
WWhheerree wweerree yyoouu bboorrnn?? Gort, Co Galway.

FFaammiillyy:: Husband Michael and the wonderful Martyn(22), Elaine (20) and Michelle (19).

SScchhoooollss aatttteennddeedd:: Ballyturn National School which isjust outside Gort, the Mercy Convent in Gort, and GMITin Galway.

OOccccuuppaattiioonn:: Hotelier.

BBeesstt ffrriieenndd:: Although he might sometimes find it hardto believe, that is definitely Michael, my husband of 25years.

EEaarrlliieesstt cchhiillddhhoooodd mmeemmoorryy?? My mother arrived homefrom Galway with a baby in her arms. It was my sisterMona! I’ve been getting over the shock of it since.

AAppaarrtt ffrroomm yyoouurr ffaammiillyy,, wwhhoo wwoouulldd bbee tthhee ffiirrsstt ppeerrssoonnyyoouu wwoouulldd iinnvviittee ttoo yyoouurr bbiirrtthhddaayy ppaarrttyy?? Robert Red-ford – and if he didn’t show up I’d uninvite everyoneelse.

AAnndd tthhee llaasstt?? Mrs Redford.

WWhhaatt ccaarr ddoo yyoouu ddrriivvee?? 2006 Suzuki Vitara.

IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ffiigguurree yyoouu mmoosstt aaddmmiirree?? Right now thatwould be Barack Obama. He's talking the talk and Ihope also that he'll walk the walk in the next couple ofyears.

NNaattiioonnaall ffiigguurree yyoouu mmoosstt aaddmmiirree?? Micheál Ó Muirc-heartaigh for his supreme professionalism, the lengthof his career, and the wonderful memories he has givenme. And I just love his accent. I'd love to have him at mybirthday party too.

WWhhaatt nnaattiioonnaall oorr iinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy iirrrriittaatteess yyoouu??Joe Duffy. For all the airtime he gives to moaners andnegative people.

WWhhoo wwoouulldd yyoouu lliikkee ttoo sseeee aass MMiinniisstteerr ffoorr FFiinnaannccee aannddwwhhyy?? Any Irish mother who can feed, clothe and edu-cate her family on the budget she has to live within.

WWhheerree wwaass yyoouurr mmoosstt mmeemmoorraabbllee hhoolliiddaayy?? That has tobe the safari I took in Kruger National Park in SouthAfrica, with my husband Michael, and our great friendsJackie and Peggy O'Sullivan. I still laugh out loud whenI think about it all these years later.

WWhheerree’’ss yyoouurr ffaavvoouurriittee ppllaaccee?? Standing on the 18th tee-box of Mahony's Point golf course, looking at my drive,two feet from the pin.

FFaavvoouurriittee tteelleevviissiioonn pprrooggrraammmmee?? A toss up betweenGrey's Anatomy and CSI Las Vegas. God, what does thatsay about me?

FFaavvoouurriittee rraaddiioo sshhooww??Ruth Buchanan's Playback on Sat-urday mornings – provided there are no clips from theJoe Duffy Show.

FFaavvoouurriittee ffoooodd?? Any properly prepared fresh fish.

YYoouurr ssiiggnnaattuurree ddiisshh iiff ccooookkiinngg?? Grilled medallions ofmonkfish on cheddar mash, baby spinach and parmaham, with a tomato cream sauce. (Thanks for the recipe,Paul!)

FFaavvoouurriittee rreessttaauurraanntt?? No doubt about it – our own won-derful Rozzers Restaurant at the Killeen House.

WWiinnee aanndd cchheeeessee,, bbeeeerr aanndd ccrriissppss oorr tteeaa aanndd bbiissccuuiittss??Wine and cheese at night, tea and biscuits during the day.I don't do beer and crisps

HHaannggoovveerr ccuurree?? Sliced tomatoes on brown bread, witha large dollop of brown sauce and a big mug of tea.

DDiidd yyoouu bbaacckk RRooyy KKeeaannee oorr MMiicckk MMccCCaarrtthhyy?? Keane hadthe talent, but McCarthy had the vision. I always supportvisionaries.

DDoo yyoouu kkeeeepp ffiitt?? In fits and starts.

FFaavvoouurriittee ssppoorrttiinngg mmoommeenntt?? Winning second place inthe parents’ egg and spoon race in St Oliver's NationalSchool, Killarney in 1996.

