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Dear Teammate,

Welcome aboard and congratulations for taking your first step towards winning the

Organic Liaison Body Game!! I guarantee that being a player in this Game will give

you the best advantage you could possibly have to be successful in attaining your body

goals and future dreams.

I’m not a doctor or a nutritionist. I’m a regular person just like you who has won and lost

many games during the course of my life, including weight loss and weight gain.

Unlike most of you, because I’m an actress/celebrity, I’ve been afforded access to almost

anything and anyone I needed to create this unique and effective Body Game. This

includes the best of the best experts in the world and the best of the best ingredients

and products in the world. This is why I can now say, without a doubt, that Organic

Liaison is the premier weight loss and maintenance system in the world. I can assure

you that if you follow this game, you will get healthier, lose weight fairly

effortlessly, not crave and not be “annoyingly” hungry.

You will have all the cutting edge tools and state-of-the-art

products necessary to create the body of your dreams, along

with the knowledge and ability to maintain that body for the

rest of your life. The work is done and the system is complete,

with amazing results reported by our participants.

The key components of any game are Goals, Barriers, Rules,

Interaction, Penalties and Rewards.

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The goal in any game is to win. In football, the goal is to carry the ball over the end zone

and score. The team that does this the most wins the game. In car racing, it’s the driver

who drives the fastest without crashing who wins. In the factory, it’s the guy

whose production rate wins him a big Christmas bonus each year. In ballet,

it’s the most brilliant dancer who gets the coveted role of prima ballerina. In

acting, it’s the actor who gets the best roles in the best of TV and film and

wins Oscars and Emmys. In the field of mechanics, it’s the guy who fixes enough cars

to make a good living without fixing so many cars that he’s too exhausted to have time

for his family and friends. And so it goes in each and every life; the challenge to survive

better, attain more goals and raise the quality of those achievements.

Life is not static. It is forever changing. The same can be said for our bodies. So, how

exactly would that translate into the Body Game? Well, throughout our lives we play

many games, each having a different goal. But the goal of the overall life game would be

somewhat universal.

Optimum survival physically, emotionally and spiritually, for the longest time possible,

would be considered as a goal for most of us. Living to 100 wouldn’t be a great goal if

we were sick and in pain for most of those years. And living a healthy, happy, fit life

wouldn’t be too swell if we died at age 12. So the game of life deals in quantity and

quality simultaneously. The primary goal of the Organic Liaison Body Game is to get

our bodies and ourselves in the best possible condition we can and to keep it that way for

as long as we can. This will take some work, but it will give us the ultimate condition of

lean, strong, pain free, well-functioning bodies. In other words, longevity accompanied

by a higher quality of life. To reach this ongoing goal, we will need the world’s finest

products, tools, advice, and above all, personal desire and dedication toward this goal.

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People complain of barriers and boundaries, but without them, there is no game.

Case in point – a baseball game. Let’s say there were no barriers (natural or manmade

boundaries and rules) in a baseball game. So here’s this pitcher who fires a fastball at

the batter. The batter swings and misses. The umpire calls a strike! The batter decides

he doesn’t like the ump’s call, so he runs around the bases anyway. The umpire starts

yelling at the batter to stop! The other players look confused. The grandstand laughs

at the crazy batter and some of the fans start running onto the field. The batter reaches

home plate and starts jumping for joy. The umpire says it was not a home run. The

batter bops the umpire on the head. The umpire kicks the batter out of the game. The

batters’ team protests and a huge fight ensues, involving both teams and hundreds of

fans...complete chaos!!! Without barriers and rules there is no game. Only mayhem

and disorder would exist.

It is the same with weight loss and maintenance. Without barriers and rules, we know

what happens in the game of eating. We get fat and we get weak and we hate

ourselves and we get diseases and we get sick and we die before our time.

