activity Teacher give example of procedure text. Students read aloud procedure text with correctly intonation and pronounciation Students translate and retell the procedure text. Teacher explains language features and generic structure of procedure text. Students are given chance to ask about the material that they don’t understand. Students asked to answer orally test as reinforcement.

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Closing activity Teacher examines the students’ test. Teacher reviews the important material and make conclusion. Teacher says leave taking.

Source : Grace, E. & Sudarwati, T. M. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High

School Students Year X. Jakarta: Erlangga (page: 14-16, 30-33, 59-62) Yuliani, M. Dkk. 2008. Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMA dan MA Kelas X Semester 1. Klaten:

Intan Pariwara (page: 12-15, 23-25, 45-47)

Evaluation : Technique : written text Instrument form: brief text Instruments :


A. Read the following text loudly with correct pronounciation

Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.

The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy.

On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home. Text by Agus Molgana

B. Read the following text. Then retell with your own words!

Meeting a Star

On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store. A man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn't sure exactly where it was, but I walked with him to the end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly, and his face looked so familiar. Then I remembered where the Hyatt was and told him how to get there. He thanked me and tried to give me something. I thought it was money. I said 'no' at first, but he really wanted me to have it, so I took it.

I found the record store and listened to a few records. D' Masive had a new record that was number two in the top twenty. I decided to buy it. I looked in my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper the man gave me. It was a photo. I was so surprised! He was a singer in D' Masive!

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Adapted from New Horizons in English 4, 2002

C. Read the text below. Mention the generic structure of the text!

I woke up at about five o'clock yesterday. It wasn't a regular day, because I was about to propose a girl.

After praying and taking a bath, I had my early breakfast. At about nine o'clock I was in my office but my soul wasn't there. I was thinking about the lines that I had to say to her. At one o'clock, I had my lunch but I wasn't enjoying it either. So, I practiced the lines to almost all girls I met at my lunch. Yes, I was a little bit crazy. Finally, it was three o'clock. I remembered all my lines. I wrapped my works and got ready to pick her up and of course proposed her.

I met her at four o'clock, took a little walk and went to a movie. At seven, we had a romantic dinner. I thought it was the perfect time to ask her to be my wife. Then I said the lines that I practiced the whole afternoon. She smiled. I reached my pocket to get a ring and put it around her finger. Then she said "Yes." After driven her home I went back to my house.

Taken from New Horizons in English, 2002


A. Read the following text loudly with correct pronounciation!

Well, my students, I have a very interesting story. The story is about ‘a blind listening man’. Please be quiet and listen carefully.

You know, a stupid man was sent by his father to sell salt. He first went to a mining area but nobody there wanted his salt. When he returned home, his father told him that if he had helped the miners to dig, they would have bought his salt.

The man next went to a house where a wedding was taking place. There he dug a huge hole. This made the people angry and they chased him away. When he returned home, his father told him that if he had beaten a drum and danced instead, the people there would have bought salt from him.

Then, he went to a village where there happened to be a fire. Rushing to the place, he started drumming and dancing, only to be thrown out by the people. His father told him that he should have poured water on the fire instead, if he wanted to sell salt there.

In the next place he went to, a couple were fighting with each other. The foolish man poured a bucketful of water on them, again to be chased away. His father later told him that he should have tried to settle the quarrel, in which case they would have bought salt from him.

In the final event, the man saw two bulls fighting with each other. He stepped in to stop the fight and was gored to death by angry bulls.

Taken from English Bestseller 12, 2001

B. Read the following text. Retell the text with your own words!

Three Foolish Sons

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There was a rich man who had three sons. They lived in a large house in the town of Keelung in northern Taiwan.

One day, he said to his sons, "You are no longer children. You must do something to earn your own living. When I die, I am not going to leave you very much money. I started with nothing and made a fortune by working hard. You must do the same. Now, here is two hundred dollars for each of you. You can use it to start your own business."