LLaasstt bbooookk yyoouu rreeaadd?? Sail by James Patterson.

BBeesstt bbooookk yyoouu rreeaadd?? I read a lot of different typesof books and nearly all of them are a good read forme.

LLaasstt CCDD yyoouu bboouugghhtt?? An American Songbook: TheCollection by Rod Stewart.

FFaavvoouurriittee ssoonngg?? You belong to me – Rod makes agreat job of it on the above CD.

YYoouurr oonnee ddeesseerrtt iissllaanndd eesssseennttiiaall?? A mirror – just soas I can use it to light a fire from the sun's rays ofcourse!

BBeesstt ffiillmm yyoouu’’vvee sseeeenn?? The Godfather trilogy.

FFaavvoouurriittee aaccttoorr?? See the first person on my birth-day party list.

OOnnee ppeerrssoonn yyoouu wwoouulldd lloovvee ttoo sseeee iinn ccoonncceerrtt?? Iwould love to have seen Freddy Mercury andQueen in concert. Is there a present day equiva-lent? If so, book it for me please!

DDoo yyoouu hhaavvee aa ppeett?? Yes. His name is Michael!

DDiinnnneerr ppaarrttyy aatt hhoommee oorr aa nniigghhtt iinn tthhee ppuubb?? Din-ner party at home with good food, fun and laugh-ter.

MMoorrnniinngg ppeerrssoonn oorr nniigghhtt oowwll?? Can manage bothwith no problem.

FFaavvoouurriittee hheeaarrtt--tthhrroobb oorr ppiinn--uupp?? In my teen days,it was definitely Les McKeown from the Bay CityRollers. I even had the full tartan outfit myself.Now that I’m older I have to say Killarney busi-nessman Billy Daly who poses in the latest seriesof SuperValu posters that are all over the place.

YYoouurr pprroouuddeesstt mmoommeenntt?? Outside of my marriageday and the births of the children, it was aroundabout 3.30pm on 2 April 1992. That was the daywe welcomed our very first guest to our own hotel– the Killeen House Hotel.

CCoorroonnaattiioonn SSttrreeeett,, EEaasstteennddeerrss oorr FFaaiirr CCiittyy?? I haveno interest in any of them. Real life is much moreinteresting for me.

CChhrriissttmmaass mmoorrnniinngg oorr MMiidd SSuummmmeerr’’ss DDaayy?? Christ-mas morning, with an early morning walkthrough the beautiful Demesne here in Killarney.

SSppeennddtthhrriifftt oorr ssaavveerr?? At different times in my lifeI have done both to excess.

AArree yyoouu rreelliiggiioouuss?? Yes.

NNaammee oonnee tthhiinngg yyoouu tthhiinnkk wwoouulldd iimmpprroovvee tthhee aarreeaaiinn wwhhiicchh yyoouu lliivvee?? I'm really happy with the areain which I live. But you can never have too muchcommunity pride or civic spirit, so maybe a littlebit more of both would be welcome

WWhhaatt mmaakkeess yyoouu hhaappppyy?? Living and working inKillarney.

HHooww wwoouulldd yyoouu lliikkee ttoo bbee rreemmeemmbbeerreedd?? I'd like tobe remembered with fondness and respect and,hopefully, with a smile on the rememberer's face!

Geraldine Rosney is a nativeof Galway who now livesand works in Killarney. Sheand her husband, Michael,own and run the award-winning Killeen HouseHotel which was recentlyvoted one of the world’stop hidden gems.A keen golfer and a mem-ber at Killarney Golf andFishing Club, she is the cur-rent national president ofSkål which is an international association fortourism and travel professionals.

KKIINNGGDDOOMM PEOPLEThey’re the people that you meet when you’re walking down the street, familiar faces, quietly going about their lives, and everyweek The Kingdom puts one of them in the spotlight. This week it’s Killarney hotelier Geraldine Rosney.

THE VIEW 27(N) THE KINGDOM 14 July, 2009

Geraldine Rosney pictured in the grounds of the Killeen House Hotel, Killarney.

Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh is admired for his supremeprofessionalism – and his accent.

Just what the doctor ordered: Eric Dane and Patrick Dempsey from Grey's Anatomy – one of Gerladine Rosney'sfavourite TV programmes.

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