In the Organic Liaison body game, we are going to learn the barriers and

rules that exist are vital to winning the Body Game. Some of these are

based on the natural laws and physiology of the body. An example of

this is calories in and calories out. Whether we like it or not, this

computation is a mathematical equation for the body. Burn fewer

calories than your body needs and your body will store it as fat.

We will present the barriers and rules of the game and we

will teach you that these rules and barriers are the very

things that will put the game in the game. You must have

something to overcome in order for a game to exist!

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Rules, if well thought out, actually enhance the game and make it more fun. Too many

rules make a game complex and arduous. Like in a marriage, for example, being faithful

to each other is a good rule. It adds to a couple’s survival and it gives them a foundation

of trust. A husband forbidding his wife to have outside friends and ever leaving the

house so that she can devote her life to him, exclusively, is a bad rule. It does not aid

their survival. It just causes bitterness and resentment. Not driving drunk is a good

rule. Not driving ‘til you’re 35 would be a bad rule.

What defines a good rule is one that works most of the

time and increases one’s survival and well being

on any given course.

The Organic Liaison Body Game Rules

are the vital rules that will lead you to

the enhancement of your body and its

subsequent functions, assisting you in

your daily lives. Bad rules will not be

suggested or implemented, as

they do not work and are a

waste of your time.

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Games are not particularly fun unless you have teammates and opponents,

unless you love playing solitaire and even then “old sol” is your opponent. In

the Organic Liaison Body Game, your teammates are myself and

the rest of the group out there in the world, doing the Organic

Liaison program. As one of our basic tools, we highly suggest you

take on an additional teammate in the form of a chubby buddy who

will eventually end up being your un-chubby buddy. This chubby buddy, or CB as we

like to refer to them, needs certain characteristics for him/her to prove beneficial to

you. First and foremost, your CB should be self-motivated, proven to be trustworthy

and genuinely have your best interests at heart. Your CB should have a similar amount

of weight to lose. He or she should be of a similar income bracket and close to your

own age, if possible. In short, the best chubby buddy would have a lot in common with

you. Mutual income DOES play an important role in the success of your game. You

wouldn’t want a CB who was running off to a $7000-a-week destination spa, while you

were having your kid sister polish your nails on the back porch. If your buddy has 20

lbs to lose and you have 87, I can guarantee you will end up, or start out, hating him

or her. Choose a buddy who is much younger and you will exhaust yourself trying to

keep up. Choose one who is much older and you will shoot yourself out of boredom. Of

course there are exceptions to all situations, but you catch my drift. You want a buddy

who is there beside you for the long haul. One who has walked in your shoes and who

understands your plight. Also, don’t choose a tyrant as a buddy who becomes your

own personal drill sergeant, and don’t choose some dishrag who will stand by, doing

nothing, as you devour a molten lava chocolate mousse cake. Find a buddy who is sane

and driven and motivated and someone you like a lot. You will be spending a lot of time

with your chubby buddy.

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The opponents in the Body Game are people who try to knock

you off your game...grandma always trying to get you to shove food

in your mouth and clean your plate. The boyfriend who invalidates

your ability to get lean and healthy—“Helen, you got a fat ass, live with it.” The

“friends” who tell you that you look amazing and don’t need to look like a super-model

when you weigh 335 lbs! Opponents include the GIRL who wants the same job as you.

The guy who wants to steal your wife is a possible opponent. Opponents don’t always

come in the form of human beings. Opponents include all the cruddy foods out there

and advertisements to get you to eat them. Remember, the cruddy food sellers make

billions off of selling you cruddy foods. Then doctors and pharmaceutical companies

make billions off of the illnesses and disorders that the cruddy foods cause. I’m not

saying the cruddy foods lead you to the cruddy doctors and the cruddy meds, but they

kind of do, don’t they? Let’s save our billions and not buy or eat the cruddy foods and not

give our hard earned money to the medicos and drug companies that flourish on our

medical misfortunes if we don’t have to. Instead, let’s save our billions so that way we

can donate them to big bank bailouts and unnecessary taxes, uh-oh...different subject.