The three sons went off separately. The eldest son met a hunter. He thought that hunting would be fine so he bought a gun from him for two hundred dollars.

The second son met a basketmaker. He bought a set of tools from him so that he could make baskets.

The third son met a doctor who told him that he had a medicine which could cure all diseases. He bought it from him for two hundred dollars.

When the rich man heard what his sons had done with the money he had given them, he was very angry. "What stupid sons I have!" He said.

One day, the eldest son tried to shoot a fly on his father's forehead. Instead, he killed his father. The second son picked up his tools and tried to repair the damage to his father's head. The third son tried to cure his father with medicine which he had bought.

Everyone said that the three sons were very foolish. They had spent all their money uselessly.

Taken from Favourite Stories from Taiwan, 2000

C. Read the text below. Mention the generic structure of the text!

The Fortune Teller

In the great city of Taipei, there lived a man called Lin and his wife. They had no children. Because of this, they were very unhappy. One day, they found a baby boy outside their door. He was wrapped in a blanket and crying. They took the baby into their house and called him Sau Ling. They loved him very much.

When Sau Ling was a young man, a fortune-teller came to the house. "You must send your son away," he said. "One day he will become a thief and cause you a lot of trouble."

Mr and Mrs Lin were very sad to hear this. They believed what the fortune-teller said. They gave Sau Ling some clothes and money and sent him away.

Several years later, Sau Ling was having a meal in an inn several miles from Taipei. He put his bag on the floor near his table. After finishing his meal, he picked up his bag. "That's strange!" he thought, "It feels so heavy." He looked inside. It was full of small gold bars. Then he realised that someone had taken his bag by mistake and left another bag, in its place.

That evening, a young man came to the inn, "Has anyone seen my bag?" he asked. Sau Ling was very honest. He returned the bag to him. The young man thanked him. "You are really very honest," he said, "I shall ask my father to give you a job." The young man's father was a rich merchant. He gave Sau Ling a good job. "But go home first," he said, "and take a holiday." Sau Ling returned to

Taipei. Mr and Mrs Lin were delighted to see him again. The fortune-teller was also present. Sau Ling told them what had happened. The fortune-teller did not know what to say. He left the house without saying a word. Mr and Mrs Lin never believed in fortune-teller after

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that. Sau Ling took them to live with him and they were very happy and contented until the end of their lives.

Taken from Favourite Stories from Taiwan, 2000

Procedure: A. Read the text below loudly with correct pronounciation!

How to Make Tomato Soup

• 4 large tomatoes • spices • 1 small onion • ½ teaspoon of salt • 8 cups of water • ¼ teaspoon of pepper • small clove garlic • ¼ teaspoon of butter

1. Cut tomatoes, onions, and garlic into small pieces. 2. Fry them in a pan with butter for five minutes. 3. Add water, spices, salt and pepper. 4. Heat until the water boils. 5. Turn down the heat and cover with lid. Cook gently for one hour

B. Retell the text below with your own words orally! How to record on the cassette player

/How to use a recorder o Well, first you have to plug in the cord. o Then you put in the tape on it. o After that you connected the microphone. o And then tested the voice level recorder. o Then you can begin to record it. o Finally pressed down the record and play button.

C. Mention the generic structure of the text below!

How to Make Bregedel Tempe (Tempe Fritters) 150 g tempe tablespoons fried shallots kaffir lime leaves 1 tablespoon flour 1 egg 1 cup vegetable oil for frying

Spice paste: large chilies, seeds removed small chilies 2 red shallots 2 cloves garlic 1/2 teaspoon chopped galangal 1 candle nut 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon shrimp paste

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1. Mash the tempe with a fork or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend until it resembles coarse bread crumbs.

2. Grind the spices in a mortar and pestle or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend to a smooth paste.

3. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the spice paste, fried shallots and lime leaves. Stir in the flour, followed by the egg.