Anyhoo... Opponents are everywhere: sugars, trans-fats, sodas, unneeded medicines,

toxin-laden foods, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, polluted drinking

water...Yikes!! No shortage of opponents in the Organic Liaison Body Game. But

they too are “important”...human beings are an odd breed and must have something

to conquer and win against in order for a real game to occur. No hockey team worth

beans would exist if there wasn’t an equally worthy hockey team grunting on the other

side of the ice, ready to annihilate them. So, we will embrace our opponents. I didn’t say

we would love them, I said we would embrace them and we will be aware that we need

them in order to win and proclaim ourselves the victors of the game.

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Penalties and rewards manifest themselves in a multitude of ways.

We are all too familiar with the fundamental penalty resulting

from eating too much...called fat. I’m fat, you’re fat, we’re all fat...

the word fat has become a penalty in itself. To be referred to as

“fat” is, of course, one of the supreme insults on this planet. So

sadness and embarrassment are just two of the emotional penalties

resulting from failing to create and maintain the bodies of our

desires. Another similar, yet quite different emotional penalty for

becoming fat, is the remorse and hatred we feel for ourselves when

we continue to fail at losing weight and keeping it off. A sort of

self-inflicted chronic punishment of ourselves for screwing up.

And any girl will tell you that the punishment of not getting into

cute clothes is unbearable. No matter how groovy the fabric or

sophisticated the style, a size 20 dress is just not cute. The other

side of punishment and penalty comes in the more severe

form of disease and physical pain. Diabetes, stroke, heart

attacks, infertility, menstrual disorders, hernias, gallstones,

fatty liver, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer,

stretch marks, varicose veins, cellulitis, gout, headaches,

carpel tunnel, dementia, asthma, pulmonary embolism,

lymphedema, carbuncles, osteoarthritis and back pain,

just to name a few...can all be products of obesity. Did you know

that children with two overweight parents are 70% more likely to

become obese?

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The rewards of being healthy and lean are limitless. Each of you will experience them

for yourselves on a daily basis as you achieve your goals and move closer and closer to

your optimum idea of what you want to look and feel like. The rewards that are evident

are the form of outer and inner beauty, energy, skin improvement, brighter

eyes and being more alert. Fat removed around your vital organs. Compliments given

as a part of your regular day. Not that we thrive on compliments, but let’s face it...they

feel good. Rewards can manifest as the lack of certain things also. Lack of insults and

lack of being stared at for the wrong reasons and being the brunt of the jokes of the

bullies and smart asses in your life. Lack of energy disappears. Lack of self-esteem goes

by the wayside. Lack of sex drive and lack of sex appeal become a thing of the past.

Lack of fat-causing illnesses like diabetes, cancer and heart disease that can give you a

greatly extended lifespan. Rewards will begin springing up all over the place. A better

job. A wedding. A hotter mate. A mother who can play with her kids. A dad who lives

into his 80’s or 90’s. A child who is agile, fit and free from name-calling and pressures

brought to bear by his peers. The rewards of your life far outweigh the penalties and you

will discover new rewards never before known to you. And my own personal favorite

reward of being on the right program and attaining the highest results possible is...

fun! I promise you that my program will be more fun than any other. So you combine

healthy, unique, effective and fun...and that equals... Organic Liaison and you!

That pretty much sums up the terms and definitions of the Organic Liaison Body

Game. Are you ready to play it? Me too!



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Organic Liaison’s

philosophy of Body, Mind

and Spirit

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We hear a lot about Body-Mind-Spirit. These words could mean

any number of things to different people. Organic Liaison

defines these words, specifically, as they pertain to this

program. A person has a body and a mind. The

person does not have a spirit, as he is the Spirit.

When we observe the imbalance of these three

components Body, Mind and Spirit, we observe

chaos. Chaos can manifest itself into things such

as illness, fatness, or stupid decisions. You (the

Spirit) are at the helm, driving your mind and body

to victory or defeat.

The Organic Liaison Body Game addresses all three

parts of you and helps put them into alignment.

Your body is like an Indy 500 racecar, made up of complex systems that have

specific purposes and duties. We want to assist in getting these systems to better

operate with one another, thereby helping you drive faster, smarter and more

efficiently. Physically, the body needs much more than just a calorie decrease

to be healthy, lean and fit. We have all seen very skinny, unhealthy people. And

most of us have lost weight, only to have gained it back and resumed our tired,

sluggish, stressed out, sleep-deprived lifestyles. The body needs to be supported

24 hours a day, seven days a week, with high-octane, high-performance fuel to

function properly for the long run. The best mechanics would not think about

putting “generic” gas into their Formula One cars’ gas tanks, so why would you?

You need to be able to run on high energy from 7 am to 9 pm. Next, you need to

slow your body down, gently and effectively, as it would be impossible to run it

flat out without proper rest. Rest is different than sleep, so you need something

to physically help your body rest and wind down. Finally, you need to ensure that

your body gets ample, unbroken sleep so that it can restore and repair itself.

Optimally, you would accomplish all of these tasks naturally and without drugs.

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Our trilogy of products Rescue Me™, Release Me® and Nightingale®, along

with the appropriate caloric intake of organic foods, will ensure that you have

the best odds possible to drive your body over the finish line to victory. The body

is only one third of the equation to achieve success. The body will only comply

with what you want it to do if you take full responsibility for it and assume 100%

accountability for what you put into it. Very few of us

have been tied up daily and force-fed. Our

bodies got fat bite by bite, drink by drink

and doughnut by doughnut.

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We are not interested in diving into the depths of the Human Mind. We are going

to keep this as simple as possible. Therefore, we are going to think of the mind

as the person’s intelligence. How smart you are. In this case, on the subjects

of “fat,” nutrition, rest, sleep, stress and responsibility. I’m not saying WE have

been STUPID regarding these subjects, but we have been stupid regarding

these subjects. It has also not entirely been our fault. The world is full of false data

and myths in and out of the weight loss field. I think it is fair to say that we are all

thoroughly confused on the subject. In this program, we are going to replace

lies and myths with truth and accuracy. We don’t work for the Dairy Association

or Beef America or Drug Central. We are going to help your mind become smart

in the fields of weight loss and nutrition. We are going to strive to make you the

expert in this field. We are going to make you an organic smarty pants.

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This is where the game gets really exciting. We have the tools, in this program,

to help you to continually raise your condition in life, on any subject. Sometimes

people think that the word “spirit” strictly pertains to religion. Here we define the

spirit as you. Not your hair or your fat or your muscles or your big beautiful eyes.

You means you. The basic personality of you that feels emotions and makes

decisions and solves problems. And here’s the great news: you are in charge of

your body and your mind. You rule the roost. You call the shots. You are king

or queen of your life. You make good decisions or bad ones and you will suffer

for those decisions or prosper from them. You will change the Body. The Body

won’t change itself. Sometimes you might find yourself

needing help of a spiritual nature to fortify your

dreams and goals. And from whatever religion

or method you draw that spiritual strength,

we encourage you to embrace it along

your journey.

This is a winning philosophy and a

philosophy where everybody wins!!!

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The Rules

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Are you ready to play? Longing to be lean and healthy? Do you agree to play by

the rules? Okay… here they are!

1. Get a check up and an okay from your doctor before you start this or

any other weight loss program.

2. Take a before picture of yourself. Don’t be shy, let it all hang out, all

angles and in a way-too-small swimsuit that you will wear throughout your game

play! Make it as bad as you can, like the big weight loss companies do, so that

your after picture will look like a million bucks.