4. Shape the tempe into fritters the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork. 5. Heat the vegetable oil in a wok over a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the fritters

into the oil, five or six at a time. 6. Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with rice.

Taken from The Jakarta Post, May 2, 2004

Key answer: Recount:

B. Retell recount text On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store, then a man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. After thought, I remember where’s the Hotel take place, then I told him. After that, he gave me something. It was a photo of a singer in D’Masive.

C. Generic structure of recount text (1) Orientation: I woke up at about five o'clock yesterday. It wasn't a regular day,

because I was about to propose a girl. (2) Event: After praying and taking a bath, I had my early breakfast. At about nine

o'clock I was in my office but my soul wasn't there. I was thinking about the lines that I had to say to her. At one o'clock, I had my lunch but I wasn't enjoying it either. So, I practiced the lines to almost all girls I met at my lunch. Yes, I was a little bit crazy. Finally, it was three o'clock. I remembered all my lines. I wrapped my works and got ready to pick her up and of course proposed her. I met her at four o'clock, took a little walk and went to a movie. At seven, we had a romantic dinner. I thought it was the perfect time to ask her to be my wife. Then I said the lines that I practiced the whole afternoon. She smiled. I reached my pocket to get a ring and put it around her finger.

(3) Reorientation: Then she said "Yes." After driven her home I went back to my house. Narrative:

B. Retell narrative text There was a rich man who had three sons.He said to his sons that they have to do something to earn their living, because he wouldn’t leave much money for them and they must work harder. He gave two hundreds dollars for each sons to start their own bussiness. The eldest son bought a gun, the second son bought a set of tools to make basket, and the third son bought medicine. One day, the eldest son tried to shoot a fly on his father's forehead. Instead, he killed his father. The second son picked up his tools and tried to repair the damage to his father's head. The third son tried to cure his father with medicine which he had bought. Everyone said that the three sons were very foolish because they had spent all their money uselessly.

C. Generic structure of narrative text

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Orientation: there lived a man called Lin and his wife who had no children.

Evaluation: They found a baby boy outside their door and taked care of him.

Complication: A fortune-teller told to Mr. And Mrs. Lin that Sau Ling would be a thief and cause a lot of trouble. So, they sent Sau Ling away.

Resolution: Sau Ling found a bag and be honest to return to the owner. Then he got a good job from the owner’s bag.

Reorientation: Sau Ling took them to live with him and they were very happy and contented until the end of their lives.


B. Language feature of procedure text Imperative sentence:(1) wash the rice in cold water

(2) Put the rice in the pan and add the water and the salt. (3) heat the pan without the lid on until the water boils. (4) turn down the heat, put the lid on and cook it for about fifteen

minutes. C. Retell procedure text

To use a recorder, first, plug in the cord, then put in the tape on it. After that, connected the microphone and tested the voice level recorder. Then pressed down the record and play button. And you can begin to record.

D. Generic structure of procedure text Goal Make bregedel tempe

Materials/ Equipments:

150 g tempe, tablespoons fried shallots, kaffir lime leaves, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 egg, 1 cup vegetable oil for frying large chilies, seeds removed, small chilie, 2 red shallots, 2 cloves garlic, 1/2 teaspoon chopped galangal, 1 candle nut, 1/2 teaspoon coriander seeds, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon shrimp paste


1. Mash the tempe with a fork or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend until it resembles coarse bread crumbs.

2. Grind the spices in a mortar and pestle or place in the bowl of a food processor and blend to a smooth paste.

3. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the spice paste, fried shallots and lime leaves. Stir in the flour, followed by the egg.

4. Shape the tempe into fritters the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork.

5. Heat the vegetable oil in a wok over a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the fritters into the oil, five or six at a time.

6. Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with rice.

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Element Score

Pronunciation 25

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Clarity 25

Standard of each element:

Excellent 21-25

Very good 16-20

Good 11-15

Average 6-10

Poor ≤5

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