3. Don’t start the program until you have your Rescue Me kit,

have gotten all of your groceries together, planned your menus,

purchased and calibrated your scale and created your web


4. Clear your house of all the junk and sabotage foods

and forbid them in your house. In the Organic Liaison Body

Game, this means foods containing white refined sugar, foods

with MSG, foods or drinks containing aspartame (spelled

poison), non-organic peanut butter, highly processed

foods such as chips, white crackers, cookies, cakes,

breads and many canned foods. Give it all

away to the less fortunate and for future

donations to the hungry, don’t give

them junky foods either.

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5. Drink your Rescue Me and your Release Me daily. Use your Nightingale

when you need help sleeping. Do not go without your Rescue Me or your Release

Me, as they are balanced to ensure you don’t crave sugar, you naturally suppress

your appetite and you get the calcium and magnesium you need to allow your

body to relax.

6. Weigh daily. You brush your teeth daily, shower daily, eat daily and brush

your hair daily, so include weighing every morning along with your usual routine.

This is a new concept to the weight loss and weight management field that was

derived from a survey of 100 of the most consistently lean women I know. They

all swear by it and since they are all thin and don’t drastically zip up and down in

their weight, I’m joining their club. It ensures them that at the end of the week they

will not have gained 2 to 6 “accidental” pounds like us who go on a seven-day

birthday dinner. All of my chub friends weigh every week at best and once a year

at worst. The skinny girls I know keep their weight in check, like most of us keep

track of our kids.

7. Stay within your calorie zone. When you complete your web profile, you

will know exactly how many calories you are allotted per day. Do not exceed

your caloric intake unless you desire to lose weight slowly, or not at all.

8. Prepare as much food as possible at home. Make meals for the whole

family so that you keep costs lower and your whole family benefits. It is much

easier to calculate your calories precisely when you are the one preparing the

food. It also teaches you what a portion looks like and you soon will see that

restaurant portions are usually enough to feed 2 to 4 people!

9. Write everything you eat and drink in your journal without exception.

Write down everything you eat or drink as you eat or drink it. Don’t try and

remember all the things you had during the day and write it down at night. If

you write it down as you go along, you will become more aware of portions and

how hungry you are at different times. We have provided journal sheets in this

Rescue Me Kit to take with you in your purse or briefcase. You can also use the

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Organic Liaison online e-journal! Statistics prove that people who journal are at

least twice as apt to succeed in their programs than people who don’t. Other than

toothpaste, write everything that passes through your lips in your journal.

10. Update your graph daily and tell the truth! If you fib, you are only duping


11. Get a chubby buddy and stay connected. Report your wins and losses

every day. Tell your chubby buddy your weight and feel free to complain about

how hard life really is. Just know that you can both inspire your CB and help him

lose weight, or you can act like a little bitch and make him want to slug you. You

can arrange it so that your CB can see your graph and vice versa. This way it is

ALL out in the open and it puts a little good pressure on each of you.

12. Do one form of exercise every single day, 7 days

a week. Check out “50 Ways to Lose Your Blubber.” This

doesn’t mean work out seven days a week, it means some

form of vigorous movement every single day.

13. Buy as much of your food organic as possible.

The Organic Liaison website has multiple suggestions

and tools to educate and help you easily live an organic

lifestyle. Check out the Organic Network Locator.

Whatever the zip code, wherever you are, we will try

to provide you the newest information on organic

stores, farmer’s markets and

organic restaurants.

Try to buy organic

as processing can

make foods toxic

(read our article: Top

10 Organic Foods

You Must Buy.)

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14. Limit your meats to a small percentage of your daily intake, if you

eat meat at all, and consume only free range and organic meats and eggs.

Please start becoming more aware of the humane care of animals and take

the time to educate yourselves on the harmfulness of the toxins, antibiotics and

chemicals that you and your children consume if the animals you consume are

not organic. Do not consume feed lot meats, please. And do not eat veal,

under any circumstance. If you want more info on organic, free-range eating, visit

our Articles and References section for links to more information.

15. Drink filtered, alkaline producing water when possible. Always drink

filtered water at home. Any number of filtration systems are available to you and

at many price points.

We are almost there…

16. Take your measurements and photograph yourself every 4 weeks.

Upload your pictures so we can celebrate your success as well.

17. Validate yourself every day and reward yourself for every pound you

lose. Every day hereafter, validate yourself for whatever you can determine

that you did well.

These are the rules of the Organic Liaison game. Follow them and you will

win this body game over and over and over and over…

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Your Body Game Products& Tools

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To win at any game, it is essential to have the best possible equipment. This is

why we have provided you with the newest, most effective and highest quality

products available. In fact, we have worked intensively with food science experts

in order to produce a superlative weight-loss enhancer that is also USDA certified

organic. Our goal is to support your body 24/7 while you are losing weight.

In addition, you will find unique tools on our website that will guide you through

the Body Game in order to ensure you come out a winner.

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Rescue Me weight loss elixir is a special formula that curbs

your appetite, increases your energy, reduces cravings and

helps to flush out and cleanse your body. It does this by

providing very high-quality nutrients, including vitamins and

minerals, natural herbs, high fiber, antioxidants, very high-

quality organic concentrates and many other ingredients

that combine into a healthy and effective addition to your

diet. We are proud to say it is also the first ever USDA

certified organic weight loss product.

Mix 1 capful or 10 full pumps of Rescue Me into the provided

Organic Liaison bottle, fill with filtered water and shake

well. We have provided this glass bottle for you in order to

reduce the proliferation of plastic throwaway bottles that

are polluting our planet.

Drink this elixir throughout the day, finishing the bottle

before dinnertime. Drink an additional 64 oz of water each day as well to help flush your

system and keep you hydrated.

Visit the REFERENCES page on our website in order to learn the science behind our

unique products and understand what they are doing to help your body.


Release Me is a special blend of calcium and magnesium in a

formulation created for rapid and easy absorption into your body.

Release Me assists the nervous system in your body, as well as

aids in both the contraction and relaxation of your muscles. It also

contributes to the production and synthesis of energy along with

various cardiovascular functions. Release Me will help you relax in

the evening or after a workout and assists in the utilization of other

nutrients in your diet.

Put 1 heaping teaspoon of Release Me into a cup of hot water or tea in the evening and

drink. You can also sweeten this with liquid Stevia or agave if you wish.

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Nightingale is a formulation of L-Tryptophan, an essential amino acid,

along with nutrients that enhance its absorption and effectiveness.

This product is especially included for those of you who have trouble

sleeping, as a good night’s sleep is critical for effective weight loss.

Nightingale soothes nerves, enhances relaxation and sleep and

reduces carbohydrate cravings. It does this by naturally increasing

your body’s production of serotonin.

Take 1 teaspoon at night when needed to assist in sleep. Can be

taken straight or mixed with water or tea.

Additional Organic Liaison weight loss products available in our store:


Relieve Me is a special formula of high-quality herbs that cleanse your

colon. A healthy and clean colon facilitates weight loss when you are

on a diet, while an unhealthy one not only makes you feel weak and ill,

but also leads to slower fat and weight loss.

There is a direct relationship between fatigue and a clogged colon.

A colon cleanse program will make you feel more energy and give

you vitality and endurance. Cleansing your colon will also aid in your

digestion and make it faster and more efficient.

Take 2 capsules at night with a full glass of water.

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Pagoda is a specialty green tea extract that is much more concentrated

than is available in most green tea products.

Green tea has been reported to contain the highest concentration of

powerful antioxidants called polyphenols. Antioxidants may reduce

or even prevent the damage caused by various environmental toxins

that create a number of health and aging problems.

Green tea has also been shown to boost the metabolism and help

burn fat. Taking Pagoda along with the Rescue Me Kit can speed up

your weight loss.

Take 2 capsules at lunchtime.


Green Soup provides an excellent source of

minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. We have

provided the recipe at the end of this chapter in

order for you to make it yourself. It is the perfect

complement to any meal or as a snack between

meals. It has only 62 calories per cup and we

believe you’ll find it both delicious and a great

asset to your meal planning.

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The first thing you need to do on the website is sign in and create your own

personal profile. With this data, we can create a weight loss battle plan that is right

for you. This will include a menu plan tailored to your tastes, your own weight loss

graph and the ability to access all of our website tools.


Your journal is an interactive tool that is fundamental to your success.

Statistics show that people who journal are twice as likely to succeed. You can fill

in your journal either online or in the journal pages in this booklet. Be sure to fill out

each section of the journal, as you will find that data helpful when you look back on

successful times and not- so-successful times during your journey. It will also keep you

on track throughout the day.

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On the Organic

Liaison weight loss program,

you weigh yourself naked every

day before you’ve had anything

to eat or drink. You then record

this on your graph. This will

allow you to see your weight

loss progress toward your goal.

You can share this graph with your buddy and help each other keep on track,

as well as acknowledge each other’s success. We have also designed some fun

prompts to keep you motivated.


Organic Liaison provides you with a wide variety of meal plans, from

vegetarian to vegan to low-carb. The Meal Planner, created by Organic Liaison’s

health advisor especially for our members, also helps you stay within your targeted

number of calories. As you choose your favorite foods and log your meals

throughout the day, it deducts the calories from your recommended daily total.

This way, you’ll know exactly how many calories you have left. You will quickly learn

which foods you can substitute that will give the same amount of calories and

nutrients as you progress on your journey. It is good to stick as closely as possible

to this recommended meal plan, especially for the first month of your diet. Every

menu plan can be customized to your taste, flexibility and budget!


The website includes an extensive recipe database so that you can try

many different foods in different combinations while sticking to your recommended

calorie level. You will find that you can still eat food that is delicious, interesting and

creative while getting skinnier and healthier. You’re also welcome to contribute your

own favorite recipe to our site.

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You will find a calorie calculator built into your journal. If you fill out your

journal throughout the day, it will deduct the calories you’ve consumed from your

total allotted and you will be able to easily see how many you have left. You can

also use this to check to see which foods are high in calories and those that are



This website tool shows you how many calories you burn while doing various

activities, from sleeping to a vigorous workout.


We have solved the often-difficult problem of finding organic foods with

our organics network. You will be able to find stores that sell organic foods, organic

restaurants and farmer’s markets in order to make your organic shopping easier.

All you need to do is put in your zip code and voila; there they are, along with an

easy guide on how to get there.


Look here for tips on how to work off that extra fat while doing something

that you enjoy, as well as something you can incorporate into your daily life.


It is important to acknowledge your progress. Here is a list of ideas on

how to do that as you reach each of your milestones.


Most questions that you have regarding your Organic Liaison weight loss program

can be answered in our FAQ section. If you have something that cannot be

answered there, you can contact our health advisor and she will be glad to help.

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Our reference articles will give you valuable information regarding

organics, toxins, nutrients and tips on how to be successful on your journey.

Our health advisor updates this regularly, so come visit these pages often!

ONLINE STORE:In our unique store you will find products that we have especially designed for

Organic Liaison members. We will be adding items to the store as they come off

the assembly line, so be sure to keep coming back and see what is new.


We all could use some inspiration sometimes, especially if we have a long way to

go to reach our goal. The testimonial page will give you other people’s successes to

keep you motivated. You are also welcome to add your own successes, including

videos, to this page.


Kirstie is very interested in each

of your personal journeys,

along with her own. In the blog

section, you can hear about

what she is going through as

well as share your own stories.

Organic Liaison is a community

of interesting people that you

can meet and interact with.

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